Sirius: Book Three - Project EPSILON: Chapter 2 - Alphabetic

Story by WhiteArcticFox on SoFurry

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#2 of Sirius: Book Three - Project EPSILON

Just when you thought I couldn't get any worse... Alright folks; time for me to continue my series. Don't hate me, please. Thank you, everybody, for the comments. You're too kind to me ;).

Seriously: Woo, chapter two is here.

Warning: Persons under adult age may experience nausea, runny nose, vomiting, scarring, innocence loss, arousal, or disgust from reading this story. As such, anybody under legal adult age is hereby warned not to read this series. If you're already this late in however it's probably too late for your innocence anyway. This series contains graphic manlovin's (that's bumsex, cocklicking, fondling, fingering, grinding, kissing, licking, biting, groping, rubbing, cumswallowing, chickenchoking [metaphorically] etc. involving two males, willing or not) and as such you are hereby officially warned to not read this unless you are: a) Gay/Bi, male, and a furry, b) Straight, male, a furry, and comfortable with your sexuality, c) Female, into this kind of thing, and a furry, d) A fanboy/girl, e) incredibly dirty-minded, or f) Any combination of any of the above (Hopefully not ALL of the above, cause that whole male/female thing freaks me out.

Allergy Warning: This series may contain traces of salted peanuts and or other nuts.

Nosebleeds, headaches, and erections lasting longer than four hours should be taken to a licensed medical practitioner immediately.

Wash in cold water only.

Return to sender.

My name is WhiteArcticFox and I am not making a StrongBad referance.

Okay, enough warnings.

-cues success music- Story!


Chapter 2: Alphabetic

A tall white Sirian fox glanced through the streets quietly; his azure eyes picking out possible dangers. With his long white hair tied back in a ponytail he turned back into the alleyway and sighed.

Three other, nearly identical foxes sat variously within the alleyway. One of them, his ears black as pitch, spoke to the pure white one quietly. "We need clothes, Alpha," he said, shivering slightly in the dank and damp hollow. It had rained recently, and the streets were full of rainwater potholes.

"Yes, I know Gamma," said the pure white, growling a bit, "But how will these people feel about us just taking things?"

"I don't think they'll mind..." spoke a third, his tail a golden-crimson. "After all, money has been obsolete for years..." he added after a short pause.

The fourth said nothing and instead watched with intrigue. "Delta, you know we can't just walk into a store devoid of clothing and say, 'oh excuse me, I need to pick out an outfit... would you mind?'" returned the first with a sigh. "It's called indecent exposure and it would land us at a police station, something we really want to avoid."

Gamma spoke up again, with a bit of a sigh. "Why don't I just make them think we aren't there? The researchers seemed to fall for it..."

Alpha considered this with a quiet sound. "If you think that would work, little brother. Do you think you're up for it?"

At this, the fourth chimed in with a bit of a grumble. "I'm getting kind-of cold here. Do you think that perhaps we could hurry up?" he said, his red-brown handpaws moving in a questioning manner.

"Fine, let's go..." spoke Alpha again, sighing a bit as he stepped onto the street.


"That's it, I'm in!" said Mati with a bit of a smirk. He tapped at the controls for a bit and proudly announced, "These systems are three years obsolete."

Aura grinned for a moment before he heard a ping from the other side of the bridge. And he, like Atlas, looked up and saw the Operations officer tap at a few controls.

"Sir," said the wolfox in excitement, "We've got another energy reading; identical to before--it's in New Amsterdam."

"Keep track of it Dame; see if you can pinpoint it at al--" started Atlas, interrupted quickly.

"I've got another one, maybe three metres away from it, two distinct signatures."

Mati hacked as fast as he could, ignoring all outside interference. He didn't even hear the others talking.

"The signal is weakening... fading. I'm reading several Sirian bio-signs in that region, at least fourteen within a forty-metre radius. I can't isolate the signatures... I've lost the signal sir."

Atlas growled a bit and slammed his fist down on the arm of his chair. "Dammit... Good work love, you did your best I'm sure, how's the hacking going?"

After a quick search for any mention of the words "Sirian" and "Abilities" Mathieu had begun to hack a military system. These systems were much more up-to-date, and he growled a bit as they put up a resistance.

Suddenly his link went dead and Mati groaned, "Gah! I only managed to grab a partial file; it might shed some light on what's going on, but damn those systems are advanced," he groaned a bit and sighed. "I hadn't expected that..."

Alraune walked over and hugged his boyfriend, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Well, pull up the file and let's see what we got."

