Undercover Dragon

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Kieva is the star player of his hockey team with a shed size skeleton hiding within his closest in a world where magic is rare and heavily scrutinized, and dragons even more so. But having fallen in love with the sport, and the people around him, he's done a good job of protecting his true nature from the world at large... That is, until an enigmatic yet alluring vixen sweet talks the stud to her hotel room for a one night stand~

This was a raffle prize for Kieva from my 1 year anniversary raffle! I might do future raffles once I've gotten back into the swing of writing and on top of my queue (blame BG3), so be sure to watch just in case! I've also tried doing something different for the upload and avatar to hopefully make it function better with furaffinity and other sites. Let me know if this is better or if you guys liked the old upload style more!

Kieva murmured happily to himself as he ducked through the doorway leading to a small hotel room. It was a space not quite up to the usual fare that he and his hockey teammates were usually holed up in whenever they were playing out of state, but more than acceptable enough for the buxom vixen who was currently guiding him in from the hallway, and towards the large bed further in. She was an amazon of a woman, standing several inches over most men, with a toned, athletic body and posture that implied she was confident enough to hold her own against any man that tried his luck. But, to the towering muscled dog, she was still a svelte adornment against his hip, able to nestle in underneath his arm and rest her head against his broad shoulder.

Perhaps that's why the bombshell had bought him that drink at the bar. Afterall, it wouldn't be every day she found a guy who was taller than her - yet alone one large enough for her lovely frame to settle in against like all the other gals with their men. That, or she had recognized him due to his fame as one of the team's star players, but that seemed unlikely since their sweet talking at the counter, and on the way up to this private little get away to satisfy their carnal passions, had only briefly glanced across the topic of his career before turning to more... sordid fancies.

Regardless of the reason, it seemed that the pair of them only had more important desires than gossip after the moment the electronic lock clicked closed behind them. The vixen turned within his grasp, sliding back in against his torso and pressing her buxom breasts against his broad chest. Her snout tipped upwards, pressing her lips against his with a tender roll of her tongue to invite a kiss from the larger man. Her fingers, meanwhile, danced across his back, sliding across his rippling physique, until finally the well-groomed dull claw tips at their ends skirted the base of his tail before sweeping along his hip until they began to fondle blindly with the buckle of his belt. Not to be out done, his own far clumsier hands swept along her back with eager gropes, trying less to help her out of her lacy red dress and more to fondle the gorgeous body lying concealed just underneath, before rejoining their bodies against one another by pressing in against her rump as soon as he felt the lass tug his belt free.

The dog's budding excitement pressed against her midsection, spilling from his pants as the woman's manipulations popped the button out of his pants and left his briefs struggling to contain his arousal now that it was freed from the thicker garment keeping him 'decent'. He pressed his lip's firmer against the vixen's maw, trying to wrestle control of the kiss she had started in a playful play for dominance as they moved towards the bed with awkward shuffles as layer after layer of clothing was pried from their bodies.

Until, as they reached the side of the queen sized mattress that still seemed ill sized for their towering physiques, he paused halfway through disrobing the vixen of her one-piece attire when his orange-sized nuts bounced free from his briefs and brushed against something unexpected. He pulled his maw away from the fox's lips with a curious rumble, retreating with a tender lick against her snout to break the lines of spit left in the wake of their embrace, and turned his emerald green eyes from her cyan gaze to spy the woman's now not so 'hidden assets'.

Kieva whistled with an impressed tone, eyeing the slick red meat of the hermaphrodite's cock beginning to swell underneath his own towering masculinity. Much like the rest of the chick, it too was much larger than the average man's, throbbing at its thickest extent to the size of a glass above a pair of avocado sized testes, seemingly every bit as virile as his own if the glossy sheen starting to coat the crimson member from its drooling point was anything to go by. A nice sight against his own ebony log which bounced from his lap with every surging throb and twitch, although much like the rest of their comparative dimensions, he still retained a clear advantage in size even there... Albeit not as commanding a gap as he typically held with any of the guys he dragged to bed he fooled around with.

