Goggles Part 5

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(Apologies in advance for my lousy writing skills. I wrote pretty poorly back then, and missed mistakes often.)

Part 5

An All Night Party (Warning, this one's stupid.)

"You still haven't told me why you had me drive all the way out to the edge of town like this. Today's already halfway over and I've got work tomorrow. I just got done with a four day business trip and I'd like to enjoy my day off." Terri complained. Jake said nothing, he merely looked onward into the trees that separated his hometown of Lorance from the calm and quiet of the town known as Seasons. "Sorry Jake, I know, you missed me a lot." When her son still said nothing she huffed quietly and searched for a topic. "Hey, isn't this where you and Goggles ended up when you were on your late night nudey adventure? Brother told me you two were running all over the place buck-naked and as hard and horny as you could manage. That's a little hard to believe, but I love the thought. But is it true Nick actually joined you? That would have been a funny sight. Too bad I couldn't join you as well." She turned when Jake suddenly giggled. She smiled warmly. "If you want, mama, since tomorrow is Friday and you don't have to work Saturday this week, maybe we can do a little running tomorrow night." She blushed at that. "You'd really wanna run around town naked with your mom?" She looked into his eyes. "Yes mommy." The boy gave a wide grin. "Alright, but I want it to be more than just a little running, ok?" "So, since you don't want it can I have it?" She blinked. "What?" He pointed at the large section of unowned buildings. The female's eyes widened. "Why would you want something like that? It's ugly." She paused. "I'll think about it, ok?" The foal smiled. "Ok."

The sun was starting to set when a knock came at the door. "Yes mama?" The palomino child called. The door opened and his mother stepped in, home at last from work. Her face held a blush that matched the suit she still wore. "How do you wanna start?" She asked blushing. They hopped out of the truck, parked in a lot a block away from the school. "Why are we here?" Terri asked, moving around to the back side of the truck. Jake leaned against the wall she'd parked backwards by. "Cause me and Goggles started at the school, so why don't we?" He smiled nervously, but it didn't last long. "Skittish about being nakie in front of mommy? You've done it before." She assured him. With out a word, Jake pulled off his pants and tossed them into the truck bed. "I see you dressed with out your undies so this would be a little easier. I did the same, though it was a little hard to work normally since I wear this skirt. You know how much is visible when you sit down in a dress? I even think a few of my colleagues were looking at my ass from time to time." She explained while sliding her black skirt off before unbuttoning her red top.

Terri sat down on the slide, both of them watching the mountains as the last of the sun's dim glow faded. The two looked at each other's naked bodies and blushed once more. "Nightfall. So, which way shall we head?" The mare asked. "Why don't we head towards Ulsock, circle back this way over on Ellisfur street, and go all the way past the downtown then head back to the truck?" The mare thought over her son's directions, stroking her nipples. "But that would only be a fifty minute run. Why don't be get really naughty and go all the way to Seasons and back when we reach the downtown area. Then instead of going straight back to the truck, we can head through the manor property." "But wait! The manor has security cameras!" Terri nodded. "I know, isn't it exciting? And we can head up the mountain pass which will take us to the freeway. If we sneak back along that we'll end up on 14th street. And I'll leave the last of my plans a secret. Lets go!" She stood up. "Oh wait, we're missing something." She jiggled her plump breasts in his face. "There, now you'll get all horny."

