Jinx's new clients - Part 1

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Jinx finds herself pushed to her limits as her new clients introduce her what the Dragonkin body and mind can do when focused on one goal.

Jinx found herself standing between the two towering figures, their hard lean muscles evident under their scales. Her head only came level with their chests and she had to crane her neck to look at them. She met the gaze of the one who had introduced himself as Lorik. He smiled at her revealing two rows of sharp fangs and a long powerful tongue that flicked out to taste the air. His snout swept back gracefully into a handsome, well chiseled face with deep set eyes the colour of sunset. A blending of red and yellow hues that set off the whites of his eyes. The short horns on his head, angling back from the top of his skull were an almost black hued crimson. She smiled nervously back, this was her first time with a Dragonkin and somehow she had managed to attract the attention of two of them. She felt a hand grasp her chin and gently pulled her face in the other direction. Where Lorik was tall and lean, his companion, who he had called Yastor, was more heavily built. His thick set shoulders flowed almost seamlessly into his large head. The short muzzle and flared nostrils drew back into small dark beady eyes that appraised her small body hungrily. His dark green horns were almost comically large, sprouting from his head and rising a good foot and half before tapering to a sharp point. "We're going to have a lot of fun together," he growled.

She had been requested specifically by name for the evening which was unusual. She padded along the well lit streets of Tir-Virel, there had been very little information given about tonight, which normally went against her personal rules. But she had been paid almost triple her normal fee for this evening, in advance and the Madame had vouched for the validity of the mysterious client. Her safety had been guaranteed. So she had let things slide this one time. They had had no special requests other than her company which suited her. So she was wearing a simple black lace dress that showed off her figure without being too revealing. She was small for a Tabaxi, but perfectly proportioned. She stood only 5ft 4in tall with soft snow white fur stippled with leopard markings. Her slim frame and athletic build spoke of the care she took of her body. Her petite face was round and filled with two large eyes the colour of ice, on the northern fjords. Large ears stood tall on her head and were tufted with sprigs of darker fur at their tips. She knew she was popular, so she was able to pick and choose her clients. But tonight was different and she was intrigued.

Jinx turned a corner on the main avenue that led into the heart of the city. The boulevard was still busy even this late at night, with small knots of people making their way home after an evening of entertainment. She raised the hood of her dark red cape and hugged the edge of the road where it met the shadows of the tree line running down the center of the street. She followed the directions to the location she had been sent. Eventually leading her to a high black iron gate set back from the road. High hedges ran the length of the property facing the street so she was unable to see anything of the residence from where she stood. As she waited, unsure of what to do next, a small figure made its way towards the gate and soundlessly pulled it aside. It was a small kobold, dressed in black attire sporting a purple neckerchief. It bowed and gestured for her to follow, leading the way up a long graveled drive to a large three storey town house. Without saying a word the creature opened the front door for her and waited for her to enter.

Jinx stepped through the open doorway and found herself in a well appointed atrium. It was tastefully decorated with large portraits of dignified looking dragonkin staring down at her. The furniture was of the finest quality and artfully placed. The rich rug under her bare feet was thick and soft. She removed her hood and ran a hand through her fur. A deep, rich voice called from the stairs, startling her slightly, she had noticed no one in the space with her. "Ahhh you've arrived, thank you Vaarl that will be all '', the little kobold nodded once and retreated from the room, closing the door swiftly behind it.. The voice had come from a tall handsome dragonkin with deep scarlet scales who was standing in only his breeches halfway down a curving flight of stairs."My dear you are as beautiful as everyone claims, not that I didn't believe them of course" he said smiling. He had a humor to his voice that eased her nerves. "My name is Lorick of Clan Cavendor and this handsome devil is Yastor of Clan Tenith". She looked to where he was pointing to find a second Dragonkin sat in an overstuffed chair. He was stocky and his scales were a vibrant emerald green. He nodded at her but his gaze had a hunger that sent a thrill down her spine, "If you are not too tired from your journey here shall we begin?" he said standing and stretching his back. Jinx nodded, not quite sure what to say. "Y-Yes I'm all ready, the fee has been paid and I'm yours for the night" she stammered. She hadn't imagined they would be Dragonkin, she had never been with one before but had heard stories.

"Excellent" Lorik said, gesturing with his arms as he came down the last few stairs to stand beside her. "Shall we?" he motioned down the corridor. They led her towards a sturdy looking wooden door that, at a light touch, swung open soundlessly on well oiled hinges. "Please, after you miss", Yastor said, half bowing towards the open portal. She felt a clawed hand in the small of her back propelling her forwards and over the threshold.. Her eyes took a moment to adjust to low light, her dark vision helping to discern the contents of the room. "Welcome to our little playground," Lorik said softly into her ear as he stepped up behind her, reaching around to take her breasts in his hands. Jinx started slightly and the sudden touch and felt her nipples begin to harden, "Please make yourself at home".

