An Irregular Scholastic Day Part 3

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A particularly cheerful sun arose the following morning, filling the guest bedroom with an almighty aura of blinding yellow, illuminating everything. The room has what one would expect a spare bedroom to contain. A 3/4 bed, a towering chestnut wardrobe overlooking the other furniture, a small chest of drawers and a desk. However this particular room contains an item not usually found in such circumstances, a sleeping, naked and partially aroused German shepherd under the depressingly beige quilt of the bed. The events leading to such an occurrence will be subjected to you momentarily, so just wait.

Charlie flickered his eyes to the vicious sunlight blaring through the window and twisted his head to the side so his vision could adjust. He imbalanced his upper body by kicking his legs over the side of the bed and lifted the covers from him as he did. Now sat on the side of the bed, he rested his paws on either side of himself and thought about the night prior. Unable to remember anything beyond the point of him falling asleep on the floor, he ceased trying and rested his gaze down onto his semi.

"Did you have fun?" He asked his cock and clenched causing his member to jump once. He smiled and got up to stretch his back.

He picked his glasses up from upon the chest of drawers and perched them on his muzzle. Now being able to see more than a foot from his face he proceeded to scout around the room for his clothes. After searching all possible containment units and still none-the-wiser to the whereabouts of his attire he opened the door and looked around. Charlie was now on the landing balcony of the Mangrove house with a good view of the hall and neighbour rooms to his. With all other doors shut on the upstairs, apart from the bathroom, he decided to go down the stairs and continue his search in the rooms below. Or ask someone if they knew where they were.

His heavy balls swung gently as he descended the staircase, holding onto the railing with one hand and stroking himself a little with the other. When on the ground floor, Mr Andrews twitched his nose as the faint aroma of toast and coffee wafted through his nasal passages. He salivated slightly and headed for the kitchen, hoping to be presented with breakfast, and hopefully an explanation for his missing clothes. He opened the door and saw Aiden facing away from the sheppie and wearing nothing but a apron and studying something on the worktop in front of him. Daniel was sitting on the adjacent worktop completely naked and looking very interested with what his father was doing. He was the first to notice his entrance and called "Sir!" attracting Aiden's attraction.

"You're awake. Thought I'd have to come up and give you a kiss." The fox said with a smile as he turned to face the gsd.

"I can go back to sleep if you like?" Mr Andrews smirked and puckered his lips.

"Who said I was going to kiss your lips." Aiden replied turning back to whatever he was doing.

Charlie murred and his penis twitched from the thought. "Would have been nice to have woken up to that."

"Well that's how I woke up." The fox gave a playfully scornful look to his son who blushed in return and swung his legs to and fro.

"I was going to ask where my clothes where when I found one of you two, but it seems that they are no longer necessary. Decided on a naked day did we?"

"Yes, Sir. It was my idea." Daniel said in his deceivingly innocent voice.

"I gathered as much sweetie." Charlie winked to the boy, walked over to them and leaned back onto the island table in the centre of the kitchen.

"Well seeing as though me and daddy are kinda new to all of this, I thought we should get used to seeing each others' naked bodies. And we couldn't leave you out so we took your clothes."

"My boy's so smart." Aiden leaned to his son, placed a finger under his chin to lift his head and kissed his forehead.

"That he is." The German shepherd covered every inch of the boy's figure with his eyes and licked his lips when they set on a particularly cute little fuzzy sheath and balls. Danny caught him and leaned back onto one paw and used the other to stroke down the front of his body, all the way down to his groin. He rubbed his genitalia through his fingers and pulled his sheath back a bit to show his little pink member. Charlie whined with pleasure from the sight and looked away to stop him from getting too hard and preing all over the beautifully tiled floor. "So ... Could I smell toast when I came downstairs?"

"Naughty boy. You're making your teacher horny." Aiden mentions after peeking at Mr Andrews full erection, to which Daniel just giggles and lays back on the counter, revealing more of himself. "Well I had some a few hours ago while little Dan had cereal. I would have made you some but I wanted you to rest as I'm sure today may tire you out a bit." He reached back and gave Charlie's cock a quick stroke, which made it bounce and him sigh in pleasure, before returning his paw.

"Is that so?" The gsd grinned.

"Yes. Now because we have a new visitor and because he slept through breakfast, I decided to cook pancakes for lunch. Which is what I'm making now."

"Oooh." Charlie chirred and walked up behind the fox. "I'm flattered you're going to so much trouble. I should thank you properly." He took ahold of his cock, pressed the tip to Aiden's hole and leaned in to lick his neck.