"A big guy like you isn't gonna get scared off by a woman with a bit extra, are ya?" the lass murmured sweetly into his ear. Her lips sported a cocky grin as she hooked her arms around the back of his neck, pulling herself in close so that their twitching desires settled in together between their bodies. "Or start rolling over and lifting your tail begging for me to fuck you instead~?"

"Oh, no worries about that. As far as I'm concerned it's the best of both worlds," he retorted with a toothy smile, interrupting her embrace by finally lifting her dress above her shoulders, sweeping along her bra with it. No sooner was that feminine garment tossed aside with the rest of their discarded clothes than his eyes had returned to the enticing sight of her distinctly feminine visage contrasted against that distinctly unfeminine slab of dick now resting against his groin. "Give me your number after tonight and we'll see about the second..."

"You smooth talker~" the vixen laughed in reply, her lithe body twisting around his as she guided them towards the edge of the bed. But, just as Kieva was expecting for them to nestle onto the mattress gently, she instead hooked her foot around his ankle! He was suddenly sent toppling forward while she nimbly slipped free from his grasp, leaving him to crash onto the mattress with a loud thud, as well as a surprised grunt from his chest.

"Not how I was expecting you trying to break this bed," the dog grumbled bitterly as he awkwardly turned onto his back to face the hung vixen now staring down at him, her grin still plastered across her lips.

"You baby~ I'm sure you've had far less softened falls in the ring than that. Although, what would your teammates say if they heard you got taken down by a girl?" She continued her teasing as she slid forward sultrily, running her fingers gracefully along the edge of his crotch before combing along his firm abdomen, tracing along the lines of his muscles. Eventually she settled herself on top of the dog's lap, grinding her twitching cock against his own visibly heftier tool, while her balls rolled against his.

"Mmmph. Considering you're taller than most of them, I'm sure they'd understand," Kieva rumbled, before licking his lips as his gaze wandered over her body once more. He wasn't sure what he wanted to watch more... Those perfect tits of hers swaying in tandem with every confident sway of her hips, or down to the sight of their cocks steadily making a mess of his white fur with the fecund essence drooling from their peaks. All while he flexed teasingly, testing her stance on his lap as he contemplated tossing her to the bed so that he can reassert his position on top in their game.

Only for the vixen to play dirty once again as she shifted her hold on his body, pressing one hand against his sternum to keep her balance whilst her other hand shifted down to their loins and struggled to squeeze their pair of cocks together with just one hand. A practically impossible task which only helped to squeeze his ruler-breaking adornment against her own that just might equal the length of the measuring tool. But it was enough to make the dog audibly woof, his emerald eyes fixated on their compared dicks as she ground her lap along his slab of ebony meat like a dancer with a pole. His tail kicked up into a wag which flicked between her thighs, occasionally brushing along her taint to tease at the fertile lips kept hidden behind the sagging weight of her plump testes.

"Such a big boy... Honestly, don't think I've had a guy as big as you before," she murmured with a hungry smile, smacking her lips with her tongue as she weighed her options.

"Hard to believe it's natural... You're not a warlock going around stealing other guys' assets and adding them to yourself, are you~?" she added with a teasing rumble, sliding an appreciative hand down to his knot and squeezing as much of the sensitive glands as she could fit against her palm, drawing a sputtering flow from the dog's dick, as well as eager growl from his lips.

"Pfft. Never had a need for magic to make me bigger," the dog shot back with a dismissive chuckle before sliding his broad hands along the vixen's toned thighs, squeezing around her hip to coax her rolls along. "Besides, I got screened when the team made Nationals to catch potential cheaters."

"What about yourself, hmm?" Kieva added with a buck of his hips, sending their cocks and the vulpine lovely's breasts bouncing from the sudden jump, as well as coaxing the woman's body to flex in protest to the movement. "Hard to believe someone as perfect as you isn't the work of a witch. Not that I'm complaining, of course... So long as you don't go stealing my junk."

