Goggles Part 6

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(Apologies in advance for my lousy writing skills. I wrote pretty poorly back then, and missed mistakes often.)

Part 6

The Wounds That Don't Heal (Warning, this one's even more stupid.)

"Why? Why did you do that?" Jake knelt in front of the boy and could see small cuts all over him from the glass. For a moment the boy said nothing, he just sat, as if unsure of what had happened, but soon licked his lips to speak. "At first, when I woke up, I started crying like usual." The child spoke, his voice was twisted by anger and emotional pain. He hardly sounded like himself. "But then I started remembering how happy you looked with your family, Nick and Terri, and I wished I could be like you. I wished it so much, and I started getting jealous and mad. When I looked up at the mirror, I hated the person I saw in it. It made me want to swing my fists, I wanted to punch him. So I did. At first I didn't feel the pain when the mirror broke, and I wasn't satisfied for some reason, I still wanted to hit things." He looked away from his friend. "I began pounding on the walls as hard as I could. I knocked my dishes to the floor. I took the lamp, the first thing you'd bought for me, and... Jake, why, why me? Why am I tortured like this? I hate being unloved." He finished at last, but continued to look away. The older boy stood and pulled a cell-phone free from his jeans and flipped it open.

"Oh my god." Terri said, coming into the room. "You didn't do this to him, did you Jake?" She set down her bag and pulled out some bandaging supplies. "No ma, he did this to himself." "When you told me to get over here right away because Goggles was bleeding, I'd thought you might have stretched him too far and tore something or got into a fight... I was so worried I almost ran out on the meeting I was in with the boss. I even peeled out when I was leaving the driveway or out house and nearly ran a red light. It's a good thing I got here fast. Looks like he's bled a lot. Sweetie, what would possess you to do such a thing?" Once again the boy said nothing at first, but then spoke with a hollow voice. "I dreamt of them again. This time they were taking me out to the park to play catch." He was blankly watching the bandaging. "I can't imagine the pain you feel, buddy... I'm sorry. If it helps, technically we are your family. If you make a close friend, it kinda counts as a new family member, sorta." The palomino boy explained. "I know what you mean, Jake, thanks, but that's only half of it. It's true that I need family, but you miss the point. I wanna know who they are. I wanna know what my family line is. With out parents, you could just as well say I came from nowhere and it could be true. That thought alone makes me feel so empty." The horse trio fell completely silent. After the child's injuries were wrapped Jake and his mother began cleaning the mess that had been made through blind fury. All the large shards were picked up carefully, the small ones were all swept up and a new lamp was purchased along with a new set of dishes. "Hey, bud, I'm going to try to do some research, and if you be good and stay out of trouble I'll tell you if I find anything. What's your last name?" He asked. The pony glared up at him. "I thought I told you, no one at the Orphanage knew my name. They just called me 'that kid' until they gave me my nickname." "Oh, right, you only got to play with those goggles, and they just called you that after a while, sorry, I forgot. Ok, I'll just go and guess then, and I'll tell you what I find out." The child watched as the boy dashed out the door. Terri came down from upstairs. "Sweetie, I found out about your little accident in bed last night when I went to make your bed." She held up a wad of his sheets and blankets. "I'm going to take these home and get them cleaned for you. Don't worry, I'll get the stains out so Jake will never know." She said softly and headed for the door with out another word.

"That's it, you jerk, if you don't quit teasing me, you'll be sorry!" A young, tourtured horse cried. "Aww, looks like little bucked-tooth here is pissed. What ya gonna do? Run away?" The human boy only laughed, along with his friends. "Yeah, that's right, I'll run away." He said to himself. "Tch, no way, you're just a kid, you don't have the guts."

