Fall to the Bell

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Delivering parcels seems like such an easy thing but a strange forest and an odd wagon lead to something different. The domain of a demon. The domain of a man that Canta cannot help but fall for. The sound of the bell soothes and calls for obedience, but it is her own heart and body that will betray her in the end.

Angels and demons had contested for dominion of the lands between them for eons, and for eons, they had both suffered. Inferno and Paradise were ruled by those who had a particular hate for one another that had burned since the first devil had been cast down to oblivion. The purpose of the conflict had been spite in both directions. Spite for the lord who had cast them aside along with all who were not clean enough, and spite for the wretches that tried to claw their way to a better tomorrow. The battlefield had been chosen as a place where fresh souls could be corrupted or ascended, where more territory could be taken to expand pure virtue or to allow ultimate freedom. The war tore apart the land and altered both the world itself and the people within it. Forests were charged with life and magic, mushrooms sprouting bigger than they should have, stones and hills floating above the ground sparking with the life that had been tearing it apart. Crystallized magic cut through the air and shrouded regions in shells of glimmering gemstones that reflected the colors of Paradise and Inferno.

Meanwhile, humanity intermingled with demons and angels closely until humanity had branched. There were beastfolk of various species, imps, strange chimera, and much more.

Devastation instead of corruption and alteration would have been the final result if not for both factions deciding in spite of their respective leaders to sign for peace. The angels pleaded with their lord and the demons begged with theirs until an accord was agreed upon. Demons, angels, and those who lived on the ravaged land had decided to bury the hatchet and live with one another. It wasn't perfect, but this peace had avoided annihilation. Now that peace roamed the land, angels, and demons found themselves in an odd spot of needing to coexist with one another and find life among the lands that did not involve warcraft. This meant that the lesser demons and lesser angels needed to find a new purpose. Many of them got to repairing the damage that had been wrought in the war. Architects joined hands to create something of the earth that had been ruined, masons cut and broke stone and crystal alike to make material, and those that could manipulate magic turned to using their arts to heal or to further academics. Survival gave way to frivolity and art, to song and culture blooming from the ashes.

Lesser angels were often messengers or delivery folk. They had the wings and the magic to travel from place to place quite easily and the sense of duty to not steal the packages for themselves. Even with the damage being repaired, even with everyone adjusting to the land between paradise and inferno being corrupted by magic, there were still those who yearned for mischief. Individuals with their own desires who honed their crafts for personal ambitions rather than to help others. Even then, most of the time this mischief did not mean anything significant and was typically ignored as long as it did not involve countless casualties.

The land itself had been ruptured in many places by magic but a light still held these floating hills together and the land had healed around it. The forests had grown hardier and strange, full of glowing lights and odd creatures that were now mundane and common. Buildings had sprouted here and there, towns and communities and settlements, and even bigger cities off in the distance. Some were old places that had been repaired, and some were new settlements created by a mix of survivors and newcomers who had mingled with the local populace. There were also ruins of the old world. Temples and cathedrals. Places of worship that had been left behind but maintained on occasion. A few of those ruins had been rebuilt or repurposed for the use of another, as places of power could often be found there and were quite valued by certain individuals.

An angel floated above these ruins, on occasion peering downward to say a little prayer before heading toward the grand forest. She appeared human for the most part, wearing a vest, skirt, and cap that marked her as a delivery girl for a particular company. Her eyes were gold and her hair was dirty blond. Though she appeared to be mostly human, she had furred legs ending in talons similar to a bat along with a tail. Her skin had a light tan to it and slung over her shoulders was a single pack. Small and motionless wings hovered near her back, glowing and glittering in a way similar to the light of the sun.

Canta landed just outside of the forest while looking around, the wings at her back fading away into motes of light. Her last destination of the day was somewhere along this path but she hadn't been here before. She knew that there were a lot of demons that lived inside the forest, a lot of demons that resented angels. It wasn't really fair that she had to make this delivery either. She had been about to end her day full of cheer and joy but had been told that there was one more delivery that needed her. One more delivery and she'd be free to go, and most likely without any extra pay. Well, might as well get it over with.

The short angel made her way through the forest while looking all about. It wasn't very often that she hiked through wooded areas like this. The trees seemed to reach far higher than she could see with hardy leaves and branches that extended outward as if they could choke out the sun itself. There were also creatures wandering around looking at her. Little birds that fluttered about and odd canines on the ground with many eyes and possum mouths. She really just wanted to go back and leave, and in fact, maybe she would.

When Canta turned around, she saw that the path had changed. There was a split in the road where there had once not been. There were lanterns on either side of the path sticking out like black spires. She tried her best not to curse as she willed her wings back into existence and began to rise. It wouldn't be a good idea to go straight up but floating like this at least made her feel like she had some sort of control of the situation. Okay, no need to panic. She had been told that there was a home following the path, a home with a particular address on it. There weren't many homes in this place, not that many at all from what she had seen on the map but she had not been told about the path appearing to change shapes when she turned around. Breathing out, she turned again and continued going forward hoping that she would get to her destination soon enough.

