Looks like Snow

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#5 of 2024 Shorts

A prequal to my other two stories featuring the infamous Snow! John has a second chance at life after he is rescued from a life on the streets. In an effort to help save his pseudo fathers business, John experiences an unexpected awakening and his life is forever changed.

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are of legal and consenting age, likewise if you are reading this story, you should be of legal age in your respective country.

All characters are my own creation, any resemblance to existing characters is purely coincidental and not intentional, please do not use them without permission. If you would like to use them in a story, please feel free to send me a PM either as Inja on SoFurry or TheRealInja on FA. As always, I am open to new story ideas or situations with existing characters as well.


This is a prequal to "Eight Inches of Snow" an "Snow Storm", it gives some insight into how Snow got his name (Yes, Snow isn't his actual name ;P) and why he is the way he is. Snow as a character I am rather enjoying writing, there are a couple more stories featuring him I still plan to write.

SoFurry Links:

Eight inches of Snow - https://www.sofurry.com/view/1974694

Snow Storm - https://www.sofurry.com/view/2036937

FurAffinity Links:

Eight inches of Snow - https://www.furaffinity.net/view/51711854/

Snow Storm - https://www.furaffinity.net/view/53273165/


"C'mon son, if you want to make the sale, you got to lift your tail" He could remember it like it was yesterday. Snow had been asked to attend the "Go truck yourself" roadshow to drum up some business as his boss was busy elsewhere, he was also the most literate and civilized of the drivers he worked beside. That was only because he was still so young and hadn't picked up too many bad habits yet.

"Please kid, we're in a tight spot here. We need to come back with at least a deal or two, otherwise we're sunk" the old bloodhound had pulled him aside to say the evening before he was set to depart. The old hound had been the closest thing to a father to him, so it pained him to see how the stress was aging the old man so rapidly. Things hadn't been going so well for their transportation company and they were slipping further and further into the red. If John could secure a contract or two, it would go a long way to getting the company out of debt and hopefully start flourishing again.

"I'm not a salesman, but I'll do everything I can to get you those sales, Dale" John took the old dog's hand between his and gave a reassuring squeeze. Dale had taken a chance on him when no one else had, John was heading down a dead-end track fast before the old dog brought him on board and taught him how to drive a truck. It was something John was eternally grateful for, when he looked at his life now compared to even only a year ago, so much had changed. He wasn't committing petty crimes to get by, he wasn't sleeping outdoors or in alleyways anymore. He even had a steady girlfriend now, Dale's very own daughter in fact, a lovely Southern Belle border collie he thought he was going to spend the rest of his life with. She wanted kids and so did he, she kept telling him what a great father he would be some day.

The first day of the roadshow had been a bust, his feet ached from hitting the carpet all day and visiting every stall he could to try drum up some business. But not everyone was in attendance yet, some stalls were only set to open on the second or third day for the week-long event. He still had time and most importantly, he still had hope. No matter what, he wouldn't let Dale down, he owed him too much to go back home empty handed.

Day two had started off promising, but by the midafternoon John new he hadn't made the sale when he never got the callbacks he was promised. If he was a drinking sort, he probably would have drowned his sorrows at the bottom of a whiskey bottle. But he was trying to stay on a righteous and honest path, for not only himself, but for Samantha and Dale too. It was only on the third day when a large warehouse distributors agents approached him and showed a passing interest in what his company had to offer. From the brief discussion on the noisy floor, it sounded like he was exactly what they were looking for and this one contract could turn things around for Dale's company. When they asked to meet over dinner in their hotel room later that evening, after talking with head office to start the paperwork, John eagerly agreed.

Only, there was no dinner. One drink turned into two, turned into three. On an empty stomach and not being much of a drinker, but feeling obligated to drink in order to appeal to the large horse and his Great Pyrenees counterpart, John had stupidly drunk enough to feel light headed and even a little forgetful.

"Pretty white fur you got there, kid. Looks like snow" Tucker, the large fluffy canine stated as he sat on one side of John on the king-sized hotel bed, his large hand brushing along one of the smaller canines white furred ears. John had wondered why there was only one bed in the room when he had entered, but he just assumed they weren't sharing a room and must have liked to stretch out.

