Tango Brilliante for Orchestra

Story by ragnarokfinis on SoFurry

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#4 of Moonlight Sonata

Warning- this writing depicts acts of a sexual nature with two males... perhaps more. :)

If you are not 18 (or 21 in some areas), do not wish to read this, or any other thing like that, do not read it.

If, however, you do, continue.

A special thanks to SkaPapaBear0069, Cold Turkey, Tapped Out, and Xtchizobr for helping me in this chapter. :)

Chapter Four- Tango Brilliante for Orchestra

Five weeks had passed since that night when Sircosgi woke up to find the fox and cat sleeping in his bed. During the time, it had become clear- Sircosgi, the young Kangaroo-Rat, would not be able to walk without help. He managed to get around using a crutch, but he moved slowly, and ached much. However, he became proficient, not wanting to be a large burden on anyfur.

Aiden, in between running off to his work- which he still kept a secret, for some reason- made sure Sircosgi was not over-exerting himself, which the young kangaroo rat was wont to do, and that Andy was recovering nicely. However, the Calico never showed signs of being stressed, keeping a "happy-go-lucky" atmosphere around him, one that was infectious to all the inhabitants of his house, especially Andy. The calico had taken up to running off for an hour or two, returning with a bag or two clenched in his paw, moving to his room- which he kept off limits- and coming out empty pawed, except for a trinket or something he found interesting and wanted to give to Sircosgi or, more often, Andy.

The young fox had, over the course of the weeks, been lazing around, watching movies with Sircosgi, and getting used to his new surroundings while recovering. He explored more of the house, sitting in the darker study, lit with small lamps with stained-glass shades. He read many books, wondering about how he could remember how to read when he couldn't remember his own name, his past- anything. At many times, the young fox would cry, tears streaking down his face, matting his fur. Many of those times, he would run to Sircosgi, who would merely hug him as he rubbed his back, trying to take the pain away. However, he realized that with all the attention that he was diverting from Aiden, their physical needs were not being met. He almost had to drive himself to paw off, but he and Aiden had agreed that would not be a part of their relationship.

One day, as he lay reclining on his bed, thinking, a solution came up. He got up, grasped his crutch, and hobbled to a calendar first, then to a phone book. He looked into the blue pages, found a number, and made a call- first to Aiden, explaining his actions, and then to the number he had just found. After a twenty minute discussion, he placed the phone on the receiver, smiling widely to himself.

"Finally, Aiden and I might have some respite," he said with a grin as he hobbled over to the kitchen to get a drink.

Later that evening, the kangaroo rat sat on his bed, clad only in a pair of pants, and smiled as he looked around the room. His bed- a king size- was cold, as the fan was on, yet he didn't mind. It contrasted the warmth of the rest of his room- mahogany furniture in the shape of a dresser, a night stand, a cabinet, and a bookshelf, the vast majority of which he had never used. He lay back, allowing the fur on his back to rub against the smooth, blue sheets on his bed. He smiled to himself, closing his eyes and gingerly placing his paws behind his head.

Aiden stepped into Sircosgi's room quietly, not wanting to disturb the kangaroo rat who he thought to be asleep. He left the door cracked, as not to make a sound at all, as not to disturb his love. He padded softly over and sat on the bed, smiling at the younger male. He leaned down and gave him a kiss on the brow, Sircosgi opening an eye at the sudden touch.

"Allo," he said before adding in a seductive tone, "mon chere." Aiden blushed at hearing Sircosgi speak in French, a habit the male had tried to put behind him in most situations.

"Hey honey," he said, feeling his sheath harden at French accent alone. He lay next to Sircosgi, holding the rodent's right paw in his own and smiling.

"Are you ready to do this?" Sircosgi asks Aiden, looking at him through the corner of his eye. Aiden laughed.

"Do you think you can handle it- after all, I don't want you to be hurt, especially after-" Sircosgi waved a hand in the air, interrupting Aiden.

"Don't worry about me," he said with a grin. "I would be more concerned with Andy. I have heard it can be pretty noisy, even if it is done right the first time." Aiden chuckled.

"So, when do you want to do it?" he questions, his cat ears perked up. Sircosgi looked at his calendar, laughed, and pointed at the date- Friday the seventh. He looked back up at Aiden.

"Well, we can't do it today or tomorrow, but how about next Monday?"

"Sounds like a plan." Aiden said as he nuzzled his way up Sircosgi's body before resting with him. The two lay in silence before Aiden, who had been tracing patterns on Sircosgi's chest, paused and sighed.

