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All Loona wants is an easier life. Fortunately for her, that's just what she's going to get.

17k commission for TheAnon on FurAffinity! This is one of the largest stories I've written, and certainly the largest I've posted in one go. If y'all know TheAnon you know what you're in for, so have fun! As always, comments welcome.

Posted using PostyBirb

-- Loona let out a groan as she sat down on the edge of her bed. Her legs ached from the day's running, her head throbbed where it'd slammed into the ground, and a worryingly sharp pain threaded its way up her spine. Hopefully it was nothing, because she'd be twice damned if she'd go running to Blitzo for help. Some other hellhounds thought she had a pretty cushy position, being a receptionist despite her skills and strength. They figured she sat at the phone all day, drinking and ignoring callers... which was true. Most of the time. On the days where it wasn't, though... She fell back on the mattress and sighed. She'd be fine tomorrow. Blitzo would probably prepare her a full breakfast to make up for having to drag her into one of I.M.P.'s disasters, and hellhounds healed up pretty quick. Still... "I just wish my life was easier," she murmured. Sleep overtook her: she didn't even remember closing her eyes. -- Loona found herself suddenly in a classroom. She looked around the room curiously as she tried to piece together what was going on. The walls were painted in bright, garish colors, and everything below chest level was heavily padded. Posters of the alphabet and colors hung high on the wall, outside grabbing range, and a book display overflowed with cardboard children's books. Cubbies lined one of the walls, filled with adult diapers, and bins full of soft foam toys lined the other. The floor beneath her feet was padded. And in the center of the room sat a full grown hellhound wearing a toothless grin and an oversized, soggy diaper. "Oh, right. It's a dream." Loona laughed at herself. Of course it was. Why else would she just teleport into a strange room? "And... it looks like I'm a sort of teacher." Then she gave her 'student' a long look. "A special ed teacher. Weird dream. I guess I can roll with this though." The retard babbled happily away, happy to just squish her yellowed diaper against her crotch. It gave Loona a little time to size her up, and she took advantage of that. The hellhound circled her student slowly, looking her up and down. It was obvious that her student was far too gone to take care of herself. She had white fur with black accents, much like Loona herself, but in contrast to her soft, carefully manicured pelt, the retard's was greasy, unkempt, and untrimmed, clumping up into knots with brown and yellow stains around her maw, hands, and breasts. Breasts which hung out free and exposed. Loona blushed a little, but the hellhound didn't seem to have any sense of modesty in what little brains she had. Drool stained the fur between her breasts. They had to be, what, C cups? B maybe? Perhaps a bit larger than Loona's. The tard's silver hair sometimes covered them, but for the most part they were just out in the open. Chunks of snot peppered them here and there: looking back up, Loona saw that the retard's nostrils were oozing with it. She also had no teeth. Loona stared at the retard's wide, toothless grin with a mixture of morbid curiosity and pity. At some point they'd all been taken out, if they'd ever been there at all, leaving nothing but a wide expanse of pink, slimy gums and a veritable waterfall of drool dribbling out her slack jaw. Loona followed the trail of drool down the retard's body: it dribbled off her chin, between her breasts, down her belly... and came to rest in her overstuffed retard pants. That was another thing that Loona couldn't get over. The hellhound apparently was so retarded that she couldn't even be trusted to get to the bathroom on her own. She had already used it at least once, judging by the swollen state of her front padding, as well as its deep yellow stain. Did she have to use it to shit, too? The thought sent a strange shiver down Loona's body, one that ended between her legs and made her clit twitch. One that she chose to ignore for now. It was a dream, but there was no reason to read too much into it. While she was here, she might as well play along. Loona pitied the poor retard stewing in her own piss, and besides, she was of the opinion one should always go with the flow during their weirder dreams. Loona squatted down in front of the retard and put on a wide smile. "Why hey there, sweetie!" she cooed. "I'm Ms. Loona, I'm going to be your teacher and caretaker today. What's your name? Can you tell me your name?" The retard looked up for the first time, finally seeming to notice Loona's existence. She broke out into a dumb giggle and squished in her diapers. "I Luh-hoona! Looohuna!" Lahuna? Or was she just trying to say Loona? Loona chuckled a bit - there was no way it was her actual name. It must have been Luna, a soundalike. "It's nice to meet you, sweetie!" Loona said. "I'm gonna call you Lulu, if that's alright?" Soundalike or not, it was still strange to say Luna outloud. Lulu babbled and blew spit bubbles, giggling as it splattered over her face. It was unclear if she'd understood what Loona had said. Loona just assumed it would be alright and carried on. "Well alright, Lulu! Looks like I'm going to be your teacher for a while, okay? Do you know what we're supposed to do first?" "Uhhh, Loohoona retard! Big stupid doggie go poopoo in her diapers!" Lulu proudly exclaimed. Loona blushed red and cleared her throat. Guess that answered that question. Loona grimaced. "That's, that's nice sweetie. But you didn't go poopoo in your diapers sweetie, you only peed them." The moment the words left her lips, Lulu's face went blank, and she leaned forward. Her expression scrunched up, and with little grunts of pleasure, she began to push. The retard's diaper bulged out at the rear, the plastic crinkling as she pushed out log after log of shit. The brown bulge grew larger and larger, until finally it started rolling down the back of her retard pants and settled between her legs. Loona watched on in disgusted fascination as Lulu completely debased herself. The stench which filled the air was bad enough to make her want to gag, but she was too enthralled in how thoroughly Lulu seemed to be enjoying herself to pay much attention to it. The retard grunted and babbled as a long succession of logs crackled out into her diapers, stretching the back to the max and pushing up the front. At some point Lulu let out a whimpering moan - was that her shit sliding up against her pussy, pressing against her clit? Did it really feel that good? The retard started humping against it, making needy little grunts and moans. Loona blushed a bit, feeling as if she were intruding on a private moment, but Lulu didn't seem to mind. In fact, looking up at Loona seemed to make her uncoordinated grinding even more desperate. "Uhnn, Lohunduhh," Lulu groaned. Squelches and crinkles filled the air as the retard embraced her arousal in a way only a tard could. Her whimpers and groans grew raspier as she grew closer. "Loooona, looohunnaaUUUNGH!" She fell forward onto her hands and humped against the ground, squirming and whining as she squirted into her diaper again and again. Loona's hand slid down between her legs, and she bit her lip to keep from giving into the temptation. It was fucking weird she was into this... right? But it was a dream. No reason not to explore. After a minute or so Lulu collapsed into a sweaty, breathless mess, smiling mindlessly and babbling into the ground where she lay. That had to be a mind blowing orgasm, and Loona couldn't help but wonder if she couldn't achieve that herself... That was a thought for later. For now, it was her job to be the teacher! And the teacher at this point would change the retard, right? After all, how else would they get back to... whatever lesson it was you were supposed to teach a retard? Loona put on a smile and leaned over Lulu. "Alright cutie, that looked like fun! Think it's time for a change now? Lulu's eyes lit up, and she nodded happily. "Diadee! Diadee change!" she sang as she flopped onto her back. She spread her legs expectantly and patted at her diaper front like a drum. Loona giggled - the girl really was simple, wasn't she? Loona stood up and reached for Lulu's strained diaper tapes, only to pull her hand back as she considered what she was about to do. She'd never changed anyone's diaper before, not even when she was in the pound... so how was she supposed to do it in a dream? Then again, it was a dream: if she messed up, she could just will it taken care of. With that confidence restored, she decided to just go with it. The diaper tapes popped off easily, given they were barely holding on as is, and she peeled the wet plastic padding away from Lulu's body. She smiled as she saw thick strands of cum stretched between Lulu's cunt and the diaper in gooey webs. Say what you would about her intelligence, Lulu certainly knew how to enjoy herself. Taking a deep breath, Loona steeled herself before diving into the diaper change proper. She lifted Lulu's legs up and slid the old diaper out from under her. Too late she realized she hadn't prepared any wet wipes or powder. If she put the tard down now, she'd get shit all over the ground! But if she slid in the new diaper, poor Lulu would already start messy. Then again... this was a dream. And frankly, Lulu seemed like she quite enjoyed the feeling of shit in her fur anyways. It wouldn't hurt to skip it this time, and if she changed her again, she'd just do it then. While she deliberated, the heavy scent of Lulu's mess grew stronger. Loona groaned and went to plug her nose, but... well, the stench really wasn't that bad. In fact, it sorta sent a tingle down her spine, just like earlier... Loona slid the fresh diaper under Lulu's filthy ass and set her back down. She folded the top over the tard's groin, and gave Lulu a friendly pat on the crotch before affixing the tapes the best she could. They were a little askew, and the diaper could have been secured tighter, but they were good enough for her first try! Loona thought so, anyways, and who was going to contradict her? Certainly not Lulu, who was already sighing and filling her diapers with a hiss. Loona rolled her eyes. That could be dealt with later. For now... Ah, yes! Loona clapped her hands. "Right! Alright Lulu, you ready to have fun learning?" Lulu babbled and flailed her arms in the air. "I'm learnding!" The hellhound couldn't help but chuckle. Somehow, she doubted her lessons would be very effective. It didn't matter though: what was important was letting her dream go where it wanted, and not questioning it. The room didn't seem that well equipped for teaching, all things considered. There was a whiteboard, but there were no books for the teacher, no hands-on activities, very little to go off of. That might be fine for an older audience, but for someone with the intelligence of a preschooler, if that, Loona seriously doubted they'd learn anything without 'something' bright and colorful to stare at. Loona strode up to the whiteboard and grabbed a marker, sniffing a little as she popped off the cap. The chemical scent was weirdly pleasing as always - kinda like Lulu's smelly shit. Perhaps they were similar somehow? That was something to think about later, though. For now... "Alright!" Loona exclaimed. "Let's get your preschool brain some learning! Maybe by the end you could make it into kindergarten, eh?" She sniggered at her own joke and started drawing shapes on the board. "See this?" she said. "This is a square! And this is a triangle, a rectangle, and a circle! Can you say circle, Lulu?" Lulu didn't respond at all. That was odd, because she'd always at least babbled at Loona when she talked to her. The hellhound turned around to see Lulu squatting down, a look of intense concentration on her face as she balled up her fists and grunted. "Lulu? Are you alri-" The retard interrupted her with a strangled moan. For a moment Loona wondered if she was alright. Just before she made up her mind to approach and see what was the matter, the back of Lulu's diapers bulged out, and a heavy, solid log of shit