A Painful Challenge

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#10 of Fire Down Below

A lioness tries out a new challenge at her older brother's expense.

Story features playful femdom threats, and a kick in the nards played for laughs.

Sally waited in the hallway, just outside her older brother's bedroom door. It was early in the morning, and the young lioness was still in her sky-blue pajamas. Her tufted tail behind her, and wicked excitement coiled in her belly. There was a new challenge going around her favorite online group, and Sally was eager to join in. She'd already set her phone up to record in secret, and all she needed now was her older brother Max.

Muffled sounds from inside the room soon told Sally the older lion was awake. Sally slipped a little closer to his door, her ears perked in excitement. She giggled to herself, flicking her tail again. The lioness just couldn't wait to see the look on her brother's face when she got him. This is gonna be so funny, she thought.

Sally glanced towards her phone when she heard creaking footsteps approach the door. She flashed the phone a smile, her ears up. "I'm Sally..." She pointed at the door. "That's gonna be my brother Max...and this is the Wake-Up Call Challenge."

The door opened, and the taller, nerdier lion she'd been awaiting walked out. Though at least a head taller than Sally, Max was fairly scrawny by lion standards. His reddish mane was patchier than most. Thick glasses perched upon his blunt, leonine muzzle. Max was dressed in an oversized gray t-shirt, hanging nearly to his knees. Sally assumed the older lion was also wearing underwear beneath the giant T-shirt, but then again, if he wasn't it might make this even funnier.

"Good morning, Maxwell!" Sally bounced on her toes, cheerful as could be. She folded her hands behind her back, feigning hiding an object. "I have something for you."

"Huh?" Max turned towards her, confusion whirling in his bleary blue eyes. His ears went flat. "Don't call me Maxwell. You know I hate it when you call me that."

Sally did know that, in fact. She knew Max hated being called by his full name so much it would easily distract him from the phone propped up on a shelf nearby. It would also distract him from the fact his little sister was lurking outside his room first thing in the morning for mysterious, and nefarious reasons.

"But Maxwell..." Sally drew out his name, then giggled. All she had to do was play the annoying little sister long enough to ensure his guard was down. She stuck her tongue out at him. "I have something for you."

Max sighed, rubbing a folded ear. "Stop calling me that. God, you're annoying sometimes. Fine, what do you have? And it better not be something you stole from my backpack again."

Sally offered her brother her brightest, most innocent smile. "I have your wake up call!"

Before Max could even begin to parse what that meant, Sally's eyes dropped towards her targets. She stepped forward and lashed out with her foot in the same smooth motion, aiming for the weakest spot she knew. With well-practiced aim, the young lioness kicked her older brother right in the balls. Golden-furred toes slammed home right between the bigger lion's legs. Sally's foot sharply impacted both fuzzy feline testicles hidden away beneath the gray shirt. Sally clearly felt Max's balls take the blow, like two oversized, rubbery lion grapes mashed against her toes. For a split second the two fat, rounded bulges even pressed out against the gray fabric, along with a hint of something more cylindrical.

"AWWWWWWWHH!" Max doubled over, cross-eyed and yowling in that special, boys-only pain Sally would never understand. The older lion dropped to his knees, clutching his crotch in both hands. His whole muzzle scrunched up, fangs bared and ears pinned. A few tears leaked from his crossed eyes. "Awwwwwwwhhhhhh!"

Sally burst into a fit of giggles, dancing away from her crumpled brother. She turned towards her phone, speaking to it through her laughter. "And that's how you win the Wake-Up Call Challenge!"

Behind her, Max slumped the rest of the way onto the ground. He curled up into a ball of golden-furred pain, face resting against the ground, glasses askew. "Ooooohh..." His whole body trembled and shook a few times. "Oooooh, my nards! My naaards!"

Sally turned back towards him, padding over to nudge him with her foot. "Right in the nards, huh Maxwell?"

"Uurrrhhh..." Max rolled away from her foot, only for the pain to cause him to involuntarily roll right back towards her. "Oooh, god. Come on, Sally, I just got up!"

"I know, that's what makes it the Wake-Up Call Challenge!" Sally smacked her palm against her forehead, rolling her eyes. "Duh! So, how's it feel? Bet you're nice and awake now, right?"

