Camila Cums

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Camila and Miles are back yet again--and this time, after the events of this story featuring Falco and a rather catty little witch, our favorite vulpine explorer shows up at their humble abode.After escaping the clutches of the evil cat witch, Falco visits his friends, Camila and Miles, and shows them the two toe rings he's 'acquired' from the witch. What happens next is delightfully tantalizing. >:)

"Wakey, wakey," said Miles, padding into Camila's room, tray balanced in his hands. "Breakfast time."

Camila shifted and squished her pillow into her face. "Ten more minutes, Butt." Her massive tail stirred, absentmindedly pushing her bedsheet off one of her feet.

"Nope, C. Gots to eat now--remember, Falco's coming today. With those enchanted rings."

The skunk groaned through the pillow. "What's ten more minutes? Jeez, lemme sleep."

Miles sighed, putting the tray of hot pancakes, orange juice, bacon, and eggs on the bedside table. "Come on. Your food's getting cold."

"I'm fine with lukewarm pancakes," came the muffled reply.

"You leave me no choice, C, but to bring out the weapons of mass destruction . . ." Miles smirked and adjusted his glasses. The dog sat on the edge of the bed, the mattress yielding to his weight and sinking at the side. "I think you need a wakeup call."

Camila squealed at the top of her lungs when Miles danced his short claws all over her exposed sole. "Argh!" She threw the pillow to the side of the room with an annoyed whip of her entire arm. "What is your problem? Can't I just sleep in peace on a weekend? And tickling!? You're the worst, Butt!" she exclaimed, voice fluttering between playful anger and sassiness.

"You left me no choice! How do you think Falco'll feel if we tell him he can't come in 'cause princess didn't get her sleep?"

"Well, you are right about one thing," Camila said as Miles put the breakfast tray on her lap, "I am a princess." She took a bite out of the brown sausage and spoke, all the while chewing with gusto: "I mean, I got a doggy servant bringing me food. All I need now is a tiara!"

Miles rolled his eyes and walked to her door. "Whatever, Princess C. You got half an hour to finish that, then we'll show you those magical rings he's bringing. You're gonna love it."

"Sure, Butt, 'magical'," taunted the ever-skeptical Camila, putting the last word in air quotes. "And bring me maple syrup. Chop chop!"

Miles shook his head and closed the door behind him.

"Got that yolk off your whiskers, C?"

"Of course." Camila heaved the front door open, and before either could get a word in, their visitor was in their living room.

"Hello, you lovely people, you!" Falco threw his backpack on the couch and greeted Camila with a kiss on the back of her hand. "How do you do, my Lady?"

"What is this, medieval roleplay?" asked Camila, adjusting the lapels of the fox's open explorer jacket.

"It's funny you mention that," said Falco, shaking Miles' hand. "Someone legit went medieval on me last night. But yours truly came out unscathed--it's how I got these fancy-ass rings." Falco took out two shiny bands, holding them in the palm of his hand. Camila and Miles looked at them in their own way: Miles with supernatural curiosity, his eyes bugged out, ears perked up in excitement; Camila with pursed lips and foot tapping impatiently, as if a child were telling her some ridiculous tale.

"Are they really enchanted, Falco?" asked Miles, reaching out with a hesitant finger to poke one of them. "They're real shiny."

"Come on, Miles." Camila snorted. "If Falco told you he found them in the lost city of Atlantis, you'd believe him." She picked one up with two fingers and tried them on for size. "See? Just ordinary rings," she said as one slipped onto her pinky finger in a perfectly snug fit.

"That's where you're mistaken," said Falco, holding up the remaining ring to the room's center ceiling light; the outer band boasted a series of ornate etched runes. "See that? That's carved into them when they're imbued with magic."

"Magic?" Miles' ears stood.

"That's right. Snagged them off this witch. Nasty piece of work, that woman. Hates visitors apparently."

Camila couldn't help stifling a giggle. "Witch? Falco, are you for real?"

"Very much so. Why, she even tortured me when she discovered me outside her nefarious little hut. What a den of depravity that was, I shit you not . . . Medieval, I repeat, that wench was."

"What did she do to you, Falco?" Miles' ears remained erect.

