To Love a Succubus 2

Story by KerstinCabbit on SoFurry

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#2 of To Love a Succubus

This is an adult story you must be 18 (21 in some really dull places) or older to view. If some how you found this by mistake close it now. KC [email protected]~

(Note: This story takes place after The Succumouse story ends if you have not read that go Back! None of this will make much sense and you will be missing out on my cleverly laid jokes Also unlike that story series this one is in the prospective of Nara not Eliana. Dedicated To the many, many, many Furson's on yiffstar who demanded MORE! I thank you all.)

To Love a Succubus

Pt 2

"I don't want to be this anymore."

I've never seen her like that before, so vulnerable. That was just the beginning of her meltdown every thing that had built up since we moved to the city she let out in on long drawn out tirade. At which point we left, yes, we left. Left as in got in Markus's truck and went back home Eliana did not travel along with us. Lack of space in the truck and she was in no mood to be around Carmel for that long. To be fair I was not up to being around Carmel for the three hour car trip ether but I don't have wings and cant just pop in and out of any shadow so I was stuck.

The trip was pretty much...who the hell am I trying to kid. That you know what I mean just dose not shut up. Three hours of stripes this stripes that I wanted to tie her muzzle shut, and then there's Markus. Finding every thing shi said hilarious, I don't mean ha-ha funny I mean nearly drive off the rode five times laughing I complain a lot. It must be the anxiety or stress. I should be feeling great I'm back in are old room in Markus's house, Eliana's calmed down a great deal, so why am I still all twitchy.

Well I know why, it's about the fight. Eliana and I rarely ever fight, and normally when we do we yell at each other for a few minuets then end up naked rolling around on the floor. That's normal for us, as normal as a demoness and a soul bound to her can be I suppose. But you know the last one we had a few hours after we got back here just did not end like I had anticipated. I had been arguing half heartily just waiting for her to hit the spill over point and pounce on me, when it became obvious that that was not happening, the arguing got worse.

"We can't keep doing this you're going to have to go back to at least some of your old ways Eliana."

"No! Never! I will not do it again, it dose not feel right anymore."

"You think were just going to bauble to sponge of Markus forever! Sooner or later he will die and then what Eliana. Then what! You refuse to take a familiar, you nit pick meals form multiple ferson's a night so you don't do more then give them a headache. How you survive like that I can't even begin to understand but you still only thinking of your self!"

"Thinking only of myself! How the hell so. You think it's so easy you would not last one week like this your genital little mind would turn to mush to fell the urges I fell! I spend ever waking moment just trying to control myself. You've seen me when I don't have control you've seen what I do how the hell am I only thinking of my self keeping that monster locked inside!"

"So some scum bag gets a reality cheek, Markus is defiantly an improvement! So What!"

"You just don't understand!"

Then she stormed out and were not speaking, and that's why I'm all twitchy I haven't had any in weeks...and what's worse I'm in heat, I'm a infertile, immortal in heat god this sucks! How the hell dose that even work! I can't breed, yet I'm in heat. It's a cosmic sized prank being plaid on my hormone levels! Sorry lost my cool there a second. Were was I, O yes.

Now with that kind of nose going on up stairs Markus did not have to guess just exactly why Eliana and I aren't talking he figured it out pretty easily. He has been trying to get the two of us to talk ever chance he has got. In truth it's starting to piss me off. Eliana will come around on her own you cant force her she has to decide things her self here head is like a steel beam it dose not give, ever. She will think about it until she makes up her own mind then see things my way. Its actually getting kind of early she should be heading back soon. Perhaps another night of disappointing meals will get her thinking.

Been waiting three hours now suns now a burning yellow ball in the sky. Meaning hunting was a bit thin. She will get back in a mood and will get no were. This keeps up I'm going to end up sleeping with Carmel. O were that come form, awful, nasty thought. Now I am starting to scare myself. I've gone with out before but never even had that idea pop in my head before, sick. ~bang~ and there's the window, Eliana no matter her mood should flush that horrifying thought out of my head fast. But I can't sound to cheery she will now I'm dispirit and try to use that to win the argument.

