Demonic Confessions

Story by Rurikredwolf on SoFurry

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Edit @ 4:20 AM: I hope you guys know how much I like you. I couldn't fall asleep until I put in a few characters descriptions that I forgot.

Dracidon = People. Draconia = Persona.

This was more of an idea dump that I've built up over the years. I've been wanting to use these characters again, so here is a short story. I'll try and not be so confusing ;D

This is a character story and will be split into three parts. Plot is kinda there to have an aim.

The door to a dark cell creaked open slowly, amber light filtering in to reveal two bipedal dragonesses chained by their wrists and ankles. One was a slender snow white dragoness with glowing orange eyes. No pupils or white spaces could be seen on either. Her body was stripped bare, revealing her svelte, lithe, relatively toned snow white body and dark blue underbelly. Ice crystals grew on her shoulders, each hollow. Her icy blue horns, claws, and double bladed tail were the same. An unnaturally optimistic grin slowly formed on her muzzle, sharply contrasting the dull, depressing cell.

The other dragoness, also nude, was an emerald green dragoness in hue with a beige underbelly. Her form, although similar to the ice dragoness, was frailer. She stared at the open cell with bright blue eyes. Flowers grew on her brown branch-like horns and leafy wings while white feathers flowed from between her horns all the way down to her slender tail. Unlike the other dragoness however she didn't seem as optimistic; rather, she seemed far more reserved as her tail attempted to cover the area between her legs. A rosary dangled from her neck. Both females lacked anything on their scaled chests, so there was no shame in exposing it.

In walked four guards, each with a perverse grin on their faces as they looked at the shackled females. The emerald one blushed and tried to turn away while the snowy dragoness let out a sigh.

"Come to take advantage of two females?" she asked in her accented voice, "How predictable and cliché."

"It doesn't matter if you predicted it or not, fact is, you can't stop us." The guards started to remove certain parts of their armor.

"Oh we certainly can't, but I have a question for the four of you before you start." The snow dragoness stated, "Have you ever read stories about captured princesses?"

"We all have heard the stories before, but where are you going with this?" a burly one asked as he walked up to her, placing his grubby claw on her body.

"Then you must know that the best knight is sent to rescue, yes?" her grin grew wider as she motioned behind them.

The hall went dark. Screams could be heard all around mixed with crazed laughter. Something moved in front of the door, staring at them with glowing red eyes with black slits. A crimson orb rotated in the air towards them, making all the guards look in confusion and fear. For both dragonesses, this was a normal calling card for a certain individual. The green scaled one, who had been felt up by another guard, started muttering something.

Tentacles burst from the orb, spearing each and every guard in a bloody mess. Blood splattered both dragonesses, but it soon started to drip away and flood to the entrance. Another bipedal dragon, a male, stood with a demented smile on his red draconic muzzle. He had three horns jutting from his skull, a black spine, and a blade at the end of his tail. Another orb floated above his bladed right claw. Above his right eye, a horizontal scar from a blade could be seen.

He slowly walked forward, revealing he had no wings. Rather, he was covered in a black leathery cloak that concealed most of his body, stretching down to his bottom claws. He was, however, taller than both females, who raised an eyeridge at his attire. It wasn't that he was unhandsome; it was just...bizarre to see their rescuer without his armor.

"Shiva..." the dragon looked at the white dragoness before turning to the other, "Isia...." His voice was deep and malefic. "Care to inform me as to why you are hanging so exposed in front of me? And why I had to stop my dining to rescue the two of you?"

"We talked this over, Aurgal," Shiva replied, "We'd get ourselves captured so we can get a clear look of the fortress and then you and your sister were going to infiltrate and rescue us."

"...Oh, now I remember." A sadistic grin tugged at his face, "Now tell me why I shouldn't just leave you two to hang here and possibly allow me to take advantage of the both of you. After all, you are at my mercy."

"Aurgal, you know that if you tried to rape me, you would be in pure agony," Isia, the green one, said with a small smile. The red dragon glared at her, "Sure the other guards posed a threat, but in your weakened state, you may as well be stepping into a church. And if you take Shiva, I will force this rosary and countless more down your throat."

