Lachrymatia-Chapter 4:Turn Me On, Take It Off

Story by Binx0013 on SoFurry

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Authors Note: The scene where Frost and Travis fuck for the first time is based off of Jack Deebs first meeting of Holli Would in the club Slash in the film Cool World, I just added a few extra things. Also this is my first official gay yiff story so give me a little slack.

There's a place downtown

Where the freaks all come around.

It's a hole in the wall.

It's a dirty free for all.

And they turn me on.

When they Take It Off.

When they Take It Off.

Everybody Take It Off.

There's a place I know

If you're looking for a show.

Where they go hardcore

And there's glitter on the floor.

And they turn me on.

When they Take It Off.

When they Take It Off.

Everybody Take It Off.

Lose your mind.

Lose it now.

Lose your clothes

In the crowd.

We're delirious.

Tear it down

,Til the sun comes back around.


Frost gazed deeply at the bull as his shifted gears and increased his speed. Still confused yet pleased that this god was coming home with him. Also satisfied, Travis turned to the computer sitting on the dash and entered Frosts name, eagerly awaiting the results of his address.

"You could of just asked me you know," Frost said watching his large digits type the letters.

"Just following procedure," Travis said continuing to type, "Looks better on me anyways."

As he pulled up the address Frost leaned back in his seat and closed his gleaming eyes. He was tired, it had been a long an traumatic night and all he wanted to do was sleep. He purred softly as the vibrations of the engine soothed and calmed his nerves but that feeling was quickly lost as his memory of his clothes hanging on the door in his hospital room. The clothes to him meant nothing but his car and apartment keys were another story.

He sat up, "Travis my car and house keys are back at the hospital,"

"Don't worry, I'll call Jefferson and have him bring them over to us in the morning."

"How are we going to get in?" Frost asked.

"I'm a cop remember, I'm in expert on intruding. As a kid I used to break into high school and trash the principal's office all the time. Still don't know I how never got caught."

"You trashed his office?" Frost said giggling.

"All the time, everyone hated him. Picture an obese grizzly constantly drinking from a flask, smoking a cigarette while getting blown under the desk by every cheerleader on the squad."

"I see your point," Frost said pulling a cigarette from Travis's pack, "You mind?"

"By all means," Travis said pulling up to the front of Frosts apartment building.

As Travis got out of the car he admired the architecture of the ancient building that lined the sky. It was only three stories and yet what he saw immediately made him fall in love with the place. It was made completely of stone, the statues of angels carved into the masonry were breathtaking and the greenery of the ivy lining the walls made it seem like it had stepped out of Shakespeare Midsummer Night's Dream. He walked around still staring and stood beside Frost.

"You ready?" Frost asked.

"Always." Travis said pressing his hand to Frost lower back leading him in.

Once they reached 111 Travis pulled a few strange tools and easily picked the lock.

"Hmmm, impressive," Frost stated leading him in.

As they entered the apartment Travis grew even more amazed then he was when he first looked at the exterior of the building. The hallway leading into the living room was lined in a cherry wood. The walls were a deep maroon and they were flaked in gold. As he continued into the living room he gasped at the beautiful marble fireplace that held two stone griffins mounted in flight on each of its sides. What he found most beautiful about the fireplace was the painting that hung above it, it was Frost. He stood nude back turned to the viewer with his turned slightly gazing over his shoulder with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. He stared blankly at it, growing slightly hard before Frost walked up beside him and handed him a glass of whiskey.

"Do you like it?" he asked also staring at it.

"Like it? I love it," he turned and looked at the snow leopard. "I've never seen anything more beautiful in all my life. Who did it?"

"An ex of mine, a long time ago." He said looking down.

"An ex huh? What happened between you to?" Travis said concerned.

"He died." Frost said still looking at the floor. "But that's not a pretty story."

"I understand....would you mind showing me the rest of your house. I'd like to get a feel of the place before you settle in for the night."

"Alright," Frost said leading him towards the kitchen.