Falco scowled. "It's . . . well, let's just say it's kind of salacious and scandalous."

"Salacious and scandalous is what I live for, Falco," exclaimed Camila, her butt sinking into the couch. "Have a seat; tell us." She tapped the cushion next to hers with her hand.

"Well, all right, if you must." Falco jumped onto the couch; his backpack catapulted straight up. "She strapped me down," he said, catching the rucksack in a bearhug, "and teased my cock."

Camila burst into laughter. "Are you for real? Your cock? Come on, seriously--what did this 'witch' do?"

"I'm being for real!" exclaimed Falco as Miles made himself comfortable on the coffee table, sitting opposite the fox and the skunk. "She had these magical floating hands that she controlled, and she had them strap me down, and, well, she wouldn't let me 'finish,' if you get what I mean."

She chortled into her paw again. "Miles, dude," she said, turning to the bespectacled canine. "You don't buy this, right? Magical hands?" She looked back at Falco. "And no need to mince words, mister. We've known each other for years. You can say she didn't let you cum."

"C has a point, Falco." Miles crossed his arms and scowled. "The floating hands crap. That's one thing I definitely need to see before I believe. And what on earth is this stuff about not letting you cum? What, she just tied you down and didn't let you shoot your load? How did you escape?"

"Well, I used her own magic against her," said Falco, taking his hat off and pointing at his head. "First rule: Never lose your noggin."

"Oh, yeah?" Camila chimed in. "And what exactly did you do?"

"I got those floating hands to overpower her. Well, not really--first I had to relieve myself." Falco rolled his eyes into the back of his head. "Those bad boys know how to please someone. Let's just say I sprayed that whole place down."

Camila and Miles crinkled their snouts in unison.

"Look, if I owned that hut, I'd be grossed out too, but a guy has his needs."

"Whatever, yeah. You're a horny fox; we get it, Falco. Then what happened?"

"Well, my Lady, that's where these rings come into the picture. See that thing on your finger?"

Camila raised an eyebrow and nodded, studying the band around her digit.

"Toe rings. I plucked 'em off her feet. But don't you worry--sterilized them when I got back home."

"So, this 'witch' just let you steal her jewelry?" asked Miles, for once leading the skeptical onslaught.

"She didn't let me at first." Falco shook his head. "She was a worthy adversary till the bitter end."

"Well, what happened?" Camila had taken the ring off and was trying to read the symbols etched into it.

"This may sound a bit ridiculous, but I had to resort to . . . well, tickling."

"That's just silly, Falco." Camila eased into the sofa, kicking her feet up onto the cushion and bending her knees, still studying the ring. "Whoever heard of tickling as torture? You're making this up."

"You're one to speak, C. You're the most ticklish person this side of the ocean; I'm sure you'd know what it's like!" said Miles.

Camila's eyes widened. "Hey, shut up, Butt!"

"Is that true, though, Camila?" asked Falco, ears raised. "Are you really ticklish?"

She chuckled nervously. "I mean, like, everyone is a little, I guess."

Camila's eyebrows went up when Falco held her ankle daintily between two fingers and led her foot to his lap. "So, you're just a little ticklish?"

"Yeah, C. Just a little? Wanna put your money where your maw is? If you're just a little ticklish, you won't laugh, right?" asked Miles.

"You lose, you slip that ring on your toe and I get to show you that the magic works. You win, I'll demonstrate it on myself," said Falco.

"You two are deluded," said Camila, the tip of her toe twitching in Falco's lap. "There's no such thing as magic. No witch, no flying hands. Just a fox that likes telling taaaaaaaaaaaall tales. Fine, I'm game. Nothing to worry about."

"Where should I start? The toes? Maybe the heels?"

"Screw you, Falco. I'm ready to play on hard mode. Do your worst." Camila stuck a defiant tongue out, hoping that neither of them noticed her heart beating a little faster.

"Well, that would be hardly fair," said Falco, letting the tips of his fingers absentmindedly graze the sole of her foot. "Gotta give you a fighting chance."

