Redemption: Fragment

Story by Dragonizu on SoFurry

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Hiya everyone. This is the new story series taken 2-3 years after DBB, so I recommend ya read that series to brush up on this one. Oh, and thank Tim for helping me out!

Tim, Hana, and a few other characters MIGHT make appearances and important storyline advancements. Give 'em a round of applause if they do! :)

All our characters (Both mine and Tim's) are ours by copywright law.

To the story!

Oh, right. This will be in first person, so I will be using 'I,' 'Me,' and so on based off my username and persona.

How long had it been? Days? Months? Who could really tell anymore. John thought as he moved his thoughts into position against his Dark Side, which gave itself the name Raoul. It seemed like an eternal chess game that used real people to fight.

"Another one of your cities, gone." Raoul smirked as he seemed to gain the upper hand.

With a moment of silence, and a brief eye around the landscape and he replied with a smile:

"Another one of your continents, gone."

Raoul's smirk faded as he grimanced and scowled. It had been a stalemate for the past time that he had spent with his Light Side, and he could feel his need and want for a sweet purgatory. "Its a shame that serpent injected you with me, and made you kill your--"

John roared before Raoul could finish, he sent a complete onslaught on his opponents thought-made forces and took them all out.

"Tsk, tsk, anger is what got you here in the first place."

A smell of magical ether caught John's attention and he turned his head to look for a specific piece of his offensive force.

It was gone.

The magical ether roiled around me as my mind slowly tried to come into focus, a dull pain throbbed from my head as the world came into view. The sun blinded me and I had to shield my eyes, and red bangs quickly took care of that as they suddenly went in front of my face. Red bangs? Since when did I have..? My brain screamed at me as I sat up. How on earth did I get here? Who was I? My left hand was resting on a red gash on my chest. "What--" My voice shocked me to no end, it was soft, yet very deep.

Although I remembered nothing, it wouldn't take a medical genius to see that I was hurt. Badly. Through ragged breaths, I sat up and leaned against a green evergreen tree and tried to make out the situation: I was hurt, no memory, no name that I could recall, and no clothes. I had to find help--fast. A loud pounding sound against the ground caught my attention and I weakly went over to the sound, and pulled back a branch to look before I leaped. A Black Anthropomorphic dragon was mating with a slightly plump dragoness that was screaming at the top of her lungs and sweating profusely. I didn't know if they could hear, see, or smell me, but trying to move wouldn't help either. The black dragon growled as he fucked the red dragoness and massaged her breasts as she pinched her nipples, and than, his nostrils suddenly picked up a new scent: human...or something distincely close.

"Who's there?" It said after he slid his member out of the red dragoness's clit.

I crouched, and that had been a bad idea, as the creature locked his gaze on me.

"Who are you?" The black dragon growled.

I gulped and tried to reply, my mouth was dry and scratchy--like sandpaper--and a mouse like squeak came out.

"Speak and/or die!"

"I..I just--" something just extended from my shoulderblade: A large grey wing with grey little feathers. My fingers touched the bandolier that hung from my chest almost instinctively.

"I will repeat myself only one more time. Speak and/or die!"

"I..I was just..looking for help." I didn't have any clothes on, but the gash was clearly visible.

I took a red orb out of the bandolier and held it limply at my side--for some reason I couldn't fathom.

"Come here," The creature said, motioning with a clawed finger. I nervously took a baby step forward, it wasn't exactly easy going right up to a large dragon such as this. But complied and came a little closer.

The dragon stretched out his hand to the little man and healed him. "There. Now go."

I nodded and tried to bow. My gaze went to the dragoness, just to see what was going on. "Thank you.." My brain clicked "..Tim."

The sensation continued, and my gaze went over to the red dragones "...Hana..."

"Hello," the red dragoness said with a smile.

I was taken aback, and took a couple steps backward and hung my head in disbelief. Did I know these two? They didn't look familiar. "..."

"What is wrong?"

"..Do you..Recognize me in any way?"


My wing folded comfortably against my back. "I'm sorry if I bothered you in any way."

My mouth seemed to move on its own, and a seemly familiar voice to the dragon played out "Come on, Tim. I thought you were nicer than that." My hands flew to my mouth and it looked obvious that I didn't know what the hell happened.

"Who are you?" Tim asked, turning back around. He was growing impatient, wanting to get back to his wife. "I..Don't know. I just woke up in the woods, wounded and naked." My voice was reverberated like it did before that statement.

