Third Arc Crimson Moon: Chapter 11

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#12 of Third Arc

Chapter 11.0: Packing your Belongings

Crosstown Motel

One would think that a nine-foot tall, 500 pound plus werewolf would be able to somehow be able to break himself free of a simple doorframe.

But no...

For some reason, despite all my supposed newly found strength, I couldn't prise myself from my little trap.

The worst part?

My ridiculously large cock - fresh from ejaculation - was throbbing out in front of my, I was butt-naked, covered in semen and I was holding a container of my semen in my paws. In retrospect, I could have dropped it before Chad came it but I was panicking and there was something... stressful about being stuck in a doorway.

The last thing I wanted was for Chad to come in with the rest of his werewolf buddies, see me and then roll on the floor laughing.

I don't think I could've lived with that.

I struggled in the doorway for a few more seconds before finally giving up.

Before I could even think of a legitimate reason as to why I was holding a container of my own cum, Chad came bursting through the motel room door, looking hot as hell, fully naked and drenched in sweat like he had just come charging in from across the world.

I was instantly erect again and greeted him with a small spurt of precum.

Chad was instantly hard as well, his bright red cock instantly out and shivering lightly. "Whoa... I knew you'd make one hot werewolf..."

"One stuck werewolf," I corrected, grunting as I struggled in the doorframe. "How do you change back?"

My mate chuckled and swaggered over to me, his tail sticking up straight in confidence. His intentions became painfully transparent when he said, "Simple. You jack off."

"I just - YARF!"

Chad curled his tongue around the head of my engorged cock, gripping its length with his paws. I could feel the cum bubbling in my testicles and I let out a soft growl of lust. My mind went back to that scene where Chad and Dev were pressing their hot, muscular bodies against me, licking my neck, squeezing my cock and shoving their big dicks into me...

Suddenly, those two were joined by a hot, grey and white teenage werewolf with a collar around his neck.

The tag read 'Tony'.

Oh god!

Chad -


I brushed aside any and all thoughts of sex and just how hot Chad looked sweaty and naked.

I even brought myself to push Chad away, bring up a crystal and teleport myself to my bed. Chad staggered forward into the cum-filled bathroom as I collapsed onto my bed, breathing hard and collecting my thoughts. My raging erection was trying to take over my entire consciousness as were the countless voices bouncing around in my head.

Pearce was constantly trying to shout in my ear. At least that's how it sounded. He was telling us to get to a certain part of the forest... Images of the place flashed through my mind... and I saw the glade... The one where I met Dennis and Kristine earlier in the day. Pearce wanted us there and there was this nearly irresistible compulsion to do exactly as he said.

I was halfway off my bed when I remember I had other thing I needed to desperately do.

But the command of the Alpha...

I growled and shut off the voices but not before I heard a familiar voice - Dev's I think - apologising...

I wondered what he had to apologise for but I brushed that aside and quickly dove under by bed and fished out my travel bag again. I flipped it open and took out my vial. There was scant hope in me that Chad wouldn't be able to recover in time to see me pour my cum into the vial...

... but really, that was wishful thinking at best.

"Jake... What's that...?"

I let out a long, heavy sigh.

A thousand possibilities bounced around in my head. All excuses I could tell him.


Erectile Dysfunction Medicine...

A serum to stabilise my powers...


... alien serum designed to transform us both into super-werewolves to rule all werewolves around the globe and systematically turn every male - regardless of species - into werewolves or canines by somehow getting them ingest our infectious semen...


"It's a cure."

I heard him approach and I closed the lid of the vial securely. I watched my cum flood into the bluish liquid and instantly dissolve. Bubbles began forming and there was some heat being produced. I took that as an indication that it was working.

"A cure...? For what?" Chad asked, coming to stand right beside me.

At that point, all the voices had fallen silent in my head... They were all intently listening to my next words. My libido died with the voices. Icy sensations began riddling my body and I felt my muscles start to contract and shrink. The sensation was oddly arousing like my cock was fighting hard against the chilling touch of the reversion, trying to keep me steadily at my Lupine form.

"For lycanthropy."

I couldn't bear to look into Chad's eyes. Instead... I regarded the vial in my paws and couldn't believe I'd have to wait two hours before it was fully functioning.

I suddenly heard Pearce's voice in my head.

"A cure!? You have a cure!?"

"Jake..." Chad began softly. Even without looking, I could tell that his eyes were regarding me pleadingly. "Tell me you didn't make that... Tell me you did have someone make it... I thought you wanted to be a werewolf..."

"I wanted to be with you, Chad," I answered softly. I reached into my bag and pulled out the second vial. "I had my dad make a cure for you too. I took a sample of your DNA -"

"From where?"

I winced. His voice sounded so hard... so distrusting... "From your semen... When you and I went at it in the bathroom last night..."

"You harvested my cum!?"

This was exactly the conversation I had hoped never to have... But it was unavoidable... What could I do or say? I couldn't lie to Chad... not after I confessed to Devlin that I loved my Husky... I would just be a hypocrite or some selfish bastard if I claimed to love Chad but to go behind his back and essentially return his gift of lycanthropy...

"Chad... You need to listen to me," I said, finally gathering the courage to look at him.

I expected a look of anger... betrayal...

But instead... his eyes just revealed how hurt he was.

"Vladimir wasn't with the vampires. Dennis said -"

"You can't trust anything_that the vampires say!?"_ Pearce shouted.

_"But Jake has proof!"_Devlin protested.

The voices fell silent and Chad looked like he had been slapped.

"You're questioning me!?"

"Just listen to what Jake has to say,"_Dev begged. _"Please?"

In that moment, I was grateful for Dev's presence. I reached for my mobile phone and showed Chad the picture of the Crosses. "Look here. That's Vladimir. These are the Crosses. According to what my dad researched, these people have been the same Crosses for three hundred years!"

