Water, Ice and Darkness

Story by ASHOKA on SoFurry

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#1 of Water, Ice and Darkness

A gift for my beloved mate MechaChick, and one of her clo...

A gift for my beloved friend, and one of her closest friends Proteus. A very big thanks to Mysterydude who was my beta wingman through this.

Water, Ice and Darkness



A day is just a day, and one of many in life. Lots of events that come and go, this lil story of mine starts no different to any other day. As with many tales ya might have come across, there has to be stars. Individuals that make our world burn bright, and yeah those ones we carry special flames for in our hearts, our friends, but there's a particular special friend I wanna tell you about. One that smelled sweeter than budding wild orchids in the birth of spring.

You probably gathered by the cheesy flower cliche I'm talking about a girl, the whole pretty smell thing and all is a dead give away. They make your mouth gap wide ogling'em, and before you ask, no, she ain't any regular girl, and no it's not a dumb ass soppy love story, it's about friendship, alright I dicked her too but never mind that. I ain't small either, it makes me proud. I'm just a regular kinda Anthro, and like the majority of'em I can't help but get a hard on from time to time too. Hey pipe down and don't get riled up I'm not gonna talk about dicks, or brag about mine in anyway, I just gotta lil derailed is all, I'm a tad drunk but just let me finish.

When it comes to it, and who I am, I ain't nothing fancy, but I got a taste for beverages, that's right the merry tonics. No cigar for guessing they're the alcoholic variety, and I'll smoke some hand rolled tobacco and swig a bottle of Mad Mightyenna down any day of the week. Naturally with coupla good bud's of mine or a decent meal, even I can't say that I didn't love it. That shit's 50% proof, look, it says so right on the label here, see? Well never mind whatever that means, it just means the higher the better. Yeah I can read simple shit, and I ain't no idiot mind you. Hey, I can see you staring at my blue skin and wondering on them there words, but don't be fooled. This vappy right here is smarter than he looks, and you can bet your bottom gold coin on that. Lets say I've been around.

I always wanted the high life of adventuring, but I never left this place, well you can call it a belonging, and I didn't feel the need to, but all that was until I met her. Before I tell you about her, there's some things you gotta know about me and adventuring. Ya'see, my ol'man used to be a slave Pokemon back in his hay days before he found his freedom. He saw his fair share of battles and adventured with some human warlock bloke. I heard him babble on about many of them there exploits while he swayed on a rocky ol' boulder on the other side of this grove, of course with a good bottle or two. Now that sly ol'dog really could belt down his liquor. He's a Leafeon if ya wondering. We sometimes even drank till the sun came up, bringing that bright light across the horizon. That's when day break would draw our attention, letting us merry chaps know we'd lost track of time and sleep was waiting to slap us down into dreams.

From him I learned a thing or two, and also my liking for the drink, it never harmed no one, so why not. Alright maybe this one time, there was a guy I didn't like. Well a drink too many had me give it to him as he had it coming for awhile, being a prick to others and treading on them like they were dirt. He just had to keep on yapping didn't he, I'm not gonna mention any names, I'm not like that.... The prick ain't worth mentioning.

Whoa heads getting a lil fuzzy, this is good shit, one sec buddy let me neck this bottle. Mhm, that went down a treat. Alright where was I buddy? Ah that's right I was talking about my ol'man. I also inherited his disliking for humans, and I know of their selfish nature and how they consumed everything, the jackasses. Its probably a good thing they're mostly extinct. Nothing but trouble from what I heard I tell ya. He got lucky though and found a good'un to be his companion. Even though he was looked after as a slave, he still was a slave. He was a poor sap just like me. He never had an education, and this particular human did teach him to read basic crap. I gotta give it to me ol'man, he was one tough ol'git.