They made their way to the edge of town on the Ulsock end, positioned in the middle of 1st street. "Ready? It's naked running time. First check point, downtown. I feel so naughty already!" The female said, standing next to her son. She counted down from five and they began running at one. The palomino boy was entranced by his mother's chest, watching as her wonderful breasts bounced with each step. For a long time he couldn't take his eyes off them. Suddenly she turned around, grabbed him by the tail and dragged him behind a bush on someone's lawn and crouched next to him. He looked over at her, eyes wide, as the car drove on by. "Is this great or what?!" The mare whispered. "M-m-mom, if you hadn't seen that car... we'd be in so much trouble." She tilted her head. "Why? Weren't you paying attention?" Her son looked away from her unmatched beauty. "Well, yes and no... you see, I wasn't paying attention to our surroundings like I should have, instead I was gazing at..." He stopped. "Gazing at what baby? O-oh, oh. You were watching these bounce weren't you?" She blushed deeply and leaned in to give him a kiss on the cheek. "It's ok darling, you can look as long as you like, but remember, we're naked in public, if we get spotted, our night of fun won't end like I'd hoped." She spoke kindly to him, being as reassuring as possible. "Try to watch the road too, ok sweetie?" She patted his belly and looked up over the bush and Jake did the same, realizing he'd been drooling at her chest for a lot more of the trip than he'd thought, for they were a block away from the first check point. "Lets split up. We'll be in less danger of getting seen. I know a shortcut, head straight for the bank, I'll meet you there. If you beat me there, and if you aren't seen, I'll let you touch my nipples." Before Jake could say anything, the woman was up and moving both swiftly and gracefully towards the lights of downtown. The bank was quiet and lonely, not a single soul was in sight. "Jakie, you beat me here! Damn. I almost got caught by the police!" The female said softly. "This is so exciting! Oh, here, lets get filled up on water, think you can get water though you in an hour?" Jake nodded at his mother and she started drinking from the small drinking fountain. She waited for Jake to drink his fill before she stuck out her chest at him allowing him to reach up and stroke her nipples. "Sorry to cut you off so soon, but we need to make tracks if we're going to get back here in time." Before he could ask why she rushed over to a fence and, using a box for a leg up, she hopped it, landing in the abandon section of downtown. The boy followed.

After they'd made their way through the abandon section of downtown the west half of Ulsock was visible. The mother jumped a few times in excitement, intentionally making her breasts bounce to tease her son. "Alright, second check point, Seasons. Gosh, I haven't felt this giddy since I gave birth to you. What shall we do when we get to Seasons?" She asked, excitedly. "Oooh! You know how they have that pond way in the back end of town that no one's allowed to swim in because its a national land mark?" Terri squealed before her son could get to his point and took off towards West Ulsock. Looking ahead he could barely see his mother, she was much too quick for him. Ulsock was eerily quiet all except the sounds of his own hooves and the distant sound of his mother's hooves. With trees growing in evenly spaced distances it was easy to navigate, aside from the occasional protruding root or muli-tree clumps. The foal caught up with his parent at last at the end of the half hour hike, tired and ready for the break that was soon to come. "Hey there baby, I missed you! What happened?" She asked, turning to greet him. Panting he leaned his weight against her in a hug. "Damn Mama, you're fast." She giggled and stroked his main. "I'm sorry. I waited for you so we could both go skinny dipping together." She tugged him into the silent streets of Seasons. Jake had only been there a few times before with his mom, but he'd never figured he would end up walking through town naked with the intent of violating their landmark. The palomino female lead him to the center of town and lifted him over the guardrail and joined him on the other side. "I don't know, I think I'm starting to have second thoughts, water is pretty noisy." He whispered, looked up at Terri and she grinned down at him. "Hey, it's easy, you've got the same figure I have, move slowly and it won't make much sound, ok?" The female demonstrated by sliding in slowly. Her soft voice was even softer and silky smooth when she whispered and it caused him to shutter. "See? Now get your dick in here. I only wanna spend fifteen minutes tops." She pulled him close to the water's edge by his limp, hanging meat. The water was only waste deep so the two had to sit on the bottom, which was oddly made of stone like a large pool. It seemed odd to him that they'd make it this way if no one was allowed to swim here. Jake's thoughts were interrupted when a pare of soaked arms raised up out of the water and flicked tiny drops in his face. He looked up slightly startled, the woman was motion for him to follow her and together they both moved around a little in the forbidden waters of Seasons.

