New Family: Chapter 2

Story by kergiby on SoFurry

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#2 of New Family

A knock on the door awakened the two sleeping cats, both tired and grumpy at being disturbed from their slumber.

"Time to wake up, boys." Mr. Adams called.

Scott jumped from the top bunk and landed in a crouch. He rose to full height and Lucas was able to see, for the first time, his room mate. Scott had stripes going down his back with a single white line breaking up the red on his body. He looked to be very skinny, with long arms that reached to almost his knees -- he was incredibly lanky. A tuft of skin on his back leg, just where the shorts ended, was visible. Lucas wondered what injury caused this scar. Scott turned to face Lucas and smiled at him.

"Hey, sleep well?"

Lucas considered bringing up the incident of the noise and the purring from the night before, but decided against it. "Yeah." He said quietly.

"Good. C'mon, Saturday morning breakfasts are always the best." Scott said cheerfully. Lucas couldn't help but wonder what would cause such a drastic mood swing from the night before. Standing, Lucas walked to his bag that held the few clothes he owned. Finding a pair of torn jeans, Lucas pondered if it would be alright to undress in front of Scott.

Scott didn't have those hesitations. As he slipped his boxers off, Lucas couldn't help but sneak a glance at the older tiger's sheath. He could almost catch sight of the barbed tip poking out from its furry cage. Scott looked up at Lucas who faced the opposite way quickly, trying hard to hide his embarrassment.

When the two were both clothed, Scott led the way downstairs to breakfast, which had been teasing Lucas with the smell.

"Hey." Scott says, entered.

"Morning," Lucas said.

"Morning, boys. You sleep well?" Mr. Adams asked from behind the paper.

"Yeah, well enough." Lucas said, stretching.

"Good to hear."

"What's for breakfast?" Lucas asked.

"Waffles and bacon with eggs." Mrs. Adams said from in front of the stove. Grace was helping with the waffles, and Christine was making the bacon.

"Yum!" Lucas said with a growling stomach.

"Why are we having bacon?" Scott asked.

"I figured since we had Lucas, it'd be a nice treat." Mrs. Adams said.

"Oh. Okay, just wondering." Scott said. He sat down closer to his father at the table than the night before. Lucas sat across from him and smiled -- happiness permeated the room. Something was bothering him, though.

"Why did you guys adopt me?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" Mr. Adams said, putting the paper down.

"Well, you already have such a large family... I just thought that- It's not that I'm not grateful or anything but- I mean-"

"Well," Mr. Adams said. "I always wanted to adopt. Ever since I was a little boy. So, I made plans to do so after the Marines and college. But then, I met Venetia and she and I hit it off. We got married and had Grace a few years later. Then we just got so swept up in life: raising the kids, married life, moving to Europe and back... I forgot all about that dream, until I found a box of my old stuff in the attic. I read a letter to myself, written when I was very young, and it was asking about my adopted child. So I remembered all about it and started to talk with Venetia about it, and we both agreed on it."

"Oh. That's cool," Lucas said. Lucas looked down at his fingers, playing with a piece of raised fur. "Thank you."

Mr. Adams didn't quite answer, but smiled warmly. Mrs. Adams set a plate down in front of Lucas filled with food. The smell danced around his nose and teased his olfactory gland.

"Dig in." She said. Lucas promptly did so as a variety of flavors assaulted his pallet. The grease and texture of the bacon was quickly covered by the pepper-covered eggs which then drowned in the syrupy waffles with hidden blueberries inside. Lucas' senses were drowned in an orgy of food.

"Slow down, dude." Scott said.

Lucas shook his head, stopping only to clean a globule of food from his whiskers or to get a drink of the ice-cold milk. The plate was clean and bare in front of the content cat. Grace sat down and looked at Lucas with incredulous eyes.

"You certainly finished that fast," she said

"I was really hungry," Lucas giggled.

"I can tell. Mom, we're gonna have to get Lucas some new clothes."

