An Irregular Scholastic Day Part 4

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Daniel strolled down the stairs in his quiet, gentle gait, yawning from his delirious state of mind. He searched around the large hall drearily and walked on over to the lounge from hearing the heavy breathing and soft snoring of his father and his Chemistry teacher. He approached the open door and peered in to see the two of them huddled on the couch. He smiled happily, cautiously crept over to them and sat cross-legged on the floor in front of them.

For several minutes the little fox cub watched the two adults as they flew through their dreams. Mr Andrews was laying on his back and had his arm around his dad who was cuddling up to his side. Eventually he decided to clamber onto the sofa with them and then onto his teacher. He mewled cutely and hugged the big German shepherd, burying his muzzle into his thick but soft chest fur. He would have gone to sleep again right there but a certain throbbing member tickled his tail hole before he could.

Little Danny chirred and moved his body back slightly, causing the head of Charlie's cock to rub over the tight little cubby hole and spread a generous layer of pre-cum over the penetration zone. The GSD's manhood pulsated to his heartbeat and swelled to it's full capacity, stretching the sheath as the knot formed inside it. He sighed gently in his sleep as his raging erection was sandwiched between the fox cub's cheeks and squeezed between them.

Daniel hoisted himself up a little just north of the drooling sheppie meat and used a paw to push his nearly hard erection 180º back and started stroking it, leaking his own pre on his tutor's sheath. He pulled his sheath back over the swollen knot and moaned lightly, making sure as to not wake them up. He then let his cock go and left it in it's current position, the erectile tissue keeping it pinned to Mr Andrews groin. He now placed that paw on his teacher's shoulder to support his upper body and used the other to reach back and stroke the massive penis sliding between his tender cheeks.

The small fox moved his body back and forth, rubbing his sensitive little member in the German shepherd's pubic fur and stroking the big shaft spurting pre all over his behind. He slid a finger inside the back of the stretched sheath, nearly taking it over the knot and pulled it out, teasing his sleeping teacher who whined under his breath, humping a little. The sly little cub grinned evilly and had an idea.

He removed his paw holding his upper body up and slid it down to lift up his little cock and aim it at the bigger one. He placed his other paw behind Charlie's knot, keeping the sheath firmly in place and pulled it towards him. He then moved his body back causing the tip of his tutor's manhood to enter his tight, yet eager hole, and because of the position, this movement lead to the fox's shaft squeezing into the cozy confinements of Mr Andrews sheath.

The teacher moaned and lifted his paw that wasn't trapped under his new boyfriend to cuddle Daniel close to him. The cub stopped to make sure he hadn't awoken him, when satisfied he had not, he continued to descend onto the big GSD meat. The head was now fully inside the boy who was whining in pure pleasure. He kept going until he was to his knot in the sheppie's sheath and then further, taking it back with him. Eventually it sprang over the knot and caused it to run down the cub's shaft with tight, slick vigour making him jump and get close to cumming.

The sudden release of pressure and rise in ecstasy got Mr Andrews also very close to his orgasm, plus being half buried into such a hot and tight confinement was certainly helping. His eyes flickered and he humped gently, slowly forcing all of his member into the little fox. Danny returned his paws to his teacher and wrapped them around his chest as his innards were stretched to compensate for the massive girth. He moaned and gripped his tutor tightly as his orgasm finally breached and sent streams of sweet little foxie cum all over the adult's groin area, soaking the fur.

Charlie woke just before he reached climax and gave one last hump, squeezing his entire shaft deep into the cub. Hot thick ropes of semen began flooding the tiny colon and drooled out from the sides. He groaned loudly and fucked his pupil as he rode his orgasm, being careful not to hurt him. He was too busy murring in his own afterglow so no complaints were given. The sheppie's orgasm eventually subsided but he stayed in his filled fucktoy as the serenity of the afterglow cuddled him warmly and left him smiling and chirring happily to himself.

"Sorry ... For waking you ... Sir." Dan panted, breaking the aura of silence.

"Oh don't you worry little one," Mr Andrews replied between breaths. "That's the best way I have ever been awoken." He placed a loving paw on Daniel's head and scratched behind his ears, resulting in a soft groan to emanate from his muzzle. "Aww you're so cute." The cub just giggled in return. "But we need to wake your dad as he and I have something very important we need to talk to you about." Charlie leant in and kissed Aiden on the lips and scratched behind his ear. "Wakey wakey sunshine."

