Totally Normal [Patron Reward]

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Izzy and Ray mess around with an old mind-control helmet.If you'd like to read more like this before it gets posted publicly, head over to my Patreon!

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Totally Normal

**By Limewah

Patron Reward for Izzy (October 2023)


"You good?"


"You don't look good."

"Yes... it's j...just v-v-vuh very... hhhhard to sssspeak..."

Izzy was spasming in his chair, his paws clinging to the armrests, his eyes wide and unblinking save for the odd twitch in the left or the right. The rabbit's pupils were the size of pennies, flashing a repetitive, strobing pink that matched the lights on the helmet strapped to his head.

Ray was hunched at his keyboard. The Jolteon's gaze flicked between the green text on the black backdrop on the old CRT screen, and his writhing roommate connected to the computer by that old clunky looking helmet.

Maybe the reason this thing was getting sold so cheap at a junk sale was because it was cooking peoples' brains...

"Okay, if you say you're fine, then-"

"Nnnnnnnnnnuuhnnnbl." Izzy sounded like he was melting.

What were they doing?!

Rayleapt up to the computer and yanked out the cord connecting it to the helmet. Izzy relaxed in the chair with an almighty groan, his legs splayed out and his shorts tented.

"Hhahh... hah..." Izzy whooped, eyes spinning as he tried to put his bunny feet on the floor again.

"Okay, seriously, you good?"

Izzy shooed him off with a noodle-like arm and laughed. "Yeah, it's just... a bit of a head-rush that's all, you can put me back in, I was having a good time..."

"Maybe you should stretch, first?"

The helmet beeped - how was it still holding a charge? Izzy's eyes flashed, and that confused blankness settled over his face again.

"I will."

Within a second, Izzy was up on one leg, pulling the other one up behind them and breathing deeply. His face remained sort of blankly perplexed, like he was staring at a vast landscape on an alien world.

"Izzy, uh... you can relax!"

Izzy blinked several times, the robotic blankness melting away as he staggered back onto both feet. His head lolled to the side; the tiredness plus that headgear made him wobble precariously.

Even as Ray went to Izzy to steady him, the Jolteon couldn't stop his tail from wagging with excitement.

"Oh fuck," he muttered, "I guess it works after all..."

"Huhn...?" Izzy giggled. "It does...?"

"Yeah, let's get you sitting down again and see what else we can do..."

"Mm'kaaaay~" Izzy plopped back down into the chair with Ray's guidance, drunk and dazed off the helmet's intensity.

He sat and waited, giggling to himself, his eyes falling closed. The chair was so comfy, and he felt so sleepy, maybe he could nod off for a minute or two...

"Sorry, this is taking ages to boot up."

Izzy could hear the clacking and whining of the machine spooling to life, those ancient disk drives creaking under the strain of being used for only the second time in probably decades.

"Nnhn." Izzy gurgled in recognition, sort of off in his own world, until he was jolted back into the present by the buzzing and the jolt. Like two wires had slipped in each ear and met in the middle of his head to complete the circuit. The jolt only lasted for a moment, and then he was back in a far more tranquil and serene state of mind. Though his face was blank and his jaw was set, inside his paralysed body he was floating in pleasure.

From the outside, Ray was keeping a close eye on Izzy. Everything seemed to be the same as it was last time... but he didn't want to keep him in there for too long, just to be safe.

Which meant it was time to pump Izzy full of triggers.

On the screen, Ray could see an option for direct control commands. He mashed the tab key on the keyboard until it was highlighted, cursing the lack of a mouse, before hitting enter.

"Nn~" Izzy squeaked. "Whassat...?"

"Just gonna try some stuff out, here..."

INPUT COMMANDS, the screen ordered.

"Okay, okay..." Ray pursed his lips and kissed his teeth, trying to think of what to start with. Maybe a simple prod at the edges, to see what would happen.

Get a Boner.

As he hit enter, he wasn't sure if the machine would understand the slang. Maybe it didn't matter, because the moment the command was input, Izzy moaned and bucked their hips, giggling like an idiot as his pants instantly tented.

"Ooooh, shit..." Ray grinned. "Let's try another..."

You're always going to have a boner, and it won't go down.

Izzy grunt-moaned when Ray hit enter; he could only assume it worked. He grinned evilly as another idea sprang to mind.

Your name is Boner.


"Hey, Izzy? How you doing in there?"

"Wha... who's that?"

"Sorry?" Ray said. "Must've got you mistaken for someone else, what's your name?"

"M'namesss Boner, silly." the rabbit giggled. "What kinda name's Izzy...?"

