Wizard's Apprentice

Story by Spirithorse on SoFurry

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Wizard's Apprentice

Sam grinned in glee as he closed the barn door behind him. The master would be gone till late tomorrow leaving him free to do what he wanted. The best part was it even counted as doing some of what his master had asked him to work on while he was gone. Spell practice! Granted he was supposed work on transformations only while his Master was about but it would still be spell practice.

He moved to the rear most stall of the barn, it was largest and he had spread fresh bedding in it for tonight, and unrolled the scroll he had made. Parts were from a copy of a transformation he had found on his master's shelves for turning a subject animal into a stallion of the breed his master's farm was famous for. The rest was all his own work. It would change him into a magnificent stallion of the breed his master had created while leaving him with his human ability to reason and think but also give him all the knowledge to be able to manage his new four legged body.

He read over his work carefully reviewing each piece of the complex spell. It would act as his focus in the spell the weakest of his magical skills. His master had said countless times that he needed more focus. Well the scroll should help greatly in that area even if his master frowned on aids such as the scroll a spell like this he would need the aid. He was very skilled for his age, but what he was attempting was at least a journeyman mage spell maybe even a master mage. He wasn't sure since he hadn't found any spells like it in his master's library. Sam however had run all the calculations through repeatedly and knew he had the strength.

Satisfied with the spell on the scroll he shucked his apprentice robes and small cloths. No need to risk them being damaged in the change. He admired his well muscled athletic body. It really was a pity that the closest village was a days travel from his masters home. He was sure he could have gotten a girl interested in him, but whenever he was in the village it was with his master and his master kept a close eye on him. He was 14, horny and he wanted to get laid. If he couldn't get a village girl he could hump a mare in heat as a stallion.

Watching stallions breed mares always gave him a hell of a hard on. Just thinking about the lust and passion some of his master's stallions went after mare's with made his cock start to stiffen. He knew that this pretty little soft gold mare with pink skin was in heat in the southwest pasture. She was a horrible flirt of a mare as well and she had responded once to his fingering of her pussy by pressing back against his hand eagerly.

Grinning he focused on the spell in front of him. It was a long spell and he worked slowly and carefully building the energies about him into the pattern he wanted. The world seemed to hush as power built all around him. It gained strength until it was a detectable shimmer to the naked eye. He built the image of the roan stallion he would become in his mind's eye as the spells power began to peak. As he released it he thought happily of the sweet, eager mare in heat he was going to lose his virginity to shortly.

The spell took hold all at once as he released it and his back arched in agony as the change took place in a flash. It felt like all his bones were breaking as his face pushed out into a muzzle his skull reshaping itself. His spine gave a bunch of cracks as it lengthened, his arms and legs burned as the bones in them shifted form. But the pain didn't stop there for his flesh rippled and flowed unnaturally as it stretched and tore shifting to fit his new form. A tail burst forth from the base of his spine as fur sprung forth from his skin. He screamed his agony and it started as a human scream but it to changed and became an equine one as the change finished with him in only seconds. He blacked out from the pain of it and fell onto the bedding on the floor of the stall.


Sam came to suddenly laying in the soft bedding of the stall. He felt a moments confusion before he remembered where he was and what had happened. Then he remembered and shuddered. Nothing had prepared him for that pain, none of his reference material had suggested transformation of a living thing was painful. On the other hand thinking about it none of the spells he had studied involving changing living things were meant to create such a large change. He would have to figure out in the future how not to experience that pain.

He rolled up right and studied his forelegs for a moment. Odd he could swear he was going to be a roan. But his legs were the same light golden honey color of the mare he intended to visit very soon. He heaved himself up onto all four legs and then shook himself off. He was glad he had used adaptations of translation spells in the spell because he was sure the field of vision would be disorienting otherwise. He looked himself over and saw that the color was uniform. His height was lower than planned he thought as well; though that was harder to tell. Well so long as he had a normal length horse cock he supposed it didn't matter. He twisted his head back and lifted one hind leg up as he stared between his hind legs to inspect himself. With horror he inspected the region and saw only two small pert equine nipples.

He couldn't check under his tail but instinct told him he would find the same shapely upside down exclamation point as on the mare he had intended to hump. He, no wait she, wanted to bang her head against a wall. Stupid stupid stupid. He had let herself think of the mare as he released the spell, changing the outcome. That part of the spell was far more about visualization than anything else, and he had screwed that right up. She had failed to focus at a critical moment and this was the result.

She spent several minutes trying to draw in magic to shift back but could not focus at all. She got distracted by every little sound and scent. Well she would just have to wait for morning. She had built a sturdy fail safe return to human form in the spell in case she couldn't focus the magics herself. She had been unsure of her ability to cast while in equine form due to a lack of research materials on the subject.


She was standing quietly in the stall when only a short time later she heard someone coming up to the barn. She wondered who it could be, her master hadn't mentioned any visitors being due any time soon. Listening she could tell that the someone was unsaddling a horse and grooming him. After that she heard feed being forked into his stall and water placed in a bucket. Sniffing the air she smelled a heady aroma coming from the visiting horse and then she heard the rider leave the barn. Surprisingly she heard the big drop bar being placed to lock the doors from the outside.