The kitchen was stunning, never in his life had Travis been in a more welcoming and homely place in his life. The sink was yet again all white marble with slight wisps of gray, above it sat a window with roses that climbed up the walls and onto the cabinets. The table stood a black and white checkered floor and it was elegantly set for two. Above hung a crystal chandelier that held a home for a single small spider. Still fascinated by the roses Travis walked up and placed his bovine rose deep into one.

"They're my favorite," Frost said staring at Travis's bent over physique.

"Pretty," he replied, "Mom used to keep roses on the farm."

"You lived on a farm?"

"Born and raised," Travis replied reserved, "Hated every minute of it. You?"

"Born and raised here, the streets were my playground." Frost said smiling.

He led Travis to his bedroom which was the most impressive of the whole apartment. When he opened the door the bull's mouth dropped. Inside hung a giant canopy, its draping curtains were a black silk that dropped all the way to the floor. Its top was done in red velvet and it hung delicately over Frosts king size bed that was done in all black silk. The room to was done in cherry wood with a deep blood red flaked in gold. On each side of the bed stood a cast iron candelabra holding six candles each, to Travis his room seemed like it had walked right out of gay erotic novel and silently thought to himself what it would be like carrying Frost to that bed. Sliding his massive digits down his back, kissing his neck, and becoming one with his body. Travis wanted him. He wanted to lay there for hours holding Frosts naked body, pulling it deeper into his embrace, never letting it go. Never in his life(especially with his ex-wife) did he feel so close to someone. Could he really be falling for this seductress? This epitome of savage lust?

He saw the feline yawn and drop down on all fours, delicately stretching his slender body piquing the bull's interest. With a graceful leap Frost landed on his bed and circled three times before collapsing onto his side, he eyed the bull who was staring speechless at the goddess before him. His cheeks turned red as Frost slid his paw down his side, stopping as he reached his hip.

"You coming to bed?" Frost asked as his pupils narrowed.

"I'd better not," the bull stated, hating himself for it, "Both of us need to get some sleep, I don't want either of us tired. Just in case that thing comes back."

Frost just lowered his head and opened his eyes further.

"Just as well, you'll need your strength." He said eyeing the massive bulge that had formed in the bulls pants. "Goodnight Travis."

"Goodnight," Travis said pulling the door closed.

The following morning.

As Frost awoke from his nightmares he wondered if everything that happened the night before was only just a dream. Leaping out of bed and opening his door he smiled at the bull that was snoring softly on his couch. He tiptoed quietly over to him, smiling as he stood over him. He was a thing of true beauty. His black satin fur stunned the snow leopard and all he wanted to do was touch again. He slowly slid his paw across Travis's chest and giggled slightly once he reached his heart. It's pace started to quicken and the massive organ was making his paw bounce. Without warning Travis shot up and shoved his gun right into Frosts forehead, sweat dripping from his face as he snorted.

"Jesus! You scared the shit out of me," he bellowed. "I could have blown your head off."

Frost just smiled and pulled it away.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." He said playfully as Travis smiled at him. "I'm going to take a shower, why don't you help yourself to anything in the fridge."

"Can I make you something?" Travis asked?

"Can you make a Mimosa?" Frost asked.

"I think I can handle it."

"I'll take one if you don't mind." Frost replied walking off towards the bathroom.

Summoning all of his strength to not join his vixen Travis walked into the kitchen and made Frosts Mimosa. Smiling as he made sure to add more champagne then the recipe called for. When Frost returned he lit a cigarette and took it from the bulls hand.

"So were you able to get my clothes?"

"Jefferson will bring them here later this afternoon, then we'll go get your car and head back to the station."

"I can't, I have to work tonight." Frost declared.

"You're not going to work. That Naga will probably be there waiting to try to get you again."

"Do you really think he would try attacking me in the same place? Besides, I do have a fan base that is expecting me. I can't let them down." Frost said frustrated.

"No." The bull said sitting at the table.