Soaked and shivering the horses climbed out. "W-w-what f-fun is it if no one ever f-f-finds out?" The water logged boy asked, climbing back over the guard rail. "They'll f-find out, see? W-we're leaving w-wet hoof p-prints. Now, run f-fast, it w-will help you dry f-faster, p-plus, you'll w-warm up quicker." She explained and broke into a sprint, followed closely by Jake. It was down hill now so it seemed a lot easier. "Hey! Come back here! Vandals!" And angry voice shouted, as lights began turning on all over town. "Oh, shit! Run Jake, run!" Terrified, the palomino boy pumped his legs as hard as he could muster, plunging himself deep into the dark reaches of the western half of Ulsock and as his blood started coursing, it was the only sound he heard. When he finally stopped he felt bare arms embrace him from behind and soon his heart calmed allowing him to hear again. "Wow, baby, you know you're kind of cute when your muscles are working hard. Hey, I won't be hurt or disappointed if you want to let tonight end..." His mother's voice was calming to him, but he could tell she was rattled by the thought of almost being caught this time, he knew she was trying to hide it. "No way, that was too fun." He said, turning to look up at her. "Even though I want to, I can't back down now. Not until it's finished." He was lying to cover for his mom, he could see she did want to do it anymore, but couldn't allow her to talk him out of it, it would be good for her and him both. "Come on, the Mayor's manor is waiting!" He motioned for her to follow, restoring her fortitude. "Oh, wait! I gotta pee really badly, I think I drank too much water!" "No, son, you have to hold it a little longer, we both do, it's part of our next adventure." She said, looking back at the lights waving back and forth through Ulsock and pushed her son along. "I lead them in a big circle back there, they'll never figure out we're down here." She said, giggling as she pushed against her child's rear to help him climb the fence. Climbing it herself after the kid was over, she landed next to him. They peered around the bush they'd been hiding behind, the security room was only a few feet away and the window was on this side, making it tough. Darting under the window, the female pressed herself against the wall and peered into the room. Jake found the mare blushing hard as he moved up next to her and peered in as well. The manor's four guards were piled together on the floor, their bodies pressed tightly together in an a way Jake recognized. He watched as the four hard males bucked and kissed one another, each of their muscled, sweaty bodies merely a plaything for the other three in this heated and arousing orgy. "Hey, come on! If watching a hawt orgy was part of the night's plans, I would have put in one of my movies for you. Let's go!" Forcing his eyes away from the knotted mass of horny, loving men, Jake followed his mother, who had stood up and was making her way across the backyard of the manor, and gave her tail a yank. "What the hell are you doing? The security cam..." She turned and pulled him into a stand. "The guards knocked out the plug for the monitor, if we hurry we can get this done before the cameras are turned back on." She said kindly and took him by the wrist and pulled him behind a large statue in the middle of the yard. "This is the Mayor's prized Rook statue. He's a huge fan of Chess, so he had his personal 'arts and crafts guy', as he calls it, sculpt him this ten thousand dollar statue. He told me the whole story last time I was over here." She explained, climbing the base she straddled the shaft of the castle where she then began urinating. Blushing she looked over at her son. "T-this is what I had you save up for, I want you to do it too, r-right after I'm finished." She said, still leaking and still blushing. When she got down she nodded to her son and went back over to the bushes they'd started from. Panting, the child aimed and released his golden graffiti all over the statue next to his mother's spot, still horny from watching the guards.

