The Forgotten 2: A Prize Worth Claiming

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#2 of The Forgotten

Also, this is Sithen for reference:

Lashane watched as the emerald beast curled herself up on the moss that thickly padded the rocks just beneath the exit of the cave. She almost matched the plant in general color, even to the point of having blue highlights where the moss had blue patches from lichen. The wedge shaped head was turned slightly towards the cave as the animal reclined and seemed to catch her breath allowing the mage some time to look over the form. She didn't know much about animals aside from what she'd read in books or learned when having to deal with them such as riding horses or hunting with hounds.

Still she couldn't help but admire the creature. Each of the scales was as wide as the palm of her hand and interlinked over the body almost seamlessly. She was close enough she could see that the scales were a deep emerald at the base and faded to a lighter almost metallic blue at the very tips. The coloration darkened along the wings which were spread out to either side of the animal's body and just along her appendages. Her wings alone were oddly short and looked half formed when compared to that large body. They were wide enough to appease what she thought a dragon should have at least. The edges of the wing sails came down to run along either side of the body and connected right at the tail.

The head was wedge shaped and held a narrow muzzle that she knew had hundreds of very small teeth. The jaws weren't meant to attack anything large, instead they had been developed to exclusively snatch up fish. Even the paws were roughened along the bottom to give it extra traction when holding a struggling prize. For all of that, it didn't look as if it would dwell in the ocean. She couldn't see any real webbing along the paws or tail. One of the greater mysteries was how they managed to drive into the water and move so swiftly and smoothly through it. The animal looked as if she were made to paddle like a dog.

Lashane gave a small tight smile, she'd find out how the animal was built soon enough, she'd be able to answer many of the questions that people had asked in the past. She'd have the answers that others had sought for. So what if others of her order were afraid to attempt dangerous magic. She had ambition and enough drive to dare anything that she had to. She'd succeed or die trying. Let the cowards and old men preach about their high ideals in their poverty and on the road when they had to travel from town to town. Perhaps they thought their morals kept them warm at night. She moved her hands up to chest level and spoke the whispered spell as quietly as she could.

The dragoness found out too late what was happening when she jerked her head back and the mage watched the jaws gape open wide. A wordless groan came from the beast as it twisted and bucked against the magical bindings and the mage didn't hesitate before throwing forth the next spell that sealed the jaws shut. She opened her mind and felt a wave of fear and panic rush through the female at being caught. The fearful emotions beat against her mind in waves as the beast twisted and struggled to push upwards to take to the safety of the sky. She stepped out and started to carefully move forward making soothing noises towards it.

A great green eye rolled towards her and spun as it brought her into view before a venomous hiss dribbled from the spread jaws. The lips twisted back and she saw the small sharp teeth being bared. For a moment she half imagined she could see some intelligence in those eyes, but quashed that idea as being an idle anthropomorphizing of the animal. It was just that, a beast, a dumb mute creature. She walked forward towards the scaled side placed her hand against the ribs that rose and fell with each breath. The heat from the scales was almost scalding as another snarl ripped through the female as the pitch rose up when she felt a hand against her.

Lashane let out a breath and centered herself as she spread her awareness against the body. She knew the spell by heart, she'd studied it and there was a thrill that ran through her at being able to use it. It was an exciting feeling of doing something forbidden that any young adult would feel as she rebelled against the social norms. She let go of the spell in one burst that meshed over herself and the dragon in a shimmering rush that ran along her spine and through the scaled egg heavy female. The magic made her breath catch in her throat before it ran out of her hands and the scaled side started to glow beneath her palms as her awareness began to sink into the female's mind.

At first she felt a bright and vivid presence against her mind, it wasn't as bright as a human, but it wasn't as dull as a horses. There was a pause and then outrage rushed over her. The being tried to force her out, but it was too late for both the dragon and her. Her eyes opened as she felt her fingers melting against the incredible heat of the scales. Her mind wavered and with a rush of panic she saw her hands being absorbed into the animal! She opened her lips to cry out and tried to stop the steady drain of magic as her hands were pulled deeper into the female's side. The magic didn't let go of her, it was if it had a hunger and mind of its own as she was pulled in closer. Her feet drug as her arms were pulled inwards and her mind flowed through that contact.

