My New MILFY Teacher is My New Mommy [DIRTY]

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Being turned into a wolf is overwhelming for poor Vivian. In a shocked state, she has regressed into a spell of infantile behavior, clinging to her new owl professor like a shy little kid!

Lucky for Vivian, that doesn't stop the professor for wanting to do very ADULT things with her...

Maybe I could have split up the Vivian/Toby plots into separate stories because this is another LONG one. I've been dwelling on some of my longer stories and how they can feel collage-like with all the different elements and not in a good way. I think this one works, though, and it was good to cycle back to Vivian and explore her character.

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That day had been rough for Vivian. What started as a gloomy college schoolday took a turn for the absurd when a sorceress entered the classroom and turned every student into an animal. There wasn't a myuman left in the class!

Vivian dreaded being turned into something and when the moment came and she was turned into a wolf, she was so overwhelmed she broke down sobbing and wet her pants. Right in front of everyone, the girl of 18 years cried, peed her pants, and had to be comforted by the teacher like a little kid, the teacher being her new owl professor who transformed her in the first place!

It was the end of class and students were moving to the door. Vivian, resting her head in her arms, pulled herself up from her desk. It was time to leave, she knew, and that meant it was time to get up.

She got out of her seat, embarrassed to display her still wet pants. Front or back, anyone could see that the wolf girl had an accident. The dark, damp stain rested on her jeans like an embarrassing photograph in a family album. What was the point in hiding it?

Her head was hung low as she walked to the front. She was hardly the only student who had soiled herself, but she was so caught up in her own embarrassment that the pissed pants and crapped underoos of other students didn't ease her humiliation or make it seem ok. She felt shame.

Darwin lead them out into the halls and Vivian could barely lift her head to look at the wild around her. It wasn't the college she knew anymore, the one from the myuman world she came from. It had transformed into something else, not just because of the zoomans roaming the halls but the halls themselves had changed their shape, too.

The tile floor was cold on Vivian's bare wolf feet. Her breathing got strained and a wooziness took her head. It was a nightmare and it didn't look like she was waking up anytime soon.

Everything felt alien and she felt lost looking down the bustling hallways. The only anchor she could think of was her professor: Darwin the owl. Darwin stood in front of the group and Vivian spotted the professor corralling the student with a careful authority, her voice commanding but compassionate. A waft of ease came on Vivian as she stared at Darwin, and she walked closer to be content in her aura of safety.

Darwin gestured everyone close and Vivian took it further than most, siding up to Darwin quietly. Darwin's dressed-sleeved arm was hanging there idly. It looked so welcoming that Vivian had to take it in her hands. It was a gesture that was barely willed by Vivian, but she felt better holding Darwin's arm. Darwin wasn't expecting it but when she saw Vivian, staring out into space like she just got out of a battle, Darwin would let the wolf hold the her arm. Maybe she needed some special care.

Darwin lead the crowd of students around the transformed college. There were a few stops before getting to the dorms where students were paired off and shooed inside their bedrooms to relax and in many cases change their pants.

Darwin walked down a hall of dorm room doors, assigning each one to a pair. It came time to assign Toby with someone. Toby, one of the first students Darwin blessed with a zooman form. He was handsome, had a nice voice, and when Darwin took one of her hands down to his crotch earlier in the classroom, discovered that the cat boy was packing.

She couldn't pair him off with herself; she had to give him a roommate from one of the students. She looked around thinking that with a dick his size he could pleasure anyone a few tiers above his size-grade. Darwin spotted Celine, the camel.

She turned to Toby, "Cat..."

He nervously stepped forward.

Darwin looked at Celine, "Camel..."

Celine didn't respond, staring blankly. The word didn't mean anything to her. Then she remembered she had been turned into a camel. She looked at her body, her hoofy fingers and snout. Yes, she was a camel. She was the camel. She took to Toby's side.

"I supposed," she sighed, "you two will be roommates."

Toby and Celine gave each other a nervous look. Darwin leaned down and fondled Toby's crotch again. Toby grew nervous further but having a big-breasted lady rub her hand on his junk was pleasurable. He curled his toes.

"Sadly," said Darwin, "I will not be able to join you." She leaned over to Celine, "Please... enjoy him."

Toby took Celine's hand and anxious smiles plastered on their faces. They drifted into their assigned room and the door closed quietly.

The pairing off of roommates continued while Vivian clinged to Darwin. Everyone left until it was only she and the professor left. The professor and her babified teacher's pet. Darwin stepped in front of Vivian and lightly put her hands on the wolf girl's shoulders, "How are you feeling?"

Vivian could barely raise her eyes to look at Darwin. She couldn't speak a word, either.

Darwin rubbed her shoulders, "That bad, huh? Did you want to come with me to my room? We could..." Darwin pivoted her owl feet a little, "... relax."

Vivian nodded lightly and took Darwin's arm. The two headed off through the halls. With Darwin not busy with a crowd, she was glad to wave at her fellow coworkers and pass them a hello- fellow staff members that she was friends with. They went through the halls, traveling through a labyrinth that couldn't be Vivian's old college judging by the mere size of this new building.

They reached a hallway with soft violet carpeting and more space between the doors. They approached one with a rosy colored paint job sided by vase-shaped lanterns. Opening it, Darwin stepped into her room with Vivian.

Darwin's room was more than a single room, judging by the few doors around the walls. It had lots of floor space and looked to be a den with the couch and TV at its center. There were bookshelves, small tables surrounded by chairs, and a potted plant in the corner among other decorations. There was a large bed in the corner. It was a lavish room fit for one of the school's lived-in professors.

With a feather hand over Vivian's shoulder, Darwin brought her into the center of the room, "This is my room. I'd say make yourself at home," Darwin looked down at Vivian's peed pants, "but it looks like you might need a change first."

Darwin directed Vivian to the bathroom. It was impressively large as well. The shower, which was an open shower with ridged sides to hold in water, had a large area for washing off... or doing something on one's hands and feet.

The sink was large but surprisingly there were two toilets side by side. There was also a surface, slightly higher than a table and with a padded cushion on the top. There was a box of wipes at its side.

Darwin pointed at the toilet, "You'll likely want to relieve yourself. In case you're at risk for an accident." She eyed behind Vivian, "The other kind of accident."

Vivian did as was told and walked up to the toilet. She looked back at Darwin uncomfortably. Darwin knew the look she was giving and sighed, "I know you don't want to go to the washroom in front of me, but you're going to have to force yourself."

Vivian grimaced then turned to point her butt at the toilet. She fumbled with her jeans and unbuckled her belt. Pulling down her jeans, the damp denim rubbed against her furry legs and the feeling made her twist with agony. It was a mortifying reminder that just earlier she did one thing no adult should ever do.

Her pants fell to her wolfy feet. She looked down at her pissed panties, vaginal lips poking through the wet fabric. She stood there, staring depressingly at the underwear, yellow stain like a watercolor painting of her fear. After a moment to gather her courage, she took to the panties and pulled them down.

There was a second or two where she had to close her eyes to stomach exposing herself like that, but then she opened them and gazed down. Underneath, a brush of thick hair popped out like mane. Below that was her sex, a different color and puffiness than Vivian had as a myuman. There was a temptation to touch it and see what it felt like but Vivian ignored that to sit down and see if she could do her business.

Darwin went into the main room, not closing a door behind her. Vivian heard some drawers opening and closing and was left alone for awhile to produce something but her bowels weren't very eager to empty themselves. She took her time then tried to force something, but nothing was going on.

Darwin came back, some pants and underwear in her feathery hands. She could see Vivian frustrated on the toilet and came over, prompting Vivian to fold her legs in to shyly hide her sex.

"Having trouble going, huh?" asked Darwin.

Vivian nodded.

"How about I sit down with you?" said Darwin, "Maybe you'll get more comfortable if you hear someone else do it?"

She didn't wait for Vivian to respond. Darwin reached under her dress and pulled down her panties. She turned and sat her big feather hind down on the toilet, holding up her frock so that folds of flab hung over the seat.

Vivian darted her eyes forward, terrified to look at the professor while she did business of her own. Having pissed her pants was overwhelming enough, but now she had an owl lady toileting beside her!