"Sir, an MPN Mk 5 is approaching the ship; and there's a security detail that would like a word with you outside the ship's main airlock," said Daemon with a bit of a sigh.

"That's probably the wolf; open the hangar and let the security team in; I'll be in my ready room. Lucas? Why don't you go down and meet our lone wolf?"

The Dalmatian nodded and smiled. "Of course, that means Daemon has the bridge," he said, as he turned and jumped over the railing, slipping himself through the primary entry to the bridge.


Jasyn stood in full flight gear, his fur duller than it had once been but full and thick again. He smiled as he spotted an old friend and bowed his head a bit in greeting.

"Hello there Commander, is the old fox too busy to come get me himself?" grinned the wolf with a chuckle.

"Actually, a security detail is confronting him right now. Welcome aboard Jasyn, how's life been treating you?" asked Lucas with a likewise grin.

Jasyn shrugged and shook the Dalmatian's hand, "Been better," he croaked. The hangar gleamed from constant care; a sign, Jasyn guessed, that Atlas hadn't given up his zest for flight.

"They haven't been able to fix your throat yet?" asked the Dalmatian rhetorically. "Well, I'll take you up to the bridge. As soon as the Captain is done with the security officers, we can have a nice relaxing meal," Lucas smirked as he walked back through the door. He wore a pair of heavy, black cotton pants and a navy dress shirt over a simple forest green and grey polo.

Jasyn smiled and followed him; annoyed at himself for wearing a uniform. He wasn't even part of the Earth Forces anymore and he wore his old flight suit.

The corridors were a dark grey matte, carpeting a lighter grey under their feet. It was lighted by a continuous string of overhead lamps, wired end-to-end to emit a dimmer than sunlight glow. A relaxed atmosphere permeated the ship and Jasyn felt immediately at home.

Some of the walls had decorative plaques with artistic works placed in them, hung in such a way that it was actually part of the wall. Jasyn was impressed with all of them, with the detail of some and with the overall complexity of others.

Right outside the bridge was a work that appeared to be newer than the rest, depicting in exquisite detail the younger brother of the ship's commanding officer amidst the rest of the resistance. Jasyn's heart skipped a beat, realizing that every other face in the image was depicted as current while Axis' face remained youthful as it was when he had seen it last.

He halted a moment and Lucas noticed immediately that something was wrong.

"Hey Jayse? Are... you okay?" he chanced, to which the wolf immediately replied.

"Yes, I'm fine," he rasped in a standoffish tone. It suddenly occurred to Lucas that he didn't know Jasyn as much as he once had, as the wolf slowly walked past the image.

Lucas followed him in and caught the glint of gleaming metal from beneath the framed art. Every face had been clawed through, and a dip had been made so that it actually hit all of them.

He nearly fell over as Jasyn pushed past him a moment later, growling and cursing under his breath.

"...should have never come up here," he said, barely above speaking volume as he stormed back through the corridors.

Mathieu ran right past the Dalmatian, slipping himself down the hallway silently in pursuit of the wolf. His lithe demeanour was hinted at from beneath the jeans and tight orange T-shirt.

"Dammit! Dad come back!" he shouted after the wolf a few moments later. "I'm sorry okay?"

Jasyn had rounded a corner up ahead and had halted as he heard that. He turned around just in time for Mathieu to stumble directly into him, knocking the both of them to the ground. Lying there nose-to-nose with his adopted son, Jasyn blinked a few times.

Mathieu caught his breath and blushed, but was loathe moving himself at this point. He had caught the wolf, and now he was going to give him what for. "Why are you running from me, Dad?" he asked, and the shock factor hit Jasyn twofold.

Not only did this not sound like the Mathieu he knew; it didn't feel like the one he knew either. His legs straddling his waist and the pair of handpaws restraining his own; Mathieu had grown more mature and much more handsome. His voice had deepened, perhaps not to a lower sound but to a much more active mind. He sounded thoughtful; less innocent than he once was.

He was also several pounds heavier and a good deal more attractive.

Jasyn banished these thoughts as he processed the question. "Because, I can't stand looking at you knowing just how you ended up my son," he whispered, turning his head away. "You visited the memorial two days ago, left your signature coins on the plinth. I've been collecting them ever since I found out who was leaving them, I'm up to ninety-six..."

Mati just blinked and leaned back on his legs, inadvertently sitting on Jasyn's upper thighs. "You've been taking them? Why?" he asked, blinking down at the wolf. "I handmade each and every coin... all 333 so far..."