audibly plopped out of her hole and rolled down to the bottom of her retard pants. "Duhhhhh! Loohuna maked learnding in her diapee!" Lulu squealed out. She reached down the back of her diapers and pulled out a log -- before Loona could stop her, she plopped the log between her breasts and started mashing them together. "Me naked a twi-ahn-guh!" she exclaimed. "Loonie smardy tardy!" Loona looked on in horror as the retard absolutely blasted her diapers again, somehow pushing out even more than the first time. Was this all one messing, just temporarily paused by a firm log constipating her? Lulu pushed out an obscene amount of shit for one girl, even a dream girl. "Alright Lulu, that's right, that's right," Loona cooed as she approached Lulu and took her into her arms. "Yep, you made a triangle, I'm so proud. Let's get you down, alright? Let's lay you down on the mat again for a change!" And to make sure her diapers didn't burst and leak everywhere, Loona added in her head. Lulu happily complied with Loona's request, laying on her back and babbling to herself as Loona grabbed another fresh diaper. This time she was a bit more prepared, and it took mere minutes to swap out Lulu's diaper, including the time it took to wipe her off, powder her, and make sure the cuffs were straight instead of bunched up. Loona let Lulu up with one last pat to her diapered groin, and then wrapped up the old, overloaded diaper with its own tape into a bundle. She looked around for a diaper pail, but oddly enough, there were none. What kind of retard nursery was this, with hundreds of diapers but no pail? Her nose twitched as the hot, humid scent of Lulu's diaper made itself known. Loona blushed a bit at her thoughts, but... well, it really did smell good. And this was a dream, after all. No one would ever know, right? Loona plunged her face against the stretched plastic of Lulu's used diaper, groaning as the warm mush squelched against her face and the scent of shit and piss flooded her senses. "You're such a good pooper, Lulu," she found herself groaning. Her body tingled and her cunt grew warm. This time, there was no hesitation as Loona slid her fingers between her legs, rubbing her clit and pussy lips furiously. Every huff sent a new wave of pleasure down her body. The hellhound didn't notice Lulu's curious stare, nor did she notice as the retard started copying her teacher. She was sloppy to start, but before long every movement Loona did, Lulu copied exactly, down to the position of her fingers, the amount she thrusted, and the expression on her face. A loud brap jerked Loona out of her diaper-brained haze. She glanced up at Lulu to see her on all fours, her padded ass raised in the air as she pushed out yet more thick logs of shit into her crinkly diaper. The urge to worship it overcame Loona - she didn't try to resist as she rushed over and buried her face against that quickly browning rump. The diaper was warm against her skin as she breathed in the smell of Lulu's shit. It was intoxicating, and only served to make her even more aroused. She started thrusting her fingers against her clit in earnest as she worshiped that diaper-clad ass, pressing a flurry of feather light kisses against the plastic. Lulu babbled happily with every touch, pushing out more logs of shit as she pleasured herself in turn. As the retard got closer and closer to climax, she started moaning louder and louder until finally, with one final howl, she bucked as a stream of hot cum flooded her diaper. Loona felt herself teetering on the edge, and she grabbed Lulu's stinky diaper butt with both hands to bury her face in it. Just before she could, however, she heard a voice. "Loona? Loona baby, how we doin', kiddo?" And she woke up. -- -- A figure hovered over Loona, hazy and unfocused. Sleepy cobwebs gunked up the gears of her mind, but as she yawned, they didn't seem to start clearing away. What was going on, and where was she? Who was hovering over her? Bli... Blintz? Blitz? Whose name was she even trying to remember? "Loona. Looooona, it's time to wake up kiddo." The figure spoke to her. Loona scrunched up her face, and with an effort, brushed enough tiredness aside to focus her eyes. A pleasant looking male wolf hovered over her with a soft smile. His fur was a tawny yellow, and his eyes a piercing blue. He wore a nurse's uniform and a rectangle plastic thing on his chest, something with a picture of himself and a bunch of weird squiggles. A badge? That's a badge... but why couldn't she read it? "Aw, there we go Loona!' the nurse's voice cooed to her. "That's right, up and at 'em. We can't have you sleeping too much. You don't wanna be all grumpy come night-night, right?" "Gwump...y?" Loona's voice felt as if it were full of honey, making it hard to enunciate. Her mind struggled through the cobwebs as she slowly became aware of her surroundings. The wolf, he was... he was called Daddy? That felt right. She was in a sort of nursery, though some aspects - the metal cabinets, the hospital bed jerry rigged into a crib - told her it was a sort of care facility. A television played children's shows in the corner, and the floor was padded with a colorful foam mat. Toys lay scattered about the place, some of them with obvious gum marks. Drool dribbled down her chin as she looked around. It looked like she was the only one in the room, aside from the nurse and a black-furred doctor with a clipboard. Was that a jackal? As for herself, she was wearing nothing but a soft, poofy diaper between her legs. Shouldn't she be embarrassed that she was topless in front of the nice man? No, a voice in her head said. Her thoughts. There was no explanation given, but she accepted it all the same. She shouldn't be embarrassed. But why the diapers? Why would a grown hellhound like her be in diapers? Because I didn't want to be potty-trained, of course. That was the voice again. Or her thoughts? At this point, they were the same. Of course that was why, she never wanted to be potty trained. She'd always been changed by others because she's a special, special girl. The thought made her warm inside, and she smiled. She was a special girl! "Loona? Loona baby, how we doing? Are you with me sweetie?" Daddy's gentle prodding cut into her thoughts. He stared down at her intently for a few moments, awaiting a response. "Uh... I uh... I did super good sleeps," she finally said. The wolf sighed and smiled, nodding. "An- an, uh, I did a dream!" "Oh?" Daddy stood up, grabbing a clipboard off a nearby counter. "Do you remember what the dream was about, sweetie?" The jackal doctor leaned in as well, listening intently but writing nothing. Loona's face screwed up as she tried to remember. She was always foggy after a nap. "Uhh... I was, like... a teacher girl, an, um... an I was in a retard school room. And I was teachin! I was teachin Lulu, an she poopied her diapers and I snoofed her diapers and she poopied it again!" He nodded as Loona babbled, scribbling on his clipboard. "Of course you did, cutie, your dreams are always about poopied diapers. It's interesting you were a teacher though. Want to tell me more about that?" About being a teacher? "Uh... I teached her about numbers and shapes, an uh... after that, I teached her how to rub her private parts and make it feel real good, and we did it together, and I snoofed her poopy diapers as she went poop, an-" "Uh, Loona sweetie?" He cut in with an amused grin, a blush, and an obvious tent in his loose pants. "How about we talk about that stuff later, if you know what I mean?" A warmth between her legs told Loona she knew exactly what he meant. She blushed and smiled, wiggling like a kid with a crush. Which, in a way, she was. "Okay, mister nurse." While the wolf adjusted his crotch, she glanced at the jackal doctor. He was still writing on his clipboard. "Who dat?" Daddy blinked and looked around. "Who's what?" "The doctor boy next to you! The jackal doctor, he's doin scribbles and stuff on his clip thing." Loona giggled a little. Was Daddy just being silly? He wasn't. The wolf looked around with a tilted head, staring directly through the jackal. "Loona, we're the only ones in here." Then something clicked behind his eyes, and he smiled. "Oh! Is he an imaginary friend, Loona?" Loona nodded slowly, furrowing her brow. "Yeah... issa imaginary buddy." He chuckled and shook his head. "Silly Loony. You'll have to introduce me soon, okay cutie? But for now I gotta write up a quick report - that is, I'm gonna be click clacking at the computer thing for a bit. You can entertain yourself for a few minutes, can't ya?" The wolf left before Loona could say much of anything. She turned towards the jackal, who was finishing up his writing. He was there, right? He didn't seem imaginary... but Daddy didn't seem like a good enough actor to pretend he's not there at all. Was she seeing things? Was he real or fake? The jackal tucked his clipboard under his arms and crouched down, level with Loona. He gave her a friendly smile with a hint of... something behind it. "Hey there Loona! I'm Dr. Lynch Castrgard, but you can just think of me as your pal. I'm just here to take some notes and follow up on some things, okay?" The hellhound tipped her head. "Buh... uh, why can't mister nurse see you?" Lynch chuckled and shook his head. "Don't worry about it sweetie, and don't worry about me. Got it?" A wave of relaxation washed over Loona, all the worry flowing out of her as the wave subsided. Why would she be confused over Dr. Lynch? Sometimes, some people can't see other people. No reason to think about it. "Yeahhh, I got it mister!" He nodded with a satisfied grin. On the other side of the room, Daddy looked up from his report. "You doin' okay over there, Loony? Who are you talking to?" Loona giggled. "Uhhh, my imaginary buddy! Das all!" Daddy chuckled a bit. "Of course, my bad. I'm almost done over here, why don't you go watch some tv while I finish up? I bet your favorite show is on!" The hellhound nodded and giggled again, squirming with excitement. Knowing about Dr. Lynch and not telling him was like having a secret. She was like a secret agent! A secret agent that was just given a mission - go watch her shows! She turned her attention to the television in the corner of the room and crawled over to it, babbling to herself as she went. She didn't really need to babble, her mind felt in perfect working order, but it just felt so nice to act like a dumb little baby. And besides, she'd been acting like a dumb baby for as long as she could remember! Loona plopped down on the floor in front of the television and eagerly used the oversized remote to flip through the channels. Every show that flickered on was a cartoon of some sort, but that's not to say they were all the same. Some of them were more grownup cartoons, more serious and meant for teenagers. A few were meant for younger kids, somewhere between eight and twelve years old. The one she finally settled on, however, was blatantly aimed towards the youngest of children. It was about a magical kingdom where princesses and unicorns learned their numbers, letters and colors. She giggled at the silly horse character on screen as he forgot which shape was named what, and as the characters broke into a song and dance about squares and circles, she gladly joined in, bouncing and crinkling in her diaper. A big, dopey grin spread across her face, plastered there as she drooled and babbled along with the music. It was a little silly to act this way, she knew that, but at the same time, what reason would she have not to just relax and act like a bab? She had never wanted anything else in life. Right? Loona's mind began to wander as she watched her show, her gaze slowly becoming unfocused and distant. The songs caught her imagination less and less. There was something just outside of her grasp, something that felt important, but... but what was it? It felt like she could remember it if she just concentrated long and hard enough. She closed her eyes and furrowed her brows. She'd been... striving for something? She had a job, and she did... she did what? What did she do? Her head pounded with the effort of trying to remember. What could she be forgetting? Suddenly she felt an urge swelling inside her bowels. Loona's eyes widened as she realized what was coming, and without hesitation, her internal