"Oh yeah! You know it's a good job I do a bit of stretching every now and then, otherwise your cock would have ripped me in half last night."

"I'm sorry. I'll not do it again then." The German shepherd bit the fox's neck and pushed the tip of his penis into the tight hole, squirting a stream of pre into his bowels. The resultant moan of sheer pleasure silenced the horny father and made him get hard very quickly. Mr Andrews smiled and pulled himself out and returned to lean back on the table. Aiden panted heavily and carried on whisking the pancake mix in the bowl.

"Today's going to be good day." He thought out loud but thought in his head how much he enjoyed being dominated just now. Dom and sub relationships never really appealed to him, but then again, he'd never done anything like it before. He liked it. His leaking stiffy was proof of that.

Charlie smiled to himself before he caught sight of Daniel masturbating. He was now kneeling on the worktop, sat on his feet with his knees apart. He was moaning and bucking his body into his paw gently, obviously getting close to orgasm. The teacher watched in eager anticipation, waiting for the resultant eruption of semen to be strewn across the floor and counter. However, just before he came, his dad turned around with the bowl in his paws and caught all the cum inside it. Danny mewled as his orgasm subsided and Mr andrews just looked at Aiden who was now whisking in the fresh cum.

"A touch of sweet flavouring." He smirked and returned back to the bench to ready the pan for making the pancakes.

The three of them sat down at the dinner table and salivated to the sight of their individual pile of pancakes before them. In addition to their meals were toppings including sugar, orange juice, golden syrup and squirty cream. Daniel dived straight for the squirty cream and sprayed a thick coat of the fluffy goodness all over the top pancake. His dad smiled and would have told him off for using too much but let him off for the special occasion and then took the syrup and smeared a thin layer over his using a teaspoon. Charlie preferred the remaining condiments available, poured some of the orange juice over his first pancake and sprinkled a teaspoon of sugar over the top. He rolled it up, cut it up into six individual slices and dug into his beautifully displayed brunch.

"Like it?" Aiden remarked upon hearing the teacher sigh in oral ecstasy and munch down the next few pieces.

"Oh my God yes!" He responded and wagged his tail furiously.

"It's not as good as my penis though is it, Sir?" Dan said licking a glob of the white creme from his lip and giving him a cheeky grin.

"No cutie boy. You're much tastier."

"Yes, from what my son tells me, you two had a lot of fun before you came here." Aiden mentions, arousing a blush on the teacher's face.

"Well my cock was taking over my body really, but I didn't stop because I enjoyed it. And from what I could tell, so was Daniel."

"Oh yes, Sir. I was a little uneasy to begin with, but came around soon enough."

"You know I think you can stop calling me Sir now hon. But only outside of school of course."

"I don't want to, Sir. I like calling you that."

"Aww isn't he cute," Mr Mangrove placed a paw on his son's shoulder and massaged his back a little causing him to murr a little. "I suppose this puts new meaning to 'teacher's pet' eh?" Charlie laughed and agreed wholeheartedly.


Upon finishing their meals, Aiden cleared away the plates and began making drinks for everyone. Charlie remained at the table to which Dan was now jiggling himself under and crawled to his teacher. He kneeled between his legs and nuzzled the big balls that hung between them, only just touching the chair. He lifted them up with his little muzzle so one was on either side of his tiny, cold nose. He raised his head so they fell back to where they were and moved forward to lick the huge sheath before him.

"Where's Daniel gone?" Aiden asked as he returned to the dining room to which Mr Andrews simply replied by pointing under the table and smiling. "Oh. He he, come on out from under there boy."

"Aww." Both Charlie and Dan whined together, but he complied and stood up next to his teacher.

"Why daddy? I was having fun."

Mr Mangrove did not reply. Instead he walked over to him with a sly grin and lifted him up onto the table. He then told him to go down on his hands and knees, which he did, and then walked to the other side of the table so his crotch was level with his little behind. The cub whimpered and fidgeted when his fathers cock pressed against his tight little hole which had never taken one before.

"I want you inside me dad." Daniel murred and started stroking his little sheath concealing a semi penis.

Mr Andrews took position at the front of the little fox and pulled back his sheath to him. His hard, drooling cock throbbed a centimetre from Dan's muzzle who eagerly opened his maw and awaited intrusion. Aiden started rubbing his gentle paws all over his son's body, enjoying the feeling of the soft fur between his fingers. He brought his adventurous paws down to his little cheeks and spread them, opening the tight hole a small margin.