With her mind and heart racing, the lack of sunshine began to affect her just a bit more. The darkness seemed thicker, the places where she could not see becoming spots of localized chaos. There could be anything in there, anything at all. Dangerous monsters. Demons. Creatures that could poison her with even a single glance. Okay, perhaps she was panicking a bit but it was always good to be cautious. And if she really was in danger, then she could just use a spell and get out of there. Nothing to really worry about. She kept on slipping from one extreme to the other. Thinking that she was perfectly fine one second, before finding herself entirely too concerned.

Through the shadows, she finally stumbled on something a bit hopeful. It was an old wagon of sorts that looked big enough to be a small cottage. The wood was rose with hues of black here and there, and the square window on the wagon glowed with the warmth of light that let her know that someone was inside. She fluttered toward the steps leading up to the door and willed her wings away as she landed on one of the stairs. Just a few steps took her to the door and she raised a hand to knock hoping that this was the place or that she could get some directions.

After a few moments, she thought about leaving until the door creaked open. For some reason, she couldn't quite see inside of the wagon but she poked her head inside before taking a tentative step. The inside soon became clear as she walked through the threshold and uttered a gasp. What appeared to be a simple wagon was something much bigger on the inside. Or perhaps she had been transported to another place. A pocket dimension or something. What she saw was a library with two floors. There were rows of bookcases that extended out to a wall but the warm light she had seen glowed deeper within. She followed the light while heading down the center of the library, looking from side to side as her curiosity began to take over her concern. Canta was almost tempted to take a look at some of the books but she kept on walking hoping to find someone in this strange place. At the end of the library, she found a little section with a table and several shelves holding what appeared to be inkpots and vials.

When she still didn't see anyone, she called out quietly, "Hello? Is anyone there?"

"Why yes." A reply came much sooner than anticipated.

She jumped forward feeling the hairs at the back of her neck stand on end, her wings appearing and glowing brightly as she turned around and nearly choked, "Oh! Oh please don't ever scare me like that, sir."

Her wings faded again and she settled on the floor as she regarded a hooded stranger in heavy robes with glowing eyes staring out the hood being the only thing she could see of him. When she had settled a bit, the stranger chuckled, "Apologies. I just thought that it would be better to introduce myself instead of letting you get lost."

Remembering her manners, she cleared her throat and took off her cap before bowing, "Hello, sir. My name is Canta. I'm here to deliver a package to someone but I'm not quite sure if this is the right place I was told of a home in the forest with a particular address but uh, the path got a little weird."

The stranger nodded slowly before humming, "It does that sometimes. Mind you, it doesn't really change. It only looks different. It all goes to the same place so long as you know where you're going. However, if you're lost then you're more than likely to stay lost."

She breathed out and touched her chest as she rose, "Okay, well. Do you have a map or something that I could use to point me in the right direction?"

He nodded and she somehow felt he was smiling as he looked at her, "I do and I can lend it to you, little angel."

The man turned and began to walk while bringing up a hand to beckon her. She followed along and asked aloud while putting her hat back on, "What's your name?"

"Inq." He said plainly.

Canta looked all around again, curiosity gripping her as she recalled that mostly demons lived in this particular forest, and so she asked quietly, "Are you a demon?"

Inq chuckled, "That I am but not to worry, I don't hate angels."

She breathed out a sigh of relief, "Oh, thank the divine light."

"Why would I dislike angels, when they are so fun to mess with?" The stranger hummed.

Canta coughed, "Excuse me?"

He only chuckled in response, his arm raised to where his mouth might be as he spoke, "That's what I mean. Angels react in the best ways to the simplest of things. A little tease, a little prank and they overheat in an instant. They're also pretty weak to flirting and most of the time rather beautiful like yourself."

She sucked the inside of her cheek to try to keep the blush off of her face while humming, "I see."

"And most of them have no idea what demons are nowadays, nor what makes a demon a demon or anything about them really. They don't have that thirst for knowledge." He said with a long sigh.

Her mind paused for a moment as she counted his words and thought about them carefully until she huffed, "Are you calling me stupid?"

He laughed, "Not at all! I just don't think that angels are very driven toward the collection of knowledge and the arts. They are more focused on virtue, history, and conservation. They might keep a library and keep it well but they would not study its contents except a few. See, I've met many angels and many of them didn't know I was a demon until the question was posed or until I did something that seemed a little off morally."

