The Dragonslayer

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#39 of 2023 Shorts

A young lion grows into a strong warrior, forced from his home after an evil dragon decides to make his home in the surrounding mountains. Returning years later after finding the legendary Dragonslayer sword, he intends to bring an end to his old foe once and for all!

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are of legal and consenting age, likewise if you are reading this story, you should be of legal age in your respective country.

All characters are my own creation, any resemblance to existing characters is purely coincidental and not intentional, please do not use them without permission. If you would like to use them in a story, please feel free to send me a PM either as Inja on SoFurry or TheRealInja on FA. As always, I am open to new story ideas or situations with existing characters as well.


The valley of Akkro used to be the breadbasket of the kingdom of Allieyat; lush fertile farmlands surrounded by a ring of tall mountain peaks. Fed by the purest spring waters from deep within the mountains and protected from hazardous weather by the surrounding mountains, it was as if the Gods themselves had created such a perfect farming area. The area was inhabited by the kindest and most friendly sort as well, the small farming community often felt and treated one another like one big happy extended family. Life in the valley was perfect, calm and serene; until a greedy black dragon decided to make his new home in the surrounding mountains.

Soon crops began to fail, livestock went missing and harmony turned to discord among the once happy family. The dedicated few stuck around and tried to weather the storm as hero after hero ventured up into the mountains to try slay the beast, but none ever returned.

Jakoor had been born in the valley, he'd grown up knowing peace for most of his young adult life. He was old enough to understand what was going on when the fighting started, when friends turned on friends and the flames of discontent began to spread. He longed for the days he remembered, days filled with love and laughter, the days of peace and contentment. With that burning desire to restore the world as he knew it, Jakoor left home as soon as he was old enough, setting out on a quest to find the means to bring an end to the black dragon.

After weeks of hard work and taking every little job he could get his hands on, Jakoor had finally managed to save enough gold to purchase the dreaded sword known simply as "The Dragonslayer". Legend said it was guaranteed to bring an end to any dragon, even the most powerful, such as the one Jakoor had his eye on. The once young and naive red lion with his golden mane; now older, wiser and more battle scarred, hefted the heavy coin purse filled with gold and jewels from countless adventures. He had managed to track the sword down after searching for years, as luck would have it, the sword was last reported to be with a merchant not far from his homeland.

The young lion was no longer a scrawny farm boy, he was a tall and well-muscled warrior who had earned his scars with many heroic deeds on multiple battlefields. When he was younger, his coat had been a rich golden colour, but as he grew older and fought in more battles than he could remember, his coat began to turn a vibrant red. As if with each new kill, his coat would become that much redder, save for his lush golden mane and tail tuft. Even the tuft of chest fur remained a golden hue, breaking the broad expanse of his muscled red chest. With years of experience under his belt, Jakoor felt confident enough to finally return home and face the old evil which had ruined his childhood. The tall towering scarlet feline, with his long flowing mane of gold, stood before the old merchant as he pointed at the intricately carved and embellished bastard sword.

"It is time, I will have my revenge!" the lion growled out as he tossed his heavy coin purse onto the merchant's table. The weight of his payment heavy enough to make the rickety table groan in protest under its weight, causing the merchants brows to raise in surprise and interest when gold coins and a few shiny gems spilled out across his table.

"That is far more than the blade is worth, honourable warrior!" the old badger exclaimed as he reached out a wrinkled and patchy furred hand to begin counting the contents of the coin purse.

"I care not, it is worth it to finally bring an end to that foul beast in the mountains!" Jakoor snarled, turning his head to look off into the distance at the mountain range where even now, dark ominous clouds swirled unnaturally above the highest peak. Somewhere on that mountain was the beasts lair, where evil lay in wait for the next hero to come and try put an end to it. Jakoor was the dragons end, he believed it with every fibre of his being.

"Karradax..." the badger mumbled as he hastily scooped the spilled coins and gems back into the coin purse.

"What?" Jakoor turned back to look at the badger with a raised questioning brow.

"The beast's name, Karradax" the badger paused, staring up at the young lion warrior in his gleaming silver chainmail. "If you are to face him, best you know his name."

"Karradax shall be no more by this time tomorrow, I will wipe his name from this earth" the lion snarled once again as he snatched up the gold and silver bastard sword from the table. The red rubies which formed the dragon's eyes on the pommel glinting in the early morning sunlight. Ancient runes glowed with an eerie orange glow when Jakoor brushed his fingers down along the length of the blade, already he could feel the power contained in the sword starting to flow into him. With his new found strength, now more than ever, the scarlet lion felt certain that Karradax would come to a messy end before the day was through.