instincts took over. She abandoned her investigation into the forgotten job and put all her focus on the only thing that mattered - filling her diaper! The hellhound giggled as she got on all fours, lifted her padded rump high in the air, and puuuushed! Spurts and crackles filled the air as thick, warm logs of shit bulged out at the back of her diaper. They grew heavier and heavier until finally rolling down the back of her diaperseat to settle between her legs. She couldn't help but moan as the warm, clay-like shit pressed against her pussy and sent shivers down her spine. "Aww, there's my good Loona!" Daddy's gentle voice pulled her out of her sexual haze, but he dropped to his knees and buried his face in her diaper, pushing her right into it. "Such a good girl, going poopy for Daddy! Can you push out more?" He moaned as Loona grunted and pushed out a few more logs, which pressed directly against his face before rolling down between her legs. Daddy absolutely adored worshiping his little stinker's diapers, but it was rare for him to be able to indulge so directly. Usually he only had time to snoof them after the day was done. The warm, thick logs squished between her cheeks as he ground his face into her diapered rear, and he brought his hand up to mush the mess between her legs against her swollen clit. He rasped his tongue against the soft, warm bulges of her strained diaper, practically making out with it as she loaded it up. For a while, the two devolved into a mess of moans, whimpers, kisses and pleasure. Crackling, crinkling and squishing filled the air, along with the heady, earthy scent of hellhound shit. Dr. Lynch leered on as they indulged themselves, furiously jotting down notes and sketches, but undeniably sporting a healthy tent on his crotch. Loona threw herself fully into her headspace, drooling and babbling with each log she forced out. Why would she ever want to do anything but this? Climax grew closer and closer for both of them, but just before they reached it together, Loona's tank hit empty. One moment there was a constant stream of thick, firm logs stretching her hole out and straining her diaper to its max, and the next.. there was nothing. She let out a whimper at the sudden empty feeling. Daddy mirrored it a moment later, as soon as he realized his supply had finally run out. She strained a few moments longer, desperate to push out even a little bit more, but alas, it was not to be. Daddy fell back with a sigh, panting as he wiped the slobber off his face. "It's okay Loona, you did a good job! You made so much poopy for Daddy! But now it's time for a change." Loona whimpered a little bit - she didn't wanna be done! - but the prospect of a new diaper quickly lifted her spirits. New diapers meant something nice, new and white to ruin and turn pretty brown and yellow colors! Plus the powder scent was rather nice, though it didn't often stay around for more than a few minutes. She flipped on her back, acting more out of habit than thought, and spread her legs to give Daddy easy access to her tapes. The wolf smiled at his obedient little girl's eagerness and gave her an encouraging pat on her padded, soggy groin. "There we go, I knew you'd be excited for this." With an experienced flick of the wrist, the wolf had the diaper tapes undone and the loaded diaper peeled off in seconds, exposing her messy groin to the cool air. He quickly grabbed a fresh diaper and slid it beneath her rear, using a wet wipe to clean her butt off first. From here, he took it a little slower: he was always gentle but firm, and almost methodical in his approach. It took several wet wipes before she was fully clean, but soon enough he had her looking like she'd never stewed in her own shit in her life. Before he powdered her, though, Daddy leaned down between her legs and planted a long, wet kiss against her pussy lips. Loona giggled and groaned at the sensation, wriggling in her diapers. Her hands wandered up to her breasts, tweaking her nipples as the wolf went to town on her. His tongue explored every fold she had, pushed deep inside her hole to drink her sweet taste. Every time he pulled back to breathe, thick strands of arousal webbed between both of their lips. Finally he made it up to her clit. His mere breath upon it was enough to make her quiver and huff. He teased it at first, flicking at it with his tongue and giving it the lightest of kisses, but it wasn't in his heart to tease his little Loona for too long. He set upon it like a feast, suckling and nibbling at it to pull moan after moan from deep inside her. She squirmed and kicked in the air, at his complete mercy. Her breathing became shallower, her moans more pitchy, and she gripped the mat below the best she could as the pressure of climax grew. The wolf knew this and expertly edged her, bringing her right up to the cliff before pulling away and letting her simmer down again and again and again. Finally, just as Loona was starting to become truly desperate, Daddy pulled away one last time and grabbed the baby powder. Clouds of powder rose in the air as he made sure to get every inch of her ass and groin, giving her fur an almost completely white appearance before he finally folded the front of the diaper over her. He tapped her up firmly, running his fingers along her cuffs to make sure the leak guard was set right, and then gave her a firm pat on her diaper bulge. "There we go, little Loona! All nice and comfy and snug, right?" He smirked a little as he slurped up the last of her precum from his lips. "And satisfied, I hope?" Loona let out a little wail of need, but she nodded anyway. There was nothing she wanted more than to just furiously hump him, or the ground, a stuffie, literally anything to finally get her off, but she was a good poo poo girl, and good poo poo girls wouldn't do that in empty diapers. "You change me super good, Daddy!' she said happily. "Imma good diaper girl with a big ol diapee bulge!" Daddy chuckled and nodded. "Of course you are baby, how could you be anything else? Now I'm sure a day full of dancing and play has left you hungry, hasn't it?" For the first time, she noticed an empty feeling in her stomach. It grumbled at its acknowledgement, demanding attention and appeasement. She nodded and rubbed her tummy. "I'm all empty," she admitted. The wolf nodded and helped her up to her feet, guiding her to an oversized high chair in the corner. He hoisted her up with a little effort before strapping her in. Finally he clicked the table in place before checking to make sure everything was secure. "Alright sweetie, can you tell Daddy what you want for dinner?" She tipped her head as she thought. Steak sounded amazing, steak and potatoes with a side of corn perhaps. Something simple but tasty. Could she even get that at a hospital? She opened her mouth to ask, but what came out was 'I wanna peas! Peas baby food all mushy! Mushyyy!" Daddy grinned and patted her on the head. "You always get peas honey, you sure you don't want something else? I have some butternut squash!" Loona shook her head adamantly. Whatever she'd been thinking about before, mashed peas sounded absolutely amazing. "Peas! I wan peas!" she shouted. The wolf chuckled and held up his hands. "Okay, okay! Peas it is, peas for my little sweetpea. Give me a moment to go get it. Don't run off, okay kiddo?" "Otay." Loona nodded and watched him leave the room. She wriggled in her chair, impatient for Daddy to get back already with her peas! To pass the time, she relaxed her bladder and let a stream of warm piss hiss into her diapers. They swelled into a soft and mushy bulge, spreading her legs and bathing her crotch in a nice, warm feeling. As her wait stretched on, however, her mind started to wander. Why did she want peas, exactly? Peas were really tasty - she couldn't deny how viscerally she wanted them - but surely steak would be tastier. Peas could be a side to steak, but just peas? Why on earth would she want just peas? There had to be a limit to this baby business she was indulging in, it just didn't make sense. While her mind wandered, she absently ran her tongue across her gums. Nothing stood out to her at first. They were as soft and drooly as always. As she continued, a faint sense of confusion settled in. She was running her tongue across her... gums, and not her teeth? Where were her teeth? Why did she have no teeth? She started to squirm in her chair again, but this time, it was from uncomfortable thoughts. She should have teeth, why didn't she? It just felt wrong not to have them. She was an adult baby - emphasis on adult. Adults had teeth no matter how they acted. Wasn't that right? She knew what steak tasted like, how it felt in her mouth, so she had to have had teeth at some point. When did she lose them? Why couldn't she remember? As her thoughts began to piece together the oddness of her situation, the door opened. Daddy stepped through with a jumbo sized jar of baby food, the green mush clearly visible through the glass. "Here we are kiddo! One jar of mushed peas, coming right up!' "Daddy?" she asked with a furrowed brow. "Why do I no have teeths?" Daddy raised an eyebrow. "What a silly question! You're my silly girl, ain't you? Now open wide!" Before she could say anything else, the wolf scooped up a heaping spoonful of baby mush and held it in front of her face. He made airplanes as he zigged and zagged on the way to her maw. She couldn't help but giggle and clap at her silly Daddy, and she obediently opened her mouth. The mushy texture of peas made her belly rumble, and she gulped it down as fast as she could. The moment the food hit her tummy, she remembered why she had no teeth - because babies never had any teeth! It was silly for her to think she'd ever have had them. Babies don't eat steak, they eat mushy peas, and if she's a baby, that means she eats mushy peas and soft baby food. If she had teeth, she'd be in danger of biting herself or the spoon, and that would be bad. With that question out of her mind, Loona was able to lose herself in her food. It tasted so nice, bland without strong flavors to upset a baby's belly, and it was mushy enough to just slide right down into her hungry tummy. She wasn't old enough to quite get swallowing down, however, so spoonfuls of the mush dribbled down her chin and onto her breasts. Daddy didn't bother cleaning her up, so the mess just grew and grew as the jar emptied. Finally, Daddy popped one last spoonful in her maw. "All done!" he said. Loona gasped and clapped her hands, eyes wide, and babbled happily. The final mawful of mush splattered out onto her breasts and the table in front of her, but Loona didn't care. Daddy didn't seem to care either. He just joined in her little wriggly happy dance, celebrating yet another successful feeding time. "Alright kiddo, let's get you cleaned up!" Daddy exclaimed. Loona expected another wet wipe, or maybe even a damp washcloth, but instead Daddy leaned forward and slurped the mess from her lips and chin. She blushed and giggled as he slowly worked his way across her face and down her neck, until finally coming to her food covered breasts. He kissed each of her nipples once before setting to work there as well, tongue rasping up every drop of spilled food from her fur. Every touch of his tongue against her body made her squirm. She told herself it was just Daddy cleaning her off, but she felt herself getting wet again. Her pussy ached from a lack of release, but she'd endure it as long as she had to if it meant feeling Daddy's warm, soft tongue all over her girl parts and lips. Daddy kept slurping perhaps longer than he really needed to, but by and by not even he could pretend Loona was anything but clean. He pulled back with a smile and ruffled her hair. "There we go, Looney. All clean, just like a good baby should be. Now let's say we get you down there and you can play until bedtime, yeah?" She giggled and clapped as the wolf popped unstrapped her and picked her up, clinging to his shoulder as he kissed her cheek and plopped her gently on the ground. She noticed his cock tenting his pants again, but when she reached towards it, he shook his head and redirected her hand. "Nuh-uh, kiddo. That's a treat for later. But don't worry, we'll get to have fun with it soon enough." "B-buh... but Daaaddyyyy!" Loona whined and stomped her