Wolgram's Search Part 4

Story by Wolgram96 on SoFurry

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#4 of Wolgram's Search

Thanks go to my editor and mate, SpeakingWolf

Enjoy and feel free to leave a comment.

That night was one of the few times I had slept peacefully. So when I woke up I was in a considerably good mood, as were Angel and Seth. I did catch them giving me a few looks of newfound respect and awe, though I didn't think I deserved them. Of course, I wasn't about to tell them that. I was mostly surprised that they weren't completely disgusted with me for killing, but I refused to let those negative thoughts stay in my head. Unfortunately the school days started again and Seth and angel had to go. When they asked me if I was coming, I told them I would come with them to make sure they were safe.

They cheered up at that and we all walked off, heading to school.

"So guys how did you sleep?" I asked.

"Good," they replied simultaneously.

"That's good" I replied smiling. Then I suddenly got hit on the back and felt someone's arms wrap around me. When I looked down, I saw the white paws and red arms and just chuckled.

"Well, love, since you're so strong then, why don't you give me a piggy back ride?"

"Ugh... you're too heavy," I said pretending to slump as if there was a huge weight on me.

"Told you. You should have laid off those cupcakes, Sis," Seth snickered, until I heard Angel slap him and he whimpered out. I chuckled, letting Angel play out her frustration.

"Oh, you think it's funny, do you?" she said coyly then slapped me across the head. I instinctively threw my head back letting out a snarl and snapping my maw inches from her hand, my lips pulled back showing my teeth as I let out a deep growl. Angel and Seth just froze looking at me with a look of pure fear on their faces. I immediately realized what I had done and snapped out of it, pinning my ears to my head and curling my tail up under me. It felt like it would shrink into my body.

"I'm so sorry," I said hastily trying to explain, "it's just that no one's ever done that to me and lived. It's a natural reaction." I looked away, feeling so ashamed at what I had done. All I got was a comforting pat on the shoulder in response as angel climbed down off me and stood beside Seth. 'Great, I ruined it,' I scolded myself, 'how do I always manage to fuck things up?' I just felt like stopping then and there and sitting down on the ground and do nothing but stare at my feet all day long. Before I could really begin to think about that idea, though, I got a pat on my shoulders.

"Don't worry, love, I understand." I looked over and saw angel looking at me compassionately and I saw in her eyes she was more worried about what she had done than what I had done. "I mean I don't really understand how I could, but it's you. It's how you are," she rambled on looking away and to the ground until I put my hand under her chin and lifted her head up to meet my gaze. We stared into each other's eyes, sharing deep emotions that can't be expressed in words. Then I moved forward putting my lips against hers, tilting her head to the side and kissing her deeply and passionately. When I pulled away she seemed breathless and we just stared into each other's eyes for a long while until we suddenly heard Seth clear his throat.

"I see you kiss her like that but not me," he crossed his arms trying to look mad. But he couldn't mask his smile or his wagging tail. Me and Angel just smiled, looked at each other then laughed. Then I grabbed Seth up and gave him a kiss just like I gave Angel with a little extra tongue wrestling to satiate his needs.

"Kiss me like that some more and you'll have to carry me everywhere," he gasped out when I pulled back. A new round of laughter came around from that as we headed up the ramp to the school.

When I got into my classes, I started to think how pointless and how much of a waste of time it all was. I knew most of the things already, especially about history, but math taught me some new things. I couldn't help but wonder what I would do with it. Finally the lunch bell rang and we headed off to the cafeteria. It was strange though, because no one was at our table.

"Where is everybody?" I asked looking around.

"Oh, yeah, that's right! They had a field trip to go to," he replied smacking himself in the head with his free hand.

"So what? It's just gonna be you, me and angel?"

"Yeah. Why is that so bad?"

"Bad wasn't exactly the word I had in mind," I said winking to him. He just blushed and looked away then smiled as he saw a light blue husky just over 6' walk towards us. He was lean and looked like he might play a sport.

"Hey, Gage, what's up man?" Seth said with a smile, patting the husky on the back when he sat down.