"I think we should call you that, Snow. What do you think?" the brown equine with the white star at his forehead asked. Brent his name was, wasn't it? The alcohol was really making it hard to keep their names straight.

"But my name is John..." he tried to correct them.

"Look, Snow. We like you; we really want to help you. The paperwork is almost ready for approval, there's just two more signatures needed and you got the contract" Brent pressed on as he gently pat at John's left thigh.

"That's great! Who still needs to sign?" he dumbly asked, missing the obvious grins on their faces.

"We do" Tucker replied with a lecherous grin.

"Awesome! So, you can sign tonight and I'll let Dale know in the morning, thanks guys!" he tried to push on through the awkwardness of being in the middle of two larger guys sitting so close to him and touching him.

"See, we can't sign just yet. We don't know enough about you, what kind of person you are. Are you a hard worker, willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done?" Brent asked with sincerity while staring hard at John.

"I am and I will!" the slender albino German Shepherd replied with conviction.

"Good, then you can start by sucking our dicks before we take turns fucking you" Tucker stated flatly.

"W...what?" John's head whipped to the side as he stared wide eyed at the Great Pyrenees beside him.

"C'mon son, if you want to make the sale, you got to lift your tail" Brent joined in, a grin slowly spreading across the equines muzzle.

"Wait, so you'll only sign if I...if I let you both fuck me?" John's head spun at the thought, suddenly the reason for the single king-sized bed made sense. He was so close to sealing the deal as well, he couldn't back out now, could he? Dale would understand if...no...he couldn't do that to Dale. The old dog had sacrificed so much for him to get where he was, it was his turn to sacrifice for the old man now. "Fine..." John reluctantly replied after a moment's thought.

"Great! Then strip and kneel down on the floor, Snow" Tucker demanded, giving John, now Snow, a firm push off the bed.

Snow stripped slowly out of his cheap and rather creased business suit that looked two sizes too big for him, carefully folding each item and placing them on one of the single chairs beside the table. Soon he stood in nothing but his pure white fur, with his hands covering his crotch as the two large men looked at him with an undeniable hunger. Slowly they began to strip as well, while Brent seemed to have more of a muscle gut and strong limbs, Tucker was hard to define thanks to his thick fur. But considering their field, Snow had no doubt he too had a muscle gut and strong arms just like the horse did.

"Down, boy" Tucker snarled and pointed at the spot before their feet, where Snow awkwardly moved to kneel and stare up at them.

"Wait, holdup. I have something here to remember this by, got it in Japan earlier this year" Brent announced while he fetched something from his travel bag, quickly returning to stand beside Tucker. "It's a handheld camera, we can record this evening's events!"

"Great idea, how about it kid. Want to be a movie star?" the fluffy white dog asked mockingly as he reached out to grab Snow behind the head and force the young mutts muzzle into his rather musky crotch.

"Nice, this is going to be fun to watch later. Smile for the camera, son!" Brent directed as he recorded Snow's face being ground into his partners thick sheath and heavy balls. "Don't be shy, give him a kiss" as much as he was repulsed by the idea, Snow opened his mouth and reached out with his tongue to give a slow lick along Tucker's balls and all the way up his soft furred sheath to where a little red flesh was already present.

"Don't be shy, kid. Get in there!" the fluffy white dog growled as he roughly ground his crotch against Snow's face. He knew he should've been growling or something, anything to stand up for himself, but all he felt was shame and embarrassment. Even his tail was tucked submissively between his legs as the large man handled him so easily, forcing him to do things he never would have ordinarily done. Especially when the Great Pyrenees cock was almost fully erect, he forced the young white canines inexperienced maw down onto his still growing flesh. When Snow gagged as soon as the tip nudged against the back of his tongue, Tucker asked with a mocking laugh "What's the matter, never sucked dick before?" and let go of Snow's head to let him gasp for breath.

