April Fools

Story by BlackWolfe on SoFurry

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"Ugh, my eyes are getting blurry."

The complaint didn't exactly fall on deaf ears, but it took Sharon a moment to reply. "Hm? Why's that?"

Alice looked over at the brunette, rubbing her eyes behind her glasses. "I've been trying to get this code working for the last four hours, or hadn't you noticed?"

Sharon chuckled. "Of course I noticed. I think it's cute, the way you take things like this as a personal challenge."

"Well, who else is going to keep our site up and running?" Alice ran a hand through her short, blonde hair in irritation. "Until we hire a dedicated tech person, I'm it. And let me tell you, none of that last group could tell PHP from PMS, let alone manage all this."

The brunette laughed out loud, rolling off of the silk-sheeted bed and walking over to her lover. "Relax, we've got one more applicant coming over, and I've got a feeling she'll be perfect."

Alice rolled her eyes, the blue irises flashing crimson for a split second before changing back again. "We're hiring a cameraperson-slash-webmaster for a million-dollar-a-year porn site, remember. This is not a casting call for one of your bull-dykes-on-parade specials."

That brought a flush to Sharon's face. "You know that was a joke, Alice," she said shortly.

"Yes," Alice replied, "and I also know what today is."

They'd been in the internet pornography business for five years together, and it was time for their annual tradition. Every year on April First - April Fools' Day - the two of them would go out of their way to play embarrassing, often extremely sexual, jokes on one another. They also made sure to get these pranks on video, making them available for free on what was otherwise a popular subscription-only website.

Three years earlier, when the two began dabbling in magic, the stakes had been raised. The pranks at this point became much more personal, each going out of their way to surprise the other with a sexual fetish. Alice, for example, had a thing for strong, well-developed women. Sharon had an equal attraction for the exaggeratedly feminine.

As a surprise when they first started learning magic, Sharon had managed to recruit - by means both magical and mundane - a fairly large number of extremely athletic women to humiliate and tease her business partner. At the same time, Alice had gone to similar lengths to provide Sharon with a harem to suit her wildest dreams - a bevy of willing participants and a subtle transformation spell had worked Sharon up until she had been nearly foaming at the mouth.

The next year, they'd gone even further - each transforming the other to suit her own fetish, which helped the two realize just how perfect they were for each other. Those transformations had worn off, but the pair brought them out again from time to time as a special treat for each other - or their many paying subscribers - until the next year's pranks backfired in a way that made those particular spells practically useless.

And that year's prank was the subject of the prank Sharon had been working on over the last month, though Alice didn't know it. Alice was fairly stumped for a joke this year, being too focused on the increasing need for more help with the website.

"I'm sorry," the blonde said with a sigh. "I'm frustrated. More than half of my time is spent on this crap. I get to see all of the things we used to do together when I wasn't busy with it, and I'm just... so... frustrated." She broke down crying, and Sharon quickly stepped forward to wrap leanly muscled - and heavily tanned - arms around her.

"Come on," the taller woman coaxed her. "Let it out, you've been building up for days over this."

Between sobs, Alice managed to look up at Sharon, smile weakly, and say, "And to top it all off, my skin itches like hell and that damn applicant still hasn't--"

She was interrupted by the doorbell. Sharon laughed. "Speak of the devil," she said, and tousled the blonde's short hair. "Come on, let's go pretend to be businesswomen instead of net-whores."

Alice rolled her eyes at that, but laughed anyway as she followed Sharon down to the foyer. "You know I hate it when you call us whores, Sharon."

"Like hell," the brunette replied, pulling her long hair back into a ponytail. Alice never understood how she could do that so quickly and neatly - hers had always looked like a bird's nest trying to escape, which is why was wearing it so short. "It turns you on like nobody's business." That was true enough. "But try not to show it, I want to give a good impression on this one."

Alice shrugged. She was presentable, and would be so long as Sharon would quit trying to break her concentration, dammit. And now it was too late - the door was open, and in stepped...

She could not be real, Alice told herself. She could see why Sharon wanted to make a good impression - technical knowledge or not, this young woman was beautiful. Physically, she had a bit of everything that turned Sharon on. A generous bosom atop a slim, but not thin, waist. Incredible green eyes that almost looked like they were glowing. Wide hips that led into smooth, creamy thighs and calves...

What she was wearing qualified as professional dress, but it left precious little to the imagination. She stepped forward, grinning widely. "You must be Alice," she said, taking the blonde's hand in a firm grip. Alice had to reassess the young woman at that point. She might have looked like Sharon's wet dream, she realized, but a good part of those features was only possible because she was in good physical condition. "I'm Crystal." Alice felt her concentration beginning to slip as her eyes wandered over Crystal's body, taking note of the lean muscle beneath the young woman's smooth skin, and she desperately tried to find something else to focus on.

