Devilish Deeds

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#11 of Archive

Original Description: "Dia, a devotee of Giratina is preparing for Untergangsnacht which is coming soon... but it's only May!

I thought to myself that I'd get to work on knocking out other stories that I had in the works before I started new projects, unfortunately, like always, that didn't go to plan and I thought: "I'd like to write an extremely goofy but evil character sometime, how about now?!" Which ended up in a 10-page long story which I intended to be much shorter mind you but my words were practically flowing onto the doc, so I'm not going to complain about getting more words done. Since this started out as a bit of a jokey story on my end, I slipped in a few references, massive credit to the people who manage to get them as they're a little... Obscure?

Oh, and this story has no link to my Universe that's used in pretty much all of my other stories, this own is sealed away in its own little bubble floating in space... Or whatever fun explanation you can think up.

All characters featured are my own.

Pokémon © Game Freak & The Pokémon Company."

Originally Uploaded: May 20th 2021

The black-bricked castle towered on the cliffs above the moor, watching the corrupted valley where dreams once lay, now destroyed by the sheer demonic influence present within the region, where a joyous village once sat was now a morgue, surrounded by thousands of headstones spreading from out of sight in any direction, the nearby beach wasn't spared from the horrendous fate, barnacle infested headstones stood valiantly guarding washed away graves, carrying corpses through the waves into the open ocean. The trees were sapped of all life, only standing as fossilized memories of a once-thriving forest. A small road was paved leading up the hill to the castle, coming to a crossroads at the massive morgue and spreading south and east. The road west only continued for a mile before reaching the beach. Although in the day, the place didn't seem as foreboding as it did in the night, where all the monsters and spirits would come to haunt on the days leading up to the darkest and the most demonic night of the year: Untergangsnacht!

Within this castle, lived its overlady... An Umbreon, sat upright in her throne, encrusted with rubies and onyx, swiveling away from the giant window and to the empty courtroom, well apart from one person, her hellhound, a dapper Houndoom donning his formal tux, ready to serve his mistress whenever she gave the word. The mistress herself was wearing a ball gown-like dress, a mix of black and white fabric made up the majority of her dress, a red thread sewn it together, on the behind was a pair of Zubat wings, dyed completely black. On her head sat a Tiara, designed to look like Giratina's horn as shown on its head. In her left hand, sat a goblet of crimson liquid, swirling on the edge of the glass with every minor swirl. She took a sip, loudly gasping afterward, remnant droplets leaked out from her fangs, streaking her black fur.

"Hmm, I prefer hefeweizen. Served with lemon." The dark one commented, cringing from the aftertaste.

"I could replace your beverage with hefeweizen, your devilishness." Hellhound suggested, approaching his mistress, ready to apprehend the glass if she 'accidentally' dropped it.

"NO!" The dark one snapped childishly, pulling the goblet back from Hellhound. "The dark day approaches soon, I must keep it thematic!"

"Your evilness... it's the middle of May. We still have 5 months until we really need to worry about that..." Hellhound responded, facepalming and shaking his head disapprovingly.

"5 months too early!" The dark lady argued. "You weren't there when my home was caught off guard and decimated by the darkest one!"

"Your sheer adorableness..." Hellhound groaned after addressing his mistress, "You were the one who destroyed your village..."

"Oh I did that?" The dark one queried, seemingly unphased from the revelation.

"Yes, you incinerated the village after attempting to bake cookies that you laced with poison." Hellhound reminded the dark one, her face lit up after a few brief moments. "It's why we let the minions cook..." He uttered under his breath.

"Yep! I remember that as clear as day!" The dark one beamed while reminiscing. "I cut the phone lines so nobody could call emergency services! How positively devilish!" She cheerfully shouted into Hellhound's face, covering it in saliva. She bounced out of her chair, the goblet slipped through a large gap in her fingers, crashing onto the floor with a loud SMAAAAAASH. The two stared blankly at the mess on her red carpet, an ugly black stain joined the many others that were already present.