She scoffed, "Well excuse me for not knowing what my old enemies look like, sound like, or whatever! And excuse me for not having an interest in fickle distractions. I'm too busy working to better the realm in what ways I can. Helping others deliver things, using my magic to make life a bit easier, and what do your kind and you do?"

Behind the hood, she could feel his smile as he tilted his head, "Share the knowledge with all who would seek it. Better the understanding of medicine, of art, and more. You are good at what you do and angels are good at keeping to their duty in general. We are also good at causing plenty of mischief and inciting excitement."

"More like causing trouble and inciting mayhem. I might not know much about demons but I know what trouble you caused and the fact that you are all driven by sin." Canta said while crossing her arms.

To her annoyance, he simply chuckled, "We are and we have caused trouble but what to you might be something grandiose and sinful might simply be a little fun to us. Take for example; sexuality. It is something freeing and liberating to us. Something beautiful and carnal in many regards but once upon a time angels treated it as the ultimate sin. There were even those on this land that cut it out of their lives entirely denying themselves pleasure while even pretending that it did not exist."

She thought about that for a moment while muttering aloud, "I guess we don't do that anymore but I was just told to take those sorts of things in stride and not to overdo it."

The demon nodded, "Things have changed a bit indeed for an angel to say that but even warning against the indulgence of it is silly. How many lessons have you had, how much do you know about your own body?"

"I don't need to discuss any of that with you, perverted demon!" She said with a squeak before scoffing, "But whatever. That's not important. I don't even know why I'm standing here when you said you would help me."

Inq stopped at a particular bookcase and reached into the darkness of one of the shelves, plucking out a brown piece of parchment. He unfolded it carefully and said with a hum, "I did indeed say that but you know, there's always a price when you trade with a demon, dear little angel. Especially when you've been such a rude patron."

As he tucked the map away in a sleeve, she crossed her arms and sniffed, "I wasn't that rude. I was just answering your teasing with a little bite. I mean, what did you expect? I'm an angel. I shouldn't be trying to be your friend." She then looked down while muttering, "Well, I guess we were all told to get along so maybe my preconceived notions did lack a bit of virtue."

"Oho? Feeling a bit of guilt? Well, if that's the case then I suppose you wouldn't mind playing with me for a bit. Your punishment won't be too severe." He said with a sigh.

Her head twitched upward, her eyes growing wide as she coughed, "Punishment? I thought you said I had to make a trade! That there'd be a price."

"And the price I feel is necessary is a little punishment. I'm sure you won't mind." Hummed the demon as he began to fish through one of his sleeves.

Canta felt a shiver up her spine as she opened her mouth and then closed it. She felt that she had insulted him, so there was a part of her that really did think that she should stay here and see what he wanted. At the same time, she had her own duty to tend to, her own duty to think about. More than that, she wasn't entirely honor-bound. No angel was entirely honor-bound anymore. She could walk away without repercussion but she did not want to risk falling or becoming corrupted. To fall would mean to betray her own virtue, to betray her own thoughts on what made her an angel in the first place. She had already judged this stranger just because of what he was and also wanted to exploit his hospitality. Perhaps she could at least hear him out, yes. That wouldn't be a problem.

And so she sighed, "All right, fine. What did you have in mind?"

From his sleeve, he produced what appeared to be a bell. It was brass with a dull glow to it that seemed to grow more intense the more she focused on it, and the more she focused on it the more she noticed little runes etched into the surface of the thing. Curiosity caught her attention and a question was on her lips until he lightly swung the bell causing it to let out a gentle sound. Canta froze and felt her body shudder at the sound. It was...Oddly pleasant. He made it ring again, and again she felt a pleasantness wash over her, the sound echoing all around her and within her.

He reached out to touch her cheek gently and leaned in to mutter, "Follow along, little angel."

There was a mote of annoyance inside of her that seemed to fade away so easily as he walked. Every step he took he swung the bell, and every single time she heard the sound she felt that sweet comfort as she followed along. Canta's suspicions had faded as well for some reason. Her concern with him being a demon seemed to have disappeared as well. She knew that something was off, something was wrong but she couldn't quite focus on those thoughts. Instead, she found herself focusing on wondering how she was going to repay this kind stranger for letting her into his library, and what she should do to make up for the fact that she had been so rude.

Where the demon took her was through a little hall with braziers hanging above them, with deep flames lighting the way. Despite that, there was something cool about the place, a glow of aqua and emerald guiding them further in. She felt that it was a sinister place and of course, it had to be because this was a demon's domain, was it not? Still, Canta followed along dutifully while the sound of the bell continued to soothe her soul. Inq opened a door for her and she stepped inside without question. She found herself in what appeared to be a personal study. There were more bookcases but only lined up against the wall, and there were more than books there. Objects that seemed strange to her, phials and flasks with odd colors glowing from within adding to the odd lighting. There was also a bed that she was urged toward.