Regardless of his hard hide, there was one thing that even had him worried. He gave me a tip that kinda hit my head n'stuck: if I ever so much as see one of those human bastards to run like hell, and to blast off a few water attacks, as humans were dangerous, even the ones that didn't possess magic powers. And if it ain't your day and they are warlocks or sorceress type magic folk, you best pray you did enough to get away. Apparently them humans only came when they wanted something. I've never seen one, and bet humans are just some stupid urban folklore, they died long ago in my father's era. I ain't one to believe in rumors, and let my eyes do the judging, as seeing is believing, but maybe I did wonder now n'then.

I did have some great times with him, that's until he up'd n'left one day. No doubt that old coot was out on some wild adventure, but he always did come back, so I had no need to worry, but.... Its been a few months since I last seen him. I guess I've wanted to follow in his steps you know. There ain't no shame in wanting to travel around and really getting to see the world in some epic way. Although that codger better be bringing me back a damn good souvenir to make up for lost time.

Oh I forgot, how rude of me not to introduce myself. The name's Proteus, friend.

Well, that's enough yapping, so wrap your claw around a whiskey and take that there nice thatch of grass to stick your ass down on, n'let me tell ya how my tale went. Don't worry about it, I got plenty of drinks. Hey don't look at me like that. Wheres the action you say? Well I'm sorry to put a damper on dramatic starts but heck just keep drinking, I'll get to the good bits. It's about how I met a pokemon with the letter Z tattooed on her back, but its much more than that and you'll see.

Water, Ice and Darkness

Chapter 1 Ice That Burns

It all began a little while back in a quaint little area. I was only a naive young male, heck I was barely into my adulthood. I reckon I was just a carefree kinda guy, that took things as they came, no dreams. Guess I could say I was content, but still that ain't no way to be; dreams are what make us.

As I recall that "fine" day, the Grove was as dandy as ever with the chirp of early morning bird Pokemon, crisp clear skies, and greens shot full of rising morning dew. Damn, it was peaceful, nothing out of the ordinary and the usual start just like every other day. I pushed myself up onto my hind legs and smelled the fresh flowers and grass that had their pretty scent whacking around, kinda strong from the small shower of the previous night. Don't be mistaken and all, this was winter, but I'll explain later. Standing upright I gave a stretch to me legs n'tail to work the kinks outta my half-awake muscles.

"Dammit light, why'd ya have to come so early ta get it on with day? Friggin horny wench...." Not that I believed any of that crap, but no shit for guessing I'm one groggy son of a Arceus in the mornings.

The day called out to the light, "Come hither." That's what my mama used to say. She told me the day and light were secretly betrothed, and the night was day's angry father that would come snatch his daughter back when the evening came, n'that there my friend would be why we have day and night. But, I'm guessing mama was always one oran berry short in the head. It's just a stupid day to me.

My little abode, if I could call it that, was simply a makeshift large leaf that I'd bent over and tied. It wasn't much -only a modest area of grass under the canopy of a honey tree. So no fancy shit like some other pokemon and their dens they bragged about. I may be poor but at least I'm no slob. Actually you better not quote me on that.

I grabbed my tight black leather pants off the side of the branch. I guess I was alright with the facial hair -it was still clean shaved. After slipping into my pants I pulled the comb out from the side pocket and slicked back my white hair, finally slipping on my black leather vest. You're probably thinking I'm quite the looker, sleek and very slender. No, huh? Ah well, if I can't give myself a pat on the back sometimes, who will? You have a point, I'm pretty skinny in appearance, with little muscle mass, but don't be fooled, this vappy is built for speed, and these here muscles are compact. I can pack quite an ass whooping punch if needed, but you don't need to take my word for it.

My paws patted down on my body to straighten my ragged wares which were my few only possessions, and even for those I'd worked my paws to the bone polishing boots in Cerulean Citadel -a good coupla miles down south from here. Yeah, not the greatest job I hear ya, but it earned an honest day's living, and enough to feed me n'buy a stiff drink, so I ain't complaining.