Camila's whiskers twitched, and her mind insisted that she laugh like a little girl, but she forced herself to remain composed. "What isn't fair is you coming here after months and months, only to try and peddle tall tales about witches and cocks and hands and tick--" A silent snicker escaped her when Falco started drawing a circle. "And tickling," Camila managed to say, pulling the collar of her shirt over her snout to hide her face.

"What's wrong, C?" teased Miles.

"Your existence is wrong," she managed to squeak out before the giggle fit overtook her. "Oh, hahaha, fuck you, Falco." She quickly pulled her foot off his lap.

"Guess someone's gonna get some magic used on them," the fox triumphantly declared, motioning towards the ring Camila held in her paw.

She threw it into his open palm, and Falco slipped the ring onto Camila's second toe. "And I guess someone's about to get busted for being a liar."

"To be fair, you did lie about not being that ticklish," said Miles as Falco handed him a leatherbound book from the fox's backpack.

"Meh. You just wanted Falco here to tickle me. You already tickled me this morning; that's my quota for the entire month."

The vulpine raised an eyebrow. "You tickled her this morning? Is this a routine thing or what?"

"Nah. Butt just did that so I could get my ass down here in time."

"Excuse me," interjected Miles indignantly. "That was also so your ass could eat the breakfast that I made for you while it was still hot."

Camila flared her nostrils at Miles. "Whatever, Butt. Your sausages were kinda bland."

Miles scowled and pretended to hurl the heavy tome at her. "Last time I'm making you breakfast."

"People, World War C can wait for another day. Right now, we got some magic to try out," said Falco. "Miles, open the book to page 423."

The dog did as he was told; his eyes, seeming bigger than what they were because of his glasses, went back and forth. He looked back up at Falco. "This is a pretty crazy spell, Falco. What book is this, even?" Miles turned to the cover and gasped. "The Grimoire. I had no clue this thing actually existed . . ."

"Come on, Miles." Camila rubbed her snout in frustration. "Don't tell me you're starting to fall for it! It's probably just some junk he picked up at the pawn shop. Ain't that right, Falco?"

"You don't get it, C." Miles tapped a specific word with a finger. "There's stuff in here it shouldn't know."

"All I'm gonna say is that you're in for the time of your life, Camila," said Falco. "Miles--read that incantation out loud."

Camila shook her head and rolled her eyes as Miles began.

"Golden Aphrodite, fair and fearsome goddess,

mighty one whose will it is that the heart leads us

where the mind knows not to go; Aphrodite,

whose hand it is that guides us to the cliff's edge,

whose voice it that dares us to jump into the dark,

whose gift is love's reward. worth any risk.

Blessed Aphrodite, many have sought to turn

from you, but fire is fire, and feeling is feeling,

and neither can be contained by will alone.

Goddess, I thank you for moments free of reason,

I thank you for the dominion of desire.

Aphrodite, yours is the force of life, yours

the call of instinct; goddess whose power it is

that leads us to joy or desperation, I praise you

for your many gifts. I ask you to bestow the gift

of the knowledge of your existence upon the fair

damsel Camila."

"Really? It says 'Camila'? It just so happens to know my name? What a coincidence! I mean, it's just words, what can it--" Camila scowled. "Hey, did you put some weird chemical on this ring, Falco?" She pulled her foot toward herself and grabbed hold of the metal. "It's tingling a lot."

"Just you wait for the rest."

Camila pouted. "Let me guess, you put some stuff on the ring that takes time to get absorbed into the skin, and you timed this whole stunt with that fake ancient book so it looks like the ring's doing something." She waggled her finger as if reprimanding a small child. "Clever, Falco, but you'll need something more extravagant, I--" The tingling traveled up her leg, ankle, foot, and reached her knee. "Wow, wow. Sheesh, how much chemical crap is on this thing? It's like pins and needles!" It reached her thick thighs, and Camila frowned. "This better not hurt me, it's--"

"Falco, what does the spell really do? I mean, I can guess, but . . . it won't hurt her, right?" asked Miles.

"Don't be silly, Miles. I wouldn't have her try out a dangerous spell. Trust me, if anything, it definitely won't hurt." He turned to the skunk, whose face had suddenly tinted red where there were bits of white fur. "Something wrong, Camila?"

