Weed,Smith, and GB Night Time Fun

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#3 of Weed's Life

Smith looked to see someone who he thought he would never have to see again, at least not for another few years. Weed looked and barked happily at the canine standing before both he and Smith. In the moonlight was the figure of an English Setter but not just any Setter; it was the green tinted black spotted dog that Weed had played with earlier today. Seeing the older male canine looking at him with a funny smirk on his face made the blue Akita Inu smile before he tugged and popped out of the backside of the French Spaniel he had finished spilling his seed into. Without thought, Weed ran up and bounded close to the other male before yipping and tackling him to the ground. A tiny red tongue slipped out from a white muzzle and covered GB in a flurry of licks and laps.

The green tinted Setter laughed and knocked the pup away before getting up and walking over to his long time friend and companion. Looking at the other canine who was just getting onto his four paws and shaking himself GB sniffed at his tail and the dripping white fluid leaking from out of him. The smirk on his face grew a little larger as he eyed the other adult and then the black spotted dog began to laugh. The howls of mirth that left his throat were rough and deep and served to make Smith feel like a heel.

"Alright, enough already. You had your fun so just shut up!" the French Spaniel tucked his tail underneath his body before snarling at his comrade with embarrassment covering his muzzle

"How can I not laugh at this? You, on your belly taking it up the rear from a pup! This is too much!" GB ended up dropping onto his sides and the kicking at the air as he let out all of his incredulous at what he was seeing

Now getting annoyed Smith charged at the other canine and then head butted him before gripping his neck in a chokehold and applying pressure. Not enough to kill the Setter but enough to get the point across that he had had enough of being the 'butt' of GB's joke. The other male whimpered just a bit from the hold being forced upon his neck and even more with his side flaring in pain. After this afternoon he was still feeling the burning in his flesh.

Hearing GB relent from his teasing Smith released the other canine and then let him up only to see that his flank was bleeding. Knowing that he couldn't have caused that with such a minor attack the French Spaniel went over and sniffed at the side of the setter. The blood coming from the wound in the fur was small and most of the fur his the teeth marks but Smith could still smell the coppery scent in the air. Without thought the monochrome dog began to lap at the side of his friend's hide and soothe some of the pain he must have been in. GB was many things but he would never start a fight and never against someone who he knew would cause him physical harm like this. Call him a bit of a coward but the English Setter was smart enough to get out of danger with his fur intact. That's why this surprised Smith quite a bit...

"What happened to you?" the black and white furred dog asked while he busied himself nursing on the other canine

"It seems that my current alpha didn't appreciate me coming back without anything to eat and this was my 'reward'." GB was pensive when answering as he recalled the feel of the punishment h had received from his 'pack'. The other dogs as well as the alpha had really got on him and luckily he was able to get away with just a small wound that was pretty shallow and that was why he was out here tonight. GB felt he needed to get away less some of the others decided to inflict a harsher 'lesson' on him than what he had gotten away with

"Why don't you just ally yourself with Gin and be done with the whole mess. It would be a lot safer than trying to keep bounding around from pack to rouge to just a collection of other dogs?" this was an age old argument that both canines had gone through with before and usually it all ended the same way with GB weaseling himself out of conflict by not saying anything but this time...

"Well if I can have this cute little pup to mate with time after time maybe I will." GB replied while feeling the once warm and wet appendage of his friend leave his body and two cold eyes regard him

Meanwhile Weed was watching the entire proceeding very confusedly as the two older males began to quarrel over him. It was funny and yet made the little blue Akita's head spin from what he was hearing.

"This was not supposed to have happen!" Smith tried to seem indignant but when his anus twitched at the memory of having the little Akita male root deep inside of him he felt some of his anger fade and a heat envelope him inside his gut

"But maybe it was...since I've already had him once before." GB smirked a little at the fond memory until he was on his side with Smith right foot paw planted on him

"So you're the reason he keeps babbling about 'playing'! I knew something wasn't right when he was so eager to screw me but I never would have thought that you would be the one to..."