I flicked through the photographs, showing each 'generation' of Crosses. Chad's eyes widened and I knew that each of the pack members saw exactly what he saw. Their silence was deafening but even in my state of slight severance, I could get hints of their confusion, their fear and the slivers of doubt they were holding for their Alpha.

"How...?" Chad began. "These photos... they're all the same people..."

"I... I think..." I began, with a slight frown on my muzzle. "I know I'll sound crazy but... Remember Rob's rewrite? How he introduced a third race into the script? Half-vampire, half-werewolf?"

Chad's eyes flicked up to meet mine. His look told me he knew exactly what I was getting at... and that he thought I was crazy.


I nodded grimly. "Think about it... No vampire can be anything but feline. Only wolves or canines can be werewolves... But Vladimir... he was a wolf... and yet he was a vampire... When he described how he'd turn me, he said he's drain me of blood and then screw me."

Chad's ears flatted and he growled at that. "I would never let him do that!"

"I know, I know..." I said. I tried to pat his shoulder consolingly but he instantly pulled away from me, his growl suddenly angled at me.

That really hurt.

"So you think the Crosses are hybrids? Why the hell would they be interfering here!? And why would they want you!?"

That... I couldn't tell him... I had no idea why.

Maybe it was something as petty as being the superior species by getting rid of the other two species, more hunting grounds for them after all. Perhaps it was a food source. Vane had said that when tourism began dying in the area, it was only Rob's movie that brought people coming back. That meant more 'food' for them but with the vampires and werewolves constantly at war and multiplying, that made hunting for them hard.

So they tried to frame one side or the other to incite a war that would eventually weaken both sides - if not annihilate them completely - so that the hybrids could swoop in and stake their claim.

And maybe they wanted me because I was so close to the truth?

I had no solid proof though...

"I have no clue... I have theories but I don't have any proof..."

Chad's growling died down and he looked hurt again, on the verge of crying and reverting back to that Puppy Dog Pout. I don't think I could stand it if he did that.

"But Jake... Why did you have a cure made...? If that's true, then don't you think being a werewolf would make you stronger and make it easier for you to fight the hybrids?"


You know... He's right.

Being a werewolf did mean I was stronger and faster than I was normally. If I was to go up against a hybrid, I would have a better chance of surviving if I 'wolfed out' than if I just used my powers especially if I had the threat of Grim constantly looming over my shoulders...

What reason did I have to turning back into plain, old ordinary me?

Was it some rebellion against Pearce because I couldn't stand to be commanded?

Was it because I still felt Chad should have asked me first?

Or was I just being a spoilt brat that wanted to hold all the cards...?

"I... I don't know..." I murmured softly, ducking my head.

"I'll tell you what I do_know!"_ Pearce growled. "You just created a weapon the vampires could use against us! What will happen if they get their claws on that!? Destroy it! Destroy it now!"

Chad instantly lunged for the vial in my paws but I pulled it away from his reach.

Why was I stopping him...?

Keeping the cure had no value whatsoever...

"Jake," he begged. "There's no reason for you to have that... Please, the vampires are coming to the glade. We can't have that hanging around. If they change us back into just normal wolves and dogs, we'll be outgunned..."

I took a step back from him, clutching the serum to my chest. "The serum only works on the recipients whose DNA has been infused with it. These two" - I picked up the second vial - "are meant for only two people, Chad... Me and you. They'll only change us to back..."

Chad lowered his arm and stared at me... His brown eyes locking with my sapphire-blue eyes. "Just us...?"

"What are you thinking_Chad!?"_ Pearce growled slowly. "We need each and every werewolf to fight for us against them!"

"What's happening?" I asked still unsure how the whole 'mental telepathy worked'.

"There are vampires gathering at Kristine's Glade," Chad answered grimly. "The patrols there said that they're accusing us of killing someone and things are getting kinda tense."

"And we need you both_."_

"No," Chad growled loudly. "You only need me, Pearce. Jake was never part of the plan. You forbade us from seeing each other again because you didn't want him in the pack. The only reason you wanted him in was because of what you saw when he fought Vladimir."

That surprised me... I thought Pearce had complete and absolute obedience from the rest of his pack... But Chad just spoke back to him.

Then I realised my mistake...

Pearce could command his pack... but he couldn't own them...

The big Alpha Wolf was silent.

Chad's eyes focused back on me. I realised that he could have said that directly to Pearce. If what he told me about their mental link was true, then basically all communication went through the Alpha Wolf. By saying the words aloud, he was telling me his stance on the situation too...

... he was... he was...

"Chad... no..."

My Husky shook his head. "Jake... You made your choice... I made mine. I want to be a werewolf. This isn't something Pearce brainwashed me to do." He blushed a little and rubbed the back of his head. "It's always... sort of been a fetish of mine when I was young... Turning into a big, wild wolf... Being a Husky, I was called that 'wolf-wannabe' in school.

"The reason I auditioned for the part of Shane Fang wasn't just because it could have been my big break... but it's also because it's a role I would've loved to fill. Because... well... If I could be a werewolf, even if it's just on screen... Then I'd be happy..."

I regarded the serum that my dad and Dave had made for Chad... The realisation that I had essentially done exactly the same thing Chad had done to me hurt like hell. I had gone behind his back without asking him if he wanted to go back to being a regular Husky or not...

Some part of me was glad this situation came up before I made a terrible mistake...

... but at the same time, I realised that, realistically speaking... neither of us really knew that much about one another...

"I should've asked..." I whispered.

"Me too..."

Chad advanced upon me and wrapped his big, strong arms around me, pressing me against his chest. Even if I was a whole foot taller than him, I still felt like I was the smaller one.

"Jake... I'll understand if you want to go back to being you..." he said, nuzzling my neck. He licked something off my cheek and it was only then did I realise I was crying. "But I want to be me too..."

"I can't be me without you..." I choked, my voice breaking.