Camila bit her lip. "Falco, goddamit, I--" She huffed and grabbed her boobs. "Jeez, that feels so good!" The magical tingling tickled and caressed every single nerve between her legs that could excite her.

"You have to be kidding me, Falco!" Miles, too, blushed. "Is that spell gonna make her . . . You know--"

"Cum? You bet. Like she's never, ever before."

Camila panted, white fingertips tweaking away at her nipples. "You naughty foxy," she said amidst ragged breaths. "You're gonna have to tell me what the hell you used on the ring, because it feels so good, holy shit!"

Falco chuckled as the skunk arched her back in obvious pleasure. "Not even an earth-shattering orgasm's gonna convince her, is it?"

"You don't live with her," said Miles. "You have no clue what it's like."

"That's fine." Falco crossed his legs and looked back at the swooning skunk. "I got more tricks up my sleeves; for now, let's stop talking for a bit, yeah? It's rude to talk over a girl's orgasm."

Miles nodded, his toes curling in arousal and embarrassment as he watched his friend peak.

Camila's orgasm exploded, not just in her clit, not just in her pussy, but in every single nerve ending that was capable of relaying pleasure signals. She grunted and howled with each full-body wave of ecstasy. After a minute of hip twerking, shuddering, and tail shaking, the skunk collapsed, sprawled out, on the sofa, head hanging over the armrest. "OK," she managed to groan after a bit longer. "A concentrated aphrodisiac cream. Really smart." She smiled and lifted her head, face still crimson in places. "I will give you that."

"Oh, ye of little faith," said Falco, shaking his head, fingering the other ring. "No matter. I got yet another way."

"If it involves more 'fun,' I'm game." Camila cracked her knuckles. "I don't know if you noticed, but that thing rocked my world."

Miles giggled sheepishly. "We noticed all right. You may wanna, like, put some new pants on. Those are kinda--"

"Oh shit . . ." Camila sighed and looked down between her spread legs; sure enough, a rather dark blotch covered her crotch. She got up and started up the stairs. "Well, this isn't embarrassing at all, nope," she muttered, her new toe ring clinking against the wooden floor of the landing at the top of the stairs. "Gimme five minutes. Need to change and freshen up."

"When she says, 'freshen up,' she typically means she has to take a dump," said Miles to an obviously amused Falco. "But I think she was serious this time. I hate to sound crass, but I could kinda smell it."

"You'd have to be dead not to. I think cumming that hard would kill someone--she just wouldn't stop."

"Like when you wouldn't stop spewing all over that witch's hut?"

Falco rolled his eyes. "Maybe we should tie you down and see how much you cum after being denied for a few hours."

"Like that's ever going to happen," said Miles, trying to suppress laughter.

"It just may," said Falco. "I mean, you do kind of have an enormous erection, Miles."

"Hey!" hissed Miles, squeezing his legs together. "Keep it down."

"And what are you two fuzzbutts yammering about now?" Camila strutted down the stairs as she fixed her hair. "Doesn't matter. Falco, wanna stay for dinner? You really need to give me the formula for that cream or whatever it was."

The vulpine shook his head. "There's no cream--look, Camila, Aphrodite let one infinitesimally small ray of her energy through your body. She's the goddess of love, so you experienced that as, well, a full-body orgasm."

"The only thing right about any of that was 'full-body orgasm.'" Camila crashed back onto the couch. "For real, I'll pay you if you hook me up with that cream. I don't think you understand how good that was."

"I can imagine," said Falco, bouncing the other ring in his hand. "I did research on how the incantation works . . . and here's the deal: You wear one ring, you only get a fraction of the energy. But with both rings on?" He approached her and picked up the foot with no ring on any toe by the ankle. "Describing it as a 'religious experience' would be the understatement of the century. Care to give it a try?"

"Can you believe this guy, Miles?" She turned back to Falco. "Dude, I only have one clean pair of panties left. I can't keep changing over and over again."

"Why, of course I believe him, C." Miles wiggled his ass, hoping to dislodge his erection from where it was so it'd be less visible. "The ring just rocked your world, and you're still trying to come up with some cockamamie explanation."