"I won't make that mistake again," Ray said with a smirk. He was only getting started...



"Why do you keep doing that?" Izzy asked as his cock erupted with another climax, painting the coffee table. He wasn't wearing anything below the waist, and was equally as oblivious to that fact.

"Just trying to remember the name of that movie," Ray said, putting his feet up on the couch, his head close to Izzy's crotch just so he could get a front row seat at each climax. "I swear it's on the tip of my tongue..."

Another snap, another orgasm.

"Nnnghahh..." Izzy was surprised by the gasp of pleasure that erupted from his mouth. "What the..."

"You okay, Boner?" Ray said. "That sounded like an orgasm noise to me..."

"Dunno what you're talking about," the rabbit scoffed. "I wouldn't do that in front of you! I'm not even naked!"

"You sure?" Ray said, reaching out to rub Izzy's hard dick.

"Y-yeah... what's with that look?"

"Don't worry 'bout it," Ray giggled.


Izzy regained consciousness midway through drinking a glass of water.. Something had just gone down his throat. He must have been taking some meds. What meds? Didn't matter.

He was alone in the room; a good thing, too, because a moment after the water went down his throat, he was practically lifted out of his seat by what felt like a dry orgasm. He shuffled off his pants-what pants? Had he not been wearing them in the first place...?

That question left his mind as he watched his cock deflate and shrink down. He stared with horror.

"Dang, it works quick, huh?"

Why was Izzy hearing Ray's voice? He was alone in the room... alone, watching his cock shrink inwards, his balls pull upwards, and the pleasure pushing in between his thighs. As the cock settled into the shape of a very large clit, and his balls vanished entirely, he found his hand moving between his legs to feel the lips of his newly formed vag.

"Aww, look at you!" Izzy must have been hallucinating Ray's voice again... "Go on, finger yourself, give it a try..."

"Sure, why not," Izzy grumbled. "Why am I talking to mys-snnnnh...!"

He was so used to feeling that particular brand of sensitive pleasure on the outside; feeling it inside him as his fingers explored was a whole new headrush. He was blushing with nervous embarrassment. Ray would flip when he saw this...

"P-shewww, Uncloak~!"

Ray was right next to Izzy. The bunny leapt out of his skin, his fingers out of his cunny.

"Where the-the hell did you come from?!" Izzy said.

Ray didn't respond. He raised his thumb and his middle finger, and -



The autumn air was crisp - crisper than usual, too. Even with his puffy jacket on, Izzy was feeling a bit of a chill. He was fingering himself to keep at least a little warmer; lots of weird looks were shot his and Ray's way as they walked to their favourite café. Izzy was looking forward to having a sweet, warm, creamy drink; Ray was paying, too.

Izzy groaned as his fingers found his G-spot again, his walls spasming and squeezing as another orgasm hit him.

That sound made a few people shoot confused, perturbed glances at him.

"Why're they gawking?" Izzy grumbled to Ray. "Is there something on my face?"

"Ahuh." Ray said. "Dunno. Maybe it's because it's a bit out of the ordinary to be fingering yourself in public?"

"Well -"

Ray clicked his tongue twice. What was Izzy saying?

"I'm not fingering myself!" Izzy said. His fingers were still inside his cunny, still exploring the soft, wet flesh, but he wasn't fingering himself. "Don't be silly."

"Suit yourself," Ray said. He clicked his tongue twice again. "It's not weird for you to be doing that?"

"Fingering myself in public? Totally natural."

They slipped into the café; the warmth was exactly what Izzy needed.

The pair went up to the counter, where the bubbly pigeon barista greeted them.

"Hey Ray, Izzy, how're...-"

"Not my name," Izzy said with a sort of grimace. "Why does everyone keep calling me that! It's Boner."

The barista looked like she was about to burst out laughing, but Izzy's serious stare kept her quiet.

"Just play along," Ray said. Izzy caught a wink out of the corner of his eye.

"Play along with what?" Izzy asked.

"Don't worry about it," Ray replied.

"Uh-huh." Izzy turned his attention to the blushing bird. "Could I get a-!"

Ray snapped his fingers, and Izzy -

Click Click.

Nothing was happening. It felt like he was orgasming, but he wasn't.

"He'll get a Maple Chai latte," Ray said.

"Th-thankss..." Izzy groaned. "Dunno what'sss gotten into me."

"I wouldn't worry about it," Ray replied, with a reassuring pat on his shoulder. "You look completely normal to me."

"Yeah, c-completely normal!" The barista piped up.

"Phew..." Izzy sighed, his fingers tickling his cunny. "That's a relief."

To read more work like this early, head to my Patreon!

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