"It's on the agenda," Mrs. Adams said.

"Good, he needs some good shirts." Scott said in rare moment of agreement with his sister.

"So do you. You've been wearing the same shirt for a month." Grace said looking at the incredibly dirty shirt.

"That's not true."

"It so is. You totally wear that all the time."

"Bullsh-" Scott said. Mr. Adams set the paper down. "How many laps?"

"You caught yourself, so four," Mr. Adams said. Scott nodded and walked out the front door without putting his shoes on.

* * *

Lucas piled into the back of the very large van with Grace and Scott. The family was on their way to a play as part of a family tradition. Having never been to a play before, Lucas was excited. Scott was irate at having to go, mostly because it wasn't the show he wants to see. Rather than seeing the very funny, albeit mature, play Noises Off, the family headed out to see the musical My Favorite Year.

"It's also because he auditioned for the show and didn't get in," Grace explained.

"That's not true," Scott said. "I just didn't have time for it."

"Whatever, Scott. Keep telling yourself that. If you had listened to me and sung "Race You to the Top of the Morning" and not that stupid song from Dr. Terrible or whatever."

"It's Dr. Horrible, and don't you dare insult Joss Whedon."

"You are obsessed with that man," Grace said, pushing against Lucas who was stuck between the warring factions.

"And you're obsessed with Neil Patrick Harris, who, one, is gay, two, is twice your age, and three, stars in Dr. Horrible." Scott pressed against Lucas too. Lucas couldn't escape from the predicament.

"Okay, that was one year, and you have to hold it against me still? Get over it. And besides we all know that you'd have-"

"Grace, that's enough,' yelled Mr. Adams.

"Sorry, Dad," she all but whispered, turning and facing the window. Scott did the same and it left Lucas with no one to talk to but Christine who had her hands full with keeping Macyn in her seat. Lucas couldn't even get a good look at the New England town from his position in the center seat. Lucas toyed with his tail; a nervous habit of his he never was able to break, no matter how hard he tried. Still feeling tired from so much new, Lucas leaned his head on Scott's shoulder and closed his eyes, Not once, did Lucas feel Scott move, though he could tell one thing was certain.

Scott's heartbeat sped up.

* * *

Walking, out of the classic-style theatre, Lucas was still humming along with the tune of the musical. It had really gotten to him in a way that he never expected.

"I would have been a better Swann," Scott said, rubbing his eyes to the bright sunlight.

"I actually agree with you there," Grace said, following Scott to the car.

"He was completely flat throughout "If the World Were Like the Movies." He butchered my favorite song!" he said.

"Are you two big into theatre?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah. Not the best or anything, but we both love it," Grace said.

"I've been told I'm hard to work with, so people don't like to work with me," Scott said.

"I don't believe that," Lucas said.

"What do you mean?"

"How can they not like to work with you? You're so nice," Lucas said.

Scott laughed ironically and dropped the smile almost instantly. "I'm... particular."

"That's one word for it," Grace said.

"Oh, ha ha."

Grace punched him on the arm. The parents had finally caught up with the faster kids and unlocked the car, causing a frantic piling in. The way home, Lucas couldn't help but stare at Scott and wonder.

What does he mean by particular?

* * *

"I'm not wearing that," Lucas said, crossing his arms.

"Why not? It's a perfectly nice shirt," Grace said.

"It's pink!"

The AdamsFamily was at the mall looking for new clothes for Lucas. So far, Grace had chosen more preppy-style clothing for Lucas -- the only things he liked. A lot of very nice polos and many European-influenced fashion choices. Scott had tried to sway Lucas's fashion sense more towards his ska-punk look but it didn't work out that well. Lucas wanted to look nice, not like he'd just come out of he garbage disposal.

"Lucas, it's not pink, it's more... rose," Grace said.

"It's pink!" Lucas yelled, largely ignorant to the etiquette of changing rooms.