"Oh don't worry, I couldn't ruin a work of art like your body... Even if I was," she replied back with a knowing smirk, leaving the canine just that little bit doubtful she was telling the truth about not being one of the rare few endowed with the capacity for magic. But he wasn't going to press it too far beyond teasing barbs. A woman was entitled to their secrets, after all... And he had far more eager thoughts for tonight beyond interrogating some vixen like an Inquisitor - even if that did seem like a fun scenario to play out. "Still, though... Doubt I'm gonna fit this monster of yours before I bottom out. If you're going to want to tie it's going to have to be underneath my tail."

"Mmm... Tough choice," Kieva replied with a forlorn sigh, closing his eyes as his hips continued their idle thrusts upwards to help sway her body in longer, more sensual rolls against his meaty cock. He considered his choices with a lurid growl and further squeeze to her hourglass figure, debating which had the best upsides... But, in the end, he found he couldn't quite decide... At least for their first bout. "Dealer's choice~"

"Really now~? Well... don't say I didn't give you a chance to pick~" the woman murmured with a laugh, as her now thoroughly precum soaked fingers slid one last time along the shepherd's sputtering spire. Her cock rubbed along its side as she rose, running against the black cock like the bow of a violin. Before finally her meaty dick flicked past the tapered head of his meat and flung a few drops of her own split-sexed essence when it sprung free of his cock's weight, bobbing briefly in the air before settling at attention.

The dog's eyes opened to watch, briefly releasing his grip upon her athletic features so that she could maneuver herself as she wished, at least for now. The precum crowned point of his rod stood above her fingers as she took his length once more in hand, guiding it underneath her ample balls that concealed her femininity, until finally nestling the hot point of his cock against a pair of lips, slick and wet with the vixen's swelling arousal. His hips flexed with the touch, an impulse to slam his cock upward to claim the waiting snatch barely checked before it happened, leaving just a hungry grunt to slip from the hockey player's lips before a longer, anxious sigh of pleasure seethed past his teeth as she finally began to lower her weight back onto the point.

Her own gasp followed soon after, blossoming into a low, gentle moan as her moist sex started to wrap itself snuggly around her lover's tapered head. Her first attempt at fitting the monster between her pliant lips failed to swallow the entirety of the canine's girth, instead wedging the messy, precum firing cannon against her labia. More than enough to send the first shivers of pleasure racing through her body, rippling along her legs as their muscles flexed, pausing her movements downwards and even causing her fingers to grasp tightly to his pelt for support.

"Mmff... Fuck... Maybe I should have gone with the ass after all," she panted softly, her lips parted with silent moans as she started to move once again. The muscles of her groin visibly flexed as she did so with the awkwardness of her stance, hovering her rear a foot above its resting place on Kieva's thighs. Yet, despite the struggle and effort, her body seemed more than able to handle the challenge, not tiring as she slowly drove herself down, stretching her slick lips farther than the last. Slowly, near torturously so, her lips swallowed past the base of his head, and finally allowed the can-thick cock to plunder her walls properly, pressing the sensitive button hidden just a few inches by the sheer girth starting to stuff her like a sausage.

"Too late now~ Mmm... A size queen like you has surely gotten plenty of practice with large toys, you can manage," Kieva rumbled from his position on the mattress, stretching out as far as he could manage on the relatively small surface while the vixen continued to work over his cock. Excitement welled in his loins the further the vixen managed to accommodate, causing his ebony mast to throb with vigor as it anticipated her descent. Each twitch pumped fresh strings of pre-seed to erupt from the buried point and paint along the walls his masculinity was about to claim, as well as ensuring her hidden cunt stretched unseen with each pulsing twitch, invoking a retorting clamp from the vixen's sex.

