Dragon Ranch: Saying Goodbye

Story by Ausfer on SoFurry

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#13 of Dragon Ranch

My Little Nixi: Dragonsex is Magic

I know this chapter is ridiculously long, but most of it is smut, I swear. Try not to hurt yourself reading it all at once.

If you're here only for the porn (I know that's most of you, ha!), just start reading. It starts soon enough.

Dragon Ranch: Saying Goodbye

"Hey, Rel-woah!"

Kyle staggered in place after flinging open the door to Relia's pen. A wave of stuffy air hit him, and it was rife with the thick, musky scent of a dragon in heat. The strength of the earthy odor caught him off-guard and he dropped Nixi's leader line on accident. The eager Yellowtail was quick to take advantage of the situation by entering the pen ahead of him. Relia was inside on her back and the dragon was panting hard. Her smooth-scaled chest rose and fell quickly with the pace of her breathing. She looked to the pair of new visitors and slowly rolled to her side, letting out a rumbling churr of a welcome.

Relia was a Black-Crested Sable, which Emily had described to Kyle as some kind of mountain-dwelling dragon. Their titular crest was a craggy, scaly growth adoring the dragon's head, though it was far larger in males and Relia's was no exception. Her charcoal-black top coat was rough and gnarled, but her belly and neck were a smooth, smoky gray. Relia's right horn had been broken off long ago, leaving the dragon with a cracked stub that was topped off by a ring of heat-shrinked copper holding the fractured horn together. All in all, Cresties grew to be about the size of horses, leaving them as great riding dragons, though the species greatly struggled to take off with an adult rider on their shoulders. She dwarfed Nixi quite a bit, as the aquatic Yellowtails were more akin to a jaguar or other big cat in size.

Kyle shook his head in amazement. Rachel had just left Relia's pen not even a minute ago, and here the dragon had clearly just been in the middle of something rather naughty, judging from the smell. He couldn't help but grin at thinking what Rachel had been up to. Slowly, he approached the dark gray dragon, let out his hand, and then submissively waited for the Black-crested Sable to make the first move. He had learned long ago how to approach a Crestie: the species were proud and aggressive creatures that didn't like being approached unless it was on their terms. Even though he was sure Relia wouldn't mind him, Kyle was accustomed to taking no chances. Kyle watched as the reserved and laid-back Crestie bent forward and sniffed, before giving him a tiny lick on the back of his palm, expressing her acceptance of his presence. He quickly squatted down and rubbed the length of her snout in affection.

"Hey girl." He smiled. "Me and Nixi came by to see you."

Relia knew what the human and Yellowtail's presence meant this late at night. Any time Kyle had stopped by her pen during the afternoon, it was to go riding, or training, or exercise. There were lots of things to do. But any meeting this late in the evening usually meant only one thing in particular....

....and she was more than ready for it after her warm-up with the female human. The dragoness let out a quiet, eager churr.

"You know, Rel...." he began, suddenly feeling a bit bittersweet about the moment. "I'm gonna miss ya, you know." He stroked the dragon along her neck firmly, letting his fingers work into her rough top coat of scales. Relia rested her head against the human's chest in contentment as she was rubbed and massaged. After giving the dragon a moment to enjoy the affection, Kyle stopped and held the dragon's snout in his hands as he lifted her face to his. "Let's make this a good last time, 'kay, girl?"

Relia took in a long, deep breath and let it all out in a large exhale. Her nostrils flared, and Kyle felt the arid breath blow against his chest. Kyle smiled. Relia's ruddy red eyes looked up and calmly met his gaze. The fierce, oval irises and natural brow ridge tended to give all Crested Sables a permanent stern expression that Kyle likened to an eagle's. But as imposing as the Crestie looked, her body language was composed and laid back. Here he was, holding a fearsome dragon's head right in his face, all full of sharp teeth, fire breath, and bad temper, and Relia was as calm as could be. He admired the dragon's trust in him. Relia rested her head on the ranch-hand's chest as he continued to stroke her scales, running his fingers across her cheeks and neck. She looked content.

The moment was suddenly broken as a certain unexpected Yellowtail nosed between Kyle's arms with a chipper greeting in the form of a loud bay and warble. Laughing, Kyle took a step back and let the two dragons get reacquainted. Kyle always liked to see the two interact. The creatures seemed to have complicated communication system of body language and verbal cues that he was just beginning to pick up on. Nixi deferred to the larger dragon in her own pen by holding her neck down with her fins and ears flat against her head, showing submissiveness. The two females quietly sniffed and nosed at eachother, whispering quiet trills and chirps. Briefly, they touched noses in a show of amicable acceptance, causing Kyle to smile. He remembered that the last time he had brought Nixi in Relia's pen, they were almost at each others throats. It was good to see the two dragons were now on better terms. The larger Crestie nuzzled the Yellowtail's cheek and chirped to her quietly, and surprised Kyle by even licking Nixi on the face. He had figured out face licking was a sign of submission as well as affection, and Kyle thought it odd that Relia, the Black-crested Sable's resident alpha female would be doing such a thing to another dragon right in her own den... her "territory".

Actually, he noticed there was an awful lot of licking going on between both of them at the moment as Nixi returned the lick with her own tongue.

The two broke physical contact as Relia let out a quiet chirp and leaned back on her side. She curled her neck to watch the Yellowtail as Nixi pranced and strutted around the black and gray Crestie, growling softly. And that's when Kyle realized he wasn't the only one to notice the smell of Relia's arousal in here. Nixi was displaying her interest. The feisty Yellowtail was sizing the larger dragon up, and Relia was letting the other female make advances just like she would to another male.

Smiling broadly, Kyle knelt down on his knees at Relia's side, causing the dragon to look his way. He began to stroke her flank, right where her rough, charcoal topcoat began to fade into the smoother smokey gray on her underbelly. "I think Nixi is antsy. What do you think, Relia?" He asked, unable to hide his grin. "Are you in the mood for some of....this?" Slowly, his hand began petting further and further down the dragon's smooth-scaled belly, heading for between her legs.

The larger Crestie narrowed her eyes and gave a rumbling vibration from her throat that turned into an enthusiastic growl of approval as she felt Kyle wander. Instantly, Relia scooted her upper body closer to him, excited by the prospect those human fingers wandering down her belly. The Crestie felt that hands were one of the most exciting things to humans when it came to mating.... she relished how skilled and articulate those human digits were, how they could rub and massage and do so many wonderful things at once. Relia bent forward and gave the human an encouraging lick on the face.

Kyle smiled and kept eye contact, wanting to see the dragon's expression as his hand trailed out of sight. He felt Relia's hind leg lift up, exposing her lower belly and allowing him to continue. Her face got close to his own as the dragon leaned close. Kyle's hand snaked lower, between her thighs, feeling his fingers trace the lines between the smooth scales of her lower belly....

And suddenly, Relia arched her neck as a quiet growl escaped her lips. Her reaction caught Kyle off guard, as he hadn't even moved far enough to touch anything yet. Confused, he looked back at his hand to find Nixi lapping along the space between Relia's legs, right along her feminine slit.

Kyle laughed. "Nixi!" he cried out in protest. The Yellowtail looked up at him and growled playfully as she continued to ply her tongue, ignoring his complaint. Nixi laid down between Relia's hind leg and tail, and the Yellowtail placed her forepaws on along the inner thighs of the other female as she lapped. Grinning broadly, Kyle tried to playfully butt in with his hand, but as soon as he got to the outer lips of Relia's slit, Nixi nipped his fingers.

"Ow!" he cried out. Kyle jerked back his hand instantly. "Come on, Nixi!" he admonished the dragon, though not in a serious tone.

The feisty Yellowtail was unapologetic. She scooted closer to Relia's hindquarters and placed her claws firmly on either side of her slit. The dragon then hunched over her prize and guarded it from him as she lapped. She watched the human carefully as she applied her tongue in long, slow licks, growling playfully, taunting Kyle to try and intervene.

Taking the bait, ranch-hand grinned and crept his hand closer once more. Nixi ducked her head down, laying her jaw right on top of Relia's vent to guard it. She watched his hand's every move out of the corner of her eye, ready to strike. Smirking, Kyle dared to inch his hand just a tiny bit further down Relia's lower belly...

