The Sleepover: A Friendly Invitation

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#11 of Curious Times

A weekend long D&D party leads to some mutually assured exploration between a nerdy fox and his equally geeky coyote friend. Adam finally gets some alone time with Alex, and decides to shoot his shot. Probably in more ways than one.

This story picks up from the previous one, but if you just want to enjoy the fun, you can always jump right in. Or start at the beginning for the full experience.

Adam followed his best friend Alex through the family room. It was an awkward, slightly uncomfortable process given how completely unsheathed the fox was. No matter how Adam adjusted his pajama pants, they rubbed and pressed against his vulpine erection with every ungainly step. Despite the discomfort, he hurried past his older sister, and his two laughing feline friends, black ears flattened in embarrassment.

"Hey Max, check it out!" His older sister Melissa's voice followed him. "Fox boner!"

Max, the scrawny lion seated on the couch, pointed to the prominent bulge in Adam's pajamas. "Fox boner, fox boner!"

Adam growled as he left the room. "Everybody shut the hell up!"

In the kitchen, Alex stood near the fridge. Alex was a small coyote, a whole head shorter than Adam. They'd been best friends all their lives, due in large part to their shared love of all things nerdy. From video games and fantasy fiction to D&D and anime, and on and on. Alex faced away, giving Adam a good look at the bushy, sandy-tan furred tail swishing behind him. Alex fidgeted with his pajamas, muttering under his breath. Adam smiled to himself. It was nice to know Alex was also having trouble getting 'comfortable'.

It seemed their recent moment together had the same lasting effect on both of them. Not long ago, Alex had his pajamas yanked down, exposing his sheath and balls to everyone at the sleepover. Melissa then shoved the bottomless coyote directly into Adam's lap, while Adam lounged in a recliner.

Not that Adam minded. For a few awkward, breath-taking moments, the world melted away. Though he'd seen Alex naked before, changing clothes or skinny dipping with their friends was different. This time, Alex had straddled the fox's lap, sheath and balls in plain sight. With Adam's fingers running through his fur, the coyote was unsheathing almost immediately. Adam's body called the bluff, moving his fox rocket into launch position.

Fox rocket? Adam scrunched his muzzle. Ever since he heard his friend Sam call his erection his fox rocket, Adam found himself doing the same. He was gonna have to sack tap that fluffy artic dork next time he saw him, that was for sure. For now, he had someone else on his mind. After all, he hadn't come in here just to escape being teased.

He'd come here to proposition Alex.

Wait, he thought, was that the right word? Alex wasn't a hooker. Adam shook his head. It didn't matter. He stepped closer, gathering up his nerve. While he was certain Alex was as mutually curious as he was, that did little to help soothe the anxious beast prowling in his belly. After all, despite their frequent sack-tapping antics, and embarrassing reputation for mutual skinny-dipping boners, they'd sure as hell never done anything together.

Hell, they'd never even _discussed_doing anything. Adam wasn't sure how to begin. Should he start slow, with small talk, and work his way up? Or should he just confidently offer what he hoped they both wanted? Adam considered both possibilities, working through several ideas in his mind. He could start with a suave smile, and hand on the arm, and then...

Hey Alex, want a handjob tonight?

Adam splayed his ears. God, no, he thought. Way too assertive douche meets horror movie creeper. Maybe he should try asking truthfully? Alex, umm, if you're interested, I'd love to awkwardly stroke you till you finish way too quickly, and then we both feel weird. The fox crinkled his snout, adjusting his glasses. Funny, he thought, but not exactly upselling it.

When Alex grumbled and adjusted his pajamas again, Adam had another idea. Hey Alex, if you're having trouble, I can help... Oh, Adam liked that one. Playful innuendo was a far better ice-breaker than any of his other ideas. Now he just had to go through with it before his courage failed him.

"Hey, Alex," Adam said, his voice cracking at the worst possible moment. "B-boner troubles?"

Boner troubles? Boner troubles?! That's what came out of his mouth? Adam's shoulders sagged, his ears drooping. Gods, that was lame, even for him. Welcome to Loserville Adam, population you.

Alex perked his ears, turning towards the fox. A funny look crossed his face. "Boner troubles? Umm..." The coyote peered down at the lingering bulge in his black pajama pants, giggling. "All signs point to yes."

Adam laughed too, relief washing over him. Okay, that was actually even lamer than what he said. The fox glanced down at himself. "Yeah, me too."

Alex stuck his tongue out. "Don't you hate when you get one and you just can't get it to sit right in your pants?"

"Yeah, I know right?" Feeling slightly emboldened, Adam made a show of trying to readjust his own vulpine erection through his pajamas. "It just like, presses against the seam! And you're like, ugh, go down already, I'll play with you later!"

The coyote giggled again, his tail wagging. "Totally! Mine's like..." He curled his lip, tugging his pants back and forth. In the process, Adam spied a hint of red flashing through the opening, along with the outlines of the coyote's balls against his pjs. "Straight up right now! It's like stuck against my waistband."

"Oh, I hate that." Adam shifted himself again. "I try to sort of, angle mine, I guess? It's still uncomfortable, but it's not as bad."

"Yeah, that makes sense." Alex turned around, shoving a hand into his pants. He moved himself about, wriggling his hips as if getting his entire body into the process. "At least we're not wearing jeans, right?"

Adam gulped, watching the smaller coyote's tail swish over his butt. At this rate, his erection was never_going away. "Jean boners at the _worst."

"Yeah, and sometimes they just won't go away, no matter how uncomfortable they get." Alex pivoted back towards the fox, huffing. "Mine doesn't wanna be anywhere but straight up right now."

Adam laughed, stepping closer to the little coyote. "Mind of its own, huh?"

"As usual." The coyote offered a sheepish grin. As Adam got closer, Alex's hands drifted towards his crotch, moving to a protective position. "You're not gonna sack tap me, are you?"

The fox hadn't planned on it, but the way Alex reflexively covered up actually made the idea _more_tempting. It would be awfully fun to smack his fist into the coyote's testicles, and watch his friend crumple to his knees, cross-eyed. It reminded him that not long ago, he'd been wiggling his toes against the coyote's testicles in playful threat. He took another step towards Alex, offering a playful growl.

"I dunno, Alex, you want me too?" He made a fist, and mimed an underhanded smack. "You're still owed one from that fumble in D&D earlier."

Alex backed up against the counter, covering his balls. The gentle pressure caused his black pajamas to further outline the shape of his canine erection. "And I owe you one for kneeing me earlier!" Alex lifted his knee, returning the fox's playful growl. "Maybe I should get you!"

"You do, and you might ruin the mood." Adam laughed, holding his hands up. "Truce?"

"Yeah, okay." Alex slowly moved his hands away. "But I should get you." The coyote stepped forward, slowly raising his knee again. This time he pressed it lightly between the fox's legs. "And since you got to tease mine earlier, I get to tease yours!"

Alex's knee gently brushed the insides of the fox's thighs before pushing lightly against his testicles. Adam sucked in a breath. That was as bold as Alex had ever been. While Alex retaliated for a surprise nut tap once in a while, he'd never done anything like this.

"Hrrnn..." Adam whimpered, balling up his fists. "You'd, um..." He gulped, gazing down at the coyote's knee, pressed into his crotch. "Definitely get them both like that."