Camila laughed out loud. "Come on, Butt. What's likelier, woo-woo or my explanation? You didn't even believe it yourself at first. Dude, he said there were ghost hands and shit!"

"So you're in a giggly mood, huh?" Falco, still holding her bare foot, walked a couple of fingers up her sole. "Whatcha say, Camila? Wanna try the spell again with both rings on?"

Camila's huge tail straightened out and her eyes went wide. "Falco! Stop that!" she hissed through gritted teeth, trying to tug her foot out of his grasp.

"Oh, that's right," affirmed Miles. "You're not gonna find anyone as ticklish as C this side of the country."

"MILES! Shut up about that already!" she yelled, dissolving into a fit of uncontrollable giggles right afterwards. Falco gave her one last tickle before letting go of her paw. "Gee, all right," said Camila, smiling wide. "If you're gonna go all Spanish Inquisition on me, get that ring on."

"Attagirl." The ring slipped onto her other foot as easily as the first one.

Miles leaned forward. "Ready to be a believer, C?"

"In what, Butt? Science? Reason? Pheromones and aphrodisiac creams? I'm already a member of the Church of Rationality. Hell," she wiggled her toes to make the two rings sparkle, "I'm its pope."

"I'm warning you, Camila. This is gonna be overwhelming. No . . . much, much more than just overwhelming." Falco opened the tome again and set it in Miles' lap. "You ready to have your entire worldview changed?"

Camila grabbed a sofa cushion and hugged it. "I'm ready to have a chemically-induced orgasm, yes." She scooted her ass till her striped tail was flush against the backrest. "But it better be worth it," she said, getting into a yoga meditation pose with the soles of her feet facing up. "I can't keep changing my underwear."

Falco shook his head at her unwavering hubris as Miles squinted at the Gothic-print text. "OK. Do I start reading again?" asked the dog.

"You don't need anyone's permission, Butt. Go ahead. Let's see if the cream wore off or if I'll get a double dose." She motioned with her finger at the tome with a sweeping movement. "Come on, Miles, I ain't got all day."

"All right, Your Royal Highness," said Miles sardonically, tongue pressed tightly against his cheek. He took a deep breath and read the incantation a second time, this time making sure he enunciated each word with the utmost precision, lest Aphrodite strike him down.

At first, the lack of supernatural reaction caused Camila to scoff. "Aw, come on," she said, fingering a ring around her toe. "No tingles this time." She let go of the cushion, setting it beside her. "Welp. So much for that cream or whatever it was. Single use only. Just as I suspect--" Camila's demeanor suddenly changed as a purple mist floated above her feet. She stared wide-eyed at the bizarre haze as it went around her feet, her ankles, and traveled up her legs. "Wow! What the fuck is that!"

"That, my dear skunk friend, is the beginning of your conversion," said Falco, a purple glint in his soft eyes, irises closely following the two snakelike columns of smoke.

Camila chuckled. "A hidden projector! That's real clever, Falco! Must've cost a fortune, though." Her demeanor changed completely as the wisps of magic went once around her curvy thighs to tunnel straight into her crotch. "OH, FUUUUUUUUUCK! OH, FUCK, FUCK, YES!"

"Holy guacamole, that's one hell of an orgasm," Miles said as his glasses slid down his snout.

"Oh, you ain't seen nothing yet!" exclaimed Falco, pointing at Camila.

She arched her back and, hands grasping at her hair as if holding on for dear life to every last piece of sanity she had left, levitated--the skunk floated in air, still in the lotus position, completely enraptured.

"She's levitating," whispered Miles. "Holy shit, she's actually levitating!" The dog blinked a few times and wiped his glasses on his shirt.

"She's gonna up there a while," Falco said as Camila thrust her hips, fucking the invisible but very real energy. "Aphrodite's gonna take a while to fully convince this one."

As Camila pulled the cushion up into a hug as tight as death, her crotch--sopping wet and dark--came into view for the boys. "FUUUUUUUUUCK, YES! AHHHHHHHH!"

"She's gonna have to change again," said Miles, blushing fiercely as his eyes glanced over the skunk's groin. "I really had no clue she was a squirter." His eyes followed a couple drops of she-cum as they dribbled onto the sofa cushion underneath her.

