As Master Wishes

Story by Abraxas The Dragon on SoFurry

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The door slammed shut as the dragon walked in through the door, he was dressed quite formally in a jacket and tie, his angelic white wings folded comfortably along his back as he leaned back on the door a moment letting out a sigh in relief, "What a long day..." He said letting his claws run softly just between his eyes. Moving from the door Rega walked made his way to the living room, a loud thud was heard from the closet near by, the dragon gasped turning his attention to the door, an almost devilish grin overcoming his face, "Heh... I almost forgot..." He said to himself, the dragons tongue sliding across his lips as he slid off his jacket tossing it to the floor. His claws reached for the handle on the door opening it slowly then flipping the switch just to the side, this closet was like no other. There were no clothes or other attires in sight, but rather a large collection of randomized dildos ranging form horses to canines. In the middle of the room was another dragon, bound and tied, his scales a unique mixture of black, purple and red, his chest flat to the ground, a ball gag in his muzzle, a bar between his legs, and a rope from his tail to the collar around his neck making himself embarrassingly exposed, the creature in visible distress, his nostrils flared breathing quickly as he could, his eyes blindfolded leaving him completely unaware of his surroundings. On his collar, a golden tag hanged engraved with the name "Abraxas".   "Ooo... What a nice display..." Rega said closing the door behind him, his eyes glued to the dragon before him. Moving closer, he eyes looked closer, Abraxas' visibly tight ass and tailhole, his own large scallie balls hanging so beautifully below him, his sheath nice and thick. Rega stepped just in front of the dragon untying his muzzle gag and removing the blindfold. Abraxas gasped and coughed immediately panting trying to catch his breath as he looked up at his master, "Master... please... let me go, this is too far..." he pleaded right off. He only chuckled in response before walking over to a nearby table, his claws worked down his shirt unbuttoning each snag removing it then hanging it off to the side. On the table in front of him were various dildos and anal stretchers, he looked over them all carefully then picked up one of a flared horse, the toy was greatly in detail with veins, size and length. "Too far?" he asked, "You have only been like that for a day pet. If you keep that attitude..." Rega chuckled, "im not sure how long you will last."



  Abraxas' laid flat on his chest, his knees were sore having fallen over just a few minutes before, his tailhole clenched tightly as the cool air flowed within the room, his eyes following his master as he could, afraid of what was to come. "I .. I didn't know what to expect... When you said pet, I thought just a quick fling... Please.." The dragon begged.



"Well then, consider this your lesson..." Rega said in a low voice as he moved to his knees behind his pet. He set the toy to the side for now and looked at the dragons ass, the pets rear so nicely raised as Rega placed his claws on each cheek squeezing them once letting out a murr in delight, he then swung his claws back smacking his visibly tight ass. "Be a good pet and do as your masters asks, and I may just let you go after im through with you." He said.



The submissive dragon yipped and gasped feeling his masters claws smack his rear, his cheeks flushed slightly biting his lip. "Yes sir..." he obeyed.



Rega's teeth showed, grinning to himself as he leaned down a bit further before dragging his tongue roughly across his pets tailhole, his claws still tightly gripping both cheeks spreading them a bit more as he murred softly in approval. "Good pet..." he said as he pushed his tongue into the dragon's walls, his eyes closing as he inhaled his pets musky scent, pants still on began to bulge. Abraxas took a deep breath in feeling his master tongue lick and lather his entrance, his tight anal ring clenched even more around his tongue as he struggled in the restrains, his eyes holding shut as he groaned a bit louder, "M...Master..." he moaned.



Rega's grip tightened on the dragons cheeks as he pulled back licking his lips again looking down at the bulge in his pants, "Im not sure if your going to want to go anywhere when im done..." he chuckled as he pressed his growing bulge against the dragons tailhole, his claws wrapping tightly around his pets hips, his eyes looking down his perfect body growing more and more eager hearing his pets submissive groans. "Mm... I can't take this any more." Rega said softly as he moved back to his feet slowly unbuttoning his pants then slowly sliding them down to his ankles revealing his massive cock, the dragon a very impressive sixteen inches long, his thick black shaft throbbing, his knot almost fully grown at ten inches girth, a single drip of pre leaks down his tip as he moves back behind his pet.



Abraxas whimpered below his master, himself knowing what was yet to come, he blushed a bit more feeling his own tip just barely poke out of his sheath, his thoughts beginning to change as he grew eager.



Kneeling again once more behind his pet, Rega gripped his member in his claws resting it just between his pets cheeks slowly grinding his shaft down the dragons crack, his claws laid on his cheeks parting them a bit wider for his enjoyment. "Tell master how bad you want it..." the dragon said growling a bit.



Abraxas shivered beneath his master as he felt the dragons warm thick meat between his tight scalie cheeks, his eyes closing for just a moment enjoying the teasing his was given as the dragon began to thrust his warm thick mass between his cheeks, "Master, pet needs to be bred like the fuck toy I am..." Abraxas said in a soft voice, his eyes slowly closing as tried pushing himself back in tight restraints.



  Rega's grin spread wider over his face, his claws squeezed and matted his pets tight ass as he slid his tip down until it snagged on the dragons tailhole, he bit his lip hearing his pet beg to be fucked to his discretion. The large muscular dragon growled as his hips rammed forward as hard as he could, his tip tearing deep through his pets warm walls until he hit his hilt, his balls slapped loudly along the other dragons as he let out a loud groan in obvious approval feeling the bound dragons anal ring clench so nicely around his meat. "AHHHH YES!" he growled as he leaned further over the dragon dragging his tongue roughly across his neck, his knot pressing threateningly against his pets entrance as he pushed a bit harder, "What a slutty dragon..." Rega chuckled before pulling back letting his tip flare within his pets nice warm walls.