I'll admit, Westwood Grove is a kinda nice place to live, and has its finer perks of being the pleasant n'quiet life. It's peaceful from the bustle of the city life, and life drifts on by pretty easy here. You ain't gonna find a ounce of trouble in these parts, we're friendly folk here. Well, mostly. Things were quieter than normal with Eric n'Shelton outta the grove for a few days. Yeah, those loud mouth pricks lightened the mood, and were my bosom buddies I hung out with, that's if you couldn't already tell. Oh you didn't? Well now you do. I loved knocking back a few with'em. More often than not, we'd get rather wasted on what we drank, sometimes even brawl. We'd end up punching each other out now and then. When tomorrow came we'd be the best of buddies again, finally sober. I have to say, they were great nights. I guess guys will be guys.

Eric was always the loud one and he ain't one for taking shit. Usually it took very lil' ta get him into a rage, but never with me. Maybe he had too much respect for me as his buddy. He was definitely a handsome devil at that, and quite the ladies man, often walking up to introduce me to a stranger he'd found the other night. Some friggin Umbreon anthro's get all the luck. Usually he'd been so drunk he had no idea of how it happened, but that guys got some charm brewing when a few stiff shots are down his throat.

Shelton on the other hand was the intelligent one outta us, n'more often then not the one ta break up the brawls, or talk sense inta us. But, when that failed, it was a case of 'if ya can't beat'em, join'em,' and he would give as good as he got. I can't say we were drunk all the time, but most, yeah. He's a Rhydon Anthrotian. That's what we all are, humanoid bodily structures. Anthro is just a short for it.

This will probably make you throw a frown, but we'd friendship mated a few times recently to show our appreciation for one another, and strengthen our bonds. Yeah we're all males if ya hadn't figured, but no one ain't got a dilly of a problem with it round these parts. Mating with those close ta ya strengthens bonds and friendships. It's a trusted act, and the concept of it is different to screwing a cute honey, as it ain't for those quick pleasure relief purposes. That's just how things work out around here. Shut your yap, I'm still pretty straight.

Our friendship was tight knitted, we'd known each other since we were wee'lil cubs. During summer times we'd take to fishing while the lakes flowed with waterlilies, and loved it when the lasses with skimpy gear would toddle on by. Sometimes out on a mid-summer stroll n'others... well, I'm sure ya can guess.

Anyhow.... But, you weren't asking about my cub days, were ya? Don't worry, I'm gettin' around to the point here. Just wanted to set the scene a bit for ya, and introduce some of the players in this lil tale o'mine.

So then, on that "fine" morning, first order of business was to get some grub in me, and seriously I kid you not when I say I could eat a whole mountain of those friggin lum berries. Yeah I could feel my gut calling for attention and crying, "fill me." As most things go, hunger is a bloody nuisance, and will nag at ya till it's given its filling.

Something was off, but I couldn't quite put my blasted finger on it. It was more like a gut instinct, but then again I always was an over-cautious bloke. Looking up I could see small frost which set across the top of the trees. The ice never did descend to the ground, as it'd melt. My home grounds had active streams of molten lava flowing beneath us, hotter than a spicy curry from a Magmortar's curry house haha. Dangerous ya ask? Nah, never was any real bother. For some reason those trees did creep me though. There was an indistinguishable eerie presence that slapped way up my spine. Not one of those trees swayed. No wind, which was more than strange, as the air above us was always in a hurry to get somewhere. I'll tell you what, it was almost like their presence was summoned elsewhere. Just stupid though. There wasn't anytime to think on useless things, and certainly not about them there dumb trees.

I gathered together my few bits n'bobs, as it was time to get my blue ass into gear and graft another hard days pay. I set off surely enough after securing my gear over my shoulder, and started making tracks towards the citadel. The things I do while others have luxuries... But, they're not necessities. All I need is a good meal a day and nice drink to wash it down.