The big sleepy fox grumbled and squinted to see his new lover in front of him. He smiled a little and yawned widely as his consciousness slowly kept up to him. "How long have we been asleep?" He asked either of them, lifting his body up a bit.

"A few hours. I woke up moments ago cumming in your son."

"Oh really?" He looked at Dan who averted his gaze innocently. "Have you told him?"

"No no, of course not. I wanted you to be the one." Mr Andrews snuggled up to Aiden and looked at Daniel who was sitting cutely on his crotch, a thick cock still buried deep within. Mr Mangrove joined his line of sight.

"Danny, we decided that seeing as though Charlie would be coming around a lot due to our recent escapades, that we should come up with a reason so as to deter questioning folk. We had a little talk about it and came up with a plausible solution. We decided to date." Aiden smiled at his son and then looked at his boyfriend who smiled back.

"Woahhh ..." The cub awed. "That's fantastic!" He bounced. "But what about your family daddy?" His father looked very seriously at him.

"I don't care what my parents think of me or anyone like me. It's my life and I shall do as I wish." And with that he grabbed his partner's face and lunged in for a deep kiss. Charlie was a little surprised but soon gave in and returned it.

"Aww, daddy's got a boyfriend." The little fox said, breaking their kiss and causing them to blush a little.

"Yes this is new for all of us but I think we will all benefit from this decision." The German shepherd interjected happily and they both nodded. "Now what's going to be for dinner honey?"

Aiden leered in response.

"So what do you two want to do this weekend?" Mr Mangrove asked the others, now sat on the sofa with his son on his lap and his boyfriend by his side.

"Well we can't just keep on having sex," Charlie began, to which Daniel drooped his ears and 'aww-ed'. "Or at least we need to do something different with how we are having sex. We need to try something new and whimsical."

"I'm game, but not for a while. I need to let my genitals cool down a little." Aiden smiled.

"How about we go somewhere then?" Dan suggested perking his ears up and wagging his tail gently.

"Where do you have in mind cutie? The German shepherd tickled under the cub's chin who thought about it for a few second.

"Umm ... Cinema?" He suggested, bouncing once with excitement.

"Hmm. I suppose so. Then we could go to a restaurant for dinner afterwards." Aiden thought aloud. "Yes alright. What do you think, dear?" He chuckled.

"Sure, that sounds good. What would you want to see and where would we go for dinner?"

"I'll go see what's on." Daniel said, hurrying off to his room to go on the computer.

"Well, unfortunately, there's only a Pizza Hut next to the cinema. It's not very fancy." The fox said, trying to think of the area and where one could go for a decent meal.

"Well I'm alright with pizza." Charlie interjected and they stayed silent for a minute, thinking of what to do. However before they could come up with a solution, the fox cub strolled down the stairs with an indifferent look on his face.

"Did you find anything?" His father asked.

"There's nothing good on." He replied sitting back down on his dad's lap.

"That's alright hon. There's nowhere really to eat near there anyway."

"Hey why don't we watch a film here? And if we were going to go for pizza, why not just order it and get it delivered?" Mr Andrews suggested.

"Yeah, good idea. What do you think Danny?"

"Yeah!" He exclaimed and stood up. "I'll go get a film." The boy shot off upstairs again in an orange blur leaving the adults alone again.

"I'll call the pizza delivery service." Mr mangrove said, going to collect his mobile. "Could you set up the TV? The DVD player is on AV2."


Charlie got up and turned on the DVD player and television and switched it over to the correct function. Once he had returned to the couch, Daniel had found a film to watch and was racing down the stairs to put it on.

"What did you get?" His teacher asked, holding out a paw to see the box.

"The Emperor's New Groove." He yipped happily and gave him the case after taking the disc out. He headed over to the entertainment equipment and inserted the DVD into the player.

"What pizza do you want and drink?" Aiden came in asking the GSD.

"Just a margherita and a bottle of diet Coke for me please."

"And one large margherita and a bottle of diet Coke please." He continued to the phone.

Daniel walked back over to the sofa when he finished and snuggled up to his teacher who wrapped an arm around him.

"I can't wait for Monday." He chuckled, randomly.

"Why?" Charlie questioned.

"My first lesson is science." He looked up to his tutor and gave a wicked grin.

"Oh dear. Please don't make me hard in front of the class." He whined.

"I'll try to refrain."

"OK, he say's he'll be here in about 10 minutes." Aiden interrupted, hanging up the phone and entering the room. He sat back on the couch and cuddled up to his son and his lover. "Wow I haven't watched this in a while." He awed when the title screen came on the TV.