Out of the corner of her eye, Vivian could see Darwin turn her head to her... and then the tinkling began. It started dainty but the explusion turned loud with a forceful stream hitting the porcelain bowl. Then there was a FLORP and a BLART and the owl was going number two as well. Darwin grinned. PRRRRRLORSH, VPPPT-VPPPT-VPT, and BLARRRRT. Darwin smiled even wider, disgustingly warm.

Vivian blushed and didn't know what make of Darwin's enthusiasm for sharing a bathroom break but the sound of her defecation was contagious. Vivian's body relaxed and with her owl professor as her guide, Vivian relieved her bowels too. Trying not to jinx herself, she closed her eyes and ignored all the discomforts of her situation: her transformation, her soiling herself, her relieving beside another zooman being.

Darwin finished and reached back to grab a couple sheets of toilet paper from the roll on the wall and wiped herself while she watched the wolf girl with a smile. The wolf girl went from being plugged up to pooping like a machine with no frustration!

Darwin got up. Vivian got a glance of how much Darwin left from herself before the owl flushed the toilet and pulled up her panties. Vivian took some paper to wipe her butt but when she took a few more sheets to dry off the pissed fur, Darwin put a hand on her shoulder, "We'll get at that on the table there." Darwin gestured at the table across the room where Vivian's clothes awaited.

Vivian got up and flushed, then looked down at her soiled clothes. Darwin kicked at them with her scaly feet, "Leave them. I got some new clothes for you."

Vivian walked over and hoisted herself up onto the table, the cool cushion tickling the furs on her ass. She could feel her vagina stick to the surface.

She wasn't sure what Darwin wanted to do until Darwin leaned over to grab a wet nap. Darwin wanted to clean her, Vivian realized. Darwin took Vivian's legs up and the wolf girl fell back, holding herself up with her elbows.

She wanted to protest for being treated like a baby, but as Darwin wiped down the fur on Vivian's thighs, she stared into Darwin's motherly face. Here she was wiping down an adult's soiled body and the owl could only appear pleasant or at least unphased with the disgusting duty. Vivian tried to mosey up some outrage but she felt less motivated with every stroke.

Darwin wiped Vivian's legs, giving all the fur up to the knees a good once-over. When she stroked down Vivian's thighs, the wolf girl's ass jiggled. The curves of her cheeks were very alluring and getting a look at Vivian's naked bottom half inspired the owl teacher to think about Vivian as a playmate for sexy fun times.

"You've come out quite good," said Darwin.

Vivian blushed. It resonated like a real compliment even if the idea of her being a good wolf still made her mind do backflips.

Darwin wiped Vivian's cheeks and Vivian couldn't help but twitch her toes. Darwin would take the damp tissue down Vivian's round rump and the wolf's toes would fold. Her feet would twist and turn when Darwin took the wipe down her sex, brushing the fur surrounding her netherlips and the thick bush that crowned it.

Darwin got under Vivian's butt and declared her done. She peeked behind at the trash can and threw the used wipes into them. Vivian hopped off the table and took the clothes Darwin had for her. They were a pair of jeans and panties, not that different from her the ones she came in on that were resting by the toilet.


Darwin gestured Vivian back out in the living room. The owl looked down at the wolf girl, looking off to the side- staring off into space again.

Darwin could feel Vivian shiver. The wolf girl was still caught in a fright, and Darwin was up to let her relax.

"Did you want to... sit?" asked Darwin.

Vivian looked up, eyes full of bright innocence, and nodded. Darwin took her to the couch and sat down, Vivian sitting beside her. Darwin offered a hand around her shoulder and motioned Vivian to lean against the owl's big body. The instincts inside of Vivian demanding her not to be so infantile flared up but the urge to cuddle was strong.

She leaned against Darwin, then turned her head inward to cuddle closer. The owl had a lot of pillowy fat on her. Vivian sighed and took a hand to Darwin's mid, the warm feeling of jovial pudge tingling her fingers.

Minutes passed. Vivian rested on Darwin's body, almost falling into slumber. It was too relaxing; so much so that even while terrifying thoughts passed through her head- what had happen to her, where she was, could she go home- none of them affected her. In the arms of her owl professor, she was safe.

Her mind drifted and quieted and she cuddled into Darwin's body, their feet occasionally touching. Vivian passed her foot into Darwin's and their toes tangled, the claws of either's toes gently poking the other's flesh.

Vivian moaned and poked her snout into Darwin's breast. Darwin saw this as an opportunity to let Vivian indulge. The owl took to the neck line of her dress and pulled it down, stretching the cloth until the big blobby tit pushed out, glistening nipple out for everyone to see.

Vivian breathed heavily, staring at the breast for a moment. As quick as a drop of water falling from a roof tile to the floor, she kissed it- a little peck. Her lips loved the soft down. It was like a pillow except with more comfort and rest. She took a hand up to the tit and held it close, letting her nose rub along the round.

Darwin moaned, taking Vivian's other hand. She watched the young wolf endearingly. The wolf kissed around the owl's breast, planting light smacks on the owl's areola. Darwin curled her toes when the wolf pecked her nip, lightly suctioning it when she pulled her maw away.

The nipple felt so good on Vivian's lips, she kissed it again and again. She macked on it and macking turned to sucking. She rumbled feeling the owl's point crease down the center of her lupine tongue.

Darwin twisted her legs, sprawled her toes and moaned deeply. She took a feathery hand to the back of Vivian's head and stroked the wolf girl's hair. Vivian cupped her mouth over Darwin's breast, slobbering over it and wiping a long down the bottom curve.

Vivian gave a light suck and some warm milk spritzed from Darwin's nipple. It felt good in Vivian's throat, so good that she couldn't fight the temptation to suck more. The milk had a deep creamy taste and it soothed Vivian's tongue and nerves.

Darwin didn't mind. In fact, she wanted it. She wanted one of her students to drink from her like a child. Darwin took Vivian and laid her over the owl's broad lap to let the wolf girl get more comfortable.

Vivian took a hand to Darwin's breast and sucked hard, letting the milk fill her. It was delicious and she could feel the stress fade from her body. She loosened her body and relaxed.

Without reflecting on how much of a baby she was being, Vivian kept quiet and sucked from Darwin's breast until it was time for her real dinner. Darwin tapped Vivian's shoulder to have the wolf girl rise and the two stood up. Darwin tugged her dress over her breast and the two left the professor's room.

They made their way to the cafeteria. During their travels, Vivian felt comfortable not sticking immediately to Darwin's side, but once they got to the cafeteria, Vivian was scared once again. Being around so many other animals spiked her anxiety. She returned close to Darwin's side.

Darwin didn't mind. She took Vivian to the food counter and got a tray of food alongside the wolf. They took their seat around Darwin's other students and ate their food. Vivian didn't have any trouble feasting but there was little mind paid to taste or texture. She ate because that's what Darwin wanted her to do.

Vivian consumed her food and then it was time to return to class. Darwin's students followed behind her, Vivian taking the lead out of her classmen.

Darwin got the students situated into the next period with various tasks. Darwin saw Vivian was still upset in her newfound world and let the wolf cling to her some more as the owl professor walked around, checking in on all the students and what they had assigned as their tasks.

Then came Toby. Toby approached Darwin, wringing his hands nervously but with a smile that was excited. His eyes were wide with wonder.

"Uhhh..." he awkwardly stepped before Darwin, "Hi, uh, professor."

"I'm assuming you had a..." she leaned down close to Toby, "exciting time with the camel?"

Toby nodded, "Yeah! We fucked six times." He closed his eyes and held himself close, scrunching his hoody, "Never knew fucking a camel could be so hot!" He relaxed his arms, "So... if you wanted to do something..."

Darwin leaned back up, eyes full of passion, her beak quivering. She clenched her fists, looked over at Vivian clinging to her. She turned back, "Make no mistake, cat: I do want to get with you, but..." she looked over at Vivian, "I am busy with this little one at the moment."

Toby smirked at Vivian, "Maybe she'd like to watch."

Darwin gave a high-pitched giggle, "Maybe. But I think she needs to be near me right now." Darwin paused, "How about this: come to my room after 10. Except... completely naked."


Darwin narrowed her eyes seductively and smiled a beaky smile, "Yes. Leave your room in the buff and find my room. If you arrive without any clothes on..." she heaved her chest, "We'll mate."

Toby smiled, his mouth wrangled in nervousness and excitement. He trotted away to bask in anticipation. Darwin and Vivian took a stroll deeper into the trees.