And suddenly, Nixi's left paw shot out and pinned his wrist, causing Kyle to laugh. He tried to pull back but Nixi held on, gripping him with her claws. The Yellowtail gave another playful growl as she resumed her licks across the Crestie's slit, enjoying the little game of keep-away.

The moment was interrupted by a snout nudge on Kyle's chest. He turned, freeing his hand, to find Relia curling her upper body to meet Kyle face-to-face. Smiling, Kyle sat down cross-legged and gave her snout a firm rub. "Sorry, girl... Nixi beat me to the punch!" He laughed.

Nixi closed her eyes and let out a quiet trill as she spread Relia's vaginal lips on the flat of her tongue, getting into the act further. She began tasting the female's flavor and the dragon wanted more. Relia dug her claws into the dirt floor as she felt the Yellowtail draw out her licks slower and press in a bit. Each ply of her tongue sent a wave of pleasure through her quickly riling the Crestie up.

Still laying on her side, Relia twisted the front half of her body and sat up. The look on the Crestie's face was that of marked arousal: Her half-open eyes, soft panting and slack jaw were familiar signs to the ranch-hand. Relia leaned in and planted a lick across Kyle's neck as Nixi resumed her fun. It wasn't a playful lick, but a firm and lingering ply of her tongue that caused Kyle to gasp. She scooted closer and before Kyle knew it he found the Crestie's powerful paws on either side of his hips, steadily holding him.

"Rel..." Kyle trailed off, transfixed by the dragon's forwardness. He watched the dragon as she moved, guided by nothing but the hazy pull of her own arousal. Relia leaned forward and placed another slow lick on the ranch-hand's skin, churring deep in her throat as she smelled his scent. She looked almost mesmerized at the human before her, enticed by his unorthodox, mammalian body by the way she sniffed and nuzzled his chest and waist. Slowly, the Crestie made her way down Kyle's stomach, pausing a bit to nip at the ranch-hand's shirt before she finally met his crotch and giving the area a long sniff and nuzzle. Kyle knew what the dragon wanted. Her tongue already found its way under his jeans before he had even begun to un-button and un-zip. Kyle grinned as Relia's snout studiously followed his hand's every move, and before he knew it he had removed his equipment from it's cotton and denim prison.

Churring softly to herself, Relia began to nose around at his shaft and pubic hair and she savored the sharp scent of the male human's musk. She also smelled Nixi's scent down there, and the dragon learned that this human and the Yellowtail had already enjoyed eachother only a few minutes ago. The Crestie did not mind. She sniffed eagerly, enticed from both scents, guided on by the wonderful dragon tongue on her slit. Relia quickly became transfixed by the the quickly-stiffening organ before her and held on to Kyle firmly with her forepaws. It wasn't long before the dragon's wide tongue found its way out of her mouth and began to glide across the sensitive skin. Relia began to dote on Kyle's shaft, lapping across the head with short, slow licks. The charcoal-colored dragoness took her time and enjoyed herself, exploring the base of his shaft and even his balls with her large tongue. Kyle let out a huff and laid a hand on her head: her tongue felt wonderfully hot. The dragoness' thick saliva quickly got everywhere, coating his skin with a wet sheen.

The tip of Kyle's cock danced across Relia's scaled lips as the dragoness began to eagerly lap up the first bit of pre-cum. Smacking her lips quietly to savor the flavor for a moment, the dragoness then resumed her affection along the shaft, wrapping her tongue around it, going at her own pace to explore the enticing male organ before her. She sought out getting the human to throb and jerk from her tongue by licking in different spots, exploring different areas, and pausing to feel the shaft stiffen on her tongue when he did.

When the Crestie felt satisfied that she had explored everywhere, the dragoness suddenly opened her jaws and wrapped her tongue around his shaft before pulling the first two inches inside her maw. Kyle swore in mild surprise at the sudden feeling of warmth around his shaft and threw his head back, flexing his hips and groin and throbbing in her mouth, which earned the Crestie a bit of pre-cum.

Kyle waited for the dragon to begin, but after a few moments he realized that she was just holding him in her mouth for the moment. Confused, Kyle opened his eyes, not even realizing when he had closed them, and looked down at the Crestie between his legs. Relia was watching him. When their eyes met, the dragon growled approvingly and instantly began to suckle.

Kyle uncontrollably jerked in place from the sudden wonderful stimulation, but he let out a laugh. Seeing his gaze was what the Crestie was waiting for, and he held on to her head softly as she dutifully worked him with her jaw and tongue. Kyle wasn't sure what it was that the dragoness enjoyed about the act of giving oral. Perhaps it was-no wait, she definitely enjoyed the ending, he knew. Both dragons, in fact, seemed to have a high interest in the taste and smell his fluids. But beyond that, Kyle thought it odd why this dragon liked it. Perhaps she liked being in control of the situation, making him react at the whim of her tongue. Maybe that was some weird dominance thing, like a power trip. Relia after all, was the alpha female of her species. Or maybe she just simply enjoyed having the thing in her mouth. Regardless, Kyle wasn't one to complain. The idea of this scaled creature willingly and eagerly pleasuring him with her mouth was was quite an exotic experience.

Kyle felt her large paws grip his hips firmly as the Crestie suddenly squirmed in place and growled. Her claws dug into his skin and Kyle winced in discomfort. He looked back and saw that Nixi had inserted her long tongue into Relia's slit. Her muzzle was pushed right up against the Crestie's vent and the Yellowtail's eyes were closed in contentment as she slowly rocked her snout against the Crestie's smokey gray crotch, enjoying every moment of eating out the larger Crestie. Her tongue firmly lapped along the insides of Relia's draconic vent, causing the dragon to lose control of herself. The Yellowtail was eager to explore as her tongue moved with a piston-like rhythm.

The effect on Relia was immediate. The Crestie looked a bit lost in the moment as she continued to tend to the tip of his cock. Letting out a pleasured growl, the dragoness lowered her head on him, taking more of Kyle's shaft inside. He felt the head of his cock rub up against the deep ridges along the roof of the dragon's mouth. The Crestie's firm tongue began to push upward and pull back a rhythmic motion as she began to suckle him, churring softly to herself in contentment. No longer was the dragoness taking her time and going slow. Her arousal was high, the dragon was acting more and more out of lust now. Kyle held on to the Black-crested Sable's head as he was serviced, feeling her rough, gnarled snout press deeper and suddenly push into the base of his crotch.

"Gah..." Kyle groaned. He blinked twice and braced himself from the sudden rush of sensation.

Kyle looked back at Nixi. The Yellowtail was contently holding Relia's slit open with a paw and licking at her clitoris as the larger dragon continued to lay on her side. She trilled softly as she bathed Relia's nub in wet licks. The Crestie's open leg twitched and her claws curled in reflex at the stimulation. Nixi was going for a quick finish: the dragon was single-minded in her approach, aggressively lapping at the sensitive skin, pawing gently at the Crestie's slick opening. Kyle felt Relia's large, sharp claws dig into his hips as she gripped him tightly, grunting to herself in pleasure once more as she rocked her snout into Kyle's crotch. The dragoness seemed close to Kyle. Her eyes were now closed, her motions sloppy. She pawed at his legs and hips aimlessly, her large and fearsome claws scratching his skin. Her large, red-tinted wings spread out and grasped at the air.

Kyle held the dragoness close as she suddenly tensed up and lightly writhed on the ground as her climax overtook her. Relia shut her eyes tight and clamped down on the cock between her lips, constricting it firmly with her tongue as she was eaten out to orgasm. A low, deep growl filled up the dragon's pen. Her Crestie neighbors in the pens to the left and right no doubt hearing everything.

And between the firm suckles and the mindless, lust-driven rocking of the dragon's snout, Kyle thought with a smirk that perhaps those dragons might be jealous.

With her climax over, Relia rolled to her back, panting hard, and Kyle's cock popped out of her mouth. He momentarily objected as he felt her tongue leave his shaft, but decided to let the dragon be. The Crestie drew her forepaws up to her chest and spread her wings out as she took a quick breather. Her hind legs splayed out to the sides, her tail, once writhing and slapping the ground, was now limp.

But Nixi wasn't done yet. Kyle saw her standing between Relia's tail, her head situated over Relia's vent, staring at the Crestie's face. She was wearing that look... the look she got when she was about to do something. He loved that look. No doubt the Yellowtail was anxious and ready to continue.