"Wait it wasn't like I forced him to do anything...well not really. I was minding my own business catching dinner when he came along and picked up my kill. He said it was for his sick mother so I told him that if he wanted it he would have to 'play' with me for it! That's the reason I have some of my fur missing because when I go back with no kill what do you think happened?!" GB was a little afraid at the tone in which his comrade was speaking towards him and tried his best to talk his way out of another fight

"You could have just given him your kill and been done with the whole thing from the start?!" Smith was furious at his friend but then again what right did he really have to say something so self-righteous

"Hey you also had him buggering you so what makes you any different? Corrupting such an innocent youth to intimate acts like mating at his age." The green tinted furred dog was hoping that if Smith would just let up a bit he could get from under him and then bolt

"That's not the point. Two wrongs do not equal a right and don't think I'm not wise to you. We should both have our tail torn for what we did..." Smith tried to keep up a stiff upper lip but as the memory came back of the hot inside of the younger pup wrapped around his length he found it very hard to concentrate on scolding GB

The scent of arousal teased at GB's and Weed's nose as the green tinted furred canine caught onto the rising tide of lust swelling inside of his friend. Looking down the strong body of the monochrome colored dog the English Setter saw the begins of the pink tip of Smith's doggy dick poking from within his sheath. The fragrant scent of a healthy male had GB humping the ground and before he knew it he was speaking...

"Two wrongs don't make a right but they can equal up to a lot of fun for use, ne? Why don't you just let me up so we can both enjoy ourselves with the little pup? Come on Smith you know what he's like why not just have a good time and just let go of all the pent of frustration inside of your sac." little did the other male know that the exact thing he was talking about had happened not too long ago

Weed was more confused by what was going on around him and even more about this 'mating'. His youthful mind hadn't put two and two together to figure out that the 'playing' that he had done with both dogs had a more defined name. Still despite everything that was going on Weed knew that he liked the sharp and musky scent of the males talking about him so he was happy when Smith let the black spotted canine up from the ground. When they both began to converse again Weed lifted up his floppy blue ears and paid rapt attention.

"I...I've already had him." Smith said silently while look abashed and hanging his head low to his chest

'WHAT???!!! Are you telling me that you, the self-righteous Smith took a little pup? How? Why? Wh..." GB was completely thrown by hearing such an admission from his noble friend that he couldn't believe what he had just heard but seeing that his companion chose not to answer him the English setter walked up and licked the side of the older dog's snout

"Please stop. I feel like such a snake for hurting the little cub like that." Smith was so broken up over this he began to cry a bit. He always strived to be just and the brave one that others relied on, when faced with what he had done he felt all of his morals crumble away

"Don't feel so bad. I mean it's not like you really hurt the pup or anything and by the end of it you made up with your own tail being offered or was there another reason the little guy was sticking you from behind?" GB tried to lighten the situation by reminding his companion that he had made the mess right in his own way. Knowing Smith, the other canine would beat himself up until he was more helpless than a newborn pup

"..." Smith said nothing but the flow of teardrops abated and soon he was licking back against his friend. It never failed that the Setter could always make others feel better by harping on the good point of a situation. Maybe not a good fighter but always a good friend that was GB without a doubt

Before long the two oldest canines began rubbing against one another and then lapping across the face of the other. Black, white and greenish white blended together in a weird and yet perfect mix as both canines circled the other and laved over one another with firm and wet swipes from their tongues. The movements of the two dogs were both sensual and playful at the same time. Each canine was doing his best to stimulate the other into full arousal while bathing in the simple comfort that came from being with one another. It was always good when long time friends could be with each other and not have to worry about come what may. This was a rare a and special time that they might not ever have a chance to obtain again so both decided to make the most of it.

As both Setter and Spaniel tried to elicit the maximum amount of pleasure from the other a short and happy bark broke them from their reprieve. Turning their head Smith and GB caught sight of the happy pup that was responsible, in an unknowing way, for brining them together. Smirking at one another both walked over and began to nuzzle up the little blue and gray colored Akita. Weed was so happy at the attention he was getting he was unaware that h and the adults around him were growing erect. The feelings bursting inside of his body were too fierce to allow the pup's attention to be taken away by something so simple as puppy lust.