Mr Andrews agreed and selected 'Play Film' before returning the remote to the table and leaning back. The film began and the three enjoyed the opening sequence in each other's company, none of them ever wanting this to end. However it did for a few minutes when the bell chimed in it's loud and rude voice.

"Ah there we go." Aiden said, pausing the film. "I'd best go and put some clothes on."

"I don't think you'll need them." Charlie smiled evilly.

"What do you mean?" The fox asked, with a quivered tone. "I need to answer the door."

"Yes you do." Mr Andrews got up and walked over him. "But you don't need clothes to do that."

Mr Mangrove blushed fiercely. "But ..." He whimpered.

"No 'but's boy. Now off you go." He gripped Aiden's waist and turned him around forcefully. He was a little surprised at all of this, and didn't know really what to do. So he just stood their, really not wanting to do this, but also really not wanting to disobey. "Am I going to have to punish you?" Charlie growled leaning in to bite the fox's neck and reaching down to stroke a finger over his tail hole.

The fox moaned loudly and started getting hard. Thoughts were rushing through his head, mostly of him wondering why he was getting so turned on by all of this. He jumped suddenly when the doorbell rang again whimpered. Mr Andrews retracted his jaws and finger and urged him on by pushing gently on his behind.

"Off you go bitch." Aiden heard as he slowly wandered to the door, his face seriously red and his semi drooling down his sheath. He eventually reached the door and leant over to the side table to take his wallet off the top. He gave a quick glance back over to the grinning teacher who turned around and walked back into the lounge to sit back down.

Mr Mangrove gripped the handle and turned it gently. Carefully he opened the door and looked up to see his visitor. A raccoon. Thin, tall, handsome, and quite surprised. He was about to say 'hello' but the sight of the naked fox startled him. Instead he just stood still, staring at his body. Aiden gave a shy smile and fumbled around with his wallet nervously.

"Uhhhm ... How much?" He quivered, trying not to look directly at him. Thankfully it had already gotten quite dark outside so there was no one else to see him. The pizza boy was reluctant to give the price for two reasons; he was still a little in shock and was finding it difficult to find words, and he was also rather enjoying the view and didn't want it to be over.

"£24 exactly." He eventually answered in a gentle voice. The fox took out the correct change and handed it to him. He was then presented with the pizzas and bottled drinks he had ordered. "Thanks."

Aiden smiled sheepishly and moved back a little to use his foot to close the door. But before it could shut, the raccoon stuck his hand out and stopped it. The fox was surprised by this and got a little worried.

"Sorry ... It's just, why are you naked?" The pizza boy asked as calmly as he could and trying to hide his growing erection. Aiden was lost. He didn't know what to say. He just blushed more and 'um'-ed and 'er'-ed. "Never mind. I was just curious. But ... If you ever want to tell me ..." The raccoon put a piece of paper on top of the pizza boxes with his number on it. "... Let me know. I'm Jack. What's your name?"

"Aiden." He replied, only just loud enough to be heard.

"Nice to meet you Aiden. And see you." Jack winked and walked away with a smile.

The fox stayed still for a few moments before closing the door and walking back into the lounge.

"Welcome back." Charlie smirked when he shuffled through the door. Aiden's face was still in a shape of shock and utter embarrassment but he continued walking to them and handed them their food and drinks. "Are you alright?" Mr Andrews asked, when the fox returned to his seat without saying anything and still looking like he did.

"Yeah ..." He responded looking down at the piece of paper. "As much as I did and didn't enjoy what you made me do, we did get a new friend from it."

"Oh really?" The GSD questioned looking at the scrap of paper. "Slavery pays off it would seem."

"Yes where did that come from?"

"I wanted to test a theory. And I was right. You like to be dominated." Charlie grinned opening his pizza box and salivating. "Thank you very much for the meal by the way, I'll reimburse you when I get to my wallet."

"Hmm. Don't worry about it. Think of it as a first date. Sir." Aiden chirred and smiled. His master returned the smile and groped him.

"My pleasure slave."

"Does this mean I'm your slave too because I call your Sir?" Daniel questioned, a little confused by the situation.

"Oh no. Well, not unless you want me to do you what I did to your father? Do you want to be controlled and treated like a pet?" Charlie returned with a question, Aiden a little uneasy from this.

"I think he's a little too inexperienced for that. We don't want to force anything on him." He added putting a paw on his lover's shoulder.

"You could always try. If I don't like it I'll tell you. But how will you know if you like something or not if you don't try?" The cub interrupted, silencing them both. The teacher stayed silent and looked back at the adult fox with a raised eyebrow and a grin.

