Experimental Relationship
"Are you _absolutely_ sure you wanna do this?" Maya, for what felt like the umpteenth time queried to her friend who stood, arms behind her back a couple of meters next to the door of her room. "100 percent!" The Liligant answered once more. She...
A Man and his Iceberg Testicles
balls downing each other.
Opening Up
The tall canine's body tensed, muscles all straining at once, and joel saw the pair of massive balls resting between mike's legs lurch against him.
Pulled Over For Speeding II
David could feel the heat radiating off the massive balls even before he got on the bed.
He pumped and pulsed as seed flowed through his body and splattered onto the tanuki's fat belly, his massive balls, and on him.
Kibben's Musk Farm
Meanwhile, kibben rolled a cart with a multi-gallon barrel and a sponge hanging off it into the stall and pulled up a stool, taking a seat facing shiloh's massive balls.
Changes in life; Chapter 9
The flames engulfed the two as they flew through it, forming a massive ball of flames, white and black swirling around inside.
Eaten by Blaze
He'd thrust up at you a couple times, his massive balls swaying against your upper body as he did so and you could feel the tip of his shaft attempt to stretch over your shoulders.
Bathroom break part 2
The fox boys massive balls gave a loud gurgle that filled the whole bathroom, and without warning they suddenly expanded, resting firmly against the boys feet.
Filled by the Pharmacist
As my hide started to creak, i realized that those massive balls _still_ didn't seem any smaller than when we'd started.
Thorough Breeding
Mina reached out, a soft whine leaving her lips as she cupped one of the beast's massive balls.
League of Ballbusting: The Magical Cat
Those balls churned, sloshing around as lamb shook them left to right, watching the massive balls sway and listening to all that cum packed into those heavy, soft, pent-up balls~.