Soon I was well out of Westwood. The wind seemed to have picked up after I left the last of the trees behind. My paws were going numb, but this weren't no time to worry. I told myself, I gotta keep moving. Why the hell was it so cold? Bleedin hands felt frozen almost. I'm lucky good ol Vappy's are resistant to ice, but still, it was affecting me pretty bad. I guess I'd gotten a little weaker since I hadn't exercised for a coupla weeks. Hey I'm not lazy, it's just those longer days had gotten me so drained with the extra hours worked, and I'd been pretty knocked out when I'd gotten back home.

The wind was like some old beast in the willows, n'its howl like a crazed houndoom that had, had its senses ground into nothingness with rabies. Some creepy shit right there. The winds had never been so bothersome, and yet that day they felt like some day time stalker. Made me wanna keep checking over me shoulder, as that stalker shit shivers me down to me core. I ain't ever used a vibrator, but I sure knew what being one is like with the way I was shaking. Clouds of fog made things kinda worse for wear, and it was awful trying to get a clear visual of what was ahead. Thank goodness I wasn't getting hit by snow or some stupid baseball sized hail stones at least. I kept on lugging my legs along the barren terrain towards the Citadel.

Finally, I made it. Looking around I knew I had arrived, but where the citadel should have been, nothing but an icy wasteland of rubble remained. Not a single building remained upright. To make it worse, the cold wasn't fitting of nature's calling. My fins where beginning to stand upright, and my skin began to crawl. Maybe there was frustration building inside, I'll grant you that, but my lungs felt heavy. Anxiety? Maybe.

It reeked of magic.

This really can't be happening, it wasn't registering, how could it? It felt too surreal to be taken seriously. How on earth could an entire city be left to waste? It made no sense. With the number of inhabitants and their soldiers, there woulda been no tooten way an outsider could've even matched their battle prowess. They didn't call them the people of Entai's Claw, for naught.

This shit was really starting to stink. My breathing was getting heavier, and I ain't usually the type to be panicked or spooked either, but my heart was pounding overtime. The elements kept at me and that wind just wanted to whip my hide each time it crashed into me. My cheeks and ears were cold enough to not be felt, I was going numb. I was breathing faster and heavier than before, my lips felt tingly and so did my hands. Maybe it was some kinda panic attack, I couldn't tell. To hell with those bloomin sensations I felt, I didn't like'em at all.

I needed to calm down just a smidge. I pulled out my tabacco n'paper skins and began rolling it between my thumbs. A good smoke always did work a treat when I got angry, so it kinda made sense it'd do the same ol'trick for the panic. I was out alone, and there weren't a soul in sight. The moment I placed it to my lip and lit it, I noticed something.

Someone was there.

I looked ahead, squinting through the fog. That was a defo, something was there alright. Amidst the tarnished blocks of the former safe heaven, right between two large piles of upturned frozen earth and mortar, something was moving, the form petite and lithe. Who the hell was it? I needed answers, like what the blazes was going on? I took a coupla good puffs of my cig before I threw it to the side.

"Hey! You there?" I yelled. That sure got the twerp's attention. The creature perked its head up, and it gave me a puzzled look from the distance. Wait a sec, I thought. Now that was a head doozy. "Well I'll be, is that a pure breed Absol?"

I looked at the creature a little harder and even straining my eyes a little. Yup I was right, it was. Now ya don't get to see many pure breed Absols everyday. Yeah, there are a few pure breed pokemon in general around these parts, but Absols? All the ones I've met had been all anthro chicks. Well whatever.... It still hadn't given me any replies, that ignorant little....

"Hey pipsqueek, are ya responsible for this shit?" I'd always been told these Absol pure breed fuckers always carried disaster with them. It made sense to me it must've been guilty, or the damn thing woulda said something.

Ah well I knew it'd just be better if I skedaddled right on over n'beat some answers straight outta it. I moseyed on down to her, bounding over few solid concrete slabs of the collapsed fortress wall which use to surround the citadel. I'd hate to brag but I was as quick as they came as far as water lovers go, and even on land I gotta say I had a touch with grace n'speed. I cocked my fist back about to pummel the shit outta it, but.... Gah fuck! I couldn't. I pulled it at the last moment just in time, and just kinda stared down at it instead.

