Wolgram's Search Part 5

Story by Wolgram96 on SoFurry

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#5 of Wolgram's Search

Thanks go to my editor and mate, SpeakingWolf

Enjoy and feel free to leave a comment.

I dove to the right as the gun went off, my brother laughing as the bullet clipped my arm, making me grunt in pain. He clucked his tongue at me as I ducked behind a corner looking at the wound as it closed. "Now isn't this so much fun," he laughed maniacally. Suddenly, I heard a gurgle as the gun went off again and I knew he had killed the cashier. "See now? His death could have been avoided," he taunted me. I growled and stepped around the corner and was immediately slammed in the chest three times. I coughed and stumbled back. "Oh, did I hurt you?" his grin widened as he stared at me, his eyes wide in mock worry. I shook my shoulders and took a step towards him. The room was deafened by continuous gunshots and I fell back against the wall as they all hit me. I bounced back and started towards my brother, a snarl on my face. He pulled the trigger again, only for a pitiful click to be issued. "Damn," he snarled throwing the gun aside and crouching down, waving me forward. "Bring it on brother," he yelled at me, smiling widely.

I snarled, called to my will and thrust my hands out at him. His face twisted into a grimace and he tensed up. Suddenly he rose from the ground and growled in defiance. I could feel his will fighting mine and I knew I couldn't keep this up for long. I had to get away, so I threw him out the front window of the shop. He screamed in outrage as he flew into a bus, crashing through one side then the other. I knew that this wouldn't take him down, though, so I stepped out and prepared for the attack I knew was coming.

He picked himself up and stood there staring at me a snarl of anger locked on his face. Suddenly, the snarl disappeared and he smiled and looked around and I heard him mutter, "Stronger than I thought." Then he called out to me, "Brother, why don't we continue this fun somewhere more private."

All of a sudden we were enveloped in a shimmering ball of light then we were in a different place. I looked around recognizing me and my brother's home. It was a forest clearing with a clear blue pond next to it. I sighed knowing that my brother was calling a temporary truce by bringing me here, so I straightened my posture and looked at him. He walked to me, a smile on his face and his arms open. "Dear brother, it has truly been too long." He gave me a hug and I hugged him back as he kissed me on the cheek. "Look at you! Wandering among the mortals, having fun, I see, while I'm stuck with all the boring stuff." He gave a mock pouting look and sniffled.

I just scoffed and looked away. "Yes, as being the ruler of the chaos in the worlds is so hard."

"Ah, but you have no idea! I have to constantly figure out how to spice it up." He swept his arms out wide and chuckled. "How I do so wish you would come back and join me as you used to. Me chaos, you order, and sometimes we switch like we used to." he threw me a wink and nudged me.

I sighed and looked away "You know I love you brother but I do not have the stomach for it."

"You lie," he screamed at me, the outrage apparent in his features as the image of the area started to waver and some things burst into flames. "Do not tell me you have no stomach when I watched you kill those men last night!" He paused and regained his composure, then gave me a wistful smile. "Or is it perhaps those two beautiful mates you have now that makes you so callous to your true calling." I winced knowing he knew about Angel and Seth and truly wishing he didn't.

"Please, do not talk about them. They are my affair and have I ever meddled into your truly personal things?" He frowned knowing I was right, then waved his hand dismissively

"No, you have not. So I will not meddle too personally. Though that doesn't mean some friends won't. You know how they do so love to take you down a few notches. Especially dear Ramarth." He smiled widely and I growled at the thought of Ramarth - the one person I hated more than anything.

"Do not think I will let these transgressions go unpunished, brother," I growled, to which he smiled sweetly.

"I know what you want and I wish you good luck in your continued hunt. I'll try to help you if I can." He then gave me another hug and whispered in my ear, "I love you brother."

"I love you too," I patted him on the back and sighed as he and the image around us disappeared. I looked around, recognizing I was near the house and noticed that three hours had passed while I had been talking to my brother. I started off towards the house and knew no matter how tough my brother might act and what he might do, he wouldn't hurt me. He was actually a big softie when it came to me. I didn't hate him, but we did have our quarrels - mainly because it was like looking in a mirror with each other. We were so alike but so different at the same time.

I got to the front porch and saw my bought items there with a sticky note on the front. I pulled it off and looked at it. there in my brothers unmistakeable handwriting was a message. 'Here's these back. Figured you'd need them to help get those two out of their pants :P' I laughed to myself and picked them up, walking inside. I was immediately greeted by the sound of running and Angel and Seth appeared around the corner.

"Wolgram," they both yelled out as they jumped at me. I caught them both with one arm and set the painting and sculpture down then hugged them tightly.

"Oh, Gods, we heard there was a shooting in the city and someone was killed! We were worried you were hurt!" Seth blurted out rubbing his face in my chest fur. I could see that both Angel and Seth's eyes were bloodshot from crying.

"I'm fine see," I replied, opening my arms wide. They looked my body over then Angel couldn't help but stifle a laugh then poke my stomach. "Yes, you are fine." I chuckled and Seth joined in, then they looked down to the presents. "What are those?"

"Oh, they're house warming gifts, since you guys are so great." I smiled and they looked thoroughly interested. I picked up the sculpture first and showed it to them. They nodded their appreciation of it, then I picked up the picture and showed it to them. Angel gasped and covered her mouth with her paw.

"That's amazing! I love it!" She then grabbed it and ran into the living room. I heard her throw something to the floor then a shuffling and grunt. "There that looks perfect!" Seth and I walked into the room and saw Angel standing in front of the picture hung up on the wall. She was smiling widely. I just looked over at Seth and smiled at him then picked him up and scooped up Angel as well. Then I plopped down on the couch and gave them both a passionate kiss. They murred and stared at me expectantly.

"What?" I asked trying to sound innocent then Seth pulled me into a deep kiss making me murr into his maw. I reached down and fondled his sheath making him whimper in need. Suddenly though I heard a loud crack and all my fur stood on end. I sniffed the air once and my eyes went wide "Ramarth."

I pulled Seth and Angel to me and shielded them with my body as the wall suddenly exploded. Then, a 9 foot black dragon walked in. His belly was red, as were his horns. His wings had holes in them and the end of his tail was just bone, as was one half of his maw showing only the bone of his jaw. His eyes were red and his nostrils leaked smoke constantly and puffed out fire with a heavy sigh. He looked at the hole, then at me and smiled, lifting his lips on the one good side of his maw.

"Oh, was I supposed to knock?"

A Conquerer's Fight For Freedom part 2: A Decision in the Making

"Your land will be mine, Amerius!" I eyed the bull as he yelled my name and his claim. I suddenly heard a snort by my side and turned to see my older brother standing there looking at me with a bored expression on his face. "So brother, what shall we...

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Wolgram's Search Part 4

**Thanks go to my editor and mate, SpeakingWolf** **Enjoy and feel free to leave a comment.** That night was one of the few times I had slept peacefully. So when I woke up I was in a considerably good mood, as were Angel and Seth. I did...

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A Conquerers Fight For Freedom part 1: the Battle

**Here's a new story i'm starting on I hope you all enjoy.** **Special thanks to my great new mate SpeakingWolf :)** **The Battle** "Your land will be mine, Amerius!" the mighty bull roared. The field between us would soon become...

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