Frost crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, as he turned and faced the bull an idea popped into his head. He unfolded his arms and strutted up to bull who was looking at the floor. Sliding a paw under his chin the snow leopard lifted his face to his and crawled into his lap.

"Come on Travis, you don't want me to loose my job do you?" he said tracing his wounds.

"Well no, but.." Travis started.

"Besides aren't you my bodyguard? Your supposed to protect me, does it really matter where your doing it?"

"No," Travis said moaning as Frost massaged his shoulders. "Ok, you can go to work and I'll patrol the crowd."

"Great," Frost said planting a kiss hard into the bulls mouth. He pulled away, "I think I'll do something special just for you Detective." He said reaching up gently tracing Travis's left white horn.

"I think these will come in handy," he thought to himself.

To Frosts surprise the day had moved more quickly then he hoped for. He wanted to spend as much time as he could getting to know Travis and yet they were always in a hurry to get somewhere. When it was time to go to club they both hopped into Travis's car. Never before had Frost been so patient while riding with anyone, he wanted this ride to last forever. The streets lights highlighted the bulls eyes and he couldn't help but stare deeply into his face. It was a moment of pure bliss and so rarely did Frost ever feel it. Equally while glancing at Frost in the rearview mirror did Travis find himself at ease. Being with the snow leopard felt so right, he tried to focus on his work. He was there only to protect him, not to fall in love. Could it be love? He'd only known him personally for a day and yet a he felt as if he had been with him for years.

Sighing in disappointment that the ride had come to an end Travis pulled into the club and parked in the back. As he stood up with the door ajar he glanced at the feline and said,

"Are you ready?"

"Are you?" Frost replied playfully while he winked.

As Travis walked the crowd of Drip he remembered to make a mental note of everyone there. He turned his head back and forth observing a few familiar faces but the only one he was really interested was the phoenix that was moving a pigs head away from his wet rag.

"You know at the rate your going I'm beginning to think you have a hard on for me." Mike said dropping the pigs head back in place.

Travis pulled up a chair and slanted his eyes, "You know I'm not into pigeons,"

Mike flared his nostrils and handed him a beer before he walked to the other end of the bar to settle an argument that had broke out. Travis laughed and turned to face the stage, he watched with little interest as the black dragon in the red g-string pivoted the pole for the last time. As the dragon exited through the curtain a lion in a blue sequined suit stepped out in the center stage.

"Good evening gentlemen, I trust your all having good time?"

The crowd cheered and clapped their paws and claws in unison.

"I'm glad. Although I think it's getting a little hot in here," he said loosening his tie. "Put your paws together for the cities one and only snowflake. Here he is, the hellcat carved from ice, please join me in welcoming Frost!" as the lion finished he fell through a trap door and sparks flew in every direction of the stage.

The room grew dark and a hush fell throughout the club. As Travis watched in anticipation he felt something cold land on the edge of his nose, he touched it and realized it was snow. Amazed, he watch several more begin falling onto the stage, with a flash of bright light Frost stood there. The audience sat in awe as they watched his hand slide up the gleaming silver chain that led from his stomach to his diamond studded black collar that shimmered in the stage light. The music sounded from the stage and he elegantly bent down and began to crawl across the stage, raising his ass high into the air fully exposing his diamond g-string. He slowly stretched out and slid his pelvis onto the glass floor below and slowly humped the chain the drug between his legs. With tongues hanging from their jaws the furs ran from their red velvet seats and stretched their hands out to grope every inch of his body.

The cool feline moaned as hand after hand caressed and rubbed his most sensitive spots and as he felt another 100 slip between the cheeks of his ass he leaned onto his legs and pounced onto his pole. The cold steel aroused and intensified his already hard cock that was straining against the diamonds that were keeping it a prisoner. He rotated his hips against the massive pole and slid it between his cheeks, making him moan in ecstasy as its coolness moistened his tail hole. Over and over he slid up and down pushing harder as he did. Travis sat watching in a trance, never noticing the bulge in his pants growing larger and larger by the second. Wrapping his tail around the pull the feline vixen leaned forward an slowly slid into a the splits right at the very edge of the stage where his body was met by the hands of more and more aroused furs. He spun onto his back and stuck his feet over the edge and slowly lowered them to the floor. The snow leopard slid onto all fours and stared in Travis's direction. The bull immediately blushed and glanced at the floor.