"What's wrong?" Sircosgi asked, concerned. Aiden appeared to be, for the first time, sad.

"I want you to move into my room." Aiden said, smiling again. "I want to sleep next to you in my- no, our room!" Sircosgi smiled.

"What about Andy?" Sircosgi asked. Aiden shrugged.

"I don't care," he said with a smile. "Perhaps he has it figured out?" He giggled a little bit before he heard a small cough.

"Have what figured out?" Andy asked, at the door. Sircosgi and Aiden both whipped their heads towards the younger fox, who had been standing there, eavesdropping.

"How long have you been there?" Sircosgi asked. Andy walked in and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Well, when I heard my name, I came by to hear what was up. What am I supposed to have figured out?" He asked, frowning. Sircosgi looked at Aiden, who was flushed red, before looking back at the small fox.

"Andy, you are returning to school." Andy rolled onto is side, scratched his chest, and frowned.

"Why?" he asked, simply. Sircosgi placed his paws behind his head and sighed, Aiden edging a little bit away from him as to promote a better image for the two.

"What do you want to do in life," the calico asked Andy, who tapped his muzzle in thought.

"Well," the young fox spoke, "I don't really know," he admitted. "But, I want to do something to make a difference. I want to help others, see the world, and do great things." Andy stretched his paws above his head and grinned. "I want to dare."

"Dare?" Sircosgi asked, his tail twitching behind him.

"Dare to be." Andy said, grinning. Aiden laughed.

"You won't be much if you don't get a basic education- if not more," he said. Sircosgi frowned at him. "What?"

"You need to at least attempt to go to school." Sircosgi said, a little more tolerantly. "Both I and Aiden went to school, then University, and we have decent jobs." He said, assuming that he still had a job, and that Aiden actually worked. He chuckled as Andy scratched the tip of his tail in thought.

"Okay," the fox finally said. "I will do it." Aiden smiled.

"Good, you start next Monday." Andy nodded.

"We'll go shopping tomorrow for materials and the like. Monday, we actually enroll you, and you go to class." Sircosgi explained. "I think you should, perhaps, think of things you enjoy to do in the meanwhile- that will help with electives." Andy nodded as he strode off, probably to make such a list. Sircosgi sighed.

"Monday." He said to Aiden.

"Yeah. Monday."

The rest of the weekend was spent preparing Andy for his first day back at school. Sircosgi had laughed as he was given a motorized wheel chair at the mall, amused that it made beeps whenever he reversed. Aiden had merely chuckled as they made sure that Andy had enough clothing, a good satchel, and other items. Andy, merely, had been amazed- it was the first time being in a mall since his recovery. He had looked around, so many stimuli to intrigue the young fox. At one point, Aiden had to grab him before he walked into a trash can, Andy being so fixated on a couple walking through the mall, hand in hand. As Aiden had looked at the couple, he noted the two male giraffes and grinned. Perhaps, he thought, the little fox is different than what we think. Andy, meanwhile, was just thinking about how other furs could be so tall. As for Sircosgi, he was just wondering how to make his cart go faster, terrorizing many of the mall inhabitants.

Monday came, however. Sircosgi heard a beeping sound on the side of his bed, groaned, and began to lash out with his paw.

"OOF!" He heard, and woke up in a jolt.

"Good morning, Andy," he said with a laugh. The fox rolled over.

"I don't wanna get up- too early." Sircosgi laughed as he sat up and yanked the covers off of the two of them.

"Come on, fussy pan-" he paused for a moment, gazing at the fox, "-ts?" Andy, this morning, had woken up with his pyjamas tented. Sircosgi blinked, slightly aroused at this, before shaking his head. "Don't make me get the cold water," he warned. He reached for the side of the bed before he felt a movement.

"I'm up, I'm up." Andy stood up and padded out of the room, closing the door behind him. Sircosgi lay back down with a force, feeling the starting of his own erection. He closed his eyes, slightly in shame, as he heard the door open.

"Hey, early start- that's a foul," he heard Aiden say as the cat poked him on the forehead. "Outta bed, lazy." The cat patted Sircosgi on his crotch. "Besides, the longer you wait here, the longer we wait later." Sircosgi sat up, smiled, and gave the cat a kiss.

"Ew, morning breath," the kangaroo rat mumbled as he hobbled off to the bathroom.

