The Big City pt 3

Story by Otterboi on SoFurry

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#3 of The Big City

"Shhh, my prey." Chided the lupine softly, "Don't say anything. Just let me investigate you."

Tim recoiled back a bit, but then the thought crossed his mind.

'Maybe he isn't lying,"Tim thought to himself, "Maybe once he finds that he can't turn me he will let me go' Tim thought, a spark of hope in his eyes.

The lupine gave Tim his scanning look again and Tim blushed deeper.

With a quick motion, the hunter filled the young otter's mouth with a gag, moving so quickly as to not allow the otter to see it coming.

The lupine then began to torture Tim's ballsack, squeezing the otter's jewels with increasing strength. Tim arched and began to scream. Thrashing hard achieved nothing, but Tim couldn't stop himself.

The lupine continued to squeeze hard, reaching around to scrape the otter's cock. "Revile in the pain my prize, it shows that you are alive!"

Tim began to cry, tears running down his face.

Reaching up with his other paw, the lupine began to run his claws against the otter's member, squeezing the organ's base to force it to grow to its fullest.

Tim continued to thrash as the lupine's claw tips scraped against the now highly sensitive organ.

"You feel that, my prize? How does it feel, tell me?"

Tim sobbed into the gag, tears streaming down his face as the lupine continued to torture his engorged member.

Tim's climax took him by surprise. One moment, pain like nothing he had ever felt was racking his body, and in the next instant, a moment of pure ecstasy as his body relaxed and a load was shot into the air.

"Ooo, so you did like that!"

Tim looked up at the lupine, amazement, and no small bit of fear in his eyes, fear that maybe, he could, in fact,be turned.

Looking down on his prize, the lupine started to become erect.

"You dirtied my paw, clean it." He whispered as he slid down the gag, freeing the young otter's mouth.

Tears were running down the young otter's face as he averted his head.

"N-no! I am not going to do it!"

"Now be a good boy...I went first after all..."

The young otter whimpered as the lupine's paw surrounded his sack again, the threat clear.

"No please! I' it..."

"Good boy..."

The lupines voice was smooth as he offered the cum-soaked paw again.

Tears of shame flowed from his eyes as he began to lick the milky white fluid from the wolf's paw.

He was shocked to find that the fluid's taste was actually not that unpleasant. It was salty, and yet, sweet at the same time.

"Hmmmmmgood boy."

The lupine complemented as Tim cleaned the proffered paw.

As he finished up, there was a loud noise from nearby, almost an explosion. The wolf looks up, his eyes narrowing as he does so.

"Who would dare..." The wolf then walked out of sight. Tim heard a door open and then shut with an authoritive snap.

'What is going on?!' Tim tugged at the restraints, wanting to see if he could free himself while the wolf wasn't there. It took some doing, but eventually he was able to work the staples that held the chains loose.

"Man, am I lucky that this table is old... If it were new, they would have welded the things in place instead of stapling them...'

Looking around he spotted the door and moved towards it. As the young otter approached however, the door is blasted open as some huge fir slammed into it from the outside. Tim's reflexes here good enough to not get trapped behind the door. Unfortunately that's all he could manage. The door clips him on the shoulder and throws him, spinning to the ground. There is a sickening thunk as the otter's head collides with the floor, blasting him into unconsciousness.

Pain was the first sign of the return to consciousness. Not only his head, but his shoulder and limbs ached fiercely.

"Heh. The little bitch is waking up!"

Tim winced as the loud voice blasted out above him. A second voice, much quieter then the first answered.

"Yes, he did take his sweet time didn't he?"

Tim felt a pair of paws wrap around his arm. Tim cried out as he was wrenched to his feet, his eyes snapping open. There were three lupine in the room, two of which only looked only mildly interested in the proceedings.

Tim shivered softly, fear beginning to creep through him again. The two wolves who were sitting stood up and walked over, using a slow and careful tread that said only one thing. 'Run all you want, I will catch you'

As they approached, the third wolf let go of the young otter's arm, causing Tim to sway a bit as he tried to get his balance again.

"So Bitch, where is your Master?"

Tim was speechless.