"Morning, any headlines I should avoid reading."

"That's it!"

She hit me? I can't believe she hit me! Why can't I move? Shit how badly did it go last night? Eliana...I can't talk...shit-shit-shit what twisted thought is running thru her least she cant kill me...I think...shit.

"Ill show you what its like not to have control of your self what its like to have a monster living in you! Then you will see you will see why I hate myself!"

Wake up wake up its not happing your dreaming this isn't real! You fell asleep at the desk you're going to wake up nose in your note book. What is she doing, I can't hear what she is saying. She is just standing there eyes closed looking down at me mumbling. Eliana what the hell are you doing please just snap out of it before you do something you regret. Eliana!.........

My chest is on fire, and my heads throbbing, what the hells going on. Open your eyes come on Nara you can do it open your eyes. Good, now get your bearings. Still in are room still on the floor and wait, this is not were she knocked me down to. What's going on why dose my body fell so heavy? My hands, teas aren't my hands. Mirror, the mirror, it hurts but I can do it I can walk slowly just move slowly. Slowly and with pain full steps I pull myself to the standing mirror that once resided in Eliana's bed room all them years ago. As I gaze into the smooth reflecting glass my brain swims in confusion as Eliana's glowing green eyes stair out of it, back at me.

Her demonic naked form, wings lying limp at my sides spade like tail dragging behind me leaving a line in the carpet from were I had walked from. I screamed from the depths of my chest I screamed. My wings pulled and burst up pulling the muscles in my back I did not know I had a moment ago. The pain its getting worse its like im on fire, make it stop please any one help me make it stop. It burns I can fell my body rip and pulse thru the fire that engulf my very sole and finally it clears. The pain is gone I lay naked on the floor of are room Eliana's arms raped around me but im the only one here. The arms are mine yet I cant let go I hold myself even as Markus and Carmel come bursting into the room I cant move im so afraid the voices who are they why want they go away.

"Eliana, Eliana! Wake up we heard you scream. Where's Nara? Eliana focus...Look at me!"

"I...I...I'm Nara, its, its cold why is it cold. Its like ice in my chest god is this what she feels like it can't be like this always."

"Wow the demon girls gone off the deep end, all thou I guess you could say she just went in deeper right"

"Shut up Carmel! Now's not the time. Eliana, um Nara what's happened?"

"I...I don't know she did something. The ice is gone."

"Are her pupils supposed to be two different sizes like that Markus, and im not making a joke here there going all big small."

"Carmel go down to the parlor and get my bag"

"And what are you going to do for her, I highly doubt they taught basic demon anatomy at that med school of yours."


"Well at least you're awake. Now do you think you can clear up just what in the hell is going on for me Eliana"

"I told you I'm not Eliana!"

"Told ya one day she snap and go all....shutting up."

"She did something, she was angry upset and she did this what happened to my body if im in hers shouldn't she be in mine or something."

"Eli...Nara, didn't you tell me before you dint actually have body any more you were just a soul that had form?"

The lights dropped it was as if the world had been turned off we were still sitting in are room me Markus and Carmel all looking around for what we could only imagine. Fear coursed up and down my new spine I could feel Eliana's naked tail twist around my leg on its own accord like an uncontrollable nervous twitch. It was strange feeling that tail as part of me even stranger now that I could see another Eliana floating very relaxed across the room hovering just a few feet off the ground.

"Now you will see now you will understand."

Her voice was cold, colder then it had ever been to me in years the ghostly image just hung there hosted by unseen forces she undoubting was in full control of.

"A month should do a month as me I give you all my power, and I curse you with my pain and hunger. You will see if it's so easy when it's your paws dripping with there blood. Ill be watching Nara and picking up the souls you tear a sunder."

She was gone the ghostly image had just evaporated into the shadows as the light snapped back on Carmel gawked at me and slowly moved away, Markus sat as he had before at my side looking deeply concerned.