"I'll go... get the minions to sweep it up." Hellhound said, pulling out a silver bell from his pocket, swinging it multiple times with increasing force. A sound similar to broken glass chimed throughout the castle.

"What's on the docket for today, Hellhound?" The dark one quickly shifted the topic, prompting Hellhound to remove a scroll from his pocket and unroll.

Hellhound cleared his throat and began in a cordial tone. "Today on 'Dia's devilish deeds': Continue writing 'Baythe ta worl in fiyah'..."

"Nope!" Dia interrupted. "I've broken too many desks trying to think of the words to type!" She groaned, slinking further down her chair.


"Your devilishness approves your entry, minions!" Dia called out at the door. With a turn of the Giratina-shaped doorknobs, the mountainous double doors slowly creaked open. In crept two Sableye, one with a broom, the other with a dustpan, sprinting towards the now drying mess on the floor they began to hastily sweep the area covered by the fragmented glass.

"Continuing on..." Hellhound resumed reading from the scroll. "You still need to commission more headstones from the mason, the team in the morgue is claiming there's only around a thousand empty graves left..." Dia grunted and rolled her eyes.

"I'll take that as a 'not yet'. Moving on, you still have a sacrifice quota to meet, your darkness. He still requires the last 2 souls for this week." Dia perked up after that announcement. Hellhound paused his next sentence, waiting patiently for the dark one's response...

"Hmm, check the dungeon. Tell me what kind of sacrifices we have in stock." Dia turned to the two Sableye, just finished sweeping up every last shard of glass. "That's an order for you two dummkopfs! Schnell schnell schnell!" She yelled with a volley of claps, each one bringing more hastiness to the minions.

"Once you're finished with that, your devilishness, make sure to release the souls of the sacrifices..." Hellhound added in a firm tone. Watching the minions scramble out of the chamber, slamming the door closed behind them.

"Hey, you know I've been waiting for my new pair of shoes for this costume for a while now." Dia mentioned, disregarding the words from Hellhound.

"Would you like me to check the dungeon to see if the minions accidentally apprehended the courier?" Hellhound exhaled, tutting under his breath.

"Hey, those shoes were expensive, I expect to see the courier and my package up here, make sure they're stripped too, public embarrassment, it's too evil not to commit!" Dia commanded, following with a cackle.

Hellhound took a knee and bowed his head. "As you wish, your devilishness." He took a few steps back before turning around and quickly marching away from the dark one, slowly opening the door, effortlessly cramming through a small gap and letting the momentum swing backward and bring the doors to a close.

"Perhaps I should continue to work on that story." Dia pontificated to herself, allowing her voice to echo throughout the room. "Oh, the amount of pain I could cause with all my intentional typographical and grammatical errors!" She delightfully squealed at such a devilish deed. One day she would defeat the zealous curse of writer's block, and truly release her wretched curse into the world!

Dia swiveled her throne back towards the massive window, viewing the moor, its vast emptiness interrupted by the odd minion who was patrolling the area. "I wonder if there's anyone else like me out there. Willing to go through such heinous deeds to appease our lord..." Her eye's dulled, as her energy relinquished body slinked further down, exploring the deeper caverns of her mind. "I'm bound to this place, so even if I wanted to leave and find that person my obligations to the lord would catch up with me. I wonder if they're in a similar situation, or the lord is allowing them to spread his influence... Oh, how I'd love to burn down another village! Those panicked screams were the product of some of my best work! Albeit an accident of another equally devilish action!"

Her train of thought was snapped by shuffling at the entrance of the chamber. She sprouted back up to her assumed position, swiveling to face the doorway.

Knock knock knock... knock knock

"You can come in, Hellhound." Dia sternly yelled at the door. Hellhound shoved the right door open with all his weight, allowing the door to swing closed once he and the Pokémon behind him entered.

