To Love a Succubus 1

Story by KerstinCabbit on SoFurry

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#1 of To Love a Succubus

Nara and Eliana's new life is hitting some ruff spots maybe the tribulations aren't over yet This is an adult story you must be 18 (21 in some really dull places) or older to view. If some how you found this by mistake close it now. KC [email protected]~ (Note: This story takes place after The Succumouse story ends. Also unlike that story series this one is in the prospective of Nara not Eliana. Not that she is gone Nara is still tied to her: Dedicated To the many, many, many people on yiffstar who demanded MORE. I thank you all) To Love a Succubus Pt 1 "This is what your doing with immortality, hanging about at a strip club? Eliana? Stop eyeing the girls and listen to me." "Calm down Nar, my interest is strictly dietary." "Bullshit, we have know each other far to long for that to work on me." That was just last weekend, I don't know we used to talk all the time now she has become so distant with me. Five years of living together and now with every passing day she fades away. I know I have to share her but it hurts. Its just, I don't know... that night I watched her leave that club with some cheetah girl hussy. She just left me there, me. I'm supposed to be her soul mate, that other furson who makes her whole. So why am I always alone? I've asked her once and all she said was do as you will Nara, hate me not for what I must. It's such shit, I thought things would get beater you know I thought we could be happy. Instead here I am alone again, just me and this book alone for another night. Ever since we left Markus and Carmel back in are old home town she has not been the same. I want her to take another familiar that way she would have time for me instead of this god dame hunting of hers, not to mention were fucking flat brook! It was not supposed to be this way she was supposed to keep Markus till he keeled over dead and pick up the fat wad of cash form his life insurance. Now look at use were living in a one room shit hole. I gave up everything why aren't I happy anymore why isn't she enough anymore. I hate it here, I miss Markus's nice house and clean cloths, I mss Jaden's coking, I miss being yiffing warm its freezing in here. Hell I even miss that experiment, Carmel at least had a sense of hummer no matter what shi could always make you laugh. I wonder if Markus will ever tell her the truth. I suppose not, it probably beater thinking they merged the twins using science rather then the a demon mouse girl just wanted to try something. Sometimes Eliana is strange, other times she is done right insane. Screw it I'm going to find her we can't keep living like this. * * * This city is so much bigger then home, and it stinks. I mean it smells my nose has always been sensitive but now I wish I could rip it off this whole place smells of urine and trash no matter were I go it always there. Its always cold, the sun can't even get light pasted the buildings who ever built this place I hope they spent every moment of there life in a place just like this I can't imagine how Hell could have been worse. Eliana has been going to the same club for the last few months. She told me its like hunters say go were your prey go's. I hate the place its big flashy and degrading. If it wasn't for Eliana's little mind tricks I'm pretty sure she could not even get in looking like she dose. My Eliana nearly five feet tall of the yiffest mouse you have ever seen, to me anyway some think she is a bit underdeveloped barley making an A cup, I still say her ass is her best feature you just want to squeeze the little thing till she squeaks for you. Not that it's a good idea for anyone other then me to do that. As a succubus goddess she has a little bit of a control problem. I remember the last time I accidentally got that side of her to come out, it was my fault she said stop and I kept pushing I hadn't realized she had not feed in so long. She went at me so hard she latterly cracked my hip in three places. What's worse is after she had to heal me and then she was even more hungry because are life forces are linked all she did by feeding on me was feed off her self. I pity the poor bastard she grabbed later that night he or she must have suffered a hell of a lot. I'm fairly cretin it killed them too Eliana would not let me turn on a TV or radio for six weeks I don't know what she did but it devastated her and it was partially my fault. There it is The Tail House, it's a big red brick building with one of them flashing neon sine's outside by the door, you know the kind it reads (Girls, Girls, Girls). The guy at the door was asleep, I'd fire his ass if I ran this shit hole. Like most of these dumps the place is poorly lit except of the three stages, topless girls patrol the tables giving the many guys and one or two girls close up shows, bills pinched to there hips by the strings of the pathetic excuse for underwear there all walking around in. on the left wall is a long bar trimmed with red neon lights Eliana's normally sitting along there, but not tonight, strange. Then again I've never been here this early before I normally show up around the end of there night, Eliana dose not want me to see her hunt it bothers her or maybe she dose not want to think about me why she is trying to yiff the life from someone. I can tell who in the room has been her mark before I can fell it the left over effects of her touch. On the right side of the room are three door ways that lead off to privet areas for the high paying customers...O my God! It can't be it just can't be. She's been working here! Across the room I can't believe my eyes but there is my love, using her skills to skim the wallets of these horny sacks of guts. Her little mouse body twisting and spinning along with the rhythmic music piped in to the whole of the building. She is dressed or at least partly in a frilly blue lace night gown id given her a year before. She dances and twist letting the hands of the men around her touch and squeeze at her body, smacking there hands away gently with her furless tail. My stomach is in knouts, this can't be how she finds a person to feed from, can it? Wait were she go? ~Intercom~" Now appearing on the main stage! The Demoness of Temptation!" No she can't be doing this. Yet there she is in some dime store nock off fake wings and horns. The only thing real is her eyes she has let them shift here, There strange bright green mesmerizing glow making the whole of the crowd squirm with desire. She is going through an act just rubbing and caressing herself for these fursons to stair at, no its for the money... My little Eli, why didn't you tell me? If these little horny fools knew what privilege you were giving them what you must be thinking right now I can only guess. I can see past her demon eyes I can see the cold hate that she holds for what she is doing. The crowed cheers as she starts gathering up the cash slipped to her during her little performance, her eyes pass over the whole of the room as she dose they lock on me there glow dies and return to there normal brown. The pain I saw there for that brief second as her defenses fell by the wayside, she returned gathering the cash in a much faster motions. She stood turn one last time to the crowd and was gone, the crowed jumped up in awe the filthy little lie of a costume left on the stage were she had evaporated from it. How long before she would be ready to talk to me about what I just seen would she even try, I moved back over to the bar and took a seat near the end. The bar men came over with a big grin across his muzzle, filthy mutt of a dog how dear he look at me that way. I ordered a drink only to keep from being tossed out, so I sat waiting for when Eliana would come out again she had seen me it was only a matter of time before she decided to talk to me there was no escaping it now. * * *