Aurgal scowled before chuckling darkly. He held out the orb, watching as it broke into eight smaller versions of itself. Each orb flew to where the chain shackled them down and once it made contact, exploded. Both dragonesses fell, but while Shiva caught herself, Isia fell to her knees, clutching her left leg.

"You okay?" Shiva asked.

"Y-yeah, I just twisted it is all...once I get my staff, I'll be fine." Isia nodded, attempting to get up. Both ignored the wild, twisted look on Aurgal's face.

"How are now a liability that I, of course, must take care of. I would heal you, but you insist on staying close to your faith." Aurgal turned, forming another sphere from the blood of the fallen guards.

"Because being corrupted by you is so much better." Isia bantered playfully.

Aurgal turned his head and chuckled. "At least I don't brainwash the minds of the young and tell them that being good and pray to a figure who clearly hates us now will make their lives so much better."

Shiva, who had wrapped the injured dragon's limb around her neck to help her stand, slowly found her claw coming to her forehead. "Look, can we at least get out of here before you get frisky?"

Isia turned away while Aurgal looked as if he were pondering the idea. "An excellent idea. Tell her to get rid of her holiness and I'll consider it."

The blood dragon, which he was called by others due to his ability to manipulate one's life fluids, strode forward, his right claw held out in front to illuminate the way. He had no need for light to see, but the others had the misfortune of being mortal, so they depend on it just as they would with nutrition. Plus the thought of them tripping and stumbling into the darkness, although terribly droll to him, would do nothing more than slow them down.

The terrain outside was covered in bodies, all stabbed in various locations. The scent of blood, urine, and waste filled the air. Evidently Aurgal had scared a few to death. Isia looked at the carnage with horror in her eyes, but told herself that she was used to this and it didn't bother her. It didn't work as well as she had hoped.

Where Aurgal was leading them the females did not know, but they hoped it was to their equipment. Although reptiles had no need to cover themselves, both felt incredibly insecure without something covering them. Aurgal was mostly harmless to them and although he claimed not to be interested, they had caught him multiple times staring. Even his sister joined him occasionally.

The cells had all been opened, blown apart from small explosions. The insides were far less sanitary than theirs, as evidenced by the smears on the walls. Isia wrinkled her nose in disgust; how could anyone survive down here? Unconsciously, she muttered a prayer for the ones who had been stuck and died in the horrid cells.

The ceiling, although large enough for her to pass without issues, felt heavy and oppressive, like it was about to come down and crush them. She shuddered involuntarily. How Shiva talked her into this, she had no idea. She could still feel the warden's grimy, lecherous claws on her scales.

An open office appeared on their left. A light crystal floated above the wooden desk, illuminating it in a blue glow. Shiva's muzzle tugged almost instinctively. Aurgal lead them to a chest in a corner, blowing it open with the sphere. It flew open, revealing their inventory.

Aurgal gave Isia her staff, made of refined cedar and with a glowing green sphere wrapped in branched at the top. She promptly used it to heal her ankle. Refusing to let Aurgal touch her other gear, she gently nudged him aside and took out a long white robe with yellow trimmings. Putting it on, she allowed Shiva to enter.

"So tell me why you are wearing that again?" Shiva asked Aurgal as she took out a bright blue bow decorated with crystals. "I mean, you usually go quadruped and show us everything."

"As I said before, you interrupted me entertaining guests to my feast." Aurgal leaned against the far wall, folding his claws. "As you can clearly see, I had to keep my Count draciona up. It is a shame I cannot see the terror on their faces thanks to the drugs I sprinkle onto their food."

"Spare me the details, please." Shiva started to put on white furred leather armor. "Are you really trying to go for the whole Dracula look? I mean, it does make you attractive, but it's not very subtle."

"It's better than dipping myself in glitter." Aurgal rebutted. Shiva let out a loud laugh; even Isia had to let out a chuckle. "I thought you'd both agree."

"No, it's just the thought of you sparkling." Shiva finally finished putting on the shoulder and helmet pieces before reaching down to grab a silver quiver and about twenty arrows.

Isia couldn't contain herself anymore; she almost cried from laughter at the mental image of Aurgal going down the middle of town, shining like a gem. The dragon in question paled, likely thinking the same thing. He snarled and swept around, as if trying to hide his face.

