The Perfect Birthday Gift, Part 4

Story by Draco179 on SoFurry

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#4 of BDSM Gift

_ Three more chapters to go before the conclusion._

With that set, Raze's genitals are being handled by the two toys much to Gustaph's content as he observes at them for a while.

The lycan on the other hand, although don't minding much the Ball Gripper clenching on his testicles, he is unease and a little uncomfortable with having his penis being trapped in a ridiculous kind of hug. For the same reason is that he makes a couple of upsetting noises while feebly struggling.

Gustaph notices the lupines' signs of something bothering him and given that it seemingly manifests until now, hypothesizes on the possible cause.

"Not liking much having your cock trapped"

Hearing the rightful question, an annoyed lycan just nods back.

"I'd have to disagree with you on that part then. It suits the scene when your testicles are being molested as well."

A disagreeing frown is made by the lycan after hearing that comment.

"I hear, you're still not comfortable, nevertheless the toy stays where it is. If you must know, thanks to that knot of yours, the Hugger is perfectly working as expected and built for."

Odd by that statement Raze hears from the lion what does he refer to about the toy and his canid knot.

It appears that the so called Cock Huger normally requires the use of a special cock ring which goes on its legs. The ring is required and more than needed so that the bear's legs can remain attached at the base of any kind of malehoodness. Although sometimes the same isn't that efficient depending on the species using the toy, thus the Hugger isn't effective as should.

Distinctively then is when a lupine like Raze is beneficiated with having a basal knot. Well if the word benefit can be used on the circumstance the werewolf currently is in. This refers to the fact that the toy can efficiently remain attached thanks to the swollen tissue.

Having a knot, any lucky male or unlucky in this case, can in the end experience without any flaw what the Cock Hugger has to offer.

"So you see this toy is righteous for that wolfhood of yours, wouldn't you agree"

Independently having heard an explanation like that, Raze isn't thrilled or feel lucky about such a bugging toy trapping his penis. Same reason is why he responds with another disagreeing nod being a direct response towards the toy.

"You may still not onboard with what I say. Despite that, I assure you this toy as well as the spider fit righteous with this ideally gift"

Despite thee seemly honest words made by Gustaph, an annoyed werewolf still rejects the whole concept. To him the whole scene seems only fit to the lion's favoritism and likes. Same reason is why Raze looks at his tormentor with an angry face and displeased expression.

The beast next to him is more than aware of the behavior the lupine carries on at the moment as to which he thinks the situation through. Given their past history Gustaph knows he has to give a more detailed explanation to Raze if he wants for the werewolf to settle down again. He owes it to him because of the previous reason and the lion isn't going to let the situation be another erroneous experience for the lupine.

For that reason the feline settles down as he tries to talk things through with his guest.

"Seems need to enlighten and justify myself further so that you understand and be at ease with all of this. Therefore I only request for you to hear me out"

For the while as Raze hears this he opts into listening to whatever petty thing Gustaph has to say. If it's to clear things out right now then the werewolf would give an opportunity to him.

"Back then I pointed out to you that your mate would enjoy having you at her disposal. I'd referred to various aspects that are true no less. Having you powerless and susceptible without doubt is one angle she likes. Importantly having all your valuable parts unreservedly vulnerable and simply being able to advantage of, makes the scene further ideal as a gift."

Gustaph moves a paw up. It stands close to where Raze's trapped penis is, yet remains there only sticking out the index finger which merely points towards the organ.

"When I refer to those parts, one of them refers to this wolfhood of yours. Out, exposed and ready for her to do with it everything she wants"

The lion moves his paw again. It stands down, openly and close to Raze's gripped balls.

"Secondly are these low hanging Alpha paired puppy makers. They certainly are worth rolling around and taken care of as they rightfully demand"

Observing the lion gestures towards his genitals, Raze looks at him as the other male does the same.

"Now wouldn't you want to show your mate that she can handle all of your malehoodness as whatever preference she has for her birthday?"

