Sirius: Book Three - Project EPSILON: Chapter 1 - The Love of his Life

Story by WhiteArcticFox on SoFurry

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#1 of Sirius: Book Three - Project EPSILON

Disclaimer: This story contains M/M relationships and will eventually contain actual penetrative sex. If you are under the age of 18, please click the back button. This chapter deals with mature subject matter and is not suitable for anybody, least of all my dearest fans. I know you're all going to read it anyway, but I've warned you.

Author notes: Please guys, don't hate me for this... I promise I have a GOOOD reason...


For a very special fox...


In orbit around Sirius Beta, the Shining Sun had become the base of operations for the resistance. The history of the rebels was a long one; but the most important events happened a year prior.


Launched from Meridian Terra, which once orbited Sirius Beta, the first Falchion class starship--aptly named the SES Falchion--was put right into service. After four years active duty the ship had retained it's flagship status. That year, more than a century ago, was the recorded first-contact with the people of Earth.

The Falchion was to become a generation ship; and after being stocked fully, the flagship of the Sirian Fleet was launched at slipstream velocity towards a planet in another galaxy.

Eleven years ago the Falchion exited Slipspace into the Sol System. Almost immediately it launched a representative of each and every Sirian breed in two shuttles bound for Earth.

Before the shuttles could even clear the atmosphere, a cruiser from the aggressive Craganii Empire dropped out of Slipspace and wrought destruction through the jewel of the Sirian fleet.

Aboard those shuttles were notable Sirians within the resistance--Jasyn Emitt; a Sirian wolf who since that day has proven himself a valiant leader and has even taken command of the Sirian Resistance, and Augustus Levi; a Sirian Arctic Fox and Jasyn's mate, he has proven himself a competent fighter and a skilled mechanic.

After a brief three-day stay on Earth, the Sirians were sent back aboard two craft; the ESS Echo Wind, and the ESS Nathaniel. The two models were discontinued immediately following.

The progress of slipstream technology had made it possible to traverse the space between Sirius and Earth in a mere month.

After almost a year on Sirius Beta--and after several more cruisers were sent to the resistance' aid--the Sirians returned again to Earth and dropped off some very precious cargo. A young cadet by the name of Mathieu Evans-Levi, and a third race of sentient beings known as the Lyrii.

Sent back after several weeks; the armada was sixty-three ships strong, not counting fighters. This armada was known as the Homecoming Fleet; and it certainly did free the planet Sirius Beta.


"We're nearing the planet Sir," said a helmsman. The Captain glanced back at the resistance leader for verification. The leader of the resistance was a wolf, tall and strong; his fur dark grey for all except that on the top of his head. Grown long, the white fur atop his head was tied back into a tight ponytail, and a few stray strands served to frame his icy-blue eyes. Dressed in Earth-Forces uniform--a white pair of dress pants, a white, collarless dress jacket, a grey turtleneck, and a pair of military boots that were specially fitted to his wider feet and claws--Jasyn Emitt stood with his hands held behind his back.

He looked wise beyond his years; the war he had been fighting since the day he had arrived at Earth had hardened him and he knew of only three people in this life that could get beneath that armour. Excluding his friends, who he counted as extended family for the most part, he treated everybody with a somewhat standoffish demeanour. Once befriended, his mood changed considerably and he was a charming, entertaining man.

In his calming voice he spoke; "The moment we are out, raise shields and armour. Cloak us now, and prepare electronic counter-measures. Scramble the fighter pilots and launch all stealth-capable fighters in stealth mode." His eyes, though inherently cold, carried a flame of passion as he delivered orders. Exiting the bridge through the lift he said in passing; "I'm going out there to lead the assault on the grid."


"Engage armour and shields Mr. Levi" spoke the captain of the TSS Glidden. "Launch all fighters and prepare to drop from slipspace."

"Aye Sir," spoke the arctic fox, tapping quickly at controls.


"Phantom Squadron launching," said a Dalmatian into his helmet. He was seated in an M.P.N.L. T.A.E.C.S. mechanized armour suit. The thing was a good five times his size and weighed three metric tonnes; but he manipulated it easily. "Hey babe?" he asked.

Over the comm. came the voice of a Sirian Fox; "Yeah love?"

The Dalmatian smirked and kissed the air audibly. "Make sure the bed's warm when I get back," he quipped, and he quickly ran his suit into the null-gravity of outer space.

