Ryan & Matthew Part 2

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#1 of Stories

The last thing I saw was my body being carried away in an ambulance. A single tear flowed down my cheek as the memory began to fade away, my body returning back to it's cat form. It felt rather amazing. My hands turned back into black cat paws, a tingle flowing through them. My tail popped out of my rear again. My whole body was tingling as I turned back into an anthropomorphic cat. Seeing the store fade back into view around me, I thought of my cubs right away. What had happened to them when I was in that memory? Was my body still there, just in a trance? As reality painted itself back around me, the cart suddenly popped into view, and I was still holding it. My cubs were sitting in the seat, still hugging and kissing as if nothing had even happened. Various smells suddenly invaded my nose, my heightened cat smell returning after a hiatus in the memory. One of those smells was wafting up from my sons before me, making me smile. Trying to act like nothing happened, I continued where I left off, grocery shopping. 'I wonder what their last moments were like...', I thought, thinking of my cubs.

Pushing the cart forward, I come upon the PB&J, finally. Looking at the various brands, I come upon a decision rather quickly. "Skippy it is then", I say, putting the peanut butter in the cart. "As for jelly..." Sticking Smuckers in the cart, I smile. My cubs stopped their kissing for a moment to watch their favorite food being stuck in the cart. "Yay!" "Now we need some bread!" As I say this, I hear a quiet fart coming from Ryan, and I could hear him pooing into his diaper, the fabric crinkling. Matthew smiled at him, starting to do the same, filling their diapers at the same time. I smiled too, loving every moment of this. Yeah, I did enjoy pee and poo very much, just like my cubs. I knew I wouldn't have to change them for a while; They loved wearing wet and messy diapers.

I started toward the bread aisle, seeing some people walk in through the front doors. A male rabbit and skunk walked in, holding hands. 'I guess they're gay', I think; I giggle as I picture them together in bed. They looked to be in their 20's. Overhearing them, I listen. "....you see that cute boy on the street? He was wearing only a diaper, what a cutie!", the rabbit spoke. The skunk nodded and grinned, quickly grabbing a cart to do some shopping. Chuckling to myself, I casually walked over to the bread aisle, trying to show off my cubs, hoping they would see them. Reaching for some Pepperidge Farm bread, I put it in the cart, looking over my shoulder to see where they went to. I see them go down aisle 7, where the diapers are. My curiosity peaking, I turn the cart around, trying not to look suspicious. Stopping the cart between the end-rack for aisle 6 and 7, I quietly peek around the corner, my sons stopping their kissing for a minute to see what's going on.

I watch as the rabbit casually talks to the skunk, talking about chat rooms on-line, and if they could go to the mall after going shopping. The skunk just nodded occasionally, while he grabbed a box of Pampers size 12-14, putting it in the cart. Now I was extra curious. I looked at their bodies for some hints. They had pretty skinny bodies, only slightly built, probably from working out. Their pants looked to be the same size as the diapers. 'Are they baby-furs?', I wonder, my thoughts probably right. 'I wonder if I should'...getting brave, I step out of hiding. They both quickly look up at me, a bit surprised, then look past me to see my cubs sitting in the cart. "Oh! Hello there!", the skunk said, before trying to hide the Pampers that were in the cart, a blush evident on his cheeks. "Aw, that's alright. No need to hide them. I was sorta spying on you guys for a minute... not in a bad way. I figured you both must be baby-furs after I saw you put the diapers in the basket". They both blushed and nodded silently, apparently very shy. The skunk reached out his paw. "Hi, I'm Trevor, nice to meet you!" I really liked his voice. It was a bit high, but cute, like a cartoon skunk. I shook his hand; A very firm, yet gentle shake. 'His paw-pads are so soft'... "My name's Pascal! It means 'Born at Easter', which is very fitting for me..." I chuckled at this. What a cute name, perfect for this cute bunny. "....oh, and my name means 'Prudent. From the large village'. I guess you could say my spray is quite prudent, yes..." Trevor smiled and blushed some more, while I laughed, really liking these two cuties.

"My name's Katie, nice to meet you both!" I shook both of their paws, their warmth flowing into me. 'Wow, I feel nothing but kindness coming from these two'. Turning around, I grab the cart and stop it in front of them. Ryan and Matthew meeped, trying to hide. The first 'aww' came from Trevor, followed by a second one from Pascal. "They are so cuuute! Look at them trying to hide, haha!" Both the rabbit and skunk had big smiles on their faces as they began to pet my sons. "How come...well, you are a black cat, while he is a fox, and he is an otter? What happened there?", Trevor asked. Pascal nodded, curious too. I began to explain to them, wondering if I should tell them every detail. "Well, you see"...Ryan and Matthew seemed to be getting less shy, and weren't trying to hide anymore..."I adopted them both from a center around here. I really wanted sons of my own, but had no mate, so...I went the adoption route. I love them to bits! This here is Ryan", I say, petting my fox son, "...and this here is Matthew". I give him a soft petting too. "Ryan is 3 and Matthew is 4, and..." I trailed off, wondering if I should go that far... "Well, after I saw you two walk in holding hands, I knew right away you must be a gay couple, .... and I really love gay couples!". I sorta speedily say that last part, cause they both wince, as if I was going to criticize them for being gay. That made them smile though. "Do you now?" The skunk rubbed his chin thoughtfully, while Pascal grinned and smiled at me. "My sons here...are gay too. They love each-other very much and kiss all the time, even in public.

They aren't very shy at all, at least around people they are comfortable with...and they seem to really like you guys as well!" Both my sons reach their hands out to the skunk and rabbit, wanting to be picked up. "Aww!". They both happily oblige. Pascal picks up Ryan, and Trevor picks up Matthew. "Boy are they soft, and oh so adorable!" 'sniff-sniff' "Do I smell something sweet?" Trevor said, grinning at Matthew. Matthew blushed. "Yeah, they need to be changed..but then again, they love wearing wet and messy diapers, so I usually wait a while to change them" "Oh boy do we love wearing..." Trevor meeped. "Erm, you didn't hear that, hehe." A huge blush was now on his cheeks. So cute, wish I had a camera. "Hey! How about we...oh no, you might be busy..." "Hm?", I cock my head. "Well, I was thinking maybe we could all go somewhere together after grocery shopping and have some fun! I, and Pascal here, would really love to spend some more time with you!" He turns to Pascal. "Wouldn't you?" Pascal nods happily. "Oh, that would be fine!", I say, "Maybe we could go to my house? It's a large house, so there is plenty of room for everyone"

Ryan & Matthew Part 1

Gravel crunched as a car pulled into a parking space for a local grocery store. The heat, although bearable, was still hot as the sun shone down brightly on the hood, shining in the mother's favorite shade of green. A mother of 25 turns off the...

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Flower and Thumper.doc

Flower looks down at Thumper. "For the last time, I want to sleep alone in my cave! You will be too noisy and wake me up!" Thumper frowns. "Aw, alright. If ya say so" He thumps his footpaw on the ground once, then hops away, leaving Flower in peace....

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As the sun rose on a beautiful forest, the animals woke up to feel something different in the air. They all felt it and were telling one another about it. "Do you feel that? Do you think...no, it couldn't be" They all felt the energy in the air,...