Gustaph was making a good point bringing out Razes' genitals to the whole scene. Although in an unusual way, the lupine ponders that presenting his maleness in that way to Kara would be an unusual and new detail.

Knowingly Kara hasn't toyed with his parts given an imposed decision made by the lycan. Every part of his body is ok to play with and teased as she likes, except of course his genitals. Raze wasn't tolerable to have them being teased no matter what which Kara understands and since then respects that detail. Therefore Raze's maleness has been spared form being molested.

But right now as a birthday gift, everything is different. Despite the uneasiness of having his cock and balls trapped and highly tormented by their respective toys, Raze tolerates the idea that he has to give up that settlement for now and instead let Kara play with his maleness however she wants to.

Therefore as to Gustaph's last question, Raze nods to him.

"Have accepted it Alpha, excellent"

Gustaph chuckles as he settles back with content that the werewolf allows for his genitals to be tormented for the time being. With that set, only a few details remain now for everyone's sake as the lion knows they should be easy to arrange. Given that the main details for the scene have been accepted, other little things won't have much problem.

Commonly the feline would be able to follow his planed schedule given the time as if things can go. However, and most naturally, not all plans fold accordingly to one's thought. And Gustaph himself knows better than that.

For the same reason, this ringing noise sounds around which comes from Arlen, or better say his cell phone. Two other figures in there notice and just stare at the other male whom naturally answers the call.

"What is it, Victor?"

It isn't hard to notice something is up as Arlen unnoticeable denotes with the call.

"The boss' occupied at the moment. Unless it's important, any other matter you'll have to talk about it with me"

Just as that moment as Gustaph and Raze keeps on watching at a talking feline its apparent for both that's something's up as Arlen consequently seems to have been told or is discussing something important with Victor as his behavior changes.

"Why the scene went ahead without any safety measures when you and I know very well there are protocols for this?"

Arlen's conversation seems important as he makes it sounds. Same reason is why a certain feline noticing this stands up as he looks as this subordinate.

"How serious is the situation?"

Gustaph asks to Arlen without hesitation and most importantly concern for whatever's happening at his club.

"Sir something went wrong with a scene and turned into some sort of dispute with some of the members in there. Security is handling, but appears it is not enough. You are needed in there right away."

"For the way it sounds, it so appears I need to settle things down at the club."

"Yes boss, so what about him now?"

Arlen points obviously at a bounded lycan. He makes a good observation as to if what is going at the club could take time for it to be resolved. Never the less Gustaph thinks things through in an elucidative way that should help with the current situation.

"Call Claudius and ask him about the delivery truck I ordered"

"Right away boss."

Quickly up the lion makes a phone call and gets in contact with the tiger. It lasts about a minute as Arlen finishes the conversation.

"Seems the truck will be here, but until later. According to Claudius every one of the guys are busy with deliveries, however as soon as one of them is done with their schedule, it will be here."

"In other words it will be a while until one of them is here."

"Right, sir"

"In that case, for the time being I'll just set up our guest so that he can busy while we head back"

"You'll leave him alone? Think it's a good idea given whom knows how long will you be at the club?"

"Long as the entire stockroom is restricted to anyone, everything will be good once I leave him with a stimulating distraction and deserved privacy"

"Understood. I'll go and arrange so that the werewolf is left undisturbed for until then"


Arlen leaves as so leaving a lion and lycan alone. Gustaph just turn around to face his guest as he sets on to settle him busy.

"Well as you heard, seems I'm needed back. So I must postpone our little work, for the time being. Nonetheless what I said about leave you busy, if wondering about it, all can say is the Cock Hugger has an additional function which is what count on with keeping you somewhat entertained"

Raze keeps on listening with an odd feeling about what Gustaph is talking about can't be good, for him at least. Given a toy like the bear, the werewolf isn't keen on wanting to know what other surprise it holds. As for the lion he just kneels next to the lupine's waist for that matter.