Alex shifted his knee back and forth, rolling the fox's balls around against it. "I can tell." He smirked at his friend. "Your foot woulda got both of mine earlier, too."

Adam giggled. "Yeah. I could tell that, too."

The coyote lifted his knee higher. "Bet you liked feeling them!"

"And bet you like feeling_mine_, right now!" Adam rose to his tip toes.

"Just getting even." Alex rubbed his knee against the fox a moment longer, then eased it down and stepped back. "There. Now we both sort of felt each other's."

Adam took a slow, deep breath, collecting himself. Despite the implied threat, the coyote's teasing left him even more uncomfortably hard than before. He swallowed, rubbing the back of his neck. "That was more than I did to you."

Alex shrugged, trying to look innocent. "Seems like you liked it."

"Says the coyote with the boner of his life." Adam moved closer, hemming the coyote in against the counter.

"Not my _whole_life," Alex said, a sheepish smile on his muzzle.

Adam set his hands on the coyote's hips, leaning forward. "Top ten boners?"

"Top five, probably." Alex lifted a shaking hand to stroke Adam's arm.

"And..." Adam's muzzle brushed Alex's, his heart hammering. "What if I said I wanted to..." He lowered his voice to a whisper. "Give you a handjob, tonight?"

Alex shivered. "T-top three, now."

Adam laughed, his tail wagging. "Oh, thank God! I was afraid that sounded way weirder than I meant."

"I mean..." Alex bumped his nose against Adam's chin. "It was pretty direct. But, I kinda wanna give you one, too."

Adam shivered, his fur bristling in excited delight. "Can I, um, feel yours?"

Alex glanced towards the kitchen door as if afraid they were about to be caught. "G-go ahead."

Nervous excitement coursed through Adam as he palmed the coyote's erection through the thin fabric. Alex whimpered, melting against the fox. Just like the rest of Alex, the coyote's cock felt a little smaller than his own. Adam gave it a few slow, teasing caresses, his hand gliding up and down against Alex's pajamas. Then he brushed his fingers over the little button holding the flap halfway shut, glancing up at Alex's face for permission.

Alex nodded, gently holding onto Adam's arms. The button opened easily, exposing a swath of hidden red behind the black fabric. Adam pushed his fingers inside, pads brushing another male's naked erection for the first time. He curled his fingers around it, tenderly exploring. It was somehow both familiar, and exotic. The texture, feel, and general shape was just like his own vulpine penis. But it was smaller, and the uninflated knot at its base slightly less pronounced. It was quite hot, and quite hard.

The coyote hid his face against Adam's shoulder. "Okay, now it's the boner of my life."

Adam laughed, then licked one of Alex's ears. "Same, though. Well, tied with first, for me."

"Tied?" Amusement mingled with excitement in Alex's voice. "Is that a knot pun?"

Adam grimaced. "Not intentionally." Then he groaned, realizing what he said. "And neither was that."

"Yeah, yeah." Alex ruffled the fox's fur. "So, your other hardest ever boner. It was with Sarah, right?" He shifted his weight, legs parted for Adam's roaming hand.

"Mhm..." Adam gave the coyote's erection a single, slow stroke, earning a muffled moan. "What about you, anyone else ever touched you?"

Alex shook his head. "Th-this is the first time it's ever been in anyone's hand but mine."

"I'm honored, then." Adam stroked the coyote's maleness again, even slower this time. Alex whimpered, shivering in delight. "Hopefully Sally won't be too jealous if she ever finds out."

"Y-yeah..." Alex glanced up, smirking. "Cause if she is, she'll take it out on our balls."

"She'll do that anyway..." Adam trailed his hand down till it brushed the coyote's fuzzy nuggets. "Speaking of balls, has anyone ever had those in their hand?"

"Yeah, ass, you!" Alex flattened his ears, glaring. "When we wrestled, and you grabbed my nuts and made me call you 'best fox' before you let go!"

Adam laughed. "Forgot about that." He gave the coyote's ear another lick, an affectionate apology. "But I meant nicely. We've both got pinch-happy sisters, after all. Has anyone ever held your bare ones gently?"

"Nope." Alex shrugged. "How would I get my balls played with if no one ever touched my boner, before?"

"I dunno," Adam said. "Didn't really think that through. Can I play with them?"

"Yeah, go ahead." Alex leaned his head against the fox again. "Just be gentle, this time."

Adam worked his down over the silken-furred pouch hanging between the coyote's legs. Alex shivered, and the loose sac tightened slightly beneath the fox's touch. Adam curled his fingers around it, cradling the coyote's testicles. He rolled them around under his fingers, marveling at the erotic, empowering feeling of holding another male's balls. Just like the coyote's penis, his testicles felt mostly familiar, yet oddly alien at the same time. They were smooth, oval-shaped, and slippery, but smaller overall and with a slightly less pronounced size difference between them.

"Oh, Adam..." Alex smoothed the fur of Adam's arms. "That's nice..."

"Yeah, I bet it is." He rolled the coyote's balls around, massaging them. When Alex looked up again, Adam bumped his nose against the coyote's. "We should probably go to my room."

Alex rubbed his muzzle against Adam's. "Uh huh. "But first, do you wanna...umm..."

Adam returned the affection, nuzzling Alex, his ears perked. "Go on..."

"Do you..." Alex nosed at his chin, tongue flicking across it. "Wanna kiss?"

"Mhm!" Adam released the coyote's balls, pulling his hand out from Alex's pajamas. In the process, Alex's nuts partway poked out, showing off their gray furred shapes. "Have you ever kissed, before?"

Alex shook his head, not bothering to hide his testicles. "N-no. First time for that, too. You?"

Adam ran his hands over Alex's head, stroking the soft tan fur of his ears. "Few times with Sarah. First time with a boy, though. Ready?"

"Uh huh." He leaned his head into Adam's touch. "How do we...start?"

"Just by doing it, ya dork." Adam pressed his lips to Alex's.

Adam tilted his head as he kissed the coyote, parting his muzzle. Alex followed his lead, opening his mouth enough for their tongues to meet. Then Adam ran a hand down Alex's back as the kiss deepened. He twined his fingers through the fur of Alex's neck with the other, cradling him. Alex tried to keep up, awkwardly swirling his tongue around Adam's. The coyote wrapped his arms around Adam, pulling him in close.

Their bodies pressed together. Their hips bumped as tongues danced. Hardness pressed against Adam's erection. One of Alex's hands went lower, squeezing Adam's butt. Adam shifted his position slightly, now purposefully pressing his erection against Alex's. The little coyote whimpered into the kiss, and Adam tried rolling his hips forward. The motion pressed their hidden cocks together, rubbing against one another.

Alex's grip tightened against Adam's rump, so the fox took that as encouragement. He rocked his hips again, thrusting against the coyote's crotch. Alex tried to do the same, though the motions were off time. The coyote kissed him harder, free hand roaming Adam's back. The fox pinned Alex against the counter, building a slow but steady rhythm of thrusts and rolling movements. Alex's pajama-bound cock shifted back and forth as if seeking escape, and Adam chased it down with his own.

The coyote suddenly broke the kiss, gasping. He tried to shove Adam away. "Stop! Stop, stop, stop!"

Adam released him in an instant, backing up. "What, what's wrong? Was that too much?"