Vivian let herself relax and concentrate on her bare wolf feet caressing the rugged dirt below. The occasional stone or twig didn't phase her resilient soles. The occasional blade or bush of grass pleasured her toes.

Darwin spotted a tree she knew: a barky one that rose up to the canopy above but with beautiful purple flowers growing out of its bark. Darwin brought Vivian up to it and allowed the wolf to look at the flowers.

The wolf looked up, opening her mouth but too shaken to speak. Darwin grinned, "You may pick a few."

Vivian took only one, breaking off a long stem and twirling it in her fingers as Darwin and her walked around. The slightest smile appeared on the wolf's face and Darwin's heart glowed.

There was flapping up above. From the vines overhead came Spanks, the feral seagull. She dove past stray tree limbs and landed on a branch around Darwin's eye-level. The sudden presence of a seagull snapping down into view startled Vivian but after a flinch, the wolf looked at the seagull curiously.

"Status report," said Spanks.

Darwin nodded slightly, "Go ahead."

"There's a few brain stragglers left in the nursery," said Spanks, "The fellow you turned into a sloth. Did you want him staying in the nursery or returning to class?"

Darwin took a feathery finger to her beaky chin and thought, "Hmmmm... Have them diaper him up and return him to class. He might not be much for learning but he's charming to have around!"

The seagull looked over at Vivian, the young wolf girl huddled to Darwin's side. Spanks grinned, "Maybe we should put this one in a diaper as well."

Vivian shied behind Darwin. Darwin chuckled and patted Vivian on the back, "She's joking, child."

The words squealed out of Spanks' beak, "Not quite..."

Vivian blushed and crept out from behind Darwin, cautious of the talking feral.

She shifted on her branch, "Think most of the students have done the deed already."

"I would guess," said Darwin.

Spanks side-eyed at Vivian, "Have you and her...?"

Darwin shook her head, "No, we mostly cuddled in my room."

Spanks smirked and flapped over to Vivian's shoulder. The seagull's small talons discomforted the wolf but only a small bit. Spanks talons barely broke through her clothing. Vivian twitched when Spanks flapped her wing by the wolf's ear.

"What ye say, girly?" said Spanks, "There's a horde of eligible bachelors and bachelorettes back in the classroom. Want me to find you a nice mate?" She lowered her voice and leaned closer to Vivian, "There's an otter with 10 inches that would fit nice into you!"

The words '10 inches' went over Vivian's head. She couldn't care. All other activities were strange and alien but staying close under Darwin's watchful eye was safe and comforting.

Seeing how Vivian wasn't responding to Spanks' suggestions, the seagull left the wolf alone and flapped up to Darwin's shoulder. She leaned in close, "So when did you want to do the de-parenting?"

Darwin spoke softly, "Later this week."

Spanks winked, "Alright, then. Back to watch the class!"

Spanks took up into the trees and was gone.

Second period finished and everyone went back to their rooms. Vivian went back to Darwin's. Darwin tried to get Vivian to speak, since she hadn't uttered a word since she was transformed. Darwin didn't mind having a 'teacher's pet' but she wasn't going to allow Vivian to not try to recover.

Darwin sat Vivian down on the couch, taking a seat beside her. The owl professor tried to relax Vivian by rubbing her shoulder.

"Let's try talking," said Darwin, taking light fingers to Vivian's cheek.

Vivian clenched her fist and heaved her chest. She leaned forward like she was trying to force a cough but nothing came out.

"Try saying your name," said Darwin. "Say 'Vivian'."

Vivian stretched her mouth across her face, bared her teeth and crunched her cheeks and exhaled to make her mouth produce sounds, "Vuuuuh... vvvvvv... nnnnn..."

"Good start," said Darwin, clenched her fist like a hot-blooded street fighter.

"Vvvvv...!" Vivian gasped for air and shivered, clutching her chest. She hung her head, defeated. She couldn't speak and it felt like she was nuts like she had forgotten how.

"Alright, alright," Darwin rubbed up and down Vivian's arm, "You gave it your best try. Let's forget about talking."

Vivian's eyes took to Darwin's prominent chest. Those owl boulders jutted out at Vivian like basketballs ready to fall out of the shelf. They were so round and hung over Darwin's belly fat like an ocean wave crashing over the shallows.

They had gotten physical earlier so Vivian felt privileged to reach forward and put her two hands on the owl's breasts, gently and gracefully. Darwin's hind twitched at such a delicate touch from her little roommate. The little lady knew where to put her mitts, it seemed!

Vivian stared at Darwin's knockers. Darwin smirked, "They're large, aren't they?" She reached down Vivian's arms to plant her fingers underneath Vivian's large round breasts and weighed them. The wolf girl had some hefty cups herself!

Vivian sighed passionately. She took her hands to Darwin's and gestured Darwin to feel up and down her breasts. Darwin kneaded the tips of Vivian's breasts through her clothes and a smile crept on her face.

"Oh..." Darwin leaned close, "So that's what you want to do?"

Vivian flicked her bottom lip across some teeth and blushed, nodding subtly but quickly. Darwin took a hand to Vivian's shoulder and rubbed it. She looked over the couch at the large bed in the corner. Properly made, it waited for them.

Darwin got up, taking Vivian's hand and walking her over to the bed. It was a simple bed, if large enough for Darwin and then some. The sheets were white and the framing was silver with a bundle of cream-colored pillows.

Darwin let go of Vivian's hand and got on the bed, laying down on her back. She opened her legs and reached out a hand at Vivian, "Come on."

Vivian's heart raced as she climbed on the bed and fell into Darwin's embrace. Her breasts were so pillowy and her fat on her stomach was soft. The wolf girl gulped when she realized a powerful heat- the heat from Darwin's crotch. Even through Darwin's dress and Vivian's pants, she could feel the warmth of the owl lady's crotch seep through fabrics and tickle Vivian's wolfhood.

Darwin put her arms around Vivian's head and wrapped her legs around the wolf's back, bringing the two closer together. Darwin and Vivian's faces were at each other and Darwin took initiative to kiss Vivian. Her beak looked sharp but when she locked it with Vivian's lip, the wolf found it soft- or at least not as hard and rugged as Vivian thought it would.

Vivian's breathing got heavy as she exchanged one vibrant kiss with Darwin after another. She took her arms around Darwin's back and let her body fall into the owl's mass. The hardness of their pelvic bones collided, and Vivian could feel her crotch rubbing into Darwin's. Every little jostle excited her loins.

They made out for a minute, rubbing their bodies, but then Darwin stopped and leaned up. Excusing Vivian for a moment, Darwin pulled up her dress over her head, revealing her big owl body. Just about every roll of flab and feather was for Vivian's eyes.

It was alien, unconventional, and flabby but as Vivian watched Darwin take off her bra and reveal her body, the wolf stared at the owl's beautiful breasts and rolls of fat and felt primal. This is what she wanted. 24 hours ago, the idea of her wanting to have sex with a big fat owl lady would have registered as a disgusting lie but in that moment, it was the only truth.

Vivian pulled her t-shirt off her body and without even taking a minute to examine her new wolfy torso, unclipped the bra, took it off, and revealed her big round breasts to the world. Although Vivian's fur was a strong brown, the color of her nipples were creamier and chocolatier.

Darwin looked down and reached at her panties. She tried to pull them down while she was laying down, got frustrated, and ripped them right off her waist. There it was, the downy centerpiece of Vivian's owl professor: Darwin's vagina. Puffy and soft, it was beautiful and glowed for Vivian.

Vivian got out of bed for a second to drop her pants and panties. Welcome back, wolf vagina. Vivian left the articles on the floor and hopped back into Darwin's embrace. Vivian laid down in the owl lady's mass and the bush crowning the wolf's crotch tangled with the down around Darwin's pussy.

The tops of their netherlips pressed together and both wolf and owl moaned, their toes curling and the feet flinching together. Vivian rocked into her owl professor and their vaginas rubbed together like tectonic plates. An earthquake came over both of them.

Vivian moaned. Loudly. The feeling of her pussy rubbing into Darwin's, her pelvis knocking with Darwin's and her thighs smooshing into Darwin's- it was overwhelming for the wolf girl. She breathed heavily and her whole body tingled.