"See besides trapping a cock very well, this toy works as a vibrator as well. Its entire body acts as that kind of device, hard and sufficient enough I might say to get a male to ejaculate. Seeing as I have to leave you for the time being, this feature is handy now making sure to keep you busy until I return. So how does that sounds to you, Alpha?"

A feeble snarl is what Gustaph gets answered with as he hears from the lupine. Raze responds with this upon rejecting such an infuriating idea coming from the lion. He has no intention of letting get milked by such toy or whatever other toy or means for that matter unless it isn't his mates' doing.

As for Gustaph seeing this he continues the chatter with the werewolf.

"Not a fan of the idea I see. Nevertheless can't think of anything else quick to keep you entertained with, so you'll have to accept this. But even if you still don't tolerate my decision, you have every right to be angry at me for now and with what am about to do. Now stay still while I set the Hugger"

Gustaph is right with the werewolf not being able to accept his decision. A bounded male is molested by the other ones' words as to which he snarls and instead decides to make the feline know he isn't onboard with getting molested by the Cock Hugger.

For that matter Raze's focuses on taking the toy off his cock which is why he pushes his thigh down against the floor while closing his legs so that he can use them to push the bear up and away from his member. A good tactic on his case as he thinks while continuing with this action.

But at the same time as this occurs, Gustaph upon noticing what the lycan is doing, he only puzzlingly chuckles while observing how amusingly the werewolf is trying to get the toy off. Nonetheless as fun as the situation is, the feline knows he needs to warn the lupine about a matter respecting to the bear.

"Wouldn't do that if I were you. As much as you're apposed to letting the bear milk you, trying to take it off won't solve matter. Instead you'll end up regretting trying to take the toy off by force, so heed my words and stop Alpha."

Another snarl is what the lion gets as Raze doesn't want to hear at whatever Gustaph has to say. For the time being he continues on trying to push the bear off no matter what.

"Very well. Don't complain when I've clearly warned you"

A furious lupine continues on using its legs as to pushing the hugger off. Instantly though his actions activate a safe mechanism on the bear toy as to which the same reacts to Raze's movements. It isn't long after that the plush device moves around the organ as to responding to a programmed protocol, which is a painful one for that matter.

For the same reason it isn't unusual for Raze to sense a grip occurring down on his cock. The grip being much tighter than before as he senses for that matter, which in turn begins to bother him upon sensing an initiating pain coming from him wolfhood. He grunts to this as he can only experience the bear gripping itself around tighter which the lupine clearly witnesses.

At that moment the robot bear moves its arms engulfs its arms tightly around the organ more than before. Pressing tighter, its arms pull an erect penis close to the bear's body as they exert this pressure around the exposed penile muscles.

The bear hug transmits pain to Raze as his penis is overwhelmed. Overwhelmed by the pair of plush limbs which presses and pushes against the organ continuously, and if that would be the worse part is the fact that a par of plushy legs are exerting more pressure around the base as well.

It's painful when one thinks that a tighter grip at the base means more constriction resulting in enhancing the pain around even more for Raze as his penis swells a bit more. His wolfhood thickens and endures more pressure making the canine beast grunt and squeal for this. Same time though the lupine is also aware of this light chuckle near him.

Glancing a bit, the lupine observes at a certain molesting lion looking at him rather happy. Given him being the cause of his new affliction Raze snarls at him as he continues to grunt and trying as well to continue enduring the pain on his member. Gustaph notices but only settles given the fact that he doesn't have to anything to with the torturing pain, which is true for that matter.

"Do not look at me like that. I warned you to stop with the pulling but you did not listen to me. Just so that you are aware the Hugger is programmed with a "locking mechanism" if one can call it that. It activates whenever its user tries to take it off by force. As to what you are experiencing is that one and only feature which is handy if you ask me and rather fun, at least for me."

For Gustaph might be fun to see the lycan squirm with pain, but the canine beast in turn isn't thrilled by this. Being this the last thing he needs for tonight he growls even louder at the lion as this one just observes him.