It was half my size, n'not a ounce of maliciousness in its eyes. Only, it wasn't a 'it'. I'd just realised the creature was female, and rather the hottie at that. She looked a bit strange with a Z tattoo on her back, just staring up at me now with some pink goggles on her head. But, hell, she wasn't an anthro, and what was with that pink garter on her hind leg? Those were either human or anthro traits...

Now I think about it, I think they did just make her even more adorable. I liked accessories on my ladies most of the time, and she was most undeniably a cutie alright. What was I thinking. Was I a dumb ass or something?

"Hey you little fucker, gonna say something or not, and I ain't gonna take any risks if ya try n'be funny with me."

Maybe that came out a wee bit wrong. "GAHHhh!" was all I had time to say. Next thing I felt was my head rattling, and gosh did my body ever feel weightless, that shit hurt like I was hit by a wrecking ball. I crashed down in the rubble with a large thud. Mhm that bitch just nailed me good. What the hell did she just hit me with? Oh mama did I ever get it.

"Owww," I moaned. Me poor friggin back, it ached like a shiatsu massage from that Snorlax anthro named Helga I knew. I don't think I broke anything but my pride a lil, but damn....

I heard her voice cry out. "I will defend myself to the end, to the bold and the brave, then the foolish who think of me as weak. But, I don't want to fight, so walk away, as I have no intention of hurting you. But, if you try again then I'll tear you asunder. Just why are you attacking me? I haven't done anything to you."

Ah so the squirt's gotta a tongue after all and a backbone too huh? Me bloomin head felt like it was in a vice. I didn't wanna fight either now. Dang that runt's got one heck of punch, but maybe I did just provoke it a tad.

"Yo babe, listen I ain't gonna hurt ya, so calm down?" Ya I did realise when I looked into her eyes that those lonely soft eyes weren't those of a big ol' baddie. Someone with them kinda eyes can't possibly do what's been done here. My bad, but I hoped I wasn't gonna have to beat some sense into her. I'd hate to rough up such a pretty little tyke. I pushed the frozen rubble and debris from my bruised body. Was I nuts? Me rough her up... it's more like she did pretty good job of it on me, and with one move at that.

"Well, you could have fooled me, waving your fist around like that." She glared at me with a mean ol'stare that chilled me right up my spine.

"Yeah well, I made a mistake, so what. I'm sorry, kay? I just figured that you were responsible for this." Well I guess that did the trick as the babes expression changed.

"Maybe you seem sincere enough, and I'm sorry I hurt you, but can you really blame me? Wait you said this? How so? I'm not following." She seemed kinda lost.

"The rubble ya standing on, it wasn't a rubble yesterday, capice?"

"Huh? Ah it's a recent thing. I was tracking and just passing through, but it's hard to tell sometimes what's recent, and what's not. Most of the scent is lost due to the ice around anything that could bear a scent. That's when a big vaporeon oaf attacked me. Oh wait, that would be you." She was being a smart ass now.

"Don't push it tuts, I made a living here. I don't know what's going on so don't piss me off, I already said I'm sorry." I didn't wanna loose my rag with her, as it was my fault to begin with. But that hostile frown just wiped across her face again.

"I'm not scared of you, and I'm sorry I hurt you but I'll be on my way, so excuse me." I could already see she was a hardened one, and not the kind to take crap off anyone.

"Hey hold up, it ain't safe around here babe. If an entire army was toppled and there ain't so much as a body out here, then I'm not sure if whatever caused this isn't still around."

"I got a pretty good idea, and I handle myself pretty well thanks. I pack a pretty hard POW!" She said with an energetic vigor and a cheeky smile. Hmm zesty, I did like spunky chicks. Wait, hang on a moment, did she just say....

"I thought you didn't know anything about what happened here?"

"I didn't say that, but I have nothing to do with it. My hands are clean, but I do know what might have caused this...." She caught my interest.