"Strip for me." He said quietly.

Her cheeks blazed as she turned around after taking a step toward the bed. She then gaped and coughed, "What? What makes you think that I would ever do such a thing?!"

She had more ready to say as she broke free of the odd stupor she had been in before suddenly, all of her shock and disdain began to fade away. The bell rang again, her body shivering as his voice echoed alongside it, "Relax. Let me take my price from you. Let me use your body and I'll help you. This is only fair."

Denial began to form on her lips but another ring of the bell and her heart wavered. Her fingers twitched and moved to her vest. The buttons came off, and she found a small note of regret at the back of her mind, regret that she didn't often wear anything underneath as she liked to travel lightly. Her breasts were exposed soon enough, both of them heavy enough for hands to cup, but not big enough to be considered massive. Her hand next took off her cap to let it fall to the side along with her vest, tufts of hair like rabbit ears puffing upward. What was wrong with her? Why was she doing this?

As she pondered why she was doing this in the first place, Inq approached her and reached out to grasp her chest. She squeaked immediately as she felt something sharp like a claw grazing along the surface of her chest, a thumb running along her nipple in gentle circles. Canta pulled away just a bit from the sudden touch but he followed along and leaned in. She felt his mouth on her neck, she felt something like a snout touching her. Canine? Something a bit more like a wolf or a fox? She wasn't sure, but she could feel the demon's tongue soon along her neck, fangs pressing on occasion causing her to shudder. Another mote of resistance began to grow but the sound of the bell continued to make her feel like everything was okay.

More than the bell, more than the strange sound ringing through her body; Canta found that his touch felt nice. His fingers trailed along her chest, squeezing and massaging causing warmth to sprout from that spot trailing down between her legs. What was happening to her? It had to do with that stupid bell. That lovely bell that continued to ring. That horrible tool of a demon that swayed her mind and pushed her to sweet stillness. The worst part about it was that even though she realized what was happening, she still felt herself succumbing to the sound and enjoying it. There was a damnable part of her that liked what was happening to her.

It was the fact that she had no concern in the world, the fact that she could let herself fall comfortably to this thing and come out of it with an excuse. What lust she felt could be explored freely so long as she allowed him to do whatever he wanted, and in the end, she would still remain a virtuous angel. Even corrupted it would not be her fault, and that felt good. It felt genuinely good to free herself of responsibility and that made her mind more malleable, made her weaker than she should have been.

Every one of his touches added to that weakness. Fingers and claws pricked gently at her skin before sliding up and down, her chest trembling as her breasts were felt and groped. His tongue along her neck added a thick warmth, his breath turning that warmth into a solid heat that threatened to coil around her throat like a collar. When she thought to push away, when she felt resistance rising, it was his touch that had her writhing, his touch that made her feel as if she could not pull away until the bell rang again and stole away her fears. His grip grew tighter, and she found excitement blossoming. There was something about his claws, something about his fangs at her neck that made her tremble in delight. If he hurried along and did what he wanted, perhaps she would not have to contend with these mixed emotions boiling within her.

He chuckled as the thought occurred to her, Canta's cheeks blossoming red as she felt his touch soften again. The demon gave her neck one more kiss before heading around her back, a hand on her shoulder as he muttered, "Continue to strip."

Canta did not wait to hear the bell before her fingers moved to grasp the hem of her skirt. She trembled as she undid the buttons, sighed as she felt it slip to the floor before she stepped out of it. Her legs felt cool despite the warmth surrounding her, and she allowed her underwear to soon fall just the same. A demon like him would bend her over and mount her, a monster like him would use her with no regard for her, and such a thought was somehow exciting to her. Canta looked up to see the bell floating above her, her gaze softening as it began to sway back and forth adding a gentle song to the room. The fuzziness in her mind did little to stop the intensity she felt when he began to touch her.

His claws grasped onto her outer thighs first, his fingers moving up and around all the way to her chest. He pressed closer and she felt his bare stomach first, curled fur pressing along her lower back, something warm and firm twitching against her back thigh causing her to shudder and breathe out. The gentle soothing of the bell could not stop the rushing of her heart, could not stop the embarrassment bubbling up within her. His had become as soft as the bell ringing above her head and she wasn't sure how to feel about it.

Inq began by grinding his hips against her, his hips pumping forward to slide his shaft between her legs bit by bit until she could feel it slipping out the front. This motion brought the folds of his open robe forward and on occasion they brushed against her body adding a silken touch into the mix. His hands remained at her thighs, squeezing them together around his shaft causing her to shudder and squeak. Another set of fingers touched her shoulders and it was at that point she realized that he had sprouted another set of arms. She turned her head enough to see that whatever fur he had was dark as night, and his touch was as gentle as a breeze through the evening. She both cherished it and loathed it.

