Bloody Hew: Introduction

Story by joenarianBlessed on SoFurry

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#2 of Bloody Hew

Fernando (Thinking): "What will I do, what will I do?!"

Jezebel: "Take it easy Fran, it's not like we're gonna get caught. Besides, baby, we're gonna have some fun!" *smacks lips*

To make the long story short: Fernando, whom miss (miss? Damn She's had a lot o' THAT to be called miss) Jezebel so annoyingly calls Fran, is a business dog - literally - in a lawyer's firm (they need professional advice on some of the cases) who has two children and a good and loyal wife waiting for him back at home; something that his boss, Jezebel, doesn't seem to understand. The thing is that the firm cannot keep losing employees and Fernando really needs this job. The question is: What will he do?

Fernando: "Umm boss... I know that you like your employees a whole lot and that you hire them partly because you like them, but I really need to get back to a case right now. The papers are due at 1:00pm and time's almost up!" *breathes heavily and nervously*

Jezebel: *After a thought pause* "Alright honey bun. But I'll tell you straight: I'll get you sometime afterwards" *licks lips and leaves the office looking down at Fernando's groin and then at his face*

Fernando: "Whew! I thought she was gonna fire me!" (Thinking:) "How am I gonna keep her out of my tail? I really need this job, but I don't think I need it as badly enough as to break my family for a job. I need to plan a strategy out. First order of thought: 'don't tell my wife, don't tell my wife, don't tell my wife'"

Well, the thing is that being in a lawyer firm in this part of the city meant getting laid when need be, looking for your opponent's weaknesses... all that while in a suit (can't forget the most important part; the suit is the lady killer). Fernando and Nancy (his wife) were already having problems. Nancy knew that his boss was already hitting on him. See, before Fernando went to college he was a complete jock (with the exception that he was a kind, sweet guy... you know: the kind that keeps a promise and is loyal no matter what). He was a guy that came with the whole package: the biceps, triceps, hamstring, six-pack (abs), turbo-charged an' everything (yee doggy, ride him cowboy!). Nancy, however, was the shy girl - the kind of girl that sits in the "nobody notices us" table. In fact, that was how Fernando noticed her (ironically). A gray haired no-breed with glasses and a not well cultivated body. But "for the likings the colors" my grandma used to say. This was the case with Fernando and Nancy.

Then came college. This was when they got together. A big, buff, sensible dog studying business coincidentally met the love of his life. By the time they finished college - one a business major and the other a mechanical engineering major - Nancy had turned into a babe. From the graduation straight to the wedding - and so began the Lopez family. "It's a boy!" said the nurse to Nancy one year... "It's a girl!" said the nurse to Fernando the other. Grandpa said "Chico! Valla nieto, vas a llenar al mundo con Lopecitos" (translated whould be: "Man! Hey grandson, you're going to fill the world with little Lopez's'")(Fernando: "Sorry guys. Grandpa doesn't speak English"). Fernando and Nancy had been working on jobs that had nothing to do with what they had studied (When you're starting a family every little penny helps). Finally! A chance to shoot good money had arrived for Fernando. All he had to do was give some professional advice to a bunch of high-class, big-shot lawyers every other case. Erm... there was one problem though. His boss turned out to be a sex-crazed bit... actually no, I think a doe is better (aww man I messed with the picture in your head... did it hurt to change it? Anyways). Yup, a doe! And she was wearin' red today! A tight red dress, the sort that the skirt is right above her knees and has a big spacing on the neck (just enough to get a sneak peek!) and tight round her belly. Complemented with black high-heels (I sincerely don't know why she wears them; she has hooves - well polished by the way) and long, silky smooth hair. How did this woman become the director of a Lawyer firm...? Oh! I think I know now... maybe she is the reason why it is called a firm!

Things were looking bad for Mr. Loyal-Pants as his days in the loyalty business could be numbered!

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