Changes in Life; Chapter 8

Story by Skye on SoFurry

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#8 of Changes in Life

Changes in life, Chapter 8

Disclaimer, if you don't like the whole M/M scene, then LEAVE! All the 18 and up stuff. All Characters in this Story, ideas and themes belong to me, (unless otherwise stated.)

Other then that enjoy!!


"So what's happened since we were thrown out of my own barn?" Skye asked.

"I thought I told you to shut-up Skye." Troy snapped.

"And I thought you were actually a friend Troy, I guess we're both a little stressed right now."

"Troy, Skye, stop it, worry about us right now, all of us." One of the kids interjected.

"Steven, quiet, I need to think." Troy replied.

"Skye," Alex cut in, "What about our DNA morph, could it break through these binds and the walls?"

"I don't know, Alex, your fire and my light may have some effect but I can't be sure." Skye replied.

"What is a DNA morph?" Troy asked.

"Don't worry about that Troy, its nothing you need to be concerned with." Spencer replied.

"Who the hell are you to tell me that?" Troy spat.

"You know what Troy, I can see why things between you and the rest of us didn't work out so well." Alex replied, "Now shut up and let us think."

"What morphs did these three get?" Skye asked.

"Steven is a Shark, Simon is a Unicorn, and Rick is a Bull." Troy replied.

"Well I don't think any of those will help us right now," Skye replied, "Have any of them learned to use their powers yet?"

"Only Steven and Simon have but they still aren't the strongest yet." Troy continued.

"Ok then we wont do anything until we know what they want to study us for again." Skye planed.

The wall flashed red once before a door appeared in the cell wall, several armed guards entered the room and in a 2-1 ratio took a boy each, Alex, Skye and Spencer together.

They were all led down a hall way through several doors and finally to a giant laboratory room. They then strapped them down one by one to the warm metal slabs, they used for a surgical table.

Then the guards left them and lights came on above their heads, illuminating them in comparison to the dark room.

The rest of the lights in the room dimmed and the lights above Joey's captives brightened. There was a hiss as a small vent opened in the ceiling and a small snake slithered out; a small shriek escaped Rick.

"Don't worry Rick it wont do anything." Skye reassured.

"You're right Skye," Joey explained, " The snake won't do anything, it's simply going to analyze every aspect of you."

The snakes weaved their ways from the vents to each of the boys. They then slithered around on each of their chests, and began to slide around their bodies, coiling around their arms, causing them to flex and relax, they went down to the boys abdomens and groin.

They wrapped their mouths around each of the boy's dicks, and took what Skye and the rest of the boys could assume to be measurements.

None the less, the warm scales sliding across their sensitive pricks elicited man moans or slight groans as the beast went.

The snakes then slide down to their calves and thighs, before moving to their shins.

When the snakes reached their victims feet they licked the sensitive arch in their feet, and began to rise back up into the ceiling.

"That was weird!" Skye complained.

"However it got me all of the measurements I needed, look," he gestured to seven holo pads to his right, a 3D image appeared on each one of one of them. An actual height, weight, body proportionate, scale model, and of course they were completely naked, for all to see.

"Now," Joey snapped, turning on the collars around their necks, "Morph into your other forms."

Skye and Alex resisted as best they could but in the end, they were forced to change.

The room light up briefly, with all of the boys morphing at once, in black fire for Alex,

White fire from Skye, a wave of water from Spencer, A sky blue particle wave for Troy.

This was followed by a colliding smash of lightening by Simon, and an explosion of energy from Steven, followed by a small twister in which Rick stepped out of.

Now that they were all morphed, the snaked descended once more, analyzing every aspect of them.

In the case of morphs with sheaths or slits, the snakes slide inside with their heads, and managed still to wrap their mouths around their victims cocks.

The snakes then descended along their legs, like they had previously, before licking their morphs feet, and retiring to their vents in the ceiling.

"And now, as you can see." Joey raised their metal slabs to a sitting position, "you can see results of this scan." A holo image of their morphs forms showed up, there was a Unicorn, a Bull, a sky blue dragon, a shark, a blue dolphin. However when the pads with

Skye and Alex on them, they enlarged the image and branched off in picture, showing both a dragon and an orca; also there was a blue and orange intertwining line that lead to a massive white and black dragon.

"Why the hell do they have those forms?" Troy asked.

"It's because they are the evolution of all morphs." Joey explained.

"What does that mean?" Troy retorted.

"It means that they have more then one morph and they took it years into research further by being able to morph again in what we call a 'DNA morph' where their actual human and morph DNA actually combines and they become one, super powerful form, with both a human and a morph form." Joey explained walking to Skye and Alex's metal slabs, "Besides, Skye here and Alex are going to be my personal body guards," he stroked their flaccid cocks, still outside of their sheaths and slit due to the snakes analysis.