"Hear you, my friend; you are in a lot of pain I bet and one myself know. May not interest to know, but I also have experienced what you're going through by first hand. You know how I love being molested as well from time to time."

A certain lupine just frowns and snarls back to this last comment.

"Not that this has to do with you I get the message. Very well the only way to help you cope with the continuous pain is the opposite for this. Handy now is the other feature this toy has, one already told you and the same I'll turn on for you at this moment."

Gustaph at the moment uses a paw which meddles on the control panel that is situated on the bear's head. Pressing a button on there, it's soon when the toy begins to slowly shudder which certainly Raze quitely senses to his relief and disapproval at the same time.

Event though the Cock Hugger is still pressing tightly on the organ the vibrations help minimize the pain little by little. But even so Raze isn't comfortable knowing that all that is meant to make him spurt after he reaches his limit. With each passing moment and the pain subsiding just to be replaces with an exorable set of pulses, the lupine fears that he might foully respond to this and there's nothing he can do to help him halt the process. If so the toy continues to stimulate his cock chances are Raze could ejaculate, something he didn't approve.

For the same reason an annoyed lycan growls towards Gustaph as he calls him out. The lion on the other hand is more than aware of the sound at the moment and its possible meaning.

"Hear you're if to what I interpret disapproval. Nevertheless am convinced you should be more than busy for the moment with the toy now."

Another loud snarl is what the feline gets responded with as Raze furiously glares at him for that comment.

"You can keep noising up Alpha, but it won't chance my decision. Suggest you relax and try to enjoy the moment"

More growls are heard from the lupine as Gustaph simply watches him over. Raze on his part focuses on his anger as a mean to avoid the stimulation on his wolfhood. At least as he sees it, doing that is better for the time being though unavoidable if should the lion really leave as mentioned.

If that should happen Raze could be in a series of trouble avoiding the toys' molesting and enduring spur on his groin. Same reason, the lupine hopes Gustaph remains even though that may still not be enough and instead leave him instead more humiliation if the male should have an orgasm with an undesirable viewer. Last scenario is highly revolted by Raze as he dreads about it.

A couple of minutes later as the situation goes on naturally by all means a certain presence appears on where Gustaph and Raze are. Coming back Arlen stands there after being absent for some moments which his boss notices at all.

"Everything is fixed sir. The werewolf has been settled to be left alone and have complete privacy around the whole room until your return."

"Excellent. Being this settled we shall leave at once."

Arlen nods while Gustaph looks back at his guest,

"I'll come back soon. For now just be calm and try to enjoy the moment, stud."

Hearing that and still oppose to that, Raze growls and shook's his head while tugging away from a giant gorilla repeatedly as trying to show the lion his disapproval. Responsively and as expected, the giant plush toy grips the lupine back just to tug him down. Gustaph on his part though only observes the werewolf and chuckles back at him. At that moment he stands and looks back at his right hand beast.

"Let's go now"

"You sure boss. The lycan doesn't look at ease as to leaving him alone."

"It will be alright. Trust me"

"As always you know I do sir"

To that moment Gustaph begins to walk forward and away. Arlen eventually follows behind with both lions leaving Raze alone. At that same time the fetishist lion thinks about the situation occurring on his club event while at the same time ignoring a series of toned up noises that sound off from behind. He knows that a canine guest of his is responsible for the multiple sign of what can only be translated as more complains.

Clearly Raze is calling the kinky lion out because of the uneasiness of the current situation he's in.

Nevertheless the lion instead only ignores him for everyone's sake at the time being and paces up ahead. Eventually the two felines fall out of sight to Raze's trouble as he is left alone to deal with his current and ongoing predicament. Now that the reason for his troubles and distraction is gone Raze unfortunately focuses on sensing the vibrations that continue to assault his penis.

There are powerful and different in comparison to the ones emitted by the ring on his base. Given the bear that extends itself on gripping and being close around the entire organ, it is the main difference and at the same time reason for why the toy is much more threatening and effective than a normal vibrator.