Each thrust pushed his shaft up along her slit forcing her to feel the little pinpricks of pleasure that should have been disdain. All the bell did was soothe her now, and she was certain that he could do much more with it. She realized that he must have been toying with her, must have been doing this on purpose. Two fingers grabbed onto one of her nipples as her frustration mounted and her frustration easily popped as he toyed with her chest, as his fingers squeezed down just a bit more firmly around both her nipple and her breast itself. His mouth planted loving kisses along her neck, kisses that were better saved for someone other than a captured angel. She squirmed and frowned, trying to find her virtuous anger in all of this before she instead let out a pathetic moan.

Her eyes shut tight but soon opened as she felt a set of his fingers move from her chest down to her crotch, two of them opening to spread along her cunt, to press against her outer lips to spread them slowly. There was already arousal dripping from her heat, already arousal keeping her nice and slick as he brought a finger down to her slit to toy inside the shallows, pushing and pressing, swirling in deeper while he continued to hump and grind against her. His lips pecked at her ear, his fangs occasionally nipping, his breath adding more heat as if it could sink into her mind like corrupted steam. This had to be a dream, or a nightmare. There was no way that he was making her feel this way, and yet, even without the bell, she could feel her body reacting to him.

He began to hump a bit faster, grinding forward, pushing his cock up harder against her cunt while his finger continued to toy inside of her. Her toes curled, her talons scraping against the floor while she tried to ignore how good it all felt. Canta's cheeks had already gone crimson, everything was too much for her to handle. Even with the soothing of the bell constantly ringing she could feel that her irritation and disdain had turned into arousal and a call for something else that had her shaking. Her heart beat faster and faster as her lips parted to let out gasps and moans alike, her mind faltering as her virtue parted for him to let him dig in a second finger as if he were pushing it to her very core!

"Stop toying with me!" She cried out finally.

The demon paused, his hips slowly pulling away as he purred in her ear, as his fingers slipped out of her one by one to move around to massage her hips instead, "Poor thing, that is nowhere near enough to corrupt and pleasure an angel, is it?"

He moved around her while his fingers drifted off her body, another spark of annoyance flying from her that died out at the sound of the bell as she instead sighed, "It felt so good but I don't want to be toyed with like that."

His clawed digits tapped on her shoulders as he rounded her, as he stepped in front of her. Canta could finally see more of him but not entirely. She couldn't see his face but she could see that he had a stout form, a bit of a belly but with strength to the legs and the arms that had been toying with her. His body seemed to be made of night itself, or perhaps it was better to say that he appeared to be made of ink, but he certainly didn't feel like he was made of ink. What had been between her legs was something thick and throbbing, something sliding out of a fuzzy sheath that had her cheeks burning, her eyes drifting to two rounded balls hanging beneath. She then turned her attention back to his upper body just as his hands at her shoulders turned her around toward the bed.

Blinking, a question on her lips, she yelped as she was suddenly pushed forward. Her short tail was grasped and lifted, her rear was squeezed and kneaded, and her thighs massaged all at once. The bell's influence began to toy with her mind, further dipping her into a gentle fog that caressed her as lovingly as his fingers on her rear. She then felt his tongue, his tongue sliding along her slit, dipping into her shallows as it proved more flexible and longer than she would have thought. Canta stifled her reaction, tried to keep it in but was soon moaning while her mind sparked with desire and steam. Every lick and movement of his tongue was done with such slow and deliberate motion. She struggled not to let herself enjoy it too much but the bell, the bell was making her feel otherwise. At least, that was the excuse that she gave herself.

In truth, she could not make that excuse at all. She was being toyed with, her insides subjected to gentle and loving pleasure that made her feel so strange, that seemed to wipe away whatever virtue she had in favor of lust. The tongue inside of her slipped free, and she thought that he might be taking mercy on her. Her mind was full of fog and flowers, her body shaking as she struggled to push herself up slowly. Again her face fell to the sheets as he pushed a set of digits inside of her, two at once and this time firmly. She yelped and squirmed, his pause soon interrupted by a new sensation that caused her to shudder and curse quietly to herself.

His tongue had found her rear, his fingers dipping into her cunt at the same time, twisting around while he lapped away at her ass. It embarrassed her to no end, and she had thought that she would have been done with the shame as he had dug those fingers inside of her so fiercely. Canta could almost say that she was looking forward to him using her like a toy, to him plowing into her without any mercy at all. It would be better than being savored like a meal, tasted and licked until all that was left was her muddied soul. The demon's tongue slid inside of her ass, his nose pressed against the base of her tail as he continued digging it in and twisting it about. At the same time, his fingers continued to work.