She suddenly knew without a doubt the fear and weariness of the beast. The steady beat of the great heart that hit against the chest and the tension of the muscles as she tried to break free. She wanted to tear herself away but she felt her arms and then shoulders being pulled forward. Her chest pressed up against the side as she seemed to melt into the other being. This wasn't supposed to happen! She was only supposed to join her mind with the animal, not her entire body! She wanted to shriek out in fear, but all she could do was try and yank herself free with her mind and body. Her mind continued to sink further into the beasts as it reared its head back and let out an ear splitting shriek.

Lashane's mind overwhelmed the more primitive one, and as she did she felt a rush of shock at the fact the animal had a complex network of thoughts. Weariness at being chased, fear of the strange two leg that was making her body twitch and jerk, anger that she couldn't break free of the restraints and above all a strange resolute sensation. As if the beast was set to accept this as it would anything else, even as it fought it, the creature was prepared to lose. Her body was pulled forward as her consciousness forced the female dragons not out, but back and away. She felt not the dragon's wings and talons flailing, but she controlled them. She lifted the wings up as the magical bonds broke and she reared up.

For a moment the dragon's mind was a battle of two will's clashing together. The scaled form thrashed against the ground as two beings controlled the movements. The mage forced the beast back inch by inch, she sank herself into the mind and choked off her own panic. Her body hadn't collapsed as her mind left, her body was gone! It had melted into the dragon's side until she realized with some hysterical laughter, only her clothing was left. The pile was cast to one side with her shoes and she lurched to her feet with the disconcerting feeling of the female raging just beneath the surface. The other was still alive, still with her, of that she was sure. She started to stretch out with something swept over her body.

She lifted her head up towards the darkening sky and noticed that the clouds were starting to gather as if it were about to rain. Her body felt awkwardly swollen as she reared up on her hind legs and twisted her head around. The cave would provide shelter from even the hardest storms, though it would be windy once the storm rolled in. She spared an uneasy look towards her clothing. Her mind spun slightly at what she had done. How was she supposed to switch back? She didn't have the first inkling on how to regain her body and the uneasiness started to spread. She pushed it out of her mind as she dropped to all fours and started for the cave. She'd have to think on it. And judging by the storm she'd have enough time to think while it rolled overhead.

The young mage made it almost to the opening when she heard a crack of thunder. No, it wasn't thunder, at least it didn't sound exactly like thunder should. She craned her head up to see a dark shape plummeting out of the clouds. For a heart stopping moment she thought somehow part of the mountain was coming down when she saw wings pulled back on the shape. It was a dragon! A rush of panic flooded her as the creature pulled his hind legs forward. That wasn't a dragon like she knew! He was massive and grey all over. She swallowed and twisted her body to make a run for the cave. Sithen!


Sithen flirted with the storm clouds with the air of a creature that had nowhere to go and nothing to do. He moved his claws out as he ran above the clouds and let his talons rake through the turbulent stuff. He could feel not only the moisture bead around the tips of her claws and wrist, but also the subtle crackle of electricity. It sent a ripple of reaction through his body when he felt the way small sparks of lightening caught against talon tips and made him lid his eyes and draw it inwards. While he craved rich red meat, he sometimes forgot how much more sustenance he got from lightening. He lidded his eyes and drew in a breath before he spilled some of the air from under his wings.

He dropped down beneath the clouds until they wrapped around him and let the small sparks of electricity lap against his scales. He didn't bother to summon any of the great bolts of lightning, he satisfied himself with the pressure that had built up in the clouds. The small sparks caught just at his wing fingers and he pulls out some of the energy to run along his wings. His head lifted up higher and his jaws spread open as if to drink in the clouds. The electricity ran along his wing fingers as he brought them down to slide through the storm. Everything was swollen and hovering just on that edge of bursting free with all the fury nature could offer.

The drake wanted to dance with the winds and call forth the storm, but the shriek below him called him back to his original purpose. The cry was high pitched and angry and he rumbled to himself. Had she spotted his shadow against the clouds? The new females were always so much harder to deal with, but so much more satisfying. Females of his own kind had been renowned for forcing a male to prove himself to her. They didn't simply come into season and give a flirt of their tail in the hopes a male would claim them. They attacked the drakes violently and had driven them into the sky. A female in heat was dangerous and sometimes deadly to the untried male.