"Whatcha got babe, if I be nice ya wanna tell me?" She just gave me a questioning look. It was time I changed my approach just a wee'lil bit. "I apologise for my ungentlemanly conduct. A fine lass like yourself would surely have the heart to forgive an oaf like ma'self, now pretty please, how's that sound?" Yeah I tried to pour on some Vappy charm right there.

"Fine, if you must know. You may not know the tyrant in question, but it's the work of Boreas. He's the warlock of the northern winds. He seized control of the northern hemisphere after he drained the winds from Suicune itself. It's unknown how exactly he managed to acquire the power."

"Suicune? But, that's impossible. How?" I couldn't be sure if I really believed this far-fetched story, but something told me she wasn't lying, or at least she believed she wasn't. Lie or not, or even delusion, I was still willing to hear her out.

"I don't know how. No one does, but as proof the legendary pokemon's corpse was paraded shrivelled up to mark the acquisition of his new power. This also fortified his stance to those who may want to cross him. Soon after he continued his path of senseless killings in the name of power. He is winter incarnate, and with the winds to aid his ice, he will take all he pleases. It shall be forever winter unless he's stopped."

"Never heard of em, I betcha now would be the part where ya tell me it's one of them rotten humans. I hate those fuckers. Furrless filth. They ain't nothing but vermin that need exterminating if they ain't dead already." That didn't go down to well, and it looked like she was getting pissed off.

"Don't call them that, and no.... he's a pokemon, a Glaceon. He's no normal Glaceon, and took all he has through deception, lies, and now by force. Humans are almost extinct, and hunted by him. He uses them, and their bodies are drained, harvested for his own power. Not all humans are bad. There's always the bad ones in all species, it doesn't mean they're all bad."

I didn't agree with her at all there. "Not what I heard, they're just no good stinking offal, so Im'a say they probably deserve it."

"I think I said too much already. Your racism disgusts me." I wasn't a racist.... Or was I?

"Don't go biting of my arm off. What's the deal, you're an Abby, so what does it matter what I call em? I have every right to dislike em."

I guess back then I didn't have an understanding of humans, call it ignorance. Times change.

"I'm not an Absol I'm... I'm.... it doesn't matter what I am. He doesn't just hunt humans now, but of recent, Anthrotians, just like you. I'm going to put an end to him." She seemed adamant. I woulda just dropped it, but I wasn't into people going on suicide missions. Well I just decided to lay it down bluntly to the babe. It was hard enough to swallow some of the shit she was coming out with.

"Well I heard a few crazy ass things in my time, but I'ma say this has gotta to take it. Are ya daft? Magical Glaceons with the power of Suicune, come on? Even if it were true, one lil Abby going solo to take on a Pokemon warlock that can total an entire citadel? Did ya batter ya head on a rock, sweetie?"

"Maybe, but my species is going to be extinct, and I don't see anyone else trying. It's better to try and die, then to wait and die a coward that never tried."

She had some merit to her words, mostly for courage, but still...

"Hmmm, all I see is an agonizing end, so go figure. A normal Absol against a god-like monster from what ya telling me is suicide."

Her confidence perked up in her expression, like she was holding out on something.

"Well I got more tricks under my goggles then you think." Little did I know at the time what she was really talking about till much later.

"More tricks? Less marbles I'm gonna make it." I think I really pissed her off with that one.

"Insult me all you want, we're through." The fiery minx cocked her head back, letting her shimmering hair fly back across her head. "Hmpf!" She held her nose up in a huff, and turned from me. Great going vappy ol'pal, psh, I had to face palm myself then. Why did I never manage to get the right words out?

"Whoa now, don't go! I didn't mean it like that." I felt disturbed and lost amidst these frozen relics of yesterday. I know when shit happens I say the wrong things. My skin crawled and nothing I said was what it sounded like.

"How else did you mean it?" she rhetorically asked, in a stroppy tone.

