It's Bound to be Fun - Commission

Story by WaterSinger on SoFurry

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This was a commissioned piece of work by Steel Ankh. All he wanted was to have his character and Singer together in a story, and I'm hoping he likes this one. As always, this contains scenes of a sexual nature, so do not read if you are underage. Anything you read might cause offence but if it does then you have been warned.

The she-wolf was one of the few ferals gifted with a mixture of human-like intelligence and the instincts of the wild she would have ruled if she had had the size and the will to do so. However, the she-wolf was content, currently looking at the brand new collar her master had given her that morning. Red leather on the outside, on the inside it was padded with fleece, in order to prevent the delicate skin underneath her throat from marking. A silver bone-shaped tag hung from the loop in the centre, the name 'Singer' on the side showing to the world, the words 'Property of Steel Ankh' showing on the side hidden against her fur.

She was proud of her collar, loving the way it sat against both the white of her throat and the black of her neck, showing up clearly against both. Her tail wagged lightly as she looked at herself in the mirror, slender and dainty looking though covered with hidden sheets of muscle beneath a thick pelt. She was watching herself in mirror, tilting her head from side to side and making her collar jingle lightly. She wasn't usually this easily amused, but when her master popped out to get 'something' and didn't tell her what, she got a little anxious.

She perked her ears when she heard the sound of footsteps coming towards the door, a familiar jangling of keys making her stand up - generally if she didn't meet him, he'd get irritated with her...though the faint mischief that assaulted her occasionally had her sprawling back out on her stomach, her head resting on her out-stretched paws. She wagged her tail when she heard the key in the lock, turning before the door pushed open. It was hard for her not to spring up, not to rush to greet him like a pet - as their relationship appeared in the public eye.

The rat frowned when his 'pet' didn't come to meet him, the brown fur that covered his body apart from the necessary places, though only his ears and tail showed this. He wasn't used to not being greeted, the tall, stocky rat dressed in just plain blue denim jeans, slightly worn, and a black t-shirt. He looked around for a second, wondering whether she was asleep on one of the couches in his immaculate living room. When that failed to turn up any traces of the she-wolf he shared his home with, he grinned. It must be Hide and Seek she wanted to play then!

He stripped off his t-shirt, leaving just his jeans on as he started moving slowly but thoroughly, checking out the rooms slowly. First one his agenda was the kitchen, and while he was in there he refilled up her water bowl, just to make sure she would be able to drink after what he had planned. A slightly evil smirk ran across his mouth and then disappeared as he called out after the she-wolf. "Come out, come out wherever you are!" He peered into the bathroom - last time they played this game, Singer had hidden in the bath and leaped onto him with his back turned...but nope! She wasn't there!

He paused a second, leaning up to unhook the shower curtain from the rail, walking back into the living room and then spreading the white, waterproof sheet out on the ground. He grinned, setting out his 'tools' for the evening he had planned then returning to hunt for the missing she-wolf. He finally found her, sprawled out on her side in the bedroom, her tail wagging lightly when she opened the mismatched eyes that made her look so different. "There you are, silly girl! Who's my good puppy, huh? Does she want a treat? I bet she wants a treat!"

When she looked at him and blinked a little, tilting her head and raising her eyebrows briefly. It was clear what she was thinking, a wrinkle appearing between her eyes as she gave him a look that clearly said 'Are you kidding me?' He grinned again, grabbing her collar and urging her to her feet, before tugging her to the living room where his preparations were. When she hesitated, he swatted her on the butt and frowned. "Come on! I'm giving you a treat! You know you want to see what surprise I got you!" As soon as he got her into the living room, he snagged the matching leash to the collar, though this had odd loops for buckles along it and snapped it on her collar.

When she resisted now, he just pulled her along, grinning the entire time he did so. It was clear he wasn't going to let her go, and she snorted, picking up her paws a little and trotting alongside him. She almost appeared to be showing off in that moment, her head upright, tugged into that position by the lead held almost cruelly in his hand. He shifted his tail out the way, kneeling on the sheet with a crinkle of the plastic. Her claws made a soft scratching noise as he pulled her over towards him, grinning a little. "Now. Sit!"