He recalled vividly the last female he had claimed. She had been a pale grey that had was almost light enough to be considered white. Her mane and crest had appeared a dark black, while her body had been lean and softened feminine curves. She had entered his territory while he had slept on the edge of one of his caves and soaked in the late fall sun. His dreams had been awakened to claws raking into his skin and the bugling screams of the fertile female. She had harried him and challenged him with each beat of her wings. He lost a little bit of air as he lost himself to the way he had twined around her and felt her claws hit against his sides. Her teeth had scored his hide and raised welts while he had taken her.

He twisted his body and circled through the sky while he listened to the cries of the female below him and they blended with the cries the pale female had made. These smaller females were all fiery when he first appeared. Their instincts told them that he was a predator larger then themselves, that he might eat them if he got the chance. The only time any of them came even close to the heat that he remembered. Yet afterwards they become pliant and soft, they realized he didn't want to kill them and started to fawn upon him as they would their own mates. It was then he felt his interest wane and he simply went through the motions to try and breed his genes true.

One day he would hope that another's wings such as his own would stretch in the air and meet him. Until that day he would at least take the solace that he was not the only dragon alive. Even if they were not his kind, he was slightly appeased that he slept at night with the warmth of other scaled sides against him. His current favorites were both showing the signs of being in clutch, though after nearly thirty years he had little hope that he would see anything other then slightly larger green scaled whelps. He shook his head at his own thoughts and drew them away towards the snarling cries of the female beneath him. He had other things to think on that were far more pleasurable then his own lonely existence.

The massive drake pulled his wings back and let his body fall through the clouds with a low rumble. The lightening seemed to follow behind him, as if the brush of his scales coaxed the clouds into letting lose some of its potential energy. A crackle of white-blue lightning erupted right against the furred and spiked tip of his tail. He opened his jaws as he burst through the clouds and let out a roaring challenge to the world as the energy trailed down his spine. The roar of it ran through his mind and he felt heat flood through his veins and he threw caution to the wind as he pulled his wings in tight against his body.

The female was unmistakable on the ground. Even the grass that seemed to offer some camouflage for the green scales did little to keep her hidden from his sharp eyes. To him she stood out as clearly as she would have on white snow. His eyes swirled brighter and he felt a familiar outrage start to build in his chest as he looked over the gravid state of her. Her stomach stood out on either side and even her foot steps were awkward. How dare another male attempt to claim a female around his territory? He gaped his jaws and let out a deeper hunting cry to see her head jerk up at the sound of his voice. She scrambled along the edge of the cliffs as if she were looking for an escape and a wild rush made him scream out again before flaring his wings out and bringing his haunches forward.

Let her run, let her try to escape him. She was his weather she knew it or not! His heavy hind paws stretched forward and he retracted his claws as he brought forward his forepaws as well. Her form twisted away and he watched her teeth gleam when she hissed back at him. Did she truly think that he would be frightened away by such a display? He crashed in against her roughly as his wings worked against the air to stop himself from crushing her. His forepaws closed down against the spot just in front of her wings and his hind paws shoved in roughly just at the base of her tail. She was his!


Lashane felt an eruption of fear run through her at the male that suddenly filled her vision. The weight crashed against her and her forepaws went out from under her and only the lingering presence of the dragoness in her mind kept her from hurting herself. Her wings tucked in to keep them from being broken and she twisted her body over on her back. Her short taloned claws pulled upwards to try and latch against the male as he snarled down at her. For a moment the mage wanted to freeze up in terror as the head pushed in close to her muzzle. This was nothing like the dragons she knew, it was as if she were comparing a horse to what she knew of a cow!

The head was broader then a normal dragon's and the eyes were heavily browed with thick boney ridges. They brows swept back against his head and rose up above his skull before the scaled hide ended in a set of curve dark onyx horns. Between them he didn't have spikes or even plain scales, instead a ridge of fur rose up. It was dark black at the base and faded to white at the very tips and she almost erupted into hysterical laughter at the sight of matching fur tufts along the curve of his jaw and chin. Yet the eyes stole all thought of laughter away. The orbs were set into that dark grey hide and as she watched the red color was engulfed in a swell of orange and yellow so that they looked as if fire was captured there. The pupils spread open and he let out a low rumbling noise in his throat, not quite a growl.