"No, no," Alex shook his head, panting heavily. "I mean, yes, but...not in a bad way." He licked his nose and looked away, sheepish. "I didn't expect you to start humping me, and-"

"Sorry!" Adam held his hands up. "I got carried away when you grabbed my butt. I thought you wanted me to-"

"I liked it, I liked it!" Alex turned back to the fox with a reassuring smile. "It's just that..." He flicked his tail, scratching the thick fur on his neck. "You were about to make to me cum."

"Oh, that's all?" Adam laughed, relief flooding him. "I was worried I hurt you, or something."

Alex perked his ears, still grinning. "Pretty much the exact opposite. I was about three or four humps away from..." He glanced down at himself. "Yanno."

"Kinda thought that was the idea," the fox said, stepping closer again.

The coyote gaped at him, eyes wide. "In my pants?"

Adam blinked. "Okay, fair point." He licked his nose. "I'd rather see you shoot in my hand, anyway."

"Heh..." Alex shifted his weight, erection straining against his pajamas. "That sounds nice. Won't take much now, though."

"Yeah, I bet not." Adam growled playfully, reaching out to snag the waistband of Alex's pajamas. He tugged them open and peered inside. Free of its confines, the coyote's cock jutted up towards the ceiling. Its crimson color was a furious ruby red now, as if angry at being denied its chance for release. "It's so hard right now."

"H-Hey!" Alex splayed his ears, scrunched up his muzzle. "No fair! Now I getta see yours." Alex mimicked the fox, tugging the waistband of his pajamas forward. Adam's vulpine boner sprang up immediately, showing itself off against the fox's white belly fur and dark t-shirt. "Yours is bigger than mine."

"Of course, it is." Adam laughed and eased Alex's pants back into place. "I'm best fox."

"Whatever." Alex narrowed his eyes, then released the waistband, letting it snap back directly across the tapered point of Adam's erection.

"OW!" Adam yelped, doubling over, stinging like mad. "My tip!"

"Sorry, dude," Alex said. His wicked giggle told Adam he was not, in fact, sorry.

Adam rubbed himself through his pants, wincing. The momentary sting did nothing to diminish his arousal. "Yeah, yeah. I probably deserved that one." He straightened up, and swept a hand towards the kitchen exit. "Wanna go to my room, now?"

Alex peered past him, into the still occupied living room. "Shouldn't we wait till everyone's asleep?"

"Why?" Adam went to the fridge, and retrieved a couple sodas. "My sister literally told me to hook up with you tonight, so..." He turned around, closing it with his foot. "Eeveryone knows."

"Melissa said that?" Alex flattened his ears. "Oh, that's why she didn't smack me in the nuts for rolling that 1."

"That's literally why." Adam walked towards the doorway pausing. "You wanna come to my room and let me finish you off, or what?"

Alex nodded, joining him. "Yah huh."

The fox handed Alex a soda, then put an arm around his waist. Adam guided the coyote out of the kitchen, passing by the family room where Melissa and the other two boys were hanging out. To Adam's complete lack of surprise, both male felines were now completely naked. Slightly more surprising was the fact that both the lion, and the cheetah, were also completely erect.

To be fair, Tom, the cheetah, had been naked most of the night. First, Tom lost his shirt to their lion friend Max. Then Melissa yanked Tom's pants down, baring the geeky cheetah's privates to everyone. Adam stole Tom's sweatpants after that, stashing them in a crawlspace. Ever since, the fox siblings decided that Tom had to go naked all weekend long. Adam had been enjoying the sight of fuzzy cheetah balls bobbling around all throughout their earlier D&D game.

Hell, this wasn't even the first time Tom's cheetah chubby had shown itself off. Tom's little red feline flag was already raised earlier that night while Melissa teased him underfoot, quite literally. The older vixen's foot ended up resting between Tom's legs, first to threaten and keep him in line, and then to tease him into erection. After that, a little rubbing was all it took for the cheetah to blow his load in front of all the other geeks. Even Adam had begrudgingly watched Tom get an impromptu footjob. It was a shame his sister was involved, he thought, or he might have really enjoyed the show.

Max, meanwhile, managed to keep his clothes on all night. Mostly. Like everyone else, he'd been pantsed that night. Adam returned from hiding Tom's pajamas just in time to see Max with his own pants around his ankles, and his leonine boner and balls on full display. The nerdy lion yanked his pjs back up awfully fast, but not before Adam caught a good eyeful of everything Max had.

Now, though, the view was even better. The two nerdy felines were not only totally nude, and fully unsheathed, but also posing. The cheetah and lion stood side by side, bent forward with their hands on the couch, bare butts presented to Melissa. The older vixen looked as if she was presiding over some kind of kinky sex auction, inspecting the goods on display. Both pointed, red feline erections were clearly visible, jutting up against their furred bellies. Two sets of fuzzy, feline testicles dangled freely.

Adam paused to enjoy the view. Until tonight, he'd only seen an unsheathed feline cock once before. The lack of even an uninflated knot left them looking a little smaller, and more slender than the average canine. Max's was a little larger than Tom's, and both tapered to a sharp point. The lion's balls were larger than the cheetah's as well, like golden-furred jumbo marbles.

When Melissa spotted Adam staring, she cupped a hand to her muzzle, calling out to him. "You two better make each other knot, tonight!"

Adam pinned his ears, trying not to laugh. "Shut up, Melissa!"

Despite the fact his sister's encouragement and acceptance helped him take this step, it was _still_embarrassing for her to catch him staring at unsheathed dicks. Which, he suddenly realized, was exactly what he was doing. Strangely, Adam found it a happy realization. The nerdy fox had long suspected he was bisexual. But only a short time ago, he'd have been mortified to be caught staring and with an obvious erection. Now, though, Adam was comfortable enough in his own fur to embark in mutual exploration with another male. Moreso, he was okay with his friends and sibling knowing about it.

There was relief in that.

Alex giggled, hiding his face against Adam. The fox turned Alex away from his sister and her naked feline playthings, guiding the coyote towards the stairs. The fox siblings' bedrooms were upstairs. Downstairs was the living room and dining room, along with the kitchen, master bedroom, and a guestroom.

The coyote glanced back one last time. "Feline boners are funny looking!"

"I know, right?" Adam laughed as they climbed the stairs. "They look too skinny without a knot."

"Totally!" Alex wagged his tail. "And their nuts were just hanging there!" He paused at the top of the stairs, and licked his nose. "I kinda wanted to go kick Tom, right in his bare ones!"

"Ooooh!" Adam cringed, then flashed Alex an evil grin. "He'd go down in tears!"

Alex snickered, nodding. "He so would. But he deserves it for being mean to me."

"Well, he's still gonna be naked tomorrow." Adam ushered Alex down the hall. He glanced into the cracked door of his older brother Jerrod's empty room. The older fox was off at college, these days, and the room had been repurposed into storage. "You could always kick him in the bare balls tomorrow."

"Maybe I will!" Alex bared his fangs in playful growl. "Or maybe I'll kick yours! I still owe you one for that knee!"

Adam flattened his ears. "I barely got you!"

"But we were playing UFC rules!" Alex huffed, wriggling against Adam's side. "No ball shots!"

The fox smirked. "I don't remember agreeing to those rules."

They passed Melissa's room next. His older sister's door used to be adorned by all manner of signs and pictures and posters. Bands she liked, artwork she drew, and handmade warning signs prohibiting entry to certain geeky siblings. These days only two little signs marked it. One read: Girls rule, boys drool! The other said: Boys Enter at Own Risk! Beneath the text was a cartoon of a bespectacled fox, on his knees, clutching his nuts. Oversized tears sprang from his eyes.