"Hurry it up, hop-a-long, we need to get Andy out the door in forty minutes!" Aiden said good naturedly, smiling at his little joke.

Thirty minutes, two showers, two hot breakfasts and a bowl of cereal, and a good luck speech later, Andy was sitting, looking at the clock.

"Do I really have to ride the bus after today?" Andy asked.

"Um, yeah." Aiden said, a sarcastic smile on his face. "Today, we just have to register you. After this, you're on your own."

"Besides," Sircosgi said, "you may meet some good friends on your bus. It's always a good time." He added, smirking. "But, on to registering you, lazy bum." The three headed outside, still before the dawn, and drove to the local high school where Andy would be attending.

Three hours later, Aiden helped Sircosgi back into their house, grinning from ear to ear as he closed the front door behind him.

"Today is the day," he whispered into the rodent's ear. Sircosgi churred softly, brushing his tail against Aiden's crotch. The cat responded by licking the nape of Sircosgi's neck before picking him up, holding the small rodent in his arms, and carrying him to the door of his room.

"Shall we cross the threshold?" Sircosgi asked, smiling. Aiden merely smirked as he kicked open the door, showing it to Sircosgi for the first time. Sircosgi glanced around the room- it appeared normal enough. Dark burgundy walls, bookshelves littered with books of varying titles, ages, and genres, a small music player, a dresser, a nightstand- nothing out of the ordinary.

Aiden lay Sircosgi on the bed and smiled. He immediately stripped of his shirt and lay next to his lover. Sircosgi grinned.

"I am glad we decided to do this." He says in a throaty voice before bringing his muzzle to Aiden's, the two joining in a kiss.

They stayed that way for a moment or two before Aiden found his paw reaching down to Sircosgi's groin, rubbing gently at the tented material there. Sircosgi moved his body upwards, forcing their bodies closer. Aiden, at this, murred at this action before Sircosgi broke the kiss and looked into Aiden's eyes.

"Love, will you do me a favor?" The kangaroo rat asked, smiling serenely.


"I want to mate with you." Aiden was surprised at the request.

"But, I don't want to hur-" Sircosgi held a claw over his lover's mouth.

"Listen to me. What happened happened. But, with you," Sircosgi said as his tail traced a pattern down the calico's leg, "I know you love me. So, today, let us become one." Aiden nodded and gave the rodent a kiss.

"I love you- you know that, right?" He asked. Sircosgi merely grabbed his lover's paw and held it underneath his tail.

"Take me."

The cat needed no further hints. He reached over with a free paw and opened a drawer on the nightstand next to his bed. Sircosgi tried to peer in but Aiden merely covered the rodent's eyes with his other paw.

"Another time, love." He fished around, Sircosgi hearing some metal clanking, before he pulled a bottle of lubricant out. He grinned to himself as he pulled his pants off, waiting for Sircosgi to do the same. He sat, fully erect, in the buff, for a moment or two, but Sircosgi made no movement.

"Hey, something wrong?" Aiden asked.

"If you want it, come and get it!" Sircosgi proclaimed, opening his legs, the material of his pants still tenting due to his erection. Aiden laughed as he prowled, his malehood hanging beneath him, towards the rodents before extending a claw and carefully shredding the pants Sircosgi was wearing, reducing the male to his underwear. Aiden leaned in and gave a deep sniff, licking the member through the material.

With a satisfied growl, Aiden bit the underwear and slid them down Sircosgi's legs, pulling them off his body and flinging them across the room. He looked into his lover's eyes with a fire that showed the need in his body. He grabbed onto Sircosgi's waist, flipped him over, and rested him on the side of the bed, standing up behind him. He opened his bottle of lube and smeared some on his cock, leaving a liberal amount on a claw. He leaned in and, rather than getting the rodent relaxed with some clawplay, extended his tongue to the tightened pucker.

Sircosgi, who had not been expecting that, sighed with pleasure at the touch. Aiden continued to lick around the tailhole, adding more and more pressure until he broke through the outer ring with his tongue and was licking the inside of Sircosgi. This was almost too much for Sircosgi, who moaned loudly and clenched his body tight, making the tongue almost trapped inside his smaller body. Aiden, however, stritched the male on the base of his tail, relaxing him so he could withdraw his tongue.

Aiden smeared some of the lubricant around Sircosgi's tailhole and inserted the claw, sliding it in and out, slightly easier than his tongue. Sure that Sircosgi was nicely lubricated, he placed his cock- pulsing with desire and need- behind Sircosgi's tail hole, his head pushing on the entrance to Sircosgi's body.