"You know sometimes I think you're like a 30 year old in a boy's body." Aiden mused sitting back in his spot and taking a slice up to his mouth.

"I fully agree." The sheppie chuckled and took ahold of the remote to resume play of the film, but held off before he finished his sentence. "Alright little one, I'll dominate you. But for now let's watch the movie."

"OK, Master." Danny giggled munching on a portion of his own pizza.

The movie lasted another hour, but the pizzas and drinks certainly didn't. Except Daniel's. He was too full to finish his, but like his father, he preferred pizza when it had gone cold and a bit hard so he just left it for later. Charlie thought this was strange and said he doesn't really do that because there's usually never any left.

Aiden collected the remotes in his paw to switch off the TV and DVD player and sat back, satiated and relaxed. Mr Andrews picked up Dan and shuffled up to his boyfriend. He then placed the cub on his and his lover's knee and snuggled them both.

"What do you want to do now boys?" He asked.

"Well I still need dominating, Sir." The little fox said, looking up at his teacher.

"Heh heh yes I suppose you do." Charlie reached down and groped the little package, chuckling. "And so do you bitch." He looked and gave an evil grin at Aiden who just whimpered in return.

"When can we do that then?" Danny persisted, standing up and jiggling cutely.

"Getting excited are we little one?" The GSD asked, only getting a violent nod in return. "Alright then. Come on slave, let's go upstairs." He took ahold of his partner's tail and stood up, forcing him to do the same.

The sheppie threaded the tip of the fox tail between his legs and took ahold of it from the front. He smiled and headed for the stairs, his bitch forced to follow and the cub bounding ahead. They reached the top of the stairs and Charlie asked which was his bedroom. Aiden directed him up the next set of stairs leading to the second floor.

This floor was separated into two rooms. On one side there was the master bedroom and en suite which Aiden occupied, and on the other was Daniels room and playroom. Because Dan's room was smaller, the hall curved around his and lead to another set of stairs for the attic. Charlie guided his pets to the master bedroom and pushed the adult back onto the bed. Danny stood by and watched.

"Ever been dominated before bitch?" The German shepherd asked, clambering on top of the fox.

"No, Master." Aiden blushed.

"You'll like it. I'm not a masochist, but I am going to control you."

"I don't think I like the look of being in Daddy's position." The cub said, hoping it wasn't out of line. "But," He continued before his teacher could respond. "I wouldn't mind giving your job a go. If you're alright with that?" Aiden looked in shock at his son and whined, returning his gaze to his master.

"Ooh, you are a naughty little one. Sure I could certainly do with an extra pair of hands. Why don't you go see if you have any rope to tie your father up with?"

"OK." The boy darted off wagging happily.

"I certainly never saw this day coming when he was born." Aiden said. "I'm a little uneasy at the situation I must say, but ..." He looked down at his hard cock, his sheath behind stretched by his knot. "... There's certainly no complaints from down there."

"I fully agree. I never thought I'd find a boyfriend, dominate him and have sex with his son all in one weekend, yet here I am. Now quiet bitch." Charlie grabbed a sock from the floor and pushed it into the fox's maw stifling a surprised gasp. He held the jaws together, stopping his toy from talking, but that didn't stop him whining.

Daniel eventually returned carrying as much stuff as he could carry. He was holding a whole pile of stuff he found in his playroom, including rope, collars, leads and handcuffs. The sheppie was a little surprised by some of the things this boy had and questioned it.

"A lot of boys would have some of these things but would never really be used for sex. The collars and leads were for my dog plushies so I could pretend I had a real one. And the handcuffs are from a cowboy set I have. They're only plastic but are really strong." The cub explained picking up the items in turn.

"Wow, you're quite imaginative aren't you? Alright cutie, hand me that tiny collar, I have just the use for it." Daniel picked it up and gave it to his teacher who strapped it around his dad's muzzle, keeping it locked in place. "There we go. Now turn over bitch, I want you on your front." He ordered, climbing off the bed to collect a few items.

Aiden turned over hesitantly and laid flat on his front, slowly swishing his tail from side to side. Charlie picked up a big collar first and attached it to his slave's neck before heading back to get a long piece of rope. He threaded the rope through the D-ring on the collar and fed the tips through gaps between the bars on the headboard of the bed.

"Could you crawl under the bed and pass me the ends of the rope at the end of the bed please cutie?" He asked the cub who complied hastily.