feet. "Daddy I wan your uh... thing! I want your thingy now!" She knew the real name for it, but it just didn't seem right for poopy babies to say it. The wolf looked hesitant, glancing between her and his cock. There was obviously a decision being made right now, but Loona couldn't figure out what the hesitation could be. It didn't matter to her - she just gave him a sweet smile. "Daddy, pleeease? I be a good girl, I promise!" He let out a defeated sigh. "Alright sweetheart, Daddy can't say no to that face." Loona squealed with joy and dropped to her knees as he unbuttoned his work slacks. They fell to the ground, piling around his feet. He wore white briefs soaked through with precum and steaming with musk, and most importantly to Loona, strained with his throbbing, needy cock. He waggled his hips, grinning at the cockstruck way Loona's gaze followed his bulge, and then pulled down his briefs. They snagged at his sheath, pulling it down before it finally sprung out with a spray of precum. It all landed on Loona's face, and she eagerly rubbed it in. The tip was all that poked out of the sheath, but freed of its white cotton restraints his cock quickly sprang to life. In seconds his entire shaft slipped out of the sheath, and with every throb it grew thicker and longer. He noticed his knot catching in his sheath just in time to pop it out, wincing at the stretch. Soon it stood at its full knotted glory, covered in angry red veins with a mottled white-red pattern. He was above average, but to Loona, his cock was the best in the world. She couldn't remember anything else. Loona sank to her knees and wagged as she stared up at her obsession. Every cell in her body screamed to go worship it, but she wanted to be a good retard for daddy and wait til she was allowed. Her restraint wasn't perfect though, and she strained ever closer to it. Daddy smirked and draped it across her muzzle. It leaked precum onto her lips, and she couldn't help but lap at it eagerly. The taste made her shiver and visibly strained her resolve. "Loona been a good girl?" he teased. "Been a good enough girl for Daddy's thingy?" The hellhound let out a pathetic whimper as she nodded. "Oh yeah? What are you, Lulu?" "I-I'mma good girl?" Loona said after a moment's hesitation. "Oh sure, but what are you even more than that? You're a good girl because" Her mind swam as she struggled to understand what he was getting at. Daddy's cock twitched again at her confusion: he grinned and prodded her along. "You're a... reeee-" She gasped as it clicked. "Retard! I-I'mma retaaard!" she bellowed out with a formless groan. Daddy moaned and ground her face into his balls. "Imma retard! Imma poooopy retaaarhhd!" "There we go! There's my good girl!" Daddy stroked her ears as he pulled back and lined up his cock with her lips. "You're my retard, you're daddy's poopy little retard!" The moment his shaft touched her lips, Loona plunged the entirety of his length down her throat. Her eyes watered as she coughed and gagged, but no discomfort of hers could compare to the pure pleasure she got tasting Daddy's dick and precum. She held it there for a moment as Daddy groaned and squirmed, then began to bob up and down his shaft, slobbering and drooling along the way. Daddy grabbed her ears to guide her, but Loona did most of the work as she gummed every inch of his shaft, right down to his knot. His moans and gasps were her guide to what he liked and what he didn't, and for once in her life she tried to be the best student possible. Unfortunately for her, she couldn't even get cocksucking right. Fortunately, Daddy didn't really care: he just wanted to fuck her wet, slimy maw and throat. Loona sucked and nursed on him for a while, the sound of slurping and gagging joining his heavy breathing as the only sounds in the room. His balls churned as he came closer and closer to the edge, pumping out thick ropes of pre down her throat. His toes dug into his shoes as he tried to hold it off, but not even the strongest of wills could stand up to his retarded girl's eager throat. "Fuck!" Without warning he tightened his grip on her ears and yanked her off his cock. She looked up at him with maw agape, throat snot spilling down her lip and dribbling onto her breasts. "Loona, what are you?" She gurgled a moment before her vocal cords started working again. "Ihmma reeetard," she moaned. Daddy grinned and tightened his grip on her ears, causing her to whimper and squirm. The front of her diapers were swelling ever so slightly, not from piss, but from her arousal. "That's right. Keep braying just like that you retard, don't stop for anything! Show Daddy just how dumb you are!" "Ihmma reeetard!" she cried out with a wide grin. "Reetard, rheeeeetaahhrdddd, imma poopy retard!" As she continued, a fat log of shit crackled out of her hole and split her cheeks apart. The back of her diaper bulged out with heavy, lumpy logs, quickly turning brown as the first log was followed by another, then another. A hiss filled the air as the pleasure overtook her, and the front of her diapers quickly swelled up. Her eyes rolled back and fluttered as her babbling took on a new enthusiasm. "Imma... IMMA RETARD!" she yowled as she flailed her arms against her chest. "DURRHRHRH, DURRR I POOPOO RETARD! LOONA POOPOO RETARD PANTS, IMMA RE-ghHLKK!" Her eyes flew wide as Daddy plunged his cock down her throat, thrusting into her like she was a fleshlite. Ever the good girl, she didn't stop braying out her truth even with Daddy's thick cock in her throat. She only ever got a clear syllable or two out before her moans turned into gurgling, garbled wet noises, but that was just what daddy wanted. Her vibrating, flexing throat hugged his cock so perfectly, her throat slop coating every inch of his shaft and spraying out her nose and maw. His balls were soaked, and her entire face was a slimy mess. Thick strands of drool roped between his groin and her nose, but he kept going regardless. His balls jumped once, twice - a cock twitch was the final warning before the climax that had been burning in his groin finally exploded. Daddy let out a howl as his cock throbbed and sprayed out rope after rope of cum down her throat. Loona's eyes rolled back as her belly filled with warm seed. He didn't stop thrusting the entire time, and she didn't stop braying, and soon it was squirting out her nose and spilling out of her maw. The two of them became a sticky, cummy mess. Each thrust grew heavier and slower as his orgasm reached its end, soon plapping against her face every few seconds. His shoulders sagged as the energy leaked out of him, and finally he grabbed the back of her head and just held her against his knot. Her moans were quiet and tired, but still did not stop. "Ahnha 'heeaahhghh..." Daddy rested there for a moment, then finally slid his softening cock from Loona's throat. She coughed and spluttered at the sudden absence, readjusting after a moment. He crouched down and cupped her cheeks. "There's my good girl," he cooed. "You did good! You're a good retard. Go ahead and stop now, you made Daddy so happy." Loona gave a happy, tired smile and fell quiet, only clearing her throat. Daddy couldn't help but grin as he looked at her. His beautiful, filthy, gross little retard. He gave her a gentle kiss on the nose before using his lab coat to wipe the drool from her lips. "Alright Looney, you ready to get all cleaned up? It's getting late for poopy babies like you." It really was late. Part of it was from the intense blowjob she'd just given, but the gentle tendrils of sleep grasped at the edges of her consciousness. Her bedtime was in an hour, and her body had a routine that it couldn't just ignore. "I'm ready, Daddy," she said after a little while. "There's my good girl." Daddy stood and used Loona's hair to wipe his cock and balls clean, then pulled his underwear and pants back up. After making himself presentable, he spent a little time working on Loona, wiping the thick drool from her fur, the cum from her hair and face. After a little while she looked almost normal: there was an inordinate amount of drool on her chin and breasts, but it's not something anyone else would notice. He helped her to her feet, gave her a kiss on the cheek, and led her to the playpen. "You keep yourself busy for a bit, alright Loona? Daddy's got to do grownup things." Loona nodded and babbled a little, watching Daddy walk to his computer and start typing before picking up a block and losing herself to happy baby thoughts once again. For the rest of the night, she spent her time doing other things that poopy little babies like her did: playing with her dollies, sucking on her paci, playing hide and seek with the giant stuffed lion in the corner, or sometimes playing with Dr. Lynch when the jackal was in the room. Occasionally her thoughts began to wander, but every time they started to try to remember anything or question anything, some distraction or another presented itself and pushed those silly thoughts out of her head. Often she managed to do it herself, but sometimes Daddy or even Dr. Lynch came by before she fell too far down that rabbit hole. Finally came bedtime. Loona had already been struggling to keep her eyes open, but Daddy had encouraged her to stay awake until he said so. "After all, we don't wanna mess up your sleep cycle, do we?" Loona saw the reason in that, though in true baby form she let out a grumpy whine anyways. Daddy helped her change into her bedtime onesie and cuddled in bed with her, reading her a story by the lamp light. It was so very cozy, she almost dozed off right there in his arms. If he had let her drift off, things might have been perfect. Just before she finally fell asleep, unfortunately, the story ended and Daddy slid out of bed, jostling her semi-awake. "Daddy?" she murmured. "Where ya goin?" "Just to get you some milk, sweetpea. You gonna be okay here while I'm gone?" Loona gave a sleepy nod, and Daddy stroked her forehead before leaving her alone with her thoughts. She yawned and closed her eyes, snuggling down in the comfy bed... and her mind began to wander. Wasn't there something she was trying to remember all day? Or... or someone? She furrowed her brow as she strained to wrangle the wispy thought. What little she could remember was hazy, like a dream forgotten, and yet... it was there. Some vague shapes, an impression of a voice. It tugged at her like an invisible string, tumbling her along. The images became clearer, the voices a little louder, and as she concentrated, a name started to bubble up in her mind. "Bl... Bla... Bli..?" She was getting warmer! A wave of excitement washed over her, tinged with increasing anxiety. Whatever she was remembering was important, so why couldn't she remember it? Was it a person? "Bllll... Blit... Blitzo!" She gasped and sat straight up. Blitzo! That was a name, a person she knew. She saw the vague outline of an imp, she could almost hear his voice. Who was Blitzo to her? He felt near and dear, like she was fond of him. Was he important to her? Was she important to him? Why couldn't she remember? The wolf groaned and held her head as she pushed further. "Blll... Blitzo!" she called out. "Blitzo? Where are you? Are, c-can... can you hear me?" Normally, Daddy would have jumped in long before she got to this point, but her savior was nowhere to be found. Likely out warming up the milk. Her heart raced. "Blitz! I want Blitz!" She felt as if she were on the edge of something important. She knew Blitzo's name, she knew it was important, it was someone she liked, someone she- "Here you go, baby girl!" Dr. Lynch's tenor voice broke through her racing thoughts. She looked up to see the doctor hovering over her with a sickly sweet smile. In his hand was a small stuffed imp, red and black with a wide, happy smile. "Here you go! Your favorite doll, Blitzo. Feel all better now?" Loona took the doll hesitantly. Was she just remembering her favorite doll? She did feel a measure of peace, holding it close to her chest. Her lids grew heavy, and she yawned as she settled back down in bed. Maybe this was what was so important..? The door to the room opened, and through it stepped Daddy with a big bottle of warm milk. He knelt by Loona's bedside and handed it to her. "There we go, kiddo. Warm milk to help you fall asleep. Can I get you anything else?" Could