A Fox Tail

Story by A_Mouse on SoFurry

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Author: A Mouse

Edited By: A Mouse

A Fox Tail

(M/solo, Fox, Short)

"I said hello"

Derrek Looked up into the eyes of a lovely teen vixen standing before him and almost immediately the insides of the ears of the vulpine turn as red as his fur. Derrek wasn't very attractive, to say the least, you could put him into the geek classification of students at the school, only 5 ft 4, thick, black rimmed glasses, and even a plastic pocket protector. He usually wore a white shirt, that was pressed, and black suspenders, which held up his black dress pants. He sheepishly looked up at the vixen from where he sat on the bleachers of the guy and meekly said, "Um, w... were you talking to me?"

The vixen grinned... She was in a gray Leotard, like most of the other girls in the gym that evening. School had been over, but a few of the cheerleaders had decided to practice and had a small party in the gym, Derrek usually stayed behind at the school in the gym and did his homework and any other odd jobs that passing teachers might ask of him.

"Yea I was talking to you" The vixen grinned almost pleasantly, "Look, I know some of the other students pick on you, but I want to be your friend, alright?" She asked

Derrek almost couldn't believe his ears; his heart was pounding and his thoughts racing as he smiled a little to her and leaned forward, "Really?"

The vixen reached up grabbed his glasses and yanked them from his face, "No not really" Was the last words he herd from her before she giggled and trotted off his glasses in tow. Derrek sighed, it was not uncommon for him to get pranks played on him, and with out his glasses he couldn't see a thing, the whole world was a big blur to him. He simply creased the page in his book and closed it, and sat there, knowing sooner or later one of the teachers would happen by and retrieve his glasses, the girls were probably making fun of him, putting them on and acting stupid.

After about fifteen minutes he herd the sound of foot steps and looked. He could make out the shape of an older fur, but couldn't tell who, then the feature voice of his algebra teacher reached his ears, "I found your glasses... again" He said gently handing them to Derrek who grateful put them back on and let his eyes focus on the Equine form

"Thank you Sir" Derrek said quietly, gathering his book and returning to his studies. The Equine sat down, "Derrek. Why do you let the other kids pick on you like that?"

Derrek Shrugged and looked at the Equine, "I'm sorry Sir Larcan" Larcan smiled, "You're a good kid... Don't let them push you around." And with that he picked up and slowly walked off.

Derrek smiled a little; he always did get along better with the teachers then the other students. He sighed again and slowly put all his books in his backpack and headed out the door. He only lived a few blocks from the school, and he enjoyed walking back and forth. Along the way there were always school guys out talking, hanging out or school girls that would make fun of him and giggle as he passed. There were those that would drive by and scream, "Geek" Or "Nerd" and some went as far as, "Faggot" As they roared by with one of the students that was lucky enough to be able to drive. Derrek didn't mind too much. His mother had always taught him that what he thought of himself was always the most important thing, and he honestly believed that.

As he turned to the walkway that led up to his house and on his doorstep was the vixen that earlier had grabbed his glasses, and she was ringing his door bell! He ducked behind a row of hedges that ran between his house and the brick wall that surrounded the property and watched his mother answer the door. He couldn't hear the conversation, but he guessed she was asking for him. His mother shook her head and stepped back as if offering the vixen to come in. The vixen shook her head and turned, padding down the steps of the porch of the house and down the walkway until she got right beside the spot Derrek was hiding, just before stepping out of the brick wall.


The vixen stopped and looked around, seeing Derrek In the bushes she looked at him, "What are you doing?" She asked plainly.

Derrek grabbed his glasses and held them to his face, "I was... um... examining the hedge for a... um... an upcoming earth sciences quiz" He mentally phewed as he got that out.

The vixen stared at him as if he was crazy, "Oh, well I wanted to tell you, that, I was sorry"

Derrek Blinked. And again couldn't believe his ears, "What?"

The vixen looked down, "I'm sorry... You see I'm new in school, and it was a dare to, steel your glasses. I know it wasn't very nice, and I'm sorry"

Derrek felt as though a feather could have knocked him over, here a vixen, head to toe was lovely. She had almond eyes, that shined in the light, she had changed clothing to a neon light blue tank top, that was cut very high, he could almost see the bottoms of her breast, and a pair of blue jean shorts that she had made shorts by cutting the legs completely off, which made them look more like blue jean panties then shorts.

The Vixen look at him, "Oh, by the way I'm Darleen" She took a perplexed expression as Derrek just stood there staring at her, "Um, well, Ok... I... guess ill see you later" and with that she stepped out of the brick wall and vanished from Derrek's sight. Poor Derrek on the other hand couldn't seem to move or make words as the shock of a female that lovely talking to him was almost too much.

He slowly walked up the walk way and into the two story house that he lived in. His mother greeted him with a hello and told him a lady friend of his was looking for him, but he hardly herd her as he went up the stairs to his room and closed the door..

His bedroom was simple, just his desk a small bed and a dresser. He had a window that overlooked the park and he enjoyed looking at it, there was also his computer... he loved his computer. He locked the door to his room and pulled the shade on his window, going over and turning on his machine... It as a bit old and slow, but it let him work on the Internet and do research and one of his favorite things.

The monitor flicked on and windows came up, his desktop was a lovely Tigress, on her back with her legs spread, showing her sex, which was damp. She had a great deal of her juices on two fingers that were up close to her open mouth, the sticky fluid creating an arc between them as she prepared to stick them in her mouth.

Derrek undid and pushed his pants down, his fox cock already erect from the vixen talking to him earlier. He was maybe 8 inches long, including his knot which would swell up to baseball size when he came. He grinned and started browsing pictures that he had saved, grabbing some lubricant that he had bought and smuggled into his room with out his mother knowing. He squirted a bit on his member and gently started to stroke himself, keeping his moans quiet as his paw slid over the sensitive flesh.

He changed the picture to two equines mating, a good penetration shot of the huge stallions shaft stretching his filly. Derrek moaned a little bit, almost biting his tongue to keep quiet; he didn't want his mother to hear. He moved his paw faster over his length, and even rubbed his knot. His breathing increased deeply and he gently humped against his stroking paw. Again he changed the picture, a vixen, kneeling her fingers embedded in her sex the fluids dripping from her heat.

Derrek though he was going to lose it there, she looked so much like the girl that was talking to him earlier, except that this vulp had blue eyes. His hand squeezed his shaft tightly as he sped up his attentions, staring intently on the picture of the vulps sex, and he merphed, grabbing his mouth to hold it shut as he moaned into his hand. His fox cum shot so hard it flew up over his head and splattered the floor with the first spurt, the second flew up and hit the lenses of one of his glasses, he continued to rub his member as he came, until the spurting finally subsided.

Derrek just laid there panting gently. He couldn't remember cumming that hard ever. He usually masturbated at least once a day, but never did he cum so hard... He put the lube away and got a towel he had in the room and cleaned up the splatterrings and his shaft and paw, then put the towel back up... He always used the same towel, mixing it int o be washed when it was dirty. It was like his special clean up towel.

He yawned, man he was tired after that, so he simple shed his dirty shirt and pants and crawled into bed, quickly drifting off to sleep.