"As I suspected, the courier has been sitting in the dungeon for a few weeks..." Hellhound commented as soon as the door slammed shut. He pushed a Flareon before her. He was completely naked, his abs were fairly toned, although the top of his chest was covered in a thick layer of fluff, same counted for his crotch, covering most of his member, the top, and a small area of the balls only confirming his sex. Other than that, he looked like a mature Flareon, completely unphased by his situation.

"Ooh, and they finally listened to my request! Do you wanna know how many times I asked them to 'send your cutest delivery boy' and then they just sent someone ugly?!" Dia gleefully commented, moving in an almost ballet towards the courier. His lack of fear did perplex her, but more importantly, sat in between his left arm and torso was her package. "I waited too long for this, I will be appropriately dressed this year! The lord didn't appreciate me hosting a night of debauchery without a good pair of shoes, you know."

"Well, I'm just going to need you to sign here, ma'am." The Flareon bluntly responded, thrusting a clipboard in her face after ripping the package out from between his arm and torso. Hellhound curtly handed Dia his pen.

"What alias will it be today... Eh, I'll just use the usual name." Dia tapped the pen against her chin, before etching her name in horrendously sloppy handwriting. "Take that, my horrible handwriting! You'll never be able to read what it says, how incredibly evil!" Dia cackled, throwing the clipboard directly at the courier's chest.

"Another whack job... Fantastic." The Flareon commented, before feeling himself being dragged down to the ground by Dia! The dark one towered above him menacingly, readying herself for another act of pure evil!

"Before you leave my humble abode, I'll need a sample of your life force... usually I extract the semen from guys so I'll do-"

"I'm gay... so have fun trying to turn me on." The Flareon absently commented, cutting off Dia mid-sentence.

"Fine... guess I'll just do the old reliable!" Dia dived down onto the Flareon's neck, sinking her fangs deep inside, laying there for a few brief seconds, sucking a few sips of blood. She pulled away from her quarry, whose neck puncture quickly healed. Dia gulped it down, sitting atop the courier for a few seconds. Suddenly, she began to shudder, rising from the Flareon, spitting out the tiny drops of blood that she didn't gulp!

"WHY?" Dia shrieked in revulsion. "WHY DO YOU TASTE SO BAD?"

"W-would you just like me to pay him and send him on his way, your devilishness?" Hellhound quickly offered, reaching into his breast pocket, and pulling out a small wallet.

"P-please! He's already given a fraction of his soul, let the rest go!" Dia pleaded, dashing and ducking behind her throne.

"I'm accustomed to nutjobs... but this is a whole new level of madness." The Flareon commented on the cowering mess behind the throne.

"Oh please, we're all mad in this house. It just hasn't gotten into you yet." Hellhound stated, thrusting a wad of cash into the courier's face. "And by that, I'm only referring to her. So just get out of here before she does something unreasonable."

The Flareon nodded, gathering his clipboard, sliding the cash into his trouser pocket, and scurrying out of the room buck naked.

"Hefeweizen then?" Hellhound questioned Dia, dry heaving in the corner. "With the lemon, of course."

"Oooooh!" Dia squealed, instantly jumping to her feet at the question. "Pretty please? Just anything to clear this righteous taste from my mouth." She continued to heave less dramatically.

"Certainly, your sheer adorableness."


"Mistress o' the dark..." The duo of Sableye minions fell to their knees before Dia, who was sipping on a fresh goblet of Hefeweizen. They perked up, looking at the fresh sacrifices, bound in chains.

"A Jynx and a Gothitelle... The lord awaits their sorrow..." The two stood up, although remaining hunched back, and scrambled backward, still facing the dark one.

"Let's inspect me, I mean- The lord's meal!" Dia announced, placing the goblet on the floor and striding toward the two quivering Pokémon. "Hellhound cut the chains."

Hellhound nodded on command and routinely fumbled with the tumblers of the locks on the chains on their arms and legs, collapsing to the floor with a CLUNK for each restraint. Although they were freed, both Pokémon were paralyzed in fear.

"Look how afraid they are! Isn't this awesome?!" Dia slid up to Hellhound and whispered into his ear.