"Lucas, I got something you may like," Scott said approaching with a gray button up shirt with black velvet wings on the back that added a different texture to it. He handed it to Lucas over the door. After a bit of silence, Lucas stepped out.

"I like it."

"Oh yeah!" Scott yelled, triumphantly. Grace rolled her eyes and went to find a suitable pair of jeans. "C'mon, let's get you some shoes."

"Okay," Lucas said, keeping the shirt on. The way he figured it, if he was going to buy it, what's the big deal in wearing it around the store? Scott led Lucas to the shoes section where they talked about what kind of shoe to get for a while before finally deciding on a pair of shoes that are a grey mix of skater and runners shoes that have vertical stripes on them and on the side the Scottish flag.

Walking out with the purchased clothes, Lucas resembled a pack mule, with pounds of stuff in each arm, increasing his size by exponential quantities. Lucas flicked his tail back and forth with a certain glee. All his years in the orphanage, and he never felt so... at piece with everything. So... happy.

* * *

That night, after a large hand-made pizza dinner, Lucas and Scott were getting ready for bed in the usual way: Brushing teeth, changing clothes, the works. Lucas felt better about Scott. The night before, he was worried that he might be a moody teenager who was too cool for everything, but now, it seemed as though that fear was without base.

"You have fun?" asked a shirtless Scott. Lucas nodded, trying not to stare at Scott's body. The black stripes go diagonally down his back and sides drawing eyes to his lower stomach and further down. Lucas wasn't really sure what to think about that. He was feeling... definitely aroused at the sight of the tiger's body. Lucas was so unsure of what to think about the new... Lucas wasn't sure of himself anymore. A shiver ran down his spine.

"You okay?" Scott asked, having seen the shiver.

"Yeah, just cold," Lucas wasn't good at lying.

"Seriously? It's, like, seventy in here."

"Yeah, I just feel cold." Lucas said.

Scott nodded, seeing the lie, but said nothing. He turned out the lights and climbs into the top bunk, laying down in a comfortable manner.

"Scott?" Lucas asked, finally setting himself down under the covers.


"Do you- Have you ever felt, you know, a certain way about another boy?" Lucas asked.

"What do you mean?" Scott asked with tenseness to his voice.

"I mean, do you... Have you ever liked another guy?"

Silence pierced the air for what feels like an hour before Scott finally talks.

"Good night, Lucas."

Lucas stared, bit his lip, and felt bad for asking that. But that didn't stop him from going into a very light sleep for maybe twenty minutes. What woke him up was the same noise he heard last night. Lucas could tell that it was definitely coming from Scott's bed, so he sat up, as quietly as possible, and grabbed the top edge of the bed, pulling himself up. Lucas slowly brought his head up to see whatever it was that Scott was doing.

Scott was naked on his bed, and while that wasn't terribly surprising, what he was doing shocked Lucas. He was playing with himself and, most certainly, having fun doing it. A heavy purr reverberated in Lucas's ears and getting inside his brain. His hands were in two places. One was on his exposed and elongated penis, rubbing up and down with a tempo only to slow down and massage the head every few minutes. His purrs occasionally got louder as he got faster with his rubbing. The other hand was behind him, toying with something that is... entering and penetrating his ass. Lucas heard rumors of such things, but he thought they were only for girls. Not guys. Dildos, they were called. Scott's tempo increased on both ends, one end entering, the other rubbing down on the opposite direction, causing an inward thrust of pressure that Scott, apparently found satisfactory. With a loud grunt, that had the potential to awake others in the house, white... stuff came from the end of Scott's penis and hits his chest, covering him in a white, gloppy mess.

Before Scott could see him, Lucas ducked down, and climbed under his own covers. Confused, Lucas closed his eyes in an effort to sleep... and tried to ignore that certain special feeling... in that certain special place.

As usual, special thanks to Erythwolf for editing. We're both dealing with finals this week, so we'll be extraordinarily busy. Hope you enjoy. Things are only going to get more and more sexual from here. w00? -kerg