Using the many manoeuvring jets and the thrusters, he spun it into a controllable arc and headed towards the planet. This time, having been caught by surprise, the Craganii had no warships on patrol; the sortie of fighters and armour suits took the opportunity to activate their cloaks and get up close to the grid of satellite guard stations.

Within an hour the entire grid had been wiped away and only three craft were damaged on the side of the Trian Alliance.

That had taken place a week prior.


The Shining Sun had just received word from Sirius. The palace had been reduced to rubble, the emperor slain. Sirius was freed.

There was only one known casualty.


Upon returning to Earth; Jasyn, Atlas--Axis' older brother, Aries--Axis' distant cousin, and Alraune--A human boy who was very close to the Levi family--met with a young husky, Mathieu Evans-Levi.

Jasyn looked like he had just lost his soul; Atlas was stoic and cold, Aries too. Alraune threw his arms around Mathieu and held him close; patting his back quietly and just breathing softly.

It was then that the husky knew what was wrong.

"Where's Axis?" he asked, looking between the four of them and actually stepping away from Alraune. When no immediate reply was forthcoming he asked again, now verging on tears. "Where is my father?" he shouted at them, and Jasyn just sniffled.

He got no reply, but it was all the reply he needed.

They hadn't found a body after the explosion; the entire Crag palace had gone up in a violet blaze of light. All that had been found of Augustus Axis Levi was his rank pin, badly melted but recognizable.

The memorial service was two days later. Axis was given a commendation for acting well above and beyond the call of duty.

Mathieu and Alraune spent the next five months comforting eachother and losing sleep. Their relationship had been strengthened by the loss of Axis; but the loss hurt them personally.

Atlas didn't eat for days at a time, and when he did eat he became nauseous and it came back. He had gotten better before Axis' next birthday though. Jasyn was the worst of all of them though. His majestic dark-grey fur had begun to fall out; his eyes grew grey with lifelessness. He wasted away day after day until he was too weak to go on.

He was put under medical care and fed intravenously for a full year before he managed to rise above his grief and eat without a machine. The joy was gone from him; the man he loved was dead.

Chapter 1: The Love of his life.


2247, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Earth, Milky-Way Galaxy


The afternoon sun shone over a pair of lazy lovers still in bed past noon. Their bedroom had dark wooden dressers and stands; their bed was made out of a nearly black wood. Through the mahogany Venetian blinds, the sunlight shone onto the whiskers of a Sirian husky in his early twenties. Along the top of his nose was a black strip; his white facial fur followed the contour of his face, the markings following his cheeks and slipping up between his eyes to culminate in a diamond shape. The grey fur covering his back and sides glistened quietly in the waning sunlight as his nose twitched, then an ear.

The ear swatted his lover in the face, a human male. His arms wrapped around the husky's chest and held him tight from behind. His skin was a pale tan and his hair was chestnut brown and hanging long from his head. He opened a hazel eye and groaned a bit, hugging his alien love closer.

"Mathieu..." he whispered into a grey ear. "Wake up my love..." he pressed on when he received no initial reply.

At this, the husky swatted the human with his tail, pressing back against him and letting out a quiet murr. Their apartment was on the thirty-seventh floor of a building in downtown Toronto, a high-end ex-military neighbourhood. Almost every former resistance member was housed in the very same building.

"Mmm... mornin' babe..." whispered the husky, slowly cracking his ice-blue eyes. "Make that afternoon..." he added quickly, noticing the time on the bedside alarm clock. It had been turned off intentionally--as they hadn't needed to wake early today.

The human just smirked a bit and kissed his lover's ear. "Feelin' hungry?" he asked, his voice soothing to the husky's ears as he stroked a hand along his lover's hip.

Mathieu, lithe as he was, quivered at that simple touch. His left paw fell atop the human's and he squeezed it gently, emitting a quiet murr. With a smile he replied; "Yeah, I am."

The human kissed his lover's neck and chuckled as he slowly slid himself out of bed and arched his back in a stretch. Mathieu turned over and admired the man as he stretched, tracing every contour and coming to rest on his bare rear. Glancing back, Alraune raised an eyebrow and smirked; "Well, I'm going into the kitchen to make breakfast; can I get you something?"

Grinning, the husky ran his right paw upward along his side and murred. "Could you get any more beautiful?" he stated amorously, smirking up at the human.

Aura just rolled his eyes and laughed as he wandered, nude, into the kitchen.

For clarity sake the term television was obsolete; in any given house there were a number of screens that functioned multi-purpose. One such function was as a television.

