Give Up, Give In

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Give Up, Give In

(First Draft)

Before I loved Master, I hated him. Before I hated Master, I feared him.


I don't remember how Master got me. He always refused to talk about the time before we were together. I do know that I was very young. I know that I was called Addy before Master made me his own. And I know that Master wanted to break me.

I woke up on Master's bed. I had already been stripped of what little clothing I had. Master was naked and pacing around the room. His muscular equine body cast large shadows against the walls. When I stirred, he snapped his head towards me and put on a sinister grin. He climbed over my little body and pressed my shoulders into the mattress with his strong hands.

"My little foxie-boy," he said. His breath was strong with the smell of tobacco and alcohol. I tried to wriggle out from underneath him, but he sat on my chest, pushing me deeper into his bed. His free hands took hold of my head. He thrust his hips forward, pushing his sheath against my muzzle. His sheath was hot and swollen, barely holding back his erecting cock. My struggles to get away from it did nothing but hurt my neck. I whimpered, first in pain and then in shock as the head of Master's cock slipped free and brushed against my nose.

"No!" I instinctively shouted. "This is wrong!" I impotently kicked my legs and flailed my arms, moving my body no more than a fraction of an inch in any direction. I was a pathetic little creature, powerless to stop the beast above me. Master's cock (oh, Master's cock!) bobbed up and down, becoming thicker with each beat of his heart. Master's balls (oh, Master's balls!) jumped up a bit as his sac contracted into a smooth, round pouch. And once he was fully erect, he slid that firm pouch down my body, from neck to stomach to between my legs.

"My little foxie-boy," he said again, this time with a stronger and more terrifying tone. With those words stuck in my mind and Master's arms wrapped firmly around my body, I fell into a full-blown panic. My voice was all that could resist Master. My whimpers turned into screams. Master paid no mind and just groaned with pleasure as he pushed his cock against my lithe frame. His body-fucking became faster and more violent with each thrust. Soon, my feeling of terror was replaced with the sickening feeling of violation.

Big boys don't cry, I thought. Big boys are strong and never cry.

I held my tears back because big boys don't cry!


Stop, please stop. I can't take this. All I want is for you to stop. You're hurting me. You're hurting me! I can't move. It's getting harder to breathe. Why? Why are you hurting me? Why are you doing this horrible thing to me?

I ache so much. My muscles are burning. My throat is sore from screaming. It's so hard to breathe. I don't understand why you're doing this to me. I don't understand why you are hurting me. You have to stop. You're hurting me.



And I cried. I wailed like the weak and pitiful creature I was. My body was Master's plaything.

No, no. It wasn't my body that was the plaything. It was all of me. Everything that was "Addy" was being molested. Master's cock - what I now think of as a hard, beautiful shaft of muscle and passion - may not have been physically penetrating me, but it was tearing me apart on the inside.

Now I look back on this day and revel in the love Master was giving to me. But in my youthful ignorance, I did not understand his gift. And as I kept crying, Master kept giving me his love. He knew better than me. I would never have chosen the sweet and pure love of Master's sexual slavery. Truly, I rejected it then and rejected it for many months afterward. But Master found my little body to be infinitely arousing, so he kept me and made me learn. And I was indeed learning, as the first little cracks in my mind formed while Master fucked the space between our bodies.

We must have been there, in Master's rape-bed, for a very long time. I was exhausted. My revulsion with my violation was still strong, but not strong enough to move my weary body. I did manage to tilt my head down a bit. I saw the head of Master's cock run up and down my chest. The tip began to swell. It grew larger and flatter, blossoming into a massive flare. Master's final thrust was strong and forceful. His flared cock pushed into my face and, for a fraction of a second, seemed to just hang in the air, motionless. That moment ended with the most beautiful expression of Master's love: shot after shot of his thick, warm cum.

The first load splashed against the tip of my muzzle. My nose and mouth were completely covered. I involuntarily jerked my head to the side, taking Master's second load across my left cheek. The third and fourth loads were even bigger, covering my head and much of the pillow behind me. More cum shot onto my neck and chest as Master's cock, nearly spent of his seed, began to soften. His cockhead left a streak of cum across my chest and stomach as it retreated into his sheath.

"Why?" I weakly asked as a drop of cum fell into my open mouth.

"Because I can," Master replied. Finally, after so long a time, Master lifted himself off my body. My first gasp of air burned my deprived lungs. I went into a coughing fit, causing streaks of Master's still wet and warm cum to drip down my head and fall to the sheets below.

Master made me crawl out of his bed and onto the floor. He pointed towards his bathroom and commanded me to go. I could barely lift myself up, let alone move anywhere. But Master would not let me stop my lesson. So he kicked me in my stomach and ribs. I curled up into a ball. A shivering ball of abused flesh and sweaty, cum-covered fur. I tried to sob, but all my tears were used up. Master continued to kick me, badly bruising my shins and back. It was a strong blow to my head that finally forced me to stretch out. While dazed from Master's last kick, I tapped into the very last bit of energy I had and pulled myself towards the bathroom.

"Stop." Master commanded. "You've lost that privilege. Crawl to the closet." I followed Master's direction and made it across the bedroom, driven by the fear of more blows to my crippled body. I lifted my head and looked into the dark closet. There was some object in there, but my blurred vision and addled mind couldn't quite make out what it was. Master pushed me into the closet and into the unknown object. Once inside, the squeal of metal hinges and the click of a lock made me realize where I was. Master, my predator, had locked me, his prey, into a cage.


Thank you for your love, Master.

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