"I hate this place. They always make me wear this idiotic outfit, and the food is gross, and I never get to play with the cool toys. I can't take it. Mamma, Daddy, if you can hear me, I'm sorry, I can't stay here any more." He muttered, as the others left for dinner. "Hey horse! Yeah, Goggles Kid, come on, its time for dinner. I promise I didn't sneeze in it this time! Hahaha!" Came a voice, causing the foal to shudder. "Prick..." He said, and lifted the lid to the toy chest and reached down to where his toy was. He called it 'his toy' since no one else ever played with them, even though he was always last to the toy chest, they were always there waiting for him. "Coming!" He called and hid the toy under his pillow. When he arrived, he found one space still available for him, but when he sat down, he realized the dinner tray was covered in snot. He stood to try to get another plate, but a loud ripping sound stopped him in his tracks. A nail had been bent up as part of some gag, and snagged his pants. Reaching back, he could feel a very large hole in both his pants and underwear.

As everyone in the room started laughing, the child, blushing and furious, walked back into the bedroom section, slid his goggles on and walked over to the window. He gazed into the blackness of night, his fingers trailed along the old, rotted window frame. "No more." He said softly and knocked the window out with ease, simply by banging on the edges, and climbed out. Picking a random direction, he began walking into the dark, a ruckus starting up back at the Orphanage as they began to realize he'd escaped. For what seemed like and eternity, the child walked on, growing more and more weary until he could no longer bare it and collapsed, losing consciousness.

As the sun passed through the sky on its daily routine, Jake returned from spending the whole day at the library with no luck. By this time, Goggles had calmed down and was acting more normal. "I missed you Jake." He said running up and hugging his clothed friend tightly. "It's ok, I can tell by your expression that you failed to learn anything, it's not like tomorrow's the end of the world, you can still try again." He said, and Jake smiled at him. "Thanks for not being mad." The palomino hugged back, tightly. "Why would I be mad at you for that? I'm your friend, friends are supposed to..." A loud, hasty banging at the door interrupted the child, and the two looked at each other, but before they could make it to the door to answer, it flew open. Sobbing and panting, Sue stumbled into the room. With a large, sudden gasp, she began a story amidst her tears. "J-Jake, it's terrible! A few days ago he'd started getting into the habit of drinking." She choked. Goggles ran off to get some clothes on before he was seen by the female. "For a while things didn't seem any different about him, but when his parents caught him and took away his stash, he grew violent." She the cow took a moment to breathe in again and continued. "When he learned of ways of buying his beer from a gang, he started making regular visits to their hideout, often coming to school drunk in the mornings or hours late, but then... then... then he started to run out of money. His parents could tell he'd still been drinking and cut his allowance off. But that didn't stop him, he just had every beer put on his tab." She stopped once more to sob again. "I t-tried, Jake, but he didn't listen. Larry tried to save him but..." The pony boy wiped away at her tears. "Come on Sue, it can't be that bad." He comforted. "They're dead, Jake, they're dead! St-Stan-Stan-ley... c-couldn't pay the tab,,,, and he knew it, and so did that gang leader. Th-they ordered him to pay up his tab... but... he refused, and when he pulled a gun on h-him Larry got in the way and tried to negotiate with the thug, but they didn't listen. They stabbed him to death and sh-shot Stanley six times!" She wailed and sank to her knees. Jake blinked.

"Ma, stay here and look after Goggles and Sue, please, they'll need company, they're probably scared." Jake said, hopped out of the truck and ran over to where the paramedics were gathered around the body. The female's grip on the young orphan's hand tightened some and she leaned her head on his shoulder. "You know best of all, don't you, kid? You know what it's like to be without loved ones, describe the feeling to me." Her voice was tense but kind. "When I first realized I was an orphan, and there were people out there who had parents, it was painful. I'd call it, the most loneliest day of my life." He replied, and she said nothing. Jake returned, looking slightly pale. "Stanley was dead after the first bullet, Larry's still alive, but out cold, and won't live long enough to make it to the hospital. They say it's best not to see them in their condition." He said, shutting the door as he got in, sitting next to the others. "Mrs. Wildgale, ma'am? If it's ok with you, I need to stay in your care. Please. I can't say why, I just do." The bovine gal was obviously mortified, even though she'd stopped crying long ago. "W-well, ok, if you need it."