She wasn't quite sure what to make of the chamber. In the center of the room stood a wrought iron bed frame with a thick mattress. The frame itself had been secured with heavy bolts sunk straight into the stone floor. Around the room's edge were pieces of furniture that she didn't recognise at first. Benches, tables, chairs and what appeared to be wooden saddle horse, but lacking the saddle. All had been bolted down in a similar fashion to the bed. The thing she did recognise were the stocks set at waist height. She could guess as to what they were for. On the walls themselves were hung an amazing assortment of restraints, ranging from small leather cuffs to hardened steel manacles attached directly to the walls. Maybe she had bitten off more than she could handle, she thought. But she was determined to see this through to the end. The two dragonkin had paid handsomely for her services.

Lorik stepped away as she was inspecting the room and had taken something down from the wall. He returned holding a delicately fashioned silver filigree collar attached with a thin chain. "Please would you remove your clothes and put this on" he said matter of factly. Jinx took the collar and chain. It was lighter than she thought and yet felt incredibly sturdy. "Is this Mithral?" she marveled, admiring the craftsmanship and skill that must have gone into forging it. "Yes, we had it specially made for occasions such as this. Now please, your clothes if you would" Lorik insisted as he began to remove his breeches.

Jinx moved to the bed and placed the collar down carefully. She reached up behind her neck to undo the ties of her dress. She let it slip off her shoulders and pulled the close fitting garment down to her waist, letting her breasts bounce slightly as they fell free from the garment. Yastor let out a small hiss of approval when she let the dress drop to the floor exposing her lower half. She stood for a moment letting them admire her then turned and bent over the bed, further than necessary allowing them to catch a glimpse of her vulva peeking from between her legs. She placed the collar around her neck, locking the catch and was surprised to find it fitted perfectly. She turned and offered the chain to the two dragonkin as she walked back towards them, swaying her hips and flicking her tail as she went. Lorik reached out and took it, pulling her towards him as he did so.

She stood close to him and ran her small hands across his stomach and down towards his crotch. As she reached his pelvis she saw his engorged member slide out a hidden sheath between his legs. She was transfixed by it, the shape was like nothing she had seen before. It started as a thick rounded head that topped a shaft which widened towards its base. It had a single large vein throbbing down the middle. She wondered what it would feel like in her mouth and how it would taste.. She watched as it continued to emerge, growing larger. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Yastor's was also emerging.

Lorik tugged on the collar, bringing her down and forcing her to her knees. He placed his free hand on her head guiding her towards his glistening and pulsing cock. He pressed her face into it and she took in its rich almost spicy scent underlaid with the sweeter smell of his bodily fluids. She ran her rough tongue across the head and down to the base. Reaching out her right hand she slowly massaged the tip between her fingers. She was gratified to hear Lorik's soft grunt of pleasure from her touch. She ran her tongue back up his shaft to play with the small opening of his urethra. She could feel the pressure on the back of her head growing and his hips pushing forward to force himself between her lips. She allowed him to push her head down, taking as much of him as her little mouth could manage. It quickly reached the back of her throat and was beginning to work its way down her gullet stretching out her neck and blocking her windpipe. She could see Yastor massaging his own cock in anticipation for his turn. She tried to pull away, placing her hands on his hips to push him back but he held her there with contemptible ease. She could feel tears forming in her eyes and running down her cheeks. As she was starting to think she would suffocate, he released her. She jerked away and off him panting for breath and coughing with the sudden intake of air. She looked up and found him smiling, "We're going to push you to your limits tonight" he said softly wiping the tears from her eyes with his thumb "is that something you'd like?." Jinx found herself staring at him from the floor, nodding. There was something about these two that quickend her pulse and let loose the feral animal within her. She wanted to please them, to be used and adored.

Yastor came forward, "My turn," he urged her. She twisted herself to face him and ran her left hand between his legs almost to his anus while forcing herself down and over the throbbing head of his dick. She used her tongue to accentuate the movement of her head, running it around the tip as she worked her mouth. She could feel the saliva escaping her mouth as she sloppily worked on him. Lorik was still standing close, stroking her ears. She reached out and grabbed his erection, working her hand along his shaft in quick deft movements. She could feel Yastor begin to slowly thrust, gently at first and then with more power. He grabbed her head between his huge hands and held her as he freely used her mouth. Her jaw was beginning to ache with the strain he was putting on it. She pulled away and moved her left hand to continue to pleasure him. She returned to Lorik, licking and sucking, letting him fuck her mouth.