In an instant Frost flew through mid air across the bar and landed with ease right in front of him. Startled Travis slid back as Frost stood and flicked the side of his face with his tail. His feline musk sent Travis into a state of [euphoria](%5C)as Frost spun around and laid his entire body on him. Travis instincts to mate kicked in and he slowly traced his hands up the snow leopard sides making him cry out in pleasure. He stood up and spun again before jumping into the bulls lap. Eagerly the bull grabbed the chain swinging around Frosts neck and forced him to lean back sending his fully erect feline member straight into his face. As Frost bent back Travis reached behind him and grabbed a bottle of vodka, tipping it downwards he poured its entire contents onto the quivering cat. Tossing it over his shoulder he wrenched Frost into his face and kissed him long and hard, their tongues battling for dominance.

Frost ripped his head away and grabbed Travis's tie, pulling him away from the barstool the seductive Feline led the bovine god towards the stage. As he stood in the front he turned and faced Travis who then picked him up and placed him back on the flashing stage floor. As Frost grabbed the pole and spun he stopped half way and motioned Travis to join him. The scoffs of jealous furs echoed throughout the club as the bull obeyed and stood up beside him. Frost lifted his arm and slid his entire body up and down Travis's massive muscular figure making him moan and tingle. Bucking his hips, Frost shoved his ass deep into the bulls crotch and grinded, fast and faster. The bull moaned in pleasure and slid his massive hands onto the feline's hips and pulled him in further. The two bucked in unison, growing more and more excited as their animal instincts released any of their withholdings.

As the strobe light kicked on Frost spun around and held out his right hand towards the audience, with a flick of his wrist his five claws sprung forth and in the blink of an eye slashed the bull, causing everything but his now exposed neon pink thong to fall to the floor. The crowd roared in excitement as Travis stood there revealing his toned and chiseled body. The feline opened his pupils to their full extent and fell into Travis's embrace. The two locked mouths and fell to the floor, exploring every inch of the others body. As Travis rolled onto his back the Snow Leopard slid over his massive bull cock that was soaking the fabric prison with his pre. Frost gently slid his hands over it, rubbing and fondling in making him cry out for more and more. He flexed his paw exposing his index claw and began to slowly slice it away, sending jolts of primal instinct through Travis who was breathing heavy. As the thong slid away Travis shot up and ripped Frost chain causing the cat to fall back into the bulls mouth, all the while sliding his massive hands down the cats sides. Sliding his digits into Frosts g-string he sucked and teased his tongue as he slid them down exposing the Feline goddess for the first time.

Stunned by the sheer beauty of the cats physique, the bovine god slid his hands onto Frost rump and slowly began to knead and caress. His fur felt like silk and although he had now seen every inch of the outside of his cat he wanted to know what he was like on the inside. Raising a finger he slowly began to trace Frost tailhole sending him into waves of pleasure. He purred and bucked his hips as Travis slid one digit in, it was tight. The ring of his tailhole playfully tightened and begged for more. Soon Travis had fit three in and his partner cried out in excitement as he slid them in and out faster and faster. As Frost raised his head and cried out the pull ripped his fingers from him and spun Frost around placing his ass in his face. The bull stared at the pink hole only for a moment before he slid his tongue out and playfully licked. Frost bucked his hips and begged for more as the bulls massive tongue licked and teased him, making his cock spurt pre onto Travis chest. As Travis slid his tongue into Frosts ass the feline gripped the base of his cock and firmly squeezed at the base sending Travis's pre ejecting into his face. He teased and licked the great black shaft as the bull forced his tongue in further. As Frost reached the massive head that oozed pre onto his paw and face he slid his sharp tongue in. The sweet nectar spurting into his mouth sweetend his lust and he slid Travis member deep into his mouth. The bull moaned into his ass as suckled and nursed the bulls succulent member, savoring its every flavor as he took it all in.