(three days latter) At least that's what I thought that night I haven't seen hide nor hair of her in three days and I'm a nervous wreak. This is the first time I've had to sleep alone in five years. It's just to strange to wake up alone even back when she could not sleep she would hold me all night just happy to be near me. What the hell is going on I'm so lonely I don't know anyone around here I want to go home. It's just I need someone, anyone to talk to. Markus... * * *

(Miles away a phone rings in the home of Dr. Markus w. McValin and his house guest Carmel) "I already told you I'm not coming in today and no amount of begging will change that!" "umm Markus," "Nara? Nara! How long has it been? You really need to call more how's Eliana and you doing out there in the world." "I...I...~sob~ Markus she's gone...Gone! I haven't seen her in three days I'm freaking out I...I don't know what to do." "Wait, what do you mean gone? I thought you two were like bound or something... she hasten come back here if that's what your hoping. Do...Do you need us to come out there, we could get there in about an hour." "would you... o please I'm so scared and lonely..." * * *

(three hours latter) "This cant be the place it's a dive, and what the hell is that smell" "Reminds me of were we used to live, I mean I used to live no they used to live, yes that's it they" "See if any one else had said something like that they would be called crazy." "Ha ha. Very funny try having the memories of three furan in your head and see if you can keep it all strait all the time." "Hay Carmel do you happen to remember what apartment number they were in its been two years." "... Your kidding me, I still call myself we now and then and you expect me to have a good memory." "Ok, ok, I think it was 116 or something." "Your such a twit" "You were around Eliana to much." * * *