As he stepped into the kitchen the room's motion sensors activated the screen in that room, flicking to a news channel. Aura listened vacantly as he retrieved a package of bacon from the freezer. Sliding a pan onto the stove he broke apart the bacon and set the heat.

"--And now to Luke for the weather. Luke?

Thanks Carol; a cold front is sliding in from the west and that's going to cause scattered showers over the next twelve hours in the Toronto, Kitchener, and New Ottawa region. Daytime highs for the area are between sixteen and twenty-one degrees, cloudy overnight with a high of 10 and a low of 6. Carol?

Aura pondered the weather for a while until he heard a set of claws scraping the tiled floor. A silver-furred pair of paws held him 'round the midsection while he worked and a pair of husky fangs nipped the skin on the base of his neck.

"Smells good," came Mathieu's murred statement, and he kissed his human love's cheek. "And the bacon doesn't smell too bad either," he added with a seductive growl.

Aura flushed very slightly but smirked, feeling the husky's member resting comfortably pressed up against him. He pressed back a bit and let out a quiet groan; "Oh that was horrible, love."

"We've got a message--" said the husky quietly, and reached out to tap the screen; brought the message up and watched.

A middle-aged Sirian arctic fox--amber eyed and white haired--spoke evenly to them. Mathieu, Alraune: We have detected unusually high bioelectrical signatures and a strange radiation, similar to the explosion eleven years ago but not quite as robust. We have done some digging but we need your unique talents to get past this blockade of information. Come up to the Alakandor tonight; we're in dry-dock for maintenance. Levi out.

Mathieu looked at Aura and the two seemed to freeze. After a long moment's silence, Mathieu spoke. "Do you think--"

"Let's get dressed. I have a feeling sooner is better than later," said the human, before kissing his love's lips. After a few moments battle, the tongues parted and the two moved to get dressed.


"Very good, Jayse. You've been practicing I see!" smirked a human man wearing a white Gi. He blocked another lunge from the wolf and flipped him over his back.

This time, though, Jasyn was ready. He caught his balance and spun himself in midair, breaking the man's grip on him and giving himself a good three seconds more airtime to land properly.

The man stumbled and fell backward, looking up at the Sirian wolf from the mat.

The dojo was very modern; but it retained its traditional feeling. The walls were painted a subdued orange colour while the floors were covered in traditional training mats. Jasyn stood, proudly, before the man with a weak grin on his face. "Sorry Varu, but his spirit is with me today," he said with a voice barely above a whisper. Any louder and he would strain his throat, which had taken too much of a beating in it's lifetime.

"So, what did the doctors say about your larynx? Can they repair the damage yet, or is it just too far gone?" asked the former Captain, smiling to his training partner.

Jasyn had begun to take Aikido shortly after his recovery; in three short years he had achieved a second-degree black belt. Varu, his sponsor, had been training with him since he started and now they were both at the same level.

"They... don't think they can fix it; ever. I'll have to live with my mistake," he rasped, helping the man up with a sigh.

Varu frowned a bit and pat Jasyn on the back. "How's Mathieu doing? You never talk about him anymore," asked the man, changing the subject as flawlessly as he could.

Mathieu had been a bit of a bad topic for Jasyn, ever since he started to point out things that Jasyn had done wrong.

'If you hadn't told him to stay back; he might have stayed closer to you in the conflict. He might not have died!' he had screamed once.

Jasyn shook his head and shrugged. "I don't know... He hasn't spoken to me in a year..." he lamented, and Varu shook his head as well.

"He'll come around, Jayse," comforted the older man, his hair greying with age already as he walked with his friend.

Several silent minutes later, after they had gathered up their belongings, the two were walking out of the Dojo solemnly.

Jasyn turned towards his shuttle and Varu said, quietly; "Give him my regards in your prayers."

And the two parted ways. Stepping into his craft he simply spoke; "Resistance Plaza" and sat down; letting the computer speed him to his destination. Four jets shot directly downward from the bottom of the transport as it levitated into the air, then extended it's wings and spun in place to align itself. Finally, the shuttle engaged its burners and began to pilot itself to the wolf's apartment.


Jasyn tossed all of his belongings onto his couch and activated the home's computer system, walking into his bathroom as it brought up his messages.

He pulled off his Gi and undid his hair with a low sigh as he started the water. 23 degrees Celsius, high pressure, mint mix. His recent favourite settings were easy to remember as he stepped out of his pants and slipped into the warm jets of scented water.