"Let go of us!" Alex and Skye shouted, "We won't do anything for you!" they replied.

"You don't have to want to, I'm going to make you!" Joey gestured to his remote controlling their collars.

"That's cheap!" Skye and Alex replied.

"I know it is but, you guys are just going to have to deal with it for now." Cody walked up.

"Sir, I just cross checked the DNA sequences for you, it seems that the only other compatible sequences is between test subject Simon and Steven." A woman walked up to Cody and reported.

"That's not too bad, now we just have to alter some of their DNA sequence to make that form into a Unicorn/Dragon morph instead of shark/unicorn, it'll make it stronger." Joey gestured towards them, before sending the lady away.

"I understand," she replied, "I will get on it now." She left them.

"So out of us seven there are only four of us that can DNA morph, why?" Troy asked.

"It's because the rest of you, with the exclusion of Spencer, cant cross morph, its just because of your DNA its weak and can't sustain a morph that powerful, however I will give you guys some more augmentations to make you as strong as I can, just so I've got the best trainers for my army." Joey responded.

"We already told you, were not going to be your guards." Troy snapped.

"And I told you already that you don't have a choice in the matter, pay attention!" Joey snapped back.

"Now for the moment, back to your cells," Joey commanded, the collars forcing them to listen, "Except for Skye, Alex, Spencer, Simon and Steven, I want you guys in the room with the black door on the left side of the prison hall.

Still they listened and left the room.

As they walked down the corridor, they found that they still had some freedoms, like they could talk as they pleased, could move any part of their body, as long as they didn't try to go somewhere else then what they had been instructed.

"So, Troy, why did you freak out when we killed that kid, I mean I know it's bad that I had too, but for you to react in such a way." Skye asked.

"All right Skye, lets be fair ok, you know how you like Alex, and don't try do deny it, we all know it." Troy replied, "It was almost like that between Shawn and me, as much as I hate to admit it." Troy concluded.

"Really, you two were having sex?!?" Steven asked, a little shocked.

"Hey, it's no better then Skye and Alex screwing each other behind my back." Troy shouted.

"We weren't doing it behind your back, we were going to tell you but things just got a little tense when we were here the last time, and I stopped liking you that way when you got all weird about leaving behind people, now I have no clue about what's happened to them or what will happen to us." Skye replied.

"I didn't want to be harsh or anything so I didn't say anything at that moment." Skye said, "and Alex agreed as well."

"When did you and Shawn get a chance to 'bond', we were only out the afternoon?" Alex asked.

"That's when we 'bonded' as you put it." Troy replied.

"So you two had morph-sex, or just regular sex?" Spencer asked.

"If you must know, we were in our morphed forms," Troy snapped.

"What was it like to have sex with a snake?" Alex asked.

"It was good, he felt..." Troy paused.

"What," Alex comforted.

"Nothing... it's... nothing." Troy replied, he fell silent the rest of the walk.

Once they were at the end of the prison hallway, they paused a moment before the door opened and they parted company.

Once inside the room the lights went on and Skye, Alex and Spencer sat down along a wall. Simon and Steven on the other wall.

"So you guys actually DNA morphed?" Steven asked.

"Yeah we did, it was cool." Alex replied, "It was like we were perfectly connected and 100 times stronger." Alex explained, "We could hear each others thoughts and feel our joint presence." Alex finished.

"Wow that sounds amazing!" Steven smiled.

"What were you doing when you guys DNA morphed?" Simon asked.

"Well, I um... don't really want to discuss that." Skye finished.

"Oh come on Skye go ahead tell them." Joey's voice played over a speaker.

"Here let me show them for you." A screen appeared on the wall showing a high definition surround sound of the event.

After it finished the five of them just stood there.

"Wow... I can see why you didn't want to um... say anything..." Simon choked out.

"Funny Simon..." Alex cracked.

"Wait until you guys are in sync." Alex replied.

"Did you guys have two dicks when you DNA morphed?" Steven asked.

"Yeah they did, if you don't mind me saying," Spencer said, "They looked really hot with them."

"You're such a queer!" Steven shouted.

"Coming from the shark." Skye replied, "Maybe we should see what you guys did, I know you've had some fun with your anthro forms."

"How would you know that?" Steven replied.

"I know because, of they way you and Simon are so close, and the way you two act around one another when you think nobody's looking." Skye smiled.

" I wasn't gay before I gained the ability to morph." Simon replied.

"It's the same with all of us," Skye explained, "I don't know why but we all are now and I like it more then being straight."