"They sure are, your darkness," Hellhound affirmed. "Just don't fuck it up."

"Let's start with you, the scantily dressed one." Dia motioned to the Jynx, slowly stepping towards her.

Dia enveloped her body around the Jynx, starting her appraisal by feeling the massive orbs of flesh and milk on the Jynx, so massive that they were pushing the boundaries of her natural dress, any larger and it'd looked like it'd burst! "These are some great tits, you know girl... I'm getting a little envious..." Dia commented, rubbing the perimeter of the breast and slowly rubbing in circles towards the nipples. "They'll look fine on me~" Dia continued, cooing into her ear and giving her breasts a firm smack. The Jynx could only respond with rapid panting and aggressive huffing.

"You're not much fun, are you?" Dia rose to her feet, sliding her panties down her legs, removing them, and tossing them towards her throne. "Well you're gonna go up to my ass whether you like it or not, I really don't want any more incidents in my mouth today, and that hair looks messy!" Dia delightfully declared, placing both of her legs on the respective sides of her quarry's head, her dress completely masked any presence of her body, if anything it looked like a massive bulge near the feet, a bulge which would soon find itself... relocated.

Suddenly, Dia's body descended onto the Jynx's head, Dia's large flabby buttcheeks clawed into the Jynx's cheeks, allowing her butthole to begin the process of widening. Steadily vacuuming her prey's head, the hair tickled the rim, provoking a few giggles from the dark one. More and more hair slowly entered her anus. Dia paused for a few seconds, pulling her cheeks further apart, further widening the hole. She performed another buttslam, forcing the entirety of the Jynx's head into her anus, quickly followed by the tiny neck. Dia lay belly first on the floor lifting her dress up to reveal her prey, most of her body still poking out from her butthole.

"Oh seriously? Not even a single squirm?" Dia huffed, looking up at Hellhound. "A little assistance or are you just gonna keep wishing it was October already?" Dia winked and lolled out her tongue. Hellhound nodded, marching towards her rump, crouching next to the Jynx, grasping her legs and upper torso.

"Your devilishness..." Hellhound spoke, slamming his eyes shut, and tightening his grasp. "I humbly request that you shut- aaaaaaah!" Hellhound rammed the Jynx deep into Dia's ass, her head and body instantly entering the dark one's winding tubes, only leaving her legs and a few last strips of her dress, hanging lifelessly outside. Her ass clenched, forcing the last part of her first sacrifice up her ass, to be digested within her maze-like digestive tract.

"Nicely done Hellhound!" Dia cheered, flipping over onto her back and rubbing her inflamed area, which began to test her dress's elasticity. "Someone's becoming nice and stark, hmm?" She followed up with a giggle, pointing at Hellhound's chest.

"Well after being present in this place for a good couple thousand years, I'd hope so..." Hellhound bluntly responded, flexing his muscles to illustrate his point.

"You're a heartless bitch, you know that?" The Gothitelle piped up, still sitting on the floor, her head tucked down, brooding after bringing attention to herself.

"Oooh, finally some conversation!" Dia gleefully sat up and spun around to face her next sacrifice. "What's your name? Maybe you'll be immortalized, unlike your friend!"

"Girlfriend, actually." She retorted, rolling one blue eye up to face Dia. "And why should I tell you? You think I'd say something like that to a murderer like you?!"

"Be careful not to cut yourself on that edge there." Dia snarkily quipped, an idea sparked in her head, promoting her body to perk up. She turned her head to Hellhound. "I've got an idea! Fetch me my notepad."

"I have it here, your darkness, would you like me to jot it down, you weren't able to read your own notes last time..." Hellhound curtly responded, producing a small notepad and pen from his pockets.

"Write this in my story ideas section..." Dia dictated, Hellhound flicked through a few pages in the notebook before nodding. "A Gothitelle side character, she's edgy, constantly broods and has a totally convoluted yet tragic backstory which is why her only driving characteristic is vengeance!" Dia cackled while Hellhound finished jotting down the idea, he flipped the book closed and placed the pen and book back in their respective pockets.