He chuckled softly and pushed himself away from me, slowly making his way towards the door. "Me neither, Jake." Then he broke into his brilliant, cheery grin. "It's why I promise I'll come back to you! After this is over, I'll rock your world! I'll even wear protection this time!"

That made me laugh.

"Fine..."_Pearce growled softly. _"Jacob, take your serum and then destroy the one made for Chad. If you want, you can still come aid us... if you want."

"I can't," I answered. "The serum will take two hours to bind with my DNA so I can take it."

"Then keep that thing away from the vampires. The last thing any of us wants is that stuff getting into any of us."

"Stay here, okay?" Chad said, winking at me. "I'll howl at the moon when we've won."

Something clicked in my head.

"Wait a second!" I shouted, placing the serums on my bed. "You're not going to fight the vampires are you!? What about what I've discovered!?"

Chad winced and glanced over his shoulder at the door. "I dunno, Jake... Depends on whether or not they're willing to listen... If they do something... we'll have to defend ourselves..."

Another possibility hit me.

"What if the hybrids come in?"

"There are no hybrids,"_Pearce snarled."Just more vampires."_

"But -"

"Trust me, Jake," Chad said with a wink. "I can take care of myself. Been only a werewolf for one day but I bed you didn't know my dad is in the army and I did some military training before I became an actor, did you?"

No... No I didn't. I knew his father was in the army - it was on his online biography - but I never knew Chad joined the army briefly.

My Husky winked at me once more. "Trust me, Pearce wanted me in the pack for more than just my looks you know."

With those words, he turned and bolted into the night.

Chapter 11.1: Crosschecking the Facts

Crosstown Motel

I realised I was suddenly demoted from one of the leading male roles to the 'helpless little girl' role as I sat on my bed, waiting for the final ten minutes when the serum would be usable against me. I still kept the serum for Chad. It was scant hope that I could convince him to change back - because I didn't actually want him to now that he revealed he wanted to remain a werewolf - and I didn't want to coerce him into it.

However, if any 'accidents' occurred and I somehow got infected again, a point of reference would help make further cures.

Who knew?

Maybe the werewolves could come out as a true race in the future and there'd be 'anti-werewolf' sex pills to ensure the recipients didn't end up werewolves either against their will. Kinda like a werewolf contraceptive though I suppose not many people would not want to be a werewolf especially if transformation occurred through anal sex.

I guess I was just crazy...

I wondered if this was some sort of divine test of love.

Should I take the serum and stay true to myself? The crazy, neurotic, over-thinking, smartass who constantly got into trouble without him knowing...? The person that Chad fell in love with?

Or should I change myself for Chad? Settle down, finally hang up my guns and my knife and ignore those paper cranes so I could live in Veranti as a werewolf, howling at the moon with my mate, running through the forests without a care for the bigger, broader world?

So many questions and yet no one to answer them...

The serum rested on my paw... quietly bubbling away...

Would it be so bad to be a werewolf...?

I could no longer hear the other werewolves, not even Chad. I'm not sure if Pearce chose to excommunicate me or something but chances were, he didn't want any thoughts of breaking free of the pack during such a crucial battle boiling away in his wolves' head.

A knock interrupted my thoughts. I had dressed myself in the time since Chad left and I made ready to draw my combat knife. The door creaked open slightly and a large, white, fluffy form poked his head into my room.

"Feeling better?" Rob asked, regarding me curiously and with concern marring his features.

It took me a second to remember that I was 'sick' for the past day or so and that I had missed filming after my discussion with Dennis. With a shaky smile, I nodded and told him that I was still a little queasy but I would be fine.

"Something's bothering you," the rabbit said, sitting down next to me. I tucked away the syringe I had prepared, hiding it from his view. "What's up, Jake?"

I sighed.

For some reason, he knew exactly what was wrong just from that sigh.

"Oh... You and Chad had a fight, huh?"

That's thing about best friends. For some reason, they know you better than even your mate or family. It's this weird degree of... anonymity, I guess. With your family or mate, there is always this looming threat that they will no longer love you if they discover some deep, dark secret you're hiding. But with best friends, the risk of losing them is about equal to the gain from confiding in them.

So best friends end up knowing you better than anyone else you know...

It's part of my Four Rules of Best Friends.

Rule 1: Your best friend will always tell you when you're wrong but for some reason, it won't hurt as much if your lover, mate or family told you.

Rule 2: Your best friend will always be there to help you when you least expect it because in all honesty, you expect your lover, mate or family to help you but never your best friend.

Rule 3: Your best friend will always know you better than your lover, mate or family because you can confide in them and they are essentially a neutral party.

And finally, Rule 4: If any of those rules are broken, either they become your enemy or they become your lover. In either case, they're no longer your best friend

"Not so much a fight as..." my voice trailed off.

"That you two didn't know each other as well as you thought you did?" Rob prompted.

Rule 3...

"Yeah... I guess we rushed into things a little..."

"Does it feel right though?"

I winced a little.

Rob's eyebrows shot up. "There's someone else?"

I groaned.

The bunny was suddenly bouncing on my bed. "Oooooh! Who is it? Is it someone I know? Can we have foursome!?"

I groaned even louder and buried my muzzle into my paws. I swear, Rob was like a long-eared clone of my dad. Insightful when he needed to be but other times horny as hell. "Rob..."


Sighing, I turned to him and said, "Remember Devlin Pinski?"

Rob was suddenly very serious and his eyes narrowed dangerously. "The jackass who used to be your best friend and then ends up throwing tomatoes at you and tormenting you through your senior year of high school because you were gay?"

"Yeah... He changed his name to 'Devlin Rooks'..."

The rabbit let out a soft, 'hmmmm' and tapped his chin. "Where have I heard that name before...?"

"He's here in Crosstown," I grunted. "Training to become a professional football player... He hangs around with Pearce's gang."