Alex wrinkled up his snout. "Your sister's even worse than mine."

Adam rolled his eyes. "Like Amanda never cracks your nuts."

The coyote huffed. "I think you get me as much as she does, lately."

"Whatever," Adam said, laughing. "You're exaggerating."

"Maybe a little." The little coyote fidgeted with his pajamas. "I still got such a chub right now!"

Adam glanced down at the prominent bulge in Alex's pajamas. "Yote chub!" He eased away from Alex to open his bedroom door. "Your boners like, never go away. Remember that time we all went skinny dipping in the pool, at night? You got one-"

"Shut up!" Alex said, swatting Adam's arm. "You got one too!"

"Yeah, but you got one as soon as everyone's sheaths and balls were out!" Adam held the door for Alex. "Before we were even in the pool!"

"Whatever!" Alex slipped past him, his tail brushing across Adam's crotch. "You were staring too!"

Adam sucked in a breath at the teasing touch. "No, I was sneaking peaks." He closed the door, then walked by Alex, making sure to let his own tail slide over the coyote's groin. Two could play that game, he thought. Adam cracked his soda and took a drink, then set it down on his desk. "Besides, my boner only a few minutes. Yours was still there when we climbed out of the pool!"

"It's not my fault you're quick," Alex said, running his fingers through the bushy fur of the fox's tail.

Adam shivered, bumping his tail against the coyote again. "Says the one who almost shot in his pants."

"Well, you were grinding yours right on it!" Alex sipped his soda, then set it nearby. "And it's never been touched before!"

"Other than by you, every day." Adam approached his bed, flicking his tail tip between Alex's legs one last time.

"Not every day," Alex said, batting the fox's tail away.

"Whatever, dude." Adam folded his arms. "When's the last time you didn't touch it?"

Alex tilted his head, one ear splayed. "Touch it, or masturbate? Cause..." He rubbed his arm. "I touch my stuff every day, I guess. But I don't always masturbate, let alone to orgasm."

"Masturbate to orgasm?" Adam lifted his ears, smirking. "Now you sound like Professor Lion Marbles. Okay, fine. When's the last time you didn't..." He made air quotes. "Achieve ejaculation?"

The coyote giggled, swishing his tail. "Like, two weeks ago."

"So, you've jerked it for the last two weeks straight?" Adam glared at him. "That definitely counts as 'every day', dude."

Alex shook a finger. "But it's not literally every single day, because-"

"That's it, I'm sack tapping you!" Adam made a half-hearted swat at Alex's balls.

The coyote danced away, covering himself with both hands. "Okay, okay, sorry! Cut it out!"

"You're gonna be sorry." Adam bared his fangs in mischievous threat. "So, when's the last time you got yourself off? Yesterday?"

"Yeah." A sheepish smile spread over the coyote's muzzle. "Last night, before bed. You?"

"Last night, _in_bed," Adam said. He laughed and scratched the back of his neck, ruffling up the fur. "I was playing with it in the shower this morning, but I didn't finish or anything. I had to do chores for my mom, and I really didn't wanna be knotted."

"Oh, God, that's the worst. It's so awkward." Alex shook his head, looking around. "So, uh...where should we..." He gulped. "Yanno. Do things?"

Adam glanced around. A large desk occupied one part of the room, with an oversized gaming monitor atop it. He'd recently upgraded from a laptop to a gaming PC. A stack of fantasy novels sat behind the monitor. Collectible action figures, fantasy figurines, dragons, and a large variety of other memorabilia covered the rest of the desk. More books filled a set of shelves. A TV and several gaming consoles occupied the space nearest his bed. Posters of anime and fantasy characters in skimpy clothes decorated his walls.

"My bed, I guess?" Adam gestured at the queen-sized bed. A soft, blue spread covered it, along with pillows and a few stuffed dragons. "Unless you'd rather lay on the floor."

Alex scrunched his muzzle. "No, thanks. The bed sounds nice."

"Bed it is, then." Adam trailed a finger down Alex's chest, and over his belly. Then he ran it down against the outline of the coyote's erection, earning a happy shudder. Adam slipped his fingers into the opening of the coyote's pajamas, pads brushing the soft fur of Alex's balls. He grasped the coyote's fuzzy nuts, growling playfully. Adam stepped back, and gave the pouch a gentle tug. "Let's go, coyote..."

Alex yipped, eyes wide, instinctively stepping forward. "My balls!"

The fox bared his fangs, tightening his grip slightly. "My balls, now!"

"O-okay!" Alex put his hands on Adam's hips, tail swishing. "Your balls."

Adam backed up with little steps, leading Alex by the testicles. The coyote's nuts rested snugly within his fingers, trapped. It was a bit like gripping a pair of firm, oversized grapes in a silken-furred sack. Adam could not help but savor the feeling of power his possessive grip brought with it. He rolled Alex's balls around, earning a delighted, if nervous, whimper from the coyote.

When he backed up against the bed, Adam sat down against it. His hand lingered inside Alex's pajamas, the coyote's testicles like two little gray eggs nestled within his ebon-furred fingers. Alex hesitantly reached out to Adam's head, gently stroking his ears. Adam leaned into his touch.

"That feels nice, Adam..." Alex giggled, glancing down. "This is kinda weird, but I like it."

"Me too," Adam said, only to yip in surprise when Alex's fingers jostled his glasses. "Hey, watch it, dude!"

"Sorry." Alex readjusted the fox's glasses for him.

"You better be." Adam tightened his grip again. "Cause I could squeeze these any time I wanted."

Alex wiggled his hips, instinctively trying to pull back. "No squeezing!" He laughed, wriggling again. "UFC rules, UFC rules!"

Adam released the coyote, grinning. "I dunno dude, I don't think drop kicking you in the head would be very sexy."

"Real funny." Alex rubbed himself through his pajamas. "I am so gonna get you back for that knee, earlier. And all the sack taps lately!"

"Yeah, yeah." Adam leaned back onto his hands. "For all I know, you kinda like when I get you in the nuts."

Alex made a dismissive grunt. "Whatever. It's bad enough Sam gets a boner when he sees Amanda kick me! There's no way I'd ever like that kind of pain." He blinked, making a face behind his glasses. "Or any pain, I mean."

"I dunno." The fox shrugged. "You might let someone do it to you, if you had a crush on them. _And_they offered to do something nice for you, after." He smirked. "Something _real_nice."

The coyote gulped, covering his testicles, further outlining the bulge above them. "You're not gonna make me take a kick in the nuts first, are you?"

Adam giggled, lifting his foot to bump his toes against Alex's hands. "Do you want me too?"

"N-no!" Alex whined, flattening his ears. "That's not what I meant."

"I know, but you kinda said it like you'd let me kick you." Adam tapped his foot against Alex's hands.

"No, but you'd do it anyway." Alex kept his hands in place.

Adam just laughed. "Yeah, well, you look cute when you're on your knees, with your face all scrunched up." He tilted his head, smiling. "Or rolling around on the floor."

The coyote swallowed, glancing down at himself. "You sound like Melissa, lately. That doesn't make me want to uncover my nuts."