She froze and drew in a harsh breath as the beast pushed his forepaws down and she felt a pinch and then pain as they caught against her wings. The beast in her mind flared with fear at the hold, the claws could easily shred her delicate wing membranes from this position. The panic and fear touched the mage so that she responded with outrage. How dare he handle her this way? She ignored the swell and pressure on her stomach from the eggs and pulled her hind legs backwards. She used muscles she'd never had before to kick out against his stomach and felt her short claws scrape over hard broad plates on the male. Dark black wings rose up to either side of her and darkened the area as the eyes swirled faster and sparks of red flashed into view.


Sithen kept his weight down against the female as she tried to kick him off and felt a surge of amusement that she'd even attempt it. Her smaller paws barely stirred his body as they thudded against his stomach and he drew in her scent. For a moment his nose wrinkled back at the faint scent of some perfume. Female, yes, but not dragon, it smelled also of smoke and horse. Wherever this dragoness came from, she had obviously lived near humans. Close enough to gather their scents on her scales. He pulled his head back while his wings surrounded her and he lets out a snarl like a thunder crack when the hind paws pushed against him again. Wherever she had come from, she would stay now.

He savored the way she writhed when he pulled his head back and moved one of his great forepaws to come down and push against the softer scales of her chest. Her snarls and hisses were almost curses and he watched her outraged expression for a long moment. How lovely her struggles, how glorious she was in her rage, if only she would keep that behavior! He flexed his longer claws and hooked his thumb right under one of her scales until he could feel the soft flesh that it protected. He turned his gaze down to the tightly swollen belly and let a hiss drip free from his jaws. Another male's get in his female's stomach couldn't be tolerated.

The drake's species had long since had a competitive edge when it came to breeding. The few females were prized and highly desired so over hundreds and thousands of years the males had learned how to compensate. It had been so many years since he had found a pregnant female and he licked his lips with a flick of a dark red tongue until the tips flipped up to run right over the bridge of his nose. He nosed his head downwards towards her inner thighs while he kept his forepaw against her chest in warning. When she tried to force herself up his talons clenched down until she let out a cry and dropped right back down onto the ground. His other paw moved down to push roughly against the base of the thick colorful tail and his attention was taken up in the break in her scales where he could see her vent.


Lashane struggled and tried to shove past the fear of the animal side to her thoughts. The males paw was crushed down against her chest to keep her in place as he nosed his way lower on her body. Her first reaction was to push up and struggle free of his hold, but when she attempted to she felt a sudden stab of pain. She let out a sharp noise in reaction as the claw sank into her flesh just enough to stop her from pushing all the way up. Another weight shoved down against the base of her tail and she felt a rush of shock at feeling something she'd never had before being gripped. She lashed the tip around while the muzzle shoved down along the swell of her stomach. What did he want? He wasn't after killing her or he would have already, he couldn't want to mate with the pregnant body either.

The blunt muzzle lowered down against the inner thighs and she flinched at the feel of hot breath puffing out against her. The heat of it tickled against her inner thighs so that she felt an unwilling spasm run along her back. With a shock she felt something wet and thick rasp out not against her thighs but upwards until it caught against the scales that covered her slit. Her reaction was immediate and fueled by her outrage. She brought her hind paw up and tried to catch the side of the grey muzzle with her foot and shove it away. She felt her claws hook against the scales as she gave a rough shove, but instead of moving the male pushed harder and she felt the wriggling powerful muscle shoving against the overlapping scales with more intensity.

Sithen didn't do more than tense up his neck at the feel of her pushes and she snarled out until she curled her lips back in an animalistic grimace. The tongue didn't just probe, it forced the break of the scales open as she felt something slimy and rough pushing itself past the tight outer lips. Her eyes snapped open at the sensation of something so strange penetrating her body. The tip was relatively thin but it rapidly started to widen and turn more muscular. She twisted and let out a spitting hiss as she felt the tongue tip split in half and start to probe just along the first few inches of her passage. She tried to jerk her tail free to curl up as she set her paw harder against the jaw and shoved.


