
Story by Rotten730 on SoFurry

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A couple separated by civil war. Their love is strong and fuels their survival. Will they Pocahontas their way back to united love? Lets find out shall we?


By: Rot

"Flank A and 2B, prepare your crafts for take off." A voice rang in Devandre's ear followed by an almost orchestrated reply of "Roger," from the other pilots.

Devandre sighed as the leather, enforced by metal, gloves began to tap and click transparent buttons projected on his mirrored visor.

After a moment he finally replied, "Roger that. Flank A is ready to take off sir."

"Flank A be ready. You will be entering into the portal immediately and will arrive at the planet Thalax in ten minutes." Devandre grumbled as his craft began to slowly roar to life. The ship's sides disengaged with a hiss as the craft lost its pressure. Soon the open sky and stars were revealed to the fighter pilots. "You are to provide support from above as the prowlers move to their destination. This war will be one step closer to the end once Flixir is killed. Good luck to you all."

Devandre grumbled to himself and muted his microphone for a moment. He spoke to calm himself as he mentally prepared for the tasks ahead. "Tsk, the war won't be over when Flixir is dead, that is the same line they fed us two years ago with Thijar."

"Sir, the bay is clear shall we proceed?" Devandre brought his hand up to his helmet and clicked it back on.

"We are clear for take off. Go into formation 2C and proceed toward the portal. Be on your wits pilots, I want you all back here when we refuel in three hours. Go!" Devandre clicked another button on his helmet.

A sheet of shimmering metal swung down in front of his muzzle and sealed itself along his leather pilot suit's collar. The thin metal seemed to morph and transform into an approximate shape of the wolf's muzzle. Devandre closed his eyes and began to focus. He could feel the back of the seat begin to prickle against the skin of his neck. Whenever the ship tapped directly into his brain, it was always a strange feeling. His mouth didn't move yet a command was given.

"Engage after burners on three," Devandre heard several huas as their small fighter ships drifted through the vacuum toward the monolithic ring. "Three, two, one, engage after burners."

Devandre felt a firm pressure on his chest as his ship shot off toward the ring. He was use to the massive acceleration, the body suit lessening the blow somewhat. As his fleet entered into the portal, his mind began to wander. He remembered a time when cat and dog got along just well. A time before civil war, a time when he truly felt love. As he laid sprawled out in the embrace of his tiger, Demitri, he couldn't be bothered by anything. If bombs were to drop while he was with Demitri, he wouldn't have been afraid, he was happy being with the loving tiger.

He remembered how much he loved to get fucked by the strong feline. How tight that ass was when he knotted him. How many countless times they had shared their love in public. He could feel his loins stir as he shared their last night with each other. He could remember as his lips wrapped around the pink tiger shaft. A low rumbling growl coming from Demitri's chest signaled he was enjoying.

"Mm, fuck yes. Use that tongue, mmf." Devandre's mouth was rewarded by a coating of musky, sweet pre. "I love those eyes, yellow and burning like fire. I'll never forget them." Demitri's hips slowly rocked up into the warm mouth, rubbing the tip against the ridges of Devandre's mouth.

Devandre slid up and put pressure on the nubs at the tip, "I'll never forget your taste," he licked a bead of pre from the cock tip, "your touch, your scent, I know that we will not let a summons split our love apart." Devandre growled in lust as his shaft pulsed against his abs. His grey fur becoming matted with pre, "Lift your legs for me hon."

Demitri stretched his strong legs up and expose his bud. Devandre couldn't resist as he dug his nose under the heavy ball sack. He sniffed the musk deeply, as if he'd never have the opportunity to smell it again. His tongue rolled out and licked the tight bud before pushing into the winking hole. His tongue slid in and began to eat out Demitri's hole greedily and desperately. Demitri groaned and leaned back onto the bed as his cock drooled pre. His hole clenched around the slick pink appendage as Devandre worked at slicking that hole. A long and heated moment later, Devandre pulled his muzzle away from the cat's hole. His hot pants rolled over the tiger's chest as Devandre's heavy and thick cock pressed against the bud.