"Yeah, she's a bad influence." Adam leaned forward, tracing a single finger across the prominent outline of the little coyote's erection. "But if you don't move your hands, how are we gonna deal with this?"

Alex shivered, letting his hands fall away. "I guess you have a point."

Adam teased the coyote's cock through his pajamas, his own heart racing. Nervous excitement coiled in his belly. He glanced up at Alex. "You wanna...?"

"Take it out?" Alex giggled, his tail wagging. "Uh huh..."

The fox snickered. "I was gonna say, take off your shirt first."

"Oh, r-right, yeah." Alex slowly eased his shirt up. "I wasn't sure if you wanted me to just...slip it out while I stand here, or..."

"Nah." Adam leaned onto his hands again, watching. "I want totally naked coyote."

"Okay!" Eager tension bubbled in Alex's voice as he bared his pale, gray-furred chest and belly. He tugged his shirt over his head, then worked it carefully over his muzzle and glasses. Once it was free, he tossed it aside. "There's the shirt off..."

Adam kept quiet, letting Alex proceed at his own pace. They'd seen each other naked before, but never quite like this. Adam had even masturbated in front of his friends once, along with Tom. But that was more a taboo sort of demonstration, felines and canines teaching each other about knots and barbs. But no one had ever gotten completely naked just for him. That made it all the more special when Alex began pulling down his pajamas.

The coyote's tapered red tip immediately peeked out over his waistband. Alex looked down at his own exposed flesh, then stuck his tongue out at Adam. He turned away, presenting his bushy, gray and tan tail instead. The tan fur that covered Alex's hands and feet darkened across his back to a sandy brown, peppered with hints of black. The coyote reached back and unbuttoned the loop over his tail, wriggled his hips, slowly working his pajamas down. Alex slowly revealed his slender, tan furred butt, paler than his back. He wiggled it again, tail swaying, then dropped his pajamas down around his feet.

"Cute butt." Adam ran his fingers through the thick fur of Alex's tail.

"Thanks." Alex bent forward to free his feet from his clothes. In the process, the coyote's gray-furred balls presented themselves, hanging freely beneath his rump. They bobbled as he stepped out of his pants. "Are you gonna get naked, too?"

"Sure!" Adam's eyes followed every jostling movement of the coyote's testicles. "Cute balls, too."

"Thanks!" The coyote smirked over his shoulder. "Do they look different from behind?"

"Kinda..." Adam tilted his head. "Like extra dangly."

Alex straightened up. "Can I see yours that way, too?"

Adam laughed at the curious request. "Sure, dude. Sarah wanted to see mine from behind, too. So, I got on my hands and knees for her."

Alex perked a single ear. "Do you..." A lopsided grin crossed his slender muzzle. "Want me to do that?"

"Go for it." Adam shifted his pajamas, his vulpine erection straining for freedom. He hadn't expected Alex to get so involved in teasing him, but he sure as hell wasn't complaining. "It's your show. Do whatever you want."

The coyote eased down onto his hands and knees, glancing across his back. "Boner troubles, again?"

"Hard as a frickin' rock." Adam adjusted himself, staring down at Alex's presented rump when the coyote lifted his tail. In that position, the curves of the younger coyote's butt were clearly outlined. The coyote's canine testicles dangled openly beneath it, left jewel a little lower than the right. His boner was partly hidden, but flashes of red made it clear the coyote was still very hard. "Sarah's right, they are pretty fun to see that way."

Alex giggled, swaying his hips back and forth. "Does this make them jiggle?" His balls bobbled around, tail swishing.

Adam burst out laughing. "Oh my god, Alex. And people say I'm weird."

"Oh, shut up!" Alex stuck his tongue out. "I never got to be kinky with anyone before, lemme have my moment."

"I'm not sure if this counts as kinky." Adam brushed his foot against the inside of Alex's thigh, ruffling the fur. "But it sure is fun."

Alex shivered, his balls tightening up. "H-hey!"

"Hah!" Adam rubbed Alex's thigh a little higher. "Made 'em go all tight."

"Yeah, I noticed." He batted his tail against Adam's leg. "Your foot feels kinda nice, though."

"Does it?" Adam worked his toes up and down, earning another shiver. He brushed his foot against Alex's balls. "You like that?"

"Y-yeah..." He flattened his ears, licking his nose. "Your hand would be better, though."

"Oh, don't worry," Adam said, trying to purr his words the way Sarah sometimes did. "You're gonna get plenty of my hand." He blinked, adjusting his glasses. "That sounded more suave in my head."

"Plenty of your hand, huh?" Alex giggled. "You should work on that one."

Adam wiggled his toes in Alex's nuts, earning another shudder. "Maybe you should get up on the bed, and I'll work on your one." He scowled. "Damn, that wasn't any better, was it?"

Alex shook his head. "Nah, that one was worse. Maybe you should quit while you're ahead."

"You're probably right." Adam rolled his foot in a gentle circle against the coyote's balls, drawing a little moan. "Feel good?"

"Y-yeah..." Alex hung his head, fingers digging into the carpet. "Real good."

The fox had to admit to himself, this was pretty fun. He could see why the girls enjoyed having a guy in this position. It was both sexy, and empowering. With only a little caress, Alex was practically begging for more. And if Adam thumped his foot home, he'd be rolling on the floor_._ Adam flattened his ears. That was a pretty good rhyme, he thought. That was the one he should have said out loud.

"You know, Alex..." Adam rubbed his foot again, enjoying the feeling of the coyote's furry pouch shifting against his toes. "This is both sexy, and leaves me in charge! Cause if I kick you, you'll be crying, but if I..." He trailed off. "Wait, that wasn't right."

Alex gave him a confused look. "Don't you even think about it!"

"I'm not, I'm not!" Adam held his hands up, as if fending off the accusation. "I'm just teasing you. I didn't invite you to spend the night in my room just to mash your yote marbles."

Alex stared at him. "Spend the night? Like, the whole night?"

"Yeah." Adam scratched the back of his neck, mussing the fur. "I mean, if you wanted. Or you can go back to your sleeping bag when we're done. I just thought..." He glanced away, ears splayed, nervousness fluttering in his belly. "You know, I got a big bed, and we'll both already be here, naked. I thought it might be nice know. Sleep together. Literally, I mean." He swallowed, kneading at his bedspread. "Sorry, that probably sounds dumb."

Alex quickly shook his head. "No! Not at all." His tail wagged, thumping Adam's leg. "I think that sounds nice! I'd love to sleep in your bed, tonight."

"Really?" Adam smiled, perking back up. "It was just an idea. We're already gonna be laying together, so..."

"Let's do it!" Alex scrunched his nose. "Besides, Tom snores."

"Fair warning, but I probably do too." Adam moved his foot back, grinning. "Why don't you get up and turn around, now?"

"Okay..." Alex rose to his feet. "If you stand up too, I could take your clothes off, for you..."

Adam stood up alongside his bed. "That sounds fun." He put his hands on Alex's hips, stroking his fur. "Alright, turn around."

The coyote slowly turned around. Adam's fingers left ruffled trails in his soft fur. The young coyote was still quite hard, and finally Adam had a clear look at Alex's boner. It jutted almost straight up, pointing at the ceiling like a rocket ready to launch. Though a little smaller than Adam's, it had a similar shape. The whole thing was deep red and tapered to a point. The faint bulge of an uninflated knot thickened its base, where Alex's sheath had retracted. The coyote's balls hung under it, their gray furred pouch snugger than before.