Growling, Nixi climbed over the larger black dragoness, watching her face and licking her lips of the Crestie's fluids. She planted her two hind legs just outside of the the larger dragon's hips. Relia immediately arched her neck to let out a terse growl, at first objecting at being mounted by the other female, but the dragon then stayed quiet, choosing to watch and allow with guarded suspicion. Nixi situated her hips over Relia's and sat down on her smoky-gray crotch, and there the Yellowtail began to drag her hips across the Crestie's, trying to line herself up. When Nixi found the patch of soft scales that parted in a slit, she growled again and pressed her own feminine dragon vent against it, grinding down.

Kyle couldn't believe what he was seeing: Nixi had mounted Relia. The two were tribbing!

Nixi planted her forepaws on the larger Crestie's chest and used the leverage to bump and grind her slit against Relia's own entrance. The smaller Yellowtail seemed to be in full dominance mode to Kyle... She growled and trilled as she took Relia, looking and acting just as eager as any male would in her position. The fluids from Relia's recent orgasm provided enough lubricant to ease the sliding and grinding of the sensitive scales and skin for both dragons. Nixi arched her neck up and trilled in pleasure as she parted her own vent on the outside of Relia's, savoring the firm pressure of another body pressing on her crotch. She dipped her hips and situated herself a bit before finding a sweet-spot: Relia's own clitoris. There the Yellowtail eagerly rubbed nubs and rocked her hips in earnest. She closed her eyes, dropped her head, and growled softly to herself as she took the larger, charcoal black female.

Relia looked up at Kyle from her position on her back. She was still panting, her tongue was hanging out the side of her mouth. She was being dominated by a smaller female Yellowtail, and it looked to be that Relia was quickly learning to enjoy it from the way she had relaxed and let the eager Nixi enjoy herself. The larger Crestie was being rocked back and forth by the Yellowtail's aggressive play. Her whole body slowly shook. And all the while, she watched Kyle as he stared in arousal and surprise, apparently enjoying the look on his face. She let out a warble and he grinned. Kyle knew the dragon was beckoning him.

Kyle stood up and took a moment to finish stripping before he scooted forward on his knees and approached the Crestie's head. Once he was in range, Relia hungrily lunched her neck and wrapped her lips around his cock once more, churring loudly as she began to give Kyle a surprisingly eager upside down blowjob.

"Relia!" He gasped. "Slow down...."

The dragoness ignored Kyle. Relia was taking him with an aggressive pace, fueled from the enticing Yellowtail female grinding against her own slit. She buried her head lower and took the human all the way to the base before adjusting her mouth's grip on him and suckling hard. In Relia's upside down position, Kyle could see the dragon's tongue now, how it stuck out from her lower jaw, how it flexed and curled against his shaft with every suckle. The dragoness worked him skillfully, lapping against his shaft in a rhythmic, pulling motion. She used her tongue to press Kyle's cock firmly against the roof of her mouth and increase the sensation. The dragon's tongue and mouth felt wild to Kyle. He tensed up and his hands found Relia's cheeks. He tightened his grip of the dragon head and swore from all the sensations.

He didn't want to finish so soon, but the Crestie between his legs was going too fast, sucking too hard, and Kyle found it hard to object. The charcoal-black dragoness seemed to be in a frenzy to him, the way she was eagerly taking his entire cock and servicing it almost mindlessly. Froth and spittle had collected in the corners of the dragon's perpetually open mouth: Her lips could not fully close around him. Kyle ran a hand down the dragon's lower jaw and throat, which were painted a smokey gray like the rest of her underbelly. Beneath the pebbly scales, he felt her muscles flex and churn as the Crestie sucked and licked in bliss.

Relia's nose was buried deep in his balls. She felt her warm, sharp exhales on his skin. The strong scent of male arousal entered her nostrils on every breath, enticing the female further. The dragon growled softly to herself as she enjoyed the male organ in her mouth, feeling its firmness and the human's own arousal. She worked Kyle eagerly with her jaw and tongue, fueled by the steady rocking, rubbing motion of the female slit dragging across her own.

"Relia..." he groaned. Kyle felt close already and began to pant. The pulling, tugging, sucking motions of the dragon's mouth were too much for him. Kyle felt his legs begin to kick out on their own. His feet ran across the dragon's scaled shoulders. His hands held on tightly to the Crestie's cheeks as she suckled hard.

And with a gurgling grunt, Kyle doubled over the dragon's head nestled in his crotch and came inside her mouth, shooting a load right across Relia's thick tongue. Relia churred in satisfaction of getting the human to finish and tasting his seed. The savory, salty flavor was highly agreeable to the dragon, and she eagerly swallowed the spunk gathered on the roof of her mouth as she held on to Kyle's cock tightly, trying to milk the human for more.

Kyle set his teeth as the dragon clamped down on him, and worked hard to stifle his moan. Relia was unrelenting, and Kyle felt his hips jerk and buck into her snout as he held the Crestie's head firmly in his grip.

Meanwhile, Nixi arched her neck and looked down over the larger female she had mounted. The Yellowtail was rocking hard against the other dragon's slit, and she was enthralled to lord over the Crestie's feminine form and take it as any male would. The grinding of another female's vent carried it's own exotic thrill to Nixi, and the firm, steady rubbing of her most sensitive areas drove the dragon quickly to higher heights of arousal. She watched her human partner as he finished in the submissive, supine Crestie's mouth with a bit of voyeuristic glee, subconsciously licking her own lips at the sight as she bumped and thrust. The steady, rocking massage on her nub was working wonders for the dragon. Nixi ran a paw down Relia's belly, a behavior she had picked up from Kyle, and felt the other dragon up, enjoying the curves of the female's chest and belly. Hearing the Crestie groan and hiss from the pleasure she was getting from the touch of another female urged the Yellowtail to only rock harder. She ducked her head to her chest and growled as her insides began to tighten up from her first climax. Her actions sped up.

When Relia could not coax any more of the human's seed out, she loosened her grip on Kyle's shaft and let him pull out. The dragon looked up at Kyle with what he took as a rather pleased expression that she had gotten him to finish. Kyle gasped softly, letting a smile play across his face, and scratched the Crestie's chin momentarily before letting the two dragons focus on eachother for a while. Kyle was content to watch for a moment, hoping he could recuperate fast enough to get a second erection and join in again.

Relia bucked and growled, already feeling close to another orgasm. The smaller dragoness looked wild as she dominated her partner, rubbing her hips at a steady, firm pace, eager to see the climax out. Relia jerked and seized up as she rode out an intense clitoral orgasm. Her legs shot out and grabbed at the air. Her head dug into the dirt floor. Her large black and red wings fluttered and shivered as her hips moved on automatic, grinding against the Yellowtail's slit in a frenzy. Relia's entire body seemed to squirm as she called out to no one in particular with low, drawn-out yowls.

And when it was all over, once Relia had collapsed from pleasure, Nixi paused, lifting her hips and leaning forward to curiously examine the worn-out Black-Crested Sable. The two looked at eachother for a moment.

And surprisingly, Kyle saw Relia's long, sturdy tail lift and arc up. His jaw dropped as he realized what was happening. Relia looked back at the Yellowtail that had dominated her with narrow eyes and let out a playful growl that caused Nixi to cock her head in confusion. And then, the Yellowtail's eyes widened as she felt the play of Relia's tail draw across her slit. Instantly, the dragon whipped her head underneath her chest and lifted her leg to watch what was happening.

Kyle grinned. This wasn't a sort of thing Nixi could even do, as her tail ended in a large fin. No wonder she was surprised!

Kyle scooted closer to the pair and wrapped his arms around Nixi's rear. Taking his fingers, he gently spread the Yellowtail's vent open for the Crestie and helped guide the tip of her tail inside. The look on Relia's face was priceless. If dragons could laugh, this would be it. She watched Nixi with a devious look of well-deserved turnabout as her tail found it's way inside the Yellowtail's vent. Kyle watched as the dark gray tail slid forward, worming its way between the Yellowtail's blue slit lips and stretching her entrance wide. The dragon in is arms shivered and growled as she was penetrated, instantly hiking her tail high in the air and lying down on Relia's chest, ready for more.