"W-what do you-" He was cut off as the largest contemptuously slapped him.

"Answer the question."

Tim looked back, fear giving birth to rage in his eyes.

"I have no master!" he spat, his paws bunching up with the force he put behind the words.

Two of the wolves started, and the third just looked bored.

"So, you are a new capture, hmm. Well dammit. Looks like that brother of ours evaded us again."

Tim recoiled. "That psycho was your brother?!"

Tim heard a sharp intake of breath from the other two as the calm one, obviously the eldest of the other two narrowed his eyes.

"We may not be on the best of terms with him, but he is still Family. And I will not let you insult Family."

With a quick movement, he strikes again, sending Tim down with a yelp.

"Bind him tightly. We are going to finish what our brother started here. Make yourselves at home, brothers. We will be staying here until we pick up on his trail again."

The second youngest grins hungrily down at the prone otter.

"Alright! Fresh Meat!"


Tim's soft, muffled cries went un-heeded as the three lupine continued to have their way with him. The otter could feel their separate cocks rubbing against his fur, tainting him with their perversity. Tears slowly leaked from his tightly shut eyes as the ball gag in his mouth continued to muffle his pleas for them to stop, that he was not that way.

He gasped, a blush flushing his cheeks through his fur, as the one on top of him, the second oldest, stopped rubbing his cock between his ass-cheeks and turned inward. Chained and bound on all fours, he could only sob as he felt his ass beginning to be violated, his anal virginity threatening to be stolen from him with by one powerful thrust. Moving forward, Tim tried to out-run the cock trying to push its way past his anal ring.

He gasped as he felt his own, smaller dick run into something hot and yielding. It was not until his member was buried, almost to the hilt in the hot vice, that he realized what was happening. One of the wolven males, the youngest, was below him, accepting his cock under his bushy tail! With a strangled cry of disbelief, Tim tried to pull out, trying to avoid what was happening, but he only accomplished driving the cock of the lupine above him into his own entrance, driving it deeper into his being. Then, the gag was ripped out of his mouth.

Tim yelped as the buckle tore into the back of his head. He was soon silenced, however when the gag was replaced by a member so thick, his jaw hurt from trying to open his mouth wide enough to breathe around it. His cry of pain was cut off as the Eldest's unwelcome organ in his mouth slid deeper, across his tongue and into his throat. In this manner, the three wolves continued to fuck him without stopping, without mercy. The young otter was a tool for them, a piece of equipment used to satisfy their needs. The one below moved his hips in the opposite direction then the one above, making it impossible for the otter to escape the hot vice that held on to his cock so tightly.

Tim closed his eyes in pain, tears flowing freely from his eyes, as the log in his ass was thrust deeper. The one above fucked him with a slow deliberation, moving at a stately pace and bottoming out each thrust, grinding his softly furred ball sack against his tortured ass. But by far, the cruelest of the lupines one was the one raping his mouth and throat. Because his thrusting speed differed from the other two, whenever the young otter gasped because of the tightness surrounding his dick or the thick length in his ass, the cock in his mouth would thrust forward, blocking off the life-giving air, his ability to breathe, like a ball-valve.

Slowly, so very slowly, the young otter was dying of oxygen deprivation. And there was nothing he could do about it. His struggles for breath pleased them, encouraging them to go faster, fucking him harder. He tried to stop them by not responding in any way, ether with tears or whimpers. But if he did not respond, they started to slap his ass and to twist and scrape his nipples, causing him to cry out in pain, until they were pleased again. The lupine member in his mouth shoved deeper, forcing him to take the wolven knot in his mouth, blocking the otter off from the life-giving air.

This time, the lupine did not pull out. Instead, he ground his crotch into his face, forcing his member still deeper into the otter's throat. Tim's vision blurred as the CO in his system reached critical. Silently, the otter passed out, collapsing limply against the lupine accepting his cock under its tail. The young otter was now propped up by the back of the one below him, andby the cocks in his mouth and ass. For awhile, the three males did not realize that their victim had passed out; they merely continued to pleasure themselves. Finally, they realized what had happened. Reluctantly, they pulled out, dropping their victim in a heap on the floor.