Their breathy utterances became agitated. Darwin took her hands around Vivian's ass and kneaded her cheeks, opening her feathery fingers and rubbing her palms down the underside of the wolf girl's round rumps. Pussy on the front, massage on the back: Vivian was being pleasured.

They moaned as they made out with each other. They moaned while their lips were locked like they needed to send their moans to the other through mouth-to-mouth. Nnnngh nnnngh Vivian told Darwin. Urrrgh nnnngh Darwin replied.

Their nipples banged against each other, sensitive and glistening. Vivian rubbed down Darwin's sides, tickling the owl. The folds of feathery fat was so pleasurable to feel. It comforted the wolf girl.

Vivian's yowls got louder and her legs began to flail, twisted down the bed where they banged into Darwin's feathery/scaly legs and twisted their toes into the owl's. She rocked up and down Darwin's crotch and their vaginas polished into each other deeper and harsher, the lips of their sexes smudging and wiping together like a pair of windshield wipers.

Vivian jolted her head away, leaned up on Darwin's center, and then repositioned her knees beside Darwin's waist. Still riding Darwin's pussy, she cupped the owl's breasts and snarled, her eyes closed with frenzy. A fire bloomed within her, cum secreting from her sex and drizzling over Darwin's privates.

She whimpered and gave a bark: a quiet but sustained and shaky bark that hummed to the tune of a flute. A few more rocks on Darwin's groin and that bark turned into a light howl. Her chest heaved- breasts rising and lowering- and she leaned upward and closed her eyes.

Darwin saw Vivian on the edge of a climax and seeing her teacher's pet, after a day possessed by fear, on the brink of expressing herself fully, it made Darwin blossom. She hooted quietly and gripped the sheets underneath her, wriggling her butt into the mattress.

Vivian pinched Darwin's nipples between her fingers and then howled up into the ceiling, a noble howl fit for any wolf- new or old. Her breasts heaved out and jiggled as the wolf thrusted down into her owl lover, cum spraying out of her cooch like a hose bursting.

Her new wolf pet, already mastering the howl: it was too much for Darwin. She stretched out her legs in a V, cocked her head to the side and while staring a hole into the distance, let out a mighty hoot. She hooted coarsely and powerfully as her sex seeped juices, moisting her legs and Vivian's.

They engaged in a song of hooting and howling, thrusting into each other, until the cumming slowed and the orgasm faded. Vivian took a deep breath, then descending onto Darwin's flabby stomach, catching her breath. Darwin grinned and put a hand around the wolf's back.

That wasn't enough for her. After snuggling a bit, Vivian got to humping Darwin again. It was the same motions as before and just as hot. They smacked vaginas, made a nice creamy mess, and exchanged howls and hoots for the ceiling to answer to.

Vivian rested her head on Darwin's belly, letting her face smoosh into the owl lady's soft warm flesh. She sniffed into the owl and she smelled good. The wolf could feel the warmth coming off of Darwin's sex, rising up to Vivian's chest and tingling the fur on her tits.

Vivian took a hand to Darwin's thigh and moved it deeper into the owl's center. Vivian shifted down and to the side so she could see Darwin's pussy up close. Darwin knew what Vivian was thinking, licking her lips and twitching her feet in anticipation.

Vivian came eye level to the downy puss and flipped over to get face-to-face. She looked up at Darwin, and Darwin- trying not to seem too giddy- smiled back, "Go ahead, child."

Vivian, unsure how to go about this, hesitated. She questioned which angle to lead in from, and how to lick it. She suspended her overthinking and wagged her big wolf tongue up the left lip on Darwin's pussy.

Darwin's eyes twitched and she spasmed on the sheets, kicking her legs out and shoving the pillows to the side. She gasped at the immense pleasure of the wolf's lick, gripping the mattress underneath her.

Vivian's tongue went up the aromatic fleshhole and brushed the bush of down at the top. She took her tongue away, mesmerized by the taste. It didn't taste like anything but oozy skin but the pheromones made it addictive.

Vivian went back down for more, macking on Darwin's vag like it was dinner. Darwin took a hand to the back of Vivian's head. Vivian chewed, licked and kissed the pussy.

Darwin squirmed. The crybaby student knew how to flick a tongue across the owl's vag, that was for sure. Darwin seeped. Cum flowed from her sex and got in the mess of Vivian's saliva. The wolf welcomed it, letting it soothe her throat and smack on her lips.

Vivian stuck her tongue inside Darwin's crevice and Darwin had to fight not to snap her legs closed on the wolf's head. The little saliva snake partied around inside the owl's nethers, jolting everyone inch of the inner walls.

Darwin rocked her body up, struggling to stay still with all the arousal zapping her body. She moaned and gripped the bed with fans of toes. She jostled her crotch, moaning louder and louder until-


Darwin's eyes went sideways and she screamed her hoots into the air, stretching out legs and arms to her sides. She hooted loudly and violently, like she was trying to scream hoots to an anxious dead god.

The cum evacuated her pussy and washed over Vivian's face. It covered her snout and some juice got up her nose. She gripped Darwin's thighs and with her eyes rolling back like she was possessed by a ghost, she let the flow into her maw, drinking it like ambrosia.

Darwin euphoric hooting cooled down and she fell into her pillow, moaning as the wolf girl got some last licks from her nethers. Darwin relaxed and Vivian leaned up, wiping her mouth.

There was a minute to relax then Darwin gave Vivian a pillow to put behind her and she laid down on it. Darwin moved to the back of the bed, her big feathery butt knocking the banister. She leaned down and waited for Vivian to stretch her shaky legs out, the wolfgirl wide-eyed and anxious to what Darwin was going to do.

Darwin rubbed Vivian's cooch with her beak then opened it up and brandished a dartlike tongue. The tip of the tongue went up to one lip on Vivian's sex and the wolf shivered and moaned, smacking her hands on her thighs and twisted her legs and toes.

Darwin took hands behind Vivian's asscheeks and gorged on the wolf's privates, the mouth cupping her crotch like she was sucking out Vivian's organs. The beak was pointy but only poked Vivian's flesh, gently combing through her pubic bush.

Vivian scrambled on the sheets. Darwin's beak and tongue attacked her wolfhood like an orbital bombardment. She screamed and flailed in unfathomable sexual excitement. The sensation was so overwhelming she had trouble telling if it was pleasure or some other reaction.

The slobber from Darwin's mouth intermixed with Vivian's slimepool of cum and sticky substances got everywhere, soaking the sheets below and splashing on Darwin's face and Vivian's fur, matting it like a carpet in the rain.

Vivian screamed, barked, grunted, howled, whimpered, and brayed. She had a habit of sounding like a donkey when she came and that habit carried with her from myumanity to zoomanity. She was a wolf but she it was apparent that she'd still orgasm like a donk sometimes.

Darwin heaved and groaned, snapping her tongue all over Vivian's smooth pussy and inside her canals. The tongue tickled, licked and smacked the wolf's sex, all while the young lady jumped around the mattress like she was on an amusement park ride.

Darwin was moisting herself to the taste of the young wolf's pussy. Her jizz crept out of her vagina and rained down onto the mattress below, forming a pool. It spat on her thighs. It was messy but Darwin was happy to unleash all over the bed in honor of her wolf lover.

Vivian's passion hit its peak and she gripped the mattress, leaned back and howled loudly, cum firing out of body like a dam breaking! Her essence flowed down her netherspace and poured out into the world!

She tugged on the sheets below and kicked her legs, Darwin drowning in Vivian's cum as she emitted her succulent orgasm. Darwin let it wash over her face and beak, closing her eyes in ecstasy, drinking as much as she could. She got some good mouthfuls and Vivian's orgasm subsided.

Vivian collapsed, bumping her body on the metal backing so Darwin slid back to give the wolf girl some room. She tingled down to her toes. She laid on the pillow, catching her breath.

Darwin slid a finger through her cum puddle, "We made quite a mess didn't we?"

Vivian sighed, sexually satisfied. Extremely satisfied.

It was time for dinner. Normally Darwin would make like her students and head to the cafeteria but she was having such a nice time with Vivian so she ordered some food to her room. Darwin went to the phone by the door and got on the line to room service while Vivian put her clothes back on. After the call was done, Darwin walked over and put her dress, bra and panties back on.