Relia leaned back and her forepaws reached out. She grabbed hold of the smaller Yellowtail and held on tightly as more of her tail worked into Nixi's slit. If Nixi's bugged out eyes were an indication of anything, she was unprepared for just how much tail she was getting. Her vent was stretched tight. She tensed up and hissed loudly as her claws dug into the Crestie's chest. Small droplets of her fluids leaked down the underside of the tail and down Nixi's thighs. She jerked and twitched and snarled as Relia pressed in father. And then, the gray dragoness stopped once she felt she could go no further. Relia curled her neck forward as she began to slowly work her tail in and out the smaller Yellowtail, and in a surprising move, she licked Nixi's face affectionately. Now that Relia was in control of the situation, Kyle was quickly reminded how she preferred to go slower and more casual than Nixi. Kyle watched, mesmerized as the Crestie held Nixi close as her thick tail slid in an out of the Yellowtail's stretched slit slowly, watching her labia bulge up around around the wide appendage. His second erection was gaining.

The room was filled with quiet trills and churrs as both dragons accustomed themselves to this rather intimate form of face-to-face sex. Slowly, Nixi began to return the affection as the two dragons nuzzled and licked each other's faces. Nixi was panting hard from the intensity of the stretching sensation between her legs. Wet fluids covered her haunches. She was thoroughly wet from her recent orgasms and Kyle found his erection jealous at the moment. He felt Nixi's body rock as he held her hips for Relia, focused on aiding the larger dragon in her penetration. Slowly, he ran his free hand down to Relia's own vent and began to work her fingers inside her warm hole, figuring the Crestie needed some attention as well. He stroked Relia's silken vent slowly, matching Relia's pace of her tail. He eagerly explored her passage, worming his middle and ring fingers in deeply, and from the way the Crestie curled her toes and lightly kicked in the air, he knew he was hitting all the right spots.

Nixi lapped across Relia's lips as the two females continued their lovemaking session. Their tongues met. And then, in a move that surprised Kyle, Nixi opened her mouth and rotated her head sideways. She wrapped her jaws around the Crestie's own and they locked lips in an elaborate form of a kiss. Kyle had never seen such a thing before and for a moment he forgot where he was as he watched the two females. Both dragons trilled quietly as they shared tongues and saliva, and he saw Nixi start to rock her hips back into Relia's tail, wishing for the thick appendage to spread her more. Kyle felt Nixi's body rocking around his arm, and he flinched with a moment of self-awareness. Kyle went back to working the Crestie's vent with his fingers as she lay holding the Yellowtail with her forepaws, gliding in and stroking the inside of her walls, rubbing her sensitive clitoris with his thumb. Both dragons were increasing in speed, moving and trilling more as the two became more heated in their increasing arousal.

Kyle had a perfect view of Nixi's slit as the Yellowtail began to yowl from an orgasm that welled up deep inside her body. Her body tensed up, her wings extended and flapped. Kyle felt the rush of air on his face and chest. The Yellowtail shuddered in Relia's and Kyle's close grips. Her vent visibly constricted around the surprising amount of tail that the Yellowtail had managed to take, and due to the pressure there was nowhere for her sudden rush of feminine fluids to go, leaving them to squirt out of the tight seam between Nixi's slit entrance and Relia's tail.

When the dragon had rode out her climax, Nixi collapsed on Relia's chest, and the larger Crestie chirped quietly as she held her down with her forepaws. Slowly, she retracted her tail, and Kyle watched as a seemingly impossible length was pulled from Nixi's passage. Relia's tail was covered in slick fluids. A single drop fell from the tip. She bumped noses with the smaller female and churred softly, happy to have gotten her chance to reciprocate.

Exhausted and feeling wonderfully stretched, Nixi rolled off the larger gray dragon and took a breather, panting hard as she rolled to her side and stretched out, panting hard. Kyle smiled. That meant it was just him and Relia now. And he was ready for more.

"Relia." he spoke to get the dragon's attention. The Crestie, still laying on her back, looked up and met his gaze.

Kyle lifted the dragon's hind leg and pulled it up in the air. His other hand trailed down Relia's belly and he stroked the dragon's scales fondly as he scooted himself closer. Slowly, he lowered his body until he was straddling the dragon's thick tail. His cock was laying against her slick and already warmed-up vent. He felt the heat of her entrance. Relia was thoroughly wet already, and the Crestie looked down between her legs with narrow-slitted eyes and growled in approval as Kyle began to grind against the outside of her slit. He felt the dragon thrust her large hips up into him and grind back as he rubbed across the soft cleft of scaled between her legs.

Kyle smiled. He had been here before many times. Relia liked to be mated on her back. He figured that she preferred it so she could lie back and relax. Relax and watch.

Kyle took his hand and angled his cock down between the dragon's slit lips. He pressed in slowly, letting out a loud sigh as he felt himself slip into the silky warm vent. As he slid in deeper, feeling the warmth around his cock slide around him ever more, he heard the Crestie let out a quiet growl of satisfaction. He paused and looked up at the dragon, only half-way inside, letting out a quiet laugh and smiling at her reaction.

About a second or two after he had paused, he felt movement between his legs. The dragon's thick tail quickly began to curl upward and hook over his butt as Relia flexed. Kyle fell forward with a yell of surprise, causing him to sink into the dragon's vent all the way to the base. Relia's tail curled as much as possible to press against his butt and back, holding him down. He felt his balls brush up against the parted folds of her smoky-gray slit lips. Her skin down there was warm to the touch and soaked with her fluids.

"Relia!" he gasped. He put his hands out on the dragon's chest to steady himself, then looked up at her with a grin. The dragon bent her head forward to meet his own. Relia churred softly, clenching around him and squeezing his shaft tightly with her internal muscles. There, Relia brought her snout to Kyle's face and gave him a lick.

"Relia..." he spoke again, this time softer and more playfully. Kyle began to thrust slowly inside the dragon's warm vent as he was licked by the dragon. The two shared eye contact for a moment as Kyle got his bearings. Relia was always surprisingly tight inside, despite being nearly the size of a horse. Adding to it, or perhaps explaining why that was, the dragon had impressive muscle control. She drove Kyle crazy with the way her rippling muscles would pull and tug on him, urging him along with the slide of her silky smooth passage. Relia began to grunt softly as she was penetrated, drawing her forepaws up to her chest. The two enjoyed the moment for a while in silence. Nixi watched on, still panting hard, but appearing interested nonetheless.

Relia's snout moved down his body. She arched her neck as much she possibly could to lap across his neck and chest as the dragon was mated slowly by the rancher. It took Kyle a moment to realize the two were sharing an unusually intimate moment. He brought up a hand to her cheek, seeing her with eyes closed nostrils flared. Her tongue ran across the skin on his pecs, ticking his chest hair, swiping across his nipple. He lifted her chin up to his face....

And as if on cue, Nixi butted in with a loud warble, her snout forcing the two apart. Kyle laughed.

"Nixi! You're not.... you're not jealous, are you?" he cocked his head and peered at her.

The Yellowtail looked up at Kyle with narrowed eyes and growled playfully. He wasn't sure whether that was a yes or a no. Nixi then looked back at Relia, and turned her lifted tail towards her face with a chirp, inviting her to lick. Relia looked at the Yellowtail for a moment, still propped up by her wings and leaning forward. To Kyle, it looked like she wasn't sure whether to be angry at the Yellowtail or not for butting in. But after a short pause the Crestie made her decision, taking Nixi's tail in her mouth and leaning back down. She took the surprised Yellowtail with her as Nixi was dragged backward with a yelp by the tail. Now fully lying down again, Relia nosed under Nixi's tail and began to lick. Her tongue caused the Yellowtail to let out a growl of approval arch her neck in reflex. Nixi adjusted her position, straddling Relia's neck, and bowed forward, keeping her rear high up in the air as she encouraged the Crestie to continue.

Kyle smiled at the two females' antics, finding it both fascinating and a bit hot.

Relia suddenly shifted her weight, finding her back beginning to ache, and Kyle pulled out as she switched positions. Relia rolled to her side and lifting her hind leg up high, indicating she wanted Kyle to continue. Grinning, he squatted down and lined up.