There was a moment were Rob looked lost. Then he blinked twice in quick succession and clicked his fingers. "Oh right! That black and white wolf that also looks like he's pissed!" He spun around to face me. "You've got a crush on him!?"

I winced again. "I've always had a crush on him... I threw aside that fantasy when he called me 'faggot' in front of his football buddies... But now..."

Rob placed a consoling paw on my shoulder. "He's back and he's making you doubt your affections for Chad?"

Damn Rule 3...

"The funny thing is... I had doubts way before I met Dev again... I don't blame him or anything but... He sorta came onto me..."

Rob's eyes widened in shock and I saw him shiver a little, probably trying to keep his erection from showing. "He... He came onto you?"

"Kissing... groping... almost did it in the woods..." I grunted. "The terrible thing is, I wanted it... When he told me who he was, I wanted it all the more... I stopped myself because I was with Chad but now that there's a sort of... safe place to rebound to... I keep wondering what it'd be like if..."

I wanted to say 'If I stopped being a werewolf' but held it in. So I did the best thing I could - tell half-truths.

"... if I chose not to be with Chad," I continued. "I could end up with Dev instead..."

Which was sort of true.

I got this feeling that if I offered being a normal guy to Dev, he'd take it as long as he was with me.

Remember, I was his best friend before and I knew him... Or at least I thought I did.

Rule 4 hit us both hard.

Despite what Chad said, I knew that if I chose to become normal again, that would forever be a rift between us. A relationship with that kind of divide wouldn't last long. Furthermore, sex was very symbolic and important between canines and lupines, remember? What would it mean if he couldn't tie with me?

Chad was still very young. He wasn't desensitised to the nuances of sex between canines like I was.

"What do you want, Jake?" Rob asked tentatively. "Do you want to be with Dev or do you want to be with Chad?"

Coming up with an answer for that was ridiculously difficult.

"I... I don't know," I murmured softly. "Chad loves me... I know that much. Dev... has affection for me... But the thing is... I don't have to change for Dev...but for Chad, to maintain our relationship, I'll have to change a lot."

"Don't you want to change?"

Without really meaning to, I frowned and pulled my muzzle out of my paws. "I don't know... I guess... I guess it all goes back to what we talked about before, Rob. About losing ourselves in fantasy. Changing for Chad... it's something I'm willing to do... I can lose myself in any fantasy as long as it's with him... But I don't want to just stay in that fantasy... I want to try and keep changing the world.

"I don't want Chad to be my anchor pinning me down to one reality... I want him to be with me, to fly beside me as we soar through the skies and go from one place to the other, trying to lend a paw where it's needed."

Rob broke into a smile and placed his paw on mine. "Well... From what I see, you're just afraid of someone telling you how to change. You just want the change to occur on your own terms. You want to be the big, dominant alpha wolf telling everyone want to do. But relationships are about coming together and forming something great!

"Two seemingly opposite entities merging as one, their strengths and weaknesses working together so that they can be invincible against all things. Just like my hybrids!"

Damn... Rule 1...


Something occurred to me... but I wasn't quite sure what...

"Vampires with their lust for blood with the werewolves' control for their own bestial state," Rob continued ignoring the fact that I wasn't entirely listening anymore. "Werewolves with their vulnerability to silver and vampires with their impenetrable flesh. Vampires that are vulnerable to fire but werewolves with incredible regeneration that cancels out flames. Werewolves are all about raw power and strength but vampires add speed and intelligence plus agelessness!

"You see where I'm going with this, Jake?"

"I guess..."

Rob patted my shoulder again. "Anyway, I've got something that'll cheer you up!" He produced a printed script for me. "Here! It's the finalised script!"

I chuckled faintly. "So... After like a week of filming your new script, only now do you finish writing it?"

"Genius takes time," he answered, smiling haughtily at me. He handed me the script. "Check it out. I rewrote the whole origin story. "

I flicked to the pages he mentioned...

My jaw slowly dropped.

Rob's story that involved hybrids now stated that a love interest was introduced into battle between the two brothers. Remember, in Rob's version, Vane and Vincent were brothers. Apparently, the love interest would form a parallel between Shane, Andrea and Xavier especially when Andrea is revealed to be pregnant.

The story then went on to say that the love interest's child would be the first hybrid.

Then all the pieces fell into place.

It was something Nova said...

"Alpha status isn't given through some sort of 'lupine democracy', Jacob. It's a hereditary title that can be passed down through a bloodline...

"Vincent was the first Alpha... and now, Pearce, as the 'chief' is Alpha.

"While Vincent's bloodline will always remain the most dominant Alpha, other Alphas have been named and passed to fill the void. Should Vincent or an ancestor of Vincent ever return, they will have proper rights to the throne."

The hybrids...

Vincent's son - Vincent II - was of Vincent's bloodline... duh...

That would mean... he was a werewolf...


Dennis told me...

" can believe the supernatural bits that say Vane became so broken by heartbreak that he sought ways of bringing back Veronica. Dark ways. He brought her back to life using necromancy and that act turned her into a vampire. She, in turn, converted everyone else...."

That would make Vincent II...

... the first hybrid...

But then...

I pulled out my phone and flicked it open.

The picture of the Crosses were still there...

Cross... Cross...

Vincent II Cross...

My jaw slowly dropped open...

If Chad started negotiating with the vampires to target the hybrids instead of each other... then the hybrids might be forced to step in...

... and since the Crosses had some of the first Vincent's pure blood in them...

... that would mean...

I instantly leapt to my feet.

"I gotta go!"

Rob fell back in surprise. "What? Why?"

I flashed him a grin as I snatched up the two syringes with the vials of the lycanthropy cure in them.

"You just inspired me, Rob."

Rule 2...

Thanks Rob.

Chapter 11.1a: Caught in the Crossfire

Veranti Forest

****Chadstone West****

Saying that the situation was 'tense' would've been the understatement of the year.