"I geddit, I know I musta sounded like a prick and all but that's just how things come out sometimes. I was completely knocked for a home run, real disturbed-like by the occurrences and just didn't know what to make of things. Come on can ya blame me for not being the perfect gentleman under the circumstances? Its not like thousands of furries disappear in to thin air everyday."

It wasn't so much that I was emotionally distressed by them as I had no emotional ties to any of em. All me chums where back at Westwood Grove. But, this place was my bread and butter at the end of the day.

I watched the lil'lass wobble a moment, like she was caught by some ass kicking weakness, and was about to topple over. I reached out and claimed her quickly before she hit the frozen dirt. She was still conscious. "Well however I meant it, it still doesn't change the fact I'ma sorry. Now I might be the neanderthal but I ain't selfish, and another thing, I ain't gonna let you go off before making sure you're alright if ya seriously going off on this suicidal quest. Let me get you something to eat, you can share what I have. So whatcha ya say sweetheart?"

"I .... I guess you're right, I've not eaten in a couple of days, and I'm exhausted. It's too much to ask so I've just got to keep on moving. I wish no burdens upon you stranger."

"Well I'ma not sure how ya intend to fight but if you want to kick his ass, it ain't taxing to figure you're gonna need your strength to stand a chance. The name's Proteus, but you can call me anything ya wish." Well I could see she'll be needing more than food, and a good night kip would do her some good before I send her off.

Hmm, compassion for a stranger, but I guess that's just me through and through. Maybe I'm affected by what's happened here, but not for the citizens themselves. In a way I ain't emotional about what happened, I never really let myself develop any ties, I was more disturbed by it actually happening. I just kept to myself in the citadel. My home life of the good ol'grove was were my heart was and also my friends. Those would be the chums I'd made since I was a lil lad, those were true bonds these city folk wouldn't compare to. Sure I'll hold ma hand up and say I might come off as just a tad stuck up, but it's more like I'm set in my ways; ya can call it a comfort zone.

"Thank you. I'm indebted, but I have little in the way I can repay you sir. My name is Z." She lowered her head to bow graciously. Well I'll be, the tyke's got manners too, so she's a-okay by my books. It could be the cold, it could be the whole situation hadn't yet sunk in, but I felt colder then the weather could make me, n'chilled beyond anything the elements could batter me with. I took a moment to look down at the half pint, and that's when it hit me the fine shards around us that were scattered along the ground were not debris from the wreckage but....

Sweet Arceus....

My gut churned as I threw my head to the side, n'if I had eaten then I friggin sure as hell woulda puked it all up. The civilians hadn't disappeared, they'd.... I gulped ,feeling my face heat even in this icy whether. They'd been frozen and shattered in small pieces, and so small I didn't figure it out till now. Fuck this ain't no capture to enslave.... I was standing on the scattered bodies of all the ones that had once inhabited this place. This was mass genocide.

Boreas.... I was starting to get a real hate thing going for this bastard and I hadn't even met the shit head yet. "Come on Z we're headin out." I just wanted to make tracks the hell away from there. I turned around and began to march off while the half pint scampered along behind me.

The elements were not getting any better, but I was right that this winter was unnatural, as the cold was far beyond what it shoulda been. I glanced back, seeing the Absol chick struggling, the winds were making her sway side to side. I felt a lil bad seeing her struggle, but if I offered her a hand was she gonna bite it off being insulted? "Babe ya ain't looking so good, need a hand?"

"No I've managed fine alone all this time, thank you." Well I'll give her that, she's got some pride. Maybe too much to ask for a hand, considering she buckled earlier, so this would be a double negative for her I guess. Slowly we shifted across the wreckage till we exited the city, and it wouldn't be long till we made it to the shelter of the trees. At least they would take the edge of some of the nasty wind. It was beginning to make me feel real uneasy, mhm. Continuing I trudged through the frozen earth which seemed way too bothersome, and I'd done it without difficulty in the past, but....