"Yote boner, yote boner, yote-" Adam snapped his jaws shut when he realized how much he suddenly resembled his sister. "God, you're right. I really do sound like Melissa."

"Told you." Alex giggled as he reached for the fox's shirt. "I wanna take your clothes off, now..."

"Go ahead." Adam lifted his arms, clearing the way.

Alex slowly tugged the fox's shirt up, exposing his slender, alabaster-furred belly. With his shirt out of the way, the fox's arousal was clear, a noticeable bulge within his pajamas. His red tip ever so slightly peeked up from behind his waist band. Both of them glanced at it, sheepishly laughing at the sight.

The coyote worked Adam's shirt up higher, grinning. "I can't believe we're doing this."

"Taking my shirt off?" Adam wriggled out his arms out of the sleeves, helping Alex pull the garment up over his head. "After everything else we already did?"

"No, dummy." Alex rolled his eyes as he pulled Adam's shirt free, careful not to knock his glass off. He tossed it to the floor. "I mean..." He put his hands to the fox's sides, where the red fur of Adam's back met the white fur of his chest and belly. Alex ran his hands down Adam's body, ruffling him. "All of this."

The sensation of fingers through bare fur left Adam shivering. He licked his nose, tail swishing. "You mean with another guy?"

"Yeah, I guess..." Alex slipped his fingers into the waistband of Adam's pajama pants. "I always thought my first time doing stuff would be with a girl. And probably not at a sleepover with a bunch of people in the other room."

Adam laughed, stroking one of Alex's arms. "Yeah, well, I didn't think I was gonna have the nerve to invite you into my room, either. You can thank Melissa for helping me work up the courage. Besides..." Adam looked down at Alex's unsheathed maleness. "Your chubby doesn't seem to mind that you're playing with another guy."

The coyote glanced at himself, giggling again. "Yeah, I noticed. Not that I'm real surprised."

"Oh no?" Adam caressed his friend's hand in a slow circle. "I always thought you were more into girls, but..." He shrugged.

"I'm _definitely_into girls," Alex said, a little too much indignity in his voice. "But...also boys. Especially you, I guess. To be honest, those skinny dipping boners _were_kinda from seeing you naked."

"Really?" Adam gave a mock gasp, his ears shooting up in feigned surprise. "No way dude! I never_thought _that!"

Alex tugged the front of Adam's waistband open, holding it threateningly over the fox's tapered tip. "Don't make me snap this on your dick again."

"Okay, okay!" Adam held his hands up, laughing. "I surrender."

"Good." Alex eased the elastic back into place, and returned both hands to the fox's hips. "Besides, you got hard too."

"Duh." Adam swished his tail. "For the same reason." He slipped a hand behind himself to undo the loop above his tail. "Even if I didn't really like admitting it to myself."

Alex smiled, his own tail wagging. "Really?"

The fox rolled his eyes. "No, dude, it was totally unrelated to seeing a bunch of sheaths and balls all at once. Or a boner."

"Oh." Alex swallowed, glancing down. "Right. Well..." He pulled on Adam's pajamas, just a little. "I get them for girls, too."

"Like if Sally went skinny dipping with us?"

"Oh my god..." Alex shuddered. "I'd be hard for a week."

The fox grinned, bumping a finger against Alex's penis. "Based on how long this thing's been unsheathed, I believe it."

"Like yours hasn't been hard all night too!"

"Not all night." Adam ran his finger from Alex's tip down to his balls, watching the way it made the coyote's fuzzy sac tighten when Alex shivered. "I wasn't exactly as into watching my sister do stuff to Tom as you guys were."

Alex's jaws hung open in exotic delight before he collected himself. "Yeah, too bad you couldn't enjoy it. It was pretty hot." He tilted his head, grinning. "You think there's ever any chance she'll flash the rest of us, like she does Max?"

Adam scrunched his muzzle. "Hell if I know." He grabbed Alex's balls firmly enough to leave the younger coyote doubled over. "Maybe if you offer to let her kick these into your throat first."

"Erf!" The coyote grunted, his face scrunching behind his glasses. "Might be worth it. Your sister's scary, but she's pretty-Ah!"

Adam tightened his grip till he earned a yelp. "You should really just end on, 'your sister's pretty', dude."

"Very pretty!" Alex whimpered a little, shifting his weight. "Please let go before you scare away my chubby!"

The fox released his fuzzy captives, shaking his head. "At this point I don't think that's possible."

"Yours either." Alex slowly straightened up, running a finger across Adam's hidden erection. "Should we let it out to play?"

Adam perked a single ear. "Thought you were gonna do that like, five minutes ago, but you decided to yip for a while, instead."

"Yip?" Alex uttered a playful growl. "Is that a coyote joke? Cause foxes yip way more than coyotes." Before Adam could reply, Alex patted his trapped erection. "Maybe I should just leave this thing in here all night, to teach you a lesson."

"Oh, please let it out," Adam said, laughing. "It's really tired of being stuck in there."

"Not like I could I stop you from taking your pants off." Alex wormed his fingers back into Adam's pajamas, grasping them. "But it's more fun if I do it, so it's time to see some fox privates." He blinked, glancing up. "That wasn't the sexiest way I could have put that, was it?"

Adam only giggled. "Could be worse. You coulda said like, vulpine genitalia or something."

"That sounds like what Professor Lion would call them." Alex tugged the thin fabric garments down until Adam's tapered red cock sprang free. It bounced upwards, bobbling a little, its sharp tip pointed at the ceiling. "Fox boner!" Alex grinned, wiggling his butt, tail swishing. "I found a fox boner!"

"You sure did, you weirdo." Adam reached out to stroke a hand over Alex's ear. Weird or not, his friend's goofy enthusiasm was oddly endearing, and he couldn't help but play along. "I hear there's some balls around there, too."

"Balls too?" Alex tilted his head. "Well, we better find those, for sure!" He slowly eased Adam's pajamas down past his hips until the fox's white-furred testicles flopped into view, hanging over the edge of Adam's waistband. "Naked fox balls ahoy!"

"Oh, my god," Adam said, fighting back a laugh. "I thought Melissa and me were weird."

Alex yanked Adam's PJs down the rest of the way, letting them pool around his black-furred feet. The geeky fox's balls were a bit bigger than Alex's. They hung loose, two fat vulpine pecans in a white-furred pouch. More white fur splashed across the inside of his thighs, fading into the rusty red of his legs, rump and tail. Adam's nuggets bobbled as he stepped out of his clothes. His erection swayed when he kicked his pants aside.

"Wow." Alex stared openly, a dopey grin on his muzzle. "Yours are bigger than mine."

Adam looked down at himself. "Told you I was best fox!"

"Shut up!" Alex growled again, though his smile hadn't faded. "They're only bigger cause you're taller than me."

"That too." Adam reached down, cradling a few fingers under Alex's nuts. "Yours are nice, though. They're cute."

"Th-thanks..." Alex gulped, shivering. "Can I play with yours, too?"

"Of course." The fox spread his legs a little bit to give his friend more access. "Did you still want me to get on my hands and knees, too?" He glanced over his shoulder. "Or we could just get onto my bed, now."

Alex licked his nose. "Getting comfy on the bed sounds nice. I'm sort of ready to..." He traced a finger up and down the side of the fox's erection. "You know. Finish. Besides, I can see your balls from behind another time." Alex's finger slid further down, ruffling the fur of Adam's sack. "I still wanna play with these, though."