GB looked down at the younger male and was happy to see the six inch pink doggy dick pointing directly at him and waste no time before bending his green tinted furred head down and taking the shaft into his long muzzle. Staring at his friend Smith felt his hesitation flow from his body and soon he began to lap up the pup like a female would. The sight would have been endearing to anyone who happened to cross the fields on this moonlit night and take pause at what was transpiring; two older males loving a smaller mal canine and rubbing themselves against each other at the same time.

Weed was lost in sexual bliss as he soaked up all the attention he was receiving from his friends and soon he felt the wondrous fire burn in his middle but before he could let loose his torrent of seed GB pulled back. The English Setter licked his muzzle before turning his head to Smith and lapping at the older one's mouth. The partial taste was addictive and soon Smith and GB were exchanging the flavor of themselves and Weed between each other. Tails were wagging and hind legs thumped against the ground as both dogs lost themselves to one another again. Since their snouts didn't fit perfectly together strings of clear saliva rained down onto Weed's nose and the blue pup ran his tongue over the his face where the spit hit.

Time passed and before long the adult males broke away from their exchange of tongue and teeth and then looked at Weed and the other. Unspoken was how the next dramatic scene was laid out as GB moved over in front of Weed with his red flared cock poking the pup in the nose and his tail lifted up into the sky. Smith went around back of his friend and sniffed at his anus and inhaled the rich scent of a canine in his prime. The pink bud that lay centered in the folds of the Setter's butt almost seemed to speak as it tensed and relaxed at Smith muzzle.

The air in the area was saturated with male sweat and the scent of rut as the canines made themselves ready to mate with each other. Weed was happy that he was 'playing with his older friends so much so that he yipped and wagged his curled tail in anticipation. GB stood tall as he prepared for the impending weight that would soon be on him and the tight throat he was to be lodged into. Smith was the most excited as he had longed to feel the tight warmth of his friend wrapped around him. Many lonely nights had been spent thinking and dreaming about this moment and in a second that dream would be reality.

In a set rhythm they moved as one; GB thrust himself at Weed's muzzle and painted the little pup's face with his dripping pre, Weed yipped at the wetness staining his black nose and soon opened his mouth to catch the moving appendage and take it into himself again, while Smith wetted the pink orifice that was the English Setter's most hidden passage before raising himself up and mounting his companion. It took several tried but before too long Weed had swallowed down all of GB's long doggy dick and Smith had slammed his cock into the green tinted dog.

Two howls ripped through the night as the oldest dogs got treated to the best sensations of their life. Filling and being filled was heaven to Smith and GB and each dog began to pant from the excitement they were feeling inside. Weed on the other paw was doing his best not to choke on the long penis in his mouth and keep his fangs away as not to hurt his friend and mimic exactly what he had done to the blue gray pup earlier. It was a challenge since his mouth was only so big but like a champ Weed persevered and got most of the thing down his throat and even a little further.

Minutes ticked by with only the small suckling sounds of Weed before Smith felt the excess tension leave his friend and he began to slide himself out of his anal tunnel with slow leisure. GB moaned at the sensations plummeting over him, the feeling of the older male withdrawing from his tight as and the pup deep throating his aching member. It was both heaven and hell and the English Setter bore the torment with avid pleasure as he received so much care from the only males he had ever cared for. Without warning his hips acted on autopilot and began to press back against Smith's doghood and worm his way from Weed's lips.

Smith gripped the flanks of the black spotted male under him in a pincer hold but couldn't stop the sudden on rush of feeling as the other male forced himself back. Growling in lust and the need to mate the French Spaniel gave a quick hump with his hips and violently inserted himself in and out of GB's tailhole. The sudden pressure made the Setter forget himself and shove forward into Weed who opened his eyes suddenly at the meat jamming down his windpipe. Gag reflex not used to being tested the little Akita pulled himself back just a ways and then coughed around the angry doggy dick. Undeterred at almost being suffocated Weed hopped forward just enough to send the canine cock back down his esophagus.