He made his way back to the fence, but she wasn't there. He looked around, spotting her by the window again, her fingers slid in and out of her body, making Jake glare. He grabbed the hand that was squeezing her breast and pulled her down to his level. "Oh, Jake! I'm sorry sweetie, looks like I got a little carried away, here." She said, and wiped her wet fingers across the boy's lips and patted his head before returning to the fence. Licking his lips clean as a sign of forgiving, the palomino child got into place and allowed his mother hoist him over the fence. When she was over she nuzzled him. "If it makes you feel any better, I didn't cum." She said, and started towards the freeway exit. The freeway was loud and cold as the two pressed up close to the metal rail on the side of the road to avoid being spotted. Each time a car passed by, the wind from it blew his limp cock around until it was hard again. The duo finally inched their way off the freeway, which wasn't much like a mountain at all, but merely higher up than the town of Lorance, people just liked calling it a mountain though. They were on north 8th now and their night was almost over. "Getting tired baby?" She asked, giggling as they made their way back to the truck. Terri and her beloved child jumped into the truck with out getting dressed. "That was so naughty of us!" She cheered, starting the vehicle. "And damn exciting!" Jake said, yawning a little. "Thanks for the wonderful night, babe." His naked mother said in her sweetest voice. "It was so much fun." The little equine looked over at his parent. "But it's not over yet is it? You said you had something else planned but wouldn't say." She giggled at him. "No, save it for tomorrow, you need your sleep." They pulled into the driveway and got out. "I'll grab out clothes, you take the keys and unlock the house." The mare said and pointed to the driver side as she went around to the back. She'd had to climb in to get all the clothes, wishing they'd been a little less careless when they were throwing them in. With it all bundled up under one arm she climbed out carefully and shut the vehicle's doors and went inside. The young horse child was laying face down on the living-room couch, sleeping.

Jake awoke with a yawn to find he'd fallen off the couch sometime at night, but had also been dressed in his favorite pink pajamas. He looked around and stood as his mother came out of the bathroom. "Good morning baby. How are you this morning?" She said sweetly. He looked his mother over. She was wearing light blue pajamas with a white chest, stomach, and crotch, one zipper went all the way up the middle for there was no separation from the top and bottom, her hair was brushed casually but still held its familiar shape, shining, it hung beside her cheeks, adding once again, to her sweet smile and deep, piercing blue eyes. She looked innocent of the mischief that when on last night, swaying her tail back an forth. "I'm a little tired, but I'm good." He replied with a smile. He loved it when his mom wore those pajamas, she was cute in them and there were only two he liked. The other was her red work suit she wore when ever she had to work. She pulled him down next to her on the couch and smiled at him again. "I think it's time for the secret finisher." She said softly, leaning forward and pressing her lips against his. Her hand slid up his pajama top and stroked his chest tenderly, cupping the back of his neck with her free hand to deepen the kiss a little more. When she finally pulled back she smiled at him once more. "How was that?" Came her voice, sweet still, but seductive. Jake only leaned back against the armrest on his side of the couch. "You've never kissed me that way before." She kissed him again, this time sliding her tongue into his mouth, making him gasp and moan. While he was distracted she proceeded to unzip her pajamas and slide out of them, then she backed off her son and removed his pajama pants to reveal a large, hardened area of flesh. "My boy, so big, so strong." She crooned, gently pinching at his flare, then her fingers traveled lower tugging at the ring shape near the base of his shaft. "Not quite as big as your father's, but oh well, you're tons cuter and sweeter than he ever was." She said, moving the member around in the air. "Some times I feel like a wimp. Dad's bigger than me, Uncle Nick's bigger than me, Stanley's bigger than me, and even Goggles is bigger than me. It's really weird." The exposed child whined. "Wait, Goggles has a bigger cock than you do?! But he's just a kid! Well, that may be true, but how many of them can get their mothers to do this?" She said softly and crawled over the top of him, her breasts hanging down into his face. Slowly she took her child's meat firmly in her hand and lowered herself down over it, surprising the hell out of him. "M-mom! What are you doing?!" The palomino cried out, trying to hold the mare back by her shoulders. "What, a cowgirl can't ride her favorite pony?" "W-well aren't you worried I'd get you..." The last of his sentence was cut off when she pressed down, taking on his whole length. "Pregnant? It's possible, let's see if you do." The female wrapped her arms around her foal and leaned back, shifting positions so that he was on top. "All up to you my son." She gave her breasts a squeeze for a small burst of pleasure and waited. The male pulled back a little and hesitated, perhaps thinking. But before too long he thrust his was back in, finding her to be pretty tight. The mother moaned and relaxed. It felt much like Goggles' rump but not as tight, deeper, and wet with natural lubrication, other than that it wasn't too different, besides the constant reminder that he was humping into the very place he'd been born from. The equines' eyes met, they both shared the same color eyes, fur, mane, and smile. Reaching down with tender hands he gently and lightly batted at her larger hands to get them out of his way, and carefully cupped her breasts as he pulled back for another thrust. He'd finally become strong enough to avoid passing out every time he saw his mother's naked body, but it had taken some time and effort, and the palomino mare was willing to wait as long as it took.