he? Loona looked up to see Dr. Lynch exiting the room. She had a nice, cuddly stuffie in one hand, and a warm bottle of milk in the other. She had her pajamas and a soft blanket over her. She smiled and slid under her covers, suckling on her baby bottle as her eyes closed. "Imma tired," she yawned. "Good night Daddy." "Good night, sweetpea!" -- -- -- Loona felt her eyes flutter open. She was in a classroom again, the same one from her dream the previous night... wait. She was dreaming again! Her heart fluttered at the idea of playing with Lulu some more. She was such a good retard, and Loona knew just how to make a retard like her happy. But where was she? The hellhound looked around the room. She was sitting in the middle, right where Lulu was last time, but other than that, everything was the same. Which meant... was she Lulu? Just the very thought made her clit twinge. She looked down to see her bare breasts, her greasy, unkempt fur, her massive diaper bulge... she was Lulu! A thrill ran through her, and she let out a happy little giggle. She was Lulu, she was always Lulu! And Lulu was a complete and total retard, which means... "Imma... imma retard?" she mumbled to herself. As she said it, she felt it come true: her thoughts slowed and spaced out, and each one she had was shorter and shorter. A brief wave of bliss filled her body before she became too stupid to even comprehend that. "Imma retard!" she cried out in joy. She repeated it over and over again, rocking back and forth to make her pampers crinkle. "Imma poopy retard!" As she rocked, drool splattered onto her breasts, which she immediately started smearing into her fur. Her words devolved into random syllabic gibberish, and her eyes glazed over. Her diapers slowly filled with warm piss as her body let go of all inhibitions. She didn't even realize she was wetting herself, but it wasn't like she would have cared. All she noticed was that the bulge between her legs was growing soggier, thicker and warmer, and that made her feel amazing. She began to smear the drool back into her face, keeping her maw slack and grunting shapeless noises just because it felt good. She rocked back and forth faster, practically convulsing with pleasure as she filled her diapers to the brim with piss and drool. Little rivulets of piss leaked from her oversaturated diaper and pooled around her. It was a warm sensation, and the retard scooted back before plopping her entire upper body into the puddle. The piss soaked into her face and tit fur, and for a little bit she was just happy to babble and groan there, sniffing her own urine with her ass high in the air. Then she felt a slight pressure in her bowels. Without hesitation she hiked her ass up a little higher and pushed. "I'm pooping!" she yelled out to anyone who could hear. "Imma poopy retard, loony pooping lots!" The back of her yellowed diapers bulged out and turned a dark brown, mounding up in a massive ball before finally breaking off and rolling down between her legs. Crackles filled the air, and she kept pushing until full logs were struggling to push out her diaper cuffs. The plastic of her retard pants were stretched, brown and lumpy, and their tight grip on her waist failed as logs of shit began to push out the top as well. She kept on pushing, grunting as the pile around her grew. She was well past the point of containing it in her retard pants, but she couldn't care. All she knew was the pure pleasure of pooping more and more. It seemed like it would never end, and she didn't want it to, but eventually there was nothing left - no more crackles, no more warm, smelly logs of shit tumbling out of her overworked diaper. Exhaustion overtook her, and were this not a dream, she might have just passed out in her own mess. But she was made of stronger stuff than that, and besides, how could she nap when there was so much fun to be had around her? Loona giggled as she sat up, sinking into her destroyed diaper with a wet squelch. The whole middle of the room was a disaster zone. Different piles of shit mixed into the massive piss puddle to turn it brown, but the logs themselves remained solid. Acting purely on her pleasure instinct, she reached out, grabbed a particularly hefty log, and immediately squished it into her face. She moaned as she smeared the shit around, rubbing it deep into her fur before plopping the rest into her open mouth. The taste was strongly bitter, but with a sweet undertone that made her want to drool. It was warm in a pleasant way, squishy but solid enough it didn't fall apart. She could feel the claylike texture against her tongue as she suckled, slurped, and tossed in around her maw. Finally she swallowed: it went down like honey, sitting heavy in her belly, which now felt empty. She felt so, so hungry. "Looooloo like eating poopy!" she yelled out as she began to devour the feast surrounding her. She felt hungrier than ever before, and she knew the only thing that could satisfy her were her big, fresh logs. Without hesitation she stuffed log after log into her open mouth, slurping and suckling them before she gummed them enough to swallow. Every log she swallowed satisfied her for just a brief moment before the craving would come back. But Loona didn't care - she had everything she needed to keep eating as long as she wanted! Time passed almost without Loona even realizing it, caught up as she was in her filthy feast. Eventually, though, her appetite did start to settle down, and once her mind was less full of cravings, there became room for real thoughts again. Namely... where's daddy? Her eyes scanned the room, but she found only a mess of her own making. A tinge of worry began to set in as she realized she had no idea where Daddy was. Loona was too much a retard to think big thoughts, so usually she had Daddy do it for her. Without him around, she had no idea how to handle even a minor negative emotion. Just before the worry took root in her, Daddy appeared in the corner of the room and stepped towards her. He was wearing his hospital scrubs and a wide grin on his face. "There's my sweetpea! C'mon Loona, give Daddy a hug!" He bent down and scooped her into a great bear hug, unphased by the filthy state of her fur. If Loona was capapble of wondering how he'd appeared out of thin air, that thought would have been washed away with a flood of happiness at his presence. "Daddy!" she cried out. "Daddy daddy! Loona a retard! I retard! Poopy poopy retard!" Daddy chuckled good naturedly and set his little retard down with a kiss to the head. "You sure are, dear!" he said as he scritched under her chin. "You're Daddy's little retard, just like you've always been. And what's this? Oh my gosh Loona, you made the room all poopy like you! You did a good job, I'm so proud of you!" Loona gasped and giggled happily, squishing up and down in her overloaded retard pants. "Daddy, didja know poopy taste good?" His grin widened as she picked up a fat log. "Watch!" The retard plopped it into her mouth and gave it an extensive gumming to show off to her Daddy. Saliva poured over her chin and onto her chest: it had long since turned a dark brown, mixing with the sheer amount of shit she'd eaten, so staining the white fur on her breasts. Daddy watched all this with a grin, and gave her an encouraging hair rustle as she swallowed it down. "Aww, there's a good Loona, good job. You're so smart, learning poopy is tasty, aren't you?" Loona's eyes widened and she shook her head firmly. "Naww. Nawww, Loona a big retard! Poopy dummy Loona." Daddy laughed and shook his head. "Of course sweetie," he said. "Silly Daddy just got mixed up is all. Now, does Loona wanna show Daddy all she learned in retard school today?" What she learned in retard school? She glanced around the room. It was a classroom after all, shouldn't she have learned things? "What Loona learnded in retard school isss, uhhmm..." Well, she did learn how to eat poopy. What else? Her eyes lit up. Words were hard, but it was super easy to show Daddy all the retarded things she could do! "Loona learnded bein' SUPER gross, like this!" With that, Loona dug through her overflowing diaper and pulled out a particularly fresh turd. She lifted it over her head and grinned goofily at Daddy. Then, with a little flourish of retarded showmanship, she let it plop directly onto her face. After that she started smearing it all over her face and body, making sure to coat her breasts and belly especially. The solid texture felt so good mixed into her fur! She even smeared it in her pits like she were trying to clean herself. Daddy watched on in proud amusement as Loona went about her disgusting antics. Logs in her ears, rolling around in her piss; it was honestly impressive the number of ways a little retard like her could come up with for being gross and playing with her poopy. Then again, it really was one of the few things she ever thought about. After what felt like hours of play, Loona finally fell into a fit of giggles and babbling as she rolled around in the mess she had created. Daddy stepped forward and scooped her close against his chest with a smile on his face. "Oh my sweetpea, you did super good! But you know what a little retard like you needs after being super gross?" Loona gave him a blank look, tipping her head. "Uhh, whuh?" He laughed and set her down on her back, legs spread by his chest. "A diaper change, silly!" A diaper change! Loona squealed with joy. This was her favorite time of the day because she got a brand new diaper to make all poopy and dirty! There was another reason, but it didn't quite come to mind. Then again, it wasn't like she was going to put in any effort thinking about it. As Daddy started kissing her tummy, though, that second reason quickly became obvious. His paws deftly undid her tapes and opened her ruined diapers, exposing the shit-smeared fur below. His kisses traveled lower and lower, tickling her belly button before reaching her groin. Shit coated his lips, but he didn't mind. Loona started to moan and whimper as he reached her clit. He grabbed her paws to keep her from flailing as he finally reached her pussy lips, giving it a long, indulgent slurp before he closed his eyes and plunged his tongue inside. "Da-aaahhh, daaah-duuRRRR, DURR, LOOLOO A RETARD!" Her moans and whimpers of pleasure mixed with her brainless braying, switching between the two seamlessly as Daddy plumped her silky depths in a perverted french kiss. The sweetness of her juices washed away the delicious bitterness of her shit, mixing them together until eventually her arousal mixed with the shit to make a gooey, brownish filthy goop. It connected his lips to hers and drooled down his chin. Loona's toes curled as she came closer and closer to climax. What little bit of her tard brain could be coherent was scrambled with the pleasure, and even her little attempts at moaning Daddy devolved into nonsensical babbling. "DUH! Dahwabuuhh! Aahnnngghhuuuh, ahhBAAHBUHHH!" Her clit ached, her whole body tingled, her cunt practically burned and the slightest of breezes on her nipples sent her into ecstasy. The pleasure built until she was fit to burst, and then-! Daddy pulled away at the last moment. Loona immediately let out a childish whine of disappointment, and Daddy couldn't help but chuckle. "Oh my Looney, don't worry! We'll get to have a little fun, we just got a little business to take care of first. Gotta take care of my favorite student after all!" That earned him another whine and crossed arms, but Loona quickly came around when Daddy grabbed a wet wipe and set to work cleaning her fur. He was very, very thorough, especially around her swollen clit and soaked pussy, and changed wipes just often enough that the hellhound never got used to the cold of it. He interspersed this with little butterfly kisses against her sex that sent her into giggles and squirms. "Who's my lil dummy, huh? Who's my special girl?" he teased. "Imma dummy!" Loona crooned back. "Imma reeeetard! Imma diaper retard, Looona love diapies! Looney love poopies!" "Do ya now?" The wolf grinned and slid the heavily used diaper out from under her to get at her ass. He tossed the soiled plastic onto her face, and Loona quickly turned it upside down on herself. Shit tumbled out onto her breasts and all over her face, and she spent the next several minutes chewing on her