GB rolled his eyes back into his head at the intensity of the sexual pleasure he was being encased in. It felt like all of himself was being compressed into a tight ball and then flattened out to be stretched out into eternity. Having heat and love wrapping around him until it was forced into his body only to be taken away was driving the Setter mad and yet he was in full control of himself. He did all he could as he pushed back onto Smith before sinking fully into Weed only to do it again and again. This is what it felt like to be loved at least what GB thought in the distant corner of his fog covered mind.

Smith meanwhile was losing himself as he pounded into the back of his friend. His primal lusts boiled and scorched his soul and made his blood pump three times faster into his body. Every inch of his being was flooded with the need...the need to mate, to dominate, and to plant himself deep inside of another. His furry balls tapped at GB's as the other male turned his head from side to side in ecstasy. It was without thought that he reached up and clamped his jaws onto the green tinted Setter's neck and then ram into his back with feral intensity. No longer was he the noble and wise creature he had been; now he was a beast that would take the one under him. Black and white furry hips thrusts over and over in tandem as the French Spaniel drove onward to completion.

Three dogs in the night, three souls in the dark, the kindred spirits wrestling with one another sought to become one as their physical bodies made known their passion. No longer was the darkness quiet with the near silent chirps of the wild life, now three canines made known the devotion to one another. Sharing the most intimate act they could by giving themselves over to another willingly they all raced to that single perfect moment of happiness.

Smith's knot had long since come out of his sheath as he slipped the ball of pressurized blood and flesh into the back end of his mate and companion. His fangs had passed fur and held onto skin but amazing never drew an ounce of blood. It was tribute to his care for his friend that saved GB from another wound but in his condition the other canine wouldn't have cared less. The black spotted dog was filling the inside of Weed's snout with his cock and his own knot was bumping into the nose of the pup sending wave after wave of musk into the black dot n the younger canid's face. Not only was his knot smacking the face of the boy but so were his full balls that long to empty themselves within the pup as they had this afternoon. The scent was more powerful than anything Weed had known as he took in gulps of perfumed air and let his tongue dance over his friend's most sensitive organ. His own smaller canine cock was still out and his knot was covered in a stream of clear fluid that unleashed itself from his tip downwards.

It was Smith who came first as he snarled so loud that it jarred GB from his lust induced coma and sealed himself into the green tinted canine with a massive thrust of his hips. The English Setter came next as he pumped once and then twice before unloading into Weed. Sadly the intense amount of cum was too much for the little one to swallow and he drew back to down what was already in his mouth before several ribbons of white fluid splashed against his face and neck. It was the warmth that did it and lastly Weed came onto his stomach from where his puppy penis was pointed at himself.

Howls ripped throughout the air as all three canines expressed the joy they felt from their mating and soon everything died down to a hush.

Panting, Smith lifted up his leg and turned to be ass to ass with his mate of the moment as GB was stuffed with the seed of his friend. The black spotted dog yipped a little at the pain he was feeling from the turning but soon settled down and let his tongue hang from his muzzle in deep satisfaction and being so gratefully buggered. Weed was busy licking himself clean as he tasted the cum on his body and after he was through he stared up at his green tinted friend and was then bathed by the older dog's. A large and broad appendage swiped over Weed's face to get the last of the flowing seed from his face and soon the pup slumped to the ground with a smile on his face.

"Look's like we tired him out old friend." GB said as he looked to the pup resting in his shadow

"I believe you have, all I've done is claim something important to me." Smith had looked back when he heard the thump of the pup's body onto the ground and breathed a sigh at seeing that the child was unhurt

"And what have you claimed other than my tail end?"

"The most important thing of all...you..." GB felt his cheeks catch a blush as he heard the last word being spoken before he shook his head and looked to the moon

Smith stayed tied to the other male for thirty minutes before he could remove himself and lick his dripping cum back into the body of his mate. GB rounded the side of the older canine and looked him in the eyes before dropping down and taking the Spaniel's doggy dick into his mouth and cleaning him off. Once done both males circled the little Akita pup and then snuggled up to him before lying down and falling asleep.

The moon had begun to set after the show that was put on by the others and a new dawn would bring unsettling truths along with sorrow and hardship but for now all was well. As it should be when you're with a loved one...and the three dogs were...with each other...

Written by shaesullivan Requested by me.

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