"Not even some of my horse-themed ones get quite this big... But I'm not going to throw in the towel just yet~" she huffed, before her smirking lips parted with another moan as her shallow rolls started to work the hot, twitching point of her lover's shaft right against the tender button within her depths. With his head now safely secured within her sex, her clenching arm was free to join its twin in supporting her body by pressing against the dog's chest, taking more of the weight off of her hips so she could start riding him like a toy... Treating his pleasure like a byproduct rather than a goal as she focused on her own desires, and only occasionally ventured further to tease the deeper passage of her love canal by sliding down the main length of his cock.

Kieva's lips grunted, his breath rolling with idle huffs as he grew ever more anxious from the woman's teasing. The slow, bobbing movements picked up the pace just enough to make her weighty dick bounce between them like a diving board, occasionally flicking a stray bead of her paradoxical masculinity to paint his torso in place of a diver. He did have to admit the sight of her gorgeous, amazonian frame rolling on his meat was well worth the vixen toying with his impatience. No matter where his eyes settled on her writhing, passion-riddled body was a delight that would no doubt be haunting his fantasies for months going forward.

"Mmff... having fun up there?" The shepherd grunted, reaching up to reaffirm his grip upon her hips one last time, helping to brace her body a little bit more as the steady drumming of her g-spot with his cock had started to leave even her strong physique slightly wobbling with uncertainty. That, and it gave him the perfect excuse to try and coax her down further, squelching another wet inch of dog dick into her overstuffed labia, digging his bubbling font of masculinity deeper towards the hidden chamber of her womanhood.

"Mmm. You do make a fantastic toy, yes," she breathed back with a sordid wink, taunting him with another pant twisted into a moan. Her body continued to play with his growing need, stoking the embers of his libido to bring delightful, carnal growls pooling in the back of his throat, while daring him to take back control from her. He doubted most men she hooked up with could manage to, this sordid dance just being another way for her to flaunt her blessed body on any male she pinned against the bed like he was. Or, perhaps, after finally finding someone that could treat her like a sultry little prize for a change, she wanted to make sure he didn't hold anything back when it came time to pursue what he wanted~

"Foxes and their games," Kieva muttered darkly with a low snarl, right before his hips bucked upwards as best they could manage from their position against the bed after a pleasant shiver rippled through his groin. His balls briefly clenched against his sheath, pumping a fresh deluge of precum to spill into her sex plugged with his girth, allowing only a small trickle of masculine desire to escape and pour down the glossy black meat.

He had finally had enough, and so decided to give the vixen exactly what she wanted, or at least what he thought she wanted~ His broad hands hooked around her toned waist, pressing dull claws against the muscular physique underneath her fur before twisting his body around, shifting his weight to one side to undermine her balance. Before finally toppling her over in an awkward flailing of towering lovers on the hotel bed.

Another thump knocked against the floor, disturbing whatever (un)fortunate soul rented the space underneath them as their weight smacked against the poor bed. Kieva threw his own weight behind his hips with the movement, bringing several hundred pounds of buff canine hammering behind his cock as he did so. His tapered tip slammed against the woman's cervix, crashing into it with enough force to silence the powerful moan erupting from the vulpine's lips by knocking the wind from her chest. He held himself above her for a moment, pressing his weight against her shoulders to keep her trapped where he wanted her for a change, waiting for his lover to be nice and ready for him after that tunnel-stuffing slam before treating her eyes with the sight of his rugged frame flexing as it ravaged her femininity.

"Mmff... Fuck... You're a beast, you know~?" she murmured between a flurry of huffs and moans. Her buxom chest heaved with her growing pants as Kieva settled into a steady rut, using her vaginal walls to milk as much of his dick as he could, while doing his best to keep the knocking against the firm, unyielding barrier to her womb to the 'occasional' deeper than intended buck.

Her arms lifted above her head, seeming to brace against the back of the bed to keep her head from slamming against it from the dog's bucks. Her breasts bounced in waves from the force rolling through her large physique, treating the dog's emerald eyes as he stared down. His gaze fixated upon her abdomen, framed by those curvy assets and her own dick slapping against her belly with every squelching slam of his dick pistoning into those lovely folds.