claylike shit and huffing her smelly, squishy diaper while Daddy finished up wiping, powdering, and diapering her back up. In the end, Loona's lower half was clean and fresh, while her upper half was smeared in shit and filth. Loona had just finished sucking the last little bit of piss she could from her old pair of retard pants when Daddy finished up. She pulled it off her head and tossed it aside, only to see Daddy's drooling wolf cock throbbing inches from her lips. He was on all fours above her, balls dangling over her forehead and his face between her legs. "You ready to play with Daddy a little?" She gasped and nodded, awestruck at the scent of Daddy's cock. "Alright baby, open up!" Without waiting for a reply, Daddy lowered his cock against her lips, prodding once with the tip before thrusting all the way in. Loona's eyes flew wide as she gagged and heaved, but though they grew bloodshot, she quickly adjusted to Daddy's cock and simply enjoyed the taste. It helped that Daddy was nuzzling and huffing between her legs, putting a very, very pleasant pressure on her pussy. She humped up against his muzzle with a wagging tail. Daddy started to thrust in her throat, slowly at first but quickly speeding up until his balls plapped steadily against her chin. Wet gurgles and squelches filled the room as the hellhound's throat was turned back into a slimy toy. She grabbed his firm ass and forced him to come down even harder, each slam giving her a pleasant sense of disorientation and fuzziness. Her diaper had once again swollen ever so slightly by her arousal alone, muffling the loud plastic crinkles from Daddy's kissing and nuzzling, but Loona never kept a diaper clean for long. A loud hissing joined the perverse sounds of sex echoing off the classroom walls as she flooded herself shamelessly. The heat of her piss added to the heat of her arousal, pulling out a cock-garbled moan from deep inside her chest. The pristine white of her retard pants swelled, turning a dark yellow as her urine tainted all the sap inside. Daddy moaned and took a moment to huff the acrid scent before plunging his face back in. She squealed again, rapidly humping against his lips. As the piss trickled down her diaper, the back began to swell too, audibly sloshing and plopping against the ground with each thrust. Some ran down the sides of her hips, leaking out of her waistband and pooling on the ground below. It was all too much. Daddy's deep grunts and moans grew lighter, breathier as his cock began to throb wildly. "Fuck, fuck Looney, I'm gonna, Daddy's gonna- FUCK!" The wolf slammed down one more time to pop his knot past her lips before finally unleashing his pent up load. His shaft visibly throbbed in his retard charge's throat as pint after pint of cum rushed down into her belly. Loona gripped his ass hard and pulled him even firmer against her face. Though she couldn't taste it, the warm sensation of his cum flooding her belly drove her wild. A minute of wet glurks, groans and thrusts later, Daddy finally pulled his cock out halfway to let his last few ropes splatter inside Loona's maw. The hellhound swallowed some of it, but saved most of it up, letting it spill over his lips before he finally pulled out. He fell to his side with an exhausted groan. "Fuck, Loona your throat is so good. I'm so happy you love Daddy's cock as much as Daddy loves your lips." Loona sat up with a happy little whimper and an excitedly wagging tail. She was an absolute mess: her face was a mixture of sweat, drool, and slimy shit, and with Daddy's cum drooling out between her canines, she couldn't be mistaken for anything other than a complete shit addict. Her eyes were bloodshot and unfocused, and she wore a wide, dumb grin, with far too much of her gums showing. It looked stupid, but also showed the unbridled joy she was riding. "Daaaaddy," Loona moaned out. "Again!" She looked at the exhausted wolf next to her, who gave a tired grin and shook his head. "I-In a bit sweetie, we gotta- god - we gotta rest for a little while. At least I do. It's snuggle time sweetie." Daddy opened his arms in an invitation so obvious even Loona understood it. "Come snuggle Daddy?" She huffed. "Daddy, Loona wan Daddy's thingie! Wan dada's thingy now!" Daddy's brows furrowed. His little girl often got very, very horny, but she'd never outright denied a cuddle session before. He opened his maw to gently scold her, but he found his words muffled as Loona slid over and straddled his face. Greasy piss leaked into his maw as it filled with her soaked pampers, and all he could see, taste, or even hear was her squishy, leaky diapers. Loona let out a low moan as Daddy's maw took as much of her diaper as it could, pressing right against her needy clit. "Imma retaaard," she groaned as she wriggled down on his face. The wolf gave a few half-hearted attempts to dislodge the retard pinning him, but very quickly gave into her advances and just let her go wild. She giggled and squished her breasts together, rubbing in the shit and drool coating it. Piss pooled around Daddy's head as it trickled down his cheeks and in his ears. She began to bounce now in earnest, throwing her head back and drooling as she let the stupid feeling wash over her. "Imma retard, imma retaaaarrhhhd, Loooona dumb retaaaard!" Her hands worked the filth on her breasts into a consistent past, and she started to rub it all over her face between slobbery, hungry licks and slurps. The bitter taste sent a rush down her spine, driving her to surrender even more thoroughly to her urges. "Imma retaaarhd, imma re, imMA RETAARD! GUHHHUH IMMA POOOOPOO TAAARD!" Her brays grew louder, almost turning into a full throated bellow. Her eyes crossed as even her vision became less important than her poopy diapers. She grunted as she shouted, pushing out yet another load into her diaper. "LOOLOOOO LOVE HER DUMDUM RETARD PANTS! LOOLOO LOVE POOPY!" The bottom of her diapers bulged out and turned brown, releasing an overpowering stench as it grew bigger and bigger. The lumps squished against Daddy's face and overwhelmed his senses, and his cock swelled back to life. Pre shot out over his chest, and he started to hump the air as his own brain fried just a little bit. Her poopy stretched the back of her diapers to its limit, giving it a lumpy surface and splotched texture as it surrounded Daddy's grinning maw. He started to lick, and the poopy worked its way up the front of her padding. The dark yellow of her piss mixed with the brown-green of her logs to make a truly sickly color. Loona shot her paws down to her groin, hefting up the weighty mass and mushing it against her cunt. She squealed as her clit throbbed, the mixture of sap and shit finally bringing her close to the edge. A pressure built up as she smushed and massaged her groin, unwilling to hold back. "I"M POOO-oooOOPY! POOOPY, POOPOO, IMMA DIAAAPOOOOPOOOOPY GIRL!" With a final dumb bray, Loona howled and shivered as orgasm overtook her. She flooded her diapers with her cum, mixing with the filth inside to make something even slicker and better feeling. The hellhound stopped bouncing and humped right up against Daddy's face, grinding and grunting as she eked out every ounce of pleasure that she could, extending her climax and letting it scramble her brains even further. Daddy's moans were muffled by her still-expanding diaper seat as he came once again, squirting pearly white wolf seed all over both of them and peppering the rug and far wall. Her thrusts slowed, stuttered, and then finally stopped. She flopped to her side, finally letting Daddy's face rest. The two laid there and panted for a little while, each basking in the afterglow of their depravity. Daddy's face was covered in piss and shit, but he couldn't stop grinning. Loona's was almost entirely blank, her jaw slack and eyes rolled back. Her tongue lay plopped out onto the ground, moving ever so slightly as she tried to cool down. Daddy crawled towards her and pulled her into his chest. He gently lapped at her neck to clean her off. One hand curled around her chest and groped at her breasts, while the other slid down her diapers, groping the heavy, clay-like logs and grinding it against her cunt. He was able to elicit another tired moan from her this way, but the retard was totally spent. She barely even reacted to Daddy's cuddles otherwise, though notably, she did wear a little grin. "Alright baby, naptime's over." Daddy's voice echoed in Loona's mind, but it didn't come from Daddy. A spark of awareness flickered inside her. Was she...? "C'mon, wake up. Daaaaddy's got ya, let's get you up! It's time to get you fed!" And then Loona opened her eyes once more. -- -- -- -- The world consisted only of blurred lines and hazy colors. There was something making noise, but it was far away, distant. She couldn't quite hold onto the sounds, and she didn't try to. Her head swam. It was such a pleasant feeling, and as the world came into focus, she was almost sad for it to go. She was somewhere... a clinic? Those looked like the funny little metal tool things that doctors used, and there was one of those weird beds with the white crinkly paper on it, but behind that was a big green chalkboard with random scribbles covering nearly every inch. Colorful letters decorated the wall, lining the top of it like molding. Those were... was it? The ABCs? But that belonged in her retard class, didn't it? There was a big bucket of chalk next to the chalkboard. Those looked fun, maybe she could play with them! Part of her still wanted to figure out if this was a classroom or a clinic, see if she was dreaming or really awake. If it was the clinic, that meant she was... asleep, right? Or was it the classroom that was a dream? Big, big thoughts pushed against her empty brain, making her vaguely squirmy. Big thoughts were confusing, they didn't belong in special girl retard brains like hers. She liked little thoughts, or even no thoughts! Why couldn't big thoughts just go away? "Aw, there we go baby girl, are you feeling better, Looney?" A gentle voice pulled her out of her thoughts. "You must have been so tired, you didn't even wake up for changes!" Daddy? Loona turned towards the voice to see a vaguely Daddy-shaped shadow. Definitely Daddy, but was it Doctor Daddy in his long white lab coat, or Teacher Daddy wearing his sweater vest and his tie? As he came into focus, the dummy was surprised to see that he was both. Or neither? Daddy was wearing a long white lab coat, but there was a sweater vest beneath it? Big thoughts threatened to confuse the poor hellhound once again. "Earth to Loona!" Daddy pulled her back to reality once again. "You must have slept really good, you're still all groggy." He gave a little chuckle. "Not that you're much more coherent when you're fully awake. Alright Loona, let's get you out of bed. I gotta cook you dinner. You like that? You want dindin?" Dindin! Loona squealed and flapped her arms as Daddy hoisted her in the air and set her gently onto the padded foam floor. Dindin sounded super tasty, she liked green mush the most but brown and orange mush was okay too. Something told her they were made out of some sorta other food, but it didn't matter to her. Carrots, peas, all of it was mush when it got to her, so why remember the difference? "I wan, uhhh... orange stuff!" she declared with a wide grin. "Gimme orange stuff for dindin!" Daddy gave a little mock bow as he turned to leave the room. "Anything for my good puppy! Now how about you have a little fun on your own? Your old diapee is over by the chalk bucket if you wanna play in it." "Diadee?" Loona shivered as the word bounced around in that empty brain of hers. Diadee, diapeeees, diapers! They were her favorite things in the whole wide world, especially when they were all poopy and soggy! That's why Daddy always let her kiss them and lick them when she got diaper changes. She crawled as fast as her hands and knees could take her, tail wagging the whole way. They looked absolutely destroyed - a dark yellow in the front and with a firm and lumpy brown back. Just the way she liked it! Loona plunged her face into the padding and took a long, deep huff, letting the heavy scent intoxicate her brains yet again. "D-duuuhhhhrrrrrr," she drooled out, proudly and shamelessly making her happy noises under her breath. Loona might have spent the