"Oh come on,'d get more victims than you'd ever want like that!" Isia teased, gently patting his shoulder. He stared at her with burning eyes. "Don't give me that look; you should really lighten up."

"Perhaps one day. For now, the thought shall fuel my anger to slaughter those who oppose me." Aurgal began to move out of the small room. Shiva and Isia looked at each other, shrugged, and followed him.

"Say, where is your sister, anyway?" Shiva asked, keeping her bow taunt.

"You know us...we're arsonists. She has likely rigged a fire to go off in three seconds." Aurgal stopped for about three seconds. Sure enough, there was a loud BOOM from above them. The ceiling shook and loose bits of rock flung to the ground. Isia created a small green bubble around her and Shiva to prevent them from taking damage. "Ahh, right on cue."

Part of the ceiling dropped in front of them. Dust filled the air, causing them to cough. Even Aurgal raised a claw to cover his maw. Heat radiated from the hole just as a burning body landed a few yards away. Isia leapt almost a yard into the year. Another female figure dropped down in front of them, looking exactly like Aurgal except in quadruped form.

She had a smoke grey underbelly, somehow fitting for her nature. Her body had a slender curve with emphasis on the pelvic area. Even though Isia preferred males, she sometimes took a glance at her hips. The face was softer than her twin's with a seductive look etched onto her muzzle. Three horizontal scars stuck out on her left shoulder.

"Oh, you're just getting here? Jeez, and I waited a bit longer than normal to get you out of the cell. What were you doing, trying to get lucky with them?" the female doppelganger checked her talons.

"Aurora, how nice of you to immediately accuse me of doing such a thing. It's as if you've known me my entire life." Aurgal smirked. Aurora walked up and nuzzled him. The male didn't react violently to the touch.

"It's my job to make mating jokes as often as possible." She approached the two behind her twin. "I trust he hasn't been ruining the party too much."

"Not really, no." Shiva patted her muzzle, "I'm surprised you didn't go bipedal as well."

"Eh, I wanted to stand out from the crowd."

The twins had the unnatural ability to shift between bipedal and quadruped form. It is entirely possible that they got this when they obtained their Blood powers, but Isia had given up long ago to the vain notion of trying to understand it. They were demons and her faith warned her to never entirely believe one, no matter how trustworthy they seemed to be. They have been known to lie and the twins have and will continue to do so. At least they weren't trying to ritually sacrifice her.

It had been a two months since the twins had come into her life and a week after Shiva had joined them. They had others in their gang of misfits but for now it was just the four of them. If she had been told years ago, when she first became a priestess, that she would be working with a demons, she would have called blasphemy.

As she followed them up, her mind continued to go over this information for not the first time. Aurgal was sadistic and bloodthirsty, but he never once lashed out too violently. It was in his nature to be violent, and she had two months to get used to it. While she didn't approve that he frequently gorged himself on the blood of his guests at the castle that he and his sister owned, she could sleep knowing that he never killed and that it was just so he could boost his powers to fight off other demons.

Upstairs was a chaotic mess. Fire burned away at the hall, the stone molten beneath her claws. After she put another barrier up around herself and Shiva, they made their way past the destroyed the main office. They were in a prison of all places, but for a legitimate reason. Or at least, so she was told.

Mothgaria, the physical representation of Envy, had corrupted the head warden and left him with plans. Orion, a reaper with whom Aurgal was good friends with, had informed them of this. Dead bodies littered the corridors, either burned or slashed. Not knowing if they were good or not, Isia decided to send a prayer just in case.

Further and further they walked. Aurgal and Aurora were talking to each other in Demonic. Deciding to break the ice, so to speak, Isia turned to Shiva.

To her surprise, Shiva struck up the conversation first. "It never ceases to amaze me that those two could have a pleasant conversation in the middle of this. Then again, where they come from, they must be used to it."

Isia nodded in agreement. "I should be freaking out and trying to exorcise them like I did when I first met them, but although I shall forever follow the light, they have widened my eyes." Aurgal's tail flickered in front, indicating that he was listening.

"If you want your eyes widened, challenge Aurgal to a drinking game. Despite his hardarse attitude, he'll fall after the third glass. You'd think he would have built up a resistance."