"You can play with them all you want." Adam turned towards the bed, brushing his tail across the coyote's genitals. "I got an idea."

The fox faced away from his friend, resting his hands on mattress. Then he lifted a leg, placing his knee on the edge of the bed. He leaned forward, hiking his other leg up before bracing that knee onto the bed, as well. He crawled forward a few paces, then paused, hiking up his tail to display his rusty furred butt and fuzzy white balls to the coyote.

"There," Adam said, smirking over his shoulder. "How's that? Can you see 'em from behind now?"

Alex's eyes widened behind his glasses. "Oh yeah. They're like wide open."

Adam pinned his ears. "Not sure I like that phrasing."

"Sorry." Alex gestured with his hands, drawing an invisible frame. "How about, they're nicely presented?"

"I like that better." Adam dropped his head down, peering under himself. His crimson erection stared back at him, rigid against his belly. Behind it, his snow-furred testicles hung free. "This is kind of a fun view, actually."

"You're inspecting yourself?" Alex made a little huffing noise, flicking his tail. "And you keep saying I'm the weird one."

Adam snorted. "Oh, like you haven't."

"Not in front of someone." Alex reached out and cradled the fox's balls in his hand.

Adam sucked in a breath, marveling at the sight of his own cream colored nuts in the coyote's tan fingers. Alex slowly rolled them around in their furry pouch, earning a groan from the fox. Adam trembled slightly, his breath shaking. The fox had only had his balls played with a few times before, at most. He closed his eyes, resting his head against the bed, savoring the feeling. Alex gently caressed both fox testicles, leaving Adam shivering. His erection twitched a few times.

"Dude," Alex said, a mixture of excitement and amusement in his voice. "I think you're dribbling on your blanket."

Adam opened his eyes to slits. Though his glasses were canted, he still spotted a bead of clear liquid at his tip. "Worse things have happened at sea."

Alex tilted his head. "What?"

"It's a saying." Adam closed his eyes again when Alex rolled his balls around another time.

"No, it isn't." Alex released the fox's jewels, only to take them into his other hand.

"It is too..." Adam trailed off when warm fingers wrapped around his erection. It pulsed in the coyote's hand as if demanding further attention. "C-careful..."

"Or what?" Alex slowly stroked the fox to his tip, then back to his balls, working in the slick fluid. "Or something else is gonna happen to your blanket?"

"Beat me to it." Adam eased his hips forward, eagerly pressing into the coyote's touch.

Alex stroked him again, a harder this time. "That's kind of what I was thinking of doing, actually."

Adam whimpered in delight. After being so hard all evening, his pleasure was growing swiftly. "We gotta sleep on that blanket, though."

"Technically," Alex said, squeezing around the fox's uninflated knot. "We gotta sleep under it. And I know you got a clean one in the closet, anyway."

"That's true, but- ah!" Adam gave a little cry when Alex started pumping his hand in earnest. "A-lex!"

"Yes?" Alex paused, his hand still wrapped around the fox's shaft. "You want me to stop doing that?"

Adam panted, swallowing. "No..."

"Then shut up and enjoy yourself."

When the coyote resumed his attentions, Adam decided to do just that. Alex worked his hand steadily. His motions were a little awkward, his timing uneven. But the feeling of being stroked by someone else was no less delightful for the inexperience. Alex's pads were every bit as soft as Sarah's had been. They slid back and forth across the fox's pre-slickened tool. Adam watched Alex's hand gliding up and down, his tapered tip jutting from the coyote's grasp at the end of every stroke.

Adam rolled his hips, playfully thrusting into the coyote's hand. Alex growled, a light, mischievous sound. He pumped his hand harder, encouraging the fox to keep going. Adam followed his lead, working his hips in time with the coyote's motions. It took them both a few attempts to get the rhythm right, but soon Adam was actively plunging himself into the coyote's grasp time and again. More leaking pre further slickened Alex's pads, and the pace grew swifter still. Adam's ecstasy grew with it.

Soon, the fox's breath came in quick, whimpering pants. He gripped the blanket tight, crumpling up the blue fabric beneath his fingers. Adam thrust a few more times as his pleasure spiked. He sucked in a shuddering breath, intent on warning his friend of his impending release. Instead, Alex suddenly tugged the fox's balls back, possessively tightening his grip around them. The extra stimulation proved too much for the long pent-up fox to handle.

Adam gave a short, clipped cry as his bliss peaked. He thrust forward, his cock jumping inside Alex's hand. Even as his knot swelled, Alex kept stroking him quick and hard. Adam jerked his head up out of the line of fire, just before the initial burst of whitish fox seed erupted from his tip. It splattered the blue blankets, followed swiftly by another, and another. By the time his orgasm was dying down into slow dribbles, there was a ragged white line painted across the comforter.

The coyote's motions slowed to a few final, reverent strokes. "That was fun. You totally had sex with my hand, dude."

The fox flattened his ears, panting. "I don't think that's exactly true."

Alex gradually released him. "You were humping my hand!" He wiped his fingers off on the blanket, giggling. "And you knotted it!"

"Okay, that part _is_true." He flopped over onto his side, then rolled onto his back, still catching his breath. "Can you do me a favor?"

"I think I just did." Alex looked down at his own stubborn erection. "Pretty sure it's your turn to do me a favor."

The fox propped himself up onto his elbows, chuckling. "Alright, that's not bad. Can you get the wipes the drawer near the bed?"

"Oh, right, yeah." Alex turned to the dresser, and opened the top drawer. "That kind of favor." He retrieved the package of wet wipes and carried them back to the fox. Alex pulled a few out and tossed them onto Adam's belly. "Here you go." He glanced down at the fox's knot, grinning. "Your knot's bigger than mine, too."

"I would hope so, since the rest of me is." Adam cleaned up his fur best he could. Though the bedspread took the worst of the messy assault, his belly and arms had not been fully spared. "These work really good on fur, actually."

"Hopefully they work good on blankets, too." Alex pulled a few more out, and quickly wiped up the fox's mess.

Adam tossed his dirtied wipes into the nearby trash. "Good enough for now. Before we actually go to sleep, I'll get the clean blanket out. We'll wash this one tomorrow." He scooted up towards his pillows, then patted the bed next to him. "First, come get comfy."

"Yeah, you're right." Alex tossed his cleaning clothes into the trashcan, then clambered up onto the bed. He crawled towards the fox. "Yeah, you're right. First I'll cum, then I'll be comfy."

Adam rolled his eyes, heaving a long, put-upon sigh. "Sometimes I wonder why we're friends."

"Because I let you have sex with my hand, duh." Alex giggled as he rolled over, stretching out on his back alongside the fox. His erection lay against his belly. Dampness marred the gray fur beneath its tip. "How's this?"

"Perfect." Adam rolled to his side, and snuggled up against his friend. He rested his hand against Alex's chest, lightly trailing his fingers through his fur. Alex's cock twitched, as if in response. "What are the odds that you blow your load before my hand even gets down there?"

Alex worked a pillow under his head, grinning sheepishly. "Pretty good, probably. If I do, just grab it and pretend you made it happen."

Adam laughed as he teased his claw tips in slow, downward circles. "Technically, I am touching you. So that wouldn't be a lie."