"Did you bring your portfolio?" Trust Sharon to bring her back to reality when she needed it most. She'd almost let go of the shapeshift spell, and that could have been a disaster.

Crystal grinned. "Yes ma'am," she said. "Where do you want me to bring it?"

"This way," Sharon said, and began leading the way towards the rec room.

Alice, focusing on maintaining her spell, didn't take much notice at first. They had been right beside the combination A/V room and office they'd used for their other interviews, though. Why the rec room? She gritted her teeth. Dammit, the woman was going to try to distract her during the interview, and probably scare Crystal off in the process.

"Right through here," Sharon said, opening the door, then winking playfully at her partner. Alice gritted her teeth again. She was right. Whatever the prank was, it was happening right now.

Didn't she understand that this was important? They needed a new technical person, and Crystal was certainly acting the part if nothing else. She wasn't asking for autographs, or telling the two of them all about her vision, or any of the other dozen horribly embarrassing things that the previous applicants had done. They'd been like a who's-who of incompetent boobs, most of them college-age boys who'd probably never even had a date, for crying out loud!

Crystal, by contrast, was pure competence. She didn't need to ask where the feeds for the projector went - she just headed right over to the bar, opened up her briefcase, set up her laptop, and got to work. Within thirty seconds - faster than Alice ever managed, and Alice had been the one to set it up in the first place - she'd begun her presentation.

It was as beautiful as Crystal. Security, database managemnet, content updates... Crystal's ideas about what to do with the website were so in line with Alice's it was uncanny. There were some changes, however.

"Flash," Crystal said, and April rolled her eyes, about to protest. The young redhead held up a hand. "Wait, hear me out. I know a lot of so-called 'webmasters' like to load a site down with flash to the point that the most businesslike organization's site becomes a kind of surrealistic art. However, it has its advantages if it's used properly. For example, it can add a level of interaction to the site that should not only keep the regulars happy, but bring in new business as well."

Sharon grinned. Everything was going according to plan. She'd already sat through this presentation once, about a month earlier, and it was clear to her that Crystal, despite having been exceptionally nervous - she idolized the pair, it turned out - knew what she was doing. She wasn't asking too much by any stretch of the imagination, and would fit in perfectly. So naturally, Sharon couldn't resist setting up a little April Fools' Day joke around their new hire.

Alice, intrigued by the presentation, didn't realize how much had gone into setting it up. There was much more behind this than a simple business proposal. There had been the fans - Sharon wouldn't have been able to arrange all the prior 'applicants' without Alice's finding out if it hadn't been for Crystal. They'd each been given a free two month subscription and a promise that they would be credited in the annual April Fools' Day video, in exchange for embarrassing themselves in front of Alice.

Most of them had been downright eager to help with the prank, coming up with bizarre fetishes and fantasies, or adding special, personal touches to Sharon's suggestion. They seemed to know exactly what buttons to press to get Alice both turned on and repulsed at the same time. She'd even heard that one of them had put up his rejection letter on eBay. She'd had to buy it before Alice stumbled on it, which netted the young man enough money to set himself up for a year of easy living.

Crystal was perfect, though. A month of rehearsal had given her the confidence she needed to sell her ideas for the site to Alice. It didn't hurt that she was downright edible. And the bait had been taken. It was time, Sharon decided, for the prank. She nodded to Crystal, who had to stifle a giggle.

"Well, one of my ideas was to use Flash for the video browser," Crystal said, heading into the setup. "That way we can play a video without losing our place in the library. Like so!" She clicked on a video, and Alice gasped.

Of all the videos to pick, she had to go for last year's April Fools' video. The blonde bit her lip and tried to remain impassive. She knew, absolutely knew that she'd lose control watching that video, and as soon as her shapeshift broke, they'd lose Crystal, and she'd have to sit through another month of idiots before finding someone even a quarter as qualified.

But the video was different... it had been edited. Probably Sharon's doing - the woman never could leave well enough alone.

"Hey," Alice-in-the-video was whispering directly into a camera. "This year's prank is extra-special. I've cooked up a transformation potion and I'll be slipping it into Sharon's drink. Should be a treat!" At least, that's how the original had gone. Then it had switched to Sharon saying almost the exact same thing into another camera's microphone. But this version switched between the two more every few words. Alice's eyebrows went up. It made the video that much funnier, she thought.

She looked over at Crystal, who was watching her expectantly. When they made eye contact, the redhead grinned.

"Oh, no," Alice said. "You edited that, didn't you?"

Crystal nodded.

"And all this time, I've been trying to keep this spell up so I wouldn't freak you out - Sharon, you jerk!"

Sharon laughed. "Oh, yeah," she said. "You've been doing such a good job of holding it in, though. Now be quiet, the funny part is coming up."