Sithen felt the clench of the paws against his jaw but she didn't have the leverage or the strength to fight off his attention. His tongue tips naturally were pressed and held together to form a single tip and he was able to force into the snug passage despite her protests. Her snarling cries made desire flush through him so that his wings pulled in close against his broad chest. He wedged inch by inch inside of her as the muscles clenched down and tried to force him back out. He struggled against them and moved his tongue back to make the barbs scrape up along the soft flesh. The harsh hiss that rang in his ears made him roll his eyes up to look at the swollen mound of the stomach.

He flexed his tongue tip and peeled the tips part slowly. At first they forked and started to press up along the inner walls and spread them out like a lizard's. Yet his separation didn't end there. He pulled his muscles outwards in ways they hadn't been used in quite some time. Nearly half his tongue separated into two long tips that were textured as roughly as a cat's. He plunged the tips deeper as he pushed his muzzle down in close against her loins. The scent of her made him thrum in pleasure while she struggled and twisted beneath his attention. He let his tongue tips touch along the strong passage and drew in the warm sweet scent of her into his lungs.

She lacked the musk of a storm dragoness, yet he'd slowly started to crave this flavor. It was tinged with the hormones of a gravid female and overlaid with that sweet taste that all dragoness' had. Addictive and sweet as he plunged his tongue tips inwards like a spear into her body so that she almost impaled herself on his claws. Her back arched upwards and he had to shift his hold on o her to stop his claws from slipping dangerously beneath the skin. His lips peeled back and pushed up roughly against the top and bottom and of her scales. His tongue tips writhed in until he found the tight tunnel that protected her filled womb before he started to probe at it. He stroked at first, traced his tongue tips along the tightly sealed tunnel. He managed to wedge them just inside before he parted them and put some pressure on the muscled flesh.


Lashane tried to use the grip of her hind paws against the curve of the great dragon's cheek to shove herself away from him. The tongue that pushed inside of her was slick and warm, it probed so deep inside of her that she felt a moment of panic before she remembered she wasn't in her human form. The tongue tips pushed so deep she felt the dragoness that had been shoved to the back of her mind roil in panic. He was pushed in so deeply he was threatening the sealed opening of her egg chamber. She snapped her jaws and light out a cracking snarling that sent spittle flying from her jaws and onto her chest. How dare this animal handle her this way?! She would skin him alive! The anger filled her chest as the tongue managed to start to penetrate the tightness of her cervix sending a shock through her. In all her days she'd never experienced something pushing in so deep that it found something else to pierce into.

The tongue tips wedged and strained as she felt a tight ring being spread open by a slender tongue tip at first, yet from there it only grew worse. They split open and she felt the powerful muscles forcing her cervix to strain open as it wriggled and gained ground inside of her. Her stomach rippled with a stab of pain that made her twist upon the grass. He tried to slam her claws out against his face, to seek out his eyes to force him away when the paw on her tail moved and suddenly pushed against her ankle. He spread her leg wide so that she was obscenely displayed in front of him as the tongue tips slipped deep enough inside of her that she felt them pushing against a barrier. Her eyes bulged slightly as the head turned and she had a sensation of building pressure growing inside of her stomach.

At first she dismissed it of him trying to just gain deeper ground, but a sudden lunge of the tongue and stab inside of her forced the thought away. She twisted her head back and her jaws gaped open while her tongue lashed out from her muzzle as the pain rippled through her stomach. The dragon quickly filled her body with the meat of his tongue, the thickest portion of the base roughly spread her passage open. There was a moment of sickening fear as she felt the twin tongue tips curling inside of her body. They twisted around inside of her egg chamber and moved around the edges. Even before her eyes she saw a push upwards as one of the tones slide up along the outer edge and moved against the scales of her stomach. Her body throbbed with a dull ache of being filled like this. She wasn't in a human body, her body wasn't made for this! It wasn't ready!


Sithen arched his neck in pleasure as he pierced the cap that kept her egg filled body sealed from him. The muscles rippled around his tongue as she writhed in pain from the attention and he forced his forepaw harder against her ankle to make sure she didn't kick again. Her other leg was forced up and just against his wing shoulder, but he could feel the tendons stand out when she strained her legs out in that moment. Did she know what was going to happen? Males of her kind didn't have this ability, there were enough females for all of them, he could only imagine what her instincts were raging against. The air was ripe with the musk of anger and fear, the anger was what attracted him. The scent mingled in his mind with his memories of a female in heat so that his scaled plates parted enough to show the barbed scoop shaped tip.

