The Journal of Ryan Raven ch4 Crushing Blows

Story by sads on SoFurry

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#4 of The journal of Ryan Raven

NOTE: this story may contain violence, bad words and emotional tendencies....

NOTE: this story may contain violence, bad words and emotional tendencies......... enjoy!

Ch 4

Crushing Blows

When Nigel and I got home from my school, my mum was in the down stairs office and my dad was on the sofa reading a book with the T.V. on a wrestling channel. My dad took one look at me and thought that I was one of Nigel's friends. My mum looked at me and saw the way my fur was and looked at my eyes and just knew I was me.

"Hun, that's not one of Nigel's friends, that's Ryan!" my mum said with a smile. Which confused me, she smiled at me the one person that she and dad thought was a mistake to have because of all the other kids in the family.

"What, you're kidding, that can't be our son, he's a human, I thought............. Are you sure? My dad said in disbelief.

"Yes it is, don't you remember he told us that he was a hybrid?" and with that she got up and walked over to me looking me over as I just stood there trying to stay balanced on my feet since Nigel let go of me to get something out of the car.

"Well if you're Ryan then .......... Then ......"

"Hun, shut up he is who I say he is ....... It is a mother's intuition to know who is and who isn't her son or daughter." She said as I just stood there still as I could be, looking from one to the other following the conversation.

"Mum dad stop already it is Ryan ok. Now let him go to his room and rest, that's just his second transformation...... ok!" Nigel said as he walked in to the house. I was thankful that he came in when he did otherwise I think that my parents would have started fighting about it.

Nigel grabbed me under the arm and helped me to my room. Once we got to the steps I told him that I could make it the rest of the way and that he should go tell mum and dad to stop fighting. So he did and as I stumbling up the steps making it all the way up. Once up the stairs I went to the second room on the left which is my room. I opened the door and looked around the room there was a small desk in the corner, a twin bed by the one window in the room, and a dresser. The room was dark but some light came in through the window, which is the way I like it. The walls were white with nothing on them. Sometimes I would just sit on the bed, my back on the head board and my legs pulled to my chest with my chin resting on them, wrapping my arms around my legs. I use to do this a lot when I was little, my parents were fighting when Nigel wasn't home. That was the only safe place that I had in this room. As I walked I in shut the door behind me and locked it like a normal front door. The lock was different from others in the house since you had to use a key to get in. I walked to the bed and sat on it thinking that my life was going to be a living hell from now on even more then it was. With that thought I put my back to the head board and put my leg to my chest wrapping my arms around them and putting my chin on my knee.

"W-Why does my life have to be like this? I don't want to know if my life can get any worse." And with those words I just started to cry. A few minutes later I heard footsteps stomping up the stairs with a person yelling after them, the footsteps stopped at my door.


"What (sniffle)...... (wipes tears) who is it?" I said


"DAD LEAVE HIM ALONE RIGHT NOW!!!" I heard my brother yell as he ran up the steps

"Nigel, stay out of this, it isn't your problem."

"NO DAD you're just going to make him cry even more. You have no clue what is going on in his life and how hard it is for him being in this family! You don't know how much pain he is going through right now and you're not helping it either."

"You little......." Then my father punched Nigel square in the mouth with a (WHACK). With how fast the punch was thrown Nigel's head flew into the hall wall leaving a hole in it. I ran to the door unlocking it and opened it as fast as I could. When I looked out I saw the huge hole in the wall and I saw Nigel's limp body lying on the ground, blood running down the side of his face.

"NIGEL!!" I yelled falling to my knees and grabbing his body in my arms then leaned on the wall. "Nigel NIGEL are you ok, come on please talk to me!" I started to cry even more letting the tears flow down my cheeks dampening the fur even more as they go. As they reached the bottom of my cheeks they fell hitting Nigel's face blending with the blood on it.

"You little crying freak of a son." My father said and I looked up at him.

"What the ..., why did you have to punch him for, you were after me, you bastard." I yelled at him. I looked back at Nigel as my father walked away laughing. Once he was down stairs I half drug half carried Nigel into my room and put him on the bed and went back to the door so I could lock the deadbolt and the door knob lock. I went back to my brother and cleared off the blood with an old shirt that didn't fit me anymore. After I clean up the blood I tried to find where the blood came from and wrapped it up with medical gauzes that I had in the desk. I sat down next to him and soon fell asleep.

hey people sorry that i am late on this i forgot to put up the new chapter. been busy with SAT shit and all. pain in the ass if u tell me. it is also a bad thing if u tell me. anyway i hope that you liked the story so far.

The Journal of Ryan Raven CH 3 when everything changes

Note: this story may contain violence, bad words, and emotional tendencies....... enjoy Ch 3 When everything changes...

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