The prior year's pranks had combined to form a disaster - one that the two of them had capitalized on to double their already prodigious customer base. And it was about to happen on the video. Alice watched, rapt, her eyes bleeding from blue to red as her concentration began to wane.

There they were, drinking their wine - and potions. The different camera angles available of that particular footage had been combined more expertly - Crystal was a technical wizard, it seemed - and it made the situation that much more intense. Alice found herself breathing hard. Her skin itched, her clothes were too tight. And on screen, the transformation was about to begin at the same time she began to lose control of the temporary reversal.

She realized, now that she had seen it from other angles than the ones used in the prior release of this video, where it had all gone wrong. When they'd toasted a successful year, and their glasses had touched, they'd been a little overenthusiastic. The champaigne had mixed, ever-so-slightly, and with it, the potions. That was why the antidote hadn't worked on her, and Sharon's potion hadn't worn off. Probably the reversal conditions had been mixed, and the antidote would only have worked at the exact moment Sharon was supposed to change back.

It was too late now. She found herself breathing even harder, relishing the tightness in her clothing as, on-screen, Sharon moaned, brilliant pink fur beginning to appear all over her body. The spots on her arms, legs, and back were dark red heart shapes, something Alice was particularly proud of. And between her legs, her panties began to distend, pushed out by a phallus that Alice now knew down to the tiniest detail. It was purple, not because of bloodflow, but because it contrasted nicely with Sharon's pink fur. Alice's own cock, pushing its way out of the waistband of hir panties while she watched the video, was bright pink for the same reason - it contrasted with her cherry red fur.

Shi absently stroked it as shi watched hir old self turn into the new, improved version. Old Alice's ears began to extend upward, the scarlet fur making it look at first like they'd begun to bleed. Her blonde hair - longer then than shi'd been wearing it recently - lengthened, becoming thicker and more lustrous as it became a deep, ruby red. Over hir left eye - dextrous editing by Crystal showed the gradual shift of hir irises from human blue to the brilliant red they now were - a heart-shaped patch of fur was the same cotton-candy pink as hir now-hyena lover. Hir breasts, fairly large to begin with, began to swell to the point that shi'd need a custom bra to contain them - except that shi now knew from experience that they needed no support. Magical enhancements, it seemed, were magically supported as well.

Shi let out a squeak - shi hated those, but Sharon found them adorable - as shi climaxed, her spunk spattering against the ceiling. Sharon wrapped powerful, pink-furred arms around the red bunny. "April fools," shi murmurred into the rabbit's sensitive ears, eliciting a twitch, another squeak, and a small phallic spasm. "I've been working on this for a month."

Alice came back to hir senses slowly. Shi looked at Crystal, who'd apparently been raptly focused on hir transformation. "So... you didn't edit that?"

Crystal panicked. "No, I did! Really, I swear, oh God, please, I need this job, you have no idea how hard it's been trying to find a job, and I promise, I can have all these features worked into the site by the end of the week at the latest, and--"

Sharon cut her off. "Crystal, quiet, you're hired. Alice, don't scare the new girl like that." Shi squeezed Alice tightly, nuzzling hir. "She did all of that in about three or four days, including the editing. The prank was all the other applicants."

Alice blinked up at hir. "What?"

"Well," Sharon continued, "them and the insistence that we meet all of the applicants in human form. I mean, honestly, how are we going to hire someone to film us fucking if they don't know what we look like for real?"

Alice trembled. Sharon could put all kinds of emphasis into a word to make hir feel things. The word "fucking" had been given that special treatment.

"So..." Alice moaned, "cameras are running now?"

Sharon nodded. "Yup, and we've got extras in the room."

"If there's filming going on," Alice said, peeling off the shredded remains of hir business suit, "shouldn't we be fucking?"

"Oh, yes indeed," Sharon said, lifting the well-curved red bunny out of hir chair. Crystal went to work immediately, checking the angles on every camera in the room constantly. She'd get turned on later, when it came time to edit.

Purity of Thought and Deed

**Author's Note:** _This is one of my older stories -- about three or four years old, if I recall correctly. It was probably my first foray into snuff-vore... not a fetish I plan on visiting often. However, I wanted to share some non-Mashara stuff...

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School Dazed

_Mashara makes a spectacle of hirself at Lady Harmony's School of Nymphomancy_ **AUTHOR'S NOTE:** Part three of Erotic Friction, which began with "Rousing the Beast" and continued in "Paying Tribute". Contains: - Two hermaphrodite main...

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Paying Tribute

**AUTHOR'S NOTE:** Part two of Erotic Friction, which began with "Rousing the Beast". Contains: - A hermaphrodite main character - More hermy action (and I don't mean kung-fu)! - A lot of consensual yiffing - Still more BE, PE, and a lot...

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