"Are you sure you want to sweetie?" He asked, lubing up his anus with the vast quantities of pre emanating from his cock. "I'll be very careful if you do."

"I'm sure, daddy." He assured his father and used the paw he was using to stroke his own member to grip tightly behind his teacher's manhood and pulled him into his warm, wet and willing mouth. Once in, he returned his little paw back to his own member and continued masturbating.

"Alright. But if it looks like you're in pain, I'm pulling out."

With this, the fox began to lean forward, slowly parting his son's tail hole with his large penis. The head entered smoothly, thanks to it not being that large and all the pre aiding the movement. The rest of the shaft was a tight squeeze indeed but the little fox managed to take it all with only a bit of whimpering and wincing. However he never lost his erection and kept pawing and sucking through the pain and pleasure.

Aiden moaned as he managed to force the last inch of his member deep into his son's very tight and hot hole, bar the knot of course, and began to pull it back out. The stretched hole sprang back into position when the head popped out but was soon pushed back in, a bit quicker this time. Both father and son chirred together in utter euphoria causing a high projectile stream of pre to erupt form their cocks.

Charlie was also severely enjoying himself. Despite it's short time since last, he'd missed having his member being surrounded with hot saliva in such a cosy little muzzle. Every time the cub activated his vocal cords, it made his manhood vibrate in his mouth. And every time he did that, he was rewarded with a hefty load of precum, which was soon hastily swallowed. Mr Andrews took a tight grip behind his own knot to get him there quicker and scritched behind Daniel's ears with his remaining paw.

Mr Mangrove had quickened his pace quite dramatically from first entering his boy to the point of practically being classed as fucking. Dan was certainly not complaining. He was enjoying it by quite a substantial amount in fact. So much that he was getting very close to spraying his seed all over the dining table. He thought he'd best tell his elders and so pulled back on the huge swollen meat in his mouth.

"I'm ... going to cum ... very soon." He panted heavily and returned to sucking his teacher.

Aiden growled, very aroused by these words and quickened his pace still, also approaching orgasm. He couldn't believe it. He was going to ejaculate in his own son while he jerks off and sucks his chemistry teacher. Charlie couldn't either but neither were in the mood to stop and have a debate about it. Danny's dad was the first to cum. He moaned in utmost ecstasy and pushed forcefully into the cub to the point of nearly getting the knot in and began flooding his innards with the hot goo.

Daniel was surprised from the sudden ram of his father's shaft inside him but enjoyed it deeply. He murred loudly as he too began cumming, vibrating the manhood in his maw and causing his teacher's orgasm to breech also. The young spurts of semen splashed onto the table while thick, savoury gushes of German shepherd seed filled Dan's maw. He swallowed what he could, but the vast quantity lead to leakage and dibbled over his chin and down his muzzle.

His orgasm very quickly subsided and left him buzzing in the afterglow. However the two grown-ups were still riding their climaxes and so he just stayed there trying to keep drinking the cum firing down his gullet. Their orgasms faded soon after and pulled their members from their housings. Aiden's was the most uncomfortable in the cub's sensitive state, but he took the sudden spark of pain and laid down on the table, cum covered, cum filled and very happy.

The men sat down on two chairs beside the table and panted heavily in verbal silence, vastly enjoying the warm and fuzzy feeling inside. Aiden stood up again soon after and leant in to pick up his abused child. He sat back down and cradled him in his comforting arms.

"I love you, daddy." He murmured in his delirious state and snuggled up into his father's chest fur.

"Aww. Isn't he a cutie." Charlie stood up to walk over to the fox's side and stroked the back of the cub's head. He placed his other paw on Mr Mangrove's shoulder.

At this point, Aiden had an unexpected thought pass through his mind. It seemed to him like Charlie was being very affectionate towards him. He certainly wasn't complaining, he hadn't felt like this since Susan but that's what was bothering him. He was showing very strong feelings towards this sheppie. Stronger than one would, or even should think after only knowing someone for one day. But there was something he saw in him that he'd missed.

"Are you alright?" Charlie broke his reverie and rested a gentle paw on the side of his face, to which the fox rubbed up against lovingly. "You've been staring at me for a few seconds and thought I'd better ask."

"Yes I'm fine. Sorry about that." He looked away and smiled sheepishly. "Your eyes are daringly seductive."

"Oh. Why thank you." Mr Andrews adjusted his glasses shyly and coughed. "What should we do with him?" Charlie looked down at Daniel who was now sleeping quite heavily.

"I'd best put him to bed for a while."

"Tired was he?"