Jakoor intended on a glorious battle, his only intent was to kill the black dragon and nothing else. He was not planning on making it out alive, but so long as he ended Karradaxs reign, it would be worth it. The mountain climb was perilous; the rock had been seared by the dragon's flame, some places had become brittle and crumbled under his touch. Other places were smooth as glass from the melted rock and sand, but eventually Jakoor stood at the mouth of a large cave. His grip tightened about the hilt of his new sword as he listened to the strange wind billowing forth from the mouth of the cave, tinged with the scent of sulphur.

The unholy dark swirling clouds obscured the once beautiful and serene view of the valley far below. Now the sky raged and crackled with purple lightning, the howling wind sounding almost like a desperate plea for him to turn back before it was too late. But Jakoor had come this far already, there was no turning back now. Gripping the black leather-bound hilt of the sword in one hand, tight enough to turn his knuckles white, he drew his weapon. His other hand gripped the straps inside his shield and braced it before him, Jakoor crouched low and began to make his way deeper into the cave. There was luckily no need for a torch as the dragon's magic had caused the mineral veins in the cave walls to pulse and glow with a faint red light, more than enough light to let his feline eyes see clear as day.

The cave passage sloped upward gently for a short while, before it took a sharp downward curve around a long lazy bend. Jakoor could see where the dragons' claws had carved away the walls to make it wide enough for its purposes. The deeper the lion warrior went, the warmer the cave became and soon he felt as if every inch of him was covered in a fine sheen of sweat. Eventually the passage opened into a large cavern with trickling water, which formed a deep pond. In the centre of the large pond was a small island which was covered in gleaming and glittering treasures. But that was not what he was there for, Jakoor was more interested in the large black scaled form curled up and fast asleep atop the treasure horde.

Normally honour would demand he wake the beast and face it head on, but after what it had done to his home and his friends, Jakoor decided the beast deserved no such thing. Carefully and slowly, he moved forward and stepped into the water, finding it oddly warm to the touch, despite coming from the melted snow at the apex of the mountain. Keeping his breathing steady and even, Jakoor agonisingly slowly picked his way between spilled treasures in the water to make his way onto the golden pile, careful not to make a sound and risk waking the beast. With the sword raised high over his head, he glared at a bared spot of the dragon's neck where the scales appeared to be the thinnest. Swinging down with all his might, intent on beheading Karradax with one mighty blow, Jakoor roared in victory. Only nothing happened, it felt as if he'd struck stone with an iron rod, but the blade did not even make contact with the dragon's neck. It hovered less than an inch from the beast's exposed throat as faint ripples reverberated out from the point of impact, as if they were ripples in water.

"You mortals really ought to pay closer attention to the world around you" Karradax laughed as he slammed his long, whiplike tail right into the lion's chest. Jakoor sailed backward through the air as if he weighed nothing, landing a few feet away and rolling through the dirt, coughing and wheezing from the blow. "Do you even know what that is you are wielding?" the black dragon asked with amusement as he slowly rose to his full height on all four limbs.

"It is The Dragonslayer! It will bring an end to any dragon..." Jakoor groaned as he clutched his aching ribs, thankfully they merely felt bruised but not broken. He'd suffered plenty worse in previous battles, so this was merely a minor setback in his plans. His knuckles turning white again as he gripped the hilt of his sword tighter, while using it to push himself back up to his feet.

"Ha! Is that what your texts call it?" Karradax laughed loud enough to make the walls of his cave vibrate and the lions' ears ring. "No, dear warrior. That...that is The Dragons does bring an end to any dragon, just not how you, let me show you" Karradax hissed and narrowed his glowing golden eyes, focusing his intent on the blade in the warrior's grip.

The cave suddenly went dark, the only light came from the dragons glowing golden eyes while he hissed in his ancient language. Jakoor began to feel dizzy, as if overcome with sudden vertigo. He tried to drop his weapon, but he found he could not open his hand, as if it no longer belonged to him. A growing heat began to burn against his palm, feeling as if he were holding a red-hot coal but unable to cast it away. He screamed in agony, but still he could not let go. His torment was far from over however, the burning pain began to crawl up along his arm from his hand and consume every inch of him until it was as if he was being burned alive. If the burning agony wasn't enough, a sudden crushing tightness began to invade the edges of his senses as well, as if his clothing were shrinking and his chainmail was digging into his flesh. Strange popping and screeching sounds were heard; mercifully minor relief soon came when the pressure all around him finally abated. Even with the near overwhelming pain and agony, Jakoor refused to beg for mercy, he would not give this beast the satisfaction.

