The Third Door

Story by HornyBunny on SoFurry

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this was written by Laruf

original story

The Third Door

Walls darker than the thickest of shadows and bright lights consume the interior of the building, along with loud music shaking the floor itself. Large, comfortable seats stand all around, stained blatantly with all manners of who knows what from aall different groups and strings of men and friends coming in almost each night for an addictive boost to their day and a drain in their wallet. An otter bartender swings back and forth from end to end of his post, the polychrome mural of musty bubbling drinks and decorative glasses glistening behind him in the just-as-varied lights constantly flashing. A hallway stretches off from one wall, leading off to 'the back rooms', at least one of the five rooms occupied at any given time. Outside the club - the third building in a row sitting along sex lane - a neon sign gleams in midnight: The Third Door.

The dancers at the place see the very same thing each and every night: legions upon legions of men of all species filing in, filing out, watching with hungry eyes, lusting longingly over the lithe half-naked bodies gracing their ways around the poles onstage or wiggling around just inches above their patrons' laps. It was a colorless and routine-based job, but it paid well nonetheless, and was quite fun for both parties - the giver and receiver. Tonight there were to be three dancers: the black panther who everyone wanted in their laps, known as Eva; the slim ottergirl Monique, who earned her name due to being a bit noisy in the back rooms; and the red-furred flat-chested bunny who just went by B.

A dragon with silver and red scales walks in, having to duck so as not to hit his head on the door; he looks around the room - from the sign next to the door that reads 'Today's Special: Foursome Fridays!', to the dancers where his eyes lingered, then to the bar, and back to the dancers. He is a tall, frightening creature with broad shoulders and sharp eyes. Tonight the club is relatively crowded: most of the people linger around the dancers, hoping to get their taste of the night's special, but a few sit by the bar - including a dark-furred crux who chats happily with the bartender. Overall, this was a busy night... but that won't deter the dragon from what he came in here to do.

He begins to make his way over to the dancers; the otter bartender looks up at him, then flicks his eyes back down to the crux in front of him. It happens like that with most people that look as he gets closer: turn, glance, look back. Perhaps his size just intimidated them - that was one of the benefits of being such a creature as himself. Nobody wants to fuck with a dragon - but everyone wants to fuck one.

The flashing lights glint off his scales - he lacks a shirt - and cast patterns of strange colors on the floor. Chatter and music mingle around him into a single undecipherable noise; the lingering odors of hundreds of different men - though some probably just repeat visitors - tickle his sensitive nostrils, floating out from the back rooms behind the dancers. Only two of the three are onstage at the moment, and he had already tried them both in the past - Eva was good, but a bitch afterwards; Monique held true to her name, so that was interesting. B, however, he had never done, and that is the plan holding firm in his head tonight - both of his heads. Now, if he could only find that sexy-cute bunny...

He casts his eyes back over to the bar where the otter still talks with the crux, leaning in close over the bar. There's some sort of white-furred mutt with long chocolate-brown hair sitting by herself on one of the last seats, drinking a clear liquid. Then, he sees her - sitting roughly halfway between the other two patrons. She sits backward, leaning against the bar; her legs are crossed over one another in front of her, her skirt riding up her thighs a bit. Nice view.

The dragon steps over with boldness in his tail and sits down next to her; when the bartender looks his way, he shakes his head and then also leans back. B smiles at him, then moves her floppy ears out of her eyes with one paw. The tattoo of a heart on her shoulder stands out against her fur, in stark contrast with the red. "Hey there, hunk," she coos, "you here for the special? Both rooms one and two are taken, but two's only got three people."

"Nah. I've got something else on my mind." The way she sits, how she looks at him, her eyes... almost everything about her pits more pressure on the front of his pants. He shifts his position: she openly eyes his crotch.

"Oh really? Then just what could you be here for?" Before he can give an answer, she reaches forward and presses the base of her paw into his groin and looks up at him. "Come on, sexy... let's go to the back rooms."

"How much will this cost?" he breathes as she stands. Her paw grips his wrist, the touch soft and warm on steely scales. Her small puff of a tail bounces temptingly above a fine ass, clearly highlighted by what she wears.

She doesn't let go until they reach the third door of the back rooms. "For you? Well, I've seen you come in for a while now... every Wednesday and Friday, you'd take someone new into one of these rooms... and then afterwards, they'd always tell me how sore they were. You've earned yourself a reputation, sexy dragon. No cost tonight, just because I'm curious to see if they were right about you."

The door closes behind the dragon; the light flicks on and B pushes him down into the chair, sitting by the wall. "So, tell me..." she purrs, sitting on one of his legs and putting her arm around him, "...what kind of underwear you wearing?"