(*apartment 126* Nara & Elaina's) The suns gone down and there still not here. O man, what if something happened to them too, what will I do. No one back home remembers me I don't exist anywhere, I'm so screwed. Rants due in two days and I've got nothing and dame it, its cold always cold. ~knock knock~ Thank you, thank you, thank you, pleas be Markus pleas! "Hay there stripes...Hay Markus its up here!" "Carmel, must you call me that I'm having a nervous break down I don't need the jokes!" " (:p) Come on, we came along way to cheer you up so you might as well laugh a bit." "Leave her alone Carmel, she needs a minuet. How you holding up Nara." "Holding up...holding up! Look at this place I hate it here and now Elaina's just up and run off. I want to go home, ~hysterical sobbing~" "Shush, its ok, I'm sure she hasn't run off. Shill be back come on you don't look good with wet fur." Its not his words I hear it's the warmth and beating of his hart. He still cares even though Eliana shortened his life by about six years he still wishes us no ill. He has changed so much since this all started so long ago back when he held a gun on Eliana he would never have done anything like this at least not to comfort me anyway, maybe to grope. "Come on now tell us what happened did you two have a fight or..." "No, that's not it at all. She's ashamed to come back. She refuses to go back to doing things the way she used too, So...So things have bin tight and..." "No more tears lass, come on now." "She...she's been working down at this club but not telling me... I saw he three days ago the hurt in her eyes and then she just dropped thru her shadow right there on that strip stage in front of everyone they all just cheered but I new she didn't even see them she only saw me and ran. O Markus how can I tell her its okay if she won't come back... what am I supposed to do." "Wait, Eliana the demon girl is striping for cash...~laughing out load~ O gawd that's good no freaking way." "Carmel!" "O come on that's the funniest thing I've heard in ages. I see her more likely to kill every one inside and what would she call it o yea save the stripers as in suck there souls out for the shear fun of it." "That's enough Carmel... don't listen to HIR." "O don't act all high and mighty with me if I recall Eliana's just as much a hir as I am." "Only some of the time, she dose not use that when were..." "See what your doing she is having a bad enough time she dose not need you making fun of the situation, its not helping" "Well its all I now how to do...Holy shit! Well looks like she just came back looks pissed too I'm going back to the truck she creeps the hell out of me like that."

~tap-tap~ "You mind opening the dame window there's a reason I keep it unlocked, and why the hell lock it anyway its demon scribed." "And were the hell have you been Nara's been sitting around here freaking out and your out there doing god knows what." "Actually, 'He who is know as I Am' don't know shit about what I'm doing. That's how it works now. And stop making me refer to, Crap. I'm not saying all that again all right. I suppose I have to say this to all of them too don't I Nara, shit.." "Eli? Why, why didn't you just say something...why?" "Nara don't cry, I'm just to dame proud. I thought that if I just kept at it id think of something not to evil to get us out of this rat hole, I swear if you make one mouse joke Carmel ill rip your tongue out like last time." "~gulp~ was... not even thinking it. ~I was actually thinking of five~" "anyway, this place ant free even though it ant worth a dame, I'm so sick of it all. I know I hurt you not coming back... I'm sorry. Its I just could not look at you, I drug you out here to this, what the hell is this! How can anyone live in this filth of a city I just want to burn the whole place down and make dame sure no one escapes the flames. But I promised I wouldn't do things like that anymore." She drives her fist through the brick outer wall, in shear frustration. All I can think of is why don't we just got then. Why stay in this shit heap, why not just mind jack some twit at the super five star hotels and crash there? why are we in this shit heap? " you should just talk Nara, your voice is nicer then your thoughts and your right. Why the hell haven't I just mind raped every one around me until I get my way I would have before wouldn't I and what did that get me. It destroyed the only people I cared for the only one left is you, and just what kind of life have I forced on you. Look at us this is forever I mean forever that's it till the dame sun burns out were shit out of luck everyone...everyone we have ever seen or met is going to die and were just going to have to watch. I thought...I actually deluded myself into thinking it was over all the pain all the shit was just washing away the only good thing is I'm not the cock sheath for a dame demon fox right now. And right now I know that smug bastard is laughing his ass off at me. What am I doing with immortality I'm taking my cloths off for horny shit bags who I really, really want to disembowel. Why, you asked why because I don't want to be like HIM. I don't want to be that, ~soft sobbing~ I don't want to be this any more." * * *

To Love a Succubus 2

This is an adult story you must be 18 (21 in some really dull places) or older to view. If some how you found this by mistake close it now. KC [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection)~ (Note: This story takes place after The Succumouse...

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Jamie’s Other Self part 3

\*This is an adult story if you are not 18(21 in some evil places) I must ask you close this now (ya I know not going to happen but my ass is covered) send comments or flames to [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) don't hold back...

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Changed Forever 1

\*This is an adult story if you are not 18 years or older (21 in some evil places) Please close this window now!\* (KC) Changed Forever 1 My name is Lily s.(skunk) Foster, it wasn't always but that was a long time ago. I was born a boy, had a...

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