His face finally aligned with Demitri's own. The duo stayed and stared in each other's eyes. They could read the uncertainty of the future in each other's face. The worry of war, the worry of never being able to see each other again. But both of their faces soon changed as if their close embrace, their heat against each other was all that mattered. Devandre's tongue extended out and licked into Demitri's mouth. His hips drove forward which elicited a harsh moan from the tiger. Devandre didn't take his time, whether it was anticipation or a show of love, he wanted to feel being tied to his lover one last time.

Demitiri's tongue extended out and met with Devandre's as both breath's began to mix with each others. Demitiri's legs hooked around his neck and squeezed tightly. That thick cock speared into the familiar comfort, spreading the slick pre throughout the velvet soft hole.

"I'm going to fuck...you hard so you'll feel it forever." Devandre panted between tongue twisted kisses.

"Show me how dogs like to fuck," Demitri taunted and rolled his head back.

The feeling of humid breath as it rolled over the tiger's neck, like a humid beach breeze, made his fur ruffle. Devandre growled and grunted as he brought his mouth down to Demitri's neck. He bit down hard onto the strong shoulder, just as his thick knot was shoved into the tight hole. Demitri growled loudly as his shaft began to pulse against Devandre's strong chest. Hot slick cum began to paint the wolf's front as Devandre began to fill and plant his seed deep into Demitri's depth. He could feel cum begin to slide from his own ass hole, as it slid down his balls and soon mixed with his own cum from the tiger. Devandre collapsed onto Demiri as his teeth came out of the shoulder. The tips of the teeth were tinted with red.

"I want to recognize you as mine again," Devandre explained as he rested and panted against Demitri.

"I will wear it proudly, as a sign that the felines and canines can live together in peace." Demitri's strong arms wrapped around Devandre.

"Even though our cultures have called us to arms, I know this war will be over soon." Devandre continued.

"You are optimistic, I love that about you." Demitri brouht the side of his head toward Devandre's.

"When do you ship out?" Devandre tightened up his grip, as he continued to pulse within the tiger.

"Tomorrow, you?"


The feeling of deceleration was distinct. Devandre was quick to come out of his memories. It had been four years since the war had started and he feared there was no end in sight. Yet, he never let that bother him. His will to survive after seven deployments were strong. He hoped that he'd survive the war and be reunited with Demitri.

"Wolf pack, shields up! Prepare to fire! We will reach the portal in, three, two, one," the blur of light and planets soon vanished and what was revealed was a spacial battle field. "Fire!"

Devandre's pilots were the best of the best as they worked in pairs. Their black, sleek ships whizzed through space and began to fire at the enemy ships. They fought the battle in their heads, the ships literally one with their body. Devandre targeted an enemy ship and fired. With a brilliant flash, his lasers struck the enemy ship, which broke a part into several pieces. Electrical arcs crossed the pieces of space junk as his ship's shields deflected them away.

"Colonel watch your flank!" Devandre heard his second in command yell at him.

He looked up and could see an enemy ship coming up the rear. He had guided the ship to do an evasive maneuver, rolling to the side and slowing down drastically to hopefully get in back of the ship. The enemy ship zoomed past his own, the rumble of the strong engines rocked his body to the core. He took chase just as the other had swooped back around. They both began to open fire as they quickly closed the gap between each other. The beams of light zoomed past each of their ships, only close calls, beams bouncing from each other's shields. If the lasers were aimed directly onto each ship, they would surely pierce the shields.

The two ships began to make a turn around but when Devandre made the sharp turn back toward his opponent, he was met with nothingness.

He was confused for a moment, "Colonel above you!" Devandre eyes quickly darted up as his opponent began to dive toward him.

He had to act fast as his opponent began to fire on him. He felt his ship quake as he was hit with beam. He growled under his helmet, "No one hits the Colonel and lives."