As he did, the dragon's tail curled up and quickly found Kyle's back. He smiled as Relia's tail snaked under his arm and across his chest, then over his opposite shoulder, holding on to him tightly. Her tail tip was still damp and sticky. Taking her large hind leg in his hands, Kyle wrapped his arms around her thigh and squeezed close as he entered her once more. He was greeted by Relia's exotic pulling squeeze of her muscles as he hilted himself again, and in no time at all, Kyle continued to thrust.

On the other side of the Black-Crested Sable, Nixi was enjoying one last bit of oral pleasure. Relia drew a wing and a forepaw up to her haunches and steadied her as she lapped across the smaller dragon's clitoris, causing the Yellowtail to squeal with glee. She was relaxed as she stood with her rear high in the air, eyes closed and throat churring softly.

A single yellow eye opened and Nixi stared at Kyle for a minute as he mated the Crestie on her back. Her gaze shifted from Kyle's face down to Relia's penetrated slit. Nixi stared at the way Kyle would run his hands down Relia's thigh and across her crotch, feeling her. Kyle then watched as he gaze returned to the movements of Kyle's hips. The dragon was watching intently and absent-mindedly licked her lips before starting up a pant once more.


The dragon looked up to his face once more and growled playfully at him.

He beckoned the Yellowtail close and leaned forward as he continued to thrust into the Crestie's vent. Nixi complied, and there was a bit of shifting and repositioning on all three lover's parts as Nixi drew close to the human's face. Kyle's mind was swimming in arousal from the tight vent around his cock. His thoughts were hazy and mindless. He was panting hard as he took the Crestie with steady thrusts. He didn't know what had started his idea, but in his arousal he was determined to try it. Kyle took a free hand and cradled Nixi's head.

"Kiss me like you did Relia," he spoke to her, and leaned in.

Kyle surprised himself as he brought his lips to the dragon's own. He didn't really know why he did it, except that he wasn't prepared for what happened. He began to kiss her directly, planting his lips across the scales of the dragon's own. Nixi's tongue traced out and flicked across is own, feeling much smoother than he expected. And then the Yellowtail trilled softly as she opened her mouth and placed her jaws over Kyle's cheeks, giving Kyle a rush. Her saliva was acidic and hot. Her sharp teeth felt smooth on his tongue and lips as he pushed into her mouth. Kyle inhaled sharply and sped up his thrusts into Relia's vent as Nixi took over. The Yellowtail trilled in his mouth as she was licked out by the Crestie nosing around under her tail and pressed into Kyle's lips forcefully. He felt the dragon lap and lick along the inside of his mouth as the two shared what had quickly become a very deep kiss. Kyle let out a moan in spite of himself, caught up in the act of having a wildly human-like moment with this dragon.

After a few more seconds, Kyle broke the kiss and looked back at her, having not expected the moment to be so sensual. He had just frenched a dragon! He put his hand out and the Yellowtail Garl leaned into it. There he rubbed the top of her snout against his palm while Nixi looked back and churred, enamored with the Yellowtail.

A light rocking against his hips caused Kyle to remember where he was. Relia constricted around the cock in her vent with a growl, urging Kyle to give her more. So the ranch-hand gripped her leg tight and began to thrust into her vent deeply. He closed his eyes and focused on the warm vent around his cock. It probably wouldn't take much longer.

Relia bucked her hips up, eager to feel the firm shaft spreading her open, and growled into Nixi's slit. Her large tongue ran across the sensitive scales of Nixi's vent. She nibbled gently with her lips. Kyle took the large gray-scaled dragon eagerly, savoring every inch of her silky smooth passage. His balls light dragged across the smooth scutes on the underside of her tail. He felt Relia squeeze him tight with her tail as he thrust. Kyle began rocking deep in the Crestie's tight vent, each time bringing his hips flush with the dragon's own. Relia's raised leg began to sway in the air in time with Kyle's thrusts as he picked up speed and power. Eventually the Crestie let out a low growl...

But Nixi came first. She shuddered and hissed as her clitoris was licked and stroked to climax. Her insides tightened up one last time as she leaked her fluids, causing Relia to lap them up eagerly as they flowed out. She lapped mindlessly, frenzied, already quite close to her own climax.

Relia was gaining, her body was starting to tense, and all of the sudden he felt her clamp down hard and rhythmically contract around his shaft. He gasped and held on as he felt his own orgasm approaching. Kyle felt a welling of pressure deep inside his groin, and he held on for a moment before letting go and ramming the large dragon with all he had, exploding deep in her vent. The tail around Kyle's chest shook and tightened up, almost to the point where it became constricting. He heard Relia growl with approval as she was mated to a long-awaited finish. Kyle gasped as his hips jerked and flexed on their own, the sensation almost being way too much for him as he was squeezed by the dragon's tight vent and constricting tail.

Kyle swore and his fingers dug into Relia's scaled leg as he squeezed her raised thigh to his stomach. He felt his cock jerking and spurting inside the dragon, and with a rush of satisfied relief, he felt his orgasm die down slowly. He looked up, not realizing when he had closed his eyes, and saw Nixi on the ground panting hard, and Relia laying back panting even harder with her tongue hanging out the side of her mouth. Both dragons were exhausted.

A bead of sweat dropped from Kyle's forehead and landed on Relia's scaled belly as he slowly pulled out of the dragon's well-used vent. He smiled and stroked the Crestie's belly and thighs for a moment in the afterglow. Then, letting out a satisfied sigh, he rolled off of Relia and flopped to the ground right between the two dragons, relishing the moment to stretch out his legs for the first time in a while. He felt the dry dirt on the floor stick to his sweaty skin, but was too tired to care.

A smile crept across his face, and Kyle swore out loud in the recent quiet of the pen, nearly in disbelief at how well the threesome had gone this time. Watching the two females go at eachother the way they did was incredible.

He looked over at Nixi, who was lying down on her side, panting, and reached out and grabbed the dragon playfully, pulling her close. She let out a surprised squawk at the pull but then playfully growled when she rolled over to meet his gaze. Nixi laid down next to Kyle and relaxed, panting through an open mouth. She scooted close to him to rest her cheek on his shoulder. Smiling, Kyle closed his eyes for a moment, still breathing hard through his mouth.

... and then he felt a lick on his cock, causing him to look up with surprise. Relia was in the process of laying over his hips and stomach, planting a forepaw on his belly. The Crestie was cleaning the human off the slick mess of their mixed fluids. She lapped him clean, churring softly to herself as she savored the taste. Kyle smiled and spread his legs for the Crestie to allow her tongue to explore.

Here was a dragon happily curled up in his arms, appearing cute to him in the way she enjoyed his touch and body warmth. And another dragon content to lay on his stomach and lick him clean. He couldn't help but smile.

Relia finished her cleaning of Kyle's crotch and laid her head on his stomach, letting out a huge exhale and relaxing. Kyle felt the dragon's head rise and fall as he breathed. He held Nixi close as his other hand trailed down to Relia's snout and stroked her there.

Kyle didn't want to move. This moment right now... it was perfect.

He still couldn't believe how quickly the two dragons had become accustomed to each other. It was only weeks ago that he had introduced them to the idea of a threesome, and the first time was nearly a disaster with both dragons vying for attention and getting on each other's cases. Now, the two dragons had gone from nearly fighting each other for Kyle's attention to genuinely enjoying pleasuring one another. Watching the tail penetration and even the kiss... Kyle shook his head in disbelief in seeing both of those things come about without encouraging them at all. He was constantly being amazed and surprised by these dragons, learning just how complicated these creatures could be.

He had still had never quite gotten used to the fact that these dragons ought out sex just like any human. And not only did they enjoy sex purely for pleasure, but they also enjoyed it on some deeper level as well. It was strange, wild, and crazy to see these large, reptilian creatures go about foreplay and teasing and intimacy and all sorts of other things that Kyle was used to seeing only in his own kind. Nixi loved to tease and dominate and play rough. Relia liked to hold and watch her partner and go slow. The dragons had different personalities, quirks, preferences, and turn-ons.

Kyle began to call them human-like in that respect, but he stopped himself. He couldn't really call them human traits if humans weren't the only ones to share in them....

"You girls..." he muttered, chuckling under his breath, and squeezed both dragons close. "You two are crazy. I wish I could take you home with me..."