He thrust back in starting to pick up the pace, unable to bare intervals between the pleasure, attempting to thrust deeper, all the while gently jiggling the mounds he had a hold of. Jake moaned, making his mother blush deeper. "D-don't hold back baby, it... it's ok to get a little rough with mommy." She told him, petting his main. At that Jake sped up more, thrusting harder and deeper, nearly hitting her cervix each time. His tongue slid across her thin abs, his arms curling around her figure to help her move in an opposite rhythm against his heated yiffing, and held back his moans, still shy of the female. The warmth of her stomach was pleasing to Jake's cheek, in fact, he realized she was quite warm in all of her tender spots, even deep between her legs and it felt wonderful against him. His deep thrusts into his mother has already driven her over the edge and she moaned helplessly, her fluids washing over his male organ, the new sensation in turn caused him to loose it and grunted, arching his back and hilting in her to release all his seed. He lay himself on top of her, still gushing. Spasm after spasm delivered more and more of the child's hot goo until it finally died down. As he pulled himself free he found his hard rod thickly coated in feminine, orgasmic fluid. "Sorry, I kind of got that from my mother. We both had thick fluids." She sat up and allowed the foal to climb into her lap and she cuddled him in an after glow. "Thank for showing me how sex feels." She said with a warm smile, nuzzling the boy. "Wait, you gave birth to me, didn't dad yiff you?" He asked, breaking the naked cuddle to look into her eyes. "Yes sweetie, he did. One and a half times. The first time I was in so much pain that I demanded him to stop. As for the second time we decided that I'd paw him off until he was close, then I bit down onto a stick and took him in and screamed in pain as he finished off. I wanted you that badly dear." She said and lifted him off her lap, kissing him on the cheek. "I'll head into the hospital here in a few days and see if there's been a development in my womb. Now get up and lets get back to bed, we missed quite a lot of sleep last night."

Jake's smile faded as he entered his best friend's place. Broken glass and blood littered the floor, the lamp Jake had bought him was sprawled on the desk, beaten to a mangled mass of glass and metal. Glass crunched under his hooves as he made his way to the back room where the stairs were, following a trail of blood, and at last spotting the child sitting on the bottom step. He looked up, seeming to looking straight past the palomino, but said nothing. The young stallion's face showed signs of tears and his hands dripped with blood. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" Jake cried, more scared than angry.

END (Sorry so short, part 6 is better, trust me.)

Goggles Part 6

(Apologies in advance for my lousy writing skills. I wrote pretty poorly back then, and missed mistakes often.) **Part 6** **The Wounds That Don't Heal** (Warning, this one's even more stupid.) "Why? Why did you do that?" Jake...

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Goggles Part 4

(Apologies in advance for my lousy writing skills. I wrote pretty poorly back then, and missed mistakes often.) **Part 4** **A Date For Uncle Nick** "Thanks again, Uncle Nick, for taking Goggles to get his bandages...

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Goggles Part 3

(Apologies in advance for my lousy writing skills. I wrote pretty poorly back then, and missed mistakes often.) **Part 3** **Welcome to the 5th Grade** "School?" Goggles asked, looking up from the comic he'd been reading....

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