"Anyway, Gothitelle girl." Dia tilted her head back to the Gothitelle, who had repositioned herself to face Dia, awaiting whatever her fate would be. "I like hearing the stories of whoever my sacrifices are, so what provoked you and your girlfriend to come to my castle?"

"Revenge." The Gothitelle responded. Dia puffed her cheeks up, attempting to stifle a laugh. "You ate my sister... or at least I assume you did."

"Ahahahahha!" Dia burst out laughing, a finger extended and pointing towards the Gothitelle, the laughter resonated around the chamber for a few yet extremely prolonged minutes... "I'm sorry, but... DAHAHAHAHHA!" Her laughter loudened, jerking her belly with every exhale.

"No, you're not." The Gothitelle coldly responded, spectating the girl, the thing that just devoured another person she cared so much about, chiding her with laughter? Not on her watch. "I thought me and my girlfriend could double team you, I had this gut feeling that I could take you on..."

"I may be a massive idiot," Dia commented, after calming down, still slightly jittery and stifling laughter. "But that has to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard! You're at a complete type disadvantage!"

"Whatever." The Gothitelle snapped. "You gonna do it already or not?"

"Do what? Devour you?" Dia moved uncomfortably close to her prey, breathing directly into her face. "Only if you tell me that name first!"

"Fine. Gina." Gina stated bluntly. Dia smiled with a wicked grin.

Dia placed both of her hands on their respective sides of Gina's head, pushing it towards her puckered lips. smooch! Dia slowly retracted her head from Gina, the Gothitelle was frozen in bewilderment looking at the red lipstick printed onto Dia's lips.

"D-did you just-?" Gina stammered, Dia's eyes were filled with a lustful hunger.

"Sure did!" Dia giggled, licking her lips. "Can't help myself sometimes when someone has such kissable lips!" As she spoke, Gina leaned back in, her lips puckered. Dia followed, puckering her lips and slowly leaning back in.

Just as the two lips were about to collide, Dia opened her maw as wide as she could! Gina's head unknowingly entered her mouth, barely sliding past the vast waterfalls of saliva dripping down onto her tongue, Dia felt Gina's head fill up her gullet, just a few centimeters short of her tonsil when Gina halted. Dia clamped her mouth on Gina's natural skirt with a CHOMP! her fangs hooked themselves into Gina's dress, the bottom catching the top of one of the many bows showcased on Gina's dress. Gina now realizing her situation, kicked into action, attempting to force Dia to spit her out, utilizing a mix of squirms and kicks in a fruitless attempt to force herself free. If anything, it made her slip deeper into Dia's maw now entering her throat, her head tickled the tonsil, and Gina looked down into the deep void that was Dia's esophagus. Meanwhile, Dia firmly grasped the midsection of Gina's body, lifting it into the air, and straightening it out, as if she had just bought a Subway sandwich, and was about to take her first bite. From there came the usual slow push giving her sacrifices plenty of time to experience their demise. Gina's arms and hands slipped into Dia's maw, she pressed down on the fleshy walls of Dia's maw. Her strength matched by Dia's, the saliva covering the cheeks made her hands slide down, Dia's strength against her sudden loss propelled her further down her throat, and her body danged at the top of Dia's esophagus like she was a bunch of berries hovering over an emperors mouth, ready to be lowered in and devoured.


With one singular gulp, the rest of Gina was pulled down into Dia's broiling pit, along with her partner. She continued to squirm, unbeknownst to her it was all futile, in a few measly hours they'd be ground down into slurry and redistributed accordingly to the best parts of her body, ready to appraised by herself, her underlings, and the Lord himself. Dia laid down on her back, placing her left arm onto her belly, giving it attentive pats while her sacrifices squirmed. The bloated belly was pushing her dress to the limit, the fabric could look like it could give at any sudden movement!

