The Journal of Ryan Raven ch 7 Pounding at the club

Story by sads on SoFurry

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#7 of The journal of Ryan Raven

NOTE: this story may contain violence, bad words, and emotional tendencies...

NOTE: this story may contain violence, bad words, and emotional tendencies .......... enjoy!

Ch 7

Pounding At The Club

When Nigel dropped me off at school, he and Nero drove off and I was greeted by my friends.

"Who's that guy with your brother?" John asked

"Oh that's Nero he's one of Nigel's friends and he is kind of an older brother to the both of us." I said as I watched them drive off down the road.

"H-Hey Ryan what was with your pain that you were having yesterday? When I came back after 6 period the nurse told me that Nigel took you home." John asked with a questioning look on his face. I guess that this was a better time than any. And I hoped that he wouldn't freak out or anything.

"Well to tell you the truth John I.... I'm a hybrid. Please don't hate me..... but I will understand if you do." I said looking down at the ground waiting for him to respond to my answer.

"Dude why would I hate you ...... I understand that it wasn't your choice. And why the hell would I hate you for being something like that?"

I looked up at him with a shocked face. "Well for one your parents think that it is unnatural and I thought that you would be like them. I'm sorry I guess I jumped to conclusions. I should have known you would understand. Thanks!" I closed the gap the between us and I gave him a hug and he hugged back. The bell rang for school to begin again, so I let go of John and we walked to homeroom for the last time this school year.


"So..... Nigel where are you taking me again?" Nero said trying to break the silence.

"You'll see and I think that you know the place, I chose it because of you and I need a good party." Nigel said trying to keep it a little bit of a surprise.

"Oh, you mean Clue B.I. don't you."

"You'll see.... gods, it's just on the next right."

"Fine but I know where we are so it is that club."

Nigel took the next right entering the parking lot for the club, they got out of the car and Nero saw that is was the club he thought it was. Nigel looked at Nero as they walked in to the club, past the bouncer, through the doors, and to the bar that was on the left. The bartender looked up and saw Nigel and Nero then turn to the bar wall giving a smirk as he made the next drink in the long list of orders. The bartender was a lynx with all that normal coloring and wore kakis and a black short sleeved shirt with some all black new balance shoes.

"Wow this place has changed a little, there are a lot of humans but not a lot of Crossbreeds or hybrids like last time." Nero said as he walked to the bar with Nigel.

"So what will it be today?" The bartender asked.

"Nothing special just two beers." Nigel responded.

"Ok then two norms coming right up." The bartender turned to the beer tap and started to make the drinks. Nigel looked out at the dance floor and saw a lot of human and little crossbreeds or hybrids on the dance floor.

"Wow is it human's night or what...." Nigel said as he turned to the bar counter when the bartender put the beers on the counter.

"Ya I guess there is a gang of humans here that don't really like crossbreeds or hybrid. It is really rough these days ..... ugh ....and it doesn't help that I work here on those days."

"Well sorry to hear that. You know it kind of sounds like the people that live in my neighborhood. They beat my brother up when they get the chance just because I am a hybrid but the good thing is that they think that I am a crossbreed." Nigel said as he turned to Nero

"Well that sucks..... oh by the way the names Rich. You two are the first crossbreed and hybrid I have seen today. This place, as I said, is always like this on Thursday until at least two or three o'clock." Rich said as he turned to make some more orders that he usually made for the gang of kids, and teens.

"Hey Nigel are we going to dance or are we going to leave I don't think that Ryan would like it if his brother got hurt on my watch." Nero said but it was a little too late since some of the gang saw Nigel and thought that they would have a little more fun while they were at the club. They walked over to the bar and Rich saw them coming.

"Hey guys I think that you should leave, you've been spotted."

"Crap he's right Nigel lets go."

"No, I came here to spend time with you and I am not going to let them stop us."

As Nigel finished that sentence a member of the gang came up to them a spoke, "So what do we have here some crossbreeds. Oh ..... And what do you know it's that twerp's brother, Nigel Raven."

"Come on guys they don't want to have any trouble...... j-just leave them alone." Rich said trying to calm the situation.

"SHUT UP RICH...... the only reason that we haven't hurt you YET is because you're the bartender. So, PIPE IT." said the leader of the group.

"Sorry.....oh here are your drinks just like you said to make them." Rich said in a timid voice as he put his ears back and put his tail between his legs.