Sue stepped up to the coffin, staring down at her friend, it pained her to let him go. "You were always there, now what will I do? I had only the two of you. Now I have to burden the Wildgale family with my tears... I'll miss you." She said laying a hand on his chest then doing the same for Larry, remaining silent. "What is there to say?" Jake said quietly to the lifeless figure as he approached. "You were an asshole to me to the very end. You picked on me, called me names, all I wanted was to be your friend, and for the longest time, I thought we were actually friends. Though, I do owe you my thanks. If it hadn't been for your cruelty for so long, I would never have known what a real friend was. Ok, this is where I'd say it's a shame I didn't get to thank you in person, but you would have just been a jerk about it, so I won't. Goodbye Stanley." The palomino boy went to sit back down, with out even looking at the corpse of the raccoon boy.

Next it was Goggles' turn, looking adorable in the funeral clothes that were too big for him, while he made his way up. He'd intentionally picked out clothes that were big for him, for when he'd tried them on in his size, he thew a fit and demanded a bigger pair saying normal size was too stiff to move in. As he approached his glare faded upon seeing the lifeless body of Stanley. "Guess I really can't stay mad at you. Mad yes, but it isn't staying. I don't believe it's at all possible for you to hear me right now, but everyone else seems to think so, so I guess I'll have confidence in their belief. I grew up around your kind, bullies and such, but something had shown in your eyes that was absent in theirs. Something in your eyes set you apart from the human bullies back at the Orphanage, and as I stand here, talking to your remains, I just wish I'd been able to get through to you that morning. I can't ever forgive you for injuring me out of spite, but I can feel sympathy for you. Because, for whatever reason, your heart was bleeding, just like mine does now. May the Furry Gods have the same sympathy I do." He said and looked over at the coon. "I pity you, Mr. Larry. Jake told me all about you. I doubted it when he said you followed him everywhere with out hesitation, but it seems you proved me wrong. If only you had seen the way things were through my eyes, maybe then Sue would have someone to cry to, and maybe you would have lived a better life instead of having followed Stanley to his grave." He turned and sat back down.

"Please ma'am, call me Suzan, I always hated being called Sue." The bovine female said softly. "Oh ok, Suzan then. Anyway, as I was about to say, is it ok if I keep you from school today?" The palomino mare asked, kneeling next to the poor girl who sat on the floor staring. "Sure..." She smiled and went to Jake's room and found the boys were already awake. "Jake, could you do me a favor? I need you walk over to Nick's house and get him to drive you with this message to Sabrina, and once you're done with that, have him take you to the address I've written down on this sticky note, she's a coworker of mine and she has something for me. This is important. I'd go do it myself, but the truck is in the workshop over at Nick's. The steering wheel is getting stuck again." She said, handing him an envelope and the sticky note. "Have him get you breakfast too." "Ok ma." He replied and looked over at Goggles. "I'll be fine, go." The boy said looked away to avoid conversation. The palomino sighed and left for Nick's house at once. As Terri went to make the kids breakfast, Suzan stood from her spot on the living room floor and went down the hall. Just before she entered the bathroom, she noticed the pony boy sprawled across Jake's bed, face down, through the small opening between the door and the wall. He had his muzzle buried with his arms, but the slow rise and fall of his torso told her he wasn't crying. "G-Goggles?" She called, pushing the door open more. The boy caught his breath and lay motionless. It wasn't until she took a step in that she realized why he hadn't turned to look at her, the child was completely naked. She gasped. "O-oh my god! Um, I'm sorry. M-maybe I should have knocked." She closed the door for a moment then knocked. "A-are y-you dressed?" She called in a shy, soft voice. "Yeah, sort of, come on in." His voice came. When she re-entered, she found him sitting up, the blanket from Jakes bed was wrapped around his waist. "I'm sorry, I-I..." "It's ok..." He interrupted. She hesitated a moment. "Those spots, on your cheeks, I didn't know you had them on y-your ass." She stated, causing him to blush. "I think it's really cute." They were silent for a moment. "So, this must mean you and Jake are both... gay, right?" Goggles looked at the floor and blushed deeply. "Oh, I'm sorry, again, forgive me. I was headed for the bathroom to get a drink when I noticed you. I only wanted to make sure you were ok, I didn't meant to embarrass you." "Yeah, I'm fine. I just get lonely with out my parents." Sue was about to comment when Terri called them for breakfast. The girl had already made it there as Goggles got dressed.