"That. Was Awesome!" Dia exclaimed, slapping her belly, watching the fabric ripple around the two pokemon stored within.

"The fake-out was certainly a nice touch, your devilishness." Hellhound commented, bringing the half-full goblet over to Dia, placing it in the vacant hand.

"I think that's the first proper compliment I've heard from you for a while." Dia beamed, still toying with the food in her belly. She sat up, and leaned down to the bulge, pressing a kiss onto it and giving a few extra rubs for good measure. "Go set up the contact chamber, I'm going to sleep off this meal, then I'll contact the lord!"

"Yes, your adorableness, would you like me to assemble the minions?" Hellhound queried with a bow. Dia shook her head. Hellhound affirmed with a nod before leaving the chamber, carefully opening and closing the door behind him.


"Alright, I'm going to contact him now..." Dia stated, holding a Griseous orb in her right hand. She had completely stripped after reaching her destination, hours of grinding and squeezing from her stomach had long digested her food and redistributed most of the weight around her body, her breasts doubling in their previous size, even conquesting the pair of ovals that had belonged to the Jynx she had consumed earlier, no doubt playing a major role in enlarging and softening them, her ass had received an even better fattening, as usual, the new padding made clapping the cheeks together much easier and could even do it without much effort if she just ran.

Dia tossed the Griseous orb up into the air, levitating above the engraved circle marked with distorted runes and sketches of their lord's head in the middle of it all, their lord was missing the large horn on the front of his head. Dia removed her tiara, and firmly pressed it into the hole with a click! The engraving pulled the tiara down into the rest of it, and the Lord's eyes lit up a bloody crimson. It lifted the orb further into the air. Just then, the orb began to glow, taking as much of the atmosphere around it as it possibly could.


The orb dissolved into the air, opening a gateway to the Distortion World, the room was filled with a massive purple aura filled with stars. Through it, came her lord, her master, Giratina. Six black claws protruded from his back as he watched down on his servant, kneeling before him. Hellhound spectating the ritual bowed in accordance. Giratina noticed the small amount of padding on Dia's belly, a content grunt emanated from the beast, a smirk appeared on his face. His claws reached out towards Dia, feeling up every inch of her body.

"My Lord!" Dia cheered, attempting not to giggle or moan from the claws tasting her more sensitive locations. "I have brought you the final souls you require!"

"Somebody's been a busy girl, haven't they?" Giratina commented, two tendrils pressed into Dia's breasts. Their cool touch caused them to spurt, shooting milk all over the floor, an embarrassed flush spread on her face. Another tendril spanked her left ass cheek, causing it to ripple and wobble uncontrollably for a few seconds before calming and returning to parallel the right cheek. "You certainly are prime for breeding now, when you finally decide to do that anyway." Giratina commented, finishing his examination, Dia nodded. She watched as one of Giratina's tendrils kept a hold of her, while the other one was lingering around her belly...


Giratina punched Dia's belly, she burped directly into Giratina's face for an extended amount of time, giving enough time for both of the souls, a purple and a pink ball left her mouth, another tendril swiped to grab both of them, they exploded on impact, the remnant life energy entering Girartina and flowing throughout his body.

"Hmmm, not too powerful..." Giratina sighed as the energy finished flowing through him. "But it will suffice."

"I sincerely apologize, my lord! I will make sure next week's sacrifices are more resilient..." Dia barked, hand placed on her now flattened gut after such a winding punch.

"Indeed. 10 by the end of next week, as per usual." Giratina ordered, stepping back into the portal.

The portal to the distortion world vanished, the light compressed itself back into the Griseous orb, still suspended in Mid-air. The tiara had ejected from the etching in the floor. Dia promptly retrieved it and placed it back in its rightful place, on her head. She plucked the Griseous orb from the air, a faint yellow glow still emitted from the orb. Dia placed her head against it, and whispered, "Anything for you, my lord."

"Now!" Dia turned over to Hellhound, still keeping a watch over her. "Who wants to write some devilishly delightful tales?! I know I do!"

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