His ship soon turned around and began to fire back at the the other. They both continued the dogfight in space, each taking hits from each other. Soon sirens and buzzes began to echo throughout the ship. He felt his engines soon giving as the gravitational pull of the planet began to pull in his ship. He noticed he was not alone. His opponent's craft had also begun to plummet toward the surface. He growled in anger as he prepared himself for impact.

Loosing altitude in a hurry he gave the command, "disconnect." His cockpit split away from the rest of the ship.

Emergency energy jets began to fire slowing the escape pod's descent. It was only moments before he felt impact. He blacked out, just after he heard a second loud, concussive crash near by. Slowly he began to regain consciousness. He reached his hands out and flicked a few buttons before the door swung open. He jumped out and landed onto the ground below. He looked around and could see that he was in the middle of an old city. The tall buildings completely ruined by war, lay dead and undisturbed. He looked down the vacant street and noticed a long and deep trench left behind by a pod much like his own. The door was shut and he cautiously moved toward it. He reached to his back and pulled off two rods that appeared to be the handles of two scimitars.

One in each hand, he thought the command, "engage," just as two bright, neon green blades revealed themselves. Prepared for battle he continued to approach the pod. His ears and senses were alert, which paid off handsomely. He heard it before he could see it as a red flash of light swooped from behind him. He dove and rolled into a standing position, his opponent had revealed himself. With a growl he went on the attack.

"You bastard, no one shoots me down and lives." Devandre brought one of his blades up toward the feline's gold armor.

It was blocked by a long and strong shaft held by the feline's strong and powerful hands. The feline didn't use conventional weaponry of a sword or staff. But instead he swung the bird beak blade of a scythe toward the wolf. The tip of it sliced into the leather and cut into his skin. Devandre growled and kicked away from the feline covered in a medieval styled plate armor. More reserved of course and sleek built for the feline's body. Devandre wasn't left alone for long before the soldier was on him with his blade. Devandre was on the defense as sparks flew from his blades and the scythe staff of the feline adversary.

"Give up dog, you will not be able to slay me." The two locked blades once more.

As Devandre used both hands to keep the man from bringing the deadly blade further. He was caught off guard when the feline's strong legs swooped Devandre's own legs from under him. Devandre landed on his back, then rolled away from the blade of the scythe barely missing the beam of concentrated light as it embedded itself into the asphalt.

"Then the game is already done. It will end in a draw," Devandre panted from behind his mask.

The scythe came down several more times, before he tangled his own legs with the felines. He wrenched his body and flung the feline's feet from under him. Quickly he straddled the man and plunged his blades into the feline's chest. A spatter of blood and groan came from the feline's helmet as the hands moved up to grip Devandre's uniform firmly.

"That is of course, if you have something worth living for!" Devandre didn't pay it any mind as he grinned under his helmet.

He started the command, "helmet disengage," but his breath caught in his chest as a piercing searing pain ripped through his body.

Two long energy blades, skewered through his torso, through and through. He felt his body slump forward into the feline's deadly palms in defeat. His helmet peeled away from head as he felt the tiger's grip on his uniform turn from fatal rage, into softness. His vision began to blur in and out as death was slow to creep up on him. He felt the blades slide out of his body and back into the feline's gauntlets. The next sensation is what surprised him the most. Those hands that took his life moved to pet behind his ear. It found a spot that no one had ever been able to find before accept one.

Blood began to coat the inside of his mouth, the taste of iron, the taste of death. His hands moved to the feline's face and began to pull off the helmet. His heart beat hastened, which only made him bleed out faster. He knew that death was near for both of them but he wanted to have confirmation, peace. The helmet fell away just as the scratching on his ear ended. Devandre looked over the still and quiet body's shoulder and found the scar he had left on Demitri. His eyes slowly traveled back toward Demitri's cold eyes and found a small spark remained. A spark of remembrance, relief, and love. Devandre mustered up the last of his strength and pulled himself closer to Demitri's head. He muttered some final words into the rounded ears before he too slipped to darkness, "I'm glad it was you."

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