"You kids wanna go see a movie while I'm at Nick's shop? Nick isn't there so I'll have to keep an eye on his crew so they don't try slacking off while he's away. I need my truck fixed as soon as possible."

"Sure, I'd love to!" Goggles replied along with Suzan's nod.

As they got out of the truck, Suzan asked over Goggles' shoulder as they waved 'bye' to Terri. "Hey Goggles, what movie is this anyway?" The boy stopped. "I can't recall the name, but that's ok, Mrs. Wildgale called ahead and said we'd be coming and what movie we were watching... it's about a boy who has to journey far across the land carrying this ring. The ring is the cause of all evil and corruption, there's only one place to destroy it, and he has to make it there before the ring corrupts his mind, or the dark lord will get it back. Sounds cool to me." He said, pushing the door open. They handed their tickets to the fox standing there and he nodded and smiled. "Right down the hall there, can't miss it." He replied and pointed. "Sue, what do we do next?" The child whispered, walking down the hall as instructed. "Suzan, please, and we go into a theater room, silly." She said and pushed him towards the one they were pointed to. Goggles pulled the door to the theater room open. "After you, my friend." He grinned. Suzan giggled and walked passed him through the door.

The whole room was empty besides them and the movie was about to start. She counted down the isles starting from the top. "Right here, this row, it's the best. See? Too far forward and you'll hurt your neck looking up for so long, plus everything will look strange from that angle. Right here, it's just at eye level." The girl motioned for the boy to sit. "Wow! This room is huge! And that tv! It's gotta weigh a ton!" Goggles exclaimed. Suzan giggled and pulled the boy into the seat next to her by his tail. "No no, silly, it's just a screen. They project the movie onto it through the room up there." She pointed to the hole in the back wall. "Now sit still and stay quiet, the movie's starting, see? We've already missed the title." On screen, a female husky dressed for the beach was just getting done rolling out her blanket, strangely she was still inside her home. "Odd." Suzan whispered. "This doesn't look like you said it was gonna be like." The female on screen made a kiss to her audience before rubbing the straps of her two-piece bikini, gently sliding them off her shoulder. First one then the other and slowly she removed her top. The children gasped, Goggles and Suzan look at each other. "U-uh, I guess we should have picked the theater room on the right." He held a huge blush. "We-we've already m-missed a lot o-of the other m-movie... a-and we-we've already paid..." They returned their attention to the screen shyly. The woman had the hottest body they'd ever seen and as she bounced her plump breasts for the camera, the pony could feel his hard shaft pressing against his pants. They watched as the woman on screen took a breast in each hand, lifted them and let gravity take control and bounce them as she let go. "We gotta get out of here!" The female didn't protest as they made their way to the lower exits and out of the building, each blushing profusely and too shy to look at one another. "F-follow me." He said and led her.