"No, I've never done anything like this. I like girls" Snow replied defensively between coughs as he wiped the back of his hand across his lips to try rid himself of Tuckers taste.

"No shit...well I'll be damned, seems we not only have ourselves a convention virgin, but a real virgin to boot" the horse mumbled from behind the camera. The thought clearly excited him as his pink and black mottled member began to slide free without so much as a touch.

"I'm not a virgin, I have a girlfriend" Now he growled, goddamit he wasn't some naïve kid!

"Bet she doesn't have a dick like this" the large mutt smirked and forced Snow's maw back down onto his cock again before he could argue any further. "Oh yeah, gonna enjoy breaking in this bitch" Tucker said into the camera with a grin while he lowered himself down onto his knees, forcing Snow to drop to all fours in order to keep sucking him off. Tucker raised his free hand to his mouth where he sucked and slobbered all over his pointer and index finger, making sure they were nice and slick before he leaned down over Snow's back to reach beneath his tail.

Snow couldn't do anything to stop him, his head was being held down against the bigger dog's crotch while he felt slick fingers rubbing under his tail at his asshole. He tried to lower his tail to stop Tucker, but it was of no use, the big mutt simply pushed firmly and began to sink his thick fingers into Snow's virgin rear. Worryingly, it didn't hurt as much as he thought it would, not that it stopped him from growling and snarling at the unwarranted intrusion.

"Damn, he's tight. I think he's telling the truth, we're about to break in a normie" Tucker laughed as he began to pump his spit slicked fingers in and out beneath Snow's twitching tail with lewd schlick sounds. Brent, ever the avid camera man, shuffled around behind Snow to capture the beginnings of his defloration, zooming in to get a clear view of the thick white fingers pumping in and out of Snow's stretched little pink asshole.

"Can't wait to fucking wreck that ass" Brent snorted while reaching down with his free hand to grasp his length and begin stroking.

"Nuh uh, I spotted him first, you get my sloppy seconds this time, remember?" Tucker growled at the horse while working his hips back and forth to face fuck the smaller canine.

"Yeah, yeah. Just hurry up and fuck him already, I can't wait much longer" the horse replied in annoyance.

"Alright, cool your jets. Here kid, lean up over the bed" Tucker said, more than asked as he easily moved Snow around to lean him over the side of their bed to have his behind presented. While he was relieved to not have a cock in his mouth finally, he wasn't so keen on being pinned like he was, with his ass presented to the two large men behind him. For good reason too, as the large fluffy white canine wasted no time in "furthering their negotiations" as he called it.

"Wait, stop...I'm not sure about this" Snow whined when he felt Tucker's tapered tip nudge firmly against his slicked tail hole and begin to press in against it rather insistently.

"Just relax! Trust me, you'll like it" Tucker growled as he leaned over Snow, further pinning him down on the bed so he couldn't escape. This also let Brent get a better view from behind with the camera, capturing the moment as his business partners cock finally popped past their new conquests reluctant pucker to begin inching deeper inside him.

"Ow...Uh uhhh...Oh god!" Snow whined and squirmed, but he could barely move an inch. Tucker was too big and heavy, never mind too strong to escape from beneath. Snow couldn't escape what was happening to him as the Great Pyrenees slowly forced every thick red inch of his rock-hard cock deep under his tail.

"Well...that wasn't so bad, now, was it?" Tucker huffed and laughed into Snow's left ear, while slowly grinding his knot against the smaller dogs aching asshole. He did so enjoy breaking in a virgin, the way their tight little holes tried to resist and clench down to close back to the way they were before he forced his spear deep up into their guts.

"Well I...Uhh..." Snow didn't know what to say, it hurt a bit, but nowhere near what he'd thought it would. Feeling that large mutt over his back with the hot stiffness hilted under his tail, throbbing and grinding against his prostate, it was hard to deny the pleasure which was starting to build. Even though he didn't want to admit it, Snow could feel his own cock starting to get hard beneath him.

"That's what I thought..." The large white fluffy dog mocked as he pulled his hips back, almost completely withdrawing from the albino German Shepherd's backside, before he bucked back in deeply.