She stuck her head out of her stall and looked about. In one the first stall in from the barn door on the far side from her was a massive black war horse. The amount of shoulder she could see put him at about 17 to 18 hands tall at the shoulder. No attempt to close the stall door had been made; given his size it seemed likely to keep him from leaning on the stall door and breaking it. At least now she knew why the drop bar had been placed.

Before she realized what she was doing she whickered softly to him. His head came up from his feed and he gave a deep stallions whicker of greeting. He eyes widened as she became aware of the fact that he was a stallion. He was magnificent, powerfully built yet she sensed light on his feet and agile. Had she been human she would have been drooling at the thought of him taking an interest into her. She suddenly knew though that being a mare didn't mean she couldn't drool over a hunk; her tail had gone up and she could feel wetness running down her hind leg on one side. The strange contraction she felt must be her clit winking as mares did when they had taken a piss or were interested in a stallion.

She backed into her stall hastily. Oh goddess he was handsome and her instincts demanded she go submit to his mounting her. But her mind resisted, she was a man after all! Well normal a guy at anyways. She couldn't have sex with a stallion! There was a soft thump as her rump bumped into the back wall of the stall. She shook herself and worked to get her thoughts under control. Sudden desire to have that stallion on her back had rattled her pretty badly.

Just as she managed to calm herself down she heard the heavy foot falls of the stallion approaching her stall. He looked in and whickered that deep stallions whicker again making her shiver all over as her sex drive went nuts. The only thing keeping her tail down was the fact that her rump was pressed firmly against the wall. he stepped over to her and his muzzle came down as he shared a breath with her. His was warm, moist, masculine and had traces of the alpha he had been eating. It was at that moment the sexist thing she had ever scented in her life.

She pressed more firmly against the wall with her rump determined not to give in to her lust. She fought instinct to let the stallion have his way with her instinct as a mage saying that would be a very bad idea even if she wasn't sure way. He took another step and nuzzled her neck, velvet soft lips nibbling in what she found to be a very sensual and erotic way. She quivered and could feel how wet she was getting. He nibbled his way down her neck down her back and flank until his nose slipped under her barrel. Warm moist breath puffed over her teats and then he nuzzled them, giving a firm nudge to her belly as he did so.

She staggered even as the feeling of his muzzle on her teats got a soft snort of surprised pleaser from her. Not sure if the nuzzle had been meant as a gentle nose bump that horses sometimes gave of the sharp push it had been she ended up having to shift her weight taking her rump away from the wall. The stallion went to stick his nose under her tail and twisted away to avoid him.

When she did she caught sight of his cock fully erect, his eagerness to breed her shockingly evident. It was thick and shiny black, clean as if he bred many mares. Part of her envied those mares and the other was frightened. He was huge! She bolted into the breezeway between stalls.

To late she remembered the barn doors were barred shut and she had to skid to a halt her nose almost touching them. She froze trying to think what to do. In that moment of indecision she felt a massive weight slide onto her back and she grunted in shock her instincts guiding her to spread her hind legs to better support the weight. It wasn't until his forelegs gripped her barrel and she felt his cock thrusting under her tail that she understood what was happening.

She tried to get out from under him, but he had a firm grip with his forelegs and was so heavy that she found it hard to move. She let out a soft grunt when he found his mark and plunged his cock into her pussy. He drove in with one clean clearly well practiced thrust, penetrating her all the way to her cervix. It was a sensation she had never imagined and it was incredible.

She felt herself gripping his cock with her pussy as his hips began to buck. She grunted softly with every thrust; lust had driven all her concerns to the back of her mind. She gave up any semblance of resistance, and started thrusting back against the stallion with each of his thrusts. When his glands started to swell she could feel it and tightened her grip on his shaft. With a final deep thrust and a grunt, she felt him orgasm, jets of seed spurting into her depths.

He nuzzled her neck lightly before sliding off her back. The feel of his still flared glands pulling out made her squeal softly signaling her own orgasm. She squatted and pissed a torrent of fluids onto the floor. Shaking her head in a daze she turned to the stallion that had taken her virginity and wanted to feel that again.

She nuzzled the stallions neck and nibbled at his flank. She lowered her head and nuzzled his moist sheath getting a deep happy whicker of approval from the stallion. As she gave a lick she was surprised to see him dropping again. He was recovering quickly. She gave a pleased whicker and nuzzled his sack any inhibition blown away by her orgasm.


Sam was dozing next to the black stud having given herself to the stallion a dozen times though the night. She had been amazed by his stamina and genteelness. Then the first light of dawn came though a high window and she shifted back. It left her wide awake and shivering in memory of the pain half felt though waking to it.

She found the bedding tickling her breasts so she sat up and leaned against the stallion. She looked down at her breasts suddenly and flushed. Why hadn't she changed back into a guy? She turned the thought over in her mind and then her blush got brighter. Oh shit she couldn't be pregnant could she? Would that make the adaptation spells keep her female till the baby was born? What would the child be? And most of all how would she explain it to her master?

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