Aiden began to thrust forward, his head adding more and more pressure to Sircosgi's tailhole before it popped in. Sircosgi groaned at the pain, but Aiden just scratched his back, knowing that the pain would soon be over. He continued his invasion of Sircosgi's tailhole, the barbs on his cock stroking the walls of Sircosgi's innards.

"Christ, you're tight," Aiden said with a grunt, begin to pull out slowly, the lube making his exit easier. He continued this repetition for a little while, waiting for the painful whimpers to subside before he began to thrust longer and harder into Sircosgi. The Kangaroo Rat, initially thinking of his own rape, had managed to get past the image and now saw what was happening for what it was- an act of love and caring. However, when he felt the barbed cock rub against his prostate, he felt less pain and more pleasure. He began to churr at the sensation, Aiden grunting as he fully penetrated Sircosgi's tailhole.

"MON DIEU!" Sircosgi managed to cry out, his mind in sheer bliss. His cock began to leak precum over Aiden's bed. Aiden, who initially took that as one of continue no further, looked at his lover.

"You okay?" He asked.

"N'arrete-pas!" Sircosgi cried out, moving his body closer to Aiden's body, sliding down the barbed cock. Aiden giggled at the motion and met Sircosgi half-way, hilting yet again.

He continued in this fashion, trying not to jar Sircosgi's leg, before he changed it up. He gave four or five shallow thrusts before he gave seven deep thrusts, the last one hilting with Sircosgi. The kangaroo rat, not expecting this, cried out in pure joy as the last thrust stimulated his prostate so. He began to feel his testicles rising towards his body. His mind, already in passion, became even further clouded.

"Amour!" He called out, gasping for breath. Aiden understood and closed his eyes, allowing the more primal side to him to rise up. He gave deep thrusts each time now, each time penetrating Sircosgi almost fully, their testes slapping together. Within a short while, the calico knew that he was going to reach his orgasm. He looked closely at Sircosgi, hoping the kangaroo rat could handle one more thing of stimulation. He reached his paw around Sircosgi's body and wrapped around his cock, and with the last stroke that he made into the rodent, the calico thrust his paw from the base to the tip of Sircosgi's cock, jacking him off before he slapped the hind of Sircosgi, causing his hole to pucker around the calico's cock- fully penetrating Sircosgi- making the warm and tight hole even hotter and tighter.

The end result was Sircosgi, crying out in unintelligible French as he shot a load over the bed and Aiden's paw, who was meanwhile shooting a load inside of Sircosgi's tailhole. He felt jet after jet of warm ejaculate pour inside of Sircosgi, yet he did not remove his malehood. Rather, he held Sircosgi to the base of his cock as he rolled over onto his back, still filling Sircosgi, who was breathing hard and fast.

Aiden began to rub Sircosgi's chest, hoping to relax the younger male, who was resting his head on the taller calico's chest. Aiden, who's orgasm had subsided, still remained inside of Sircosgi, who he discovered to be asleep. He chuckled to himself, rubbing his chest one more time before pulling the covers over their bodies, himself wanting to catch some well deserved rest.

A ringing was heard before he could close his eyes. He glanced to his nightstand and saw that his cellular phone was going off. He glanced at the caller ID- 'work'- and sighed. Should he answer it, or ignore it. A peaceful stirring of Sircosgi made his mind up for him. He reached over and turned the phone off. He sighed contentedly as he shut his eyes, glad to be sleeping with his lover, inside of him for the first time.

Little did he know, however, that these actions would be the biggest turning point in his relationship with the French Kangaroo-Rat.

Menuet of Innocence

Disclaimer/Author's Notes: This is a work of adult-nature. If you are not an adult (meaning of majority age wherever you live), do not read this. It contains cursing, yiff, etc... and if you get caught by your mommy while reading it, I AM NOT...

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Scherzo for Duet

Disclaimer: This is a work of adult-nature. If you are not an adult (meaning of majority age wherever you live), do not read this. It contains cursing, yiff, etc... and if you get caught by your mommy while reading it, I AM NOT LIABLE. All...

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Requiem of Darkness

Disclaimer: This is a work of adult-nature. If you are not an adult (meaning of majority age wherever you live), do not read this. It contains cursing, yiff, etc... and if you get caught by your mommy while reading it, I AM NOT LIABLE. All...

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