"I... wanted to have a part of you with me the first time... then I was angry at you... then it became part of my service to him..." admitted Jasyn, eyes clenched from the thoughts winding through his mind. "Would you mind letting me up? I've been to the hospital seventeen times because of my throat and I think I might have strained it yelling."

Mathieu, oblivious to what Jasyn had been thinking, picked himself off the floor and helped his father to his feet. "What happened to your thr--" began Mati, thoughtless to his question.

Jasyn interrupted coldly and quickly as he stood. "Suicide attempt," he said as he cleared his throat. "I should be going, I shouldn't even be her--" he started, but Mati interrupted him quickly.

"We found energy readings like the ones Axis used to make when he..." he blurted out, trailing off slowly before he said; "We don't know what it means, yet; but it's definitely worth investigation."

"Do you think he might be...?" began the wolf, a bit of a gleam in his eyes.

"No. He's dead. I saw the recordings of the explosion. Not even Axis could have survived that," broke the husky all too quickly. He wasn't going to let his only living father get his hopes up like that.

"Well... then I guess we should return to the bridge," came Jasyn's broken voice, walking past Mathieu and back towards the bridge.


"The military is no doubt looking for us by now..." said the pure white fox to his brothers. They had just broken into a vehicle dealership and boarded a sleek shuttlecraft.

"Why do we need to even use a ship? You and me can fly; and I'm sure I could manage to carry those two..." said Delta with a groan.

"Are you crazy? They'd detect us in a heartbeat. We want to do this without exerting ourselves," chimed the red-pawed fox as he looked between his brothers with his amber-brown eyes.

Alpha nodded and looked at the blue-eyed Delta. "He's right. We need to do this stealthily," he said quietly.

Gamma yelped quietly and alerted his brothers; "There's a guard... no two... twenty feet behind us on the other side of the showroom wall. They're headed for the door."

"Hide!" commanded Alpha with a yelp, and he immediately slid under a console; his brothers doing likewise, he hit the door switch quickly and it barely slid closed in time for a slim lupine guard to step through and shine an illuminator around the showroom.

"Nothin' in here, Ross. Must've been a stray outside the window," came the guard's muffled voice; and the four just shuddered in relief.

Alpha, wearing a thick blue sweater and jean-cut, black corduroys slipped back out from under the console before placing himself in one of the craft's two piloting seats. "Beta, get up here and help me fly this thing. Gamma, Delta; get yourselves strapped in."

"Right," said the three of them in tandem and Beta slipped into the second seat.

A few moments later the ship's engines roared to life, the sudden pressure shattering every window and giving the brothers a perfect escape route, which they flew through quickly, on their way across the globe.


The four brothers flew non-stop towards the Canadian border; they could get asylum there, and they knew it; freedom from the researchers.

"It's a shame..." said Delta after a long while.

Gamma nodded and sighed, "I know... leaving Epsilon behind was hard for all of us. The guard was too extensive for us to break through, and not even I can fool electronic sensors."

Alpha let out a loud shudder and grinned after a moment. "I see the bubble! We're near Toronto!" he called, smiling a bit.

"How are we going to get through?" asked Beta with a bit of pessimism. He couldn't see any logical way through the barrier from here.

"Easy--we get you to hack it, smart guy," grinned Delta after a few seconds, which the gloved fox groaned about. He wore a long-sleeve denim jacket over a grey turtleneck, a pair of black jeans on his hips.

Beta sighed and began tapping at the console in front of him. "Fine... I'm in. Let's crash this bird once we get inside..." he suggested after managing to remotely slice into the centuries old system.

Gamma had fallen silent, clutching a pair of 'dog tags' with a Greek letter inscribed. Each of the brothers had one; Alpha through Epsilon, though the fifth and youngest had been left behind.


As Atlas finished informing Jasyn of everything, the wolf began to nod quietly and smile a bit. "Mind if your little brother-in-law helps out?" he grinned at Atlas.

Mathieu and Lucas chuckled a bit while Aura had fallen quietly asleep in one of the briefing room's chairs. Daemon held Atlas around the waist quietly, yawning a bit himself. "I think, perhaps, we should head to bed... We may have a busy day tomorrow..." he suggested with a soft grumble.

Jasyn nodded and yawned as well. "I assume my quarters are the same as always?" questioned the wolf, having grown accustomed to the accommodating captain's regular plans.