whole day there and been content, but she was a proper diaper tard. It wasn't enough to just huff the diaper: Loona couldn't help but worship it. She dragged her tongue across the soggy back of the diaper again and again, shivering and groaning at the smoothness of the plastic and the slight tang of what shit taste had leaked through. Sap leaked out of a small hole in the back, and the moment her tongue brushed it she eagerly started sucking it out. The gooey gunk was infused with her piss and shit, but the sap itself added something amazing to the taste. The worship session stretched on for tens of minutes on end without Loona showing even a single hint of boredom. It was normal for her to get caught up in it for hours before Daddy finally pulled her away for dindin or a diaper change. She picked up the diaper and laid back, ready to let it plop onto her face and smother her, but there was something hard and uncomfortable beneath her skull. She sat up and grabbed it with a frown. It was something white and hard... chalk? What did the smart people do with chalk again? They used it to make fun little squiggles on the chalkboard, something that Loona sometimes tried to do as well. Somehow it seemed like what they were doing was different, but she didn't know what the difference was and didn't care enough to try and figure it out. She was happy just to draw and scribble, and when she used the black eraser, it made such a nice cloud of chalk dust! It was a surprisingly sweet scent, and sometimes she would just put the eraser to her nose and huff it all in. None of that was more important than her diaper worship, yet for some reason she didn't want to toss it away and get back to business. Instead she slowly brought it closer to her face. Her nose twitched as that familiar scent flooded her sinuses. She really, really liked that smell. She liked it and wanted more. Sniffing harder and harder didn't seem to make the smell any stronger, even when she pressed it right up against her nostrils. Maybe it just wasn't close enough? The chalk was just thicker than her nostril, but that wasn't a problem for a determined retard like her. Loona moaned as she pushed as hard as she could. Her nostril stretched slowly to accommodate, but it resisted every second Loona struggled. Centimeter after centimeter slowly slid inside, until, with a wet slurp, Loona pushed past the last bit of resistance and jammed the entire thing up her nose. Her eyes flew wide with shock as the chalk lodged deep in her sinuses. For a second she felt nothing, simply a weird pressure inside her head. Disappointment was beginning to set in - she couldn't even smell it like this! - when that shock wore off and gave way to waves of a perversely pleasurable tingling sensation. It started in her nose and radiated outward from there, bouncing around in her head before pushing down her body, from her breasts to her feet. "G-Guuhhhhhhhh!" she cried out. "I- uhnnnghhh, imma, hnnngg- Imma retaaarh! I GOTS CRANS IN MY NOSE!" Every time she moved, so much as twitched her nose, the "crayon" lodged deep inside her scraped against her brain and sent her into another wave of pleasure. Pleasure gave way to braying and moans, and the braying jostled the chalk again and made for another wave of pleasure. The feedback loop grew stronger and stronger until she was practically convulsing on all fours, her jaw hanging wide open as she let out a wordless, shapeless howl of pleasure. "AAAUUHUUUAANHHGHHH, AAUGHNNHHH!" Loona fell to her side and knocked the bucket of chalk over in the process. The sticks tumbled out with a clatter, jerking Loona back to coherence just long enough for her to see what she'd done. Chalk sticks of every size and color rolled against her body, green and blues and pinks. Some were as thin as her pinky, and others as thick as three of her fingers. Just one stick inside her was no longer enough: Loona knew she needed more, more and more! She grabbed a handful of the pretty, colorful sticks and started slamming them up her nose. Jolts of what should have been pain made her shudder and moan, clit twitching as she soaked her diapers further with arousal. Green, blue and red all crammed inside her stretched nostrils, getting pushed deeper and deeper inside with every new addition. Her jaw grew entirely slack, and her eyes jittered as her brain was punctured again and again. "G-Guhhhhhhhhh, GNnghhalughhh!" The noises tumbled from her chest unbidden, signs of her tattered brain trying to string together thoughts and concepts into words and noises. Soon her nostrils were stretched further than what should be possible, even for a hellhound, with several thick sticks of chalk plugging them. Snot oozed out between them, dripping onto her breasts and nipples. The green stood out stark against her white breast fur. With no more room to shove more in, Loona ended up shoveling the chalk into her maw instead. The crunch and texture made her tail wag, and the dust combined with her drool to make a colorful, gooey sludge that dripped down her chin and onto her diaper front. The chalk clumped in her belly like a rock, making it gurgle and churn as she fed it more and more. Before long, it started making its way down her intestines, where it really began to wreak havoc on her body. Her bowels grumbled, and she felt a familiar pressure building up under her abdomen. Loona's eyes flew wide open, and her tail flagged as she dropped onto all fours. "I'm.... I'm poooopin!" she brayed to herself happily. "I'm poooopin, pooOOPIN, LOONA GO POOPY! POOPY DIAPER RETARD!" Crackles fill the air as she pushes log after log of thick, cloying shit into her diapers. The white plastic stretched out around the bulge, turning a deep brown. The bulge rolled down her diapers to settle between her legs, which just pressed up against her pussy and encouraged her to push out more. "DurrhurrHURRRR!" she threw her head back and howled it out, eyes wide and rolled back in her head as she absolutely demolished her diaper. Log after log of solid shit packed the back of her diapers, stretching the plastic until it was lumpy and thin. She relaxed her bladder and flooded the front of her diapers as well. The amber color mixed with the brown of her scat to make that patented muck-brown that she loved sniffing so much. Everything her body did, it did on autopilot. There was a minimal amount of thought behind loading it up, but everything else, from her braying to her throwing her head back and letting her tongue hang out, was entirely out of instinct. What was left of her thinking brain was filled with nothing but diapers. Clean diapers to snoof, heavily messed diapers to huff, lick and kiss. The warmth of it between her legs. The warmth of it pressed against her face. Even how good it smelled after it sat for a few hours, giving time for the piss to really mix in with the shit. It overloaded her brain, pushing out every other thought. No worries about if she was awake or not, no worries about the chalk in her nose, not even thoughts of Daddy. Just diaper after diaper after- "Auughnnhhh! Loona poopin! LOONA POOPIN HER DIAPERS!" The hellhound let out a scream of pleasure as the mere thought of diapers sent her body into an orgasm. She humped against the ground with each wave that crashed over her, and ended up with her chest on the ground and legs hiked high in the air to give her hands access to her warm, straining diaper front. As pleasure overtook her, Dr. Lynch looked up from his work on the other side of the room and made his way over with a grin. He stood over her and shook her head. "Cumming just from the thought of diapers? And here I thought you had no lower to sink. It's a wonder that you're not wearing your retard helmet, head-bashing retard like you needs it." Headbashing. In the throes of her orgasm, something about that word clicked. Fuzzy synapses connected again, rerouted around chunks of chalk to form a coherent thought. 'If this place was a school and a clinic, it was definitely a dream. So she should wake herself up. By headbashing.' Loona lifted her upper body up again and stared at the ground below her. A goofy grin spread its way across her face. "L-LOONA, LOOOONA WANNA WAKE UP!" And with no hesitation, she slammed her head into the concrete floor. The first smash had her seeing stars, dazing her for a moment while her brain tried to recover. There was no ache from it, just dull pleasure and a wonderful, wonderful fuzzy feeling. She frowned a bit. Still asleep. So she bashed it again. And again. And again. Each slam sent a fresh wave of stars through her vision and intensified the fuzzy feeling, so much so that before long she wasn't even thinking about why she was doing it. It felt good, what other reason was there? She began to bray between each smash, vocalizing her retardation as it grew more and more permanent. "TARD!" she groaned as she bashed her head again. "TARD! LOONA TAARD! LOONA TAAARD!" On and on she went for several minutes. Towards the end, her head slams grew fewer and further between. Just coordinating her body to move through the happy fuzzy was an effort, and it was only the promise of more pleasure that made her push through it. What little thoughts left in her head were soupy and disjointed, with no semblance of connection or reason. "R-eeetaard." Bash. "Taaard..." Bash. "LOOoooona... reeetaaardd!" Bash. Finally the tenuous thread holding her thoughts together snapped. What she was doing, why she was doing it, all of that knowledge dissolved, and Loona's drive to bash with it. She simply collapsed to the ground with a dazed and happy smile, tongue lolling out. A puddle of drool built up around her open maw, soaking into her fur. A newly formed dent graced the middle of her forehead, proof of Loona's newly mushed mind. She laid there silently, just staring out into nothingness. No thoughts troubled her pretty little head, no worries, no questions - just vague and quiet bliss. Occasionally her hand or legs spasmed, and that made her smile because they made her diapers crinkle. She knew that word still, diaper. Diaper. Diapers were the best thing in the world for her. The only thing in the world. "Durrrhhhh," she mumbled, trying to say the pretty word. Her mouth wasn't moving the way she wanted it to, but durrhh was close enough to diaper to make her smile. She murmured it over and over again, letting it numb her brain and spread that happy, fuzzy feeling through every limb up to every finger and toe. It was the only noise she could make right now. It was the only one she needed. It was such a perversely peaceful scene that even Dr. Lynch couldn't help but just take it all in for a little while. Who knew that such an offhanded, meaningless comment would trigger something so perverse and brutal? He crouched down between her legs and ran an appreciative paw across her loaded bottom. "There's a good girl," he cooed, "you did such a good job being a little retard. In fact, I'm so impressed that I'm gonna give you a present! Do you want a present, lil Loona?" He paused, more for comedic effect than anything. Loona didn't even acknowledge his presence. "Don't worry kiddo, I'm gonna give it to you anyways. First of all we're going to give you a change." With a flick of his wrist and a snap, the ruined diaper clinging to Loona's hips popped into nothingness, only to reappear neatly taped up just out of her reach. In its place poofed another diaper, this one even thicker than the first. It spread Loona's legs wider than before. The jackal rubbed her puffy diaperseat with a grin. The crinkling plastic sent her into another round of babbling and soft, happy grins. "DURRR! DURRRHHH, DUurhhh, durrrr, duhhhrrrrrr..." "That's right, Loona!" Lynch chuckled and stood up. "That's right baby, diaper. Now, for your present! I'm going to give you your real brain back, alright?" He studied her for any sign of reaction. "It's gonna be undamaged, and you're gonna remember everything about this reality and the one you came from." A pause. Nothing from Loona, not even an attempt to look at him. "And to keep it and use it, all you gotta do is not poop y-" "POOP!" Loona's eyes flew wide at her favorite word. "POOPY? POOPY! LOONA POOOPY! POOOOOPY RETARD DUHH!" Without any hesitation the hellhound started to push and strain, eager to load her diapers up again. Nothing Lynch