Kneeling on the floor between them she gasped for breath as Lorik pushed her head off of him. He pulled on the chain as he strode towards the bed. She was led over on all fours, crawling on hands and knees, her tail held erect in the air. He patted the mattress top, she clambered up and rolled onto her back lying across it, the two dragonkin looming over her. Jinx felt a mixture of apprehension and excitement at the way they stared. Yastor brought his face down towards her. He roughly pushed open her legs and she felt his long supple tongue tracing a wavering line down her inner thigh. His scales were smooth and glassy against her skin and he pressed his muzzle to her vulva, his nostrils blowing a hot moist air across her pelvis.. She gasped as he pushed his tongue into her while hard lips nuzzled her clitoris. She let out a little moan as she let herself sink into a warmth emanating from deep within, luxuriating in the experience of this new feeling. At her head Lorik ran his hands lightly across her forehead and down her cheeks to her neck, where he held her in a strong grip. He reached out with one hand and tenderly squeezed and played with her nipples, bringing them to hard points. Opening her mouth she directed his dick past her lips, letting him push himself deep into her throat once more. The filigree collar was tight on her neck as he yanked on the chain with every thrust of his hips Between her legs Ystor moved his questing tongue to focus on her clitoris, the forks in its tip moving in a slow circular pattern. He placed one large taloned finger carefully on the opening to her vagina and inserted it all the way to the last knuckle. Twisting and turning the digit as he slid it back and forth. She could feel her genitals becoming wet and the fluid flowed from her as she allowed herself to become aroused by the attention being lavished on her. This was no normal liaison, her clients were normally more self focused and single minded in their meetings with her than this. She was experienced and knew she was good at what she did but this was new territory to her. Her body reacted to these two Dragonkin in a way it never had with anyone else before.

A soft mewling moan escaped around the thrusting cock filling her mouth as the heat and sensations in her loins reached a new plateau. Jinx wrapped her legs around Yastor's large head and pulled him deeper into her. Her arms were spread wide and her claws extended themselves, sinking into the mattress arching her back as she did so. As if in response to her body's wants, he broke away and worked his mouth up her body, kissing as he went, until he was able to fill his jaws with her breasts. Hew lightly nibbled and bit down on the erect nipples. Pushing them together with his hands and inhaling her scent deeply. He positioned himself on the edge of the bed, kneeling between her legs, bringing his dick to rest upon her exposed vulva. He ground against her, angling himself so that he became coated in her fluids. He reached down to guide his now glistening cock into her. It was tight, she could feel her labia stretching to take him in but he was slow and gentle. He worked carefully, each thrust entering her slightly further than the last. She wanted to watch as he worked his way into her, to see herself spread wide taking the full width of his dick. However Lorik was still using her mouth and didn't seem quite ready to relinquish her just yet. Yastor was beginning to thrust harder their bodies making a wet slapping sound as their bodies met.. Head thrown back his breaths came in short gasps

With a final deep push, Lorik held himself as far as he could reach down her throat and then slowly pulled himself free, wiping his dick across her forehead.. The fur around her mouth and cheeks was matted with the saliva that had fun from the corners of her mouth . She panted, able to take a full breath at last, and watched him walk away towards the far wall and pull down a set of the leather cuffs. She couldn't focus on him for long, as Yastor had dropped forward, taking her outstretched hands and pinning them to bed. He stared at her, grinning as he watched her eyes roll back into her head. Jinx's entire world at that moment was him, the Drgonkin's scent invading her. She could taste him on her tongue and his breath swept across her face. He was stretching her out to almost the point of pain.. It excited and thrilled her and she wanted more.

"I want to be on top," she gasped. "Let me ride you", Yastor growled low in his throat in response and wrapping a strong arm under her, he rolled to the side so that she sat astride him with both hands on his chest. She sank down onto his dick and ground herself into him, she could feel his thighs quivering. He kept trying to push up with his hips lifting her into the air as he did so. She changed positions and clumsily managed to get her shaking legs underneath her. Reaching out for his hands to support her, she raised herself up into a crouch using her thighs to drop back down again onto him. The slap of the skin meeting and parting filled the chamber and Yastor began a low keening noise interspersed with short gasps. Jinx increased her pace, bringing herself down harder onto him. She grinned as he rolled his eyes back, "you're going to make me cum already" he said panting. JInx reached between her legs grabbing his now quivering member and pulled herself off of him. She rubbed him with her hand moving fast and smoothly, his dick was covered with her juices, letting her hand glide over him. As he let out a little shout of satisfaction. She quickly bent and wrapped her mouth around the bulbous tip and caught the gushing stream of seamen that flowed from him. It was a massive amount, far more than she was expecting and it came racing out and hit the back of her throat with such force she nearly choked. She swallowed as much as she could of the salty sweet mixture coating her mouth and tongue. The rest dribbled down his still erect shaft and onto the covers. She sat up and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. The taste was different from the others she had had. It was far sweeter and thicker than a mans and less salty than many species she'd tasted. It was pleasant without being overpowering.

She looked over to Lorik who had been watching from one corner. He was still fully erect as he walked back over to her. He gripped her face as he came close and placed his mouth on hers, kissing her and pushing his tongue past her lips. He broke away and took her hand to help her off the bed, spinning her around so she faced away from him. He brought her hands behind her back and placed the restraints he was holding on her slim wrists, cinching them tight. Taking the chain attached to her collar once more he half led half dragged her to a padded bench near the wall to their right. It was strangely shaped, high at one end and gently sloping toward the floor the other. She tried to turn to face him but he guided her forwards and bent her over the waist high piece of furniture so that her bottom was angled up and into the air. "Now lets see what we can do with this" he said, giving her ass a light smack with his hand....