"Good....... Now go to the back and stay there till I come to get you. GOT IT?!"

"Yes ..." Rich looked to Nigel and Nero, he looked sorry for them but before he left, he muzzled something to the two of them. "*I will call the cops.*" Nigel nodded to Rich as he left the room. The room grows quite, until another group member came over to Nero and punches him out of nowhere.

*Uhhhhhhh* "what the hell was that for." Nero said. But that was a bad choice in word since the same person hit him again. "Nero you ok...... leave him alone he did nothing to you guys, you're after me."

"Aww... isn't that cute Nigel here doesn't want his friend to get hurt. Well I think that can be arranged. You two Put the husky over there and keep him there so he can watch his friend be killed." "OK boss." And with that the two picked up Nero and put him in the corner so that he could see Nigel. And with that the beating was started. The leader walked a little closer to Nigel and popped him in the muzzle. Nigel recovered quickly and was standing on his footpaws again.

"So the big bad tiger is going to stand up for himself and fight or is he going to walk away or should I say try to walk away."

"No I'm not going to fight nor am I going to walk away." And with that one of the gang members picked up a half drunken bottle of beer and smashed it in to Nigel's head sending him to the ground. "NIGEL, ARE YOU OK!?" Nero yelled as he tried to run to Nigel's side but was stopped by the two bigger gang members. "NIGEL....... NIGEL!"

"HUSH UP PUP IF YOU DON'T WANT TO END UP LIKE HIM!" the leader yelled. He then reached down and pulled Nigel to his feet and hit him in the gut. Nigel held his stomach and looked up to the human, there was three blood trails heading down his face. "HA, look at the big tiger now. You finish him off and lets go." Another member took the other bottle beer and broke it on the base of Nigel spine and knocked him to the ground. The gang then filed out of the club and headed home.

Nero stood up and ran to Nigel's side as a friend and a doctor. "Nigel can you hear me come on dude?" Nigel started to wake a little and said three words before he became fully unresponsive. "Ok Nigel I will look after Ryan, don't worry ok." Nero called to Rich in the back. Rich ran through the back door and told Nero that he called the police and an ambulance to come. And tried to help Nero prep Nigel for transport and to check his vitals.

The police and ambulance were on seen minutes later and took Nigel to the hospital. Nero went with him and staid till one of his friends that worked in the emergency room came and told him that Nigel is still touch and go and they don't know if Nigel suffered any spinal injuries yet until he wakes up but that wouldn't be for a while. Nero knew that Nigel was in good hands, so he walked to Nigel's house to get his car. Luckily it was just 20 blocks from the hospital so he wouldn't have to walk far.

Once he got his car he drove to my school and picked me up so he could tell me what had happened. Once at the school Nero waited in his car in the schools parking lot pick up circle and texted me and told him that he was picking me up.

It would be 15 minutes until Ryan's school let out and so he had time to think of what to say and time to let out his emotions so that he didn't scare me. "Gods why ......... why did this have to happen.....*sobs* he better pull though I have so much to tell him."

It was five minutes until I would be out so Nero pulled himself together. Once the bell rung I was out in the pickup loop and looking for Nigel but no sign of his car. "Well that is weird...... oh they must be having fun. Oh well I can wait. Ahhhhh.... Why is my phone buzzing? Oh it's a text from Nero. Oh so he's picking me up ok then." I looked around for Nero and saw his car and went a knocked on the door. This startled Nero as he looked to see who it was. When he saw it was me he unlocked the door and I sat down and closed the door, we were off. "So Nero, why are you picking me up? Not like I don't mind it's just out of the blue and all." I said as we turned in the wrong direction of my house.

"Ok I guess I have to tell you sometime and now is better than any, so here's the deal." Nero told me what happened at the club they went to, up until Nero left the hospital. "Oh my gods.......N-No I can't lose him not now." "Ryan it's ok he is safe at the moment. ....... And there's something else. Nigel told me to look out for you and I am going to do that. You understand I am not going to let anything happen to you, you got that." Nero said as he put his hand on top of mine and squeezed it hoping that it would make me feel better.


So sorry that i haven't put up much school is a bitch and i have been busy as well lol. so ya hope out huys and gals have been enjoying this.

The Journal of Ryan Raven CH6 Questions

NOTE: this story may contain violence, bad words, and emotional tendencies......... Enjoy! Ch6 **Questions** The next morning I woke up to just me in my room. I let out a sigh and got ready for school. I heard...

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