"So, what now?" Asked the youngest.


Pulling out a syringe from a concealed panel in the wall, the Eldest lupine carefully injected the glass barrel's contents into the prone otter's neck. The youngest looked closer. It was then that he realized that the otter wasn't breathing. Flipping him over, the male began to do mouth-to-mouth, trying to get the young otter breathing again. The other two wolves merely watched as, with a great deal of effort, their companion managed to get the otter breathing again.

Furiously, the lupine glared up at his companions.

"What the hell Bother? Why did you not try to help him?"

Shrugging, the one who had administered the injection left without a word.

"We did not help because we do not care, he didn't have the information we wanted, and we have taken what pleasure we wanted from him, so why should we care what happens to him now?" the remaining lupine informed him, snobbishly.

"If he dies, we merely would have replaced him. If that does not sit right with you, take him as your own bitch and treat him how you would like. But do not, under any circumstances, talk like that to either of us again."

His peace being said, the lupine left the room, following his brother, leaving the youngest squatting alone with the otter. Moaning softly, the otter began to thrash weakly, the potent chemicals that had been injected into him destroying parts of his brain, while encouraging controlled growth in others.

Sighing softly, the squatting lupine examined his charge and found him to be fully erect.

"That must have been an aphrodisiac..." The wolf said to himself.

The lupine then picked his new charge up and, after removing the chains that held him to the floor andshackled the otter, hands above his head, to a nearby wall. This madeit impossible for the otter to touch himself, to relive the need that the lupine knew to be building in his loins. The lupine sighed as the otter began to pull at the restraining chains.

"You won't be able to satisfy yourself." The lupine said gently.

Opening his eyes, the otter saw who was talking and blushed. The lupine reached down and laid a paw on the otter's now fully erect member. The otter pulled away from the lupines touch with a moan, the need building.

The otter whimpered and thrashed, pulling at the chains that bound him, so nakedly wanting to masturbate, disparate to cum.

"It is the only way," murmured the lupine."The only way"

Getting down on his knees, the third lupine opened his mouth, blowing a warm stream of air over the otter's exposed cock. Sobbing with need, the otter, without another thought, thrust his pulsing member into the waiting lupine's mouth.

'Good boy' Thought the lupine.

Eagerly, the lupine licked and sucked, sending waves of pleasure throughout the otter's body. The otter moaned pleasurably and began to thrust into the lupine's pleasure giving mouth. Realizing what he had just done broke Tim completely. Tears of shame, and of need, streamed down the otter's face as he continued to thrust his pulsating need into the lupine's mouth. The otter's climax jettisoned his mind into nirvana. Trembling in every part of his body, Tim cried out,

"Oh, Gods!"

The lupine watched as the captive's head lolled around limply, showing that he had passed out again. But the erection between the otter's legs did not become limp; on the contrary, it grew fuller, thicker. The lupines mouth opened in wonder as the otter's member began to grow even further.

"So that chemical was not just an aphrodisiac..."

Eagerly, the lupine turned and moved his hips so that the otter's full member penetrated him to his core. The lupine eagerly road the otter's cock hard, until he was rewarded with an ass-full of seed, his own splattering the floor as he howled.

Slowly, the otter's tense body relaxed, his erection, at long last,retreating back into his protective sheath, its new mass barely fitting into its old home. The lupine pouted about this for awhile, before realizing that the otter was his, all his now; and that when he awoke, the otter would be at his command.

Getting up was slightly difficult for the lupine. Not only was he tired, his ass was in the beginning stages of being sore from the hard ride. Finally he managed to pull himself up into a standing position.

"Come on, my new pet. It is time to go to bed."

Getting the otter down was a chore. Half carrying, half dragging his charge, the lupine made his way to his new room, carrying his burden. Dropping the otter onto the bed, the lupine followed closely after. For a moment after the lupine put his new pet to bed hestood and looked at his prize.

"God, he is handsome." He said to himself.

Then his weakness asserted itself and he fell into the bed beside the otter. Turning his new pet onto his other side so that they faced each other, the lupine curled up against his chest and fell asleep, his soft furred sheath lightly rubbing against the otter's.

The End and The Beginning...