There was a pressure growing inside of her, a pressure that she could not ignore as he dipped his digits in deeper and deeper. He twisted them inside, grinding them against her inner walls before spreading them wide, his tongue continuing to work inside of her rear bit by bit. She couldn't stand this slow pace, and not because she hated it. Canta could not stand it because it made her feel as though her entire existence was melting because of him. She longed for the soothing of the bell and she could hear it dulling her anger and annoying but it was as if he were controlling it, keeping it from dulling her entirely to the embarrassment and shame pouring through her. Did he not care about the sweat? Did he not feel any shame himself? These questions pulsed through her but they soon faded as she felt the pleasure careening toward her head.

She shook violently, her legs closing in, her toes curling tightly as she cried out and felt the pressure release. Canta groaned and panted, her insides tightening and gushing around the fingers toying with them. She couldn't hold herself up and instead allowed her cheek to lie atop the cool surface of the sheets. Everything felt too good, it even felt as though the air were caressing her so lovingly. Of course, she knew what a climax was, of course, she had felt it before but never at the hands of another like this. He continued licking her rear even as his fingers slipped away, all of his hands now focused on holding onto her hips as if she would try to escape. Canta could never imagine leaving right now. The haze of her mind was filled with thoughts of warm passion melting over her, pulling her in deeper until it felt like she was drowning. The only thing keeping her awake was the sound of the gentle bell ringing.

When he finally pulled his tongue free he slipped his fingers off of her body and rose away from her. Canta shuddered and simply lay there while drinking in the glow of her climax. It washed away any sort of anger she had, and yet, she was still trembling. That shivering came from a mixture of knowing it was not yet over, and wondering just how far he would take it. She felt his claws tapping against her rear, his digits moving to her sides as he leaned down and kissed her ear. Would he take her now?

"Rise for me." He whispered.

Inq got up and she slowly did the same, pushing herself up first before turning around on the bed to face him. Her legs hung off the bed and her eyes were full of that lustful haze and delightful fear. Canta opened her mouth slowly and asked, "What now?"

He smiled and reached up to touch the bell, bringing it closer as he rumbled, "You continue to obey until I am done with you, until you are mine." She trembled at that and closed her legs, but did not stop him as he touched the back of her head and muttered, "Get your tongue working now. Worship me."

She frowned at the mention of worship, frowned at the idea of turning her faith to him, and yet she slid between his legs and faced his pulsing shaft right before her eyes. With a hand, he took his shaft and lifted it, his heavy balls presented to her beaded by sweat. The ringing of the bell compelled her. The ringing of the bell took her hand and brought it to his shaft. It was making her warm on the inside, making her wonder how everything tasted, how he smelled, and how it would feel to have that thing inside of her. How long would that excuse last? Canta closed her eyes to the truth and leaned in to let her tongue out and against his heavy balls.

Salt touched her tongue, the scent of something warm and spiced touching her nostrils. Gentle earth tones and more. She licked and lapped away at his balls and her own senses, her lips occasionally suckling on his orbs as he instructed her quietly on occasion. His fingers looped through her hair, his words on occasion uttering a good girl or another piece of praise that affected her far too much. Her tongue pushed through the curls along his balls, pressing closer without issue, her mind growing warmer by the second as she worshiped this horrid demon. What god did she need when she had him? The thought struck her and she opened her eyes wide for a moment before letting them fall back to half-moons. Her virtue was splintering already, and yet, she kept her tongue and lips moving.

The fingers looped through her hair tightened and brought her mouth up to the base of his shaft, her tongue remaining out as she allowed him to use her however he desired. Bit by bit she was brought the tip of his cock, her head held firmly in place as he eased himself into her maw. Canta could feel every twitch and pulse, every throb of his demonic shaft slipping in deeper and deeper. He took his precious time and she could practically imagine how it would feel for him to do the same to her cunt. The strain of having her mouth stretched out like this brought her to gagging finally as she felt his shaft dipping into her throat, as she felt him continue to slide inside despite the noise. When her nose met his crotch, he yanked her hair once.

She winced and thought about moving but soon found that her head was held firmly in place. He pulled back before slamming in causing her to sputter, and then he repeated the motion over and over again. Every thrust robbed her of air, every thrust robbed her of reason. Her mind which had grown so hazy now sparked with activity. Shock and delight. Sudden lust and fright. She groaned around his sudden treatment and loved it in spite of his growling. Canta could finally drown herself in the buzzing adrenaline instead of being forced to face her own lust. His movements kept her distracted, his throbbing shaft a constant reminder of his desire rather than her own and she clung on to that for dear life. She didn't want to think about the fact that she had been worshiping him so honestly, and she feared what would happen if the bell stopped ringing. Would she still feel this way?