First off, about thirty-five werewolves surrounded me - I was the thirty-sixth - and I counted just twelve vampires standing in the glade with Kristine in their midst. She was my friend and all but I felt the same hatred for the vampires that the others did and if she was allied with them...

I let out a low growl.

I saw Dennis amongst the vampires too.

I knew there was something wrong with him...

It did make me a little angry when Jake told me he had spoken to the vampires... But I saw it clearly in his head... and in Dev's. They both believed something else was going on here. I felt that Pearce felt the same but his duty was to first protect Crosstown.

There had to be a reason why the vampires were gathering here on the border of our territory all of the sudden.

They didn't look too happy either.

I wish Jake were here...

We all knew that Pearce wanted to use him as a weapon against the vampires. Werewolf strength, speed and abilities with those superpowers... Hell yeah!

When he told me that he didn't want to be a werewolf... I guess... I guess my heart broke a little. But not because of anything drastic like he was rejecting my 'gift' or that he didn't love me because I was a 'dumb animal' or something. No... My heart broke because I realised I could have royally screwed up our relationship.

I fell in love with him before he became a werewolf... before I became a werewolf.

I messed up because I forced him into something he wasn't ready for...

It was like I was coercing him into marrying me or something...

I didn't want that... I just wanted to be with him...

... but I didn't want him to change who he was just for me...

I fell in love with a smart, funny, non-werewolf Jacob Reaper...

I guess I just got lost in the dream of the two of us being werewolves together and having wild werewolf sex in the woods...

"Chad! Focus!"

I snapped my attention back towards the encounter. Each of the werewolves remained within the cover of the woods except for Pearce. All of us were in our Feral forms. It was our fastest form and it was easy to switch to our Lupine forms. Pearce stepped out of the woods, acting as our alpha and our negotiator.

I stood with my hackles raised, as Pearce just stood out in the glade... all alone... I knew he would've preferred it if the vampires had come to him but we had to bridge the gap. We all knew something else was going on here. Pearce's goal was to protect Crosstown and if there was another band of vampires - or hybrids, whichever the case - was out there tricking us to fight one another, then we had to make peace and go after those bloodsuckers.

I felt someone pad up next to me.

It was Dev.

I growled threateningly but he didn't back down... just stared at me with those cold eyes of his. I knew what he did... I knew what he felt... and I knew he and Jake had a past together.

Plus he was bigger than me...

I flicked my tail at him as if to say, 'Don't mess with me.'

He just rolled his eyes and turned them towards Pearce.

Our alpha shifted his forms, switching to the Lupine form and towering over the vampires.

"Why are you here?" Pearce growled.

Dennis exchanged with the other vampires before stepping up away from the line of bloodsuckers, leaving Kristine in their midst. He straightened and bowed slightly.

"We've come to offer peace," the lion replied.

Everyone was shocked.

Even Pearce.

"What?" our Alpha growled.

"I spoke with Jacob Reaper earlier," Dennis said, his blood-red eyes sweeping over all of us. "He brought up some interesting points... In our war against one another, we haven't ever considered the possibility that there could be a third party involved in all this."

"The Cross Family," Pearce rumbled. "Reaper also pointed out how a wolf could have been a vampire... Vladimir stank of your kind... One of them could have easily tricked you into thinking we killed all those campers."

"And you could have been tricked into thinking we drank their blood when we clearly get our blood from blood packs in the hospital."

That was a good point.

We had records of them doing that but we always thought that it was some sort trick or smokescreen to trick us into thinking they had an alibi.

"Do you have proof it's the Cross Family?" Pearce snarled. "Reaper only had a few pictures and several theories."

"He brought up the subject with myself and Kristine," Dennis answered. "Since we have connections with the hospital, we've confirmed that the Cross Family only ever had one son after the tragedy that caused the division between the two brothers, Vincent and Vane. Veronica's child... was named Vladimir."

Wait... That's weird...

I thought Vane and Vincent were from different species... Vincent was the village chief and Vane was the prince or something and they fought over Vincent's fiancé, Veronica. This sounded more like something from Mr. Lester's version of the story... where the two brothers fought each other... There wasn't a 'Veronica' in that story, however.

Then again, whatever the case, it would still be valid that we are tied to Vincent, the first werewolf, and the vampires are tied to Vane, the first vampire.

But if there was a child...

That was different...

... especially if his name was Vladimir...

But that was proof...

We had proof that -

"Cross Family is behind this!" Pearce snarled.

Suddenly, an odd, scent hit me... and I think it hid everyone too. It was this weird... mix of the cold, iron-smell of blood with a hint of werewolf in there. My eyes turned towards the source...

... and I saw them.

Three figures...

Two lupine and one feline.

"Yes... Yes we are," the smaller lupine said.

She was the splitting image of that wolf in Jacob's picture. She was lithe, voluptuous but had a hidden strength beneath the full-leather attire she wore. Her fur was silver in colour, shining almost like the vampires when they were in the sunlight.

Looming behind her, tall, powerfully built and almost looking like one of us in our Lupine forms but still retaining the right Mortaelian proportions was a white-furred wolf. Like the woman, he was dressed in black leather but his arms were exposed, forming a stark contrast to the black leather.

Lastly, there was a puma... His fur black as night and basically all of him being completely black. It was hard to make him out in the near darkness even with my superior eyesight thanks to being a werewolf.

All of them had black eyes... just like Vladimir...

... and they were the Crosses.

A growl ripped through my throat and I quickly emerged from the woods followed by my brothers. We flanked Pearce as the Crosses slowly approached us. The vampires were on edge as well and they lined up beside us.

There were no divisions now.

We found our enemy.

But... Why would they expose themselves to us so easily?

It was three against... what... forty-eight?

I'm not good at math but that's pretty much a 1 to 16 match in our favour!

That's suicide!

"Why?" Dennis sneered. "Why the hell would you want to pitch us against one another!?"