"Yeah, I guess you're right, Simon agreed, its hot when I'm cuddling up against a shark, he so warm and his skin feels so great." Simon blushed slightly.

"I like that about Spencer's dolphin form," Alex, commented, "It's so smooth and soft, but warm and strong feeling, and I think that Skye feels the same way." Alex smiled.

"Yeah, he's right, I do, I loved that last time, on the beach." Skye smiled.

"What were you guys doing on a beach?!?" Simon asked with curiosity.

"Ah... not that much... we were a..." Spencer stuttered.

"I'm sure you can put 2 and 2 together," Skye helped along the conversation.

"Anyways, how are we going to get out of here?" Simon asked, pushing his long brownish hair out of his clear blue eyes.

"I don't know we can't just break out can we?" Steven replied, moving his ear length orange hair out of his pale green eyes.

Just then the door opened and ten armed guards walked in.

"You guys come with us," the leader clicking the collar's control program on.

The five of them got up and walked with the guards to the control room.

"What do you want master?" Skye asked with sarcasm to Joey.

"Oh, it's good to see you're learning to call me master!" Joey laughed.

"You guys are going to get my army ready for battle now!" Joey exclaimed.

"I've programmed the collars to instruct for you." Joey finished, "now go, through those doors to the left and onto the balcony."

Skye and the other walked out onto the balcony and faced about thirty boys, all in Joey's traditional dress, nothing at all.

"These boys can't be older then 13 themselves." Alex mentioned facing Skye.

"That's because they're not older then 13, in fact they range from 10-12, just look at the size of their dicks." Cody walked up beside them.

"Shut up Cody!" Spencer yelled, "You're such a pervert!"

"You guys know what," Cody started, clicking the collars control remote, "Start teaching."

Skye walked forwards and addressed the crowd.

"Loyal followers of Joey, I ask that you listen up as I will only say this once." Skye started,

"You are all loyal to Joey and have full trust and belief in him, and as such you will listen to me as I prepare you guys to battle for him." Skye concluded.

Four hours later, after Skye, Spencer, Alex, Simon, and Steven had all lead the class the lesson was over.

The crowd of thirty sweaty 10 year olds walked to the showers as Skye and the others followed them.

Once inside the shower, Skye was shocked; all of the 10 year olds had partnered up, and we're having sex.

"What are you guys doing?" Skye walked up to a couple sucking in the 69 position.

"This is how we relax after training, and get better at performing for our leader." he replied, going back to sucking on his partners cock.

Spencer walked in with the others and had a similar look on their faces, looking at the crowd of horny 10 year olds sucking, fucking and making out.

"You guys have sex with Cody and the other leaders?" Spencer asked.

"Yeah, every time we return from training or a mission he picks the best of us and we go spend the night with them in their quarters." The boy answered between groans, caused by the other boy fucking him really hard.

"That's wrong, their like 30!" Simon tried to convince them.

"Guys, one of the older kids called out, we must see if our MT's like our style. The group of 10-year-olds jumped up from what they were doing and ran up to Skye and the others pinning them down and starting to suck on their dicks, make-out with them and fuck them as they were held.

"Stop it..." Was all that they got out, before they each had 3 dicks wedged in their mouths.

This continued on for about 10 minutes, the boys repeated switching role, between jacking them off, sucking their dicks and fucking them, until they all began cumming.

The cum shot out of their hard dicks at surprising amounts and speed. Coating all of them in the thick white cream.

"This must be because of the augmentation that Joey's given them," Skye thought, "No 10 year old can cum this much, if at all."

After every one of the 30 boys had cum, they stood back as they watched as their leaders went over the edge; Skye, Steven, Alex, Simon and Spencer, all came at once, shooting cum the highest and the most in comparison to the other boys.

The boys helped pick Skye and the others up, completely covered in cum the looked at each other.

"As much as I hate to say it," Steven said, "That was really fun."

The boys walked back to the showers leaving Skye and the rest of them covered in cum, all across their faces, and bodies.

"I think this is the most cum I've ever seen in one place." Skye regarded.

Alex walked up to Skye, "Its so warm though it feels good." He said.

Spencer walked up as well, they all sort of fell into a hug, now noticing that they weren't doing this by their own choice; the collars flashing a punk pink colour.

They all started to rub up against each other, and slide around in the cum, taking suggestive poses and looks.

They noticed that Cody was sitting up on another ledge above the showers jacking off.

Just then Joey walked up into the room.

"I see your enjoying the collars I designed huh brother?" he looked up at Cody.

"Well I'm going to have some fun with you guys," he changed into his raptor's form, a hard-on jetting from his groin, "Spencer it's your lucky day." Joey laughed and walked up behind him, and watched as Spencer kneeled on all fours.