"I guess not..." Alex's eyes got wider and wider as Adam's hand neared his erection. "S-sorry if it really does go off too fast."

"Don't be sorry." Adam shook his head. He leaned in and gave his friend's ear a slow lick. "That's why you're here, remember? It doesn't matter how long it takes, as long as it happens."

"Okay..." Alex turned his head to nuzzle Adam's muzzle, smiling.

"You know, if you're that_close..." Adam moved his hand down, dancing his pads along the coyote's erection towards his balls. Alex shivered, and his tool flexed, unleashing another little dribble of pre. "It's probably not worth teasing you." He circled a single finger around the coyote's balls. The gray furred pouch tightened up in response. "Well, not _too much teasing, anyway." Adam bumped his snout against Alex's. "I have another idea, though."

Alex perked a single ear. "Your last idea was pretty fun."

The fox curled his fingers around the coyote's testicles, gently kneading them. Alex whimpered, trembling under his touch. "I could just kiss you again, and stroke you while we make out. That's...basically what Sarah did for me, my first time."

"Oh..." Alex swallowed, lifting his head to glance down at himself. "I will definitely cum if we do that."

Adam rolled the coyote's balls around in his hand, earning another delighted whine. "You're about to cum just from having your balls played with. We may as well just finish you off." He smirked. "I can always play with it longer next time."

Alex blinked. "Next time?"

"Well, you're sleeping over tomorrow night too, right?" The fox grinned, then spoke again before Alex could reply. "So, you wanna do it or not?"

The coyote nodded. "Okay!"

Adam wasted no more time. He pressed his muzzle to the coyote's, parting it. When Alex responded in kind, he kissed the coyote deeper, their tongues entwining once again. Alex cradled the fox's head, fingers working through the thick red fur of his neck. Adam released the coyote's balls and wrapped his fingers around the coyote's erection, instead. If anything, the canine's cock was even harder than before, hot and smooth.

Their kiss grew more passionate, and Adam pumped his hand in quick, steady motions. Their position made things more challenging than simply masturbating, but if Adam's rhythm was off, Alex did not seem to mind. The coyote's balls bounced back and forth beneath the fox's hand. Alex thrust several times, an uncertain, awkward motion. Then he cried out into their kiss, fingers digging into Adam's neck.

The fox stroked him faster, tongue dancing with Alex's as the coyote came. Alex's balls tightened, his knot expanded in the fox's grasp, and quick spurts of white cream spattered his belly fur. Another marked his chest, and one more nearly hit his throat. All the while, Adam kept stroking his friend, wanting Alex's ecstasy to be as intense, and long lasting as possible. Only when the coyote broke the kiss and flopped against the pillow, limp and panting, did Adam release him.

Adam rolled onto his back, grinning. "Have fun?"

The coyote murmured something incomprehensible.

"I'll take that as a yes." Adam propped himself up on his elbows, peering down at the coyote's knotted erection. "Heh. Coyote knot." He glanced at his own, pleased to see his own knot was larger, as expected. "Looks like-"

"We totally knotted each other!" Alex sat up against the pillow, making a face at his messy fur.

Adam held a hand up, ears flat. "We definitely didn't."

"Whatever." Alex pointed towards the dresser. "Could you get me those wipes?"

"Sure." Adam slipped off the bed to fetch them. "You can take a shower if you want, but I imagine Melissa's gonna throw the cats in when she's done with them. Pretty sure she's gonna drag Max back to her room later, too. So she'll want him to get cleaned up first."

Alex took a few wipes, and began cleaning his fur. "Oh, okay. These are probably fine for now."

"Yeah." Adam walked to the closet, tail swishing, knotted maleness bobbling. "Usually when I masturbate at night, I just use those before bed, and shower in the morning."

"That makes sense."

Adam opened the closet, and dug out a spare blanket. It wasn't quite as thick, or soft, but it was clean. He dragged it back to the bed. "Okay, Alex. Move your yote balls off the bed so I can strip off that blanket."

Alex hopped off, glancing down at his crumpled pajama pants. "Uh, speaking of stripping. Are you gonna put your clothes back on?"

"Wasn't planning on it." Adam quickly yanked the dirtied blanket off his bed. He tossed it into a corner. "But you can, if you're more comfortable that way."

"I dunno..." Alex scratched the back of his neck. "Never just been..." He shifted his tail, tail flicking. "Naked, before. In front of someone, I mean."

"Liar." Adam tossed the clean blanket off his bed, smoothing it out. "We've literally been skinny dipping together."

"That's different!" Alex folded his arms, huffing. "Besides, I wasn't knotted then. And neither were you!"

"Nope," said the fox, climbing back onto the bed. "We just had regular boners."

Alex wrinkled up his muzzle. "I guess that's true."

"Besides," Adam said, getting comfortable against his pillows. He pushed the blankets down to make way for the coyote. "I sleep naked most of the time, anyway. Get the lights, will you?"

Alex walked to the light switch, and flicked them off. Darkness smothered the room, battled only by the gentle glow of Adam's PC monitor, currently displaying a swirling cosmic scene. "What if you have to get up to pee, or something?"

The fox rolled his eyes. "Sleeping naked doesn't mean I can't put on my pants before I leave the room."

"Oh, right." Alex clambered into the bed, and settled down next to his friend. "I guess I can just do that if I have to get up."

"If you want." Adam chuckled, shrugging. "It's not like anyone here this weekend didn't hasn't already seen you naked. Including my sister."

Alex pinned his ears back. "Don't remind me."

"Could be worse." Adam got comfortable against his pillows, a hand under his head. "You could have to go naked all weekend, like Tom."

"Oh yeah!" Alex giggled, rolling onto his side. "Poor naked cheetah. Where did you hide his pants, anyway?"

"Secret crawlspace. He's not getting them back till he goes home." He blinked a few times, eyelids suddenly heavy. "You sleepy at all, dude?"

The coyote nodded against the pillow. "Uh huh. Almost like I just got off, or something."

"Almost." The fox chuckled. "Usually, when I masturbate in bed, I'm asleep before my knot even goes down."

"Same!" Alex swished his tail, brushing it against the fox. "This is nice, though. Sharing a bed with you, I mean."

Adam smiled to himself. "Yeah." He closed his eyes, scooting up against the coyote. "Yeah, it is."

"Thanks, by the way." Alex bumped Adam with his tail again. "For inviting me, I mean. To the sleepover. your room, tonight. And..." Alex swallowed. "For everything, over the years."

"Geez, Alex, I jerk you off once and you get all sappy? I see how it is." Adam laughed, but in the darkness, his smile only grew. "You're welcome, though. Good night, Alex."

"Good night, Adam."

Along the River

"Young Warrior Arrd, your entire tribe owes you a great debt." The elder coyote bowed, his emerald robes wrinkling up around his stick-thin body. Feathers woven into the thinning tan fur along the back of his neck rustled in the breeze. A proud smile...

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The Sleepover: Dual Wielding

Late in the evening, Melissa sat cross-legged on the floor with her brother and his friends. A stack of hardback books and papers laden with numbers and information rested in front of the vixen, with another book laying open nearby. Countless funny...

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Painfully Exposed

Amanda carefully placed her phone on a shelf in the upstairs hallway, leaning it against a picture frame. It was already recording video, and not a moment too soon. Her younger brother Alex was on his way to his bedroom for the night, but the coyote...

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