"Oh fuck...Uhhhh..." The pinned younger canine heard himself groan, it didn't even sound like him anymore. This voice sounded needy, there was no sound of disgust or anger, it sounded more like a bitch in heat.

"Sounds like you like it..." Brent noted with a laugh, once again stroking his thickness as he waited his turn. His camera still focused on the thick red length as it plowed the pinned canines no longer virgin rear, even capturing the moment Snow began to press back against the thrusts.

"Ahh...Ahh...Oh..." Snow groaned lewdly, feeling a small damp spot beginning to form beneath his belly from where his cock was leaking precum profusely. He felt like he wanted to cum every time Tucker bucked into him and ground against his prostate, but it wasn't quite enough yet. He couldn't even reach beneath himself to touch his own cock from how he was pinned, he could do nothing but lay there and let the big dog fuck him while he clutched uselessly at the cheap hotel duvet beneath him.

"There we go...open up for me pup..." Tucker snorted as he ground firmly against Snow's behind, soon a brief pain flared under his tail, followed by an uncomfortable full sensation as he was tied.

"Why...so deep? Uhhh shit..." Snow whined pathetically, his behind aching properly after taking such a thick knot. At least Tucker's strokes had come to a stop, but now he wasn't pulling out at all.

"Shh...Just take it for me..." Was all the fluffy white mutt said, before he started moving again. This time he fucked the smaller canine with short rapid strokes, his hips clapping against Snow's firm white behind as he raced towards his finish line.

"Ahhhh...Uh fuck, fuck!" There it was, that was enough. Snow felt his own cock lurch as Tucker damn near mashed his prostate into paste with the short rapid strokes, forcing a climax from the pinned bitch beneath him. The small wet spot became a surprisingly big one with how much pent-up seed he had, not having so much as touched himself a single time since arriving at the fare, instead he had focused his energy on trying to find contracts.

"You ready...to feel my cum?" The Great Pyrenees asked mockingly after he realized he'd made his plaything climax. He raised himself up, pressing a large hand between Snow's shoulders to hold him in place as he ground his hips against the smaller males behind.

"No! I...Uhhh..." Snow panted and grunted as Tucker tried to pull back as far as his tie would let him, before bucking as deep as he could into Snow. "Fuck! I'm not gay!" Snow whined out to the two men who either did not hear him, or they simply just didn't care.

"Ahhh! Fuck yes...take it all inside!" Brent snorted as he watched his business partner flood the young man's backside with his thick seed, capturing every pulse and twitch of his heavy orbs that fired rope after hot sticky rope into their latest conquest.

"Dude...Oh my god..." The fluffy white dog groaned and lifted his muzzle high, panting heavily as he basked in possibly the best climax he had ever had. His hands brushed down to Snow's hips where he gripped firmly while grinding against his behind. His heavy white balls jumped and twitched as they seemingly tried to turn themselves inside out as they filled the white German Shepherd's behind with the first load of the evening.

"Don't move...I want it to soak in" Brent directed as he finished recording the scene before him. Once he was satisfied he had captured it all, he stood up beside Tucker and began discussing the plan for the evening and even showing the fluffy canine how to use the camera. Snow was only partially aware of what they were saying, hearing them mention his name a few times. But his mind wasn't really there, he was too preoccupied about Samantha and Dale. How could he ever tell them what he had done, or let be done to him. He was in a strange hotel room with a stranger's cock buried up his ass and another man's cum in his guts. That wasn't the worst part either, the worst part was that he thought he had enjoyed it. Even now his thoughts weren't on escaping the room even, that thought hadn't even crossed his mind.

With a slight stretch and brief flash of discomfort, Snow felt Tucker finally dislodge himself from beneath his tail. His relief was short lived however, no sooner had Brent handed the camera over to the fluffy white canine, Snow found himself being rolled over onto his back. Even more embarrassing was the fact he felt his own seed matt the fur of his lower back, but even still, his cock was still rock hard. He saw the look in the stallion's eyes as they lifted from his red rocket to meet his own gaze, which brought a blush to Snow's cheeks.