"I heard that!" Aurgal shouted from up front. The three females laughed, Aurora nudging him. "Good, now that you had your laugh, shut up. I hear voices."

All of them swiftly fell silent, slowly creeping down the charred hall. At the very end, a door unlike no other awaited. For one, it was undamaged by the explosions. There was a dim red glow, as if possessed with unholy energy. Runes covered the stone, recently drilled in.

Sure enough, just as Aurgal had said, there were voices coming from the other side. They were muffled, but there was no doubt about it. Shiva bounded ahead of them, crouching before the door. Being the stealthier of the group, she made no sounds. Shiva quietly motioned them to move up.

Gathered around the door, Isia finally understood the voices:

"...obviously you have failed, Warden." A female voice hissed not in anger, but rather amusement.

"You think I am not aware of this, Mothgaria?" a male shouted.

There was a loud crack as if someone had been slapped hard. Coughing came from the male. "You will not address me in such an uncouth manner, Warden. Honestly, I thought you would have far better manners, but I guessed wrong. Allow me to say it again; you have failed, and they are here. I give you prisoners, and you produce nothing we have not seen."

A clicking of claws circled before the wrapping of paper could be heard. "I shall take these regardless. As for you...well..." a snap echoed through the door followed by something breaking. It made Isia shudder. Silence for a few moments. "Oh come on, I thought that for sure would make the four of you bust down the door. Yes, I know you are there."

The door suddenly flew off its hinges, clearing half the hall. Growling, the twins walked in first. Shiva placed an arrow into her bow before nodding to Isia. The two walked in together, revealing a less horrific sight than expected.

It was a large room, decorated with fine china and other trinkets. Long bookcases covered the left and right walls. A giant window in the back showed the moon in its pale glory. In the middle, a large marble desk lay sundered; a corpse of a raccoon in the middle. His neck had been completely turned around like an owl. Various papers lay cluttered in a slow forming pool of blood. However, her attention could not be held much longer at the grizzly sight. Rather, Isia followed the gaze of the others.

Standing by the window was a feral dragoness with dark green scales; so dark in fact that they almost appeared black. A tri-pronged tail looped around itself behind her. Her white horns rose up before extending towards her muzzle; a smaller horn growing on her cheeks. A spine, the same coating of her horns, claws, and wings, raced down her back much like Isia's.

The dragoness turned to face them, revealing hypnotizing eyes. They were jade, but had slits much like Aurgal and Aurora. A tinge of red could be seen. Silver markings adorned her muzzle. An underbelly matching her horn color illuminated under the moon. Crystals grew on her shoulders, each reaching her bottom jaw.

"Hello Mothgaria." Aurgal greeted coolly, raising the orb as if to throw it.

"Oh don't be so barbaric..." Mothgaria chided, wagging her right talon. "Had I wished to fight you, I would not have wasted time with the door. I simply wanted to see you again, Aurgal. You know I have missed you..."

"I'm sure you did, you bitch." Aurgal snapped. Yet, he did not toss the orb. Isia could see him debating it, though. "How could you ever expect me to love you with what you did to the both of us." He indicated to Aurora, "It's taken us quite some time to build up this power, yet it pales compared to what we had before. You keep sucking Ephiral's dick like the whore you are; I'll eventually get back the power to make sure it is mine you are suckling on as you beg for me to spare you."

"Such harsh words, Aurgal." Tears started to form in Mothgaria's eyes. However, her black hearted smile betrayed them. "And in front of your friends no less. No matter, I'm sure they are quite used to it. Do I regret bringing you back to a near mortal state? Somewhat. I'll tell you what; I'll tell you where Ephiral's newest base will be formed. You can strike while they are unprepared." She waved a claw, revealing a rolled up document.

"Why help us when you were the one who started this, Mothgaria?" Aurora hesitated about taking the document. Not that Isia could blame her.

Mothgaria simply laughed, tossing the precious information at them. Aurora caught it easily. "Let's just say that despite what some," She jerked her head to Aurgal, "may say, I don't particularly enjoy Ephiral. I know that once he is done eradicating you, he will turn to me. I serve because I must, and we shall end with that."