After a couple minutes there was a knock on the door. Darwin opened it and in came a metal cart with some dishes on top, pushed by a goat guy wearing a fancy vest over a white shirt and some dress pants.

His hoofy toes clacked on the carpet. He said, "Got your dinners here."

Vivian counted four platters. The goat took one and put it on the table, "For the wolf, chicken parmesan."

Vivian walked over and sat down. She lifted the lid and right there was a meal of chicken parmesan. The smell of it graced her nose and she smiled. She was going to be eating good as a wolf!

"For the professor," said the goat, carrying two dishes to the table, "A rib-eye steak, potatoes gratin with asparagus, and chicken chow mein." He brought two of them to the table then went back to the third. On the ground by the table he placed the ice bucket with a bottle of wine.

Darwin looked over the three "dinner bells" in front of her and graces her hands, kicking her leg up in delight! Vivian glanced at the trays then looked at Darwin. Darwin smiled and brushed the front of her dress, "I'm a hungry lady."

The goat snorted and cracked a grin up at Darwin, "You can say that again! Anyway... good evening, ladies."

They waved him out and the goat took the cart out of the room and closed the door behind him.

Darwin took of the tops of all three of her meals, sat her big butt down on the chair, buttocks folding over the sides, and began digging in, sampling a piece of every meal. She took a piece of the steak, took a big mouthful of potatoes, chomped down on the asparagus, and then shoveled in some chow mein.

Vivian ate her food at a respectable pace. She picked up the fork and cut off a piece of the chicken, grabbed it with the points and twirled in some of the noodles. She put it in her mouth and the herby and tomato flavors blossomed inside.

She chewed and it felt weird having so much space inside her mouth but as she played with the food inside, tossing it around with her tongue, the aromas and flavors venting inside her mouth. She chewed it and let it slide down her throat. Tasty.

Darwin might have been a sophisticated lady but when it came to eating she gobbled the food down like the world was ending. Sometimes she didn't even use a fork: she took the steak with her bare feathery hands and ripped off a piece with her beak and chomped on it until it was gone.

Vivian finished up her dinner and poured herself a glass of wine, watching her teacher consume her meals like a beast in the wild.

"W... w..." said Vivian. She clenched her fist, and leaned forward, "Wuhhhh... lllll!"

She had an excellent 'wolfing it down' joke but no ability to get it out of her lips.

She needed to relax and figured alcohol might help. She poured herself a glass, sipped the wine, and thought it wasn't bad even even if she wasn't a red wine person. She was also young and had yet to develop a palette for such things and at least no one around cared that she was underaged by the standards of the myuman world she had departed from that morning.

She watched Darwin chow down on her three meals and relaxed. She tried to take in the good things. Her life was hectic at the moment but she could enjoy decent food and drink for the time being.

Darwin forked in another glob of food, chow mein bunched in her mouth. The professor spat a little as she talked, "It's quite good isn't it?"

Vivian nodded.

Darwin reached over a foot to rub down Vivian's. Vivian blushed as the owl graced the wolf's instep with her scaly pads. Tiny claws harrowed Vivian's fur. After a few combs, she took her foot away.

Darwin swallowed, "I know it seems I eat a lot, but it's necessary: magic takes a lot out of oneself! Honest!"

Vivian and Darwin chuckled. Vivian smiled dreamily at her owl professor, but then Vivian felt something weird. Below, she could feel something wet spread down her legs.

She looked down in a panic and clear as day, wetness was spreading down the legs of her pants- on the bottom of her thighs and down the back of legs dangling off the seat. Pee was pooling on the chair. She noticed a feeling of relaxation in her bladder.

"Ahhh!" she said, standing up and watching the pee sprinkle from her pants. Her ears folding down, she grimaced and pressed her hands to her crotch trying to hold in her bladder.

Darwin sighed sympathetically, her expression dropping to a heartbroken frown. She got up and stepped over to Vivian, the wolf's hands failing at keeping in any of the urine. She looked up at Darwin, eyes already teary with embarrassment. Darwin patted her on the back, "It's ok..."

That's what set Vivian off. Vivian whimpered and sobbed. Darwin took her and let the humiliated wolf girl sob into her chest. The owl rubbed up and down Vivian's back, while there was a quiet dripping below them.

Vivian took her head out of Darwin's bosom, cheeks wet from tears. She couldn't even look the owl in the eye.

Darwin patted Vivian's head, "Let's go get you cleaned up." She looked down at the wetness on the chair and floor, "I'll handle this later."

Darwin took Vivian's hand and walked her to the bathroom, the wolfgirl clinging to her owl professor like before, leaning into her arm and rubbing it with her cheek. They walked through the bathroom door and Darwin flicked on the lights, letting Vivian help herself while she went to the dresser to find Vivian some clean clothes.

Without even being asked, Vivian walked up to the padded table and dropped her pants. The panties underneath? Drenched with wolf urine and stained yellow. She slid them down her legs, the wetness smacking against her fur. Darwin offered a hand and took Vivian's pissed garments. Vivian was reluctant to hand them over, not wanting her teacher to have to hold the wolf's soiled clothes.

Darwin chuckled, "It's ok. I don't mind dirtying my hands." Vivian chewed her lip and passed her teacher the panties. Darwin put them in the laundry chute and put Vivian's clean clothes at the edge of the table. She picked up the box of wet wipes and motioned Vivian up on the table.

Vivian spread her legs out, and even if it was supposed to be a cleaning ritual meant for infants, having a virile wolf girl presenting her vagina like that inspired feelings some feelings in Darwin. Darwin kept those feelings buried for the moment, took a wet wipe, and began patting down all the matted, wet fur.

Vivian's lip quivered and another tear went down her cheek. Once again she had did the unthinkable. At least, the unthinkable for a grown adult. The sex was great but Vivian knew that day had been the worst, most embarrassing of her life. Her wolf claws dug into the table. She was stressed and needed something to hold onto.

Darwin glanced up from cleaning Vivian's fuzzy, wet crotch, "I know you are mortified right now, but this shall pass."

Vivian said nothing, as had been her thing throughout that day. She didn't acknowledge what Darwin said either. The wolf stared off into space.

Darwin padded down Vivian's thighs and wiped her vagina, brushing up her ample pubic fur. The bush crowned her vagina like leaves to a tree and proved her womanhood like a sun beaming over the hill.

Darwin rubbed Vivian's thighs, "You are more than expected to have these moments."

There was still no response nor reaction from Vivian so Darwin reached over and stroked the underneath of Vivian's chin. The wolf got a bit of a scratch on her face and the discomfort of being infantilized after peeing her pants was replaced by the pleasure of being massaged by loving owl fingers. Vivian smiled and murred.

"It's been a long day," said Darwin, "Maybe you should go to bed early?"

Vivian thought for a moment, then nodded.

Darwin looked over at the panties that she had brought out for the wolf. She bent a cheek, "I know you don't want to hear this, but there's a good chance you are going to wet the bed tonight. Maybe instead of wearing underwear, you put on a diaper?"

Vivian looked insulted by the notion, but at that point she expected it. The truth of the matter sank on her and she reluctantly nodded at Darwin. Darwin pointed a finger at the panties and zapped it into a diaper. It sat on top of her pants, puffy and white and a hole for a tail.

"Whoops," said Darwin.

She zapped it again and the diaper's hole sealed up, fit for a tailless zooman form.

Darwin finished up padding down Vivian's center with some toilet paper. Now dried off, the wolf hopped down to the floor. She took the diaper, swallowed her pride, and stepped into one of the leg holes. With Darwin holding her as a balance, she put her foot through the other and slid it up.

"Take the tape here and here," Darwin instructed her.

The fabric was soft on her fur and her vagina. It cradled her ample buttocks. It was very soft and accommodating, minimizing the discomfort of having to baby-up like she did. She looked at herself. The diaper curved with her womanly hips. The leg holes didn't tighten on her thighs too harshly, either.

"Did you want to put on pants too," said Darwin with a smile, "or did you want to waddle around all baby-bottomed?"

Vivian pointed at the pants on the table. Darwin passed Vivian the pants, simple blue jeans. No fancy nightwear, just some slacks. Vivian pulled them up around her diaper and tapped the crotch, hearing the crinkle underneath.

"I know it's weird but it's not so bad," Darwin smiled, "and if you don't want to get up in the middle of the night to go the bathroom, you can just use it!"