He swirled his tongue tips in and felt just along the leathery shell of one of the eggs. It was large, far larger than he had expected. What he had assumed was a clutch of eggs, was in fact two of them pushed tightly together. Each one large enough to hold a good sized fledgling of her own species and for the first time in years he felt a rush of hope. He had never come across a pregnant female before, but he was somewhat sure this wasn't normal. Could she be a female that could bear him the young he desired? He forced his tongue tips to snug open against the leathery shells until he felt the barbs dig in to give him added traction. His tongue tips spread open wide as the second one coiled just beneath the egg and wedged next to its twin.

He braced himself with a grip on her ankle and his muscles started to tighten as he started to pull backwards. He felt the egg shift as well as watched her stomach move a heartbeat before she shrieked out a cry. Weather it was pain or protest he didn't know, nor did he care. He pulled harder until the egg dragged against the other orb and started to drag in close against the cervix. His nostrils flared as he inched his tongue back until the egg pulled against the cervix and bulged the channel open. It wasn't as if she was ready to lay these eggs, he was forcibly making her expel them. The channel started to yawn open as the cries raised up in pitch, they became frantic as the walls opened up just along the tip. He pulled his head back roughly and forced it to start to drag through muscles that weren't dilated in preparation for the laying.


Lashane's body was suddenly flooded with a cramping pain as the egg moved inside of her. She tried to force the animalistic mind away from her, but some of the instincts still bled through. It was as if her body were being forced to lay the egg, but instead of the slow build up and the muscles growing more elastic she was being forced into it all at once. As the egg pushed against the cervix she felt a tearing stab through her body that made her writhe against the ground. Her tail lashed and if she had still had tear ducts she would have sobbed out. It was a burning ache as muscles she had just adapted into having penetrated were brutally forced to stretch open. They widened and she felt the roughness of the tongue just along the edges of the egg as it continued to pull against it.

The beast didn't give her any time to try and deal with the foreign sensation. She felt him pulling and tugging as the oval shaped egg inched its way into her cervix. Soon it was just a ridge of flesh that rimmed the egg and she contracted the muscles as she tried to end the pain. Her passage throbbed as the tongue pulled back harder and she felt the male's cheek brush her hind leg as it pulled backwards. Her muscles were wracked with spasms as she tried to force away the pain. The next pull popped the orb free of her cervix and she felt it wedged into the tender passage and kept it held open. The animal's mind was blinded with panic at what was happening, the mage couldn't find any knowledge that would tell her what was happening.

Did the animal just want to ensure she laid her eggs here? Was this how all females laid their eggs? Yet the pulsing fear that ran through her mind made her admit that wasn't the case. The tongue twisted as the dragon pulled again and she felt her scaled vent being spread open so wide that she shrieked out. The walls were strained so tight that she was sure she was going to tear, that the beast was going to rip the egg free and leave her bleeding on the ground. Instead he shifted his muzzle and there was a blinding moment of pressure and pain before her walls clenched down. She tried to expel the orb desperately as the beast pulled his tongue again. She could feel her outer lips being strained wide open before there was a lewd wet sound.


Sithen's eyes started to swirl with sparks of purple and yellow as he saw the creamy leathery shell crown from the folds. The pattern was a pale blue with just a hint of green swirling through it and it strained the struggling female open wide. There was barely enough room for his tongue inside of her. He felt how the muscles clenched down during the premature laying and savored how powerfully they moved. His shaft pushed out all the way to the first knot and it pulsed beneath him so that thin strands of precum drooled from the upper tip messily to send ropes down to land on the grass. His sweet almost candy like scent of his musk flooded the air while it pulsed and filled out with his arousal. How tight she would be, how she struggled and snarled at his treatment of her.

He gave a sudden pull until he felt the egg come free with a popping noise. He had to tighten the edges of his tongue as the weight dropped down and he lifted his head up. Clear wetness dripped from the edges of the leathery orbs. He tilted his head back as he pulled his tongue back and wrapped the edges of his muzzle around the blue-green orb. He flared his nostrils at the scent of her and he looked up to see her head twisted up watching him. Her eyes were like sparks of fire as she peeled her lips back and snarled at him. He tilted his head back and pulled his tongue tips free from around the egg and his teeth dimpled in the soft shell as it threatened to pierce into it.

