Miko: Chunk 1

Story by Coffee Otter on SoFurry

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"Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a--"She awoke to the sweet medley of Queen, her favorite band. Unfortunately, it was still the morning so Miko hit her alarm to shut it up and got up onto her elbows, balancing on the bed. As she propped herself up on her bed she let out a long yawn, then sluggishly rolled out of bed, onto the floor.

"Feet on floor" She inaudibly mumbled. "Always the first step."The carpet felt good on her pads as she stood up on it. It was a golden tan color, with spots matted down where her seat and nightstand were in her room. The room itself was a simple bed, closet, nightstand, desk and chair setup. The walls were a lush and soft navy blue, with a white ceiling. Posters of various bands, people, and internet memes were scattered along the walls. She took all of it in for a moment, then shivered a little as her fur met the temperature difference from her warm bed to the cooler outside world. Although she was an Akita, she really preferred short fur for some odd reason, especially considering her extremely long hair. Her fur was a lush strawberry-blonde, almost reddish-orange color with white on her stomach, chest, inner thighs, neck, and underside of her cute, curly tail.

She grabbed a towel out of the closet and carefully padded downstairs, as not to wake up her parents. She quietly padded downstairs and into the bathroom, closed the door, and turned the shower on. She shivered a bit; like the way you do when hot water embraces you. Ahhh, this feels so good. It's so relaxing. Her mind calmed a little as she thought this. Unfortunately, she had "other" things to think about besides the warm water. Things like moisturizing her fur, so that it was soft like velvet, and shone like the morning sun rising sun over the seas. She also had to worry about how much female scent to put on. After all, she did have to look attractive to be attractive, right? Without these little things, other males would know her deepest secret almost immediately. They would know that Miko wasn't the sweet, flirty canine they wanted but that she was actually a boy. That's right! Miko is a cross dresser!!

Her, or, his real name, rather, is Mikhail, or Michael, depending on how you chose to pronounce it. Though, when Mikhail put on that flashy, flirty skirt and those frilly panties, topped off with a girly hairclip in that flowing, silky hazel hair, which lay upon his head so elegantly, he was no longer Mikhail but Miko instead.

He went through his daily rituals, getting ready for his day and spending a fair amount of time becoming Miko. How did he get away with all this exactly? Simple. Both of his parents worked extensively; from early morning to late at night, by which time Miko was back to being Mikhail. He was grateful for this fact, though he always wondered in the back of his mind what his parents would do or think of him had they known about his cross dressing, or the fact that he was gay. Oh well he thought. It really didn't matter. All that did matter was that "Miko" got to school on time. So, he finished getting ready, grabbed his bags, and headed out the door.

The brisk, cool morning air greeted him with a gentle hug. The breeze blew just enough as to rustle his elegant hair, but not to a point to where he'd have to worry about it and fix it constantly. He marveled at the sun, just finishing its own morning routine of rising to light and heat the earth, leaving only a silhouette of the mountains below. Days like these were hard to come by and really made Mikhail appreciate walking to school. It was almost a form of meditation for him. Whilst walking he could clear his mind and keep to himself. It was the time he used to finish getting into character. For him it was so peaceful; so surreal. Unfortunately he was interrupted form his morning meditation. He'd only gotten about a block and a half or so before somefur began whistling at him. Wow! He thought, this must be some kind of new record or something. I mean, I'm not even half way to school.

"Hey there, gorgeous." The anonymous voice said.

It was so blatantly fake-gruff that Mikhail knew that the fur must have been trying to impress whoever they were with when they decided to try to hit on Mikhail. So, doing his best to at least momentarily fully get into character, Mikhail quickly became Miko and turned toward the voice, trying his best to look cute. He chose a pose to strike as he turned around and seduced his admirer. To his surprise, and slight relief and annoyance, the voice had belonged to one of Miko's long time friends, Dustin. Dustin was a tall, slender, and handsome husky. He had eyes as crystal blue as the purest lake in the entire untouched wilderness. His fur, a silver and white mix was pure bliss for the eyes. The silver fur on his back and top of his arms and legs as mesmerizing as the precious metal itself seemed to become more brilliant with each glance. As for the white fur on the bottom of his arms, legs, stomach, and neck were as pure as the driven snow. And if that weren't enough, he had a well toned and reasonably buff body. From his muscular arms to his washboard abs he really was amazing. Dustin, or Dusty, as Mikhail/Miko called him, was Mikhail's first friend after moving to his new town. Oddly enough, he had only recently found out that Miko and Mikhail were the same fur, so Dusty really liked teasing the both of them.

After stupidly staring at Dusty for a while, gawking over his sexiness, Miko suddenly remembered how to talk and responded with such a generic greeting that it almost hurt.

"Hm? Oh, hey Dusty!" Miko smiled and waved, slowly making his way over to Dusty and his car.

"Need a lift?" Dusty asked, motioning to the empty passenger seat beside him.

"Sure, thanks" Miko said as he smiled and walked around the perimeter of the car and got in.

The ride was quiet and getting a little awkward, so Dusty spoke up first, deciding to break the silence. He glanced quickly over to Miko to find something to say. Almost immediately, he found it.

"So, um, is that a new skirt? It, uh-it looks really nice on you."

Turning away slightly to hide his blushing, Miko responded "Uh, ya. It is, actually. And thanks, I'm glad you like it."

Miko stayed turned around to hide his blushing. Not the kind of fake and cute blushing he did at school while flirting, though. Miko actually had an indescribably huge crush on Dusty, so it made Miko excited that he had noticed, and liked the new skirt, which he had picked and wore just for Dusty.

The two talked for a little while more, just about random things and tidbits that had popped into each other's minds during the car ride until they had arrived in the student parking lot. The traffic in the lot was worse than any kind of traffic one could find elsewhere. Not because the students were all bad drivers (though, some of them were quite horrible) but because they were all incredibly selfish and self-centered furs trying to get into the lot in order to get a half decent parking spot closer to the school. Eventually, they got in and Dusty parked his car about half way through the parking lot, taking one of the closest spots he could find. He then walked with Miko onto campus, trying very hard to ignore all the attention Miko was getting by passerbies. Dusty looked over at Miko and whispered quietly "Ugh, y'know, some--most of those furs are creeps, and the others are losers. Why do you even talk to them?" Miko thought about this Why do I talk to them? Then, with a suggestive smirk on his face, he turned his head towards Dusty and said playfully "OOOh, sounds like somefur's a little jealous." Quickly causing Dusty to completely derail his train of thought and blush heavily. Dusty stuttered "Oh, I-I'm so not jealous." He said it with a nervous laugh and continued "Its--I--Well, that is to say..." His voice trailed off, trying to find the right words. "It's just that I--"Miko cut Dusty off, obviously sure of what he was going to say. Miko grabbed Dusty's arm and hung on it a little saying "Don't worry, I'll be fine. I always use protection, AND, unless you've forgotten, I'm a little more that advanced in my martial arts. In other words, I figure that I'm pretty well set." This seemed to help Dusty, only barely though.

Classes go on slowly. The whole day I can't help but think about what he said to me just this morning.

"I--well, It's just that..."

The look in his wonderful sapphire eyes told it all. They were worrisome, sad--almost like he was disappointed that I never really flirted with him.

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