Now THIS was what the dog wanted, he thought as his pants grew harder and heavier, rolling as much of his cock as he could fit into her as he did so. His body flexed, relaxing more and more of his inhibitions as he chased his lovely release, swept up in the moment of lustful desire to forget all the stress of his career and the not so little secrets he kept. His hands squeezed the vixen firmly, groping along her body wherever they settled as he slowly neared his peak. His thickening tail swept through the air in longer, broader wags, before the familiar twitch of his writhing wings flexed outwards to pronounce his dominance over a lover.

Wait a god-damn minute.

Kieva's eyes snapped back to attention from their listless gaze as he suddenly realized he was transforming to his natural form. His emerald eyes briefly crystal clear with alarm flicked up from the lovely vixen's breasts to see her cockily grinning lips, and above them, a Null Stone she had fetched out from one of the drawers of the headboard. Its gemstone surface glistened as the lass poured her limited magical talent into its facets, projecting its dispelling aura which began to rob the 'canine' of his disguise!

"Mmf. Fuck, dragonblooded? That explains the physique," the lass murmured hotly with that damned grin still spread across her snout. "We can have a discussion about your non-competitive advantages in violation of the Law later, though~ You're welcome to finish if you want. It's been a bit since I got a half-dragon in bed after... all..."

"Oh," it was the vixen's turn to have shock spread across her features as the dog continued to transform. She had expected the initial surge in size as soon as she saw the iconic bat-like wings sprout from his back, its outer scales as white as his fur while the membranes took a far more crimson hue. The rippling surge of muscles as scales replaced fur, the extra half foot of height he took as horns began to sprout above his ears. Nothing she had not seen before in her role as an Inquisitor.

But then he kept changing, looming above her with an ever more intimidating size. His shoulders buckled, shifting forward to accommodate the thickening muscles supporting his wings, moving to a position fit for only a quadrupedal stance as his fingers pressed talon-like adornments against her fur to keep her locked in place. His emerald eyes, now with slit-like pupils, glared down at her while his neck lengthened into a far more serpentine style, leaving it to curve downwards to keep his snarling fangs hovering in front of her face to announce his 'displeasure' with her antics.

"God damn it," he roared in annoyance, his glare hardening with growing spite at the vixen who had discovered him. He had worked so diligently to keep his nature a secret for no other reason than to enjoy himself amongst the people of the world and enjoy the game he had fallen in love with, only to have some fox that was too clever for her own good to shove the skeleton in his closet out into the world! He was angry, livid even, knowing that what was about to happen was him being chased out by a society that feared his kind! Well, if he was going to lose everything, he was going to make certain that this fuck was worth it.

His body continued to swell in size, doubling in mass again and again, while his hips continued to roll with an ever increasing strength. His cock, too, surged and thickened as it stuffed her cunt wide enough that her abdomen began to contort its growing girth, while his fuzzy nuts sank beneath a now-scaled taint. His legs, far too heavy and wide to fit on the mere queen-sized bed, shifted to the floor of the hotel, digging talons into the carpet that left wide grooves in the fabric and wood underneath.

She would be fine, though, he knew even as he snarled down threateningly at the woman that dared to do this to him. Dragons were inherently magical, after all, and that especially applied to the priceless precum flooding her depths. Everywhere the cream touched became more pliant, more resilient, able to stretch to fit even a dragon's cock... With a touch of dimensional trickery beyond that left them feeling every inch that slid inside of them..

"H- Hey, hold on now, there's no need to get carried away! We can talk about thiiiiiiiiiiis~!" The vixen's desperate attempt to negotiate with the white dragon was swiftly interrupted by another firm slam of his towering body.