A blush rises to the dragon's cheeks; he dismisses it and readjusts his position [again]. "You'll see for yourself soon enough... how about you?"

She seems a little nervous - strange - but then gets up and stands in front of him. Her ears flip over in front of her face again as she begins pulling off her skirt - underneath she wears white panties, a fine complement to her red fur. Then, feeling the dragon's eyes on her, she takes the bottom of her shirt and pulls that off over her head.

The dragon stops his grin, and looks her up and down - there is just something about how she stands, how her hips look, the way she wears her panties... something that is just wrong. Then, he sees it: the bulge in the front of her panties. How couldn't he have seen it before? He stands and brings his paw down on the bunny's shoulder; she - he - looks up at him, fear in his eyes.

The dragon feels a growl growing in his throat, and tightens his grip. "What do you think you're doing, seducing men like me into fucking you? Do you want me to hurt?"

Silence; the bunny looks down at his feet - where his skirt lies. The bulge in his panties is still obvious. He shifts from foot to foot, shivering. "I... I thought you knew..."

The dragon fumbles at his pants and drops them, then pushes B down. "Get on your knees and suck. Now."

Still shuddering, the bunny timidly hooks his fingers around the waist of the dragon's underwear and slides them down; in front of him bobs a hard black cock, smelling like the world's most delicious delicacy. Looking up, fear still present in his eyes, B gently leans forward and draws his tongue up the many strange - exotic - ridges along the underside. Powerful musk washes up his tongue and spreads in his mouth, the characteristic fiery tang of dragons bringing a new urgency to his own hard meat - he had never sucked off a dragon before.

Remembering the dragon's words, B ends his lick on the semi-pointed tip and pulls the cock into his mouth. The dragon releases a hot sigh, making B bob down deeper and suck softly; almost unconsciously, he reaches down and slides his panties down his legs, letting himself hang free in the warm already-musky air.

Just when he can feel the dragon's cock pressing against the back of his throat, he gets pulled off and kept on the ground with a clawed hand pushing down on his shoulder. "Bend over, slut," hisses the dragon, "and take what you deserve."

He obeys silently, turning his rump towards the dragon; he loved being dominated, and just thinking about those ridges on that cock would feel, deep inside him... he knows that he will feel it soon enough. The dragon kneels down behind him and presses the tip of his cock against B's tailhole; the bunny moans out softly, squeezing his eyes shut.

"You like that, don't you, you whore?" the dragon growls under his breath, pushing in deeper. "You slutty little faggot... I'm going to fuck you raw, and you're going to like it. You won't be able to sit down for weeks when I'm done with you." He grips B's slender sides and digs in, managing to slide his thick meat at least halfway in, elicing a tense - but pleasured - sigh from the bunny. The ridges and other draconic features hurt a bit as he pushes deeper, but the hot point quickly melts into warm pleasure...

Now buried all the way in, each movement - however slight - brings another moan out of both of them. B can feel the dragon's sack against his own and pushes himself back; balancing on one paw, he reaches down and begins stroking himself. The dragon doesn't seem to notice, and begins to slowly pull out and then push back in. His claws dig into B's sides, but he doesn't mind at all: the sensation and feeling of that hot, thick flesh sliding in and out, in and out of him... all of the pleasure easily overcoming that small, niggling pain. The first pain of his tailhole being stretched around that cock, the haunting stinging of something so thick being pushed and kept inside him - that was all good pain that made him stroke himself faster.

Talking ceases as the dragon now holds a steady rhythm - the room is instead full of hot breaths and moans, the faint rustling of what clothing remained, and delicious musk playing in the air. Urgency and passion meet and mix - B can feel how close the dragon is to finishing by the power and speed put behind his thrusts, each time somehow managing to push a bit deeper inside.

After what seems like an eternity and a half - an eternity and a half spent in otherworldly pleasure - the dragon pushes all the way in, making B grit his teeth, and releases a loud growl as copious amounts of his seed spurt out into the bunny. The feeling of that - the hot, thick liquid, almost hot enough as to burn, shooting out inside him, the force with which it coms out tickling and massaging his insides - leads the bunny to moan out himself and end up emptying his own load out on the floor.

The dragon pulls out, breathing heavily, and sits back in the chair - his still-hard meat leans back against his scaled belly, glistening in all of its powerful draconic majesty in the single lightbulb. B stands and gets his clothes back on - the panites hide absolutely nothing at the moment - then steps toward the door.

"You come back soon..." he purrs back at the dragon, "and punish me whenever you feel the need to."

Bunny © Hornybunny

if you fav this fav the original too.