From base to tip, Raze's member suffers under the toy's stimulation as the male himself instead continues to endure the despicable scene. Not being any aroused by any of this, instead he stays furious and resistant to everything as a mean of having his mind occupied by other things.

Resistant to being bound and powerless by the giant gorilla tugging him down, which by the way was making things worse right now for the werewolf as he is trying to get his wrists free as way of trying to stop the teasing on his cock. Free from the gauntlets, yet unable to given the little space and restriction caused by the robot toy whom continues to press tightly on him. No matter how much Raze tugs away even a bit, the bounding gorilla still lives up to its name thus keeping the male more frustrated than usual.

His mind also dwells on the other toys on him like a muzzle, nipple clamps, and of course and unfortunately those on his genitals. Each exasperate him as always and while Raze's idea for a distraction might be effective and a good motivation, unfortunately it isn't enough.

It's inescapable for him to whatever means or say his wolfhood to ignore a certain mentioned toy. Furthermore as the vibrations keep on going, at this point nothing the male does can help him avoid dealing with the consequences behind an undesired means for stimulation. With the pain on his cock replaced by the vibrations long ago there's no safety feature that can help him.

The only thing left for Raze is to resist to for the same reason he remains with composure and in control as a final and natural mechanism. Same reason is that he finds some strength to endure the vibrations while the toy continues to molest him by all means.

Such molest caused by the Hugger which moves its plushy arms up and down along the thick organ as giving a massage to the same. The massage is given slowly and carefully as an intelligent robot bear is aware of the owners' resistance. Easy for it to understand this as several minutes have passed without the male having ejaculated after analyzing the situation thoroughly.

Therefore a persistent bear uses other methods and means to force the lycan to give up his semen. It all ends on it moving along the trapped wolfhood and continuing while at the time adding more ways to increase the undesired pleasure. One mean is increasing the pulses themselves to which the toy begins to vibrate harder along the penis.

At the same time Raze is aware of this as he directly experiences the vibrations being stronger and making the situation more difficult.

Difficult for is body, and mainly his genitals, to not respond naturally and by all means to a clear means to and end. An end for the male to spurt over as should as to why Raze senses his control slowly slipping away. But to make things matter worse as the inner struggle between his made up mind and body go on another situation is developing down in between his legs.

While the whole milking scene continues, one can not forget that any withdrawal or halting such process means also putting weight over a pair of round organs that hangs below a thick tool. This refers to a pair of pulled down testicles which because are doing everything they can to detain Raze's seed, they at the same time are suffering.

The lupine's balls are aching and in some pain as they hold onto not letting the sperm exit. Unfortunately at the same time, as a direct consequence to the stimulation up on a thick and fleshy limb, more weight is being put on the twin orbs. Given that the Ball Gripper continues to pull them down, at the same time that also acts a mean to delay the ejaculation making things somewhat good and worse for Raze.

Sure works as a condition to uphold everything, but at the same time the pull and controlled halting just adds more pain to the everlasting productive balls. They ache little by little as adding to that is a spider clinching around them which presses at every moment. The toys' grip on them lasts on as the spider continues using its wide legs to grip on to them while at the same time inflicting unwanted pressure to the sensible organs.

Pressure that adds more pain for them and to its owner likewise as he senses this to which therefore responds with a couple of grunts.

Raze's discomfort only increases as a result as both his reproductive organs are in a mere situation where there's no other way out than seemingly give up and be milked. As much as the werewolf hates that thought his body on the other hand, and principally genitals, begs to end the suffering. A suffering that only will go on as seems and to which the lupine will end up losing to no matter what. Whether losing whatever control he has left or to the pain, Raze knows this battle can't be won, no matter the direct consequences that surge after.

Consequences like letting Gustaph having his way with the werewolf or losing what little pride he has if he shall ejaculate by this hatred and common means to an end. Both are despised by Raze, as having to deal after with the mess around when he spurts. Even that is a consequence the male rather not think of because of the humiliation it means. Humiliation for been seen after having a mess, although the lupine knows Gustaph won't mind seeing that.