"Yes he was up very early this morning to service me. He said he woke up a lot last night with a raging erection but didn't want to cum. He wanted to save it up for later. Silly thing. But at least he enjoyed himself. We all did." He stood up and headed for the stairs to put his son to bed while Mr Andrews took it upon himself to acquire some kitchen roll and wipe up the mess.

When Aiden had come back down the stairs, Charlie was in the kitchen washing the dishes and cooking utensils used for the pancakes. The fox came up to him and started drying the dishes being placed on the rack and housed them in their appropriate cupboard or drawer. Many occasions during this task, Mr Mangrove cast several glances to his new friend with a loving smile but looked away whenever his gaze was returned. The German shepherd was first to shatter the silence.

"Did he stay asleep?"

"Oh yes. He's almost impossible to wake when he's asleep. A lot like you actually." Aiden grinned evilly at Mr Andrews and continued his drying.

"Uh huh," He mused. "What exactly happened while I was unconscious?"

"Not much really. Just a bit of stroking, a few fellatios and an instance of fingering. But we too were quite tired and so we didn't do it for long. I carried you to your bed and went to sleep myself after tucking in my boy."

"Alright then." Charlie said, handing the fox the final piece of crockery to be dried.

"You know you didn't have to help me with the dishes. You are a guest remember."

"I wanted to help. It's the least I could do for all your hospitality. Especially after all of this."

"Yes your right," Aiden sighed. "And of which I feel I must have a conversation with you on the matter."

"Oh?" The teacher looked a little worried. "What about?"

"About what we just did." Mr Mangrove replaced the final plate to its home and indicated for him to follow him.

Charlie shadowed Aiden into the lounge and sat down next to him on the sofa. His pupil's father sat cross-legged facing the GSD and looked down at his paws. Mr Andrews braced himself for a very deep conversation about all the things they had done with Daniel and sighed.

"The last thing I want is for anyone to find out about this," The fox started. "And the most logical thing for us to do is never do it again and never speak of it. However, I don't think I would be able to. Because not only did you and I enjoy it, little Dan had the most fun he's had in a very long time. He's happy. Very happy in fact, and never wants to stop. He told me last night."

"I don't want to stop either." Charlie interjected and rested a gentle paw on Aiden's knee. "I also will never tell anyone about this and I know for a fact that your son is clever enough to know that all of this will end if he tells someone too.

"Yes, I know. I think it is safe to say that all three of us want to continue doing this as much as we can." The German shepherd nodded. " However, there is a small problem."

"What's that?" The teacher asked worriedly.

"You, I'm afraid. People will start to wonder why you're coming over all the time and will eventually start asking questions."

Charlie removed his paw from the fox's knee and looked down knowing that what he was saying was quite true. What would people think if they found out that he was going over to one of his student's homes all the time and staying overnight most nights? Before being able to question it further in his head, his thoughts were interrupted.

"I think I may have a solution though." Aiden said, looking up at his friend who perked up and looked back. "I think you may know what it is." He turned away with flushed cheeks.

"What is it?" Mr Andrews queried, shuffling closer to the fox and placing a paw under his chin to lift his head.

Mr Mangrove returned his vision to the teachers beautiful face and smiled a little. However, instead of answering, he lunged for the GSD, toppling him, and began kissing him passionately. His tongue invaded the unsuspecting mouth and roamed around inside, lapping at the kissee's own tongue. Charlie didn't quite know what to think at first and was taken aback, but he soon welcomed the embrace and began stroking the Aiden's body with adventurous paws.

His paws soon rested on his soft cheeks and squeezed them, generating a quiet whine from the fox who reciprocated by grinding his growing bulge into his friend's groin. The kiss was eventually broken at which point Charlie took it upon himself to question Aiden's actions.

"What was that for?" He asked.

"I like you." Mr Mangrove responded almost immediately and continued. "I like you a lot. More than I've ever liked a person since Susan. I've missed having someone in my life, so has Daniel, and as far as I see it, my family can go fuck themselves. I can have a boyfriend whether they like it or not."

Charlie didn't really know what to say at this point and so remained silent. He just stared at his lover in disbelief at the sheer suddenness of the situation he has been placed in. He looked at Aiden's face. His very attractive face and made a small smile appear at the side of his mouth.

"I like you too. You're perfect. You're sexy, you have a wonderful home and a brilliant kid." Mr Andrews grabbed Aiden and began chuckling in short bursts before breaking into a full on laugh. "I have a boyfriend. Hah! I never thought I'd see THIS day."

