The Big City pt 2

Story by Otterboi on SoFurry

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#2 of The Big City

Tim awoke drowsy and warm. He was laying on a soft and cushy surface. Yawning softly, he opened his mouth wide, showing his pink tongue. To drowsy to worry, hetried to roll over and go back to sleep. As he turned he felt a growing pull on his left arm and leg. As he got onto his side, his progress was arrested. Opening his eyes drowsily, he tried to see what was stopping him from turning over onto his stomach.

The sight of the softly shining stainless steel cuffs attached to his wristsand ankleswoke him completely. With a startled cry, Tim tried to sit up, but the chains that were attached to the cuffs on all four of his limbs held firm, holding him on his back with only enough slack to allow him to move to a more comfortable position. A door opened, somewhere out of Tim's line of vision. It then shut with an authoritative snap. Tim lay still, his panic-scent becoming more distinct as he waited for the Fur who had entered the room to come into sight.

Tim's blood froze in his veins as the speaker came into sight. The large lupine stepped out of the shadows, his voice smooth and soft. Tim was frozen with terror, unable to utter a sound.

"So, my prize, you are awake at last.I was beginning to think I had given you a lethal dose by accident."

The lupine smiled warmly at his captive as he said,

"So, do you have anything to say?"

Tim opened his mouth to plead with his captor, to beg that he be let go, but all that came out was a long and piercing scream. The lupine's eyes were hooded, as if he enjoyed the sound. The lupine did wince when the otter managed to hit and hold a painful decibel for his sensitive ears, but that was all.

Finally, his lungs exhausted, Tim stopped screaming. Painting heavily, body trembling in fear, the otter looked at his captor, sure that if kept watch and did not blink, the lupine would not move.

"There," the lupine said calmingly, "Feel better now?"

Tim just stared at the lupine, not sure what to make of what he just said, his fear-scent still thickening the air.

"It is good to express yourself," the lupine continued in a warm, soft voice "Otherwise, the repressed emotions will rebound on the fur and poison them, taking from them the ability to adapt and to have fun..."

Tim's fright was slowly shifting to confusion, and then,to curiosity.

"W-what are you talking about?" Tim asked, fearing the answer.

The lupine's smile became even warmer as he leaned sideways, allowing him to look directly into Tim's eyes.

"Just this, my virgin prey. If you do not act like who you are, you will become another fur. And that would be a terrible loss."

Drawing back a bit, the lupine looked over his prey's entire body. Even though he was fully clothed, Tim could not suppress a delicate blush. The sheer clothing ofthe bar's uniform providing no protection. It was if the lupine was looking through his clothing.

"You are one handsome water dog, you know that?"

Tim blushed in earnest now and gave the lupine a sheepish smile.

"If only Margaret would think so as well, I would be happy."

The lupine tilted his head to one side before asking,

"Who is this Margaret?"

Forgetting where he was, Tim smiled dreamily as he replied,

"She is the daughter of the bartender at the club where I work. She is a major hotty."

He sighs softly. "I don't really have a chance with her"

Tim broke off as the lupine laid a hand on his chest.

"Why would she be out of your league? You are handsome, smart, and funny and can take care of yourself. You could be a good fit for her."

The lupine paused for a bit before continuing,

"You would be an even better fit for me."

Flattered at his captor's praise, he did not connect the two statements.

After preening for a few moments, Tim's mind began to work again.

"What do you mean?"

The lupine leaned in close and said "You are very attractive, I just can't believe that no one elsethinks the same."

Tim was about to dismiss the statement, when he was horrified by asudden revelation. "Y-you are a queer-fur, aren't you?!"

The lupine smiled and leaned close as me murmured three words.


Tim tried to shrink away from the lupine's advance, but the shackles still held him tight. It was plain by Tim's reaction that he had never even considered the realityof sex with another male, drugs aside. Showing off? Yes. Teasing? Yes. but sex? Never....

"G-get away f-from me!" Tim stuttered in panic, "Y-you want to rape me, that's what you are planning I-isn't it?"

The lupine looked honestly startled.

"No!" The Lupine looks startled, affronted.

"No, my prize. I only indulge in the willing." He then smiled down at me as he continued, "Only if you begged me, would I slide my wolfhood into your tight ass."

Tim looked at the lupine with disbelief written all over his face.

"I d-don't believe you. Y-you are j-just trying to g-get me off guard..."

The lupine shook his head.

"Think about it," He said in a tone of reason.

"If I had wanted to rape you, I would have done so while the sedative was still in effect. In fact, had I wanted to rape you, I would not have used a sedative at all. I would have used a muscle relaxant. Then you would be awake, able to feel all that I would do to you, but helpless to stop it."

The lupine looked down into Tim's face.

"The best kind of feeling in the world."

Tim's blood froze when he heard that.

Tim bit his lip as he struggled to comprehend the situation.

"W-well then, what do you want then?"

The lupine's smile was warm as he answered,

"I want the challenge of breaking you."

He ran a paw across Tim's chest and continued.

"I want the challenge of turning a straight-fur into my loyal cock-slave. That is what I want."

Tim was stunned by the lupine's curt answer. Fear renewed itself in Tim's eyes as he asked

"H-how are you g-going to make me do t-that? W-with d-drugs chemicals, or-or..." The lupine, scenting how scared the otter was, the lupine said reassuringly,

"Put your fears to rest, my prize. I would not do something so obviously destructive to your perfect body."

Tim's blush returned at the lupine's complement. His curiosity aroused, the young otter asked,

"T-then, how?"

The lupine smiled.

"I will change you finding your interests."

Tim's fear subsided, to be replaced again by curiosity.


The lupine nodded. "Yes, my prize. Your interests. Are you interested in being tied up?"

The lupine gestured to the chains.

"Does being like this turn you on?"

Tim's blush deepened as he realized that he was slightly turned on by this. The lupine gave his prize a look, as if he knew what was running through the otter's head, and continued.

"Do you find pleasure in disrobing in front of another Fur? Do you find pleasure in being humiliated, sexually?" The lupine began to slip off Tim's clothing, lingering over each of the tiny buttons.

"H-hey, w-what are you doing?"

Tim protested, blushing furiously as he was stripped to his fur.

Smiling, the lupine ignored the question and continued.

"Do you enjoy attention being lavished on your feet?"

Tim began to laughuncontrollably as the lupine began to tongue his footpads, tickling him. Tim laughed until there were tears running down his cheeks. The otter begged his captor to stop. The lupine stopped licking the otter's foot and smiled.

"Oh, look how hard you are!" cooed the lupine. He smiled and began to touch Tim, brushing him lightly.

Tim shivered at the lupine's touch.

"How about this, my prize?"

Tim began to moan softly as the lupine began to paw him off.

"P-please," Tim panted, a thousand emotions flooding through him at once.

"S-stop, I...Iam not..."

Tim was unable to protest any further. With a sound that was half moan, half sob, Tim stiffened and climaxed. The lupine smiled as the otter's semen drenched his paw.

"Ooo! You liked that! Didn't you, my prize?"

Tim, struggling for breath, heart beating rapidly, and to understand what had just happened, could not answer.

"Oh, so naughty, little otter."

Said the lupine, slowly licking his paw clean of the youth's juices.

Tim's fur blushed as he watched the dominating fur lick his paw clean of his seed.

"You taste good, my virgin prey..."

" didn't..."Tim stammered his voice weak.

"Shhh, my prey." Chided the lupine softly, "Don't say anything. Just let me investigate you."