And in that instant, Kyle remembered what was happening later tonight and he immediately frowned. Kyle thought with a somber mood that he was never going to get to do something like this again with these two. Tonight, there would be a new home for both these dragons, and it wouldn't be a Kyle's place, nor even this ranch anymore. Both dragons were going to be shipped back to Paul's breeding facility. He wouldn't see Relia for months and Nixi... she would be staying there permanently, being bought by Paul to increase his stock.

Kyle had no idea what time it was, but it had to be late, and it probably was getting close to 8:30. He frowned.

Giving both dragons a quick pat, he slowly sat up and crawled on all fours to reach his jeans. Fishing his phone out of his pocket, he checked the time and swore.

It was 8:46. His phone alarm had gone off without him noticing.

Kyle scrambled to his feet, throwing on his clothes in a haphazard manner. Both dragons looked at him curiously.

"Relia!" he yelled, throwing his shirt over his head before realizing he had put it on backwards and taking it off again.

"Rel, we need to go. Nixi, you gotta stay here for now. I'll come and get ya later."

A few minutes later, a disheveled, sweaty, and flushed Kyle was trotting a panting Relia on saddleback towards Paul's massive dragon trailer. Paul and his somewhat awkward, quiet son, Silas, were there, talking.

"Kyle. Perfect timing." Emily smiled as she approached. "We're a little behind schedule but I just finished getting these ready," Held her hand, Kyle's cousin had about a dozen ID tags, harnesses, and wing bands all bunched up in her fingers. "... so we're ready to load now. Here, dismount and we can get Relia in there."

"Where's everyone else?"

"Getting the other dragons from their pens. They'll be here in a minute."

Kyle nodded and silently followed orders. He slid his leg from around the dragon's shoulders and hopped off. Instantly, Relia sat down on her haunches and drooped her neck, still tired from fun she had shared with Kyle and Nixi just before. Approaching slowly, Emily let the black dragon sniff her hand before stroking her on the snout affectionately.

"Wow, how long did you ride her for, Kyle? She looks exhausted."

"I.. err... not long enough." Kyle tried to hide a grin.

He watched as Emily removed the Crestie's bridle. "Well, I'm sure she enjoyed it." She looked the Crestie in the eye and examined her for a moment before shrugging and pulling away. "Kyle, you remember how to load the dragons up into the trailer, right?" she spoke as she unclasped the riding harness from Relia's shoulders and removed it in one quick motion.

Kyle nodded.

"Good. You can load her up as soon as I finish getting her ready."

Immediately, Kyle's heart dropped to his stomach. "Me?"

Emily rolled her eyes. "Yes, Kyle. Geeze... I don't need her making a fuss and being difficult. She gives you the least trouble, so it'll be less of a hassle." She pulled an ID tag and zip-tied it to the Crestie's one good horn.

Kyle's mouth opened before he was ready to say something. "I.... That's the exact reason why I don't want to be the one to lead her in! She trusts me."

Emily laughed and slapped his shoulder. "Oh, come off it, Kyle! Relia will be fine; just take her. I need to get the rest of the dragons tagged and ready." She handed Relia's line back to him. The Crestie had been fitted with a black halter that covered the front of the dragon's snout to prevent biting and fire breathing.

Kyle grimaced. He looked to Relia, who sat there, lazily staring at the two humans. She looked unconcerned. Sighing heavily, he took a leader line from Emily's hand.

"I'm sorry, girl... you gotta go to the truck now," Kyle reluctantly told the dragon.

Relia stared into his face with her piercing gaze. She patiently studied Kyle as he hooked the leader line to the metal ring on her muzzle harness, just below her chin. Kyle then gave the line a light yank. Feeling the tug, the Crestie gave a grumpy huff and slowly got up. She took her time, stretching her legs first and ruffling her wings before deciding she was ready to follow the ranch-hand.

Kyle looked to the trailer in front of him. The drab gray transport a tad wider than a normal car and almost as long as a school bus. The large, sturdy ramp at the back was coated in tough rubber for loading the animals, along with smaller-sized doors along the side for the easy unloading of individual dragons once they had been locked up. The vehicle had reinforced, vented windows for proper ventilation. Huge yellow-and-black warning stickers adorned the back and sides, reading "Caution: Exotic Animal Transport.".

"Well, Relia..." Kyle nibbled on his lower lip a bit in hesitation. "Up you go, now." His hand unconsciously tightened the grip on the dragon's bridle chain as he moved forward.

Kyle guided the Black-crested Sable into the trailer. He heard her ebony claws make noisy, dull clicks as the dragon's toes gripped the hard rubber flooring. Relia seemed calm and collected to him, not minding the dark, cramped interior of the transport at all. Being a dragon, perhaps she preferred it, he thought.

The inside of the trailer was a rather ingenious design, Kyle thought. The interior space was all empty, but alongside one wall was a whole line of heavy, swinging door-like dividers that were currently laid flat against the wall. When closed, the dividers separated the truck interior in a series of narrow, sideways channels that would secure the dragons in a cell of sorts. Kyle simply had to guide Relia to the back of the trailer, position her side against the back of the truck, then swing the sturdy divider to it's locked position. It seemed really claustrophobic for the creatures, but Kyle figured the lack of space was a safety measure in case of stops.

The barred dividers were thick and heavy, but comfortably padded on both sides in case of abrupt stops. Kyle figured that anything weaker and a rowdy Crestie pressing on them would probably give and break. The interior of the truck was dim and musty, with the faint smell of dragon and diesel pervading the air. The two smells combined were a formidable concoction.

Kyle guided Relia all the way to the back of the trailer. He was wondering how much of a struggle it would be to get her situated. But to his surprise, the Crestie obediently positioned herself against the wall by herself and Kyle found her leader line slipping from his hand. She stopped and calmly looked back at Kyle, seeming to be waiting for something.

"Relia..." Kyle put a gentle hand to the Crestie's rough and gnarled snout. Her scales felt cool on his skin. He looked into the dragon's eyes and forced a weak smile as Relia stared back through her ruddy, oval irises. Their vivid red hue stood out in the dim light of the trailer.

Kyle found his fumbling hands slowly sliding across the dragon's rough scales as he gave her a short pet. "Relia, it's time to go. You're gonna go with Paul now..."

The dragon let out a soft churr as the flat of her snout was affectionately rubbed.

"But you'll be back, so don't worry. Paul's gonna treat you real nice, you'll see.... And before you know it, you'll lay your eggs and he'll send you right on back home."

Kyle gave the dragon a once over as he stroked her snout, not quite feeling ready to close her gate.

Before he knew it, the dragon handler found himself scooting forward and wrapping his arms around the Crestie's shoulders. He felt his arms scrape across her scales and get gently pricked by the red, spiny webbing that ran down the back of her neck. He squeezed her tight for a moment before letting go.

"Relia, you take it easy, now.... okay?" he whispered.

Relia looked into the human's eyes for a moment, studying Kyle's face. And then the Crestie bent forward and gave Kyle a short lick on the nose before retiring to the back wall and laying down on on the hard rubber floor. That was it for a goodbye. Nothing fancy or overly affectionate, but he wouldn't have expected anything more from the gruff and grumpy dragon.

Footsteps were heard, followed by the clicking of sharp claws, reminding Kyle of his duties. Reluctantly, he stood up and grabbed hold of the heavy divider. Kyle swung it closed with a grunt, securing Relia in her narrow, padded channel. He then bent down and peered through the horizontal slats. The dragon inside appeared unconcerned as she looked back. She appeared calm. Reluctantly, he tore himself away from the divider and turned to find Rachel guiding a nervous-looking Black Crested Sable deeper into the trailer. It was Glycon. Rachel gave a knowing nod to Kyle as she approached.

"He's never done this before," She motioned to the male Crestie, who appeared quite nervous. "Gly's being a big ol' scaredy dragon." She turned to the dragon. "Yeah, aren't you? One big scardy dwaggy-waggy, that's what you are." Rachel playfully rubbed noses with the beast as she spoke to the Crestie in a cutesy voice that made Kyle want to cringe. Glycon skittishly looked around the trailer interior and gave an upset snort.

Kyle chuckled at the dragon's apprehension. "Relia gave me no problems."

She nodded passingly as her attention turned to guiding the black and smokey gray-scaled beast next to Relia. "Yeah, Rel's gone on trips before. Went to a few dragon shows."