Abraxas yelped loudly as he could, he teeth grinded together growling as his master thrust so harshly into him, his body already shaking in pain more then pleasure, his own member was hard and thick blow him dripping with pre, his eyes tightly shut as his growls turned into groans, "MASTER!" said the dragon.



Rega showed no interest in his pets cries, slowly he withdrew his hips, his claws now griped tightly around his pets waist as he forced every inch of his member deep into the dragons tight clenching walls, his tongue slid across his muzzle again murring and growling in pleasure, his eyes looking down watching himself breed his pet so roughly, his hips slapping even louder against his pets rump. He groaned soflty as his tip leaked a slow but thick stream of pre into the dragon's body sensing his climax nearing, "Damn... I didn't think you would be this tight..." he said as he thrust forward once more to the hilt, his knot throbbing against his pets tight anal ring. "I cant cum just yet." He said in a low tone as he pulled his member quickly from the dragons tailhole, his thick throbbing shaft dripping pre as he stood up and walking just in front of his pet, the dragon chuckling as he watched the bound creature pant and gaps below him, "Don't think we're done... I have just barely started." He said as he leaned down grapping the dragon by both shoulders picking up him into his arms giving a rough lick at his muzzle, "You're going to love this." He said with a chuckle.



Abraxas leaned over his masters shoulder as he could, panting softly as his tongue laid out the side of his muzzle, he whimpered as he felt his master claws tighten again on his cheeks, his neck strained a bit as the rope connecting his collar and tail tightened just a bit., looking down he managed to get a glimpse of what was below, the flared horse dildo long and hard. "Master, I don't like toys..." he said softly almost as if a whisper, his eyes blinking wearily at the toy below.



Rega grinned again, "Ill do with you as I please, isn't that what you were begging for pet?" he said, "Don't worry, your plenty loose enough."



"Nnn.... MRRRRRAWR!!!" The submissive dragon was interrupted as he was impaled mercilessly by the horse shaft below, his eyes cringing shut, his teeth bare as his back strained feeling the toy hilt within his body to the balls, his chest heaving heavily trying to catch his breath, his tight anal ring squeezing around the toys hilt.



"Heh.." Rega jeered, "Now lets put that muzzle to use." The dragon gripped the back of Abraxas' head shoving his pre soaked member into the creatures maw, he moaned softly feeling his wet rough textured tongue running along his tip and shaft as his pre slowly flowed down his throat, his eyes glaring down greedily at his pet as his member was buried inch by inch into the dragons maw, his hips beginning to pump his muzzle as he gripped tightly moving his claws to his pets horns, his thrusts causing the dragon to ride the massive horse cock hilted within his walls.



Abraxas groaned and mumbled over his members thick shaft, himself clearly lost in mixtures of pain and pleasure. "Ohh... God pet..." Rega moaned, his hips rocking steadily into the dragons throat, his tip flared throbbing harder and harder, his climax nearing as the dragon growled, his knot not slapping against his pets lips, his balls hitting against his chin. Rega murred in delight, his hips, knot smacking harder and harder against the dragons lips as his murrs turned into growls. His eyes narrowed again on the dragon below, his climax nearing as he showed his teeth, the dragons knot swelling more and more as he rammed his hips in as hard as he could forcing himself to tie his pets muzzle with a loud pop, "MMRRAWRRR!!!" Rega roared out in dominance and ecstasy, his hips charging forward with all he could until his tip erupted down his pets throat, countless ropes of the dragons seed flowed down the creatures throat, more and more Regas knot throbbed in his warm wet maw, cum beginning to leak down the dragons muzzle and chin.



Rega stayed there a moment pushing his hips back as far as he could into his pets maw making sure not to waste a single drip of his precious seed. He gasped and panted harshly as he looked down seeing his territory marked. Abraxas' scales were covered in his masters seed, his eyes open just a crack as his nostrils flared breathing as he could over his masters tasty spent shaft, groaning and moaning here and there.



  Rega's claws moved back down his pets face stroking his cheek softly as he opened the dragons muzzle a bit wider allowing his knot to fall from the creatures maw, seed immedaitly followed leaking down his pets tongue as he gasped and panted for air, "" the dragon unable to speak stuggled to catch his breath slowly licking his muzzle clean as he looked back at his master, "That was almost too much...." he managed to whisper, his own member throbbing roughly below him still.



Rega eyed down his pets body as he got to his knees before him, they muzzles level as Rega placed his claws around his pets waist, still bound and tied, as he leaned forward pressing the dragon into a deep kiss, his eyes closed as his their tongues pushed into eachothers muzzles, sucking and murring between breaths before Rega pulled away, "Heh, you're a great actor pet." He said with a chuckle squeezing the dragons rear again in his claws.



Abraxas smiled weakily back at his master, "I love you Master..."



Rega grinned and nuzzled along his pets cheek, "I love you too Pet."

The Forbidden Lovers(chapter 2)

"The Forbidden Lovers" ©2009 Character Descriptions: -As always, any new characters, aside from the ones listed in chapter one will be described as I go. Thank you all for reading, you're my inspiration ^w^ -LeatherHorse; June 25th, 2009 ...

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A Dragons First Love-Chapter 5

A Dragons First Love CHARACTER DESCRIPTION: Eric Thorn, Father of Dylan, Tall, mid 30's, black toned dragon, fire red main, blood red eyes, divorced. ...

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The Forbidden Lovers(chapter 1)

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