Vivian scowled, clearly disgusted with what Darwin suggested. The owl laughed, "You wouldn't? Come on, give it a try!"

The light was turned off and Darwin took Vivian to the door at the back of the room. They passed by Darwin's unfinished meals, a half empty glass of wine, and a chair and floor covered in wolf pee. Darwin could feel Vivian shiver staring at it so the owl gave the girl a nice rub on the shoulder.

Darwin opened the door at the back and inside was a small bedroom. The bed was made but the desk and shelves were empty. It was a simple student room that hadn't been claimed yet.

Vivian lifted the covers and climbed into bed. Darwin helped the wolf girl cover herself with the blanket. Having been tucked in, Vivian smiled at the owl and the owl smiled back. She leaned over to kiss Vivian on the forehead.

"Goodnight, Vivian," said Darwin.

Vivian closed her eyes. Darwin shut the door behind her. Vivian turned on her pillow. Felt weird have a snout stretch out across it but the wolf girl brought a thumb to her mouth and stuck it inside. Vivian went to sleep sucking on thumb.

"So... are you going to do this?"

It was almost 10. If Darwin was being honest, she was open for Toby to drop by for a session of supreme lovemaking. The thought made Toby's heart race, but the cost of Toby having to leave his room completely in the nude and walk all the way to Darwin's was a towering one.

"Yeah," said Toby, staring a hole through the door with his fists tense at his side, "at least... I think I am."

Celine stood by the dresser, her shirt unbuttoned and open so that her huge camel tits burst out of it like they were so big that she had to give them some room. Below she had a pair of dark gray jeans on.

Caline walked on the carpet with hoofy toes and they tapped the floor. She went up and put a hand on Toby, her hoofy fingers tapping on his shoulder blade, "You don't have to do this. It might be too embarrassing, y'know?"

Toby looked at Celine, "Yeah... but she wants to fuck me!"

Celine giggled and took her arms around Toby's chest, poking his back with her nipples, "Haven't you had enough already tonight? We had sex about twenty times!"

Toby snerked and caressed some fingers down Celine's hand, "I don't think we had that much sex!" He rubbed her wrist, "It was a good time, but the professor... she's so hot! If I don't do her now, I'll be up all night thinking about her!"

Celine broke out into a titter. It was chittery and wild until she slipped a honk in there. She was embarrassed of the honky noises her new camel head made, taking a hand to her mouth.

Toby took her hand of his side and turned to her, holding her flabby hips. He paused for a moment, then lifted his arms to pull off his shirt, revealing his trim black-furred body. Celine rubbed a hand on his hardened chest.

Toby unbuckled his belt and dropped his slacks. His prominent cathood sat like a punching bag in his briefs. Down the briefs went. His penis came out, a nice black rod hanging over two large balls.

Celine grinned at it, "Can't believe that thing's been inside me a dozen times already. It's going to be lonely without it across the night."

Toby stepped out of his pants. He stared at them for a second, hesitatingly. He exhaled loudly, then looked at the door, "Here I go."

Toby took a step and Celine took the cat's hand, "Toby wait."

Toby stopped and idled on what Celine had to say. The camel smiled heartily, "Thank you for today." She passed some fingers through her hair, "It's been... scary... and weird," she softened her face, "but you made it bearable, so... thanks."

The two stared at each other for a moment, then Toby leaned into give Celine a kiss on her big camel mouth. It was a simple smack, but a good one. Toby bowed and then went to the door. Another breath, and Toby turned the knob.

He opened the door and right there were a couple students from his class to glance at him, see he was naked, and blink was astonishment.

Toby blushed, but told himself, Get used to it, Toby, that's just the start.

Without a piece of clothing on him, he stepped out on bare cat feet, claws tapping on the floor. The dorm hallway was mostly empty but as he walked into the other parts of the college, there were more people walking around. The nighttime hours did not slow that place down.

Every step was something he had to will. As he got close to the busy halls, his heart raced and he had no idea what to do with his hands. Don't cover your penis, he told himself. He knew none of the faculty would let him get away with it, but he was quite tempted to shroud his junk!

A little closer to the busy intersection and eyes glanced at him. There he was, a clearly recently transformed zooman walking through the halls completely naked on what they would assume his first day.

He got glances as he passed by a number of pedestrians, including some taller creatures like dinosaurs. Nobody said anything. All he was getting was curious glances. What did it mean? Was he supposed to be naked? Was it a trick pulled on my his maniacal owl professor?

He bit his lip and pushed through, walking down the hall but then he remembered, where was Darwin's room? He had no idea. In the search for anything resembling direction, he wandered the halls, breaking out in a sweat of embarrassment as he exposed himself to the strangers of the nighttime halls.

He had no idea where to look for a map. He followed his instincts towards a bright place in the distance that looked a front desk but when he got close, walking through crowds of deer and dinosaurs dressed in official school wears, he realized the place- with its glowing white floors and ceilings was a 'FERTILITY CENTER' as the sign displayed above.

Toby began to panic. As he walked, his penis flopped around like a tarp in a breeze and each time it slapped his thigh it was a pang of embarrassment. Was he actually going to have to ask for directions? While he was in the buff? Asking for directions with his cock just as much as his mouth? His head swam as everything that happened that day circled back to him- being turned into a cat, being trapped in an animal school, having sex throughout the day, and now wandering aimlessly through the halls with his bareass to everyone: it was a nightmare!

His breathing got heavy and he couldn't take it anymore. It was time to return to his room. He went back the way he came but then he turned the corner and ended beside a row of vending machines he didn't recognize. He didn't pass them earlier! This was not the hall he came from. He double-backed again and went down another hall around the fertility center but that lead him to another hallway with banners he was certain he hadn't witnessed earlier.

The panic raced, and Toby was mortified. He covered his junk and jogged around the halls, looking for anyway back. Some of the staff members muttered and stared at him. He blushed and saw an alcove to hide into. He put his arms up against the wall, breathing heavily and his heart beating like a war drum.

"Hey kid," said a gruff voice.

Toby looked out into the hall and saw Lucade, an elderly wolf man, standing as tall as he was. The wolf had some buff on him but a weight problem and poor posture deemphasized his muscles. That evening, Lucade was wearing a brown coat over top a button up blue shirt and black pants with his head crowned with a newsboy cap. He wore eyeglasses. His fur was scruffy and gray (not just because of his age but because of his natural fur color). He had a fluffy tail behind him.

"W-what?" said Toby.

"You lost?" said Lucade, his eyebrows arched, looking unimpressed without being outwardly hostile.

Toby sighed, his eyes glistening in fear, and nodded, "Yeah."

Lucade reached out a hand to Toby, "New around here? Where to?" His tone was friendlier.

"I want to go to my room," said Toby, walking back out into the halls. Some of the crowd looking at him had dispersed and it felt better to have fewer eyes shooting needles into him. "I... I don't remember which way it is. It's... it's my first day..."

"It's getting late," said Lucade, "Why are you out here?"

Toby sighed, "I was going to visit Darwin."

"Ohhhh!" said Lucade with a jolly smile, "I see!" he huffed, "I see why you're out late then. Want me to walk you to her room?"

Toby paused. His flight instincts told him to dart back to this room but he remembered the way Darwin fondled his junk. Fighting off his fear and embarrassment, he nodded quietly.

Lucade walked with Toby. With Lucade at his side, Toby seemed less out of place and caught fewer glances from the evening crowd. The wolf looked down on the freewheeling cat and saw the smallest hint of a tear escape his eye. Lucade rubbed Toby's back, "It's ok, kid."

Toby curled up his face for a sob for a moment before regaining his composure. Lucade stopped them both so the old wolf could lean in to hug Toby, "There there, young one."

It was unexpected for the cat but as he had Lucade's arms come around him and the wolf soothed him with his wizened voice, Toby let out a whimper and rubbed his face into the old man's shoulder. Toby took arms around Lucade and held him.

Lucade let Toby out of his embrace and smiled, "How's the nude class treating ya?"

The two continued down the halls, passing by an entrance that resembled a movie theater's. There was a duck guy manning the booth and some zoomans were loitering nearby. Toby cleared his throat, remnants of embarrassment still swirling in his body, "Nude class?"

"You're not part of the nude class?" Lucade paused, and then thought to himself, "Wait, Darwin doesn't teach the nude class." He looked up and down Toby's body, "Why do you got your bareass out then?"