Naturally that last thought infuriates the werewolf as it reminds him that the lion is responsible the undesired predicament. However even thinking that don't' change anything and for the moment dealing with the ongoing stimulation is better, or worse in any way.

Right now with the pain increasing and likewise pressure for both reproductive organs, Raze has no other alternative than to let the Cock Hugger win. Same reason is why any kind of hold on his cock and balls are let loose letting the vibrations work over more effectively. Directly these fortunately help alleviate the pain as the testicles finally let the sperm leave. It's easy to feel and see this as well as the lupine begins to jerk as his penis shoots out with relief.

Although it is a bit painful for Raze as his semen surges out of a spear headed tip with force. But even that can't compare on sensing with relief on how the achiness leaves his bounded organs. Moreover the ejaculation help replace the pain as the male goes on with this process.

As to this, the lupine continues to erupt at what can and whatever amount of seed his balls contain. The same precious material is abundant for that matter as because of the constant stimulation he endured, the testicles were to prompt to produce more sperm than normally. All results in Raze shooting and shooting for a while as gashes of white liquid fly upward from his penis.

Continuing on jerking off, the werewolf twists and coil at what he can while going out of the process. Even though this results on a gorilla behind him tugging him down at the moment, Raze doesn't mind as he instead pushes himself against the giant plush toy.

He does this as a mean of somewhat using the robots' heavy and soft body as some kind of cushion to push himself against, thus making the moment somewhat easy. Raze only presses against the gorilla while grunting over shooting a bit longer than usual. That's something that amazes him and would be more than welcomed if the situation was one he could enjoy. But given it isn't, the lupine only hopes on being done.

Fortunately after a while it all ends as his penis stops shooting semen leaving it to relax along with a pair of testicles. Both organs are good on that sense and their owner a bit more relieved as having finally ejaculated the Cock Hugger ceases with the vibrations as well. Although the toy remains trapping the sensible organ other than that it doesn't bother the same in some other way for the time being.

For the lupine's sake this is good as he somewhat relaxes too. At that same moment he settles and sits at what can only to deal though with the aftermath of the whole scene.

Now that the milking is over Raze given his situation watches at himself and around his surrounding to gaze at the mess he certainly is somewhat responsible for. His semen loathingly remains around and given the fact that he's still bound, the werewolf is disgusted at the current image. Disgusted on having his worthy material on him which certainly bothers him, not to mention remaining like that and unable to clean himself.

Certainly these were the possible consequences the lupine though if he should ejaculate. But even so trying to avoid the pain back a few minutes ago wasn't possible anymore. Not to mention that even after enduring the torture, the male would still had end up ejaculating.

Thinking about this, the lycan unfortunately remains humiliated because of everything. But at that moment though, he's also infuriated about his circumstances whatsoever.

Infuriated over being left without any sort of help given the involuntary mess he's made. Also the bounded lupine is angry towards a certain queerly lion whom by all means is the one responsible for everything. And in top of all nonetheless, the werewolf is angry at himself for letting all of this happen.

If he hadn't come up with the idea of talking or meeting Gustaph, neither of this would had happened on the first place. All the deal was him trying to get meaningful for Kara, not to end up bound and humiliated, again!

The Perfect Birthday Gift, Part 5

For the time being though and after a while Raze notices a couple of familiar figures approaching him, naturally being Gustaph and Arlen. The lupine growls and snarls at the one who has put him through the humiliation of being forced to ejaculate by...

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The Perfect Birthday Gift, Part 3

_Took much time that I thought being that the story revolves on this piece as everyone's aware and'll read. _ _Nevertheless, being my favorite scene, hope am being descriptive enough so that it can be ejoyable. Mostly for those who can accept and...

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The Perfect Birthday Gift, Part 2

_A lot of detailing and planning took me to be able to write this next piece, especially on the brief dispute between my protagonist and Artaxes as I came stuck because of that part for a couple of days as didn't know how could it go._ _I'm satisifed...

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