"Damn, still hard kid? You must be eager for more then, nice dick too by the way" Brent mocked as he slapped down his own thick mottled pink and black length atop the smaller canines. Snow's eyes went wide as he saw and felt the size and weight of what Brent was packing, his own cock seemed small by comparison.

"Wait...I don't think that'll fit" He heard himself saying, not that he didn't want it, just that he didn't think it would fit. What the hell was wrong with him?

"I'll make it fit" the horse snorted as he grabbed behind Snow's knees to lift them up high against his chest. He felt the heavy length of stallion meat being drawn back and down, towards his no longer virgin rear. When his first few attempts failed, Tucker thought nothing of lending a hand to guide his business partner in and soon Snow's eyes were screwed shut tight and his jaws clenched while an even thicker length slowly opened him up.

"Damn that looks good on camera, this is going to be one hell of a film!" Tucker laughed as he knelt behind the pair, capturing every inch of mottled pink and black cock being swallowed by the young white canines behind. Unlike tucker, Brent went straight into his deep fucking strokes, pulling almost all the way out before bucking back in deep. Snow watched as his hard cock flopped about above him when the horse raised his rump in order to hammer down into the canine's ass. He felt his own precum spatter across his muzzle and cheeks, feeling an odd sort of detachment as he watched the thick horse cock vanish and reappear just behind his bouncing balls, over and over again.

"What do we have here?" Snow heard a new voice from somewhere else in the room.

"Keith, there you are! We were afraid you weren't going to show. This is Snow, he's our new...contractor" Tucker greeted a small red fox in a smart suit and tie, which he was already in the process of removing.

"Snow, meet Keith. He's another partner, when we told him about you, he just had to come meet you in person!" Brent paused his thrusting into the canine and even lowered his hips a little to let the young canine see the new person better.

"Nice to meet you Snow, my you are a handsome one. I hope you don't mind if I jump right on in?" the red fox asked, or rather, didn't ask. Instead, he simply climbed atop Snow's face and settled his fuzzy orbs right against the young man's muzzle, at least he wasn't entirely rude however. Soon Snow felt a soft warm muzzle sink down over his length, just as Brent began to move his hips again and resume fucking his aching ass.

"Don't be shy kid, say hello" Tucker urged him as the fox impatiently ground himself down on Snow's muzzle. The young white mutt reached up and grasped the fox's hips as his tongue brushed back across his soft furred balls, moving further back to the little pink winking star beneath his fluffy red tail. He knew he was doing well when he felt the stranger groan around his own cock in the fox's maw. Curiously, he reached further in with one hand, sure enough, he touched the fox's sheath which was already sporting a few inches of bared flesh. Snow didn't know why, but this excited him a fair bit. Soon he was avidly eating out Keith's behind while stroking the fox's erection, all while the fox was swallowing a load of his seed which had been milked from him by the thick horse cock pounding into his guts.

Before Brent finished inside him however, the horse suddenly withdrew his length and nodded at Keith. It seemed the fox knew exactly what was going to happen as he moved to the middle of the bed and knelt on all fours, before he lifted his fluffy tail and winked back at Snow "Come on big guy, give it to me" the fox purred invitingly.

Snow looked back from Keiths presented rear to look up at a grinning Brent, the horse simply nodded and swatted the young white canines' hip encouragingly. Slowly, Snow rolled over and got onto his knees to crawl behind the presenting fox, somehow his cock was still hard as he tapped it against the smaller male's backside. Brent appeared behind him, grasping at Snow's cock and guiding him inside the waiting vulpine, who groaned wantonly as the young canine was guided in to the hilt. There was a brief moment of regret as Snow realized he had officially cheated on his girlfriend, with a guy no less. He didn't get much time to dwell on that thought however, as Brent pushed a hand between Snow's shoulders to bend him forward, just so he too could sheath himself back inside the young white mutt's ass.