Toby played with his fingers and dipped his head shyly, "Darwin said that if I walked to her room completely in the nude, she would have sex with me."

Lucade let out a big holler, a laugh that could be heard down many halls! He snerked at Toby, "Is that so? Not bad!"

They passed by a giraffe woman with a prim and proper look. She walked with absolute formality but as Toby and Lucade walk by, the woman took a peek at Toby's privates and raised her eyebrows, impressed!

"She's very hot," said Toby with a smile.

"She is indeed!" said Lucade, slapping Toby on the back. Lucade looked down at Toby's member and grinned, "I can see why she wanted to have sex with you. And out in the nude?" He glanced down again, "I see why your balls are so huge."

Toby snerked again. Lucade leaned forward a bit and got a whiff of the the cat boy's genitals, trace sexual essences still remained on the shaft, "Aaaaand, it smells like a certain cat has been very busy today already."

Toby blushed, "Yeeeeah. Me and my roommate, we've did it a few times already."

Lucade grinned widely, showing off his fangs, "A stunning comeback from someone who probably peed his pants earlier!"

Toby grinned awkwardly and shook his head, "I didn't pee my pants!"

"You didn't pee your pants today?" smiled Lucade, "That makes one of us then."

They entered a hallway with an ornate look. There was purple carpet and chandeliers above. Lucade directed Toby to a pink door with vase-shaped lanterns.

Toby sighed nervously. Lucade smiled, and put a hand on his shoulder, "Enjoy yourself."

Toby shuffled his foot into the carpet below, shyly. He would have put his hands in his pockets if he had any pants on. Looking up at the wolf, he grinned, "Thanks, Mr...?"

"Lucade," said the wolf.

The wolf offered a hand to shake and Toby took it, grinning warmly at the touch of the wolf's soft pads rubbing on the cat's fingers. Lucade smiled, "Maybe tomorrow night you'd want to come to MY room?"

Toby chuckled, but then realized the wolf was serious. Lucade retracted his hand, and walked off. Toby had to sit there and think... sex with a male?

Forgetting all that, the cat turned to the door and knocked. No thinking, just doing it. He knocked and loud footsteps were heard getting closer. Was it Darwin approaching the door? The doorknob turned and there was the owl professor, looking down at the Toby.

She smiled, "You're... here..."

Toby couldn't help but stretch the goofiest grin on his face. His dick hardened. He tittered, "Yep."

The kid was naked, just as Darwin asked. She stared at him, dreamily, before opening the door up wider and gestured a feathered hand out, "Come inside."

Toby stepped into Darwin's room, impressed by the size and decoration. The trays of food were still on the dining table behind the couch. There was a towel on the floor by one of the chairs and another on the chair itself.

"Don't mind me," said Darwin, "Just finishing up some dinner."

She took the plate of potatoes in one hand and the bowl of chow mein and the other. She tilted her head up, took the tray of food above her and dumped them into her beak, barely chewing and then swallowing like she was sucking anchovies. After that she picked up what was left of her steak and sucked all the meat of the bone, tossing the remains on the table.

Toby blinked, having watched his impending love partner devour about a pound of food like she was licking whipped cream off her finger.

As he got close to the table, Darwin extended an arm in front of him to bar him from Vivian's chair, "You might not want to get too close. My roommate peed her seat."

"Oh," said Toby, stepping away.

Darwin thumbed at the door to Vivian's room, "She's sleeping but don't worry-" she lowered her head to his and smiled deviously, "the walls are soundproof."

Another smile shot across Toby's face, completely unwillingly. He couldn't help but smile, and he couldn't help but get firm, his black cat cock rising up to hang in the air. Darwin took his hand and walked him to the bed in the corner, the one that she and Vivian used earlier.

Toby sat his naked butt down on the bed, and Darwin sat beside him, her heavy weight bouncing the cat a little bit. Darwin looked at that cock that was inflating in front of her. It wasn't even at full mast and already seven inches.

"My..." said Darwin, "you are quite PACKING, young man!"

Toby couldn't say a word. He giggled quietly under his breath, cupping his fingers over the edge of the bed. His toes twitched as Darwin leaned forward and reached put a hand underneath Toby's sack and fondle his balls. Toby's legs clamped together, his eyes bulging with delight.

Darwin put a hand on Toby's lap and leaned down. She aimed her beak at the cat's dick and opened it wide. Toby twitched with anticipation and nearly exploded when he felt Darwin's owl tongue poke his shaft. He groaned and shivered, his breathing cut up like he was freezing cold.

Toby's shook as the owl cupped her beak over the top of his cock, saliva wetting the black cathood. A particular flick of the tongue along his foreskin got Toby to squeal like a little kid having to rip of a band-aid.

Darwin fondled his hefty ballsack and massaged the fuzzy baseballs. She let his dick climb around inside her mouth and get familiar with her wet interior. It tickled the back of her mouth and she loved to barge that shaft into her.

He moaned and grimaced like someone was pulling out a bullet but no, it was pleasure so good that it made his blood thin. He blushed and leaned his back to meowed coarsely into the air.

He took one hand on Darwin's arm and he meowed gutturally. Darwin was treated to Toby's deluge. He fired a powerful stream of his cum into Darwin's mouth and Darwin macked on his dick, licking and sucking that seed like it was frosting on a cake. Shots of it got on the side of her face and the stuff dripped down Toby's shaft, getting on Darwin's fingers. She chomped on his cock and wiped her beak on its surfaces, wanting that cat's product.

Toby gasped for air and then looked over at his professor cleaning up his cock with his tongue. His balls trembled.

Toby smiled, "Sorry for cumming so quickly."

Darwin grunted, her mouth busy with cat dick. She licked off the last drips of cum from his tip and leaned back up. A tongue mopped up the borders of her beak.

"You were quite horny, huh?" she said with an alluring glance.

Toby tapped his knees together and shifted in his seat, blushing and folding his hands against each other, shyly.

"I've been anticipating you too," said Darwin.

She stood up. She pulled her dress up and took it over her body, revealing her flabby, golden feathered torso and large breasts contained with a bra with cups the size of punch bowls. Darwin looked behind her for a shelf to toss her dress on. The big frock landed on a bookcase shelf but slid off the side and fell at Darwin's scaled feet. Whatever, she thought.

She reached behind and unbuckled her bra. The huge boob holster came off revealing her golden breasts, big brown nipples on full display. She tossed the bra to the floor and dropped her white cotton panties, dipping her tail to let them off.

Toby stared at the owl's sex. There it was, what he was hoping for all afternoon: accented with creamed-colored down- his professor's vagina. It was large and the slit was long but it was firm. It was bundled between the teacher's fatty hips.

She looked down and rubbed a hand around her crotch, "There were times earlier where the thought of you made me wet."

Those hips squashed and shook their fat around as Darwin strutted back to the bed and climbed on. She took to the other end from Toby and pried her legs out, giving so much air for that owl vagina. She gazed at Toby with eyes like fires, "Your teacher wants you, cat."

Toby was in her and thrusting. He grabbed her shoulders and drilled into her like a saw on wood, huffing and grunting hastily. His knees were pillowed by her fatty thighs and the blankets on the bed. The mattress squeaked and coiled under their lovemaking.

Darwin's expression squished as she sunk into a haze of pleasure. The cat's dick lived up to the hype as the long hard pole dug her and poked around her reproductive well. Sometimes a thrust came in at a slight angle, putting pressure on the sides of her cave and it made her toes splay, their tiny claws fanning out like knives.

Toby's chest smacked on Darwin's fatty belly and the owl professor wondered if this year the sex would been even better than last. She was always so horny for her students but with studs like Toby crushing her sex like a glass full of ice cubes, who could have blamed her?

Toby's day had been weird. Transformed, assigned a camel for his roommate, fucking said camel a dozen times and now fucking the obese owl teacher that morphed him into the first place... it was a lot. Strangest was that he loved all of it. He glanced at Darwin's fatty folds and melted. He took a hand to Darwin's side and let his hand be warmed by the flabby, feathery flesh of his teacher. It was pleasure like no other.

Darwin cranked her head back, curled her toes, clenched her fists and hooted loudly. She broke into a fit of aggressive hoots even if her expressive features outside her beak was bewilderment instead of rage. Her dam cracked open and liquids spurt from her sex and drizzled the bed below and Toby's sac. She had orgasmed.