"Spencer stop!" Alex shouted.

"He can't I'm controlling him with the collar program." Joey laughed.

Joey pushed his cock into Spencer's ass, the cum from the other boys lubing the entrance.

"You other guys, go back to your cell." Joey ordered, as they left; leaving him and Spencer alone.

Joey then slowly pulled his dick out, before ramming it in harder then ever before.

Spencer yelled as he was taken.

"Aww, come on Spencer, your such a wimp, don't be such a bitch, suck it up." Joey laughed as he rammed his dick back in.

Joey then reached around with his clawed hands and placed one hand on Spencer's sensitive left nipple, and started to jack Spencer off with his right hand.

Spencer moaned as he was penetrated again and again, as the three taloned hand jacked him off and used his chest as a brace; while he was taken.

The raptor cock was repeatedly rubbing and stabbing against Spencer's prostate, causing wave of pleasure that matched the massive pain he was feeling from the huge 10-inch long and 4-inch diametric raptor cock repeatedly entering and exiting him.

Finally after about five minutes of this Joey cummed, shooting six waves of raptor semen up into Spencer's gut, filling it, causing the rest to come out of his ass in spurts, as more cum was pumped into him by Joey's cock.

This caused Spencer to cum, he lead out a loud moan, as the pent up pleasure and anxiety was set loose, causing his hard dick to pulse rapidly, shooting cum straight up above his head, causing it to arc and fall back across him and into Joey's s wanting mouth.

Joey savored the taste of Spencer's cum before he licked the massive amount of Semen from the boys off of his body, before pulling his massive cock from within him, and removed his supporting hand; letting him collapse to the ground spent, and cum running from his ass.

"Take him back to his cell." Joey ordered the men into the room to carry Spencer.

The door of the cell opened as Spencer was thrown into the cell; he slide across the floor and rested at Skye's side.

"Spencer!" Skye shouted, "Are you ok?"

Spencer looked up at Skye with tears in his eyes, and nodded.

Skye looked at the cum seeping from his rear, and the slightly blood tinged colour of it.

"Joey really went deep." Skye let the others know.

Skye leaned over Spencer's body and held him close, comforting him. He watched as

Spencer's body quickly repaired itself.

"I swear one of these days!" Skye shouted, punching the wall beside him.

"I'm here for you Spencer." Simon walked over and embraced him.

There was a clear moment of bonding between them; they looked into each others eyes and the world seemed to slow down. before a massive sky blue light erupted from them.

"There's no way!" Skye smiled.

Through the light an anthro unicorn walked out, it had a sky blue colour to its skin not white as it once was. There was a sleek looks to it like a dolphin and had a shimmering golden horn on its head

"They DNA morphed!" Alex commented.

"No way." Steven yelled, "I thought that I was supposed to merge with him." Steven choked.

There was another brief flash as Simon and Spencer emerged again, Spencer completely healed and looking better then before.

"Feeling better?" Skye looked at Spencer.

"Much," he smiled.

They all sat down again, Skye slide up beside Simon, "Now do you know what it feels like?

"Yeah, I loved that feeling!" Simon replied, "So strong and powerful."

"Exactly." Skye replied, "Hope you enjoy that form."

"I will, don't worry!" Simon smiled.

Skye leaned in and kissed Alex, "Remember our DNA morph?"

"Yeah, and I loved it." Alex smiled, "We can change into that at will now, we just have to morph first then we can DNA morph.

"Right." Skye replied.

"Now for a plan to get out of here, once and for all!" Skye looked at the others who nodded.

The door opened and they were offered a chance to stretch without their collars.

They took this option and stood in a massive coliseum looking room, a door to the outside beside them, but about 100 armed guards around them.

"Right here's the plan, we morph and DNA morph the we make a break for it, Troy and the others will follow us." Skye instructed.

Troy and the others nodded.

To be continued...

Hope you guys are enjoying this story so far, and will want more. Believe me its only going to get better from here.


Changes in life; Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Disclaimer, if you don't like the whole M/M scene, leave, all the 18 and up stuff. All Characters in this Story are mine unless other wise stated. \*\*NOTE, Ares is the name of Skye and Alex's DNA Morph form, as the other...

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Changes in life; Chapter 7

Chapter 7, Capture Disclaimer, if you don't like the whole M/M scene, then LEAVE! All the 18 and up stuff. All Characters in this Story, ideas and themes belong to me, (unless otherwise stated.) Other then that enjoy!! After the three of...

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Changes in Life, Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Disclaimer, if you don't like the whole M/M scene, then LEAVE! All the 18 and up stuff. All Characters in this Story, ideas and themes belong to me, (unless otherwise stated.) Other then that enjoy!! ...

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