"All girls are squirters if they cum hard enough, Miles. And Aphrodite hasn't even started. Watch."

Sure enough, Camila's eyes shot open; her body, still suspended in midair, straightened out. An inhuman, throat shredding scream pierced dog and fox ears as the skunk contorted in pleasure.

"Isn't it marvelous?" asked Falco, fingers plugged into his ears to drown out Camila's feral grunts. "Each nerve is feeling a hundred orgasms, all at once."

Falco wasn't kidding--Aphrodite had taken it upon herself to pleasure the skunk; the goddess, a mystical, shimmering being of lavender, deep violets, glowing lilacs, and eyes of a brilliant amethyst, bypassed Camila's physical body and plucked at her very essence.

"Will she ever stop?" Miles' eyes were squinted in discomfort: as erotic as Camila's moans were, they were loud. Again, his boner twitched against his jeans.

Aphrodite, invisible to all except the skunk, with a motion of her gossamer hands, compelled Camila's essence to vibrate and thrum at the cadence, at the rhythm reserved for immortal beings, allowing Camila a taste of divinity--unbearable, extreme bliss.

Falco nodded. "When she squirts a bunch. That's when Aphrodite goes nuts. Keep watching."

A half-minute later, with her torso still curved in impossible ecstasy, her shorts grew a couple of shades darker; the wetness revealed her pulsing cameltoe. "OHHHHH! UGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK, YES!" Her toes curled tight, and a gush of sex-scented liquid shot out of her soaked bottomwear. She grunted, eyes rolling into the back of her head before she came crashing down onto the sofa on her stomach.

Aphrodite ran her mystical fingers through the unconscious skunk's hair before departing.

"Holy fuck, man. Did, did she finish cumming?" asked Miles, closing the thick book of spells and rushing over to check on the skunk.

"Yep. Give her a bit though--she's out cold. Should come to in about an hour. Her mind's gotta rest."

Camila, indeed, snored loudly. It was as if she'd returned from three consecutive rock concerts.

"Come on, C, wakey wakey," Miles said, jabbing his fingers into her waist. "What? Not even a smile?"

She kept snoring, a fine line of drool dangling from her ajar mouth.

Miles scowled. "She's out like a rock. This always wakes her up with a jump." He danced short, stubby dog claws all over the bottom of one foot, but all Camila did was what she was already doing: snore and breathe out, the tips of her fingers twitching as her arm dangled over the sofa's edge.

"If that doesn't wake her up, she's pretty much spent," said Falco.

"Damn, you're right," said Miles, plucking both rings off her toes and handing them to Falco.

"Wanna go upstairs and see all the other juicy spells in this book? Meanwhile, Camila can chill here and wake up when she's relaxed."

"Sounds like a plan."

"Mhm. And while we're at it, I can summon some hands to take care of you," said Falco, glancing at the bulge between Miles' legs. "Firsthand experience--you won't regret it."

"I'm game."

The two climbed the stairs and headed to Miles' bedroom.

Camila snickered, pushing aside her plate of breakfast pancakes. "Levitating? Are you serious? I don't remember anything of the sort."

"Well," started Falco, pouring himself some more orange juice, "what do you remember?"

"That's a bit more embarrassing, but, admittedly, there is something that's clearer in my mind." Camila tugged the collar of her shirt. "It was like being skewered, but instead of pain, it was this indescribable relief and pleasure. For the first time, I felt like I was interacting with a part of me that I never knew existed, with my true essence. And it lasted soooo long." She rolled her eyes, reliving the ecstasy, before turning to Falco. "You really need to tell me what's in those rings. And don't give me any magic mumbo-jumbo."

Miles scowled and swished some coffee around in his mouth. "You expect us to lie? We both saw you floating in thin air, C. And what about that purple mist? You saw it too!"

"Get real, Butt. Ever heard of mass hysteria? Collective delusion? You two were psyching me out. I also wanted to cum again, so maybe my wishful thinking mingled with your woo-woo."

"And you sure did cum, holy shit. We couldn't even wake you up after you squirted all over the place," Falco said, walking to the kitchen with his plate.