Singer plopped her rump on the ground at the commanding tone, her tail beginning to wag slightly before she tipped her head, rolling it on her shoulders to frown curiously at the rat. Normally he told her what he wanted...but this time he wasn't. "Good lie down!" She snorted at the simple commands, stretching out lightly on her belly. "Now roll over." She growled at him lightly, before rolling onto her belly. When a hand caressed her stomach, she paused, caught in one position with her tail wagging. In the bliss that was a tummy rub, she failed to notice the weights, complete with clips which he fastened her collar to by fastening three loops on the long leash to three of the buckles on the left, when doubling it over to four more buckles on the right.

She didn't notice the leash across her throat, the hand stroking against her stomach trailing lightly up and down, the vague sensation of claws occasionally gliding against her delicate flesh. She shivered, and growled softly in happiness at his touch. Her master knew what she liked from a tummy rub, and he rubbed tummies like no other. He even tugged lightly at a few of her teats, catching them between his fingers and rolling them around. She uttered soft, happy whines at him, pleading with him not to stop the light rubs and light touches that she enjoyed so much. The rat couldn't help but laugh at her, his lightly furred ears at attention as he watched the intelligent canine abase herself for the pleasure of a simple tummy rub.

The rat moved himself above the pinned and fastened wolf, smirking down at her and cocking his head to the side in a manner reminiscent of the canine herself. A sigh rumbled his chest as he finished running his eyes along her svelte body. "Such a pretty girl you are, and all mine." He growled in his ratty way, his head tilting slightly to the side as she struggled a second. "Stay." He gave the command softly, before rising up and removing the little green vial from his jeans. He walked slowly back towards the pinned wolf, his long tail swaying slowly with the runes almost covering the natural pink of the long appendage.

He grinned down at her, swirling the vial around in his hand as he watched the form of the pinned female wriggle one final time then stilling completely. "Now there's a good girl, open wide." When she didn't open her muzzle, he straddled her prone body, and opened her muzzle with his own fingers. He poured in the green mixture, rubbing his fingers down her throat to ease the passage of the potion before undoing the clasps on the leash and standing up, watching as her body underwent a swift change.

She grew lengthwise first, not becoming very tall still, not being taller than five foot one, her fur still covering her body in the unusual pattern. Her forearms shifted positions, and grew longer, her paws splitting into still canine-looking hands. Her hips shifted and stretched, becoming more digitigrade legs, not as human looking as the rat watching her, but still the kind that would hold her upright on two legs. He finally watched in some satisfaction as the she-wolf flopped back the swelling of her breasts. She panted a little, and then frowned at him, growling before coughing. "Damn it Steel. Why do you always have to feed me that stuff?"

The rat grinned and chuckled, bending over her to pull her up against his body, grinning into her face and stroking his hand down her back until he could grab her tail and tug it lightly. "I feed it to you because I wanted my own way. Why else?'s fun." When he tugged her tail again, he drew her head upwards, pressing a rather gentle kiss to her lips as he shifted his grasp to her rump. With that grip he was able to press himself more firmly against the she-wolf, enjoying the way she gasped into his mouth and shivered against him.

He pulled away, grinning down at her as his eyes glinted. The two-toned eyes of the she-wolf gleamed at him, slightly glazed before he pushes her down to her knees in front of him, holding onto her by her hair, which had just finished growing down her back. "Come on know what I want you to do!" He rolled his hips against her, watching with satisfaction as her sensitive nose twitched once, twice. A soft whine spilled from her as she ran her hands up his jeans and then stroked against the swelling bulge, clear in his jeans. A shudder ran along her spine, the fur down her back rising in a soft wave as her toes curled. The rat himself groaned, the soft sound spilling into the silent flat.

He stumbled backwards, unbuttoning his jeans and then unzipping them with one hand as he pulled her along with him by the grip on her hair. As he kicks the denim off, he tugs the kneeling, crawling she-wolf closer, almost shivering as he feels her run that still damp nose against his inner thigh, following the scent of his arousal to his sheath. She soon trailed her broad tongue against the skin pouch, the lightly furred skin being tickled and tantalized by her tongue, and dragging another groan from the rat. The next lick knocked him backwards, into his favourite chair, his legs being spread by the enthusiastic she-wolf.