When they arrived on the western side of Lorance Goggles helped the girl climb over the fence and into the abandon part of town before following her over. "S-so, how a-about that movie?" The horse asked shyly. "I, uh, I thought it was... you know... good... n-no violence... and one thing I liked was, that lady was a pretty good actor." Suzan admitted. "I liked her boobs. I-I mean, I liked her earrings! Th-they matched J-Jake's eyes." Goggles replied, staring at the ground. Suzan thought back and realized the female on the screen had been wearing earrings. As they entered a building Jake had taken Goggles to just before the funeral, they continued to avoid each other's eyes. "The way s-she bounced her boobs, um, I uh, I mean earrings! The way she bounce her earrings, it made them glitter. S-sue... I mean, Suzan, sorry, d-did you like her earrings too?" He asked, finally looking over at her in the dim light. She was sitting on a stool that she'd dusted off with her hand and was now brushing the collected dust off her hand. "Y-yeah, I liked them too. I kind of wish my earrings were as big as hers. W-would you like to see mine?" He blushed and looked at her nervously. "M-my earrings. Wanna see?" She moved her ebony hair out the way to reveal her pierced ears. "They're loops like Jake's, but they're silver." She suddenly changed topics. "I don't want everyone to know this... but I'm an orphan too." Goggles looked over at the female but said nothing. "Can we move? This dust is gonna make me..." Her sentence was cut short by a sudden sneeze. "Let's go up to the top. I'm sorry, I have allergies." She stood and motioned towards the stairs. "Um so anyway, yeah, I'm an orphan like you. My parents got sick when they were over in china and died there shortly after. You see, they were autopsy experts and they were studying a huge outbreak of an odd illness that was airborne and killing a lot of people over there. Mom and dad caught it. But thanks to their expertise, chinese scientists were able to make a vaccine a year later..." She watched the boy's ears twitch. "I never even got to go to the funeral, the bodies had to be burned, it was the only way to ease the severity of the spreading." "This room has no dust, we can stay in here if you want. I just don't trust the roof tops." The horse explained. "Scared of hights? But you live in that huge tower..." "I know, I tell myself that all the time, it doesn't help." He interrupted. The building was once a gym. There was equipment scattered all over the room. The pony sat on a bench across the room. "I think Jake uses this this room." He said, pointing at a jacket hanging from a hook on the wall. "I bet that's why it's so clean in here." The dairy cow sat on the opposite side of the bench. "Makes sense. He doesn't go to school any more, so he'd have all the time in the world to clean this place up and do a little working out. Probably had help from his mom too." She said. "Wait, what? Go back." "What? I merely said he probably had a little help." Goggles shook his head. "Not that, I mean, what you were saying before about... oh never mind, I'll talk to him later." "Goggles, y-you said y-you liked that girl, i-in the movie, you said y-you liked her... liked her... her big... um would you l-like to see m-mine?" She slowly lifted her shirt for the blushing boy. Her breasts were no where near as large as the husky girl's, but they were pretty developed and looked great in her pink bra. The fabric was thin and her nipples were visible bumps because of it. Just then, a loud, sudden noise caused her to drop her shirt. "What was that?" She whispered. Goggles shrugged and they both stood and went to the supply closet where noise came from. Upon inspecting the small room all that could be found was a large, jumbled pile of supplies. "Do you think someone else is here?" Suzan asked quivering. "It's highly unlikely that these things would choose now to fall on their own. And I find it odd that this door was open. I think it's save to assume someone was spying on us." He pointed up at the closet ceiling to a ventilation duct. "The person would have to be taller than us to have been able to climb up through there. The only reason I say this is cause the pile is too unstable to stand on without making more noise, so this person didn't need much of a leg up. Let's get the hell outta here!" He cried and ran for it, followed by the equally frightened cow girl.

The sound of tires screeching to a halt rang through the air, stopping the two children in their tracks. Terri, the owner of the vehicle, jumped out and rushed over. "Good lord, if I hadn't looked up I'd probably have run you kids over. Where are you going in such a hurry?" She asked, pulling them out of the street and into the newly fixed truck. They were merely two blocks away from Jake's house at that point, but were still shaking in fear. The palomino made a short trip along the freeway, hoping that getting them away from town would help. She pulled over into a quiet section off the side of the road and waited until the children settled down before asking again. "What happened? I thought you kids were watching a movie. And here I find you running for your little lives. Almost as if the theater was haunted." She stroked the boy's neck under all his hair. "I'll confess, Mrs. Wildgale. We didn't exactly see the movie." He said softly. "But not out of disrespect. You see, I couldn't remember the name of the movie, and when we were going to the theater room, we accidently ended up in a porn film. We were a little frightened and left to go to the abandon part of town, when we got to the gym..." He looked up into her eyes. "I think we were being stalked!"