Instead the drake tilted his head back and worked his jaws and throat as he started to roll the egg into his throat. His jaws strained around it as he forced the orb to pull down his throat. He tightened the slippery red muscles until his throat bulged out around it so that it could be seen rippling its way down his throat. He reared up onto his hind legs and moved his paws up to press against the half deflated belly while he struggled and chocked the egg down. The weight of it dropped down into his belly so that it bulged slightly in a rise just along the upturned curve. He turned his head back down with a low rumble as he watched the female tried to lunge up to snap at him.


Lashane watched in a flare out outrage and some amount of horror as the male lifted his head with the egg held securely in his jaws. It was covered in some viscous wet material that stained over the dark muzzle and for a moment her mind refused to comprehend what he was doing. The beast watched her before she watched the slippery tongue tips twist and pull back away from the orb. He craned his head back and his jaws strained open so wide she thought he was going to dislocate it. Yet the egg edged and dropped out of sight and she let out a scream of fury when she saw it starting to slip away. The red inside of the mouth flashed for a moment as the throat started to bulge.

She watched in horror as the entire reason for her coming here, the entire reason she had dared come up this god forsaken mountain was swallowed down the muscled neck. It spread open wide so that the light plates that ran just along the underside of his neck bulged out. She let out another scream of fury that whistled out past her spread jaws while she felt the paw push down against the curve of her still swollen belly. The short toes curled down against the softer scales of her belly and she felt it crowding the egg inside of her until a cramp rippled over her stomach. She snapped her teeth right up towards his head as the beast lowered his head with a lick of his jaws. What sort of animal was this? Was that all he wanted, to dine on her eggs?!

He paw put further pressure on her until her back started to arch upwards in protest and she let out a moaning noise of pain. The orb was shoved right up against her aching cervix and she tried to stop her muscles from clenching down around it. It was her last hope for her fortune, she hadn't come all this way and gotten trapped in an animal's body to lose her prize now! The large grey head dropped down and this time he didn't give her any time to brace herself. The hot tongue tips plunged into her body and stretched open her passage so that she let out a low hissing cry of protest. It twisted its way and wormed deeper inside of her while she arched her back and screamed out another challenging cry. How dare he do this to her! She'd skin this abomination alive for what he dared do!


Sithen listened to those screams while his cock swelled further from his vent. She wasn't whimpering her begging him, by the time he had pinned a female down and kept her down they normally started to cringe and cry. No she was bugling out her rage and challenge towards him as he penetrated her body with the sweeping rush of her tongue. She still fought against the inevitable despite the fact she had witnessed her first egg providing a rich meal for him. How lovely, how arousing! He forced the thicker portion of his tongue into her strained passage and when the tips slide into the heat of her cervix he felt claws rip down along his neck and drag over his scales.

He didn't try to stop her fighting or try to pin her again. The struggle added spice and a new level of arousal to his body. His shaft pushed half way out of his vent while he thought about how it would feel to claim her while she challenged and struggled with him. He heat of her body, the snag of her teeth and the inevitable moment when she'd give into him as he bred her. He spread his wings up and stabbed his tongue in almost violently into her passage. The fiery female's body tensed and arched upwards while a shriek echoed in his ears. His tongue tips spread open and started to snake right inside of her so that the cervix was being drawn taut again.

Her claws scored against his shoulders and just against his neck as he started to twist the tips open around the edges of the egg. The steady pull started two wrap itself around the soft shelled orb until he could feel the rasping barbs dig in against it. He pulled them taut so that he had a good hold on it before he started to pull at it. The female's voice rose up in pitch in protest while he twisted his head to the side and moved his paw up to the curve of the scaled side. He clenched his claws in to brace against the muscles so that he could pull back. The muscles along his neck strained as he fought against the way the internal passage clenched down to try and stop him from tearing her potential young free. His lips twisted back in a silent snarl before he gave a harsher tug of his head backwards until he felt it pulling her cervix open.