She growled gutturally, he may have dragged her from her normal form into an anthro one, but that didn't stop her thinking like the beast she was inside. She growled at him softly, scraping her blunt claws along his thighs before moving to cradle the dangling orbs which were left at her mercy, though she was gentler, she still tugged lightly on them, rolling them between her fingers as she slurped her tongue up that thickening sheath, ignoring the moans and soft cries of the rat above her, whose loins were at her mercy, though they weren't exactly tender.

The rat felt on fire, the way the she-wolf was treating him had his cock rising from the sheath faster than normal, causing him to hump upwards against her muzzle. He was almost urgent in his movements, his toes curling on the ground as she failed to capture the seeking shaft in her mouth the way he was so urgent for her to. He uttered complaints at her, his grip on her hair tightening as he pinned her against his legs. He tugged her hair flat against his thigh, before rubbing his swollen, pre-drooling shaft against her cheeks, a rough moan sliding from his throat as he continues to use her face to encourage the flow of pre. "S-such a b-bad girl. N-not even t-taking me in y-your mouth. O-open wide!"

She obediently opened her muzzle for the rat, letting him glide the plump shaft between her lips and groan. His hips worked slowly at first, rolling lazily as he pulled her hair carefully, so that she was perched closer to his groin. The faster he rolled his hips, the deeper he went into her waiting mouth, almost making her gag at times before he let go of her hair and used her collar to guide her back and forwards on his shaft. He didn't quite leave the she-wolf alone, one of his hands grope at her chest, capturing one of the full breasts there and plucking at the nipple, dragging a soft whimper from the drooling she-wolf, her mouth stuffed full of rat-cock.

Her tongue began to work along the underneath of the plump shaft, pressing lightly against the pulsating veins there, the plump rodent balls in her hands beginning to jolt and jerk the rat growling as he humped his hips against her mouth even faster. His tail stroked up her thigh, gliding up until it could flick against the soaking wet slit he was determined to fill up soon, though his attention was caught as he sped up his thrusts roughly, letting the tip kiss at her throat until he moaned, his toes curling in the carpet before he exploded.

Gooey rat-cum slid into her throat, causing her to cough and swallow convulsively, though he pulled back slowly to watch as his seed slid against her tongue, his thick shaft still hard and ready for the she-wolf. As he pumped the last of his seed against her breasts with his paw, gliding it against his shaft to make sure he coats her chest as much as he could. When he finally withdrew his shaft completely, he sprawled back and released her, panting lightly - though he keeps his tail tip flickering lightly against her, teasing her body and causing a soft moan to work through her chest and into the air. "S-such a good b-bitch you are for me, to let me stuff your mouth full and not say no!"

She swallows, before moaning and grabbing hold of his tail to stop the tormenting, teasing flicks of his tail where she was trembling and whimpering. She shivered slowly, before blinking a little at him and growling. "I didn't exactly get given a choice, did I? You just grabbed my collar and did what you wanted in the end. And teasing with your tail didn't win you any points either. I still want more." She grinned, standing and stretching with a flexibility that belied her anthro state. She stalked towards him with her hips slowly sliding from side to side. She grinned when she reached the taller, stronger rat, straddling his lap and running her hands to his ears, tugging on them.

When he complained, she meshed her mouth with his own, almost appearing to feed there with her tongue and teeth sliding and strokes and nibbling, successfully distracting the rat before she lets go of one of his ears, capturing his shaft instead and teasing him by rubbing the tip against her inner thigh, occasionally letting just that very tip slide inside her heated, wet centre, only teasing her body with his own. Within moments they were both whimpering, but she didn't stop with the motions, though moans broke into the mouth of the other from both rat and wolf before she finally plunged her body down and over his, letting his plump shaft fill her quaking insides.

She whimpered softly at him, the sensation making her roll her hip so she was able to appreciate just how it felt to be stuffed as full as the rat made her. He groaned at her movements, the clutching and dragging of her hip motions combined with the slowly clenching inner muscles that massaged his length had him bucking his hips into her slowly. They took their time, slowing down the kiss until it became more passionate than the movements of their hips for a time. Their tongues were in a duelling frenzy, a far more relaxed manner of movement happening between their loins.