"Who do you think you are?"

"Um.." I didn't know how to reply to that one. I had a grey wing, red hair, and a bandolier full of colored orbs hanging by a small chain around my neck.

"Pardon me, sir. I..Can't remember my name."

"Well...what do you want your name to be?"

"...Uh..I guess you may call me Dragonizu, its a good a name as any."

"Very well. Dragonizu. How do you know our names?"

"They just popped into my head." It felt a little easier to talk, neither of these dragons seemed to have the intention of hurting me.

"What a cowinkadink. By the way, we have no intention of hurting you."

That seemed like a rhetorical comment. I stayed silent, and gasped, it felt as if something was poking my brain, but the feeling left the very moment it passed.

"What's wrong? You look as if something was poking your brain but the feeling suddenly left the very moment it passed."

"I just..Well, its getting late. I should go." "Very well. Take care, stranger."

"..Might I ask a favor of you?"

"Shoot to kill."

My back arched as I bowed to show respect, and said outright. "Might I remain in your home until morning? I will work for it if necessary."

"Very well. Follow me."

I followed the black dragon. The house looked natural, but the ceiling was very high; most likely so they didn't bash their heads into it.

"You can sleep in the guest room. No need to work."

I nodded and took a look around. The room was large, more than enough to accomodate me. Going through the dresser, I found regular human attire and donned it. My wing felt uncomfortable and I tore at the fabric to fit it.

"Ah, I see you found the clothes," Tim said, stepping into the bedroom.

I nodded and sat down on the bed and fingered the orbs around my neck, several were red, most were black, and the rest were yellow.

"What are those things?" Tim asked, nodding his head to the orbs.

"I..Don't know." I removed a yellow one and raised it above my head. Out of distraction, I looked at Tim and swung the orb. It glowed with a bright light, and the window was blown off the house. "Hmm, nice."


"That's alright. It was accidental."

I slowly put the winking orb back into the bandolier, so as not to have a careless hand and a repeat of that event. "So, do you have any kids, Tim?"


I raised an eyebrow, and managed to smile. "Closed mouthed, are we?"

"You just asked if I had kids, nothing else," Tim smiled back, but the teeth that were showing sent an icy chill down my spine.

"Alright..." I tried quickly to try and make conversation with the black dragon "So, I'm guessing your married?"

"Of course. How else would I be having sex with Hana?"


"That is crazy talk."

My mouth clamped shut as the dragon growled, I quickly changed approach "..So..I bet she has alot of fun with you."

"We both have fun in bed, yes. Speaking of such things, do you have any family?"

"Not that I remember."


"I vaguely remember where I'm from though..What was it called? A..Alu.." I stopped for a moment and tried to get the rest.


I shook my head quickly and changed subject "Are you sure theres nothing that needs to be done? I mean, work to pay for housing?" "Nothing, but thank you for the offer."

"May I ask permission to look around?"

"Go right ahead."

The black dragon left the room, most likely to take care of other business. Squirming, I got off the bed to look around. The house looked perfectly normal, there were bedrooms that indicated they DID had children at one time. Absently, I bumped into a huge red forepaw and looked up to see the Dragoness from earlier. "Oh, I'm sorry." I squeaked and moved out of her way.

"It's alright," Hana replied.

My head hung as I nodded, the dragoness was DEFINATELY familiar. "Y-your husband allowed me to look around."

"I know. We're not secretive dragons."

I had no clue how to reply to that. But merely stayed silent.

Hana went to another part of the house, seeming to shake her rear as she did.

Keeping my eyes away from the dragoness, I looked through the house. Tim and Hana apparantly were not secretive, but they didn't go out in the open either, from the looks of it.

The thing that caught my eye was a photograph on a shelf; It had two red dragonesses, and a couple of humans from the looks of it. A few children seemed to be playing with a ball around them, and seemed to annoy the brunette haired male. _____________________

Alucinor was quiet. Both sides, Light and Dark could still feel their missing pieces, yet they were not seen anywhere. They were the strongest, and the ones needed for the final battle.

"Where are they?!"

"I may be your evil side, but I had NOTHING to do with this!"

The normal colored mix of a dragon and a wolf looked over the landscape, those pieces were needed. Badly. The smell of ether was on the battlefield, but it kept moving, making it impossible to track the location.


To Tim: Fixed it.

All Or Nothing

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The Hidden Ones: Final

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The Hidden Ones: Part 2

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