Suzan had asked to be dropped off at Stanley's house, the place she secretly lived, receiving care from his parents. Goggles had been too afraid and wouldn't let Terri drop him off at his home, instead, she brought him back to her place and sat down with him on the couch. "Hush." She said, licking the quivering child's cheek as she sat him on her lap. "You're safe now. Tell me, why would anyone want to stalk you?" He shook his head. "I don't know, I didn't do anything, unless it's the bed-wetter killer!" He cried, quivering again. "The what?" "The bed-wetter killer. Back at the orphanage, the older humans were telling a younger human about the bed-wetter killer. A psychotic man, named Drenger McMruaal was killed once because he wet his bed, now his spirit has come back and he kills anyone who wets the bed now." Terri giggled at him. "Do you know how silly that sounds? Think about it sweetie. I'm sure the two of you were only being paranoid. You know what that means, right?" "A person afflicted with paranoia, a psychological disorder characterized by delusions of persecution or grandeur. And it's not grandeur we're afflicted with..." He replied. She smiled and lifted him to his feet. "Guess who's still here? It turns out Nick just agreed to do the errands himself. He's back in his room." Excited, Goggles hurried down the hall and gently open the door to his best friend's room. "Jake?" The palomino horse boy sat on his bed, reading a comic. He was dressed fully, all except his shirt, even though he still had his jacket on and hanging open as always. He looked up. "Hey buddy! I thought you were at a movie. Mom said you'd be gone all day." Goggles simply smiled and took a step into the room, his big balls visible through his thin, silk pants as always. "I've got three more comics for you to take home with you, and as soon as I'm done with this one, I'll let you have it too." He said, turning to the final page and reading real quick before tossing it onto the pile with the others. "So, you gonna hug your best friend or not?" He asked, standing up to greet the boy. He thew his arms around the older male and hugged him tight. Jake licked his cheek a bit, before gathering up a mouth full of the foal's mane and leaned back to show him. "Jake!" He giggled. "You silly pony, you can't eat that." Teasingly, Jake gave a light tug, appearing as though he was determined to take a bite out of his friend's hair, causing the boy to giggle more. "Why can't I?" He asked, releasing the strands of the child's mane. "You taste so good." "Well, if you ate me, you'd have no one left to..." His voice trailed off as he hesitated, then pressed his lips against Jake's. They moaned as they both pushed against each other's bodies. Pulling back, the brown horse smiled up at his friend. "Ok, Jake, I think I'll head home now, I've got a lot of new dishes to shelve and I need to set up that new lamp." He said, turning to walk out the door. Jake followed and caught up to him in the living-room. "Aren't you forgetting something?" He asked over the child's shoulder. "Oh right, the books..." He froze as a hand gripped one of his large orbs. "Anything else?" Jake wooed. Terri noticed where Jake's hand was going and slipped into her room. The boys ignored her as she returned, completely oblivious to the video camera she was setting up. Jake squeezed gently and the boy turned around, looking up into the male's loving eyes. The female slipped out of view and into her room to allow her camera to record the moment.