A certain movement of his hips caused her to tear their mouths apart so she could growl and moan into the air, her movements becoming more urgent as her own climax approached, the thick length of rat shaft shifting and plunging into her harder and faster as she begins to ride the rat properly, grabbing hold of his arms when they fall to her hips, holding him captive. She uses him for her own pleasure, growling and snapping lightly at the junction of his neck and shoulder to encourage him to take her even deeper, before she resorts to begging.

"Please Steel, please. D-deeper and h-harder. Make me scream for you, m-make me plead and beg for you to stuff me full." She growls into his ear, her chest heaving against his own, her rat-seed covered breasts grinding into his own as she grinds her body against him. He growls, the sound oddly feral from the rat as he tugged his wrists from her grasp, picking up the she-wolf and standing up. He pressed her against the wall, lifting her leg and holding onto it as he slides that thick shaft back inside her body. She shudders upon feeling him filling her up again, though he wasn't satisfied with that.

He grabbed her only, steadying leg, lifting it until he was supporting her weight with both his hands, her legs and the shaft splitting her body wide open. She grabbed at his shoulders, leaving her breasts open to the mauling they started to receive. Her teeth nibbled along one of his ears, though she moaned into it when his teeth caught her nipple and tugged, dragging another moan when his tongue slid against the budded nipple. She whimpered softly, and arched her back, before riding each thrust from the rat eagerly. "Gods...Steel...I-I can't take much more!" She whimpered and growled softly, her entire body trembling against his own as her claws caressed his shoulders.

He chuckled at her, though his laughter was halted by a moan as he pushed deeper inside her than before and then felt her body trembling, clenching around his in a spasm that was clearly her body nearing a much needed climax. He slowed down, dragging out each and every thrust as he moved slowly, dragging inch after inch from her body. Once he had only the tip left inside her body he paused, despite her trying to urge him to press himself back inside her. "Damn it Steel! Don't damn well tea-" Her voice was halted and a strangled moan slid from her throat as he thrust into her body, hilting deep within her until she settled again.

She panted, glaring at the rat with mismatched eyes and then frowning as he only slowly moves. "Damn, Steel! Don't be a tease about it." She growls at him, her body seeking and searching for any way to move from his iron grip. The rat drove a yelp from her throat as he moved his hips, then forced his shaft back inside her body, her toes curling as he relaxes his hold. She slowly moves herself around on him, before moving against him fast, needing to feel her body spasm around his shaft.

She sped up, and he took control, dropping her legs to the ground and then spinning her around. He pressed her hands to the wall, before he removed his shaft from her clutching sex. He grinned as he pushed her against the wall harder, his body pinning her down before he begins to pump his shaft in his fist. He shudders and groans in her ear, before leaning closer against her and grinding underneath her tail. She whimpers softly as he rolls his shaft against her, before stretching that mostly unused hole around his tip. He paused, and then removed his hand as he forced her rump to spread a little wider. She whined, as he slowly filled her body up, leaving her feeling slightly empty but full in the same moment.

He slid his hand against her thigh, chuckling into her ear as he began to move his hips back and forth, shifting only a few inches of shaft backwards and forwards within her rump. His hand crept closer and closer to her sex, and sure enough, he slid one slender finger within. He moved it slowly back and forth inside her, enjoying the way he could make her whimper and whine the way she did now. He couldn't hold back, pleasure spilling along his body too as he sped up the movements of his hips, every time he thrust forward, he smoothed the way with the copious amounts of pre which he spurted into her tail-hole.

Even as he slid that plump rat-shaft deeper inside her rump, he slipped another finger inside her body, beginning to pump them back and forth in time to the rough thrusts he made. She was soon keening, those strong inner muscles clenching him tightly so he had to fight every time he wanted to plunge them back into her greedy body. Despite the battle he had going on there, he soon fed her body a third finger, which stretched her to the point of mindless pleasure. She rocked back and forth between the rat-shaft and fingers. She tilted her head back, whimpering and growling at him, a plea contained in the sound but without any words.