While he was doing that, He went back to the pile and collected a shorter, thinner length of rope and a lead and took them to the bed. He wrapped one end of the rope around one of the fox's ankles and tied it off. He then threaded it through the handle of the lead and did the same to the other ankle with the other end of the rope, leaving a short strand between them. He then hoisted up the fox's hips and clipped the lead to his collar keeping his behind elevated.

Daniel handed the ends of the larger rope to his tutor who attached each end to each of the fox's ankles, keeping his legs tightly in place. He then kneeled himself behind the slave, putting a leg on either side of his and caressed his butt cheeks and hips.

"Such a sexy foxie." He murred taking a tight grip of the cheeks. He averted his line of sight from his prey and fixated it back on the naked and quite aroused boy beside the bed. "Come here Dan, I need to whisper something to you."

"Alright, Sir." The cub climbed onto and stood on the bed so his head was now level with the German shepherd's.

"I want you to get down under you father, lay on top of the lead to keep him from squirming too much and do whatever you want to his genitals. I want you to get him to cum and edge him." Daniel looked confused. "It's quite simply, when you get to the edge, i.e. just before you orgasm, stop and then you keep doing it, it's called edging. It may be a little hard to tell when he's about to go over, but with your intuitiveness I'm sure you'll know. When he's there, either slow down or stop completely for a little while and then do it again. Do it for as long as you can."

"OK, Sir." The little fox ejaculated excitedly and crawled clumsily around and under his dad.

Once satisfied as to how well this was all going, Charlie began to stroke his big, pre-drenched member, rubbing the tip over the tight and abused fox hole. His slave whimpered under him but was cut short when his new master took a tight grip of his tail and gave a tug. He told his bitch to be silent once more before proceeding to caress the puckered orifice with his drooling cock, occasionally penetrating him with the tip.

He took a slight hold of his sheath with his free paw and pulled it back over the knot, resulting in a high projectile stream of precum to enter Aiden's colon and coat the walls. He gave a quiet moan and began leaning his body into the fox's, still holding onto the tail, which was trying to wag. The warm tissue wrapped itself tightly around the large penis as it forced its way into his anus making the fuckee muffle in pleasure.

Daniel laid down as instructed on the leash with his father's heavy cock and balls hanging down just above his tummy. He licked his paws and lifted them to take ahold of it, his digits not able to fully able to wrap around the circumference. He began to move his hands up and down the thick, pulsating meat above him causing pre to leak out, land and soak into his soft fur. He collected some and used that to replace his saliva which was quickly being absorbed through his skin.

With one hand he took tight grip behind his knot, keeping the stretched sheath in place, while he squeezed a finger from his other paw in and slid it around making it tighter and also stimulating the knot. Aiden moaned gently through his nose, smelling the scent of his own feet emanating from his mouth and tensed, squirting another load of pre from his cock. This time Danny opened his mouth, catching it on his tongue and lapping it up greedily. After a short while he removed his hands and lifted his upper body up, supporting it with one of them. The other paw managed to find it's way down to his own member and gave it generous attention. Now at maw level with his dad's manhood, he opened his jaws once again and engulfed it deep within.

Charlie had now managed to spread his bitch enough to take all one his penis again, bar the knot, and began humping him. Slow thrusts at first, but with each hump his pace increased. In seconds he was fucking him, continuing to leak pre within and forcing his huge knot inside each time it hit. The tight, warmth of the fox's innards was bringing the GSD close to orgasm quite quickly but he held back, wanting to fit his knot in him before going over.

Daniel had improved his deepthroating skills after all this time with a hefty member in his muzzle and was now able to take his father all the way to his sheath covered knot. He was still pawing himself furiously as he sucked the member, listening to the grown fox's heartbeat and breathing patterns increase. Aiden was soon bucking into his son's mouth and moaning fairly loudly, despite his master telling him off for it.

Danny felt the big member pulse rapidly and heard his father begin using glottal stops in his moaning and thought it best to pull back. Any longer and the fox would have cum. Aiden whined furiously and bucked a little more, wanting to go over. But instead of letting him, the cub just took a light hold of the eager cock and stroked it gently, being very careful not to take him over. The stroking felt good, but it wasn't enough to make him reach his climax, and Daniel knew it.

The German shepherd smiled when hearing the restrained whimpers of his slave as the boy kept him on the edge and kept fucking, getting very close himself. His knot was very nearly in and with a few last, powerful thrusts it popped past the sphincter and deep inside the fox's intestine. His slave groaned heavily from the sudden burst of pain and utter pleasure of his master tying with him which very nearly sent him over. But his son was careful and let go in time.