His cock was already as thick as her leg, yet showed no signs of stopping its growth as the beast's wings pressed against the roof of the small hotel room. His tail slammed against the thin walls separating the domicile from the hallway, knocking a hole clear through the plaster as the living battery ram of his dick plowed straight through her pre-soaked cervix and stuffed itself right into her womb. The bed beneath them finally caved in, unable to deal with the force of that assault as a loud crack alerted everyone in the hotel to what was going on, before an uncaring flick of his wings battered aside more of the crumbling section of building away from his growing form without a care.

"At least now I know why you never gave me your name, Inquisitor. I should silence you here and now before you can spread my secret farther," he murmured vindictively, pressing one of his large forepaws against the side of the vixen's face, keeping her snout held shut against the mattress of the ruined bed.

"But you were wanting to use me like a toy before, right? So it's only fair that I get to return the favor before that," he added with a toothy grin, and another firm thrust forward to slam the palisade of cock once again to her woefully inferior cervix, but keeping himself from slamming past that inept barrier just yet. Instead, he lifted his other foreclaw to weave magic around himself and the vexing vixen. In a flash, he left behind the crumbling edifice of the half-ruined hotel, smashed open by the size of his body in a space not fit for it, and teleported himself and the Inquisitor far away towards his den. No sooner had they arrived in the remote cavern had his forepaw wrapped around her, holding her neatly in his palm like a living sleeve. His large frame twisted, falling upon a small hoard of pillows and blankets arranged to serve as a comfortable bed for his mighty frame, shaking loose remains of crumbling brick and plaster as he did so.

"Now, that no one can interrupt us while I make up my mind on what to do with you," he growled once again, wrapping one of his large taloned digits around the vixen's throat and pressing in just hard enough that she wouldn't be able to gather the breath to speak, not with any strength his ears cared to pick up.

He wasn't without mercy entirely for her, however... granting her the fleetest of seconds to brace herself for what was about to happen. Her cyan eyes stared skeptically down at her contorted belly stretched with the monstrously large dragon dick stuffed inside of her tight enough that she could see the impression of his tapered head through the impression it made in her own fur! The living log of meat wrapping her impossibly tight cunt around its thick trunk was a sight that only the thoroughly aggravated dragon could see before the scaled limb holding his consolation prize flexed and began to pump her cunt over his girth, pistoning her down with a reckless abandon as he channeled all of his anger into dumping his seed within the wench!

The vixen's lips contorted with her silenced cries as her body was assaulted with sensations that were never meant for a lowly anthro, yet alone should have even been possible! Her body writhed as her entire reproductive tract was twisted and contorted into being a sleeve for the once-hidden dragon's dick, feeling the impression it made roll along her torso and press against the beast's thumb firmly pressed against her yellow and white fur. She was powerless to interrupt the dragon's rut, and if she was being honest, she wasn't even sure she wanted it to stop... What Inquisitor could claim to have bedded a dragon before this~?

All she could do was writhe, her muscled arms prying unsuccessfully against the hand holding her as she squirmed and buckled from every plundering thrust from the dragon deep into her body. Until, soon enough, she could barely keep her expression straight from the unrelenting plunges of the dragon's cock deep into her, clutching against the beast's hold as a deluge of pleasure erupted from her sex-turned-fleshlight. Each climax forced through her body by the dragon's callous shove of her down towards his knotted base made her walls quiver and spasm tighter around the living log.

It didn't take long at all for the dragon to get what he wanted~ His black snout twisted into a lazy snarl as he leaned back onto his bed. His wings spread wide, legs parted to reveal all of his crotch, including a knot larger than the vixen's hips now kissing at her taint - leaving the fox practically sitting upon the twitching glands. Even he wasn't furious enough to make her fit that, however, instead keeping his knot drumming against her balls and nuts with every throb racing through his prick, firing gallon-sized ropes of draconic ambrosia straight into her womb with enough force that it sent her own cock bouncing against the bottom of Kieva's hand, dripping with the residual seed of her own climaxes as it did so.