"Did you know she could do things like this?"

"Well in hindsight she did create Carmel swapping a disembodied soul into here body should not be too hard, umm Markus what the hell am I going to do tomorrow night when she has to feed I mean I have to feed."

"What? Markus what did she say? Don't you give me that look! She said created, that's not true it's not how it was done tell me tell me Im not some toy she tired of like you!"

"Is this really the best time to go over this Carmel? Nara's in Eliana's body do have any idea what a succubus is like when it has no control! I do! I've seen it! I've been on the receiving end! We have to think and find some one to sick her on before she gets out of control and kills one or both of use with out realizing it."

"Hello still sitting here!"

"Just stay calm Nara, Eliana always said she was perfectly safe as long as she stayed calm."

What is this felling? It's like a flavor coming from him in the very air around him. I don't understand why dose it make me fell like that he's a guy I've never... its fear isn't it he is terrified of me! And I want him to be I want to make him scream I want his warm hot blood coating my fur. And this is when im not hungry! I can't do this I can't!

"Get away! I don't I don't want to..."

I could fell the tears damping my fur, the grey fur of my love whose body I was trapped within. What am I to do I can't think every things fuzzy.

(The day passes, Nara struggles to get control of her self it is only after she stumbles across Eliana's old necklace that she finds some answers to her problem. As the sun sets the burning need to feed became overwhelming her insides burned and sex became wet like salivating jaws needing to be filled. It was a most unlucky night for the poor squeal who lived just across the small street, he had done nothing to draw her other then being alive and unknown. Later as she returned she took hold of her note book and with still shaking paws forced what she had done down on to the pages.)(Nara's Note)

O god, how could I do that he dint do anything to me and I...I. Focus start at the beginning, start at the change. The sun had just set Markus and Carmel had disappeared they were afraid what I might do I don't know were they went but I know they did not want to leave me alone like this. At first I tried to just keep it out of my mind yet no mater how I tried the thoughts of another warm body to press to mine kept forcing it sway into my mind.

Images of sex and desire burned in my mind. More intense then id ever had in my life. I cold feel the dampness running down my thighs it was not like id thought it be. I dint really fell hungry, I felt...lust the need for it, and it was beyond desiring I needed it. The more I tried to fight it the stronger it became, until. I passed by the standing merrier my eyes caught a glimpse at Eliana's gorgeous form. Slender and sleek, distracted for but a second I let the hold I had on my self slip away. M paws wondered over the body of my body I could feel my paws I could fell were they touched from both prospective as the toucher and the touched.

The modest garment I had been warring was quickly discarded and still my paws covered this new body of mine, until my paws slipped to the place id fantasized about, the part of this body I knew all to well caressing it many times as me and Eliana would lay together bring each other the pleasers that only the other could. As the fingers that were mine and yet were not touched the outer limps I trembled with excitement only to let about a shrike of the worst pain id ever experienced.

From that place I felt the fire it burned its way up my chest around my breast to the crest of my back there it focused. Frantic I chanced to look back at the merrier id been standing so near to. I could see the hard lump begin to grow below the tight skin. I watched myself in the mirror as the lumps grew and lengthened they spread and from them, four finger's curve off each wing with three joints each. Between them a thin layer of skin grew linking them together. The leading edge of the wings tingled as the violet fur began to cover it. The skin that connected each of the fingers like ribs of the wings darkened until it was as black as the night out side.

I could feel them, move them now. I ran my paw over them slowly they are so sensitive that it made my whole body quiver. The fire seared its way up my neck and back around to my jaws. My teeth slowly change to pointed almost k-9. My tongue Strikes out like its being ripped from my mouth it lengthiness painfully and the tip splits in two now forked it returns to its new pointy surroundings. Next Eliana's round ears curve and into long points, my new head fur flushes jet black breaking the solid grey color of the rest of me. From my head fur line two slender red horns slowly follow the shape of my skull leaving just about two inches underneath them, until they are just behind my ears. The fire burns down my chest again concentrating just above her sex I new what was to come it scared me yet I knew id seen Eliana's transformed body before. The sheath she had taken from that poor boy she killed on her first night grew in to its place full and ready. A shudder ran down my spin as I gazed at the alien thing now upon my hips. Finally the tip of my tail slowly flattens in two a spade like shape and the whole thing turns black, this tail how many had it killed how many had it slit, that black spade so razor sharp.