A misty portal appeared beside Mothgaria. "The sun will be out soon. I highly doubt your abilities allow you to survive in the sun without becoming a mortal, so I advise running off to that castle of yours until night falls again. Until we next meet, my love..."

The last sentence was directed at Aurgal, who actually threw the orb. Mothgaria had long since passed through the portal, so the orb burst through the window. Within seconds, it returned to the owner's claws. He fumed angrily, using it to destroy a nearby bookshelf.

"Aurgal, you are wasting energy; Come, we should return to our lair and plot our next move." Aurora placed a talon on his shoulder. "I understand the wrath you feel towards her, but for now, we cannot do jack against her. Although I did like the thought of her mouth being put to a better use..." she purred at the thought.

Aurgal remained silent. A few seconds later, he placed the orb in front of him, creating a portal not unlike the one Mothgaria created. It showed a silhouetted castle against a dark red sky. Aurgal stepped forward, not waiting for the others. Seeing no other choice, Isia followed Aurgal through the portal.


The dark throne room of a castle greeted her vision, almost blinding her with darkness. However, the red light from Aurgal's sphere produced enough light for her to see. Shadows grew from the swaying of trees outside, casting horrific images through the window. In the ten seconds she was there, Isia thought that there was someone else amongst them.

No matter how many years she would spend in this castle, nothing would shake the feeling of dread inside. Red flooring, made of fine silk, all but tickled her claws. It led to a throne, which Aurgal sat himself down on, putting his head on his claw. He stared intensively at the orb, deep in thought.

Shiva and Aurora joined not a moment later, the latter clutching Mothgaria's plans. Both females approached a long dining table previously hidden the shadows, sitting down and looking over the plans. Isia almost jolted when there was a cough.

"Jeez, and I thought I could finally paint in quiet." A voice came from the opposite side of the table. There, painting on a tripod, was a lanky bipedal white wolf in black robes. He looked at them with brown eyes as if he were annoyed, yet like Mothgaria, his smile nullified the look.

"Orion..." Aurgal rumbled from his throne, leaning forward. "What are you doing, painting in the dark?"

"I can paint perfectly fine in the daylight, so I want to see what I come up with in the darkness." He blanched at the painting, "And's not as good as I thought it would be...." He folded a claw under his chin, "...Oh well, I was trying to paint the castle. Now it looks like a three hundred ton train smashed into it."

Aurora and Shiva giggled, Isia joining after she caught sight of the sloppy painting. Even Aurgal cracked a grin. The grin swiftly faded as he got up, departing via a corridor. No one watched him for long, having grown used to his anti-social behavior. He'd be back usually to scare the living hell out of them within the hour.

A dull lantern turned on after Aurora shot a fireball at it, swaying softly. Orion scrapped the painting and restarted, already managing to do most of the exterior. The castle had four towers, all in the back. The courtyard took up most of the front. It was surrounded by a cliff and a mountain. There were two ways for one to enter or exit if by claw; coming from the north and south. Both paths intertwined to form a road to the steel gate.

Turning her attention to the Shiva, Isia noticed that she was studying the information intently, biting her nail. Her eyes narrowed halfway down and she slammed it down on the table. "Damn it, of course he would build it there."

"Who what now?" Aurora, whom had been intensely watching Orion, threw her head back to look at the ice dragoness.

"Ephiral, likely to piss me off, decided it was time to make my old destroyed kingdom a fort." She indicated to an icy castle, "That's where the main base is going to be. I say we go and put an arrow between his eyes."

"If it were that easy, we would have done it." The red dragoness pointed out to the displeasure of Shiva. The latter gave her a cross look. "As much as I would love to do so, we are too weak and we lack an army. He has at least five-thousand strong plus Mothgaria."

"Must you always light a fire beneath my tail?" Shiva snarled before going back to the plans. Isia clamped her mouth shut, knowing how personal this was.

"Somebody has to drag you down to reality." Orion commented, his eyes never leaving his work, "I'd really hate to reap the four of you so early." He pulled out a small book with a small chain sickle as a bookmark, "Says you still have twenty years if you don't do anything stupid."