I needn't worry about it, it wasn't gonna be long till the both of us were sitting on the warmth of me own patch of warm grass back home, ah good ol'home sweet home. Being a good cautious boy I even stashed an emergency supply of them tasty berries we could munch down on. I was more than exaggerating on the tasty part, but I had a tendency to keep a stash in case I got sick and couldn't work that day or a few even. It's good to be prepared, at least this way I wouldn't starve to death. With the way the climate and economy was, things can go pear shaped real quick. There won't be anyone but me-self that'd be looking after numero uno as my bud's had to make their meat too and work.

I guessed I'd just be better to carry her, she was wobbling all over the place. That attack she used took it out of her alright. Maybe it was the last of her strength. I guess a lot of it was a tough act to ward me off in case I was a hostile, and now I even doubted she could've taken a single water cannon blow from me if things wound up that way.

"Hey Z, want me to carry you?" I bet that came out wrong too. She didn't reply, dropping to her knees. "Listen, you're an Absol and ain't got the same level of resistance to ice I do. Just swallow your pride kid, as I'm gonna carry ya, like it or lump it."

"Thank you...." she quietly said, slowly bowing her head, the winds blasting against her fur. "Ehh" she cried. Well I didn't expect that answer but decided that I'd better give her that boost I offered. I turned back making quick tracks along the icy ground towards her.

I was trying my best to not insult her or anything, so I got down on my knees instead of picking her up. "Get on my back I'll carry you." I was letting her do this herself, it's pretty self explanatory as I know her type and they've got pride that can be easily dented, at least this way it wouldn't be so much.

She struggled back up onto all fours, and had some strong inner kama thing going, or was it stubbornness? I never did understand babes sometimes, but one thing I did was pride. Chicks huh? They're all weird if you ask me. I turned my head to face away, to give her some space, and respect. It was a moment later I felt her weight shifted across my shoulders. I reached, grabbing her by her front legs and slowly stood up. I didn't expect her to be so light. Well it was a blessing at that point, and meant I could make quicker ground, before even I was frozen. I wasn't sure if I bought the whole Boreas thing about the winter, but still, things were seriously off.

I began to jog slowly, cutting across the vast ice plains, and hoped it would help with heating my body up. I wasn't sure how long or far I could go but one thing was for sure -I thought we were gonna die out there, as it was becoming colder than a Garchomp's meat locker. I could hardly feel my limbs now too, did I even have a tail?

Finally my feet met the frozen grass as we passed the first set of trees. Everything shimmered with that frosty layer, but its pretty nature just was a friggin lie. It wanted to set on us. I kept going, trying to keep a even pace. The ground eventually started to heat. I was almost home free.

The frosty surroundings started to turn from white to shades of green, then more colors came with sudden intensity. The flowers were alive and rich, wind didn't break this far in, and if it did then it was just left as a gentle breeze.

The air felt odd, humming like a hobo with a accordion needing some spare change. Shit, I could feel it in me'bones, something was happening....

Or had already happened in Westwood.

End Notes- The story still has to get going yet, and it'll be the next chapter that's gonna set it in motion with the action. As for the rest of ya, thanks for reading ya'all.

Prior warning, there maybe lemon in the next chapter, if its too sudden it maybe in the third. People that have just met, considering there personalities ain't just about to bend over for each other. :P

DISCLAIMER: Hear up! All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. That means Proteus belongs to that Vappy fics lord Proteus, and no the vaporeon also belongs to whomever made it, but the character's all his. And Z's character the sexy humping doll belongs to MC, and I got privileges to molest her, well the real one anyway. Any similarities to people, or others characters living or dead are purely co-incidental. This plot may end up going up in flames, but it's all mine. And of course I'm in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of Pokemon. No copyright infringement is intended.

Powerless In Space- Chapter 2

Requests- Ask for what ya want, OC's, funny abuse scenarios, to pairings etc. We got a couple of requests already that we're gonna work in. Story Notes - MetalChick's super heroine Persona loves furries, in more than one way, n pokemon alike....

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Powerless In Space - Chapter 1

**Co-Author - RAW19 ** DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners,...

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