That driving needs screamed form inside my mind as I stood naked and transformed. The merrier returning my empty gaze this body acted on its own. I felt the wings move id know id moved them but I did not understand how. Faster then id realized possible I was thru the window and casting my eyes on another open window just across the street. A small house, all its windows dark I could smell a male there his musky sent was more then I could stand the me that was me felt the sickness of touching a male. Yet the need to do it forced the vomit down. The air across her wings god it's amazing it fells so right. The house is dark I slip thru the window with out a sound. Carefully I walk to the source of the pulse my ears can hear. I paused open the door on the male was not very large in fact he was just a bit larger then Eliana herself. His sent was driving this body mad, lust burned and still I knew that I was doing this but I was still sickened by the idea of a male touching his stick piercing me. I did not want to do it the very act repulsed me, yet this body demanded I take that shaft. Draw it into me and feed from the life of this young male. Fear ran thru me could I stop my self once I began.

Casually I claimed in to the bed with the squwarls his brown and black fur was soft as I ran my paw over his shoulder.

Slowly I traced my way down over the light night shirt he was wearing and stopping just as my fingers touched the shorts that covered the object that both sickened and danced in my mind. Gently I pulled them down the softer tan fur of his belly and chest mad his maleness look like toys. This body worked on its own lowering ties lips down licking the sheath opening until the red pointed shaft slid from its protective hiding place. It was just as disgusting as id always imagined all red and veiny. Not wanting to touch it I recoiled at the sight of the thing. How was I to bring myself to let that inside me? Hate for that red shaft boiled inside of me, this thing was disgusting must I really sink so low as to do this?

I reached out with a paw and gave the shaft a light stroke and patted the fist size bag that rested below it. Knowing that if I did not act soon this body would force me I lifted my self gently on to him slowly his icky red stick slid into me. Immediately the poor half wit jumped bolt awake as the demonic juices stared there work.

"Who...What the hell are you?"

I don't know how to work this body im being driven on ward by shear need. Eliana could just make him do what she wanted but I can't. What was I supposed to do the need was burning inside me demanding I satisfy it what ever the price. I held him down using that demonic forms strength. I could fell his wrist snap is a pressed them harder and harder agents the bed the screams that filed the room as I rode him drinking in his very soul.

the cold chill of the moment when his body could take no more forced to open its self and give me what I asked of it...I could not stop it and even now I wish it never ended at that moment when all was fulfilled and the corps lay beneath me the moment before the beast was gone and the girl returned I was fulfilled ever fiber of my being felt as all was perfect that nothing could improve that second. Then it was gone and I felt that blank stair of death pear up at me the nut in my stomach ranching itself tighter, the hot cum still seeping out of the place I always thought was so lovely. Is this what she wanted me to fell...please I want to die.

I can't focus I walked back across the narrow street and into this house up the stairs still alone what will I tell them when I see them next, how can I....

"Dam it Eliana! You made your point ~sniffling and holding back tears~ just...just make it stop...."

Theia and the Gorgon

This is an adult work if you are not 18(21 in some evil places) I must ask you to leave now. Note: Gorgons have been reworked so many times over the centuries that in researching for this story I found three distinctly different types I'm using a mix...

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To Love a Succubus 1

Nara and Eliana's new life is hitting some ruff spots maybe the tribulations aren't over yet This is an adult story you must be 18 (21 in some really dull places) or older to view. If some how you found this by mistake close it now. KC...

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Jamie’s Other Self part 3

\*This is an adult story if you are not 18(21 in some evil places) I must ask you close this now (ya I know not going to happen but my ass is covered) send comments or flames to [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) don't hold back...

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