Charlie leaned over his pet and bit him on his neck as he delivered the final few humps before breeching his orgasm and filling Aiden's innards with thick streams of cum. It spurted out in high projectile shots, quickly flooding the insides and causing some to trickle out from behind the knot.

Daniel decided he wanted his father's thick meat inside him and so shuffled down a bit on his back and lifted his hind paws up. He wrapped his legs around his dad and positioned his behind at the tip of the heavily preing member. He took ahold of the penis, pointed it to his tiny cub hole and then reached up to grab the adult fox's muzzle. He pulled it down so he was forced to face his son.

"Push it all inside me slave. All of it." Dan ordered making Aiden's eyes widen. But he was in no position to argue and was so horny he was quite willing to tie with the boy.

Danny released his father's maw and returned it to his own little member which he stroked violently. Aiden began pushing down into his son, his average penis, forcing it's way through the door and deep inside his colon. He soon reached the knot and was so close to orgasming it was almost painful. He humped a few times, trying to loosen him up a bit and with a little help from Charlie, Mr Mangrove pushed his knot completely inside the fox cub springing his sheath back.

Daniel moaned loudly, riding the extremely pleasurable feeling of his dad very quickly filling his insides with hot, ropey fox semen. Aiden howled as he bred with his boy, muffled by the sock but still quite loud. He humped vigorously through his orgasm but felt Dan beginning to withdraw from him so did the same and pulled himself out completely. This was followed by a fountain of cum, flooding from the cub's anus. The cub was a little saddened but also relieved that his dad was out of him as the pressure inside him was getting a little painful to bear. He could have sworn his tummy area becoming distended but shook the thought away.

Charlie's and Danny's bitch's orgasm finally subsided and left him in a spent pile on the bed, the German shepherd still buried deep within him. The little fox pushed himself out from under his father and manoeuvred himself to his head. He kneeled in front of him and presented him with his hard cock.

"Suck it bitch." He ordered forcefully, pulling the sock out Aiden's muzzle.

The fox looked up at his son and hesitantly complied, keeping his maw open to receive penetration. The cub pushed himself forward and inserted himself. Mr Mangrove sucked generously, lapping the little penis all over, wanting the sweet young seed spread all over. Daniel was already very close, but the skilled talents of his dad soon took him right over the edge. He gripped his Aiden's head and humped into it, chirring as he began squirting his small load into his mouth.

He quickly collapsed on the pillow when his orgasm began to die down. Aiden swallowed the small amount of semen and rested his head back down on the mattress. Mr Andrews quickly pulled himself out, causing his bitch to wince in the short stab of pain but he soon calmed back down. He then proceeded to undo all of the fox's restraints and laid down beside him, quickly drifting off to sleep. Danny was doing the same but his dad decided to give him one last burst of pleasure before he fell asleep.

"Go on your hands and knees little one." He said to his son who just flickered his eyes in response and grumbled something inaudible.

Instead of trying again, Aiden just grabbed the boy's waist and lifted it up. The sudden movement stirred the cub and made him question his actions. Mr Mangrove didn't reply, instead he just spread the boy's cheeks and rammed his muzzle between them, sticking out his tongue to glide across the used hole. Dan soon stopped asking questions and suddenly melted on the pillow again murring cutely.

"Oh daddy ... That feels ... Amazing." He said between breaths.

Aiden smiled a little before pushing his tongue inside the boys anus and wiggling it around inside, tasting nothing but his own cum which was still flowing quite freely from him. He eventually pulled out and gave a few long, brushes over the hole prior to lowering his behind and stroking his side. Little Danny just chirred happily as he hastily drifted off to sleep.

"Goodnight honey."

An Irregular Scholastic Day, Part 5

The adult Mangrove was the first to wake the next morning, but not before his manhood of course. He smiled down at it before drifting his glance off sidewards to his son who was still peacefully dreaming. He had curled himself into almost the recovery...

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An Irregular Scholastic Day Part 3

A particularly cheerful sun arose the following morning, filling the guest bedroom with an almighty aura of blinding yellow, illuminating everything. The room has what one would expect a spare bedroom to contain. A 3/4 bed, a towering chestnut wardrobe...

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An Irregular Scholastic Day Part 2

For the highly the aroused german shepherd, the car journey was, to say the least, most pleasurable. If a little dangerous. The vehicle swerved on few occasions but Mr Andrews was an excellent driver. The cub, with his new adoration for having a...

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