It was an odd sensation, having his own cock buried in another mans behind while an even bigger cock was rearranging his insides. He didn't get to dictate the pace either, Brent was just too big and strong, so every time he pulled back, Snow went back with him, only to be pushed back deep inside the fox when the stallion hilted under his tail once more. So it went, Brent fucked another climax or two out of Snow as he in turn wrung a single messy finish from the fox beneath him.

Only after Brent had thoroughly flooded Snow with his hot messy seed did they take a break, but still no food was to be had. Instead, more drinks were shared and even a strange smelling cigarette that made him feel lightheaded and a little giggly. Snow didn't even care when the camera was set up on a tripod so it could film him being lowered down onto Brents thick spire once more, his back to the equine's chest, with Tucker soon joining in. The large white fluffy dog gripped and lifted his knees, spreading them wide as Brent reached around and below to help guide the older dog's cock in alongside his own prick inside Snow's already filled ass. Whatever sounds the young white canine might have made were muffled however, as the fox had claimed his maw. Keith had a firm grip on Snow's ears as he fed the young man his own stiffness. The camera captured the moment perfectly, Snow with two thick cocks under his tail and another in his maw, even with the pained expression on his face, he still managed to cum handsfree from the experience and painted his own belly and chest with his seed in the process.

The evening began to blur as more booze and more strange cigarettes were shared, until eventually Snow could no longer stay conscious. His last memory was of watching Keith ride Brent's thick spire in one of the single chairs, while Tucker spooned him from behind and fucked him slow and deep. He had brief flashes of being fucked in various positions throughout the night, until he awoke sometime the next morning to find himself pinned belly down beneath Brent, as the horse jammed himself deep up under Snow's tail and once again flooded him with another load of messy seed.

"Contracts yours kid" he barely heard the horse snort, before he collapsed atop Snow and passed out. Snow drifted back to sleep as well, only to wake even later to find himself alone in Brent and Tuckers hotel room. His body ached all over, especially under his tail; as soon as he stood up, he felt why. Snow winced and reached beneath his tail, feeling how his pucker was inflamed but not quite closed yet, they had done a number on him and left him gaped. He could still feel their seed trickle down his inner thighs and over the back of his balls to drip to the carpet below with every step he took to try reach his pile of clothes on the opposite side of the room.

The pain he felt under his tail was nothing compared to the scene he walked in on when he finally returned home. There had been no answer at the front door when he had knocked, so Snow made his way through the house, pausing when he heard a suspicious moan. His heart sank as he made his way to their bedroom, slowly pushing the door open to reveal Samantha riding Dale in their bed.

"Fuck me, Daddy" Samantha groaned as she climaxed hard atop the old dog.

"Dirty bitch, talking to your old man like that" the old bloodhound laughed as he reached up to grope the young border collie's tits. "I hope you still let me fuck you like this, even after you marry that boy?" Dale asked with a huff. "Speaking of which...welcome home, Snow" the old dog grinned at the shocked looking albino German Shepherd.

"What..." he balked at being called that name, how did Dale know?

"Tucker and Brent are old friends of mine, they said you put on quite a performance for them. Can't wait to see the tape" Dale stopped his fucking of Snow's girlfriend, his own daughter, and gently guided her off his cock before giving a knowing look at his young protégé. "Why don't you come over here and give me a brief replay?"

He knew he should've been angry, depressed, any sort of other emotion other than numb. Hell, he wasn't even numb, he...he wanted this. He didn't know why or how, but something inside him had changed in the last few days, he felt freer than he had in a long time, he felt lighter even, more alive. Even as he stripped out of his clothing and climbed into bed to straddle the man who had been like a father to him for the last few years, Snow felt happier than he had in a really long time as he sunk down onto the old dog's cock.

"Welcome to the fucked up family" Samantha growled playfully up at him, just before she sunk her muzzle down onto his stiff prick. As Snow began to ride the old bloodhound, he would buck up into her maw. He hadn't known Samantha and Dale were fucking in his very own bed, not until now. But even though he did know now, it didn't bother him with what they were doing. Somehow it just made him feel more like a part of their family, their fucked up family.