That wasn't the end of it though. Even as her body cooled and the hunger of her loins slowed, she needed Toby to keep that party in her vagina and wrapped her feet around the cat's furry back to encourage him to keep going while Darwin's release pooled underneath them. She gripped the bed and waited the fantastic minutes for her eros to return.

Her horny filled back up as Toby's cock ravaged her insides, taking the experience from being a pleasurable cool down back to the best feeling in the world. Sometimes the thing rammed her in a way that pressed hard against her pelvic bone and if that cat's battering ram shattered a part of her skeleton, it would be the best bodily injury she could have ever received.

Toby dropped his body onto Darwin and had his face planted between her big soft tits. His nose ruffled the feathers of her left breast and the cat took a deep sniff into his professor's bosom, taking in the oils and biles of her body. It was a mild smell and, in ways, banal but it was what he wanted to sniff in that moment as he rode his club up into Darwin's babymaker.

He smelled the feathers of Darwin's breasts and it hit him once again how surreal it all was. The sexiest thing in the world to him right then was a 300- maybe 400- pound owl woman. The smell was so good. It reminded him of the house he grew up in as a kid or his older brother's high-end car he liked to takes rides in. Toby licked Darwin's breasts and then pursed his lips for a suck.

Darwin clamped her thighs around the cat boy, her fat squishing around his figure. Her feet connected behind his back and Darwin's toes danced with arousal! Her scaled feet flipped and flapped as the electricity of intercourse shot through her body. She took her hands to Toby's head and caressed his neck and let the cat boy live in her bosom, wanting him to kiss and lick her tits like they were candies.

Toby's taint swirled and his passages loosened. He clenched his jaw and moaned as lava erupted up his chute and into his teacher's corridors. He tensed his back and humped violently! Darwin's eye twitched, she kicked her left leg out, her eyes bulged out and she hooted erratically! Hoot hoot hoot!

Toby meowed coarsely and Darwin hooted rapid fire like she using them to count the amount of spots on the ceiling. It was a duet of feline and strigine. Two ear-piercing calls mixing with each other like strings on a rope.

From between them seeped ample love fluid. A mix of owl honey and cat cream to splash on Darwin's feathery thighs, coat Toby's black sac, and to spill on the bed forming a puddle of love. It soaked the blankets and the sheets. Darwin shifted her fat ass about and rubbed the slime around.

Their orgasms faded and Toby pulled out, painting the sheets with a jizz-covered cock. His arms and back were tingling so he fell back on the bed, knocking his head a bit, and relaxed. The two caught their breaths.

After a moment of relaxation, Toby started playing around with his member, slapping it around and pressing a finger to the skin and pulling away to see how sticky it was. Darwin slid herself over and took a hand around the shaft and another underneath his balls, fondling those orbs like a wizard.

Toby bit his lip with anticipation, Darwin took a second to smile mischievously at him, and then the cranking begin! The owl gave her student a most rugged handjob!

Toby flailed his feet around and gripped the sheets, rocking his ass back and forth like he was on a bull! Darwin smiled admirably as she watched her bed mate twist around, tongue hanging out like a dog on a merry-go-round.

She stopped jerking off Toby and brought her legs up, kneeling before the cat. She took the legs and lifted them up her body, her nipples tickling his calves and his feet hanging beside Darwin's head. His erect cock measured ten inches up Darwin's flabby front, bridging over her naval. She patted down the top, causing it to flinch with delight.

She hoisted herself up and lowered herself to veil her pussy over the hard feline rod. Toby spasmed as the sheath of owl vagina overcame his dick and Darwin rode him up and down. His feet pivoted and his toes crossed with pleasure!

Darwin stared at him with a dominated but sultry look but as the cat cock dug into her crevices and pushed at the front of her sexual passage, her stare broke down. Her eyes relaxed, her expression settled, and her tongue flopped out of her mouth. She grunted lowly and let herself look dumb.

The look was contagious as Toby's expression dulled, his eyes glazed over, he bit on his tongue, and drool sizzled out the sides of his mouth. He grunted with every push into his plus-sized owl bedmate. He grabbed at the sheets below, tugging and rustling them like he was holding onto a tottering ship in the middle of a storm at sea.

Darwin's face crunched and her smile stretched halfway around her head feeling like Toby's cock was going to rip out the front of her body. And she wanted that. The cock pushed up in her tunnel, stretching the bag inside. She delighted in the bottoms of Toby's thighs rubbing onto her waist.

Toby's urked and ooked, eyes mad with joy. His thighs were so pressed into Darwin's belly he could almost feel the hardness of the pelvic bone. His butt cheeks clapped with her thighs and as Darwin raised and lowered against him, the rubbing into his furry body. The friction was unfathomably sensual.

Darwin curled her toes behind her, her face flushed and her eyes euphoric with sexual pleasure. The orgasm crawled up from her nethers, its intense heat taking over her waist, then up to her belly, flowing through her thighs and tickling her taint.

She bit down on her tongue and hooted, the hoots being muffled by her closed mouth. Drool spritzed from beak and her cheeks bundled up her face. The pop of an orgasm was hard and while Toby's cock pierced her inner fortress, a moat of jizz flowed out of her, consuming Toby's mighty schlong and seeping out below.

Toby couldn't hold it anymore. He smiled so wide his face could have cracked in half. His eyes were as manic as an old asylum patient. He giggled and yelped with glee. If Darwin wasn't holding his legs in place they would have been spiraling all over the place like helicopter blades. He came inside her, happy to give his seed to his dominating teacher.

They fell into a series of exhaustive gasps and Darwin raised to let Toby's cock out. Despite it's black shade, there was some obvious redness to the member's skin- a trophy of passionate, animalistic lovemaking.

They continued their evening with more sex. Darwin climbed on top of Toby and bunched his legs up around her shoulders. She lowered herself onto his cock and rode him up and down like before, Toby's ear occasionally flicking her chin.

Darwin gave Toby a look and even without speaking, Toby knew what Darwin wanted. Drool, Darwin told Toby. Toby obliged immediately, letting his mouth produce the wet stuff and let it flow outside, down his cheeks and onto the sheets. Darwin smiled ecstatically and then let the saliva flow herself, her beak producing ample slime to rain down on the mattress.

Another eruption slathering the bed with juices and then Darwin took to the floor, presenting herself to Toby. Toby climbed behind and slammed his hips into her like a wrecking ball to an old apartment building. Next, Toby leaned his body down onto Darwin's soft loving back and gave her another helping of dick. The idea of doggystyle inspired Toby giving barking a try and while his barks were unconvincing and Darwin giggled, she found it pretty hot.

Toby sat down on the edge of the bed and Darwin sat down on him. It was a lot of weight for the lithe cat boy but there was enough cushion to make it tolerable and for Toby... it was worth it. His ability to worry about his legs being crushed lessened with each thrust up into the owl teacher's cooch.

Finally, Toby laid on the bed again and Darwin straddled herself on top, saliva dripping all over her fat breasts. She massaged his torso while she slid up and down his waist until both of them screamed through their own slobber, bellowing in orgasm! Toby collapsed, Darwin dismounted Toby and leaned against the wall at the edge of the bed.

It was time to rest.

At Darwin's request, they got up on shaky legs and walked to the couch, leaving behind a love nest with its sheets tossed around and covered with so much love fluid it looked like a werebear had peed the bed. Darwin left it for later and sat down beside Toby putting a hand on his lap and neither of them turning off the faucet on their saliva.

"Sssso!" said Darwin, drool whipping out of her mouth, "Tsell mbe abow-t yoursselfp!"

"Well-spt," said Toby, smiling wide, putting his hand in gesture, and face slime going down his chin, "I cs-like NAS-s-s-sCAR rac-s-s-ing and tennis-ps." Saliva whipped from his mouth with every syllable.

Darwin smiled, wetness flowing down her fatty chin, "Do you pft-play?"

Toby giggled, splashing spit everywhere. He shrugged, "B-I don't-sh know! Is-h there a-g tennish court nearby-sp?"

And the two kept talking late into the evening, slobbering on themselves with rampant joy, Toby so happen get got to fuck his sexy, overweight owl teacher and Darwin happy she finally got that cat boy with the nice package.

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