"Dragon shows... you know, people take their dragons to show off and win ribbons and act all snooty as they talk about how well-bred and trained they are?" She wrinkled her nose in disgust as she secured an ID tag around Glycon's right horn. " "Emily goes to them a couple times a year, and Relia's gone with her every time. This is nothing new to her. First time being bred, though. I'm actually kinda excited about it, if you ask me." She smiled without looking at Kyle as she flipped off Glycon's harness in one fluid movement and replaced it with another one of Paul's sturdy muzzle guards. "Relia has all the desirable breeding traits. She'll make a great momma dragon."

Kyle gave a half-smile. "I just hope she wont give Paul too much trouble."

Rachel closed the gate to Glycon's pen and turned, chuckling. "Oh, she will. Without any of us there? No handlers that she's familiar with? Paul's gonna have his work cut out for him. You know Relia... For most people, she'll snap at you soon as let you touch her. I can't imagine what kind of fight she'll put up when Paul tries to guide her into a breeding cell and get her to mate."

Kyle laughed as he followed her out of the trailer, imagining in his mind a scene of the dragon having to be held down by a whole group of people at once as Paul guided some unlucky guy with a syringe to her backside.

"We're loading the Yellowtails next. Kyle. Go grab whoever's left."

"Right." Kyle nodded, knowing without a doubt he'd have to load up Nixi himself.

.... no one knew she had been left in Relia's pen, of all places.

Before long, Kyle found himself inside of stable room number 6, Relia's pen. Inside Nixi greeted Kyle with a calm, pleasant warble and chirp. Kyle bent down and tried to smile as he ran a hand across the top of her snout.

"Nixi, it's time to go," he whispered.

Kyle gathered up her muzzle harness and leader line in silence, now in a somber mood. He'd never see this dragon again.... that was the hardest part for him to swallow. The ranch-hand took his time wrapping the familiar leather bands around her snout and over her forehead, under her jaw, and finally fastening the two belted loops around her horns to secure the halter. Nixi stood still, obediently trusting the human she had come to grow attached to. Kyle then clipped the leader line to the metal ring under her chin.

He then took the sturdy nylon wing band from a hook on the wall and secured it to the dragon's wings. The simple device was commonly used to prevent the creatures from taking flight when outside, and would also prevent the dragon from fully extending her wings inside the cramped trailer, for their safety.

Kyle stood up and put his hand on the door latch. But then he paused, finding himself not wanting to leave. He looked down at the dragon in tow, who seemed eager to get outside, though she didn't know where she was going. Steeling himself with one quick breath, he flung open the door and stepped into the evening light. There he walked the Yellowtail to her fate.

Kyle thought it odd that he could get this worked up over the simple matter of a dragon leaving the ranch. Looking back on his experiences since starting working here, he found a lot of things odd. He remembered after first taking this job on the ranch of being surprised to learn of these dragons' intelligence and quirky, complicated behavior. He was out-smarted and out-witted by the creatures more than once. A smile drew across his face when he remembered how Nixi had closed and locked the door to her pen, trapping him inside, and how long it had taken him to get out. He was constantly being reminded that these creatures were far from the dumb, bestial animals he had initially thought them to be.

Before working here, Kyle was so used to thinking of dragons as fierce, unemotional, and gruff creatures... and while they could be that at times, they could be quite the opposite as well. They could be gentle, empathetic, and affectionate when trust was involved. These dangerous, intelligent creatures could turn into close companions, even. And looking back at his experiences on the ranch since first taking a job here, Kyle realized that was why he was upset. He had grown to like Nixi and Relia quite a bit not because they were simply dragons, or some unorthodox fuck buddies, but because he had grown to enjoy them as companions and friends as well. He enjoyed riding Relia around the ranch. He enjoyed playing and swimming with Nixi in the pond. He enjoyed spending time with them.

And with a twinge of self-awareness, Kyle had to admit that he even--

Kyle's train of thought was interrupted when he found himself back at the transport trailer already. He waited as Jake and Aden guided two more Yellowtails onto the truck. Iris and Kobal seemed to dislike being forced into the large trailer, and Kyle heard a few distressed dragon calls echo from inside the metal walls as they were ushered into holding pens. He frowned.

A few minutes later, Jake and Aden reappeared, each holding a dragonless muzzle harness.

"I'll miss that annoying little bastard..." Jake muttered to himself, before looking up and noticing Nixi. "Go on, Kyle. You got the last Yellowtail." Jake nodded to the inside of the truck. "You go and get Nixi secured and loaded, an then we'll figure out how Mitka is going to fit in there." He tossed Kyle an ID tag and a black muzzle guard, which Kyle bobbled with his free hand before he managed to cradle the tools against his chest.

Kyle nodded, though he didn't want to admit that he really didn't want to do this himself. Taking a quick glance at Nixi, who seem distracted by the trailer, he puffed out his chest and braced himself.

At the flick of two clasps, Nixi's bridle harness slid off her snout and fell to the ground with a quiet clank of metal. Kyle then took Paul's muzzle guard in hand and examined it. The guard was a special kind of halter with a perforated metal snout cap. It was designed to let the dragon breathe without being able to let in enough air to spit fire and to doubly serve as a mouth guard that prevented biting. Better be safe than sorry, Kyle mused. Shrugging, he slipped the guard over the dragon's nose and clasped the bands over her horns to secure the device in place while Nixi obediently waited. Kyle then grabbed a simple plastic ID tag attached to a zip band. The tag had the name "Nixi" and the name of Emily's ranch and phone number hand-written on it in black marker. He looped the band around the Yellowtail's right horn and pulled tight, securing it in place.

That was it. She was ready.

Nixi looked up at Kyle with uncertainty, causing Kyle to bite his upper lip. He knew she suspected something was up.

"Come on, girl... let's go." he said, reluctantly.

Kyle spied a look at who had been loaded before Nixi. It was Kobal. The male Yellowtail looked on at Kyle with a reserved acceptance and moped in his cell. Kyle guided the reluctant Nixi inside next to Kobal and positioned the female into place. He urged her to sit down with a light press on her haunches and then bent down to look the dragon in the eye.

"Nixi, I...." Kyle let the words fall out of his mouth and he paused, unwilling to continue. "Nixi...."

The Yellowtail looked up at him at the sound of her name and cocked her head inquisitively.

Grimacing, Kyle ran a hand through his hair and sighed. There was no way around this.

Kyle took a deep breath, and...

"Nixi, you're going to be taken away." Kyle closed his eyes. "Paul owns you now. You're going with him and you wont come back. I won't even see you ever again."

He opened his eyes back up to see Nixi staring back at him. The Yellowtail, with her fins and ears flat against her head, cocked her head at Kyle and whispered a quiet, inquisitive trill. Kyle had never really figured out how much spoken language these creatures understood, which made the moment even harder for him. He was afraid she'd see this moment as his fault, somehow. That she was betraying him. Kyle winced at the thought.

"Nixi... I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do." He brought a hand to the dragon's cheek. "This has to be our goodbye."

Kyle pulled the Yellowtail into a sudden hug, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. He felt the dragon return the affection, nuzzling her head along his shoulders. And then, to his surprise, Kyle felt a dragon forepaw lift up and grab hold of of his waist in a rather human fashion, and Kyle realized that Nixi had learned to reciprocate a hug. He felt her claws dig lightly through is shirt.

That made it all the more harder to pull away.

Kyle didn't want to make harder on the dragon than it already was. So, without giving her time to get up and move, Kyle stood up and then swung the heavy divider closed. Nixi's eyes opened wide when she saw the large gate swinging toward her and immediately jumped up on the bars, almost as if she was trying to stop it from closing. But it was too late. There was a loud click as the divider locked in place, securing the dragon's fate.

Kyle crouched down and looked at the Yellowtail through the bars. The dragon inside looked back with an upset expression. She frantically looked around, putting her nose to the bars. Warbling in a high pitched, worried tone, the dragon then stuck a paw through the spaces. On the second try, Nixi managed to wrap her digits around Kyle's forearm. Kyle couldn't help but chuckle as the Yellowtail tried to pull his arm inside.

"Nixi.... I'm sorry." his tone of voice turned dark. "But there's nothing I can do. Paul owns you now." He reluctantly shook her paw off and gave the dragon a scratch under her scaled chin through the bars. "I'll miss you, Nixi, girl... I'll miss you a lot."