Finally, he managed to drop the sword, collapsing to the floor a moment later and digging his gleaming golden claws into the dirt. His wings unfurled and fluttered behind him, along with his long sinuous tail. His slender forked tongue licked across his long maw and dozens of sharp teeth. Wait, he didn't have wings or a forked tongue? Jakoor pushed himself up off the dirt covered floor, feeling a strange new strength in his limbs. His senses were heightened as well, he could see clearly in the dark of the cave, even without any source of light. As he dug his claws through the dirt and into the rock below, it too yielded beneath his strange new strength as easily as if he were moulding wet clay. He tried to stand, but found walking on his hind legs was too awkward; being down on his all fours felt far more natural for some reason. Even though he was on all fours, his viewpoint seemed higher than it had been before he'd entered the cave.

"What did you do to me?" Jakoor turned to glare at the grinning Karradax, his glare faltering when he heard the strange timbre of his voice.

"As you said, you brought an end to me..." The large dark form laughed as it leaped effortlessly through the air and tackled the smaller crimson dragon to the ground, pinning Jakoor beneath himself. Even with his newfound strength, Jakoor found he was no match for Karradax. Try as he might, he could not push the great black beast off himself, even though he was now much closer in size to his foe.

"What are you doing!?" Jakoor snarled in panic when it became evident the black dragon was not trying to harm him, but more disturbingly, Karradax was grinding his hips down against the warrior's own. Something thick, hard and hot was beginning to grind against Jakoors belly. He didn't need to look down to know what it was. "I'm a warrior, a man! Surely you cannot stoop so low as this, foul beast!?" Jakoor tried desperately to reason with the black dragon.

"Not anymore you're not..." Karradax laughed before leaning down to give the crimson dragon a firm bite about the throat. His eager length began grinding between Jakoors thighs, rubbing against his new slit and eventually working deeper inside. Only when he felt the tip of the dragon's cock enter his new opening did the former lion understand what Karradax meant. He no longer had a penis; the black dragon was sheathing himself in Jakoors new dragoness cunt! Jakoor groaned and tried to squirm away from the black dragon, but it was no use. His sharp teeth scraped against her scaled throat; strong hands pinned her own clawed hands down up beside her head while muscled hips drove a thick ridged member deeper between her folds. "You're nothing but another brood mare for me now" Karradax hissed around Jakoors throat, his hips starting to roll and buck into the unfortunate dragoness.

The former lion warrior didn't know if it was some sort of magic, or just her new dragoness body, but there was a sickeningly undeniable pleasure she was starting to feel from the thick dragon cock thrusting between her thighs. Soon she realised that her thighs were spreading of their own accord, her hips had started to roll up against Karradaxs' thrusts and a faint pleasured whimper escaped her lips. She felt every thick ridge popping in and out of her snug little opening, rubbing against spots she didn't even know the name of inside herself. Before long, Jakoor howled with unwanted and shameful pleasure when she experienced her first climax as a dragoness.

"Good bitch, my turn..." Karradax huffed and snorted, his hips starting to hammer down hard enough to make hers ache with their near-earth shattering force. But still, that thick ridged length tugging at her stretched pussylips within her slit felt amazing. Even having her throat caught between the dragon's strong jaws and her hands pinned beside her head was becoming exciting, she wanted more. Finally, the black beast's bite released from about her throat when he raised his head to roar in pleasure and victory of claiming another. Jakoor felt the scalding hotness spilling deep inside her, searching out her reproductive organs and to fully claim the new dragoness. "You're part of my brood now, wench. You will serve me and help expand my flight" Karradax huffed and snorted, finally climbing off of Jakoor and returning to his position atop his horde.

"What brood?" Jakoor asked with a pant, too tired to move and remaining laying on her back, staring up at the cave ceiling. Karradax merely laughed and gestured to the far cave wall, with a low rumble it shifted and ground slowly to one side. Jakoors' eyes went wide as she was greeted by the faces of nearly half a dozen other faces. Dragonesses of all colours and sizes, most were clearly well-bred and nearly ready to lay their eggs. He recognized a few items still clinging to their forms, they were the other heroes and adventurers who had gone missing!

"All done with the sword, master?" a familiar voice called out from the tunnel up above.

"Yes, you have done well, take your payment and the sword. I'd like to try a horse next. Someone with a bit more stamina would make for a fun plaything" Karradax replied to the old badger, the merchant already filling a large sack with gold and jewels before collecting the sword on his way back out.

"I'll see what I can do" the badger grinned and paused to wink at the crimson dragoness staring at him with a shocked expression.