"Because you are all inferior parasites!" the female wolf - I think she's Veronica - shouted, making slicing gestures with her paws. "Each of you thinks that you're the 'superior race'. One of you mindlessly goes drinking blood and are static, incapable of reproducing. The other fucks other males wildly in an attempt to 'reproduce'! Both of you have your flaws.

"The one, true race is the hybrids!"

"What have we ever done to you?" Pearce snarled.

"It's a matter of balance," Veronica answered, the sclera of her eyes turning completely black just like Vladimir's. "We were once your guardians. The bridge between the species, a secret police that kept your secret from the world but then you" - she pointed at Dennis - "decided to have a romance with a non-feline! And you" - she jabbed a finger towards Pearce - "got paranoid and went around screwing every wolf or canine within a hundred mile radius!

"We are your superiors," Veronica snarled. "You simple leeches have been taking all the blood from the hospital and you mangy mutts have been populating too fast and keeping us from making raids to the hospital!"

She smirked and folded her arms across her chest. "So that's why we decided to destroy you all... We've decided that because your populations have gone drastically out of control and your mortals are so deplorable that they aren't even worth the title of vampire."

Pearce growled and exchanged glances with Dennis. There was some silent communication between them before they both turned towards the hybrids.

"Just try it you cold-hearted bitch," he growled.

The big, white wolf chuckled as did Veronica.

"Why do we have to dirty our paws?" she asked as the wolf - Vincent, I think - stepped up in front of her. "When you wolves are more than willing to do it for us?"


_"All of you,"_Vincent snarled, his eyes blackening just like Veronica's. His voice echoed in my head... and I recognised that tone... It was the tone of an Alpha...

Oh no...

"Kill the vampires!"

My body just moved of its own accord. Before I knew what was happening, I was spinning around, shifting into my Lupine form and hurling myself at the closest vampire...

... which was Dennis!

The lion spun around, his eyes wide in shock. He had plenty of time to counterattack but not enough time to get away!

I braced myself - mentally - for his attack... but my body just kept charging at him!

I wanted to scream at him to run! To fight back!

But... he just stood there... a look of apology on his face!


Then, a blur of brown blocked my vision... Kristine was suddenly standing in front of me, her arms spread wide and her eyes defiant...

She was blocking Dennis!

"Kris -" I began...


A huge wall of flames suddenly crossed my path, instantly causing me to stagger back. Thankfully Vincent's commands didn't override my self-preservation instincts.



I glanced to my right and my left...

The wall of flames had divided the vampire and werewolf lines.

The hybrids were smirking.

... and I knew why.

Only one guy could control flames like this.

... and that guy was currently a werewolf... and under Vincent's command!

_"Hold it,"_Vincent commanded, a faint edge of confidence in his Alpha-voice.

Slowly, the flames peeled apart like a burning curtain... revealing my mate...

Jacob Reaper.

"Jake..." I grunted, fighting my body as it wanted to slaughter Dennis. The wall of flames had divided vampire and werewolf... but kept everyone unharmed.

He flashed me a grin and winked.

He would totally be so hot if he wasn't going to kill us all!

"Jacob Reaper..." Vincent Cross intoned, a big grin crossing his features.

"How we've waited for you to come into our little circle," Veronica chuckled. "The instant that Vane saw you, he knew there was something special about you. Something... so powerful. We had to make you ours."

The puma - Vane - said, "A pity you didn't drink the wine I offered you. It was laced with our blood and semen. It would have had the same effect on you as the werewolves and their own cum-infested food they feed you."

Jake chuckled and swung his burning gun-sword deftly. Kristine was pressing herself against Dennis beside him. "Yeah. I gathered that."

"It doesn't matter," Veronica said, waving listlessly in to the air. Her eyes returned to their normal state, showing her confidence. "We should have just controlled the werewolves from the start instead of letting them run wild and free. Vincent's line could have commanded them and we would've had a completely subservient army to take the world by storm..." She sighed, brushing her fur tenderly. "And to think... I could have had every wolf in the world turn into a werewolf... Each of them strong, muscular and whose only goal is to please me for all eternity."

Jake lifted his gun-sword at the Crosses, a confident smirk on his face. "I'm all up for having a harem of horny, hot, muscular werewolves at my disposal but let's face it, I don't want to get lost in a fantasy. I prefer this reality."

She sighed and rolled her eyes. "But why? You could be a hybrid just like us? Ruling alongside each of us. You can have all the hot, werewolf males you could ever want! Not to mention immortality and agelessness. How can you not want that?"

I looked to Jacob for the answer. Vincent's command still held but I had no idea for how long... I didn't want to attack my mate...

I didn't want my mate to go postal and attack us!

Seriously, he's scary good when he's in 'combat-mode'.

"Because the world you're describing is an escape from reality," Jake answered. "You don't get rid of your problems. You're just burying deep under wanton pleasure, promiscuous sex and orgies."

Veronica threw her head back and laughed - kind of like Vladimir. "You think I'm escaping this reality? No, I'm making this reality just like my fantasy!"

Jake lowered his gun-sword. "Then I guess that's something else we disagree about. In my reality..." He flashed her an evil grin. "I'd never have a sick, cold-hearted, megalomaniac bitch with bewbies so old that your breast milk is now all powdered!"

I think I saw a vein pop on Veronica's forehead. "Vincent... Have him kill everyone... Then make him kill himself."

"With pleasure..." Vincent snarled, taking a threatening step forward.

Oh no...

"Jake!" I cried. "Run!"

"Jacob Reaper... Kill them all!"

Chapter 11.2: Crux

Veranti Forest

****Jacob Reaper ****

I think Vincent just tried to command me.

I think.

I wasn't a werewolf anymore.

The serum worked fast and I still kept the other serum for Chad inside my jacket pocket. I remembered Dave's warning about it.