Isia glared at the book; the one thing that would never stop bugging her about this entire group. That book told when and how someone would die and it jarred her very soul to know when her time was up. Knowing that Shiva would only live twenty more years was less than comforting. Isia had refused to be told when her glass ran out.

Shiva growled, pulling at her horns before coughing hoarsely. Isia instinctively lifted her staff to help relieve the pain, but Shiva waved her off. Instead, she pulled out a fiery gem and absorbed it. Ice on her muzzle and claws, which had previously gone unnoticed, started to melt away. Moisture dripped to the table.

"Sorry, that was a bad one." Shiva apologized to Isia, "Actually needed to take it or else I'd completely freeze." She stood up, leaving what she was reading on the table, "I'm going to go shoot some arrows. Bother me only if you need me. Kinda want to be alone."

Grasping her bow, she left through a side door. Isia went to go read, but found that it was not only cryptic, but in Demonic. Her understanding was very basic, so there was no way she could make a lick of sense from this. Still, she was able to see where Shiva was coming from; arrows and rough drawings of various additions surrounded the castle.

Then, out of nowhere, a piano started to play. It was very soft yet eerie. Almost like something one would hear out of a horror show on the radio. Aurora even seemed surprised to hear it; Orion wasn't paying attention, his tongue sticking out of his maw as he filled in parts of the moon overlooking the estate.

"That'd be Aurgal." Aurora commented after a moment, "I haven't heard him use that in years." She then smiled at Isia, "Go up and keep him company. He does crave the female attention no matter what he says. I'd do it, but there is only so much I can do without it being border-line incestuous."

Isia quietly pondered that. She never did ask how old they were and how long it had been since they last got close to anyone. Still, she didn't exactly want to disturb him and feared his violent reaction. Still, it was worth a shot.

"Where is it?" she asked.

"Second floor, behind the far left bookshelf in the library. He keeps his piano in there."

Nodding, Isia stood up and left.


Far left bookshelf...far left bookshelf...

Isia kept repeating what she was told, reaching the small library. Books ranging from holy Bibles to romance stories littered the walls. Isia frequently wondered why the twins kept Bibles of all things here; maybe they considered it fiction and read it for a laugh. She didn't bring it to their attention; maybe if she caught one of them in the library she'd ask.

The bookshelves were massive, easily twice the size height of her body. It was quite clean as well; had there not been a few crinkled tomes, it would have looked like no one had gone in here. Reaching the shelf that Aurora had told her about, she stared at it. Was she supposed to pull a book or something?

Her eyes scanned for anything different that stood out. A notch in a book, the way they were organized, or even a color. These types of puzzles always stumped her. Not because they confused her, but because she was afraid that if she pulled the wrong thing, something was going to decapitate her. Sighing, she shut her eyes and concentrated.

Aurgal's demonic trace was here, but it led her in so many knots that she wasn't sure which book to pull. He had touched one, that was for sure. It was almost as if he had anticipated her coming and rapidly flailed on each and every one. Her claws fell on one book in particular; an epic about a hatchling who had saved the world and, as a reward, had everything ripped from him. Family, loved ones...children.

Instinctively, she gently tugged. There was a soft pop and the shelf moved to the side. Opening her eyes, she was greeted by a moonlit room with a piano being the only furniture in it. The walls and ceiling were dusty. Half of the ivory coated instrument was covered in shadows, the back front facing her. From behind, a pair of glowing eyes bore into her very being.

"How did you find this?" his voice, although calm, swelled with rage.

"Your sister." Isia stood ridged, never breaking eye contact.

A few moments later, the eyes rose. "Rare has anyone cast their gaze upon this." He strode forward, stepping into the moonlight, an unreadable expression on his face. "I suppose you are to be congratulated had this not been a sacred place for me."

"I'm sorry," Isia looked down, "I was just told that you may want some company." She spoke softly, keeping him in the corner of her eye.

Another pregnant silence. "She would send you up here." He strode closer until he was directly in front of her. Isia lifted her muzzle so that she stared into his eyes. They narrowed after a few seconds. "You see me as a monster even after all this time."

He moved to the window, staring up at the moon. Snow began to fall. Lights from a nearby village illuminated the background like the morning sun. "Is it your faith that tells you to see me as an abomination? Or it is it just you?" He faced her.