"Play messages," he said to the computer, and he heard over the room's speakers the voice of a dear friend of his.

"Jasyn; it's been too long since we last spoke. I wish you were home when I called. Anyway; my ship is in for repairs and I'd like to see you, so why don't you come on up tomorrow? Levi Out.

"No further messages" said the computer, in an extrapolation of Axis' voice. Jasyn whimpered a bit every time he heard it; but it made certain he would never forget.

The wolf showered quickly and, yawning, stepped out of the shower, turning it off with the wave of a paw. He dried himself thoroughly, brushed out all of his fur, and walked into his bedroom to put on a pair of thick cotton pants and a wool sweater.

He walked to his front door and grabbed his long jacket, nightfall already looming dangerously near. He walked slowly out of the building saying his hellos to his neighbours as he went. As he stepped out onto the rooftop parking he noticed that Mathieu and Alraune's transport was not in the lot.

Shrugging it off he stepped into his craft.


In the middle of a wide field stood a tall, granite obelisk; a monument to the Sirian Rebellion. Engraved in twenty-six point Verdana were the names of the soldiers who died in the resistance movement; Sirian and human alike. The Lyrii hadn't lost anybody to the resistance, specifically. Some thirty feet in front of the obelisk stood a somewhat smaller plinth with a single name scrawled into it. In thirty-six point Verdana were eight words. 'Thank you for your Sacrifice, Augustus 'Axis' Levi'

Jasyn stood before this Plinth every night at 8:15 PM for the first four years after Axis' death. Then it became every other night, then every week, and now he barely made it every month. He would always park across the street from a flower shop on York St. He would walk into the shop, get three white roses--money being obsolete, he hadn't needed to speak to the shopkeeper--and he would then walk the half-mile to the monument, lay the roses atop the plinth, and pray for his lost mate.

Today was no different, as he stood before the stone.

He laid the three perfect blooms atop the monument and kneeled down on the walkway. Everyone who knew Axis had a different custom. Jasyn had identified some of them already and he saw three silver coins lying on the pedestal.

"Mathieu was here, yesterday by the look of things," he said as he picked up the coins and pocketed them.

"Domir of love; hear my words and ease my sorrows, please let these words reach my beloved Axis. I miss you more and more each day; this last decade has been hell without you. This month I only broke down fifty-three times, I think I'm getting better... Your brother sent a message to me today; asked me to join him tomorrow on his ship. I don't know if I'll go, he's probably going to invite Mathieu aswell. I love you; K-kit... I will live my life for you, and I will see you in the next one. I have to go now, Axis. I will come back on your birthday, I promise. Happy anniversary..."

With that, Jasyn pocketed the coins like he had done every time before. He slowly left the plinth behind and returned to his shuttle which quickly brought him back home.


The Alakandor was a small Corona Class ship, lightly armed with heavy shields. The crew were akin to mercenaries, except they ran missions for services--money being obsolete. The ship had sustained minimal damage on a scouting run to attempt to detect the Craganii homeworld.

Among their previous jobs; a favourite locale of the crew was a resort colony founded on Siribet's habitable moon. Two other worlds had been colonized in the years following the War of Siribet, as well as several orbital stations around Jupiter, Sirius Gamma, and Lyriia. The dust cloud was being 'mined' so to speak, and often they made runs there for supply and trade.

As the pair of small mech relics, third generation MPNs, glided towards the ship, Atlas smiled to himself. "Open the hangar," he said simply, "I am going down to meet them. You have the bridge Lucas," he added, turning to the Dalmatian.

"Give my regards to Mati," smiled Lucas as he turned his attention back to main screen.

Atlas stepped off of the bridge and began to walk the corridors, a feat he had proven capable of while blindfolded and even when deprived of hearing and the sense of smell as well. He knew his ship well.

He stepped into the hangar bay as the pair of moble armour suits powered down. They were a custom job; built for Jasyn and Axis at request of Captain Litman. They were to be completed soonafter Axis and Jasyn returned from the Crag Conflict.

Needless to say; Jasyn didn't want to look at the damned things. He told Mathieu that they were for he and Alraune; then quickly stepped out of the picture and into his depression.

"Has your father's condition improved any?" asked Atlas, after formal greetings were dispensed with a bit of a serious undertone. His genuine concern showed brightly through the grim question.

Mathieu nodded and sighed a bit. "He's being retrained already; they say he'll be able to fly again by the end next month. I think he might be getting over his grief; the lucky bastard," he replied in a spiteful voice.