said had gotten through to her except the reminder that she could poop herself. "POOPY! LOOOLOO WANNA POOPY! POOPY TAARD!" "Loona I- uh, you might... oh, fuck it." Lynch waved his hand with a shake of his head. "Don't know what I expected from ya. Alright, your brain's back as promised. Anything that happens now is out of my hands. It's all on you, ya retarded animal. Have fun." Lynch's warning did nothing to stop Loona's braindead braying and incessant pushing. "POOOPY! POOOOOPY POOPY RETARD DUHH! POOO-UUAHNNNGGG!" Her eyes rolled back as suddenly she felt something really big and squishy pressing against the inside of her asshole. She gave a big, goofy grin and started pushing even harder, grunting and groaning with the effort. "AUUGHNN! NGGFFFF, AAUNNGGG, AH, I WANNA, I WANNA POOPYYY!" The big squishy lump stretched her hole wider and wider, bulging out the back of her diapers as it slowly pushed out. It didn't turn brown, however. She kept pushing and pushing with a singleminded effort, putting all her strength into it until finally the lump plopped out into the seat of her retard pants. Her brain stretched the plastic backing out as a massive lump, and it was quickly joined by a rush of solid brown logs as the dam finally breached. Loona sighed as that immense pressure in her bowels crackled and plopped into her diapers, surrounding and crushing her last chance at being saved, a chance she didn't even realize was in there. The mound in her diaper grew larger and larger, turning a deep, lumpy brown before finally rolling down the side of her cheek and plopping her diaper bulge against the ground. Her diaper hissed as she filled it with piss, and Loona closed her eyes, happy to let the scent and sensations of her ruined diaper hold her. Long minutes passed. The doorknob turned, and Daddy came in with a bowl full of freshly blended peas. He stumbled a bit in surprise as he noticed the large dent in her head, but rather than react in horror, he just laughed and shook his head. "Silly me, I forgot your helmet!" He set the peas down next to her and turned to the cabinet beside the door. He rummaged around a moment before pulling out a white plastic helmet with thick black straps. The words 'RETARD' and 'LOONA' graced the front in bold, official lettering, while 'Daddy's poopy retard' was scrawled in loving handwriting around the back. Daddy crouched down and slid it on her head, strapping it nice and secure against her chin. Loona gave Daddy a little toothless grin, her eyes focusing just a little on her favorite person. "There we are, sweetie!" He rapped her head a few times, sending that happy fuzzy feeling down her spine. "Nice and safe, just like you need. Not that you can get more retarded anyways." He stood up with a stretch and grabbed the bowl again. "You hungry, baby?" Loona didn't reply. Her eyes didn't even follow Daddy as he stood up, and her grin had faded into her regular slackjawed emptiness. Daddy didn't mind, though - the wolf expected nothing more from his brainless little shiteater. He sat cross legged on the ground and pulled her onto his lap, propping her limp head against his chest and setting the bowl on her belly. "Alright baby, it's food time! Choo choo!" He dipped the spoon in the green mush and made train noises as he brought it to Loona's open maw. Once it touched her tongue she closed her mouth around the spoon and suckled it clean before he pulled it back out. Some of it dribbled over her lips and onto her chin, and once she felt her maw was empty, it flopped back open again. If there wasn't anything in her mouth, she wasn't going to put in the effort to keep it closed. Daddy grinned and went to get another spoonful, but his eyes flicked to his diapers and he paused. For a few moments he hesitated, then grabbed the bowl of mush. With one hand stretching open her diaper's waistband, he dumped the peas inside and tossed the bowl aside. "Oh no, I dropped it!" he lied to no one in particular. "Oh well, guess we got to make do." From then on, he scooped spoonful after spoonful from her filthy diapers. It was mostly green mush to begin with, mixed only with a hint of shit, but as she swallowed down each spoonful the mush ran out, and Daddy was spoonfeeding her nothing put pure shit. Loona gummed each mouthful down the same way, unphased by the change in taste. The green mush that gathered on her chin turned brown, and with every other bite Daddy 'accidentally' smeared it on her muzzle. Her entire face soon became a brown, gooey mess. He didn't notice as the spoonfuls of 'food' turned from shit to pink brain matter. Loona gummed it down all the same, and with every mouthful Daddy picked apart Loona's mind once and for all. The retard happily gummed it down, too, and no one was aware in the slightest the gravity of what was happening. Everything was pleasant business as usual. Her belly bloated out slightly, and Daddy took that as a sign that his little retard was all done. She never reacted to anything, so she would have been happy to eat whatever he fed her for as long as he did it. Even if her belly was straining she'd keep gumming it down with the same passive stare. It was a point of pride for Daddy to be able to read those subtle little hints his little retard gave off. "Alright baby, looks like you're all full! Let's get you all cleaned up, hmm?" Daddy laid Loona on the ground and straightened her body, letting her arms flap to the side and her tongue hang out. He gave her ruined diaper a gentle pat and a kiss before pulling off the tape and changing his lil retard. Each movement, from the first wipe down to the very last puff of baby powder, was gentle, oozing with love and affection. Daddy cooed to his little ward the entire time. It was entirely unnecessary, but it made him feel closer to her, like he was soothing her. Before long her old diaper was taped up to the side, and her new one was taped snug and secure against her waist. He gave her old one a long, appreciative snoof before tossing it on the pile with the others. The pile was growing pretty large - like it or not, he was going to have to change it soon. The wolf always waited as long as possible so he could enjoy the scent and beautiful view. "Oh Loona... I'm happy to change your retard diapers forever. I'm so glad you landed in my care. I'm gonna make this the best life for both of us." His eyes spied the clock. It was getting towards bedtime. Pulling her to her crib and tucking her in, Blitzo plush snuggled under her arm, was the proper thing to do... but all this shit eating and diaper snoofing had its effect on him. His cock strained inside its sheath, trapped by his constrictive bottoms. Luckily, he knew just the thing to help with that. "Alright Looney, you know what time it is! You want Dada's cock?" The wolf plopped on the ground and spread his legs before unzipping his pants. He fished out his cock and sighed as it swelled rapidly now that it was free of its musky prison. He grabbed Loona under the armpits and dragged her between his legs. All he had to do was guide her muzzle to the very tip of his shaft, and the same instincts that helped her chew her 'food' went to work. The retarded hellhound happily gummed and suckled Daddy's cock, and her slimy drool sent shivers of pleasure up Daddy's spine. "There we go baby, just like that!" he encouraged her. "You know just how Dada likes it, don't you?" That couldn't be further from the truth. Loona wasn't thinking about what was happening. She wasn't thinking at all. Her suckling was uncoordinated and drooly, and half the time Daddy had to pull her head back on course, else she'd slip off and end up just using his thigh as a pillow. That lack of coordination was what made it feel so good, and the way her throat spasmed with his cock in it brought him to the edge. As she worked on him, Daddy saw her tail flag. She let out a little frrp, and then without warning she began to push out fresh, thick logs into her diaper. Daddy gasped and gripped Loona's ears, his cock throbbing and spewing pre. "God, baby I'm so close!" He couldn't tear his eyes from the growing mound of shit forming a bulge at the back of her fresh diapers. With each log he grew closer and closer, and as it started to turn brown, he let out a howl and came. What a perfect life. -- -- -- -- -- Days passed. Or weeks. Or perhaps months or years.. It didn't matter: Loona had no idea. She couldn't even grasp the concept of time at this point, and she didn't need to. All she needed to know was the taste of shit, how good diapers were, and that she was a dumb, diaper loading retard. Daddy took good care of her, and at some point started spending the night with her. She was almost never alone, and though she never received visitors, Daddy was enough. One day, just as Daddy left to go process her next meal, the door opened. Dr. Lynch stepped inside, this time wearing civilian clothes, jeans and a wifebeater. He held himself the same, but the effect was far different from when he wore his professional uniform. Were it not for his distinctive face, one could mistake him for an entirely different person. Not that Loona knew that. All of this was lost on her - indeed, she didn't even realize he was here. Loona laid on the floor, sprawled out with her limbs strewn beside her. Daddy had put her favorite imp plushy next to her, but she didn't try to cuddle it or even look at it. She just stared up at the ceiling and breathed. Her jaw hung open and her tongue drooled onto the floor, dangling off the side. Her diaper was fresh and she was clean. At least, until Daddy went to feed her again. "How ya doin, Loona? Hanging in there?" Lynch crouched beside her and looked her in the eye. "Just checking in. I love visiting my old 'patients' every once in a while.' Loona didn't meet his gaze. That didn't matter to Lynch. He just grinned and leaned in, hovering over her so that her glazed eyes were staring right through his. "Just making sure you're happy with your wish. Tell me Loona... is your life easy enough now?" Her lips curled a bit and her eyelid twitched. Lynch raised a brow. Was this a response? Was there a tiny bit of intelligence left in that void between her ears? He waited for her to say something, anything, or at least grunt. A trumpet blast of gas and a loud crackling filled the air as Loona loudly began to shit herself. Log after log polluted her fresh diaper once again and built up beneath her, lifting her waist into the air. Her eyelids fluttered as the pleasure from shitting herself overwhelmed her. Piss flooded her diapers as her bladder let go as well. Her eyes rolled back and she took a deep breath. "AUUUAUAUAUUUUUHHHHNNHHHHHH!" The sheer pleasure of filling her diapers finally triggered a full body orgasm, one so intense that it forced a wordless, shapeless bray from her nonvocal body. She was too retarded even to purposely make noises, but she came so hard that it happened anyways. Lynch watched with a wide grin as the hellhound retard came just from shitting herself. As the orgasm faded, Loona's eyes slowly glazed over again, and she stared at the ceiling once more. Her heart raced from the exertion, but she wasn't even breathing hard. She just went poopy, which she loved. Daddy would come to change her diaper soon. Then she'd go sleepy and do it all over again and again and again. Her life couldn't be simpler.

Reforming Reality: The Park

(Content warning: medium gore ahead. It's not what I usually do so I figured I'd give a heads up. It's a short scene, and I'll mark when it's started and ended.) -- -- -- The next morning came swiftly. It was all too tempting to stay in bed and...

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Reforming Reality: The Jock

-- Emmett opened the door to his apartment with a contented sigh, letting the cool night breeze rush against his fur one last time before shutting the door with a heavy click. Never had he known the comfort of the wind against his bare ass cheeks...

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Work Pressures

-- Tom closed the front door behind him and immediately let out a sigh, leaning against the wall and slumping down to the ground. He closed his eyes and just existed for a moment, taking in the familiar vanilla scent of his boyfriend's house...

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