"Seth, what's up bro? I haven't seen you for a while, Angel," he smiled at Seth then nodded to Angel. Then he looked at me eyeing me up and down.

"Who's this gigantic mass of wolf?" he asked looking at Seth.

Seth just shrugged and offered nothing other than, "Why don't you ask him?"Well if you want to know who I am, you might not wanna be so rude about it," I growled glaring at him.

"I didn't mean anything, I was just wondering," he stammered as he pinned his ears back. I just laughed at his reaction.

"I'm just kidding. I'm Wolgram," I offered him my paw. He just gave this relieved sigh then shook my paw.

"For a second there, I thought you were gonna eat me. But anyway my name's Gage. Nice to meet you." I just nodded then looked to Seth and winked when Gage picked up his drink to take a sip.

"I wouldn't eat you, Gage. At least not in the way your thinking." he made a choking sound then put his water down pounding his chest with one hand as he coughed.

"Oh, my God, did you just say what I think you did?"

"I don't know, what did I say?" I replied coyly leaning forward and smiling. His fur on his cheeks instantly went red and I saw him pin his ears to his head. "Calm down, Gage, I'm messing with you," I finally said patting him on the back. He gave a big sigh and slumped a bit.

"Man, you are really good at pretending to be serious," he chuckled.

"Who said I wasn't?" The smile going from my face was suddenly replaced with a serious look.

"What?" he looked at me and Seth. "Wait, come on you're kidding....right?" I continued to stare at him, to which he gulped. My fun was ended when Angel slapped me on the arm.

"Wolgram stop picking on him!" I just smiled at him again and leaned back watching as he relaxed and did the same.

"Well, now that you've had your fun messing with me, how are you guys?"

"Good," we all replied, which made me laugh.

Though it was all interrupted when suddenly I heard, "Hey, faggot." We all stopped laughing immediately and Seth's and Angel's eyes went to me. I turned around, and standing there was a human jock in a letterman jacket. He was flanked by a panther and a coyote, who both had on the same jackets. I just stood up and stared at him with a bored expression on my face.

"Are you talking to me?"

"Yeah, faggot, who else?" he stepped forward, grabbing my arm forcefully. "We're gonna teach you what we do faggots around here." I just looked at his hand on my arm then looked up to his face, mine a deathly calm visage.

"Did I tell you that you could touch me?"

"You don't tell me anything, faggot," was what he tried to say, but all that came out was "You don't tell me any-" The rest was a high pitched scream as I grabbed his wrist and squeezed with all my might, literally crushing it to dust. The panther and coyote just stared at me in disbelief for a second, until the coyote snarled and pulled out a knife.

"Wolgram, watch out," I heard Angel scream behind me.

"You're gonna pay for that faggot," the coyote snarled as he lunged forward with the knife aiming for my gut. My adrenaline was kicking in and he seemed to be moving in slow motion as I examined his off balance posture and thrust. As he got near, I grabbed his arm and pinned it into my side. I spun my hips with his momentum and flung him sidelong into a table. When I turned back I noticed that three other humans had joined the panther and were all standing there ready to pounce.

"Now you're gonna pay faggot," the panther snarled with a cruel smile on his face.

"You suffer the most," I assured him with a smile appearing at his horrified expression. At that all of them rushed together. I blocked their punches and kicks, backing up and giving them ground. I let them gain a little confidence and then grabbed one of them by his collar, yanking him off the ground with one hand and holding him high above me. His eyes went wide and he started to shake his head in denial until I threw him into a window, his body crashing through.

I felt a moment of satisfaction until I felt a thud of a punch landing on my kidneys. I turned grabbing the assailant's wrists and snapping a kick to his jaw, laying him low to the ground. The panther and the other human were the only two left standing. They glanced at each other then nodded and came on together, punching at me at the same time, trying to catch me off guard. I grabbed the human's hand, squeezing it and breaking his bones. He cried out in pain that became an "oomph" as I kicked him in the chest, launching him back a good ten feet. Then I turned to the panther.