Without warning the cat grabbed the bulls sack and rolled the tennis ball sized orbs through his fingers, causing Travis to cy out as he squeezed gently. The snow continued to fall on the new lovers as they pleasured each other, Travis savoring his insides and Frost nursing his outsides. Without warning the bull wrenched his tongue from Frosts ass as screamed in orgasmic bliss as he blew his milk down Frost throat. The Feline raised his head, smiling as small trails of Travis's cum leaked from the corners of his mouth. The crowd roared in unison as Travis lifted Frost from his body and placed him on all fours in front of them. Playful swishing his tail across Travis's nose he welcomed the bulls hard cock to it's new home.

Lifting his member up to Frosts hole he shoved it in as hard and as fast as he could making the feline cry out in pain. He bucked his hips harder and harder till the cats ass reach the base of his hips. The two panted in unison as Travis fucked him with no mercy. Travis laid across Frost back and reached under the cat, feeling the vibrations of his purrs across his arms. In anticipation he grabbed Frosts cock and slid his hand up and down, soaking himself in the ever flowing river of pre dripping from its master. The cat moaned as he felt the bulls hand pump faster and faster, every second wanting to not let himself go. He breathed heavily and bared his fangs and Travis slammed his massive cock in harder. The strobe lights flicked on again and for one moment the two became as one, two bodies blended and the crowd grew silent.

Travis released the felines cock and grabbed the chain around Frosts neck, ripping him from all fours and onto his knees. He humped faster as he brought Frosts neck to his mouth and slowly began to lick across his neck relishing the taste of his sweat. The cat cried out in amusement as the bull continued to drill his ass over and over, never hiding his smile in between his deeps pants of satisfaction. Holding his paws into the air Frost forced more of the bulls cock in his ass grinding and intensifying the bulls ever building orgasm. In an instant Frost felt himself rise from the bulls cock before being turned to face him only to find the cock being shoved back in. The two moaned in pleasure as the cat slid his paws onto Travis shoulder and dug his claws into his soft flesh.

Sitting crossed legged Travis continued to fuck the cats ass over and over as he slid the cats cock deep into his throat. Frost cried out as his bucked up and down over his feline member making him throb and thrust in pure lust. He grabbed Travis's massive horns and slammed the bulls head all the way to his base before bringing him up and repeating the process. In an instant without a warning to Travis, Frost jerked his head up and sent a thundering roar throughout the club as he shot his massive load into Travis's muzzle. Over and over he came causing Travis trouble as he tried to manage to swallow it all. Ripping his mouth away he watched in awe as Frost sent one last flow of cum shooting onto his chest and muzzle. It became to much and Travis himself let go, filling the felines intestines with his cum.

The crowd jumped from their seats and applauded as Frost raised himself from Travis's cock, leaking his bovine milk onto the stage. Frost glanced down at the bull and stared deep into his eyes as Travis wiped a string of his cum onto his finger and slid it into his mouth. As Travis slid his finger out Frost extended his paw and pulled him up next to him. Cum soaked and satisfied the two turned to the crowd and bowed. As they rose they looked back into each others eyes and smiled.

Lachrymatia-Chapter 5:I'm with you

\*Authors Note: The scene in the park is actually based on a date I had while I lived in downtown Denver. Since then I haven't had a more perfect date. Writing the scene made me a little emotional but everything that transpires actually happened...

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Lachrymatia-Chapter 3:Cells

Authors note: Melanie is based off a nurse I had when I was hospitalized for anaphylactic shock. Chapter 3:Cells The sun goes up the sun goes down I drag myself into the town All I do I want to do with you Everyday I'm at my desk At my...

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Lachrymatia-Chapter Two:The Boogeyman

Dear Reader, This is the second chapter to my first story here on sofurry. If you enjoy it please leave a comment and look forward to chapter 3. The beast lives Out of the raging storm In the dead of night The ravenous ...

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