The older lion writhed at her feet, rolling back and forth, rubbing his legs together around his hands. If anything, his muzzle was only getting more scrunched up. The inside of his ears had grown scarlet. "Urrhhh! It frickin' hurts, how do you think it feels?"

"How should I know?" Sally shrugged, laughing again. "Girls don't have those silly little things. I got 'em both though, right? I could practically see them." She tilted her head, watching his shirt ride partway up his golden furred legs. "Are you even wearing underwear under there?" She blinked, then snickered at her own little rhyme. She repeated it a few times, bouncing her hips back and forth. "Underwear, under there? Underwear, under there?"

"Sh-shut up!" Max whined, curling up into another tight little ball. Tears wet the fur of his muzzle. "Yes, I have underwear on, you little weirdo."

"If you say so." The young lioness was half tempted to try and pull up Max's shirt to find out for sure. After a moment's thought, she decided she wasn't quite ready to go _that_far. At least, not yet. Especially not on camera. Instead, she kicked her brother in the butt, earning a little grunt. "You're just lucky Melissa's not here. I hear she likes to humiliate boys by pulling down their underwear lately."

When Max sucked in a breath, his tear-filled eyes suddenly widening, Sally knew she was right. She also knew just how to further embarrass her older brother. She leaned in, whispering. "And I would totally look."

Max whined, twisting to face away from her, flushing darker still inside his ears. "Th-that's not funny!"

"I'd see everything Max." Sally pressed her advantage, saving her brother's humiliated embarrassment. "It'd be like a science project to examine. And I'd laugh at it! And I'd have Melissa hold your arms, and then...wham!" Sally swung her foot through the air. "Right in the bare ones!"

Max cringed, his whole body twitching. "Come on, Sally." He sniffled, fighting back a full-fledged sob, rubbing himself. "Oh, God, my poor testicles. You really got them bad, that time."

"Cool!" Sally straightened up, then pivoted towards the phone, bouncing on her toes again. "Got him so good he's crying!"

Max resumed squirming, wriggling on the floor like a freshly unearthed worm. "Awwww!" He rolled to his belly, his tufted tail curled and kinked at odd angles. "Oooh, my balls, my frickin' baaaalls!" He sniffled again, then coughed. "What was that even for?"

"For being a boy, duh!" Sally took the phone down from its hidden spot on the shelf, smiling into the camera. "It's what their balls are for, after all."

Max gave a plaintive moan, his rump hiked up into the air for a moment, face smushed against the carpet. Tear stains marked his crooked glasses. "God, you're such a bratty bitch-kitten lately."

Sally hissed at him. She pinned her ears, sharpening her tone. "And now, I'm totally gonna get him again later, too. Maybe I'll even..." She held her phone out, making a fist in front of it. "Squeeze."

"D-don't you even think about it!"

"Oh, I'm thinking about it, Maxwell." Sally turned her phone off, tucking it away. "You can think about it too, if you want. About how bad it's gonna feel when I get your little lion nuts in my hand, and..." She drew the word out. "_Squeeze_them."

Max glared at her, though his scrunched muzzle and teary eyes stole any semblance of danger his glare might have possessed. "Don't you dare!"

Sally just giggled at him. "Or what, Max? You used to bully me all the time, so you know what you can do now?" She turned away, shaking her rump at him, her tufted tail swishing. "You can kiss my ball-kicking girl butt, Max. Besides, it's your girlfriend Melissa who taught me about squeezing boy's balls. Complain to her if you don't like it!"

"She's not my girlfriend..." Max trailed off, a wave of pain earning a groan. "Awww! I mean...we're not exactly...well, I don't know what we are!"

Sally turned back around and smirked, her head tilted. "That didn't come out the way you wanted, did it." She leaned forward to pat her older brother's head. "Poor Max. I guess getting kicked in the balls short-circuited Professor Maxwell's brain. Well, don't worry, Maxwell." Sally straightened up. "I'm sure your silly nuts will only ache another..." The lioness shrugged. "Twenty minutes or so? Or so I'm told." Sally laughed, walking off. "I wouldn't know."

She took a few steps, then paused, glancing back at her stricken brother, still squirming on the floor. "Oh, I do know one thing, Max." She waggled her phone. And by the time your boy nuggets finally feel better? It'll already be on the internet. Every girl in the Kickball Sisterhood's about to see you get kicked in the nuts." Sally turned away again, grinning to herself. "Challenge completed."

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