I had been accepting his punches stoically, but when I turned to him he tried to run. I grabbed his tail yanking him back to me then grabbed his head and crotch hoisting him above my head with a snarl. All of a sudden I felt a punch in my back and an evil chuckle. I whirled around to see the coyote standing there in disbelief. That's when I felt the blood running down my back from what must have been the knife he stabbed me with. I snarled out throwing the panther at him causing them to crash down into a heap. I was instantly upon them, my foot on the panther's and coyote's chests.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't stomp your hearts into the ground," I growled into their face as I started to press down, feeling their ribs straining under the pressure.

"Please don't kill me. I'm sorry!" they whined pitifully, which only spurred me on. As I pressed down I felt some of their ribs crack with a loud popping noise. They both coughed immediately and I saw some blood come out of the coyote's mouth. I was planning on killing them until, on an, impulse I looked up before stepping down. What I saw wasn't pleasant. Angel's face was one of abject horror as she watched prepare to kill the two of them. The look snapped me out of my blood lust with the thought that she probably saw me as a monster. I immediately stepped off and stood there looking down at the two furs I had almost killed. Suddenly I felt a hand on my arm and I turned around.

It was a cop.

"Sir, you need to sit down. It's okay the ambulance will be here shortly."

I gave him a puzzled look and thought 'sit down... ambulance... for me why I'm not hurt...' then it hit me.

"Oh, you mean the knife?" I said to him then I reached back and grabbed the handle.

"Sir, don't, you could-" but he was cut off as I yanked it out.

"What? I can't have it stuck in there when the wound heals." With that said I walked off waiting for my moment to slip away. I called Seth and Angel over.

"Are you okay, Wolgram?" Seth asked when he got to me, wrapping me in a hug.

"Yeah, I'm fine, but I think that I should probably go. I'll see you guys at the house okay?" They both nodded. The ambulance pulled up and I nodded back slipping out of the campus and walking back to the house to wait for my loves to come home.

As I was passing through the woods I smelled something. It was familiar but I just couldn't place my finger on it. I decided to ignore it and thought 'why not waste some time in town maybe get a present for Seth and Angel?' After a while, I finally got into town and was promptly almost run over while trying to cross a street. I finally made my way to a small trinkets store, remaining wary of the streets.

I walked in and looked around, the bell on the door ringing to announce my arrival. A small otter sat behind the register and smiled at me. "Look around, I'm sure you could find something." I nodded and started looking around truly appreciating the simple yet beautiful wooden and metal sculptures. Finally I found something that I liked it was a picture with a forest in autumn. Leaves were falling out of the trees as a wolf and a fox chased each other in a meadow below. I knew I had to have this picture so I picked it up and went to the counter. The otter smiled and tapped the cash register. "That's a nice piece, man, glad you bought it." I looked at the total and handed him the money I had from a pouch I had on my hip. "Hey, you have a good day man and don't mess up the picture, ok?" the otter said smiling.

"I'll make sure not to mess it up." I replied with a smile. "And you have-" My sentence was cut short by a scream and a gunshot, followed by a voice I'd recognise anywhere.

"Wrong day for you to be here, bitch!" Suddenly, the door was flung open and a wolf my size walked in. He was red where I was black and black where I was red. He could have been a negative picture of me if not for the torn ear and long scar down his chest. He had a wicked smile on his face and laughed at my stunned expression as he pointed a gun at my head. "Hey, bro," he said his voice dripping with acid, "long time no see."

Wolgram's Search Part 5

**Thanks go to my editor and mate, SpeakingWolf** **Enjoy and feel free to leave a comment.** I dove to the right as the gun went off, my brother laughing as the bullet clipped my arm, making me grunt in pain. He clucked his tongue at me as...

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A Conquerers Fight For Freedom part 1: the Battle

**Here's a new story i'm starting on I hope you all enjoy.** **Special thanks to my great new mate SpeakingWolf :)** **The Battle** "Your land will be mine, Amerius!" the mighty bull roared. The field between us would soon become...

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Wolgram's Search Part 3

When me and angel finally got out of bed after three more rounds of delicious fun. We sat around the living room talking casually about how school is and who said this and that then though the conversation turned tense when she asked me about my life....

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