Aura held his lover close and looked at Atlas with a sigh. "You said you had some interesting readings to show us, needed us to hack something or for some sort of job?"

Atlas wasn't in standard Earth Forces uniform. He was, after all, a 'hired gun' as it were. His crew usually wore simple jeans and the like, wheras he wore a worn out flight jacket and a pair of canvas pants with a painter's cut. They looked like they had been used for that purpose too.

A large scar ran from just under his right ear to the tip of his nose; a relic from his first mercenary job. The fur was somewhat sparse in that area.

"Alright. We think that the European Union may be withholding information relevant to the location of Axis' body. In other words; an operative of theirs grabbed the body and made it look like it had incinerated," Atlas briefed the two.

Mathieu spoke up first, "How the hell do you know that? If you're playing games with me I'll--"

"I've only seen these readings twice before, Mathieu," started the fox "Once, when Axis saved all of our asses by angling the Morningstar in slipspace; and again when the Craganii Palace was demolished." He took a breath and then rounded on Mathieu and raised his voice a few decibels. "They are Axis' energy readings; and I want to know why my brother's signatures are coming from that gods-forsaken blue-green world!" he half-screamed, before adding, "Do I make myself clear, Lieutenant?"

Mathieu nodded very quickly and quivered some. He had never seen Atlas loose his cool like that; and he never wanted to again.

Alraune was holding onto the husky for dear life.

As Atlas led them to the research lab; the two were silent as he explained what had transpired.

"We detected a high-yield explosion and several smaller bursts. Each one matched exactly the signal we received from the Morningstar incident and the Craganii Palace demolition," he explained.

They reached the lab and the abundance of screens was breathtaking. Mathieu could probably steal the Internet from the comfort of that room. His eyes were drawn immediately to a wave reading on the far wall and Atlas moved over to demonstrate.

"This is the reading from eleven years ago at the palace, and this one from the Morningstar," he said, bringing up a pair of identical waves. "And this is the one we detected the other day," he added, bringing a third wave up.

Overlaying the three--one red, one blue, and one green--a perfect, white wave was displayed; the lines were perfectly identical.

He pulled up the numerical data aswell.

"As you can see..." he started

Mathieu stepped closer and inspected the waves carefully. Considered every little thing; and the very slight variations that lent a blue edge here and a green one there. They weren't perfect, but they were virtually the same readings, varied with intensity and energy.

It was unmistakable.

"Where did you say these came from?" asked the husky a little excitedly.

Alraune stepped up too as Atlas replied. "Europe. Specifically; Germany," he said with a bit of anger to his voice. I want to know what they're doing down there, and how they got this kind of energy."

Mathieu looked up at Atlas and let out a soft sigh. "You don't think Axis could be alive still, do you? I mean; it's impossible. You saw the explosion in person; in fact Aries nearly died shielding you from the shrapnel, if I remember correctly," broke the husky quietly.

Atlas shook his head and sighed. "I know he's not down there, Mathieu; but I want to know where those readings are coming from and how they are being generated. Got that?" said the fox with a slight irritation.

Mati nodded and looked at the console for a while. "If you can take me to a comm. station I can hack the satellite web and infiltrate their systems."

Atlas nodded and ushered the two of them out of the research lab.


-cringes- I'm sorry! Don't hurt me!

This has been a long time coming and for those of you who say I'm heartless; My heart broke while writing that prayer!

Like I said though; I have a very, VERY good reason.

And I'm not going to tell you what it is!

With All Fondness,


Sirius: Book Three - Project EPSILON: Chapter 2 - Alphabetic

Just when you thought I couldn't get any worse... Alright folks; time for me to continue my series. Don't hate me, please. Thank you, everybody, for the comments. You're too kind to me ;). Seriously: Woo, chapter two is here. Warning: Persons...

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Sirius: Book Two - Battlefields: Chapter 14 - Unethical Experimental

Notes: I have a confession to make. I copy-paste my stories from word! u.u Now that that's out in the open some actual story statements. It's shorter than usual... Can't really be helped at this point. The promised sexual activity is contained within;...

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2.0 The Plot Thickens or 'Keeping up Appearances'

Okay: Sirius is slow-going for now. I hope this is a distraction enough to some of you. No actual sex; but intimacy and innuendo. Nudity, homosexuality, furry. All the '~y's So just sit back and enjoy, I guess. Under 18? Don't like boy-on-boy...

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