Mr Mangrove giggled along with his new boyfriend and gasped suddenly as he was pulled off the couch and was forcefully made to dance with him. He was soon laughing and joining in on the dance. Charlie stopped dancing, held his lover by the waist and pressed his nose to his. They just looked at each other, enjoying each other's company while also thinking of something to say.

"Soo ... What would boyfriends do after just deciding on their partnership." The fox said, grinning slyly.

"Ooh I wonder." He thought out loud, picking up Danny's father and carefully slumping him back down on the couch.

Charlie sat down beside the sofa and began stroking his boyfriend's semi using his sheath. He then pulled it back over the knot causing a stream of pre to fire from the tip and a moan to be released. He leaned in over the fox and looked over the now raging hard member below him.

"I've just really seen how big you are." The teacher mentioned, saddening Aiden a little. "Aww don't look sad. I love it. Easier to fit in your mouth ... And other places." He winked making his boyfriend smile again.

"I've always been self conscious about it. 5 inches isn't really a grand size for a grown man. But if you like it then maybe we really are meant to be together."

"It's not all about sex sweetie. But it is the majority." Charlie grinned before he lowered his head and engulfed Aiden's full cock, knot included, in his muzzle and sucked on it.

Mr Mangrove moaned loudly from the sudden overwhelming pleasure filling his body. He squirmed under his lover's mouth and humped a little, streaming several squirts of flavourful pre all over his tongue. But before he could get close enough, the German shepherd stopped and got up to kneel down on the couch between the fox's legs. He then proceeded to lift up Aiden's legs and shuffle towards him, his hard, heavy member leaving a faint trail of pre.

Aiden whimpered softly as his son's tutor began to circle his big cock around his tight hole. Charlie smeared pre around the penetration zone and began edging towards his new fucktoy. When in position he leaned his body forward, forcing his shaft deep inside the whimpering fox who took it well. But they both knew he wasn't ready for the knot yet.

"Oh, Charlie." Aiden moaned under his breath before taking ahold of his own member and stroking it slowly.

"When I'm like this bitch, I'm called Master, or Sir." Mr Andrews growled happily.

The fox whined and complied, his erection pulsating and preing even more now. "Yes, Master."

Aiden never knew how much being dominated really was, he was enjoying this so much that his orgasm was getting very close already. Charlie began humping his new slave quickly, wanting to fill his insides with his hot semen. He leaned over his bitch and kissed him, overtaking the hold on his penis and pawed him vigorously as he fucked him.

"Mm good boy." The GSD said gruffly as his fucking and jerking pace increased, wanting his fox to cum before him. He then lowered his head to bite his lover's neck causing him to groan with pleasure.

"I'm going to cum, Sir."

Charlie lifted his body back up to watch as his fox began shooting hot ropes of semen all over his sexy body. The rhythmic clenching around his own cock made Mr Andrews' own orgasm breech and lead to his bitch's colon begin to fill with creamy German shepherd seed. Aiden chirred happily as his climax began to subside after the 7th shot landed on his belly and relaxed his body. Charlie's orgasm also subsided and he pulled himself out, followed by a thick trickle of his ejaculate. The spent teacher collapsed on the sofa beside his boyfriend who kissed him once on the lips and smiled at him.

"Thank you, Master." He chirred softly.

"My pleasure, slave." The GSD panted in return and kissed back.

"I can't wait to tell Daniel."

"Me neither. I'm sure he'll be so happy to hear it."

Aiden nodded and snuggled up to his lover, swapping the cum he had on his person over to him. Charlie didn't mind. He just cuddled back and closed his eyes, enjoying the blissful afterglow, never wanting this happy moment to end. They both were soon asleep and riding their dreams through the afternoon. Nothing to stir the beautiful silence but the gentle breathing of the new lovers in each others' arms. And the sound of a small child coming down the stairs, yawning.

An Irregular Scholastic Day Part 4

Daniel strolled down the stairs in his quiet, gentle gait, yawning from his delirious state of mind. He searched around the large hall drearily and walked on over to the lounge from hearing the heavy breathing and soft snoring of his father and his...

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An Irregular Scholastic Day Part 2

For the highly the aroused german shepherd, the car journey was, to say the least, most pleasurable. If a little dangerous. The vehicle swerved on few occasions but Mr Andrews was an excellent driver. The cub, with his new adoration for having a...

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An Irregular Scholastic Day Part 1

Many stories may begin with once upon a time where "time" is wonderful place of rainbow spewing unicorns drinking cocoa on a chocolate rooftop with an ever-so polite whale wearing a bowler hat. None such fantasies beguile here. In fact if one were able...

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