Jake licked at the child's lip, and soon the boy licked back, their tongues touching with each lick as Jake lifted the boy up a little, allowing their crotches to touch. Blushing profusely, Goggles allowed his tongue to explore the older boy's face, sliding it along the rim on each nostril before dipping into the left one. As odd as it was, Jake allowed the boy to inspect his clean nasal passage with his tongue before breaking the boy's concentration with a soft hump to the crotch and let him stand again. Goggles gazed up at his boyfriend, feeling his hands move around behind him, and tugging down on the silk pants he wore, giving a perfect view of the foal's spotted ass to the camera, still unnoticed. Jake's hands went to the boy's rear, rubbing each cheek delicately as the boy laid against his bare chest. The foal realized Jake had slightly more muscle than last time he was pressed up against him. Not very much more, but just enough to make a difference when cuddling. "I see you've noticed. Do you like it? I built my self up like that just for you." Goggles smiled and kissed his pecks. "Oh course I do, I love it." Jake chuckled throwing the boy's pants off completely and taking hold of the famous shaft, kissed the boy's flare, and allowed his tongue to enter the piss slit momentarily. Giving a gasp of pleasure, the foal grasped the palomino's head and gave an instinctive buck into his mouth, unintentionally. Jake pulled off. "Eager huh?" He smirked and turned the boy around, bending him over the couch as he un-zipped his jeans, the way he'd done the first time, pulling free the hard rod and touching it against the tight anal pucker of his closest friend, as he'd done before, but using his own pre to lube it this time. "Like the first time we did this. Are you ready?" Goggles nodded, eager to feel the penetration he missed so much. Hesitating, the palomino foal moved the child's tail out of the way, in order to have a better view before finally thrusting in, hilting into the boy. Goggles cried out in momentary pain, but it swiftly faded. He could easily feel the meat in his back end, just the way it was when they'd first experimented with it. He arched his back upon feeling Jake's hands traveling up his shirt and along his belly then up his chest, finally resting on the boy's nipples, making him moan. It didn't last long though, for Jake had moved his hands back to the young, slender hips and gripped them firmly in order to start ravaging the bowels of his friend once again. He started slow, pulling out only half way, teasing his friend at first, then back in just as slow, stopping just before the hilt, all the while listening as the pleasured boy groaned. Once more, he started back, a bit faster this time and pulling back quite a distance, only an inch remaining in the pony's rear, and pressing back in, moving faster still, moaning along with the boy. Again he pulled back, this time pulling all the way out, before pushing his way back in. Another full pull out, this time he ran his cock under the large balls of the boy instead of pressing back in, and humped at the under side of his cock a few times before re-entering and stopping for a moment, to jiggle the pony's smooth ball sack with one hand.

Just as it seemed like Jake was merely fooling around, he began again, humping slowly, kneading the orbs with one hand. "J-Jake, I-I-I can't stand it! I-it feel's s-soooo good!" At that he only smirked, speeding up even more, getting close. Thrust after thrust into the child's rear brought Jake closer to his climax, until, at last he spurted into the rear, causing the boy to coat the sofa at the same time. Panting, Jake pulled out, and Goggles stood up straight, nice and full of fluids, and turned to look at his friend. "I missed that so badly." He managed to say. The lighter horse merely nodded, trying to catch his breath. "Hey mom, you've got a mess to clean up. Sorry!" He called, his breathing returning to normal. She opened the door a little and peered out. "It's ok. We're done. If you don't mind, we'd like a lift to Goggles' place." He said, pulling up his pants and heading back into his room to get the stack of comics.

"Remember how you used to be?" Jake asked, looking over at his friend. "You used to be so shy, so innocent. Now you're more outgoing, now you're more mature and less inquisitive. Do you remember the first time we kissed?"Jake asked. Goggles looked back at him. "Yeah, I remember all that, I'm really sorry I was so reluctant. I just didn't know any better." He responded. Jake smiled and looked up at his mother, who was blushing. "Here we are kids. Jake, don't stay too long with out calling me first ok?" "Alright mom." He said, getting out along with Goggles, walking side by side as they made it back to the clubhouse that Goggles lived in.

END PART 6 (This was the last one that made it to the public before I got better at writing and started over.)

Goggles Part 5

(Apologies in advance for my lousy writing skills. I wrote pretty poorly back then, and missed mistakes often.) **Part 5** **An All Night Party** (Warning, this one's stupid.) "You still haven't told me why you had me...

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Goggles Part 4

(Apologies in advance for my lousy writing skills. I wrote pretty poorly back then, and missed mistakes often.) **Part 4** **A Date For Uncle Nick** "Thanks again, Uncle Nick, for taking Goggles to get his bandages...

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Goggles Part 3

(Apologies in advance for my lousy writing skills. I wrote pretty poorly back then, and missed mistakes often.) **Part 3** **Welcome to the 5th Grade** "School?" Goggles asked, looking up from the comic he'd been reading....

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