"If injected into anyone else, the virus will completely destroy the genes of the poor bastard."

I had to be careful no one else got injected with the virus.

For the briefest seconds, Vincent looked like he was a pup in a candy store over the impending carnage.

That was my cue.

He brought up a crystal and hurled it straight at him. I flashed to the crystal, coming within two inches of his face. I swung Razor -



Vincent staggered back, clutching his face in agony. He managed to pull away at the last second, barely avoiding decapitation. Still, his face wasn't so pretty anymore.

"What's this!?" Veronica exclaimed as Vincent staggered back towards her, blood seeping between his fingers. "You should be under our command! You're a werewolf!"

I landed deftly on my feet. I drew my combat knife and grinned at her. "I handed in my resignation. I have a problem with authority."

"I... I can't sense his consciousness..." Vane rumbled, his black eyes narrowed at me. "He was only a faint spot when I met him but I could feel him growing steadily as the hours passed... Now... He's not there at all! It's like... Like..."

"He has a cure..." Vincent growled, pulling his paws away from his face. The burn wound was healing rapidly just as fast as Vladimir's wounds.

I realised that with three hybrids on my back, I was severely out gunned. The only way I managed to defeat Vladimir was because of Grim and I had no intention of bringing him back into the fray. Not with countless others at risk.

But... I remembered how Vladimir reacted to Razor when my sword was on fire... and I remembered my dad's message about the vulnerability of both species against fire. If what Rob said was true... and hybrids draw on the strengths of each race to cancel out the weaknesses of the other... then the weaknesses they shared would double!

And they were both weak against fire.

The problem was, pinning any of them down long enough to set them alight!

"He is no longer a werewolf..." Vincent said, straightening. "But you only have enough for Chadstone West... You can't cure everyone!" The big hybrid grinned maniacally. "So... All of you! Kill him!"


Instincts took over and I threw a crystal into the air, flashing to it within a second. Airborne, I spun to the ground as countless werewolves tried to launch themselves after me. Vampires came swooping in, knocked them aside and defending me.

"Jacob!" Dennis shouted. "You have to destroy the hybrids! We'll hold the wolves off!"

They were outnumbered 3 to one!

I had to end this quickly.

I flashed towards Vincent, slashing at him with a flaming Razor - no joke 'flaming jokes'. The hybrid was fast despite his size and he dodged my attacks nimbly. However, he wasn't as fast as Vladimir and occasionally -



Vincent staggered back and tore his shirt off, revealing a large, bloody gash across his chest. "You will never hold up to anything a hybrid can unleash!"

His form began to bubble and grow. My heart instantly plummeted when I remember how easily Vladimir creamed me when he was in his full form. A pair of huge, webbed wings erupted from Vincent's back and his eyes turned completely black again. His front fangs lengthened, hanging over his lower jaw and dripping with silvery venom.

"Now you die..."

I smirked. "Yeah, your son said exactly the same thing before he bit the bullet."

Vincent growled and lunged.

I ducked and swiped at his legs with Razor. Naturally, he leapt into the air to dodge it...

Bad move on his part.

Lightning fast, I flipped on my back and kicked out with both feet just as he hovered above me.


I don't think I actually hurt him but my kick to his groin sure would've been one hell of a shock.

Word of warning folks: Never try to get on top of me unless I give you permission.

Vincent gagged and toppled to my right. I quickly jumped to my feet and rolled to my side.


A sharp pain shot up my back, just barely missing my spine. My regeneration starting kicking in so I wasn't too injured. I rolled forward the dodge the next attack and spun around -

... to face Chad...

His eyes told me he was sorry...

... but his body was tense and ready for the fight...


"J - Jake..." he stammered. "I... I can't stop...!"

"Can you do it, Reaper?" Vincent chortled, rising to his feet. "Can you honestly kill your own mate? He still loves you, you know. Loves you with every fibre of his being."

I -

... didn't get a chance to reply.

Chad lunged at me and I had no choice but to immediately jump back out. But his reach was longer than mine and -


... his claws bit into my chest, drawing blood and causing me to stagger.


I shouted in agony as another pair of claws ripped against my back. Two, huge, white-furred arms wrapped around my chest, lifting me a foot off the ground and pressing me against a massive, muscular chest. Normally, I'd be ecstatic but considering the circumstances... My arms were free but no matter what I tried, I could pull myself out of Vincent's massive grip!

"Now, Chad..." Vincent chuckled, grinning from ear to ear. "Kill him... Rip his throat out... Then, when he regenerates. Kill him again! And again! And again!"

"You know..." I choked, gripping Razor tightly. "If I die, I can't regenerate."

"Shut up!"

"You" -_I shoved _Razor upwards, stuffing it hilt-deep into Vincent's throat - "first!"

I pulled the trigger.


I never got to see Vincent's eyes widen although I imagine they did after his entire head exploded.

His arms loosened around me but I wasn't about to let him get away that easily!

He just made my mate attack me!

Quickly, I shoved Razor deep into his well-defined stomach and pulled the trigger.


His stomach bloated for a little until -


He erupted into a fierce, fiery conflagration. I was hurled forward and right into -


... Chad's arms...


"Please don't squish me..." I whimpered.

Chad turned to me... his eyes wide in shock... and his face following suit.

"I'm... I'm free..."



Chad blinked and glanced around us... I followed his gaze. The werewolves had stopped fighting... all the fighting had stopped... Well... Most of the fighting. Some vampires were still trying to restrain Vane who was throwing them aside like ragdolls.


Then it hit me.

Supreme Alpha status rested with Vincent's bloodline.

Veronica and Vane were not part of that bloodline...

... so that meant...

I let out a loud yarf of joy and leapt up, wrapping my lips around Chad's. He was a little shocked... startled... but then I felt his tongue wrap around mine and -


... felt him get ripped from my paws as I hit the ground hard.

"You killed him!" Veronica screamed in my ear.