"What's that, little bitch? What's wrong?" He forced himself deep inside her, and held still. His fingers pressed in and out roughly, stroking against his shaft through that thin flap of skin that was separating them. She whimpered quietly, though when his thumb pressed on that little pleasure-button she couldn't help but howl, unable to help herself as she writhes against him, the rat groaning and dropping his head forward as she rode his hand. Every scream and moan was music to his ears, and when he reached his second climax, he sunk his teeth into her shoulder and began to thrust hard until his heavy orbs tightened and drew closer to his body.

He came with a muffled groan of his own, joining the she-wolf in her climax as he continues to hump against her body, his tail flickering before tightening around her ankle. She was panting when he finished flooding her ass with seed. He wrapped his arms around her waist, shivering before planting an affectionate kiss to his cheek. She grinned weakly at him, her chest heaving - though the insatiable, greedy rat was cupping her breasts already and mauling them again, kneading at the soft flesh as he pulls from her rump, watching in satisfaction as his seed splatters to the ground.

"Such a good bitch you are. But don't think I'm done with you yet. You haven't cleaned me up yet...and I think I still might have another little treat for you before I'm done and before that potion wears off." He chuckled at her, leading her shaky body back to where he had left the leash. His tail trailed behind him, collecting up a few pre-hidden treats...or rather toys for his pleasure with the she-wolf. He grabbed one, and turned her in his arms, stroking his hands lightly down her arms, then fastening the faux-fur lined cuffs around her wrists. She was in such a daze that she didn't notice at first, not until he tugged her forward by them, and then pushed her to her knees.

She stumbled down, and he grinned, pressing her gently but firmly forwards so he could watch her seen-stained rump flex as she tried to get comfortable. Her tail flagged when she felt his paw slide down and against it. He slapped her lightly, causing a soft gasp to spill from her lips as he grinned. "Bad bitch. You should know better than to get what you think you deserve!" She growled at him, but all he did was fasten the leash he had grabbed to her collar. He pulled her along behind him, until he was sat back in his chair. He trailed his tail over the arm, as he tugged her again and pushed her nose back into his groin.

"Now bitch, be a good girl, and clean me up properly." He grinned, watching as she opened her mouth to take the still hard rat-cock deep inside it. He hissed when she slid her mouth down against him, letting her teeth just lightly catch against the sensitive skin. Thanks to the two climaxes he had just had, he was sensitive, but not so close to the edge as he would have been at the thought of such a dangerous lupine at his command. The way her teeth grazed him as she began bobbing her head made him grit his teeth and roll his hips towards her, the rat moaning.

He loved it when she did this, though when he felt her glide her head down further, and let his tip nudge at the back of her throat. He waited with bated breath, not even daring to move as she took a deep breath and then forced him into her throat. She whimpered a little as his hips surged forwards, lodging him deeper into her throat than he had been. The sensation of her gulping around his rat-cock made his eyes roll back in his head and a strangled groan turn into a grunt.

He continued to use her muzzle like that, muttering soft praises and encouragement at the she-wolf to keep her moving her mouth against his cock, so urgent and desperate for her to get another muzzle of his seed that he couldn't help but jolt his hips harder against her. He was panting and groaning loudly, the slap of his balls against her chin audible as he constantly choked her with his cock then pulled back. It took a rough graze from one of her teeth for his back to arch and for him to give a strangled cry of pleasure as the she-wolf receives first a mouthful, then her throat and breasts begging a second covering of creamy rat-seed. She coughed and fell backwards, watching the rat carefully.

"Damn, Steel! For god's sake, it's like you don't ever get to fill my mouth! It's only been our routine since you brought me home! Though I guess that I normally am means you need to be more careful." She smiled at him, before scraping a single finger down her chest and then sucking on it, rumbling in her chest at the taste as she watches him watch her. "So what else have you got planned? You've got me like this until tomorrow, after all."

The drained rat merely laughed, the slightly dark tones to the sound chilling the she-wolf to the bone. Who knew what he'd have planned for her, or what they'd get up to over the next 18 hours.