"It's hard for me to accept you as a vampire...demon...whatever you are." Isia admitted, never moving. "I've followed this path for years now, and to have you come into my life, let alone fight beside you..."

"Vampire...demon....are they really so different now?" Aurgal began to pace, "Both require blood to survive, both crave the darkness, and both enjoy tormenting the living in their spare time. Despite their torture, they require them to live." He stopped, turned to the piano, and sighed. "Let me ask you one question."

"And that is?" the priestess moved to him slowly. If push came to shove, she still had her rosary and spells.

"If I require blood to live, how does that make me a monster?" His eyes almost stared into her soul. "You kill plants and animals so you may survive, yet when I feed, everyone raises their torches." He paused as if awaiting a comeback.

Averting her eyes, Isia swallowed what she had been told. She knew that this was something to shake her faith, yet she couldn't deny his words. Her mind wanted to put up a half minded argument about morals, yet from that statement, he had her in a vice. And judging from the look in his face, he knew it. Instead, she allowed room for him to continue.

"I was once mortal a long, long time ago." he summoned an orb out of nowhere, drifting off for a moment. "I laughed, I cried, and I even loved." Once more his eyes lingered on the piano. "I fought for what I had, and it was ripped away. I chose the path of darkness rather than follow the light to heaven. To refuse a second chance was stupid and idiotic!" he lashed out with his claw, slashing the air.

He walked back and forth, his arms moving in rage. "I was cast out by the very religion who promises peace and love!" He swirled around, his jaw parting, revealing his long sharp fangs, "I have seen their souls! I have seen the throne of lies each and every priest sits upon! They claim to be holy, but should you see the sins that they hide, you would shove them to the streets! Despite what they day, no being is without evil! Without temptation!"

He stopped and contorted his right claw out front, his face sorrowful. "You don't know what it is like to be praised as a hero and then fall just because of one choice! One!" The demon's voice grew more and more tortured with every word.

Aurgal glided closer, reaching out to touch her. He stopped just before he reached her scales. "I cannot even touch you. Have I not shown that I am with restrain? Have I not shown that I am not the demons that you have heard of? You claim that you are used to me, and if you were, you would not wear that!"

Every word he said was like a punch to the gut. Not because of the fact that he was yelling at her, but because every word was emotional. She didn't even know if what he was saying was true about the priests, but the pain that he felt was no lie. Her mind drifted to the book that was used to access this area. A jolt ran down her spine. The way he had hinted at his was all too similar.

He looked expectantly at her, as if he could read her thoughts. She reached to touch him, but stopped. She could touch him, but he could not touch her without agony. But was she willing to part with the one thing to keep her safe? To take the risk of death? Looking up at him, she smiled and removed the rosary, pocketing it.

His claw moved to her face. It was warm to the touch...not what she had expected. It shook ever so slightly as slowly moved down to her neck and shoulder. His face was in one of shock and he lifted the claw to make sure he was not scalded. His eyes drifted to her one last time before placing the claw back.

"Well?" Isia asked after a moment. Despite his threat of rape earlier, he didn't even try to move past her chest. It was if he were apprehensive.

"You are so is a wonder how you have yet to lose your virginity with a body like this." Isia had the urge to slap him, her face heating up. "So I guess that means that you trust me now?" he took his claw away.

"You were right; you never intentionally harmed me and it was time that I stop acting so sheltered in this place. Shiva readily accepted it, yet I couldn't and doubt I full will." She suddenly laughed, earning an odd look from Aurgal, "Imagine the story of a priestess and demon...vampire...whatever...standing side by side against a common enemy."

"Yeah...imagine that..." Aurgal said with a chuckle.

Isia let him dwell on that before continuing. "This is going to take me a get to used to, so don't freak when I poke fun at you or wear my rosary."

The two stared at each other for a moment before Isia had to turn. "Say, why don't you play more on your piano?" she suggested.

Aurgal was already at the keys before she even finished her sentence. The sounds once more carried throughout the castle, yet this time, the tone appeared far brighter. Maybe Aurgal himself never noticed it, but Isia got the feeling that, at least for this moment, she had penetrated the thick wall of darkness surrounding him.