The Yellowtail leaned into his hand as Kyle scratched her snout, and for a brief moment, he smiled.

He gave the dragon a moment to enjoy his touch for the last time. Kyle then retracted his hand through the spaces between the bars and stood up, ready to leave. With a grunt, the dragon anxiously leaped up on her hind legs and grabbed hold of the bars, calling out loudly. She almost reached up to Kyle's height. Nixi stuck her snout out through the spaces and looked at Kyle. He saw the dragon's eyes wide-open and worried looking; her ears and fins were folded flat against her head. He knew the Yellowtail had figured out what was going on. Nixi rattled and banged on the divider in protest.

Swallowing hard, he broke eye contact and turned to leave, unable to say another word.

He made it not two steps before he heard the dragon growl. Wincing, he stopped and looked over his shoulder. The tip of a blue and green snout was still stuck out from the bars of Yellowtail's cell. He saw two wide-open, yellow eyes staring at him. Anxiously, the dragon pushed against the gate and clawed at the bars, crying out noisily. She stopped when Kyle turned around completely, and the Yellowtail then called out to him with an unfamiliar, mournful cry.

"Nixi..." Kyle looked back at the dragon with a torn expression. He spoke to her reluctantly, coldly:


Nixi looked at him for a moment with wide-open eyes, still clinging to the bars with her forepaws. But then she slowly lowered herself to all fours once more. She sat there, staring at him in silence. Kyle found it difficult to look the dragon in the eye. He faltered, lowering his gaze to the floor of the trailer.

Abruptly, Kyle forced himself to turn around. His dull footsteps echoed along the walls of the trailer. Behind him, he heard no more banging or rattling. No more growling or yelping. Yet he could feel Nixi's quiet gaze bore into his back. Kyle walked down the ramp solemnly, unable to shake melancholy out of his system.

That was it.

Kyle tried to shake the images of Nixi's forelorn look out of his mind.

"Watch out, Kyle... big dragon coming through."

Kyle abruptly turned. There was no time to reflect on the moment. Emily was there, guiding the last dragon into the trailer. It was Mitka, the red-hued Spiketail Sliver. Kyle backed up several feet and gave the pair a wide berth. The red-scaled Spiketails were the largest species they had on the ranch, being easily bigger than a car. Kyle didn't even know how they'd get him to fit inside.

Mitka didn't seem to know either. He suddenly put his paws out and dug into the earth as Emily tried to guide him up the ramp.

Emily let out a groan and pulled hard on the line. "Mitka! Come on!"

The dragon snorted in defiance and held his ground. He extended his wings and anxiously flapped them a few times, causing Kyle's hair to flutter from the sudden burst of air. He caught sight of Mikta's yellowish underwings. Their color matched the banded scutes on his chest. Kyle watched as Mitka's strength stretched the sturdy wing band that kept the dragon from fully extending and taking flight.

"Rach! Paul! Help me out here!" Emily called out. She approached the dragon and tried to calm him down, taking his large head in hand and stroking his snout with her thick, leather gloves. "Easy, boy..."

Kyle took a step forward, but Jake turned and put his hand out. "Hold up, Kyle... let the more experienced handlers handle the big guy. No offense."

Kyle pursed his lips together and shrugged. He turned away as Rachel and Paul approached Emily and helped her take hold of the lines. Together, the two of them guided Mitka into the trailer as Emily tried to keep the the dragon calm. Reluctantly, the large drake was guided up the truck ramp and inside the pen. Every step was a very reluctant step.

Slowly, the three handlers disappeared into the truck, followed by the very hesitant dragon. After a few minutes, only the tail was still sticking out, and the rows of dull spikes along the dragon's tail tip clanked against the metal ramp.

Everything looked like it was going well. Kyle turned away, lost in thought over Nixi's goodbye.

And then he heard an unearthly roar.

He whirled around, hearing all sorts of shouts and commotion from inside the truck. Mitka had begun to freak out. The view inside was pure chaos. The spiketail writhed and squirmed, pulling the ropes out of the handler's hands. The entire trailer; cages, dragons, and all, rocked and creaked as the large dragon thrashed. Kyle felt his heart sink into the pit of his stomach. A breathless swear formed on his lips. Someone could easily get hurt by the large dragon, or worse.

Kyle ran towards the entrance but stopped short of the ramp, afraid of getting close to the writhing beast. Mitka's backside was facing him, and the dragon's tail was whipping around in the air. Kyle swore and jumped back in fear as the thick tail nearly smacked him. Kyle's ears were filled yelling and shouting as everyone tried to get the dragon under control. He could barely make out individual voices between all the shouting and the rumbling of the upset dragon.

"Oh god. Oh god!" "Watch out!" "Don't let go of that line!" "Paul, where's the tranquilizer gun?" "The tranqs? They're in the car!" "WHY ARE THEY STILL IN THE CAR? GO GET THEM!"

There was a loud crash, the sound of baying Yellowtails, and more yelling. Mitka had thrown his body into the side of the truck, taking some of the heavy aluminum dividers right off their hinges. The entire trailer rocked.

"Shit!" "Somebody grab those loose Yellowtails!" "Jake!" "Get them!" "I can't get to them!" "They're getting out!"

The entire scene seemed to happen in slow motion. With another upset yowl, the large dragon backed out of the truck, pulling a very stubborn Rachel down the ramp as she held tightly on to the rope. Paul sprinted as fast as his stubby legs could take him to go get the tranquilizer gun out of the cabin of the truck. Jake and Emily scrambled away from the rowdy beast as he reared up and tried to breathe fire. The muzzle guard did its job, and Mitka sputtered and coughed instead as his dragonbreath failed to ignite. A mixture of drool and dragon bile dribbled out of the perforated nose cone. Mitka shook his head violently and pawed at his snout in an effort to get the muzzle guard off. The dragon writhed. Kyle watched Mitka's spiked and studded tail frantically swung around in the air, threatening to crush anyone who got close. With a powerful crack and a puff of dirt, the tail slammed against the ground, leaving a shallow crater of torn-up dirt and grass. Everyone began shouting all at once in the commotion.

"Look out! Everyone look out!" "Mitka! Easy, boy! Easy!" "Get out of the way!" "He's upset!" "OF COURSE HE'S UPSET! HE'S ABOUT TO KILL SOMEONE!" "Oh god, watch out!" "Don't get close, Emily! Wait for those tranqs." "Let me go, Jake! He's my dragon! I can do this!" "No! Just let him calm down!" "I said let me go!" "No, I-" "Shit, watch out for his tail!" "Look out!" "Oh god, KYLE! Get out of the way!"

The massive dragon backed up and reared on two legs again, trying in vain to fully spread its wings. He shied away from the humans trying to corral him... and ended up backing straight towards Kyle's direction. The creature was out of control. Kyle pressed back up against the trailer in fear. He felt the blood drain from his face as the massive creature closed in. Mitka whirled around and backed up toward the side of the truck as he fumbled with the muzzle guard on his snout. The dragon turned, snorting and grunting in panic. Loose leader lines attached to his muzzle guard flipped and whirled around in the air as the massive Spiketail thrashed his head.

Kyle saw the dragon turn again. His thick tail whirled around through the air like a giant whip. It came whirling through the air straight toward him.


He couldn't duck. He couldn't back out of the way. The tail whipped around faster than he could react.

Kyle didn't remember falling to the ground. He didn't remember being thrown off his feet.

He didn't even remember being hit.


Post-story notes:


Sexy Dragon Teaser

You are in bed next to a small, feral dragoness, facing each other, lying side by side. The room is quiet, dark. You look into her oval eyes. She appears calm as she studies your face, enjoying your presence, your body heat. Your hand is on her side,...

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A Dragon's Morning Respite: Part 2

_Morning Respite is a short story of a pair of happily mated dragons expecting their first clutch of eggs. And it's chock full of naughty stuff. With dragons. (You perv!) And some kinky stuff involving eggs that I normally would never, ever write...

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Maya's Tail: Mac's Territory

_This story is about about the most awesome pokemon smut story you'll ever read. Or even the most awesome pokemon story. Hell, the most awesome THING you've ever read. Rumor has it that VanGogh himself cut off his own ear after reading because he...

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