He kept on moving faster, kept on pounding deep into her throat before suddenly, she felt the first shot of his climax. Inq held her head in place as he bottomed out inside of her throat with his balls against her chin. She shuddered as the heat clung to her mouth, as that virile stickiness poured out in heavy amounts. Canta soon found his touch absent from the back of her head and it seemed that the bell did not entirely control her movements, but she remained with her nose rooted to his crotch until he finished. When she felt the last drops of his orgasm falling on her tongue, she pulled away and breathed in deeply while coughing.

"Satisfied?" She managed to say after a few moments.

He grabbed her head and pulled her up all the way, turning her around to hold onto her arms and yank them back. As he did this he leaned against her and pressed his still-hard shaft along her rear while growling, "No, and it is time that you accepted my seed. It is time to breed this lovely angel. It is time to hear you say that you are mine."

She almost wanted to say no but the bell did not even need to ring for her to consider it in genuine. He held her there while rubbing his arousal against her rear, while pressing his cock against her body and she could not help but whine, "I'm yours."

Inq paused and kissed her ear while muttering, "What was that?"

Canta bit her lip as she realized the severity of her sacrilege, as she felt herself slipping further and further away even as the bell stopped ringing. The angel breathed out while leaning back against him, "It felt so good. Felt too good. I can't speak right, I can't even think right. You've broken my virtue and made me hunger for this. You are a monster, a terrible demon, and I have fallen for whatever it is you are doing to me. Make me yours."

All four of his arms brought her up. Two of them held onto her ankles and two of his hands still gripped her arms. She felt the tip of his shaft line up with her cunt and he purred into her ear, "So you'll fall for me? Earn those cute little black wings and become my attendant? Abandon your work and god just for lust and love?"

Her mind felt clear, felt as if the bell were still ringing and she answered while her eyes glowed with hues of ink and gold alike, "Yes."

The tip of his shaft pushed against her outer walls, pressing and pushing until her shallows were breached. He kept her there for a moment, kissing her ear while whispering something strange that she could not understand. The bell began to ring again, began to sooth her mind again but this time it was different. She felt herself sinking deeper and deeper into the gentle sound, into the touch of the man behind her. The haze descended on her again but had no time to take hold as her insides were suddenly stretched wide by the demon's cock. He allowed her to slide downward over his cock, his hips thrusting upward to bury himself inside of her at the same time. One mighty thrust burrowed half of his shaft inside of her, and another thrust carried in the rest.

He began to drag her up before letting her fall, her body stretched, her toes curling and her eyes peering up in utter delight as she let herself fall. The sound of the bell ringing only added to her joy as she felt his shaft grinding away at any purity she had. Each movement was made faster, each thrust shook out more of her virtue until she might as well have called herself a demon instead. That didn't seem right, didn't sound right at all but she reveled in this new depravity of hers and moaned aloud instead of questioning it. Her insides had been stretched and treated gently enough before that it was almost too easy for him to pound the life out of her, Canta shuddering violently as she felt herself teetering close to another climax.

The thought occurred to her, the thought began to race through her mind. If he came inside of her, would she get pregnant? That would truly be an unholy union and yet all she could do was sigh and beg for more as he continued to pound into her. She felt something bulbous pounding at the base of his shaft kissing her cunt and she squeaked as he began to pull her down harder as if he were trying to force her over it. A canine's knot? A primal and terrible thing meant to lock them together. She smiled her twisted smile, her body holding as still as possible until she felt the knot pop inside of her.

Inq's shaft pulsed inside of her and she had to wonder whether or not he would fill her soon. To her surprise, he began to pull out and in fact, he yanked out of her as hard as he could causing her to cry out as her insides were stretched wider than she thought possible. He then slammed back in all the way, repeating the motion over and over again until her head hung down from the overstimulation. She groaned and felt her strength drained by the constant friction, her climax shuddering out but her body was not allowed to rest as he continued to use her like a toy. Once more he brought her back down and he let go of her arms. One of his hands moved to clasp onto her chest, fingers tightening around a nipple while the other moved to her neck.

He held her neck tight, a digit brushing up and down against her throat while her world vibrated. Canta groaned aloud while facing upward, while looking toward the heavens that she would never wish to see again. Inq bounced her gently now, his cock throbbing with every movement as he teased himself and her. Every moment she spent wondering when he would fill her, when she would feel that glorious heat, and just as she was about to try and choke out that she wanted him to cum inside of her, she felt it begin.

Warmth flooded her insides staining her within, her body trembling in delight as she was finally claimed by this demon. Every thrust added another load inside of her, every twitch staining her further and further until she felt rounded and plump. When he finished, his shaft slipped out of her with a wet pop, their combined arousal dripping on the floor. He kept rubbing her chest, his hand on her neck moving to let him kiss over her shoulder. Her vision was hazy, the bell had stopped, but the ringing in her mind continued on and on. It felt so wonderful to obey this strange demon, it felt so wonderful to fall. She knew now why demons were so dangerous, why they had fought. This sin could corrupt anyone, and she loved it.