I screamed as her claws ripped through my chest.

"You killed him you bastard!"


The pain was blinding... All I saw was red...!

... and blue...

"You killed him!"


The cure!

Before I could even process what I was doing, I seized it from where it lay beside me and jammed it right into Veronica's throat.

She stopped ripping my chest to shreds, letting my regeneration do its thing. The crazy hybrid was suddenly torn from on top of me by a blur of red and white. Gasping for breath, I managed to roll up to my paws and knees. Strong paws wrapped around my shoulders and helped me to my feet as the wounds across my chest healed.

"Jake! You okay?"

That wasn't Chad... it was Dev...

"Yeah..." I coughed. "Chad..."

"He's good..."

I glanced over to where Dev was looking. Chad was pinning Veronica to the ground. She wasn't fighting back... In fact... she looked like she was choking...

"Let her go!"


Chad was suddenly hurled off Veronica by a black streak. I quickly flashed out of Dev's grip and caught Chad before he slammed into a nearby tree. I held him tightly and while I was much smaller than him now... I still felt like we were equals.


We both turned.

Vane held up Veronica, shaking her desperately, tears running down his cheeks. Her silvery fur was blackening and shrivelling up into dust. Her eyes looked hollow and deprived of life. While her entire body twitched and convulsed, I severely doubted there was any functions left in her brain. I had injected the serum pretty close to her head... It must've hit her brain fairly quickly.

"What have you done!?" Vane screamed, his eyes angry as he directed it towards me.

"I injected her with the werewolf cure made for Chad," I answered, straightening and letting Chad get up.

"She's not a werewolf!" Vane barked. "She's a hybrid! It shouldn't cure anything!"

"The cure was designed for Chad and Chad alone," I answered grimly. "Because she's not Chad, it's treating her DNA as a foreign agent and is destroying every trace of it. She's being ripped apart from the inside."

Vane's eyes flicked back to Veronica. "No... No! Veronica! You're stronger than this! You can make it through this!"

It was almost heartbreaking to see the scene unfold. I could tell that they genuinely loved one another... Sure they were twisted, corrupt freaks with megalomaniacal tendencies and sought out to conquer the world... but still...

Love, right?

Veronica didn't reply...

She suddenly went completely rigid... and her entire body just blackened... A cold breeze blew and her remnants were blown into the wind, scattering into the night and leaving Vane with absolutely nothing.

The last hybrid sat there for a long time... shaking in fury.


"This isn't over..." he growled.

"Look around you, Vane," Dennis growled, clutching his right arm. It looked broken. "You're outnumbered and outgunned. You can't win."

Vane's black eyes flicked to each of us in turn... From the proud, powerful Alpha, Pearce, to the strong, courageous vampire that was Dennis... and finally to Chad and myself... I saw that he realised he couldn't fight all of us... But I also saw him hatching a plan.

"No... I can't fight you all... But the Seal... Yes... There is another way! "

Alarm bells rang in my head.

The Seal!

How could I have forgotten about the Seal!?

Vane threw back his head and let loose a terrible roar. Black wings erupted from his spine and he immediately launched into the air.

"Stop him!" Dennis shouted.

Werewolves and vampires all launched after Vane but fell short of catching him. I bolted forward and fired a few shots but he dodged them all. I even controlled the bullets and sent them trailing after him but he was faster than even them!


"Where is he heading!?" Chad demanded.

"Cliff Beach!" Kristine exclaimed, pointing in the direction of the beach. "That the only thing in that direction!"

"Then that's where we're headed!" Pearce growled. He spun and turned to Dennis. He held out a paw...

... and Dennis shook it.

Whatever feud there was between them, it was over as they united under a common enemy.

The werewolves and vampires instantly bolted towards the trees. Werewolves switched to their Feral forms while the vampires leapt for the trees. Fully recovered, I gathered a crystal to give chase.

Then I felt something cold and wet nudge the small of my back.

I turned around and found that it was Chad in his Feral form. The big wolf nodded towards his back and gave me a wink.

Smirking, I dismissed the crystal and leapt onto his back, clinging onto his fur tightly. Chad shot towards the trees, cold winds whipping at my fur as we bolted after Vane. We were nowhere near as fast but we didn't lose sight of him either.

A funny though occurred to me.

"Hey, does this count as me 'riding you'?"

Chad grunted.

"You're right, that was inappropriate," I snickered. "Funny though."

He let out a soft chortle.

I saw Vane suddenly duck out of sight just as I heard the Azuria River close by...

The Azuria River...

... were we going to Point Edge?

Sure enough, as we emerged from the tree line, I was met by the beautiful, sapphire-ocean meeting the moonlit night and that long, piece of rock jutting out from the cliffs of Cliff Beach. The Azuria River ran up straight to the rock and toppled over, forming a strong waterfall that met the ocean beneath.

Past the line of werewolves and vampires... Vane stood...

Or rather... knelt...

Looks of shock were plastered across each and every face on my side of the battlefield...

... because the person that Vane was kneeling towards was...


"... Rob...?"

Third Arc Crimson Moon: Chapter 12

**Chapter 12.0: Crossroads... Again!** **Crosstown Motel** Goddamn Four Rules of Best Friends. This was Rule 4 biting my ass. I just wondered what rule he broke to make him my enemy... "Please tell me this...

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Third Arc Crimson Moon: Chapter 10

**Chapter 10.0: I just wanna Cross Reference: Is his Ass Hot?** **Crosstown Motel** By morning Chad and I had sufficiently cleaned up. And by that, I mean we washed all the cum off ourselves and off the tiles in the bathroom...

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Third Arc Crimson Moon: Chapter 9

**Chapter 9.0: Divide and Conquer** **Crosstown Motel** Let's recap, shall we? I'm a part-time superhero and fulltime author/editor. I frequently get little paper cranes that are given to me by some mysterious entity I have...

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