"Speak for yourself, you're the one that 'drenched' that witch's place. And I don't even want to know what you guys did to me while I was out; I know you're both quite the pervs!"

"Hey, shut up," said Miles as he scarfed down his last sausage. "We didn't do anything weird. We just tried to wake you up, and then we went up to my room so Falco could show me all the neat incantations. There's sexual stuff, and stuff to get stronger, and even one where it says it can make you levitate. Just like last night!"

"Whatever. What did you even do to try and wake me up? Dare I ask?"

"Well, I tried to tickle you awake."

Camile cringed. "Oh, jeez, don't do that. Can't a gal just sleep in peace?"

"What are you getting all bent out of shape for? It didn't even work, you just kept snoring like a drunk-ass lion," said Miles.

Camila flicked a small piece of hash at Miles. "I do not sound like a lion when I snore."

"Hah! So you do snore."

She rolled her eyes as Falco spoke from the kitchen: "Checkmate, Camila. You just admitted you snore."

"Hey, I may snore, but at least I don't believe in bullshit magic. You buy a couple of cutesy rings from a pawn store, sneak some old-ass book out of the library, sprinkle some aphrodisiac cream on the rings, and now you're the Dr. Phil of sex, huh?"

"The Dr. Phil of sex? The TV psychologist? What are you even talking about, C? You're beginning to lose it. I think cumming that hard got to your head, honestly." Miles grasped his head and rolled his eyes back, imitating Camila. "Ohhh, fuck, yes, I'm cumming, yes! I'm a naughty waughty skunk!" He thrust his hips, much like she had the night before.

Camila swatted at Miles with her napkin. "You are a terrible actor. I so do not sound like that!"

"Actually, you do," chimed in Falco. "I think he could get the award for Best Imitation of a Horny Skunk."

"Aw, fuck, you guys suck!"

"'Aw, fuck,'? Yeah, you said that too when you were"--Falco snuck up behind her and jabbed her in the sides--"cumming your guts out."

Camila yelped and jumped half a foot off her chair, much to the amusement of her friends. "Waaargh! You jerk!" She swatted Falco away. "Don't make me kick you in the nuts, you crazy fox."

"Oh, I'd love your feet on my junk, Camila." He made a joking grab for her closest hind paw. "It's what I live for."

"Ack! Get away from me!" Camile snickered and ran upstairs. "You guys suck--I'm gonna be on my computer a bit."

The last thing they saw of her was her huge tail before the door closed.

"How can you deal with so much skepticism?" asked Falco, sitting back down for some coffee. "How the hell does she still not believe? A sex goddess literally went through her and gave her an awakening much more intense than the road to Damascus, and she's still going through these mental gymnastics."

"That's Camila for you," said Miles. "Like I said, I actually have to live with her--it's a lot worse than you think."


"Yeah, there was this one time she tried to debunk psychic surgery. She was way too ticklish, though, and whenever the guy pushed into her tummy to make it look like he was pulling something out, she couldn't keep it together. She ended up rolling into a ball and kneeing the guy in the face." Miles shook his head. "There was blood and all. She's lucky he didn't sue her."

"That's hilarious, sheesh. And that's just her tummy. Glad nobody got to her feet, I guess. They'd have been murdered."

"I remember now! That's right. Some months back she did this reflexology thing and recorded it to show it was all pseudoscience and whatnot. You know her, though--she could not keep it together, and, well, the video got leaked, and now she's on a bunch of adult sites where randos jerk off to her feet."

Falco raised an eyebrow. "I may or may not look that up when I get back home. Who leaked the video, though? She recorded it on her phone, right?"


"Then who the hell has access to her phone? Someone she lives with . . ." Falco's eyes widened. "Miles."

"It can be our little secret, Falco. Besides, I don't think she knows about it. She doesn't visit sites like that. I don't think she does, anyway."

Just as Miles finished talking, an ear-splitting roar came from upstairs: "MILES, DID YOU UPLOAD THIS?!" Camila stormed out of her room and leaned over the banister. "And what's that gross doggy cum smell?"

"Cat's outta the bag, sport," Falco chuckled to a blushing Miles.