The captain just chuckled and nodded as he stepped towards the doorway himself. "Your senses are as adept as always," he said to the wolf, "Let me escort you to your rooms."


Alraune gazed down at his Sirian lover, his eyes loving in the soft illumination. With a small smile spread upon his lips and a soft breath escaping them he whispered in his loving bliss, "As always, beautiful..."

Mathieu stared lovestruck back up towards his mate, his eyes carrying the same sense of tenderness in the dim light. With his arms resting on the human's bare hips and his chest pressed flush to his love's he replied, "Forever yours..." and trailed off, growing tired in the waning sunlight filtering through their window. In geostatic orbit, the passing of day into night is a sight to behold.

As the two lay together under their blankets, they watched the orbital sunset from the corners of their eyes; never breaking eye contact.

Jasyn had fallen asleep long ago, his quarters three doors down the hall from them in the same waning glow. His dreams were always nightmarish things, hellish depictions of the palace destroying itself; Axis torn limb from limb in front of his very eyes while he was helpless to stop it all.

Today was a pleasant break from that; his dreams being calm and serene memories of his kit and he, sharing lunch aboard the Echo Wind. Memories of taking Axis flying in his MPN; his last birthday party and Jasyn's present to him.


As Axis walked through the corridors of the station he caught sight of Lieutenant Phillips, a wrapped box under her arm. She was walking away from him and seemed to be humming quietly to herself.

Beside her was Leon with another similar box.

Axis was suddenly very curious; and he began to stalk them silently. He followed them all the way up to the recreation level and watched as they disappeared into what appeared to be a conference room.

'What're they up to?' he thought quietly as he slowly slipped his way closer. As he stepped into the room he noticed something peculiar. It seemed completely empty excluding a table and some chairs. Suddenly very confused he stepped further into the room and looked around slowly.

A pair of furred hands covered his eyes very quickly and Axis picked up on his mate's scent.

"Jasyn... if you're trying to surprise me it isn't going to w-" he was cut off as a pair of lips was pressed to his own. Blushing vividly he began to kiss back, figuring that it was Jasyn kissing him. He heard a click and slowly the hands were pulled away and the lips removed; as he opened his eyes though he saw, not Jasyn, but Sota standing there, grinning a toothy grin.

He suddenly heard Jasyn's chuckle from behind him and turned around to get a second mouthful of wolf tongue.

Pulling back the wolf smirked. "Surprised yet?" he asked, giving a quiet chuckle at the fox.

Axis blushed vividly and tried to stammer out something angry, but he really couldn't manage. He'd just been bested at his own game, and now he was horny to boot.

It was after this that he registered everybody else in the room. Shelby, Leon, Mathieu, Alraune, Aries, Atlas, Lucas, Blaze, Daemon, and Orion were standing there giggling quietly, each one holding a small package in their hands. They were scattered around the room, but Axis was very surely surrounded in friends.

Phillips snapped another photo and grinned as she shouted out; "Surprise!" which landed a chorus of voices to do the same.

Axis smiled a bit and leapt on Jasyn, giving him a kiss on his own terms this time; his tongue gliding over the wolf's as he straddled his love's hips.

Aura snickered and said, after awhile, "I think, maybe, we should separate those two before they start to undress one another," to which the rest of the party agreed.

Hours later, after the party had winded to a close; Axis slid his paws along his mate's body and nuzzled close, lying in their bed.

"No matter what, Kit. I'll never leave your side..." whispered the wolf with a smile that could melt glaciers. He slowly slid his tongue up along his mate's cheek and said in his proud and perfect voice, "...I promise..."

Axis shivered at that simple touch and managed to whimper out between gasps, "I love you, Jasyn..."


-musical death sound when the music warps and goes flat and then goes away, like when the reel at a cinema is removed before the tape is finished playing and it goes 'weaaarrrrr~'-

You must really want to smack me now... building up to a non-yiff like that, leaving you all with huge erections that must be vented immediately lest they bubble and--oh wait there's females in the crowd too.

There, erections averted!

Okay; Comments are appreciated and criticism (Constructive only please) is always welcome. My time will be divided between the written version of Sirius and it's Comic format so please be patient. The Campus will update VERY slowly for a while, my creativity has been shunted into Sirius now and I've lost everything about where I was going with the other series.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Sirius: Book Three - Project EPSILON: Chapter 3 - Reconnaisance

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Sirius: Book Three - Project EPSILON: Chapter 1 - The Love of his Life

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Sirius: Book Two - Battlefields: Chapter 14 - Unethical Experimental

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