Lashane felt her heart sink as the beast's tongue plunged into her and wormed it's way so deep her stomach rippled in a sudden tension. She could feel the tips penetrating into her egg chamber as it stroked and moved. She knew it was trying to find her egg and she kicked hard against his chest and shoulders like a cat in the midst of a fight. She tore at the scales and her fore paws moved up so that she flexed them. She drew in a breath and shrieked out her challenge again but it died in her throat as the male shifted his head to twist it to one side and she found herself staring along the underside of his belly scales. Her eyes snapped open wide at the sight that he'd hidden from her.

She'd expected this to be some arcane attempt to gain food, but what she saw proved that the animal found it sexual. A onyx black shaft jutted from under him, the flesh slippery looking as it spilled out drops of pearly seed against the ground. The edge of the tip was rimmed in fleshy barbs while the underside showed a sharp line of ridges. Yet it was the tip that caught her eye, there wasn't just a single opening, there was one right where she would have expected while a second was left right at the very tip. She drew in a sharp hissing breath before a sudden burning pain flooded her and she felt the tongue dragging against the egg to pull it up against her cervix.

Her walls clamped down tightly to squeeze around the leathery egg as it was drawn through the muscled channel. The ache turned into a steady burn along her passage as her walls spread open wide to wrap around the soft shelled egg. She could feel the round egg thin down as her passage forced the shell to constrict. She intimately felt the ridges of the tongue that formed bumps around the egg as the force of the male's pulls edged it from her. Her head twisted back while her tongue lolled out. Her body trembled through a gut wrenching pain as her cervix was strained out before the egg slipped free of the tight channel.


Sithen let out a breath as he gave a sharper jerk of his head until he felt the egg slide free of the inner passage that lead to her egg chamber. He pulled and twisted his tongue around the egg so that it twirled around and started inching outwards. His breach puffed out hotly while he moved inch by slow inch to tear the egg free of her body. He watched the sliver of pale shell crown from between the folds and a sudden spill ran down along the underside of the tail of slickness fell free. His claws tensed up right around the curve of her haunch as he gave a rear back of his head. His neck turned into a graceful S as the egg bulged the folds open wide for a moment as her body struggled to keep the other males egg.

The drake's neck trembled with the strain before the female screamed out as he tore the orb free of her body and his tongue tensed up to take the weight of it. It hung heavily for a moment from his jaws before he pulled it up and between his lips. His muzzle spread wide around it before he released his hold on her and reared entirely to his haunches as he tilted his head backwards and worked his lips and throat muscles. He forced the egg into the back of his throat until it filled his maw with the taste of her body. Its own weight helped to roll the egg down his throat and he let out a deep prumming noise from his throat in pleasure at it.

He flaunted himself before the female, he knew his girth had slide free to display every proud inch of himself before her. His musk filled the air in a dominate rush of sweet flavor that she would have no choice but to inhale. He was larger than any of her kind, but he made a point of showing off his virility to her. She wasn't fertile at the moment, her body was ravaged and stretched from his claiming of her former mates brood. She would naturally come into heat in the next few days to make up for what she'd lost, and then she would be his. She was his to claim and breed as he saw fit until she realized to accept her place at his side.

He turned his head down as the bulge of her egg flowed down to fill his stomach and saw the fire in her eyes as she rolled to her stomach. The skin tightened against her belly to show off the almost delicate female lines. He expected to see fear in her eyes and for her to make a chance to flee. Instead he shocked him as she let out a bugling shriek before launching herself at him with her claws and teeth bared. For a breath he watched the emerald form come towards him and his chest swelled with pride before he gaped his jaws and launched towards her in turn. Let her fight him, let her struggle, he would meet her challenge and prove to her he was worthy to breed her. Perhaps he found a prize worth of himself and his young after all...

Do you enjoy my stories? If you do and would like to think about tipping. It encourages me to write more and if you include a note on what you enjoy most I'll strive to make more stories with that sort of theme.

The Forgotten 3: Storm's Rising

**-Lashane finds herself captured by the dragon Sithen. A hint to what her future my hold and her desperation to find her way back to wielding her magic-** At the very edge of the known world, in the mountains of the North, a storm was brewing....

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The Forgotten 1: Edge of the World

For those interested this []( is Sithen who'll be featured in this story. :) Lashane cupped her hands around the rough clay mug that the inn keeper had dropped off for...

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Within The Cave

A short story commission for [![avatar?user=38299&character=0&clevel=2]( Moonshade]( "Moonshade") :) Jason leaned back against his best friend...

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