The woman's belly swelled with the weight of his cream, pressing her white fur against his scaled palm. Before finally the plentiful essence escaped down her thoroughly stretched sex, erupting from her well used cunt to pour over the dragon's knot and scaled body in a living waterfall of lurid masculinity. His seed flowed over his body, soaking into the blankets and pillows underneath him, staining the air with the scent of his virility. Each abdomen bloating, womb christening shot slowly calming the anger the fox had roused, causing his grip upon the vixen's throat to loosen at last and allow the woman to gasp and whimper with the shocks of her own climax.

As his own release petered out, Kieva sat still, staring down with a grumpy expression at the vixen jizzing her sizable, but in comparison to his own practically pathetic, contribution to the degeneracy displayed on his scales. As he waited for the pleasant clarity of his post-climax to fade, he contemplated just what to do with her... He could attempt to tweak her memories to make her forget about him... But knowing those of her profession, she'd have far too many notes for him to track down and remove which would clue her into her latest assignment, just such an eventuality.

But, while he let his mind wandered, the vixen stirred from the stupor of having been fucked by a literal dragon. She clutched against his hand once again, her sweaty fur shifted across his scales as she steadied herself rather than try to make the dragon release its grasp. "Hah... Hah... Was not... expecting that. Congrats, you're the first task which has surprised me so thoroughly."

"Hmmph. Small consolation," Kieva muttered with an acidic tone to his voice, still contemplating just what to do with the mouthy lass with no shortage of malice circulating through his thoughts. He considered tossing her to the side now that he had at least gotten what he wanted from her after her deception, but eventually decided against it - if only because of how pleasant her writhing cunt and cervix felt squeezing over his spent and slowly retreating slab of cock.

"Don't be like that," she murmured with a forlorn sigh. "It was just a job, nothing personal, and I hardly would have been so... direct... if I had any suspicion that you were a dragon of all things."

"But, you know," she continued with a sweet murmur, running a hand fondly over the hand supporting her in position on his knot, before sliding further down to trace over the impression the impressive dick made in her fur still. "I didn't get the vibes you were up to no good. A dragon that takes such an active interest in society to bother living in it is pretty rare... and special, if you ask me."

"How about I make you a deal... The mystery of the dragon that appeared in downtown remains that, a mystery that us magical investigators like to keep the answers to outside of public knowledge... Kieva, I mean, you, gets to go back to his team, talking about how he barely managed to get out of the building before the dragon brought it down... And I get your number," she threw in with a sordid wink. "We call it even after that... What do you say, stud~?"

The white dragon's green eyes turned back to her with a cynical gaze towards her offer, but... He didn't feel like she was lying... And with the quite obvious desire shining in her eyes as they wandered along his majestic draconic body... it seemed like the reasons for her bargain weren't too hard to understand.

"...Fine," he mumbled with a huff, releasing his hold upon the vixen so that her, and the dick she was wedged upon, fell to his lap so that she could use his belly and chest scales as a bed to recover against as his cock slowly, ever so slowly, retreated back towards its slit.

"The names April, by the way. April Harper," she cooed while nestling against her new lover.

"The model!? I thought I recognized you from somewhere," Kieva piped up, his begrudging skepticism tainted with a mixture of surprise and curiosity, before finally letting a laugh spill from his large snout as he finally began to relax. "Talk about a career change."

"Mmm. Model to Magical Investigator slash Inquisitor, I know~ But a girl can have ambitions beyond the paycheck, you know~"

"No, I was going to say model to dragon fucker," he barked back with a quite toothy smile at his newest... friend?

Xeno-Compatibility: Operation Spread Eagle

Citizen State of Fevnor Estimated Population: 353 Billion Culture: Egalitarian, Militarist, Materialist. Government Structure: Citizen/Progenitor Republic Demographics: By species; 97% Fevarian with 3% immigrant or uplifted. 52% of the population...

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"Ah! Careful with how tight you're tying that rope!" Dexter huffed as quietly as he could against the tree, watching as the golden jackal finished tying his hands to its branches. He didn't know why he was doing this... Why he agreed to be...

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No Honor Amongst Thieves

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