He let her go slowly and she was set onto her knees where she fell forward and somehow managed to catch herself by the hands. Inq touched her head gently and rumbled, "Get up, let me show you something."

She stood as best as she could, wobbling all about while she touched her head as if she could regain her senses just like that. Words trembling and muttered, she managed to say, "What is it?"

When she turned toward him, a mirror floated in the air for her. Canta's eyes grew wide as she saw her own reflection. Her eyes had darkened, her hair kissed by hues of auburn as well as the typical dark blond. When she called her wings she saw that they were black as well and a bit more batlike despite remaining small. She willed them away and finally touched her neck noticing that he had placed a choker around her neck. It was a pretty little thing with an aquamarine teardrop hanging off the center. She felt over the smooth surface and looked at him, watching as he grinned at her.

The mirror faded and he muttered, "I figured you'd want to see how the corruption has changed you. So, my little angel, I ask without the bell ringing above your head, I ask without any little device clouding your thoughts. Are you mine?"

She opened her mouth a few times before she turned away and nodded. Canta had to quit her job as a delivery girl for multiple reasons. First of which was failing the delivery, and second of which was sheer embarrassment. She really would rather not face any other angel that she knew like this despite the fact that she was oddly happy. Instead, she became somewhat of a librarian's assistant. She carried books from place to place making sure they were where they belonged. There were also times when she needed to go out to gather ingredients or odd magical things for Inq to use in his day-to-day life. As it turned out, he really did give away the knowledge he collected. He could do a bit of healing, could tend to corrupted glades and odd creatures, and a few other things that surprised her. She also helped with these things but was most of the time a bit lost. There was, however, something that she did take to. He enjoyed writing from time to time but she found that it was a little difficult for her but the form that she did enjoy was artwork. Painting. Drawing. Sketching. Anything of a similar form made her feel whole, made her feel joyful in ways that she had not felt before.

There were, of course, other things that brought her joy as well. The constant lust. The desires that never seemed to end. He would grab her and pull her away at any opportunity to use her again and again. The bell would be used to tease her, he would remind her at every turn of her corruption, and she reveled in all of it. Today, she found her lips glued to his rear, her fingers spreading him apart as she dipped her tongue inside. She hid behind his robes, his tail curled around her neck as he encouraged her to keep worshiping him. This was part of her daily chores as well. Making sure that he knew that she still wanted every part of him, and she did so of her own volition rather than having him ask her. It was embarrassing but it was something that she could do gladly. If anyone saw her then she would say that she was being controlled, that she was happily corrupted by this terrible demon but she knew what the true reality was, of course.

At the moment, she was hiding inside of his robes while her tongue worked his rear because he was speaking to someone in the library. They asked questions about the location of a book or two, wondering where they should find something. He had told her that an angel would be visiting but she hadn't been sure of what to make of it. Right now she didn't care because her mind was focused on the task at hand but she was forced to contend with it as he pulled his rear away from her mouth and revealed her by turning to her. He opened his robes enough to push his cock against her face, and she responded by opening her maw to him and letting him fuck her throat.

"My bad, my familiar here is so needy. Won't you forgive her?" He rumbled.

She didn't look up at the angel and instead focused on bobbing her head forward against her master's thrusts while the angel cleared their throat, "Ah, uh, yes I see. As expected of your kind but I don't fault you for it, or her. I uh, I should be seeking that book."

The angel did not move for a while, however, and she was stuck there being watched as her throat was fucked, while her face was used by a demon, and she loved every second of it. Not being watched, oh no, that was far too embarrassing. Being watched made her feel hotter and hotter by the second as if her mind were about to pop but only if she focused on it. No, she had more important things to focus on. What she loved was bringing Inq pleasure, what she needed to feel was the pulse of that proof deep inside of her maw. The grinding of his cock along her tongue, the feeling of him twitching as if to signal that he was getting closer and closer making her wonder where he would cum this time. When he pulled out to paint her face in his seed, in his mark, she did not care that it was in front of someone else. All she cared about was that she had proof of his pleasure. That is, until she heard the angel dashing off.

Canta slapped his thighs and got up with a huff, "You're so mean!"

Inq hummed and stroked through her hair, "You didn't seem to mind."

She shuddered as his touch moved to her cheek, as he brushed a thumb in gentle circles and she kissed one of his digits as she muttered, "Such a terrible master. You'll at least be nice later, right?"

The demon leaned down to give her nose a peck, his words rumbled and purred, "I'll be sure to cook you something nice, my lovely little angel. I love you."

The sound of his voice purring at her, the admission of his love, and the feeling of it pulsing inside of her. Canta shuddered in pure delight. She leaned against his touch and muttered quietly, "I love you too, my terrible demon."

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Beyond Faith

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